AF :: Volume #14

#1306: In the future may the time( thank northern the hegemon in Bangladesh

Regarding the Huai Shi telephone, two people do not seem to expect. 对于槐诗的电话,两人似乎未曾预料。 Has the Huai Shi Duke private use open Rainbow Bridge channel, in a while, they had arrived in the Ivory Tower relay from Tanba, arrived in sword river again. 槐诗公器私用开放的彩虹桥通道,没过多久,他们就已经从丹波抵达了象牙之塔中转,再抵达了剑河。 Because in the telephone the Huai Shi serious tone, two people facial expressions somewhat were also earnest. 因为电话里槐诗严肃的语气,两人的神情也有些认真了起来。 However, words that carefully looks, there is a difference. 不过,仔细看的话,还是有区别的。 Confident relaxes, has completed preparation that reports the work. But another somewhat is intense, is pretending the appearance of safe/without matter diligently, smiles particularly to flatter. 一个坦然又放松,已经做好了汇报工作的准备。而另一个则有些紧张,正在努力的装作无事发生的样子,笑起来就分外谄媚。 This familiar feeling...... 这种熟悉的感觉…… Huai Shi looked at a some afraid fellow, is carrying the fruit plate, toward mouth stopper two grapes, curious asking: Therefore, what good deed small 19 did do over the two days? Sees the time trembling appearance of my teacher continually......” 槐诗看了一眼某个心虚的家伙,端着水果盘,往嘴里塞了两颗葡萄,好奇的问道:“所以,小十九这两天又做了什么好事?连见我这个老师的时候都战战兢兢的样子……” The corner of the eye of Lin Zhongxiaowu twitched: „, cough cough, is a long story......” 林中小屋的眼角抽搐了一下:“呃,咳咳,说来话长……” „Does that might as well make the small reason make a long story short?” “那不如让小缘长话短说?” The line of sight of Huai Shi looks to side.. 槐诗的视线看向旁边。。 The young girl body of grey skirt is straight, shot a look by one Junior Brother, revealing is not I do not help your the pitying matter: This morning Minister of the Left of Yingzhou died, heard that seemed like revered sovereign person of integrity conducted may you be punished by heaven appearance.” 灰裙的少女身子笔挺,瞥了一眼旁边的‘师弟’,露出了‘不是我不帮你的’的怜悯事情:“今天早上瀛洲的左大臣死了,听说好像是被尊皇志士进行了天诛的样子。” „......” “……” The Huai Shi movement stopped, looked at Lin Zhongxiaowu that startled starts to cough, never expected that he also has this ability, at once curious asking: 槐诗的动作停顿了一下,愕然的看了一眼开始干咳的林中小屋,没想到他还有这个能耐,旋即好奇的问: Then?” “然后呢?” Then, the Rokumeikan whole staff sends out, traces everywhere, but had not found what clue, can only estimate that odd/surplus evil for Satsuma Domain resurges.” “然后,鹿鸣馆全员出动,到处追查,但没找到什么线索,只能推定为萨摩藩的余孽死灰复燃。” „Is Celestial Emperor all right?” Huai Shi put down the fruit tray, sincere asked. 上皇没事儿吧?”槐诗放下了果盘,正色发问。 Yuan Yuan shakes the head, it is said received frightening.” 原缘摇头,“据说是受到了惊吓。” „, I also think the big matter.” “哦,我还以为多大事情呢。” Huai Shi relaxes, almost thinks that small 19 caused any frigid coup d'etat event. 槐诗松了口气,差点以为小十九弄出了什么惨烈的政变事件来。 Without was caught what hand tail to be good, next time limelight.” “没被人抓到什么手尾就好,下次注意点。” Huai Shi sincere injunction: In the final analysis, we are the outcomers, Tanba in Yingzhou, must to a Celestial Emperor face, be too embarrassed after all, otherwise can't others who do not be noisy get out awkwardly?” 槐诗正色嘱咐:“归根结底,咱们是外来者,丹波毕竟在瀛洲,总要给上皇一点面子,不要闹的太难堪,否则人家下不来台多尴尬?” This......” “啊这……” Lin Zhongxiaowu is dumbfounded. 林中小屋目瞪口呆。 What ghost next time is the limelight? What pays attention to...... the attention to start agily? Don't the attention let the person discover? This matter can also have unexpectedly next? 下次注意点是什么鬼?注意什么啊……注意下手利索点?还是注意别让人发现?这种事情竟然还可以有下次的么? Also, must these words saying on particularly from your mouth not have the credibility to a Celestial Emperor face, Teacher. 还有,‘总要给上皇一点面子’这句话从你嘴里说出来就分外的没有可信度啊,老师。 And why, makes too embarrassedly, can be the opposite cannot get out? 以及,为什么闹得太难堪,会是对面下不来台? He does not understand, but he may I ask. 他也不懂,但他也不太敢问。 Puffed and blew after the half of the day, asking of doubts: You do not ask the reason?” 只是,吭哧吭哧了半天之后,疑惑的问:“您都不问问原因的么?” In a nest snake mouse dies several, but also needs to ask the reason?” “一窝蛇鼠里死上几个,还需要问理由么?” Huai Shi continues to carry the fruit tray to eat the fruit, not to worry or care about at all: Moreover, you big person, becoming engaged, is the dragon's head of six directions meeting, what matter without necessary handles to with the teacher file the report?” 槐诗继续端着果盘吃水果,满不在意:“况且,你都多大的人了,订了婚,还是六合会的龙头,没必要做什么事情都要跟老师打报告吧?” „......” “呃……” Lin Zhongxiaowu had nothing to say in reply. 林中小屋无言以对。 He also thinks very clean hand tail that oneself process unexpectedly was discovered by the teacher, catching oneself comes to sword river is prepares the thunder to be angry, cleans up the gateway. 他还以为自己处理的很干净的手尾竟然被老师发现了,抓自己来剑河就是准备雷霆大怒,清理门户。 What gathers your not to know? Moreover knows how also to care about nothing...... 合着您就什么都不知道?而且知道了怎么还毫不在乎…… Finally, his vacant asking: You ask us to come, is what matter...... has?” 最后,他茫然的问:“那您找我们来,是……有啥事儿啊?” „......, By you, as soon as interrupted I to forget.” “……啊,被你一打岔我都忘了。” Huai Shi taps the head, returns to behind the table in own position, turned out the request form of Anna from the drawer, places on the table: This matter, do you know?” 槐诗一拍脑袋,回到桌子后面自己的位置上,从抽屉里翻出了安娜的申请表,放在桌子上:“这事儿,你们知道么?” Yuan Yuan looked at one, at once understands clearly: Before she asked me to ask.” 原缘看了一眼,旋即了然:“之前她来找我问过。” „, Had not guessed.” “唔,有所猜测。” Lin Zhongxiaowu is pinching the chin: Little miss is brave, courage praise worthy- was our wants the work super to double?” 林中小屋捏着下巴:“小姑娘胆子大嘛,勇气可嘉-咱们这是又要作业超级加倍了吗?” Huai Shi said, „the matter of work, turn head said again, I want to know your view.” 槐诗说,“作业的事情,回头再说,我想知道一下你们的看法。” „......” “……” Two people look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that actually Huai Shi is what meaning, or has not thought toward that side. This makes Huai Shi even more helpless immediately. 两人面面相觑,不知道槐诗究竟是什么意思,或者说,根本就没往那边想。这顿时让槐诗越发的无奈。 Actually are oneself in the student what image? 自己在学生心里究竟是个什么形象? Slightly on fragrant continent? 小应芳洲么? No, exaggerating, several years later, old should possibly be small Huai Shi...... 不,夸张一点,再过几年,老应可能都是小槐诗了…… I am held responsible, you two interested?” “我是问,你们两个有没有兴趣?” Huai Shi puts out the original sin Legion requisition, places on the table: „ Mr. Vitale had just chatted with me, wants to come carefully, I truly to excessiveness that a little you protect. 槐诗拿出原罪军团的申请书来,放在桌子上:“维塔利先生刚刚跟我聊过,仔细想来,我确实对你们保护的有点过头。 If you want taking this opportunity, exercises, teacher here can arrange a good position for you. ” 如果你们想要借着这个机会,锻炼一下的话,那老师这里可以为你们安排个好位置。” Suddenly, in short silence, two people delay slightly, facial expression change. 一时间,短暂的寂静中,两人略微的呆滞,神情变化。 Now, a person relaxes tranquilly, another person starts to be tense...... 现在,一个人平静又放松,另一个人开始紧张起来…… Role exchange. 角色互换。 This is a little odd. 这就有点离谱。 You should not think that I am fishing?” Huai Shi is stunned: „ I am insufficient to take this to tease you to play, relax, having the words can speak frankly. “你们该不会以为我是在钓鱼吧?”槐诗愕然:“我不至于拿这个来逗你们玩的,放心,有话可以直说。 Young 19 you what's the matter, are so happy, you first said- ” 小十九你怎么回事儿,这么开心,你先说-” „?” “啊?” Lin Zhongxiaowu was designated, after hesitant one next, nod: „ I actually also...... very want to go, after all lively also so many in Yellow Springs Hirasaka, Yingzhou selects the big place, matter does again many also receives simultaneous/uniform many evil industry. 林中小屋被指名,犹豫了一下之后,点头:“我其实还……挺想去的,毕竟黄泉比良坂里的热闹也就那么多,瀛洲这么点大的地方,事情搞得再多也收不齐多少孽业。 Going to the wars of various finds the opportunity is also good. 去诸界之战里找机会也挺好。 After all, the needing further consideration words, I should also start to prepare sinking deep pool secret instrument. ” 毕竟,从长计议的话,我也应该开始准备沉渊秘仪了。” Should prepare early.” “早该准备了。” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes: Nine infants or witch Xian?” 槐诗翻了个白眼:“九婴还是巫咸?” Lin Zhongxiaowu thinks, smiles helplessly: Although was still considering, but was the witch is mostly salty.” 林中小屋想了一席啊,无奈一笑:“虽然还在考虑,但多半是巫咸了。” Nine infants and witch Xian, both differences are the fourth-order of road of evil industry, even has a source, but favors is actually different. 九婴和巫咸,两个分歧都是孽业之路的四阶,即便同出一源头,但倾向却有所不同。 Probably fights with the law is the same. 就好像战和法一样。 Nine infants excel in the strength, is good at oppressing others by the potential, controls the fierce poison that in the infinite evil industry is breeding, the cry can destroy the soul. 九婴长于力,擅长以势压人,驾驭着无穷孽业中孕育出的猛毒,就连鸣叫声都能够破坏魂魄。 The body gradually will also close up to nine infants, can change nine big snake, may be called the terrifying in the upfront combat. 身躯也会逐步向九婴靠拢,能够变化成九首大蛇,在正面作战中堪称恐怖。 Previous dragon's head, small 19 ‚after good great uncle is nine infant Jinjie, through two degrees change that secret instrument conducts. After discarding other eight, vermilion scale big snake that forms destructive power and defensive power increase to terrifying degree. Depends on this strength and plan, his forcefully expanded the edge in Capital the influence domain, even Rokumeikan could not do. 上一任的龙头,小十九的‘好叔公’就是九婴进阶之后,通过秘仪进行的二度变化。舍弃了其他的八个头之后所形成的朱鳞大蛇将破坏力和防御力增幅到了恐怖的程度。靠着这一份力量和谋划,他硬生生的将势力版图扩展到了京都的边缘,即便是鹿鸣馆也奈何不得。 But witch Xian stressed on the incantation and spirit, excelled in strange and change, hid is manipulating the incantation technique and soul in secret. 而巫咸则是侧重于咒和灵,长于诡异和变化,藏在暗中操弄咒术和灵魂 Although does not have nine infant that fearful positive/direct destructive power, but the lower limit low upper limit is high, looked purely operates and accumulates personally. 虽然不具备九婴那么可怕的正面破坏力,但下限低上限高,纯粹看个人操作和积累。 The accumulation does not need to be worried actually, backing on the respected family is this convenient, when Lin Zhongxiaowu was born, in the family/home perhaps prepared anything. 积累倒是不用担心,背靠大家族就是这点方便,早在林中小屋出生的时候,家里恐怕就把什么东西都准备好了。 Does not fear your meeting, fears you unable. 不怕你会,就怕你不会。 Has the incantation techniques and secret instrument under Lin Family so many year of accumulations, in addition the negative energy operation and Kitchen Demon technique of Huai Shi here learning, can say that may auxiliary and controllable, has the displacement to have the output. 林家这么多年积累下的咒术和秘仪,再加上从槐诗这里学到的负能量操作和厨魔技艺,可以说可辅、可控,有位移有输出。 Entering may snatch under the head/number of people the incantation, drawing back may sell the teammate to travel. 进可抢人头下咒,退可卖队友跑路。 Is the flexible full versatile or well-rounded person. 属于灵活性十足的多面手。 Huai Shi has been able to foresee the small 19 hateful great undertaking perhaps to enter in the future several steps. 槐诗已经可以预见未来小十九的讨嫌大业恐怕会更进好几步。 That filled in this to go back to prepare.” “那就填了这个回去做准备吧。” Huai Shi neat throws a form, makes Lin Zhongxiaowu particularly incredible actually. 槐诗干脆利落的丢过去一张表格,倒是让林中小屋分外不可置信。 Then, is somewhat anxious disturbed Yuan Yuan. 接下来,就是有些紧张忐忑的原缘 The one who comes as a surprise to Huai Shi is, after undergoing careful ponder, she long exhales, shakes the head slightly. 出乎槐诗预料的是,在经过了仔细思考之后,她长出了一口气,微微摇头。 I.” Yuan Yuan said. “我就不去了。”原缘说。 Un?” “嗯?” Huai Shi is puzzled. 槐诗不解。 Although there is if possible, he also wants oneself student to be away from the danger to be distant, but how to think that the Yuan Family person possibly is not in the fear the battlefield person is right. 虽然有可能的话,他也想要自己的学生距离危险远远的,但怎么想原家的人也不可能是害怕上战场的人才对。 What hindrance has?” Huai Shi asked. “是有什么挂碍么?”槐诗问。 Yuan Yuan shakes the head: „ Cannot say that has what hindrance, but felt, if really wants to play a role, keeping Ivory Tower will compare in the battlefield to be bigger. 原缘摇头:“称不上有什么挂碍,只是觉得,如果真的想要发挥点作用的话,留在象牙之塔会比去战场上要更大一些。 After all, if here I threw up one's job suddenly, lots that Tanba there perhaps bad in great confusion, and between Kingdom of Heaven pedigree docks. 毕竟,如果这边我忽然撂挑子了的话,丹波那里恐怕就会乱成一团糟,还有和天国谱系之间对接的很多东西。 In school the matter of teacher, school affairs, as well as...... ” 学校里老师的事情,校务,以及……” Ok, I knew.” “好了,我知道了。” Huai Shi lifts the hand, stopping her to continue. 槐诗抬起手,制止她继续说下去。 More said that he is more ashamed, more has a headache. 越说他就越羞愧,越头疼。 Yuan Yuan said that majority is own work, but the remaining that parts, were the stopper give her...... present administration ability outstanding Yuan Yuan to turn into between Tanba and Ivory Tower the indispensable strong character. 原缘所说的,其中大部分都是自己的工作,而剩下的那一部分,是自己塞给她的……现在行政能力拔群的原缘已经变成丹波和象牙之塔之间不可或缺的重要角色了。 This solely does not stem from ability . Moreover the status essential factor also occupies a large part to, after all, now in all person eyes, she is the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree backbone character, the Huai Shi spokesman. 这并非单单出于能力,而且身份要素也占很大一部分必中,毕竟,现在在所有人眼中,她都已经是天国谱系的中坚人物,槐诗的代言人了。 In necessary, she as the Huai Shi student, can delegate Huai Shi deal with anything. 必要的时候,她作为槐诗的学生,能够全权代表槐诗对任何的事情进行处理。 She must suddenly walk...... Huai Shi not to really be able to discover anyone to replace her for a short time. 她要忽然之间走了……槐诗一时半会儿还真找不出什么人来替代她。 Thinks of here, in the Huai Shi heart added several points of guilt to her. 想到这里,槐诗心中就对她平添了几分愧疚。 But the words spoke of here, Yuan Yuan also had the courage probably finally, raised the head saying: „A matter, wants to ask the view of teacher.” 可话说到了这里,原缘好像也终于鼓起了勇气,抬头说:“还有一件事情,想要问老师的看法。” Huai Shi is vacant. 槐诗茫然。 „, Aiya, I come time probably saw that Mr. Raymond is delimiting water- too does not make sense, I go to the inspector general he to work.” “啊,哎呀,我来的时候好像看到雷蒙德先生在划水-太不像话了,我去监督他干活儿。” Lin Zhongxiaowu as if had a premonition that anything, patted the head suddenly, sets out from the chair, wants to travel. 林中小屋仿佛预感到了什么,忽然一拍脑袋,从椅子上起身,想要跑路。 But Yuan Yuan unemotional turn head after looking at his one eyes, he was stiff, decided same place. 原缘面无表情的回头看了他一眼之后,他就僵硬了一下,定在了原地。 „, Didn't cough cough...... need me to avoid at this time?” Lin Zhongxiaowu is vacant. “呃,咳咳……这种时候不需要我回避一下的吗?”林中小屋茫然。 Huai Shi waves to refer , the shadow flung the chair to come up this fellow together , an apple stopped up toward his mouth stopper while convenient, so as to avoid he is spoiling the fun. 槐诗挥了挥手指,一道影子把这个家伙甩回了椅子上去,顺带还往他嘴里塞了个苹果堵住,免得他在煞风景。 Then, silent, static waiting. 然后,沉默着,静静的等待。 Few days ago...... Mr. Isaac......” “前些日子……艾萨克先生……” Yuan Yuan is organizing the expression, somewhat knocks saying that stumbles, Mr. Isaac asked me...... to consider, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree......” 原缘组织着措辞,有些磕绊的说道,“艾萨克先生问过我……要不要考虑一下,天国谱系……” Huai Shi slightly startled. 槐诗微微愕然。 Is unexpected, but also is actually expected. 预料之外,但其实也在预料之中。 After all with the development of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, Yuan Yuan ability and function is evident day by day, such invitation also belongs naturally. 毕竟随着天国谱系的发展,原缘能力和作用日益凸显,这样的邀请也属于理所当然。 In fact, before Huai Shi had considered the related matter, because just the wars of various with delaying of various things, had not had a frank and sincere talk has said to her. 实际上,之前槐诗就已经考虑过相关的事情,只不过因为诸界之战和各种事情的耽搁,也一直没有开诚布公的对她讲过。 Now, the vice-president initiates the invitation on behalf of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree to her, stems from her approval and cultivation. 如今,副校长代表天国谱系对她发起邀请,也是出于对她的认同和栽培。 Although the change of Road of Sublimation troubles, but regarding pedigree, is not difficult. Moreover, wants to achieve not to have the side effect, the method and secret instrument does not know that has many. 升华之路的更替虽然麻烦,但对于一个谱系来说,并不困难。而且,想要做到没有副作用,方法和秘仪也不知道有多少。 If accepts, then natural can the inclined huge resources conduct key training. Even the Yuan Yuan rejection, will not have anything desolate or is the repel. 倘若接受的话,那么自然可以倾斜大量资源进行重点培养。即便是原缘拒绝,也不会有什么冷落或者是排斥。 Even past Utopia, the interior still had other massive pedigree Sublimator to exist. 即便是昔日的理想国,内部也是有大量其他谱系升华者存在的。 Only looks at her own decision. 只看她自己的决定。 But if by long-term idea- if in the Huai Shi lifetime can succeed to revive Utopia, then Yuan Yuan this generation, may as Kingdom of Heaven pedigree member, contends round President again. 但如果以长远计-倘若槐诗有生之年内能够成功复兴理想国的话,那么原缘这一代,就有可能以天国谱系成员的身份,再度角逐一轮会长 When the time comes, can bring back from the hand of governance bureau the authority of control also perhaps. 到时候,能够将主宰的权威从统辖局的手中取回也说不定。 This wave, was Huai Shi is regarded as the Utopia successor incessantly, Yuan Yuan had also been integrated into Huai Shi the category of successor gradually. 这一波啊,不止是槐诗被视作了理想国的继承人,就连原缘也已经渐渐被纳入槐诗的继承者的范畴内了。 In the future may the time. 未来可期啊。 But, the change of Road of Sublimation is an important matter, the change words, are not necessarily have the effect rashly.” “只不过,升华之路的更替是一件大事,贸然改变的话,未必能有效果。” Huai Shi is knocking the table, pondering, is asking: Made the nature to test?” 槐诗敲着桌子,沉思着,问道:“做过相性测试了么?” Yesterday finally just came out.” “昨天结果刚刚出来。” Yuan Yuan puts out a report from the package, „the road and dusk road of god marrow, agree with very much.” 原缘从包里拿出一份报告,“神髓之路和黄昏之路,都很契合。” Huai Shi opened the content of report, the eye socket jumped immediately two. 槐诗翻开报告的内容,眼眶顿时跳了两下。 Is this not only the conjunction? Simply is the conjunction! 这岂止是契合?简直就是契合! The road of god marrow 94%, the road of dusk 96%. Eternal road 70%, Heaven Seeking Path 62%. 神髓之路百分之九十四,黄昏之路百分之九十六。永恒之路百分之七十,天问之路百分之六十二。 What is lowest is the road of mystery, only has 30%. 最低的是奥秘之路,只有百分之三十。 It is not passable is excellent. 不是小好是大好。 Drops greatly. 是大大滴好。 Especially the god marrow and dusk, simply is for this reason fresh. 尤其是神髓和黄昏,简直是为此而生的了。
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