AF :: Volume #14

#1309: Psychology consulting

Next day, Mariana. 翌日,马里亚纳。 Deep and quiet prison under deep sea 深海之下的幽邃监狱 With the rainbow light flash, Huai Shi had gone to that empty hall again. 随着虹光闪过,槐诗再一次来到了那一件空洞的大厅之中。 Chief prison warden is waiting for hands tied. 典狱长束手等待着。 After seeing them, stares slightly, takes back the line of sight from Huai Shi quickly behind: Welcome two arrivals.” 看到了他们之后,微微一愣,很快从槐诗身后收回视线:“欢迎两位的到来。” These didn't need to limit 15 minutes of meeting time probably?” “这一次大概不用限制十五分钟的会面了吧?” Huai Shi was asking. 槐诗微笑着问。 You can at will, we receive the notice of governance bureau, prepared for the shift and connection.” Chief prison warden replied: Is only, once after the connection, had nothing to do with us, all things that then has, the consequence will be taken by you.” “您可以随意,我们已经收到了统辖局的通知,做好了转移和交接的准备。”典狱长回答道:“只是,一旦交接之后,就和我们无关了,接下来所发生的一切事情,后果将由您来承担。” I understand, I understand.” “我懂,我懂。” Huai Shi nods, asking of hope: That, my tool where?” 槐诗颔首,期盼的问道:“那么,请问我的‘工具’在哪里?” These develops time does not bring to develop...... 这一次连演都不带演的了么…… So the righteousness expression the impudent and shameless appearance, making chief prison warden broaden the outlook, quick, then responded, turned around to take the lead: Please come with me.” 如此义正言辞又厚颜无耻的样子,让典狱长着实大开眼界,很快,便反应过来,转身走在前面:“请跟我来。” With previous time as before, across silent prison and corridor, when the strobe opens slowly, the following prisoner's cage launches in Huai Shi again at present. 和上一次依旧一样,穿过寂静的监狱和走廊,当闸门缓缓开启的时候,后面的囚笼再次在槐诗眼前展开。 This under the suppression in oceanic trench prison, Guelaud sits on the floor, like a statue of solidification. 这在海沟监狱的压制之下,葛洛瑞亚坐在地板上,如同一具凝固的石像。 In fact is this, the scarlet crystallization covers above her face, is ascending the flame same ray. 实际上就是这样,猩红的结晶笼罩在她的面孔之上,升腾着火焰一样的光芒。 Unceasing has the scarlet mighty waves to proliferate from the body.. 不断的有猩红的波澜从身上扩散开来。。 She is trying to pry open the slit of prisoner's cage. 她在试图撬开囚笼的缝隙。 Always is attempting. 无时不刻的尝试着。 The instance that...... loosens in the fetter, that scarlet then gushes out, waving, is sweeping across, toward spreads in all directions- 以至于……在束缚松脱的瞬间,那一份猩红便喷薄而出,舞动着,席卷,向着四面八方扩散- It looks like blood-color bomb such. 就像是血色的炸弹那样。 Loudly eruption! 轰然爆发! Finally, stopped in the Huai Shi front, from staring of that pair of eye pupil , the scarlet sea tide rapid congealment, the crack, collapsing was the dust, vanished without the trace. 最后,停在了槐诗的面前,自那一双眼瞳的凝视之下,猩红的海潮迅速的凝结,龟裂,坍塌为尘埃,又消失无踪。 One fuzzy form from was sprung. 只有一个模糊的身影从其中被弹出。 Flies to behind. 向后面飞去。 Pounded above the wall. 砸在了墙壁之上。 When she tries to struggle, Huai Shi puts out a hand again, the invisible strength her according to the ground, was the same just like the shackles, does not allow any vacillation. 当她试图挣扎的时候,槐诗再度伸出手,无形的力量将她按在了地上,宛如镣铐一样,不容许有任何动摇。 Met, son of a bitch.” “又见面了啊,狗东西。” Guelaud lowers the head, the drop of blood-color from the nostril comes out, incarnadine that ice-cold smile: „ Small hasn't such strength, had the breakfast? 葛洛瑞亚低下头,血色从鼻孔里滴出来,染红了那一张冰冷的笑容:“这么小的力气,没吃早饭么? Does with the woman are too many? ” 还是跟女人搞的太多?” Excuse me, spirit not good......” “不好意思,精神不太好……” Huai Shi had the yawn, helpless reply: „ Environment changed in later the minute/share quite difficult. Yesterday and friend hit a whole evening rank, but also the grade, I felt my present mood not too suitable human affairs work...... 槐诗打了哈欠,无奈的回答:“环境变了之后上分好难啊。昨天和朋友打了一整晚的排位,还掉了段位,我感觉我现在的心情不太适合人事这一份工作…… Yeah, leaving is so indifferent, returns to words to be good? ” 哎,别这么冷漠嘛,好歹回句话好不好?” He approached, bends the waist, curious is looking at carefully the Guelaud contemptuous facial expression, nod that understands clearly: „ You seem like conflict, I felt, certainly was our communication methods had the problem. 他走近了,弯下腰,好奇的端详着葛洛瑞亚的轻蔑神情,了然的点头:“你看上去这么抵触,我觉得,一定是我们的沟通方式出现了问题。 Considering oceanic trench prison place truly normal, therefore, I decided that trades a method to come you to enlighten. ” 考虑到海沟监狱这地方确实让人正常不起来,所以,我决定换种方法来对你进行开导。” That flash, he looks at Guelaud eye pupil, suddenly, unfolds the face to smile. 那一瞬间,他看着葛洛瑞亚的眼瞳,忽然,展颜一笑。 Exactly said, changes individual.” “确切的说,是换个人。” Saying, him is setting out slowly, retroceded one step, directing the hand to approach behind: This heard after your condition, specially for consultant who you come-” 说着,他缓缓起身,后退了一步,引手向身后:“这位就是听说了你的状况之后,专程为你而来的咨询师-” In gloom that in the light cannot illuminate, waits for the outline before shadow to tread. 在灯光照不到的阴暗中,等待在阴影中的轮廓踏前。 Unexpected, unexpectedly is a woman. 出乎预料的,竟然是个女人。 The probably entire gloomy prisoner's cage as if in instantaneous was bright to be the same, such smile was genial and gentle, making the vision of person forget to return. 就好像整个阴暗的囚笼仿佛都在瞬间明亮起来了一样,那样的笑容和煦又温柔,让人的目光流连忘返。 Hello.” “你好呀。” The travel-worn traveler nods smiles, graceful. 风尘仆仆的旅人颔首一笑,落落大方。 Ties up the long hair of ponytail to sprinkle from the shoulder, probably running water such. 绑成马尾的长发从肩头洒落下来,像是流水那样。 But that pair of eye pupil that has the happy expression and appreciation, has not actually brought to Guelaud slightly any warm, only makes her feel- wool, bone and frightened, however! 可那一双含着笑意和欣赏的眼瞳,却丝毫未曾给葛洛瑞亚带来任何温暖,只让她感觉-毛、骨、悚、然! But Huai Shi, revealed the free fortunate encouragement look to her, turn head said: Then troubled you, Xian elder sister.” 槐诗,向她露出了自由多福的鼓励眼神,回头说:“接下来麻烦你了,娴姐。” Un.” “嗯。” Luo Xian nods. 罗娴颔首。 Out the Huai Shi trend, the strobe falls. 槐诗走向门外,闸门落下。 Two people who in the deathly stillness, only have silent looking at each other. 死寂之中,只剩下沉默对视的两人。 Guelaud is going against that bright smile stubbornly, with constituting the bloody water actually unceasing raising mighty waves of body, as if can smell, these occlude under the smile...... anything. 葛洛瑞亚死死的顶着那一张灿烂的笑容,和构成身体的血水却不断的掀起波澜,仿佛能够嗅到,那些包藏在笑容之下的……什么东西。 Now, toward oneself , is walking step by step! 现在,正向着自己,一步步的,走来! Toward her, puts out a hand. 向着她,伸出手。 „Are you good?” “你还好吗?” That gentle sound reverberation in the skull, is mixing the reason cruelly, made Guelaud eye pupil contraction, felt the shadow to raise from soul. 那轻柔的声音回荡在颅骨里,残忍的搅动着理智,令葛洛瑞亚的眼瞳收缩,感受到阴影从灵魂之中升起。 Go away-” “走开-” She is roaring, the hair such waves like the flame, on blood-color raises, the proliferation, is attacking the suppression of oceanic trench prison, kicks out toward that palm! 她怒吼着,头发如同火焰那样舞动,血色自身上升起,扩散,冲击着海沟监狱的压制,向着那一只手掌扑出! Then, is the same just like the illusory image, dissipates in the slender five fingers. 然后,宛如幻影一样,在修长的五指之间消散。 At present, a flower? 眼前,一花? In instantaneous stunned, her hand had been gripped, pulling, since the ground sets out, stood. 在瞬间的错愕之中,她的手已经被握住了,拉扯着,从地上起身,站起来了。 When wish of her instinct launches the attack, under foot actually staggers suddenly, nearly cannot come to a stop, when responded instance that the delay is then in-situ. 当她本能的想要发动攻击的时候,脚下却忽然一个踉跄,险些站不稳,当反应过来的瞬间,便呆滞在原地。 Only feels the unprecedented relaxedness. 只感到前所未有的轻松。 Probably...... the magic is the same. 就好像……魔术一样。 Did the winding in oneself so many years shackles, the suppression and fetter from oceanic trench prison, vanish? 缠绕在自己身上这么多年的镣铐,来自海沟监狱的压制和束缚,消失了? No, but also. 不,还在。 She can feel, some stern rhythm also reverberates in the air, patrolling shuttle rapidly, as if wild with rage general is searching her existence. 她能够感受到,某种森严的律动还回荡在空气之中,急速的巡梭着,仿佛狂怒一般的寻觅着她的存在。 However, actually actually could not find her to be where. 但是,却找不到她究竟身在何处。 Even if she stands at this moment here. 哪怕她此刻就站在这里。 But the way of all investigation and locking, has actually become completely useless. 但所有探查和锁定的方式,却已经全部失效了。 In oneself at present the surroundings of this woman. 就在自己眼前这个女人的周围。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Luo Xian is crooked, doubts looks at her, is concerned smiles: Always sits on the ground, is very certainly cold? Prison place is really troublesome, such a attractive girl point gives favored treatment is not willing to give.” 罗娴歪过头,疑惑的看着她,关切一笑:“老是坐在地上,一定很冷吧?监狱这种地方真麻烦啊,这么好看的女孩子连一点优待都不肯给。” Guelaud lip opening and closing, was hard to send out sound unexpectedly: How do you...... are...... how achieve?” 葛洛瑞亚的嘴唇翕动了一下,竟然难以发出声音:“你……是怎么……怎么做到的?” „, Did not explain that is very troublesome.” “唔,解释起来很麻烦啊。” Luo Xian thinks, attempts to explain diligently: „Are words simply speaking,...... do not pay attention while it probably?” 罗娴想了一下,努力的尝试着去解释:“简单来说的话,大概就是……趁它不注意?” Doesn't pay attention while whom? 趁谁不注意? I? 我? Prison? 还是监狱? Said, this is also only own illusion, that fellow for a fraud that oneself do suppose? 还是说,这也只是自己的幻觉,那个家伙为自己设下的一场骗局? Unbelievable, is unable to understand. 难以置信,无法理解。 But perhaps, all these real. 可或许,这一切都是真的。 But how can explain, existence of present person? 但又能怎么解释,眼前的人的存在? This is what monster! 这又是什么怪物! Is looked, can feel- the fierceness that the darkness that in that pair of eye pupil contains, under the smile camouflages, under tranquil soul, belongs to the Hell Abyss dark sea. 只是被看着,就能够感受到-那一双眼瞳里所蕴藏的黑暗,笑容之下所伪装的狰狞,还有平静的灵魂之下,属于地狱深渊的黑暗大海。 Even if the strong winds blow, as before tranquilly in this way. 纵然狂风吹来,依旧平静如斯。 Quiet, embezzles all. 只是静谧的,将一切吞没。 Only leaves behind dark it. 只留下黑暗本身。 In the short awkwardness is silent, Luo Xian is also as if embarrassed. 在短暂的尴尬寂静里,罗娴仿佛也不好意思起来。 Although heard such matter, for a while was curious volunteered, but I was not really good at convincing others.” “虽然听说了这样的事情,一时好奇就自告奋勇了,可我实在不太擅长说服别人啊。” She proposed: Therefore, might as well chat together.” 她提议道:“所以,不如就一起聊聊吧。” Guelaud delay, but also situated in vacant, then, then sees her to put out a hand, pulls near a wisp of ear the slightly dry hair: Your hair is quite chaotic, hasn't handled?” 葛洛瑞亚呆滞着,还处于茫然,然后,便看到她伸手过来,挽起一缕耳边略显干燥的头发:“你的头发好乱啊,没有打理过么?” Look, already furcation. Here, is tying a knot...... you first to sit down, how do I help you tidy up?” “看,已经分叉了。还有这里,在打结……你先坐下,我帮你收拾一下怎么样?” Saying, she put down the backpack, found own folding chair to launch from nearby carrying, according to Guelaud shoulder is making her sit down, finally magic same extracted a haircut to use the scissors from the package. 说着,她放下了背包,从旁边的挂载中找到自己的折叠椅展开来,又按着葛洛瑞亚的肩膀让她坐下,最后变魔术一样的从包里抽出了一把理发用剪刀来。 The card scratches the card to scratch, closes up two. 卡擦卡擦,合拢两下。 sound is so clear. 声音如此清脆。 This I excel actually very much, although before many times is to help my father shaves clean and that's the end, not careful scissors badly the words, should not be mad at me.” “这个我倒是很擅长来着,虽然以前最多的时候是帮我父亲剃光头就是了,不小心剪坏了的话,千万别生我的气呀。” In Guelaud behind, Luo Xian lifts the hand, adept is divided into several parts her hair, the gesture length, careful weight. 在葛洛瑞亚身后,罗娴抬起手,娴熟的将她的头发分成几部分,比划长短,仔细衡量。 The sharp scissors have delimited from the scalp, brings to make her the icy cold touch of the delay awakening. 锋锐的剪刀从头皮上划过,带来令她从呆滞中惊醒的冰凉触感。 Stiff, subconscious wish petrification, but the barber actually put out a hand according to her shoulder, again with that nightmare strange method, will petrify to break. 僵硬着,下意识的想要石化,可理发师却伸手按了按她的肩膀,再一次的用那种噩梦一般的诡异手段,将石化打断。 Relaxes, quick.” “放松一些,很快的。” The scissors ka scratch to close up near the ear, clear sound is reverberating, subtracted a wisp of tying a knot hair. 剪刀在耳边咔擦合拢,清脆的声音回响着,减去了一缕打结的头发。 I called Luo Xian.” “我叫罗娴。” Her curious asking, „do you name?” 她好奇的问,“你叫什么名字?” Guelaud has not spoken, clenching teeth stubbornly, is only contends with the chill in the air and fear of that thorough marrow, has exhausted all strengths. 葛洛瑞亚没有说话,死死的咬着牙,光是抗衡那一股深入骨髓的寒意和恐惧,就已经用尽了所有的力气。 But behind person does not seem to detect that is constraining vigorously trembling. 可身后的人好像没有察觉到那极力压抑着的颤栗。 Unceasing repetition, with various languages. 不断的重复,用各种语言。 Eastern Xia, Rome, Russian Union, Yingzhou and Americas...... even some uncommon language classifications and Hell languages. 东夏、罗马、俄联、瀛洲、美洲……甚至一些生僻语种和地狱语言。 Until she deeply inspires, in report own name. 直到她深吸了一口气,报上了自己的名字。 Guelaud.” She closed the eye. “葛洛瑞亚。”她闭上了眼睛。 Halo?” “光环?” Nod that Luo Xian understands clearly, feeling: Sounds really good, your father has certainly very big expectation to you.” 罗娴了然的点头,感慨:“听上去真好,你的父亲一定对你抱有很大的期望。” Expectation? 期望? Guelaud is silent, without reply. 葛洛瑞亚沉默着,没有回答。 But the talkative barber is continuing as before, careful and earnest combs is sending the silk, is pruning the furcation with the break place, when slightly cool finger from sending across, gentle touching, will treat bubble such treasuring probably, for fear that breaks her is the same. 而健谈的理发师依旧在继续着,仔细又认真的梳理着发丝,修剪着分叉和断裂的地方,微凉的手指从发间穿过时,会轻柔的触碰,好像对待泡影那样的珍重,生怕把她弄破一样。 Age?” Luo Xian curious asking, you are almost seemingly big with me.” “年龄呢?”罗娴好奇的问,“你看上去好像和我差不多大。” I......” “我……” Guelaud opens the mouth wants saying that may arrive at finally, the discovery is actually not able to reply. 葛洛瑞亚张口欲言,可到最后,却发现根本无从回答。 Since the record, has not cared about that type of thing. Regarding Green Day, the size of age does not have the significance, but after being arrested, actually must how count with these chaos time of blood floods assimilation, turned into a difficult problem. 自从记事以来,就没在意过那种东西。对于绿日来说,年龄的大小毫无意义,而被被捕之后,和血水灾同化的这些混沌时光究竟要如何计数,也变成了一个难题。 Arrived finally, her own records is unclear. 到最后,就连她自己都记不清了。 Does not have the relations not to relate, I understand, lady's age is the secret, is right?” “没关系没关系,我懂的,女士的年龄是秘密,对不对?” Saying that Luo Xian sympathizes: I treated as 18 years old, what kind of? Best time- person who has liking?” 罗娴体贴的说道:“我就当做十八岁了,怎么样?正是最好的时候啊-有喜欢的人了么?” Probably the most specialized barber is the same, does not have the awkward silence of moment possibly. 就好像最专业的理发师一样,绝不容许有片刻的冷场。 „......” “……” Guelaud is silent, as if pondered, but resists this issue probably, is not willing to reply. 葛洛瑞亚沉默,仿佛思考,但又好像是抗拒这个问题,不愿意回答。 Luo Xian has not spoken again, as if dedicated waiting is ordinary, whatever this continues silent finally, hearing helpless light to sigh: No.” 罗娴也没有再说话,仿佛专注的等待一般,任由这一份沉默延续到最后,听见无奈的轻叹:“没有。” , really pitifully, but I have.” “唔,真可惜,不过我有啦。” Probably shows off general, Luo Xian snort/hum gentle melody, sound even more gentle, if turn head, can certainly see a bright smile? 好像炫耀一般,罗娴哼着轻柔的旋律,声音越发的轻柔,倘若回头的话,一定能够看到一张灿烂的笑脸吧? But Guelaud is still silent. 但葛洛瑞亚依旧沉默。 Vacant. 只是茫然。 Even had been used to so the contact of short distance gradually, with that illusion general frightened and anxiety, but she still does not know how should deal with such topic. 即便是已经渐渐习惯了如此近距离的接触,和那一份幻觉一般的惊悚和不安,但她依然不知应该如何应对这样的话题。 Only can be silent. 只能沉默。 Relax, you will also certainly meet.” “放心吧,你也一定会遇上的。” Luo Xian gentle is touching her cheeks, told her: How even to despair and anxious again, so long as do not give up, perhaps, accidentally time turn head, can see that person stands in the light is waiting for you.” 罗娴轻柔的抚摸着她的脸颊,告诉她:“就算再怎么绝望和不安,只要别放弃的话,说不定,偶然回头的时候,就能够看到那个人站在光里等着你呢。” Where has that good matter. 哪里有那么好的事情。 Fairy tale? 童话故事吗? Guelaud is constraining agitated, bewildered, at present actually appears some abominable pretty face. 葛洛瑞亚压抑着烦躁,莫名其妙的,眼前竟然浮现出了某张令人憎恶的俊秀面孔。 Spontaneously however what comes was some clear(ly) becomes aware. 油然而来的是某种明悟。 Wait, should unable...... 等等,该不会…… But in the instance that she is distracted, the eye pupil of Luo Xian appears in suddenly at present, stretches the body forward to visit her, making her tie tight again, turned very quiet. 而就在她走神的瞬间,罗娴的眼瞳忽然出现在眼前,探身看着她,令她再度紧绷起来,屏住呼吸。 I understood.” “我明白了。” She is looking at carefully Guelaud eye pupil, you certainly after the worry goes out the matter, is right?” 她端详着葛洛瑞亚的眼瞳,“你一定是在担心出去之后的事情,对不对?” I have not complied.” “我还没答应出去呢。” Guelaud is sneering the rebuttal: You best little to waste time, I am also insufficient to reduce to make the Astronomy Association dog!” 葛洛瑞亚冷笑着反驳:“你最好少浪费一点时间,我还不至于沦落到去做天文会的狗!” Relax, will not have anything.” “放心吧,不会有什么事情的。” Probably simply has not heard her to speak to be the same, Luo Xian selfish comfortable say/way: „ What did you certainly have to misunderstand to him? 好像根本没听见她说话一样,罗娴自顾自的宽慰道:“你一定对他有什么误会了吧? Although sometimes on the mouth said strongly must die, so long as pushes crowded tears, seemingly puts in great inconvenience, he certainly will be panic, where starting to review has problems. 虽然有时候嘴上说得强硬的要死,但只要挤一挤眼泪,看上去委屈一点,他就一定会惊慌失措,开始检讨是不是自己哪里出了问题。 Do not fear, he will not make anything to you. ” 别怕,他不会对你做什么的。” „......” “……” Guelaud opens the mouth wants saying that but anything had not finally said. 葛洛瑞亚张口欲言,但最后什么都没说。 Was broken more than 20 bridge of the nose bones to pain times, broken off number of times innumerable the arms, both legs and several times made into the rib of butterfly knot...... 只是被打断了二十多次的鼻梁骨在隐隐作痛,连带着被折断的次数都数不清了的手臂、双腿和好几次被打成蝴蝶结的肋骨…… Is this what will not make to you? 这叫‘不会对你做什么’? The brain of this woman really does not have the issue! 这个女人的脑子真的没问题么! You have......” Guelaud to frown, after silent for a long time, cannot bear ask eventually: „Have you understood him?” “你有……”葛洛瑞亚皱起眉头,沉默了许久之后,终究还是忍不住问:“你有了解过他么?” Naturally has!” “当然有呀!” Luo Xian reply without hesitation, even in own behind, Guelaud can still feel, that eye as if starts sparklingly. 罗娴不假思索的回答,即便是在自己的身后,葛洛瑞亚也能够感受到,那一双眼睛仿佛开始闪闪发光。 The scissors stopped, as if counted on the fingers to count general: „ Gentle, good and cute, sometimes like the child, will stress the politeness excessively. 就连剪刀都停下来了,仿佛扳着指头细数一般:“温柔、善良又可爱,像小孩子一样,有时候会过分的讲礼貌。 Has little small obstinate , the little softy......, has not paid attention to while me time will blush should also to be the merit quietly? 有一点点小执拗,也还有一点点烂好人……唔,趁着我不注意的时候会悄悄脸红应该也是优点吧? Moreover is willing to have the food that I make, can accept all my shortcomings- ” 而且还愿意吃我做的饭,能够接受我的所有缺点-” Probably opened any serious box case to be the same, incessant told started, seemed in this world all merits to gather on the body of same person. 就好像打开了什么不得了的匣子一样,滔滔不绝的讲述开始了,就好像这个世界上所有的优点都汇聚在了同一个人的身上。 Is ordinary just like Taiyang (Sun). 宛如太阳一般。 Only has Guelaud more and more delay, vacant, only then 100,000 question marks raise from the forehead. 唯有葛洛瑞亚越来越呆滞,茫然,只有十万个问号从脑门上升起。 What we said is the same person? 咱们说的是同一个人么? She attempts the opens the mouth, finally helpless close. 她试图张口,最后又无奈的合上。 Closed the eye. 闭上了眼睛。 Or, this head, don't cut? 要不,这个头,还是别剪了吧? You cut forget about it my head simply. 或者你干脆把我的头剪了算了 Adds to the fun to you. 给你们助助兴。 You're welcome. 别客气。 „- Also has, will prepare food, will attend class, he will play the cello, the time appearance that concentrates on I like very much, the character, I also like very much! Serious time is a little scary, but is also very cute.” “-还有还有,会做饭,会上课,他会拉大提琴的,专注起来的时候样子我很喜欢,还有性格,我也很喜欢!严肃的时候有点吓人,但也很可爱。” Luo Xian is still saying full of enthusiasm: „ If saw that some people shed tears, will unable to walk. Sees others and equally unfortunate words, wants to extend the aid. 罗娴还在兴致勃勃的说着:“如果看到有人掉眼泪的话,就会走不动路。见到别人和自己一样不幸的话,就想要伸出援手。 Although will not force others to make anything, but if others act willfully does the wrong thing, will feel sad...... ” 虽然不会强迫别人做什么,但如果别人一意孤行的去做错事,就会觉得难过……” After the final stop, she was shocked, has not thought of such lengthy speech. 在最后的停顿之后,就连她自己都愣住了,未曾想到有如此的长篇大论。 Cannot help but, smiles in a soft voice. 不由得,轻声一笑。 She said: I felt, this certainly was the world's best person?” 她说:“我觉得,这一定是世界上最好的人了吧?” Guelaud shakes the head. 葛洛瑞亚摇头。 She felt, Luo Xian was certainly plotted together to swindle somebody by that family/home. 她觉得,罗娴一定是被那个家伙骗了。 But when she wants to speak, then feels, pair of arm gentle surrounding comes, after behind, grasped her shoulder, is lithe. 可当她想要说话的时候,便感觉到,有一双手臂温柔的围拢而来,从身后,抱住了她的肩膀,那么轻盈。 Is same just like the illusory image. 宛如幻影一样。 Only the ear transmits the gentle commission. 只有耳边传来温柔的嘱托。 Therefore, please do not make him sad ?” “所以,请不要让他难过,好吗?” „......” “……” So lithe weight and temperature, ice-cold and terrified of thorough marrow. 如此轻盈的重量和温度,还有深入骨髓的冰冷和悚然。 Guelaud closed the eye, silent sigh, doubts of the heart. 葛洛瑞亚闭上了眼睛,无声叹息,发自内心的疑惑。 Actually where is the illusion? 究竟哪边才是幻觉呢? Has not done completely clearly. 已经,完全搞不明白了啊。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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