AF :: Volume #14

#1307: Confession( hegemon in thanks wolf and sea of flowers

Only can say, the mishap does not know, measures to have a scare. 只能说,不测不知道,一测吓一跳。 If can know long ago Yuan Yuan can have so splendidly the nature, Russell spells shamelessly is not wanting, must go to Yuan Family to gain the person to climb mountains...... 要是早些年能知道原缘能有如此出色的相性,罗素拼着老脸不要,都要去原家赚人上山的…… In some sense, Yuan Yuan arrives at Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, possibly was really the arrangement of fate. 某种意义上,原缘来到天国谱系,可能真的就是命运的安排了。 Then, the final hindrance did not have. 这下,最后的阻碍都没有了。 Huai Shi thought that your opinion?” 槐诗想了一下,“你的意见呢?” Yuan Yuan is silent. 原缘沉默。 Resembling ponders such, for a long time, lifts the eye to look to Huai Shi, teacher hopes that I do do that?” 似是思考那样,许久,抬起眼睛看向槐诗,“老师希望我这么做么?” Huai Shi is helpless. 槐诗无奈。 I don't know either.” “我也不知道啊。” He by the chair, sighs with emotion sighs lightly: „ Before two hours, Mr. Vitale also told me, the teacher is only a teacher, is impossible to manage the student for a lifetime, even the parents, are impossible to protect the children life. 他靠在椅子上,感慨轻叹:“在两个小时之前,维塔利先生还跟我说,老师只是老师,不可能管着学生一辈子,即便是父母,也不可能保护子女一生。 This is related to your matter for a lifetime, how I can superficial guarantees this matter? ” 这是涉及你一辈子的事情,我又如何能轻描淡写的对这种事情做出保证呢?” „Very regrettable, the small reason, I could not give you to suggest.” “很遗憾,小缘,我给不了你建议。” Huai Shi said: „ You must make the decision. 槐诗说:“你必须自己做出决定。 Joining Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is also good, maintains the original appearance. Even if some day you want to leave here, returning to Eastern Xia to go, I respect your choice. 加入天国谱系也好,保持原本的样子也罢。即便是有朝一日你想要离开这里,回到东夏去,我都尊重你的选择。 But whatever, I hope that you can comply with the innermost feelings the idea, looks for one to let your happy road. 但不论怎么样,我都希望你能遵从自己内心的想法,找一条能够让你幸福的路。 You and small 19 different, always likes restraining itself, thought that does not indulge well-, but at least at this matter, I hope that you can obey your innermost feelings.. 你和小十九不一样,总喜欢克制自己,觉得放纵不好-可至少在这件事情上,我希望你能够顺从自己的内心。。 What makes to work and handle what matter, besides proving own value, must first make itself feel that joyful is right? ” 做什么工作和做什么事情,除了证明自己的价值之外,怎么也要先让自己感觉快乐才对吧?” Yuan Yuan has not spoken again. 原缘没有再说话。 Silent, reads the report on table. 只是沉默着,看着桌子上的报告。 Nearby Lin Zhongxiaowu is blinking actually, the appearance that wants to speak, is away from the apple wū wū to say a word, then Huai Shi looked at his one eyes, his own shadow lived raised from the back equally, comes also to take an apple from the fruit tray, forced in the mouth of Lin Zhongxiaowu. 旁边的林中小屋倒是眨着眼睛,非常想要说话的样子,隔着苹果呜呜做声,然后槐诗看了他一眼,他自己的影子就活了一样从背后升起,来又从果盘里拿了一颗苹果,塞进了林中小屋的嘴里。 Stops up solid. 堵的更严实一点。 Silent as before. 寂静依旧。 Until after for a long time, Yuan Yuan shakes the head slightly, helpless sighed: Only at this time, teacher your specially likely dregs male.” 直到许久之后,原缘微微摇头,无奈一叹:“唯独这个时候,老师你特别像个渣男啊。” „......” “……” Huai Shi is vacant, 100,000 question marks rise from the top of the head. 槐诗茫然,十万个问号从头顶升起来。 What's wrong? Oneself dregs? 怎么了?自己又渣了? What happened? 发生甚么事了? If I return to Eastern Xia to go, the teacher you will really approve of?” “如果我回东夏去的话,老师你真的会赞同么?” Huai Shi had not answered with enough time, Yuan Yuan on earnest asking: „ If I leave, the teacher you do work cannot complete? Perhaps let alone the wars of various, Tanba must first mess up. The group every year the quarter financial statement on forget about it, the beginning of the year budget and year-end verification never looks. 槐诗还没有来得及回话,原缘就认真的问:“如果我走掉的话,老师你连工作都做不好吧?别说诸界之战,恐怕丹波就要先乱套了。集团每年季度的财报就算了,年初的预算和年末的审核都从来不看。 Moreover the work of school affairs place never moistens , reaches an agreement the thing that previous time must look, had not looked by the present, finally is I solves, said obviously from the beginning I do not need to participate in the decision...... ” 而且校务处的工作从来不沾,还有,上一次说好了要看的东西,到现在都没有看,最后都是我自己来解决,明明一开始说我不用参与决策……” Ok, let alone, I was wrong.” “好了,别说了,我错了。” Huai Shi raises both hands, decisive surrender. 槐诗举起双手,果断投降。 He has started the stomach to hurt, foresees the frigid reality. 他已经开始胃疼了,预见到惨烈的现实。 Let a management waste go facing big Tanba and Kingdom of Heaven pedigree the innumerable business, this killing him was more difficult. 让一个管理废物去面对偌大的丹波和天国谱系内部的无数事务,这比杀了他还难。 From selfishness......” “从私心上来说……” He puffed and blew the half of the day, finally self-ridiculed smiles: „ Good, I am hope that you remain, even is unable to guarantee to the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree future. 他吭哧了半天,最终自嘲一笑:“好吧,我是希望你留下来的,即便对天国谱系的未来无法保证。 But I from the heart hope that you can remain. ” 但我发自内心的希望你能够留下来。” Good.” Yuan Yuan nods. “好的。”原缘点头。 Silent. 寂静。 The Huai Shi delay, gawked the half of the day: „?” 槐诗呆滞,愣了半天:“啊?” Teacher you do not hope that I do remain? I remain.” “老师你不是希望我留下来么?那我就留下来吧。” Yuan Yuan nods, serious reply: „ In the family/home also has A'Zhao in any case, uncle have the disciple disciple, are many my to be short of my no relations. 原缘颔首,郑重的回答:“反正家里还有阿照,叔伯们也自己都有门生弟子,多我一个少我一个都没什么关系。 But keeps the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree words, will the space that very obvious future will rise be bigger? To realize individual significance the words, ratio here better place? ” 但留在天国谱系的话,很明显未来上升的空间会更大吧?想要实现个人意义的话,难道还有比这里更好的地方么?” Huai Shi hesitant, earnest wish asked anything, actually saw Yuan Yuan nodding the head without hesitation. 槐诗犹豫了一下,认真的想要问什么,却看到原缘不假思索的颔首。 Un, keeps here words, I also very happy-, although 19 and Ana Branch will always annoy troublesome, the matter of Tanba and Yingzhou also sometimes will be very bothersome. “嗯,留在这里的话,我还挺开心的-虽然十九和阿妮娅总是会惹麻烦,丹波和瀛洲的事情有时候也会很烦。 But I felt, if I want to do meaningful some, the right matter, I should stay here. ” 但我觉得,如果我想要做一些有意义的,对的事情的话,我应该留在这里。” She asked: „Isn't teacher also therefore comes?” 她问:“老师难道不是也因此而来么?” „...... The truth said, actually I cannot distinguish clearly for several points to arrange, several points were the sincerity ideas.” “……实话说,我也分不清究竟几分是安排,几分是真心的想法了。” Huai Shi scratches the head, helpless smiles bitterly. 槐诗挠头,无奈苦笑。 Then, I go to Yuan Family personally.” “回头,我还是亲自去一趟原家吧。” He thinks, the decision comes to inform personally. 他想了想,还是决定亲自去上门通知。 After all others daughters in good condition, deliver to you to go to school, finally the university has not finished attending, the secured job does not want, the family/home does not return, will follow you entrepreneur to wrestle wholeheartedly in the future...... 毕竟人家的一个好端端的女儿,送到你这边来上学,结果大学没上完,铁饭碗不要了,家也不回了,一心一意跟着你去创业公司搏未来…… Can you give a confession? 你总要给个交代吧? But finally, Yuan Yuan will report again hands over: If at the enterprise the teacher does not have the means to arrange, in the choice of that Sacred Mark, the teacher you can always give an opinion?” 而最后,原缘再度将报告递过来:“如果事业上老师没有办法安排的话,那圣痕的选择上,老师你总能给点意见吧?” Huai Shi reads the report, falls into hesitates. 槐诗看着报告,陷入沉吟。 This...... must need further consideration.” “这……就得从长计议了啊。” From the data, other nature low definitely did not consider, but the key lies in- the road of road and the god marrow dusk, is very appropriate. 从数据上看,其他相性低的肯定不考虑,但关键在于-黄昏之路和神髓之路,都很合适啊。 But which fiercely? 可哪个更厉害一点呢? Huai Shi falls into the ponder. 槐诗陷入思考。 Pondering over, must find the opportunity, is urging Russell and vice-president fights one? 琢磨着,要不要找机会,撺掇着罗素和副校长打一架? He can help the vice-president hold down the Russell two hands, but always felt that even Cronus cannot pick up Lokey's thousand repertoires...... 他可以帮副校长按住罗素两只手,但总感觉就算是柯洛诺斯也挑不出洛基的千层套路啊…… I ask old king cough cough, Principal.” “我去问一问老王-咳咳,校长吧。” Huai Shi receives the report, decided that everyone meets to deliberate carefully. 槐诗收起报告,决定还是大家开会仔细研讨一下。 Finally, cancelled the finger. 最后,勾了勾手指。 Qiāng sound that coughs and gasps for breath to resound from the corner fiercely. 剧烈呛咳和喘气的声音从角落里响起。 The apple of Lin Zhongxiaowu mouth spat finally, almost felt stifled. Even if not possible, because two apples suffocate, but is more uncomfortable was a lot of obscene talks does not dare to say. 林中小屋嘴里的苹果总算吐出来了,差点憋死。即便不可能因为两个苹果就窒息,可偏偏更难受的是一肚子骚话不敢说。 Only can start to speak but hesitate, stops the word to want, puzzled awfully. 只能欲言又止,止言又欲,纠结的要命。 The key is, such good matter, how no one called me! 关键在于,这么好的事情,怎么就没人叫我啊! Even oneself do not plan to transform pedigree, but doesn't the treatment of this key training, how have own share? 即便自己不打算转换谱系,但这种重点培养的待遇,怎么就没自己的份儿呢? Amn't I the student of teacher? 我难道不是老师的学生么? I come even is earlier! 我来的甚至更早啊! Early Yuan Yuan...... one week! 原缘……一个礼拜呢! After carefully observed the half-day Huai Shi complexion, has the courage to ask: That, am I............ can also strive?” 在仔细观察了半天槐诗的脸色之后,鼓起勇气问:“那,我……是不是……也可以争取一下?” What strives for?” “争取什么?” The Huai Shi squint looks at him: In Road of Sublimation that now Kingdom of Heaven pedigree grasps, you thought that which you do suit? Heaven Seeking Path?” 槐诗斜眼看着他:“现在天国谱系内部掌握的升华之路里,你觉得自己适合哪个?天问之路?” Heaven Seeking Path of standard configuration version, might as well the road of evil industry! 标配版的天问之路,还不如孽业之路呢! This, cough cough, I can also try hard.” Small 19 are coy. “这个,咳咳,我也可以努力的嘛。”小十九扭捏着。 Also right.” “也对。” Huai Shi is pinching the chin, resembling is the heart movement is ordinary: I felt, you definitely are the good seedling of primitive road, can consider?” 槐诗捏着下巴,似是心动一般:“我觉得,你肯定是个原始之路的好苗子,要不要考虑一下?” „......” “……” The Lin Zhongxiaowu expression twitched, has not said that pretends the safe/without matter to happen. 林中小屋的表情抽搐了一下,没有接话,装作无事发生。 For fear that the Huai Shi next game is to ambush in Golden Dawn eavesdropped on that the news the heavy responsibility gave you...... 生怕槐诗下一局就是潜伏到黄金黎明里探听消息的重任就交给你了…… Ok, since has decided that does not have necessary to waste the time. I asked the principal they to discuss over the two days, small 19 also go back to pack the thing quickly. “行了,既然都已经决定好了,也没必要浪费时间。我这两天找校长他们商量商量,小十九也赶快回去收拾东西。 Thinks while convenient the good such big matter, how explained to the girlfriend...... ” 顺带想好这么大的事情,怎么跟女朋友解释吧……” The expression that last lets Lin Zhongxiaowu twitched again 2-3, as if foresees itself unable to gain ground pitiful in the future. 最后一句让林中小屋的表情再度抽搐了2-3下,仿佛预见到自己抬不起头的悲惨未来。 Right, told Ana Branch while convenient, the work doubles.” “对了,顺带告诉阿妮娅,作业加倍。” Huai Shi told one finally. 槐诗最后吩咐了一句。 By chair, refreshing. 靠在椅子上,神清气爽。 Then had Lin Zhongxiaowu, oneself have no time to take into consideration, original sin Legion was also has auxiliary. 这下有了林中小屋,自己无暇顾及的时候,原罪军团也算是有个辅助在了。 Goes a step further from the reorganization again. 距离重组再进一步。 The encouragement may celebrate, may celebrate encouraging. 可喜可贺,可喜可贺。 Happy a day, ended.” “美好的一天,结束了啊。” In him behind, Tong Ji pokes head, feeling: You look at your present life, this is not very substantial!” 在他身后,彤姬探出头来,啧啧感慨:“你看你现在的生活,这不是很充实嘛!” Un? Waits-” “嗯?等等-” Huai Shi delay. 槐诗呆滞。 Then, looks to the side. 回头,看向身旁。 Close Tong Ji. 近在咫尺的彤姬。 Tong Ji is also visiting him, the eye winks winks, spits the breath close as if. 彤姬也在看着他,眼睛眨呀眨,吐息仿佛都近在咫尺。 Is looking at carefully his surprise appearance, resembling is the smile. 端详着他诧异的样子,似是微笑。 The lip opens and closes. 嘴唇开阖。 Thought me?” “想我了吗?” „......” “……” Wish of Huai Shi instinct will move in the future, knits the brows, sneers to ask: „Were you willing to appear unexpectedly?” 槐诗本能的想要往后挪一点,皱眉,冷笑发问:“你竟然舍得出现了?” His curious asking, „was this remembers itself to have Contractor finally? Should I be honored?” 他好奇的问道,“这是终于想起自己有个契约者了么?我是不是应该荣幸一些?” ? Vitality/Angry?” “唔?生气了?” Tong Ji searches from the chair, the arm lets fall, is holding the neck of Huai Shi, feels clear soft and icy coldness. 彤姬从椅子后面探出来一点,手臂垂落,抱着槐诗的脖子,感受到清晰的柔软和冰凉。 Ignores his contradiction and resistance. 不顾他的抵触和反抗。 „Such a saying, truly.” “这么一说,确实啊。” She seems suddenly enlighted general, spontaneously feeling: „ You looked, this is the sorrow that in the lengthy story can have frequently. How even from the beginning played again the significant role, as the lead grows gradually, gold/metal finger on being able to follow time slowly. 她仿佛恍然大悟一般,油然感慨:“你看,这就是长篇故事之中经常会出现的悲哀。即便是一开始起了再怎么重大的作用,随着主角渐渐成长,金手指就慢慢的跟不上时代了。 The time passes gradually, the supporting role traded gradually group by group, the map traded one after another, but gold/metal finger, cannot play the role more and more. ” 时光渐渐流逝,配角渐渐的换了一批又一批,地图换了一张又一张,而金手指,也越来越起不到作用。” This , vanishes however the people gradually.” “就这样,渐渐的,泯然众人。” She is pinching the cheeks of Huai Shi, disconsolate twittering: Until finally, the leads has even forgotten thoroughly.” 她捏着槐诗的脸颊,惆怅呢喃:“直到最后,连主角都已经彻底遗忘。” „......” “……” In short silence, Huai Shi delay looks at her, the expression changes, holds breath two cold air/Qi, is hard to conceal the shock: What new moral kidnapping method is this? Unexpectedly terrifyingly in this way!” 短暂的寂静里,槐诗呆滞的看着她,表情变化,倒吸两口冷气,难以掩饰震惊:“这是什么新型的道德绑架方法么?竟然恐怖如斯!” No, but wants to give you to increase a psychological burden.” “不,只是想要给你增加一点心理负担而已。” She begins supinely, self-satisfied ka ka laughs: What kind of? Thought that was unfair to me a point? Must feel grateful to big sister often/common bosom/mind, Huai Shi.” 她仰起头,得意的咔咔大笑起来:“怎么样?有没有觉得更加对不起我了一点?要对大姐姐常怀感恩呀,槐诗。” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes, „do that you come out is not good?” 槐诗翻了个白眼,“那你就多出来走走不行么?” , not good-” “唔,不行-” She is swinging the head, suddenly looks down the face of Huai Shi, winked a eye toward him, shows a faint smile: But this does not hinder me to think you.” 她摇着脑袋,忽然低头看着槐诗的脸,向着他眨了一下眼睛,微微一笑:“但这不妨碍我想你呀。” „......” “……” Huai Shi is silent. 槐诗沉默。 For a long time, helpless closing eye. 许久,无奈的闭上眼睛。 Whatever Tong Ji will attack and sink again. 任由彤姬再度将自己击沉。 You won, wants anything, although with.” He sighed, murder not excessive point place, can't be that bad......” “你赢了,想要什么,尽管拿。”他叹息,“杀人不过头点地,何至于此……” Is the truth.” “是实话哦。” Tong Ji sits on the desk, holds the chin, looks at him. 彤姬坐在办公桌上,托着下巴,看着他。 Smiling. 微笑着。 „Is feeling very good?” “感觉是不是很不错?” She said that „, no matter had anything, the big sister who some intelligent cute and good are also with good intention worried that you- please say, thanks Tong Ji.” 她说,“不管发生了什么,都会有位聪明可爱又善良还善解人意的大姐姐担心你-请说,谢谢彤姬。” „......” “……” Huai Shi sighed, thank you.” 槐诗叹息,“谢谢你。” Doesn't matter.” “没关系。” Tong Ji put out a hand, rubbed the hair of Huai Shi, effort and rubbed two, was happy, you were my Contractor, Huai Shi- can I not listen attentively to your worry?” 彤姬伸手,揉了揉槐诗的头发,用力的又揉了两把,那么愉快,“你是我的契约者啊,槐诗-难道我会不倾听你的烦恼吗?” She stopped, hangs the pupil, looks at Huai Shi. 她停顿了一下,垂眸,看着槐诗 Both hands are pinching his face, does not allow his line of sight displacement. 双手捏着他的脸,不容许他的视线偏移。 That, to my confession, Huai Shi.” “那么,向我告解吧,槐诗。” She is looking at carefully the face of Contractor, since as if sneaks a peek at these worried and hesitant general, curious questions that these days circled: Why however evades them?” 她端详着契约者的面孔,仿佛窥见这些日子以来所盘旋的那些苦恼和犹豫一般,好奇的发问:“为何而逃避她们呢?” Who?” Huai Shi is vacant. “谁?”槐诗似是茫然。 But Tong Ji looks at him as before, faint smile: Wants me to read the name? Doesn't start from Ai Qing?” 可彤姬依旧看着他,似笑非笑:“要我把名字念出来么?唔,从艾晴开始?” „......” “……” The Huai Shi opens the mouth wants saying that also had nothing to say in reply. 槐诗张口欲言,又无言以对。 You demand when the fear, Huai Shi, pays obviously is so generous, is actually afraid them to pay for you.” “你在害怕索取啊,槐诗,明明付出时那么慷慨,却害怕她们为你付出更多。” Just like understanding thoroughly in the innermost feelings slightest the change is ordinary, Tong Ji in a soft voice twittering: „ Therefore one-sided wishes isolates others outside, looks they who thinks are safe. 宛如洞彻内心中最细微的变化一般,彤姬轻声呢喃:“所以一厢情愿的将别人隔绝在外,自以为的看着她们平安喜乐。 Even if you want to approach- ” 即便你多么想要靠近-” I......” “我……” Huai Shi wants to speak, but at this moment, looks at that pair of eye pupil, actually these excuses and rumors in discovery innermost feelings, vanish without the trace completely, is only left over pacing back and forth and anxiety of being unexpected. 槐诗想要说话,但此刻,看着那一双眼瞳,却发现内心中的那些借口和谎言,全部消失无踪,只剩下始料未及的彷徨和不安。 Perhaps, looks like such that Tong Ji said. 或许,就像是彤姬所说的那样。 He is evading. 他在逃避。 But they are also waiting for you, Huai Shi.” “可她们也在等着你啊,槐诗。” Tong Ji is touching his cheeks, sighed lightly: „ Wants the feedback your granting and payout, therefore, stands in same place, waited for you to send out that day of request to oneself. 彤姬抚摸着他的脸颊,轻叹:“想要回馈你的赠与和付出,所以,站在原地,等待你向自己发出请求的那一天。 To approach, wants to go a step further, wish stands in your side...... may you be lonely, more walks is farther. 想要靠近一点,想要更进一步,想要站在你的身边……可你却孤独的,越走越远。 Can Huai Shi, why pretend unable to see? ” 槐诗,为何要装作看不见呢?” Huai Shi silent for a long time, the sigh, is...... thinks oneself infallible probably.” 槐诗沉默了许久,叹息,“大概是……自以为是吧。” Therefore, can put out a hand?” “所以,要伸出手吗?” Tong Ji asked: Can request earnestly their help? Also can make them continue to wait for?” 彤姬问:“要恳请她们的帮助吗?还要让她们继续等待吗?” Some fears.” Huai Shi said that „, but I will consider.” “有些害怕。”槐诗说,“但我会考虑。” Consideration?” “考虑?” Tong Ji tilts the head, resembling is discontented. 彤姬歪头,似是不满。 Good, if needed, my meeting. ” Huai Shi closes one's eyes, is deliberately bad: I certainly without hesitation requested that they help!” ”好吧,有需要的话,我会。”槐诗闭上眼,自暴自弃:“我一定毫不犹豫的去请求她们帮忙!” Even if this will increase the trouble to them?” “即便这样会给她们增加麻烦?” Un.” “嗯。” Even if can make them therefore pay?” “就算是有可能让她们因此而付出更多?” Un.” “嗯。” Huai Shi nods. 槐诗点头。 Then, feels the severe pain on face. 然后,就感觉到脸上的剧痛。 Tong Ji is pinching his face, makes an effort to pull, resembling is discontented: Is too crazed, Huai Shi, I do not remember taught such dregs male you!” 彤姬捏着他的脸,用力拉扯,似是不满:“太丧心病狂啦,槐诗,我可不记得把你教成了这样的渣男啊!” Does not wait for Huai Shi to respond, she then loosened the hand, looks at his distressed appearance, unfolds the face to smile: „Very good, worthily is my Contractor.” 可不等槐诗反应过来,她便松开了手,看着他狼狈的样子,展颜一笑:“不过很好,不愧是我的契约者。” She said, I like such you.” 她说,“我更喜欢这样的你。” Finally, before departs once again, touches his head. 最后,在又一次离去之前,摸了摸他的头。 Just like giving his gratuity and reward. 宛如给予他的犒赏和奖励。 But Huai Shi, exhausted lowering the head, the feeling has exhausted the strength. 槐诗,疲惫的低着头,感觉已经耗尽了力气。 Before saying goodbye, he cannot bear ask eventually: Why must say these to me, Tong Ji?” 在道别之前,他终究还是忍不住发问:“为什么要跟我说这些呢,彤姬?” ......” “唔……” Tong Ji is pinching the chin, resembling is the ponder is ordinary, quick, then smiled: Probably is because, this is also makes you obtain necessary one of the happy life.” 彤姬捏着下巴,似是思考一般,很快,便笑了起来:“大概是因为,这也是让你得到幸福人生的必要一步吧。” Happy and self-satisfied laughter reverberation in silence. 愉快又得意的笑声回荡在寂静里。 Make Huai Shi in same place. 槐诗愣在了原地。 Desire that initial desire, that most has not possibly realized. 那个最初的愿望,那个最没有可能实现的愿望。 She still remembers. 她还记得。 She has remembered. 她一直记得。 After Tong Ji departs, does not know that actually to pass how long, in this falls into the tranquil night gradually, Huai Shi lies down on the chair as before, as if the ponder is ordinary. 当彤姬离去之后,不知道究竟过去了多久,在这渐渐陷入宁静的深夜里,槐诗依旧躺在椅子上,仿佛思考一般。 Request...... help?” “请求……帮助吗?” He is sighing deeply reluctantly, looks to the screen of cell phone. 他无奈的长叹着,看向手机的屏幕。 Hesitant for a long time, to Ai Qing transmitter data. 犹豫许久,向艾晴发送信息。 Can help me pay attention to other to enter the war the Legion news?】 【能不能帮我留意一下其他参战军团的消息?】 The night operating time of past, her news always the second returned obviously. But this time, Huai Shi actually waited for the long time. 明明以往的这种深夜工作时间,她的讯息从来秒回。可这一次,槐诗却等了漫长的时间。 Until after for a long time, the screen shines again. 直到许久之后,屏幕再次亮起。 Brought succinct response as always. 带来了一如既往的简洁回应。 Good.】 【好的。】 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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