AF :: Volume #14

#1308: In the past and at present

Ten minutes “十分钟” The front door of kitchen was shoved open suddenly, in a hurry however the server who enters raises head the call, just like sounding the warning is the same, cried out toward the chef of kitchen end: 厨房的大门猛然被推开,匆匆而入的服务生仰头呐喊,宛如拉响警报一样,向着厨房尽头的厨师长呐喊: Has ten minutes from the rib standing in line table “距离肋排上桌已经有十分钟了” In the busy kitchen, the long table two apprentices are startled suddenly, at once turn head, looks to the chef. 繁忙的厨房里,长桌两头的学徒们骤然一怔,旋即回头,看向厨师长。 The atmosphere ties tight. 气氛紧绷。 The chef is silent, without the speech, is only both hands thoughts, is staring at the present huge consideration. 厨师长沉默着,没有说话,只是双手抱怀,凝视着眼前的庞大的考虑。 In the high temperature of dissipation, that pair of deep blue eyes pupil has not had slight retreating and vacillation, the facial expression with deep veneration, but waiting. 在散逸的高温之中,那一双湛蓝色的眼眸未曾有丝毫的退却和动摇,神情肃然,只是等待着。 As if endures suffering of being able to see to be the same with the suffering. 仿佛忍受着看不见的折磨和煎熬一样。 In his hands, indicator silent revolving of pocket watch. 在他的手里,怀表的指针无声的旋转。 13 minutes “十三分钟” The servers report again, said hastily: They drank up half cup of air/Qi to soak in water, the rib row has been not much left.” 服务生再次汇报,仓促的说:“他们喝完了半杯气泡水了,肋排已经所剩无几。” The chef is still silent, without speech...... 厨师长依旧沉默,没有说话…… Only the oldest apprentice turns head, waves, hints him to search to report again, the server is startled, turns around to go. Quick, returns again, the facial expression is disturbed: They wanted the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce.” 只有最年长的学徒回头,挥手,示意他再探再报,服务生一怔,转身而去。很快,再度归来,神情忐忑:“他们要了酱汁。” What meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce?” The students turn very quiet. “什么酱汁?”学生们屏住呼吸。 Two black pepper sauces have the sweet hot sauce, but also wanted the lemon sea salt.” “两份黑胡椒酱还有甜辣酱,还要了柠檬海盐。” The servers wipe away sweat, trembling, is preparing to speak, actually hears the clear sound that the steel rubbed, from blazing high temperature of furnace fire roasting. 服务生擦着汗,战战兢兢,正准备说话,却听见了钢铁摩擦的清亮声响,自炉火烘烤的炽热高温之中。 Gaining ground cannot help but, crossed the shoulder of apprentices, sees the oven front chef tall and strong back , the hand is grasping the broach, as if must fight such to the big dragon, sinks the resolute face full is with deep veneration, punctures at present toward the huge oven. 不由自主的抬头,越过了学徒们的肩头,看到烤炉前方厨师长魁梧的背影,手握着铁叉,仿佛要向巨龙搏斗那样,沉毅的面孔满是肃然,向着眼前庞大的烤炉刺出。 The instance that the fire door opens, the intoxicated strong winds then blowout from the flame, fat and pulp under smoking roasts lingers in the tip of the nose that slowly leaches fragrantly and mellowly. 炉门开启的瞬间,令人心醉的狂风便自火焰中便井喷而出,油脂和肉质在烟熏慢烤之下所浸出的醇香萦绕在鼻尖。 Hears sound that made noise. 听见了嗤嗤作响的声音 „Hah” “哈” The chef air/Qi the sinking dantian, the hand is grasping the long hook, pulls suddenly backward. 厨师长气沉丹田,手握着长钩,猛然向后扯出。 Immediately, the grille in huge furnace stack under the support of hoop, delimits outward, above by the barbecue paper is wrapping the achievement. 顿时,庞大炉身中的铁格在滚轮的支撑之下,向外划出,连带着上面一块块被烤肉纸包裹着的成果。 Does not fear is blazing and boiling hot, covers entirely the palm of callus to stretch out, grasps to the most fruitful results. 不惧炽热和滚烫,布满老茧的手掌伸出,握向最中间的丰硕成果。 When the barbecue paper by cautious ripping open, was then revealed that full and heavy fruit. 当烤肉纸被小心翼翼的撕开,便露出其中那饱满而沉重的果实。 The slightly burned black semblance seemingly of undistinguished appearance, but puts out a hand to rip, in smokes long roasts the soft beef then to be torn from center slowly, revealed the distinct texture and mouth-watering three chi (0.33 m) rhodo-. 略显焦黑的外表看上去其貌不扬,但只是伸手一撕,在漫长烟熏慢烤中已经松软的牛肉便被从正中扯开,露出了分明的纹理和令人垂涎三尺的玫红。 The apprentices like the assembly line to be common, cut and scatter the sauce, chargging, the embellishment. 学徒们有如流水线一般,切割、撒酱,装盘,点缀。 To finally, the chef deeply inspires, concentrates all one's attention on, grave and careful, puts a spray gun had pulled up rosemary. 一直到最后,厨师长深吸了一口气,屏气凝神,庄重又仔细的,放上了一根喷枪撩过的迷迭香。 Under shining of light, that new good brisket then refracted the dream common fluorescence. 在灯光的照耀之下,那一份刚刚出炉的牛胸肉便折射出梦幻一般的荧光。 Is elated. 令人心醉。 Also is gawking doing?” “还愣着干什么?” Chef unemotional looked at server one eyes, knocked the service bell, passed on vegetable/dish 厨师长面无表情的看了服务生一眼,敲下了服务铃,“传菜” The servers stood constantly, straightened up own tie, held up the head to carry this with the entire eight hours not to know the achievement that fully many painstaking care accomplished, turned around to move toward the restaurant. 服务生慌不迭的站直了,扶正了自己的领带,昂头端起了这一份用足了整整八个小时不知多少心血所造就的成果,转身走向餐厅。 Instance that the gate closes, apprentices relaxing of cannot help but. 门关上的瞬间,学徒们不由自主的松了口气。 Only the chef is still quiet, making one acclaim this to endure compared with the landslide, but complexion invariable strength in meditation. 只有厨师长依旧平静,令人赞叹这一份堪比山崩而面色不变的定力。 Only then most understood the apprentice who teacher, detected wisp of feeling relieved cold sweat that the nape quarter seeps. 只有最了解老师的学徒,才察觉到后颈处所沁出的一缕如释重负的冷汗。 But across the noise restaurant of evening business, the server half step arrived in the window position, places on the food in plate the table, polite neutral tone introduction: 而穿过晚间营业时分的喧嚣餐厅,服务生快步来到了窗口的位置上,将盘中的食物放在桌子上,礼貌的轻声介绍: Roasts the good brisket slowly, please take your time.” “慢烤牛胸肉,请慢用。” Then, retroceded several steps, stands in the common corner, is waiting for the subpoena momentarily. But the split vision of corner of the eye, then often anxious looks to the direction of table. 说罢,后退了几步,站到不起眼的角落里,随时等待着传唤。而眼角的余光,则不时紧张的看向餐桌的方向。 That seems in the chuckle young girl. 那位仿佛正在轻笑着的少女。 Exactly said, sits in that man of her directly opposite. 确切的说,是坐在她正对面的那个男人。 Looks that he put out a hand to grasp the good brisket, when the earnest facial expression that looked at carefully carefully, smelled thin brow that shouldered slightly, that wisp of smile after entrance. 看着他伸手抓起了牛胸肉,仔细端详的认真神情,细嗅时微微挑起的眉头,还有入口之后的那一缕微笑。 Then cannot help but, shows the smile. 便不由自主的,露出笑容。 Gesticulated a hand signal toward not far away, immediately, defends in the kitchen entrance apprentice stares the big eye, crashed in the kitchen, as if runs dozens kilometers messenger marathon to be the same, proud the teachers and colleagues toward Athens transmits the victory report of victory: 向着不远处比划了一个手势,顿时,守在厨房门口的学徒瞪大眼睛,冲进了厨房里,仿佛奔跑数十公里的传令兵马拉松一般,骄傲的向着雅典的老师和同僚们传达胜利的捷报: Satisfaction!” “满意!” Is away from the heavy/thick front door, cannot hear sound that inside cheers. But that brims in the pride and relaxedness in server foreheads, actually by the purity that Fu Yi looks. 隔着厚重的大门,听不见里面欢呼雀跃的声音。但那洋溢在服务生眉宇间的自豪和轻松,倒是被傅依看的一清二楚。 „, I also think that others are visiting me......” “啧,我还以为人家在看我呢……” Her complaint is mumbling: „Before if we had known goes out, does not put on make-up, two have the issue.” 她怨念的嘟哝着:“早知道出门前就不化妆了,一个两个都有问题。” Responded to her paper towel that was one hands over. 回应她的是一张递过来的纸巾 Huai Shi sighed lightly: „Before the puts on airs, first wipes the mouth to be good? This was you said that ate BBQ. Where after having, shut out others to look that I didn't look your?” 槐诗轻叹:“臭美之前先擦擦嘴好么?这可是你说吃BBQ的。哪里有来了之后又嫌弃别人看我不看你的?” „Is is, I know, present age Kitchen Demon.” “是是是,我知道,当代厨魔嘛。” Fu Yi sighed lightly, that tone made one unable to listen to tease or acclaim, was only strange. 傅依轻叹,那语气让人听不出调侃还是赞叹,只是怪怪的。 Since the ten thousand th paradise returns, the Kitchen Demon sports event committee raised the Huai Shi star class and appraisal, particularly obtained the quite scary appraisal in potential. 自从万世乐土归来之后,厨魔赛事委员会就上调了槐诗的星级和评价,尤其是在潜力方面得出了相当骇人的评估。 Is honored as future nine star Kitchen Demon, sooner or later can be able changed/easy tooth with Eastern Xia to eat the lord and Egyptian Grandma Tang demon and present age Domus Aurea gets up sits. 被誉为未来的九星厨魔,早晚能够能够同东夏的易牙食魔、当代金宫之主以及埃及汤婆婆同起同坐。 Actually is to hold to kill or affirm that is really is hard to distinguish. 究竟是捧杀还是肯定呢,实在是难以分辨。 But present Huai Shi theoretically is in history youngest Kitchen Demon competition referee qualifications acquisition and star-level inspection simply speaking, restaurant that star-class assessment that brings the mouth of Abyss, is qualified he to decide. 但现在的槐诗理论上已经是有史以来最年轻的厨魔大赛裁判资格取得者和星级考察员了简单来说,一家带着深渊之口的星级评价的餐厅,合不合格他说了算。 No wonder that others are trembling, are critical situation, even if Huai Shi had repeatedly said in advance eats meal, will not have any examination and examination, everyone still all put out the skills. 无怪人家战战兢兢,如临大敌即便是槐诗已经预先反复说过只是吃饭,并不会有任何的考评和审查,所有人也全都拿出了浑身解数。 Who doesn't want to conquer a stomach of inspection? 谁不想征服一位考察员的胃呢? It is a pity that...... is delicious, to Huai Shi, the difference is not big. 遗憾的是……好吃不好吃,对槐诗来说,区别都不算大。 Regarding eating the thing, his primary intention can always eat on the line. Naturally, Uncle Fang's simple dish was different matter...... 对于吃的东西,他的主旨从来都是能吃就行。当然,房叔的家常菜就是另一回事儿了…… But looks that at present Fu Yi same eats the whole face meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce like hungry several days the appearance, Huai Shi cannot bear sigh: You are fastidious.” 而看着眼前傅依如同饿了好几天一样吃到满脸酱汁的样子,槐诗就忍不住叹气:“你好歹讲究一点好吧。” You know that the rookie does enter the duty troublesome?” “你知道新人入职有多麻烦么?” Fu Yi shows the whites of the eyes: Does the most tired work, additional most classes think silence will preside the bureau and Survival Institute intermediary like this good, the result has not thought that will be presides the bureau to bring Survival Institute to curl together, Survival Institute will bring the governance bureau crazed...... every night to work together wants the tired paralysis, will not be many eats, the day has had no way.” 傅依翻了个白眼:“干最累的活儿,加最多的班原本以为缄默者这样的统辖局和存续院的中间机构会好点,结果没想到是统辖局带着存续院一起卷,存续院带着统辖局一起丧心病狂……每天晚上干完活儿都要累瘫,再不多吃一点,日子没法过了。” Day is sad.” “日子难过嘛。” Huai Shi is sighing with emotion, gave her in the cup to top up the water: Boils again is good some time, after the wars of various ended, can enlarge the false.” 槐诗感慨着,给她杯子里加满了水:“再熬一段时间就好啦,诸界之战结束之后,就能放大假了。” What had a vacation is you, working overtime am I good?” “放假的是你,加班的还是我好么?” Fu Yi shows the whites of the eyes, face upwards the deep sigh. 傅依翻了个白眼,仰天长叹。 How god knows to go to explain that with Huai Shi such layman operation principle of Silver Sea, after the wars of various ended, is silence will be busy at to spitting blood truly the time. 天知道怎么去跟槐诗这样的外行去解释白银之海的运作原理,诸界之战结束之后,才是缄默者们真正会忙到吐血的时候。 During the war, evil thought aggregation that the shadow that the remaining poison that accumulates, the collective anxiously and forms scared, various large-scale disaster events form...... 战争期间积累下来的余毒,集体焦虑和恐慌所形成的阴影,还有各种大型灾害事件形成的恶念聚合体…… The day was really getting more and more sad. 日子真的越来越难过了啊。 World so ice-cold, only then present good brisket also a little temperature. 世界如此冰冷,只有眼前的牛胸肉还有一点温度。 As for Huai Shi...... 至于槐诗…… Fu Yi looked up his one eyes, shook the head, cold snort/hum. 傅依抬头看了他一眼,摇头,冷哼一声。 Wine and meat brothers. 酒肉兄弟罢了。 Huai Shi is confused. 槐诗一头雾水。 Does not know that had anything. 不知道发生了啥。 Why stares me? 为什么又瞪我? After roasting the pig elbow finished eating, Fu Yi finally stops, the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce on well satisfied wiping the face, careless demeanor and deportment. 一直到烤猪肘吃完之后,傅依才终于停下来,心满意足的擦了擦脸上的酱汁,丝毫不在乎风度和仪态。 The paralysis on the sofa, long exhales. 瘫在沙发上,长出了一口气。 Ate to the full. 吃饱了。 But in the Huai Shi hand is also pinching pork hamburger, gnawed mouth oil. Went out also only wears health/guard clothes and jeans, that pair of sneakers last year...... 槐诗也手里捏着猪肉汉堡,啃的一嘴油。出门也只穿着一件卫衣和牛仔裤,运动鞋都还是去年的那一双…… An appearance of great person does not have. 一点大人物的样子都没有。 Let suspicion that Fu Yi is from the heart: Therefore, you were really Legion are now long?” 傅依发自内心的怀疑:“所以,你现在真的是军团长了?” Yes.” “是啊。” Huai Shi nods, does not know that she asked this doing suddenly: Officially the authorization of barracks was also official, belonging to conducts to dispatch in Astronomy Association and frontier territory line of defense headquarters with the director...... listens to be very imposing, tool person who in fact changes hands everywhere.” 槐诗颔首,不知道她忽然问这个干什么:“昨天驻扎地的批准也正式下来了,归属于天文会边境防御阵线指挥部进行调遣和指挥……听着很威风,实际上就是到处倒手的工具人而已。” „It seems like no change.” “看上去没什么变化啊。” Fu Yi set out suddenly, is away from the table to approach, the smile became meaningful gets up, how to think that suddenly asked me to eat meal in good condition?” 傅依忽然起身,隔着餐桌凑近了,笑容就变得意味深长起来,“怎么忽然想起来好端端的请我吃饭?” „?” “啊?” Huai Shi is puzzled. 槐诗不解。 Wish of instinct raised the head to ask back, before wasn't this? 本能的想要抬头反问,以前不也是这样么? drawing the zither | Jean, was in luck to meet anything business to develop, makes money, wants to eat to select, must find a person to get food down together. 拉了琴,走运接了什么商演,赚了点钱,想要吃点好的,总要找个人一起下饭。 Is willing the colonel is also good, the sauce bone, the hot pot and so on can also consider, does not select, but wish of instinct finds the person to celebrate together. 肯上校也好,酱骨头也罢,火锅啊之类也可以考虑,都不挑,只是本能的想要找人一起庆祝一下而已。 With Fu Yi most treating time is the same. 傅依绝大多数请客的时候一样。 Then, this fellow was also put on regular status. 说起来,这个家伙也转正了啊。 He looks at Fu Yi. 他看着傅依 Fu Yi is also visiting him, in the jet black eye pupil brimmed with what flash to be the same probably, making his expression stiff, could not bear show the whites of the eyes: 傅依也在看着他,漆黑的眼瞳里像是洋溢着什么闪光一样,令他的表情僵硬了一下,忍不住翻了个白眼: Please eat meal you to eat, manages do so many do, finds an excuse to paste the autumn fat to you is not good?” “请你吃饭你就吃吧,管那么多干嘛,给你找个理由贴秋膘不行?” He stopped, when thanked you.” 他停顿了一下,“就当谢你了。” The facial expression change of flash, fell into the eyes of silence. 一瞬间的神情变化,落入了缄默者的眼中。 “唔” The Profession instinct by mood inspiring that flash reveals. 职业本能被那一瞬间流露出的情绪引动。 Subconscious, she is staring at the face and eye pupil of Huai Shi, the analysis, starts, quick, then drew the astonishing conclusion, unbelievable: 下意识的,她凝视着槐诗的面孔和眼瞳,分析,开始,很快,便得出了令人吃惊的结论,难以置信: „...... You incurable illness?” “……你得绝症啦?” You hope that I select!” “你盼我点好!” Huai Shi is angry: Initially in Xinhai, I and old Fu fought side-by-side, sentiment with brothers, everyone friendship firm like steel. The uncle I asked you to eat meal, how you did not read select my good!” 槐诗大怒:“当初在新海,我和老傅并肩作战,情同兄弟,大家情谊坚如钢铁。叔叔我请你吃个饭,你心里怎么就不念点我的好呢!” His blasting said: You are not even willing to call me an uncle!” 他震声说:“你甚至不愿意叫我一声叔叔!” „......” “……” Fu Yi has not spoken, the facial expression is strange, probably is looking at carefully anything to be the same, suddenly grins, the practical joke same neutral tone shouts: Uncle Huai Shi?” 傅依没有说话,神情古怪,好像在端详着什么一样,忽然咧嘴,恶作剧一样的轻声喊道:“槐诗叔叔?” Bang! 嘭! Drinking glass the Huai Shi hand that from choking to cough falls off, rolls from the table, threw down and broke. 水杯从呛咳的槐诗手中脱落,从桌子上滚下来,摔碎了。 The Huai Shi fierce cough, the residual and water of food spurt from the trachea of severe convulsion, was covered the hand on mouth to block, a piece in confusion. 槐诗剧烈的咳嗽起来,食物的残渣和水从剧烈痉挛的气管里喷出来,又被捂在嘴上的手拦住了,一片狼藉。 In server hurried tidying up and in the tense facial expression, Huai Shi beckons with the hand, hints them not to need to care. 在服务生匆忙的收拾和紧张的神情里,槐诗摆手,示意他们不用在意。 After drying water that castrates, raised the head stared her one eyes ruthlessly. 擦干净身上的水之后,才抬起头狠瞪了她一眼。 Proper!” “正经点!” Fu Yi had fallen face down, is hammering the table, laughs. 傅依已经趴下了,锤着桌子,大笑。 Almost must smile the tears. 几乎要把眼泪笑出来。 Huai Shi can only have no alternative sighs. 槐诗只能无可奈何的叹息。 Taking the consequences for own actions. 自作自受。 Looks at that awkward appearance, Fu Yi actually cannot bear somewhat is slightly absent-minded. 只是,看着那一副尴尬的样子,傅依却忍不住微微有些恍惚。 Recalled the long time ago summer. 回忆起了漫长时光之前的夏天。 She first time time of seeing this face. 她第一次看到这一张面孔的时候。 When is most blazing in the summer, the physical ability test turns back runs, in cheering of sisters broke through goal line. 在夏天最炽热的时候,体能测试折返跑的时候,在姐妹们的欢呼中冲过了终点线自己。 Received the towel and ice water, wipes away sweat. When she turn head, then saw not far away, the window that in the music building turns on. 接过了毛巾和冰水,擦着汗。当她回头时,便看到了不远处,音乐楼上开启的窗户。 That stands in the window following form. 那个站在窗户后面的身影。 Probably is in a daze to be the same, the sloppy line of sight looks at the drill ground. 就好像在发呆一样,散漫的视线看着操场。 Such look...... 那样的眼神…… Who is that?” Fu Yi asked person. “那是谁?”傅依问身边的人。 ? You said that Huai Shi seems like the next door class, usually does not appear. Everyone said appearance that he is not very easy to be together.” “唔?你说槐诗啊似乎是隔壁班的,平时不怎么出现。大家都说他不是很容易相处的样子。” Is this......” “是这样啊……” As if suddenly enlighted to be the same, Fu Yi is sighing lightly, was thinking same place for a long time. Then looks again, could not actually have seen that form. 仿佛恍然大悟一样,傅依轻叹着,在原地思索了许久。回头再看的时候,却已经看不见那个身影。 Why does not know, heartfelt feels to envy. 只是,不知为何,由衷的感到羡慕。 With living is different in everyone vision, is different from others. 和活在所有人目光中的自己不同,也和其他人不一样。 Lonely standing in corner, staring of smile all. 孤独的站在角落里,微笑的凝视着一切。 Even if that happy and lively world will exclude are not related probably. 哪怕那个美好又热闹的世界将自己排除在外好像也没有关系。 Dedicated is living for tomorrow. 只是专注的为了明天而活着。 Perhaps, oneself were attracted by such look? 或许,自己正是被那样的眼神所吸引的吧? But now, looks at this with the past probably the entirely different face, Fu Yi actually cannot bear sighs lightly, and before , is the same, Huai Shi.” 可现在,看着这一张和过去好像已经截然不同的面孔,傅依却忍不住轻叹,“和以前还是一样啊,槐诗。” Un?” “嗯?” Flexure of Huai Shi doubts the face, is not knowing that what she is saying, „isn't this good?” 槐诗疑惑的挠着脸,不知道她在说什么,“这样不好么?” No, this is very good.” “不,这样很好。” She is smiling, is nipping the ladle of sundae, thinks after one next, told him: 她微笑着,咬着圣代的勺子,想了一下之后告诉他: I like very much.” Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, Chapter 1307 in the past and at present free reading. “我很喜欢。”为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1307章过去和现在免费阅读。
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