AF :: Volume #14

#1305: Arrangement and list

The interpellation can finish the later second day, Huai Shi realized that- anything is called to curse at people are crisp for a while, has cursed at people frankly one...... 质询会结束之后的第二天,槐诗就体会到了-什么叫做骂人一时爽,一直骂人一直爽…… On the same day that the interpellation can finish, according to the interpellation that the flow entire journey photographs can record, when filing-up preservation, on strange published transcriptions outside several record, starts to spread in the governance bureau at the rocket general speed in secret. 在质询会结束的当天,按照流程全程拍摄下来的质询会记录在归档保存的时候,就离奇的多出了好几个记录之外的副本,私下里开始以火箭一般的速度在统辖局内部流传。 The natural earliest possible time arrived at the mailbox of each pedigree and department and in organization, flashed did not know many eyes blindly. 紧接着,理所当然的第一时间就来到了各个谱系和部门、组织的邮箱里,闪瞎了不知道多少双眼睛。 Again then, starts to have the fine binding boards and editing version, the illustration version wait/etc rapid proliferation of many different editions on the video site. 再然后,开始有精简版、剪辑版、解说版等等诸多不同的版本在视频网站上飞速扩散。 Just like the critique conference of past Utopia interpellation governance bureau does not know that makes many not experience the young people of that phase of history to broaden the outlook, says the stimulation. 宛如昔日理想国质询统辖局的批判会议不知让多少没有经历过那一段历史的年轻人大开眼界,直呼刺激。 After transmitting Tanba, did not know in frontier territory triggered the resonances, complaints and the appeal many beast characteristics. 传递回了丹波之后,不知道在边境之间引发了多少兽化特征者的共鸣、控诉和呼吁。 But what is odd, Mr. Antonio also following fire a wave. 而离谱的是,安东尼奥先生也跟着大火了一波。 His frigid death shape, the changeable facial expression and melodious words, in the coordination the lie detector is full of the rhythm the drop drop sound quickly to become the nova in ghost livestock area. 他惨烈的死状、变化多端的神情、抑扬顿挫的话语,配合上测谎仪充满节奏的滴滴声响很快成为了鬼畜区的新星。 Short in a day, Huai Shi had been thrown into above the keenest struggle, greets the baptism of media and current capacity, deeply is digging up each unknown experience. 短短一天之间,槐诗就已经被抛到风口浪尖之上,迎接媒体和流量的洗礼,深扒着每一段不为人知的经历。 Suffers without tomorrow's news of flash news almost to smile grins with ear to ear, got online the reviews of all rights reserveds and evaluations as well as various dependent events with great speed. 苦于没有大新闻的明日新闻几乎笑得合不拢嘴,火速上线了专版和评析以及各种相关事件的回顾。 Is " Kingdom of Heaven pedigree interpellation governance bureau, ideal falling from the sky is realistic loss? » 天国谱系质询统辖局,是理想的陨落还是现实的沦丧?》 Finally, after has the hand eye exceedingly high big shot unified various information and hearsay, at the same night the book 100,000 character long articles, more and more liked looking that the good brothers of pleasure first to share the friend circle to add a to praise. 最后,更是有手眼通天的大佬结合了各种情报和传闻之后,连夜书就了十万字长文,越来越喜欢看乐子的好兄弟第一时间就分享了朋友圈加点赞。 The circle delivers Huai Shi. 圈送槐诗 «Adjusts Attorney Back Women»- counted one by one Huai Shi and Eastern Xia Satomi Kohaku and love between American of pedigree noble blood big priest Lizzie Ye Xueya and Yingzhou hates the rival in love. 《调律师背后的女人们》-历数了槐诗东夏叶雪涯、瀛洲的里见琥珀和美洲谱系贵血大祭司丽兹之间的爱恨情仇。 The authors just like witnessing the general, lifelike description socialized among the present age sentiment Saints in many adorers, a world dregs male who jumps in the scene of carnage repeatedly horizontally.. 作者宛如亲眼目睹一般,栩栩如生的描写出了一个周旋在众多爱慕者之间的当代情圣,一个在修罗场中反复横跳的人间渣男。。 The immediate consequence caused to start for 24 hours high-intensity to click on the Huai Shi head picture by the character who in the preceding text presented that expressed the question and confusing in innermost feelings with 100,000 question marks. 直接后果就是导致了以上文中出现的人物开始二十四小时高强度点击槐诗的头像,用十万个问号抒发内心中的疑问和迷惑。 Is the little brother, what you doing? 小老弟,你在搞什么? Never convenient student Anna take the newspaper to run up to the Huai Shi front, is patting his shoulder, sighed: The teacher you are really flamboyant. 就连从来不省事儿的学生安娜都拿着报纸跑到槐诗的面前来,拍着他的肩膀,感叹:哇,老师你真是牛逼。 Regarding this, Huai Shi can only smile looks that after Yuan Yuan the newspaper takes away the confiscation, again drags to give the scene that she work super doubles. 对此,槐诗只能微笑的看着原缘将报纸拿走没收之后,再拖出去给她作业超级加倍的场面了。 Although troubles much, but makes groundless accusations at all the far-fetched scandal after these as well as does not know pinched the network black moles of many lemons, becomes the feeling of public figure is crisp. 虽然麻烦不少,但抛开这些捕风捉影根本一点都不靠谱的绯闻以及不知道掐了多少柠檬的网络黑子们之后,成为公众人物的感觉还是蛮爽的。 Only can say, before the person, manifests a presence, returns home with riches and honors and breaks through, Dragon King return and school flower bodyguard and empress to read the heart and list exposure and so on classical bridge sections is really the happy event of life, cannot do without tasting. 只能说,人前显圣、衣锦还乡、临阵突破、龙王归来、校花保镖、女帝读心、榜单曝光等等经典桥段实在是人生之乐事,不可不品尝。 Naturally, turns over to crisply crisply, after ending crisply, must face the consequence. 当然,爽归爽,爽完之后还要面对后果的。 Must pay for own behavior. 总要为自己的行为买单。 At interpellation meeting regarding the indictment and denouncing severely of governance bureau, no doubt cuts off the fellow who in the decision room these harbored ulterior motives to interfere with own possibility taking the opportunity. 在质询会上对于统辖局的指控和痛斥,固然断绝了决策室里那些别有用心的家伙借着机会来干涉自己的可能。 Meanwhile, is clear the two sides boundary thorough divisions. 但同时,也将两边的界限彻底划分清晰。 Does not let trouble the neighbor to come to direct chatty, be not thinking the opposite party can help big busy. 不让麻烦邻居过来唧唧歪歪指指点点,也别想着对方能够帮多大的忙。 Since your Huai Shi does not engage in the political with our group of insects together the appearance, your oneself play. 既然你槐诗自己一副不跟我们这帮虫豸一起搞政治的样子,那你就自己玩吧。 ...... Although Huai Shi simply had not had the big expectation and that's the end. ……虽然原本槐诗就根本没对此抱有多大期望就是了。 From the beginning, besides the reputation, original sin Legion that the fund, equipment, supply and logistics do not have from the start has been able to show mercy on hopeless the governance bureau. 从一开始,除了名头之外,资金、装备、供应、后勤压根就不存在的原罪军团就没指望过统辖局能够大发慈悲。 Did the possibility that a friend trades, perhaps but can only solve now. 原本还有搞点朋友交易的可能,但现在恐怕只能自己解决了。 This is but actually good, Current Territories who has not known, Huai Shi most excels is spatial glove white wolf. 这倒还好,现境谁还不知道,槐诗最擅长的就是空手套白狼呢。 In the Tanba period, while handling the Ivory Tower Current Territories campus, hits out in all directions, chased Tanba Group such colossus white/in vain. 早在丹波时期,就在搞定象牙之塔现境校区的同时,四面出击,白嫖出了丹波集团这样的庞然大物。 Nothing is white Piao does not handle, white Piao does not handle time many visits prostitute white/in vain several times. 没有什么是白嫖搞不定的,一次白嫖搞不定就多白嫖几次。 Solicits money, is not shabby. 化缘嘛,不寒碜。 The left is Eastern Xia, right is the Americas, under the buttocks is academic clique group Ivory Tower, backs on Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, concurs the Russian Union chalice knight long title of...... the similar relational fundamental number to be innumerable, wants to haunch a rack, isn't that simple? 左边是东夏、右边是美洲,屁股下面就是学阀集团・象牙之塔,背靠天国谱系,身兼俄联圣杯骑士长的头衔……类似的关系根本数都数不清,想要撑起一个架子,那还不简单? Makes him badly battered truly, instead is the member choice of original sin group. 真正让他焦头烂额的,反而是原罪集团的成员挑选。 When he and met with all troublesome interviews throws off the rejection completely, closes in own office, looks at the present blank slate, starts to scratch the head. 等他将所有麻烦的采访和会面全部甩掉拒绝,关在自己的办公室里,看着眼前的白板,就开始挠头。 Has elects, the range that may choose are too really many. 不是没得选,是可选的范围实在太多。 Embroidery eye. 挑花了眼睛。 After all reorganizes original sin Legion, such big matter Huai Shi does not have to plan one handle, first reaches out the asking for money important person to support the old tortoise. 毕竟是重组原罪军团,这么大的事情槐诗没打算自己一个人搞定,第一时间向老王八伸手要钱要人要支援。 You said that does not give. 你就说给不给吧。 Russell this time rare has not made the monster, although anything has not given, but, actually put out a hand to refer to Ivory Tower. 罗素这一次罕见的也没有作妖,虽然什么都没有给,不过,却伸手指了指象牙之塔 Personnel, technologies, equipment and secret instrument...... 人员、技术、装备秘仪…… Wants anything to take, oneself select. 想要什么自己拿,自己挑。 In this you, as long as can say, can handle, all takes away. 这里面你但凡能说得动,搞得定的,全都拿走。 I do not have the opinion. 我没意见。 If you can pull out to carry off on the vehicle Dragon Calling Flute, I also calculate that you have the ability. 你要是能把唤龙笛拔出来架在车上带走,我也算你有能耐。 Although eats, although with. 尽管吃,尽管拿。 The unprecedented generous treatment makes Huai Shi feel that the long poor sudden wealth is ordinary, unexpectedly some are unable to start- how many Italian artillery wants to have how many, where have oneself fought such wealthy war? 前所未有的慷慨待遇让槐诗感觉久贫暴富一般,竟然有些无从下手-意大利炮要多少有多少,自己哪里打过这么富裕的仗? Therefore, Huai Shi first turns toward the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who the old acquaintances stretch out the evil. 于是,槐诗第一时间就向着老熟人们伸出罪恶的黑手。 Truck senior driver Raymond wants not to need to think radically, is doomed inherited many generation of tool as Ivory Tower, he comes Current Territories time is prepared early. 卡车老司机雷蒙德根本想都不用想,作为象牙之塔注定祖传很多代的工具人,他来现境的时候就早有准备。 Existence of Taiyang (Sun) ship large-scale arming movement base is like this important regarding Legion, is not naturally no need to say. 太阳船这样的大型武装移动基地的存在对于一个军团有多么重要,自然不必多说。 After returning to Ivory Tower, equipment of Taiyang (Sun) ship also already thoroughly the renewal, the big change, in various arming of technological patent and under taboo secret instrument, has promoted to withstand/top with the edition. In addition, but also provided the sublimation knights of other four eternal roads, assisting Raymond to conduct the control and driving to the Taiyang (Sun) ship. 回归象牙之塔之后,太阳船的装备也已经彻底更新换代,鸟枪换炮了,在各种技术专利和禁忌秘仪的武装之下,已经升级到了顶配版本。除此之外,还配备了其他四名永恒之路的升华骑士,辅助雷蒙德对太阳船进行操控和驾驶。 Very good, original sin Legion and the operational mobile part handled together. 很好,原罪军团的本部和作战机动的部分一块搞定了。 Huai Shi must reach one's goal instantly, stretches out small hand to trace also in the day prison fortress that in the Hell campus transforms what...... regrets, day prison fortress at present finally important Sacred Mark fusion stage. 原本槐诗还要一步到位,伸出小手儿去摸一摸还在地狱校区里改造的天狱堡垒的……遗憾的是,天狱堡垒目前正在最后至关重要的圣痕融合阶段。 Who dares to bump randomly, big grandmaster can beat to him. 谁敢乱碰,大宗师头都能给他打烂。 After taking a drug, Mikhail who turns into the hot tempered brother whom catches to spurt anyone now, even Russell can only around walking, Huai Shi does not dare to come up to touch the mildew head. 吃了药之后变成暴躁老哥的米哈伊尔现在逮谁喷谁,连罗素都只能绕着走,槐诗也不敢上去触霉头。 Only can regret to give up. 只能遗憾作罢。 But then, what the second consideration is Anton Professor. 而接下来,第二个考虑的是安东教授 But quick, he ruled out from the list Anton Professor. 但很快,他就将安东教授从名单上划去了。 Since previous thorough Hell, old Professor has recuperated the present, the body has been poor. Even how Wu De is abundant, the scholar and Sublimator physique disparity places here, does not depend on the will to be able cross-domain to make up. 自从上一次深入地狱之后,老教授就一直休养到了现在,身体一直都不怎么好。即便再怎么武德充沛,学者和升华者的体质差距放在这里,不是靠着意志能够跨域弥补的。 Even if Huai Shi wants the opens the mouth clearly, Anton Professor will definitely not reject, but where does he come such big face? 哪怕槐诗明白只要自己张口,安东教授肯定不会拒绝,但他哪儿来这么大的脸? As for Chief Engineer Forster, is very regrettable, is not good. 至于机轮长福斯特,很遗憾,也不行。 Now on Iron Crystal Seat working overtime has added insanely, was responsible for debugging Chief Engineer of various types of large-scale equipment to be soon busy at to spitting blood now, had no way to count on. 现在铁晶座上加班已经加疯了,负责调试各种大型设备的机轮长现在自己就已经快要忙到吐血了,没法指望。 Then, is excels at the senior shepherd of destruction primitive incantation technique, Alchemist Gregory. 接下来的,就是擅长破坏型原始咒术的老牧羊人,炼金术师格里高利。 This most said that in the wilderness grazed sheep so many years, he himself has soon idled insanely, had this type lively and pleasure, his where will also reject? 这个最好说,荒野里放羊这么多年,他自己都已经快要闲疯了,有这种热闹和乐子,他哪里还会拒绝? Had from the fission recycle shackles suppress that damn the physique, is insufficient to do the too big calamity, but the Taiyang (Sun) ship also half is the Alchemy product, originally is he participates in the design and makes, the arranged words, will not cause properly troublesome. 有了自分裂循环再生镣铐压制那见鬼的体质,不至于搞出太大的乱子,而太阳船还有一半是炼金术产物,本来就是他参与设计和制造的,妥善安排的话,不会弄出麻烦。 Then, Alchemist also handled. 那么,炼金术师也搞定了。 That side scholars, Creation Lord Sharma is still at ten thousand years of self-closing the condition, the commonplace safe/without matter does not go out, wants to contact can only through the network and message. 学者那边,创造主・夏尔玛依旧处于万年自闭的状态,等闲无事绝不出门,想要联络只能通过网络和留言。 Positively charged electron lady's such bionics and mechanics scholar bring to go also to Legion in only to use a talented person in an insignificant position. 阳子女士这样的仿生学和机械学学者带到军团里去也只能大材小用。 However the aspect these two of equipment supply and technical support absolutely do not have the issue, on scholar the words of as for ship, oneself can look for several in the related classroom. 不过装备供应和技术支援的方面这两位是绝对没有问题的,至于船上的学者的话,自己可以在相关的教室里找上几个。 Had the Taiyang (Sun) ship as the motion base and fort, has Gregory to be responsible for Alchemy, the scholar in school can be responsible for the service facilities. 有了太阳船作为移动基地和要塞,有格里高利负责炼金术,学校里的学者可以负责维护设备。 Technical has the patent pool that Ivory Tower is too deep to see the bottom, the words in equipment logistics, temporarily the capacity of Tanba industry and casting base is enough. 技术方面有象牙之塔深不见底的专利库,装备后勤方面的话,暂时丹波工业和铸造基地的产能就已经足够。 Now logistics does, as if only miss one to be auxiliary? 现在后勤方面,似乎只差一个辅助了? Huai Shi is pinching the chin, is lost in thought. 槐诗捏着下巴,陷入沉思。 After all is a bloody battle, the auxiliary words have not known that adds many casualties, but after the common assistance came , the help that can provide is not big. 毕竟接下来就是一场血战,没有辅助的话不知道平添多少伤亡,可寻常的辅助来了之后能提供的帮助也不大。 The treatment, control and condition in addition hold, moreover wants the wide scope ultra wide area that...... a short time, where do oneself touch such a flamboyant assistance? 治疗、控制、状态加持,而且还要大范围超广域的那种……一时半会儿的,自己去哪里摸个这么牛逼的辅助来? Wait, am I probably auxiliary? 等等,我好像就是个辅助? Huai Shi falls into the delay. 槐诗陷入呆滞。 The assistance unexpectedly is I. 辅助竟是我自己。 But amn't I the output? Where was I the important operational force...... make a mistake? 可我不是输出么?我是重要作战力量啊……是不是哪里搞错了? Huai Shi, fell into during the self-doubt. 槐诗,陷入了自我怀疑之中。 The work place locates to have the problem. 职场定位出现问题。 No matter what, auxiliary seems to have also handled. 但不管怎么样,辅助似乎也已经搞定了。 But after recruiting of blood floods was passed, the Liu Dongli locust plague wrapped also on the road. 而血水灾的征召被通过之后,柳东黎的蝗灾包裹也在路上了。 Had these two Miracle Seal, the demand of wide scope destructive weapon also obtained satisfaction temporarily. Even if neglects the firepower on Taiyang (Sun) ship, necessary time, oneself have the day of Que Hebian Prison main artillery. 有了这两件神迹刻印,大范围破坏性武器的需求也暂时得到了满足。哪怕是忽略掉太阳船上的火力,必要的时候,自己也还有天阙和边狱主炮。 Then, the next part, was operating personnel...... 那么,下一部分,就是作战人员方面了…… This is the place that most does not need to consider. 这是最不需要考虑的地方。 How oneself again are also Kingdom of Heaven pedigree Grand Controller of Fate, most does not lack is large group- grand total more than 2600 crow people, constitute the Legion main force sufficiently, even if places in the battlefield of war of various, was a not allow to neglect strength. 自己再怎么样也是个天国谱系大司命,最不缺的就是大群-总计两千六百余只鸦人,已经足以构成军团的主力,哪怕是放在诸界之战的战场上,也是一支不容忽视的力量了。 Do not raise also has Miracle Seal seeking Heaven In hand, besides oneself, but can also set aside two Yun Zhongjun's Sacred Mark to large group additionally, downward delaying, nine Grand Controller of Fate, 27 Young Controller of Fate, 91 Mountain Ghost and 273 Yin Ghost. 更不要提还有【神迹刻印天问】在手,除了自己之外,还能额外向大群划分出两道云中君的圣痕,向下延展,九个大司命、二十七个少司命、九十一个山鬼、二百七十三个阴魂 The whole staff equipment turn over to the assistance and oneself elementium arming of ruins...... 全员配备归墟的辅助和自己的源质武装…… The truth said, even without others coordinates and supports, he can definitely the individual farming. 实话说,就算没有其他人配合和支援,他都完全能自己单干。 In addition, as own large group member, snake person elders and superiors has completed has an audience Ruler the mission that eternal link, spread the gratifying news. 除此之外,作为自己大群的成员,蛇人尊长者已经完成了朝见统治者・永恒之环的使命,传来了喜人的消息。 After obtaining the approval of eternal link, under recruiting that snake person who over a thousand obtain ‚the non- dead title in elders and superiors, offered loyally to Huai Shi, fights for him. 在得到了永恒之环的准许之后,有上千名得到‘不死者’封号的蛇人在尊长者的招募之下,向槐诗献上了忠诚,为他而战。 After these minimum rebirth over over dozens time snake people have built up a body, can be called is cavalry Legion that in entire Abyss have several. Does not have the view of being defeated and dispersed and escaping, the morale value locks full chose/point. Historically, after the accompanying the armed forces the assistance of sacrificial offering and under secret instrument, after entering the bloodthirsty condition, the Ruler royal cart and personal guard dare direct hedge one wave . Moreover the number of times of winning are many. 这些起码已经重生过数十次以上的蛇人集结一体之后,称得上是整个深渊中有数的骑兵军团。不存在溃散和逃亡的说法,士气值锁定满点。在历史上,经过随军祭祀和秘仪的辅助之下,进入嗜血状态后,就连统治者的御驾和亲军都敢直接对冲一波,而且赢的次数还不少。 Has saying that is a unexpected happiness. 不得不说是个意外之喜。 Moreover, Russell also provided the support additionally, allocated a settlement from own large group- total 41 frost Giant squads. 而且,罗素还额外提供了赞助,从自己的大群里拨出了一个聚落-总数四十一名的霜巨人小队。 Kingdom of Heaven pedigree two most depend upon large group Road of Sublimation, what Heaven Seeking Path depends is at ten dozens of quantities, but path of leans dusk by one dozen of ten natures. 天国谱系两条最依靠大群升华之路,天问之路靠的是以十打一的量,而黄昏之路靠的就是以一打十的质。 Whole staff elite, provided entire gold metallurgy arming, the combat is adept, the experience is rich, does not need Huai Shi to worry. 全员精锐,配备了整套炼金武装,作战娴熟,经验丰富,根本不用槐诗操心。 The steel crow group and snake person cavalry and frost Giant squad, this is the future original sin Legion key battle strength. 钢铁鸦群、蛇人骑兵和霜巨人小队,这就是未来一段时间内原罪军团的主要作战力量。 After Huai Shi considered, eventually from Sublimator has not recruited. At the same time, the Abyss combat, definitely is large group comes conveniently. 经过槐诗考虑之后,终究是没有从升华者中进行招募。一方面,深渊作战,肯定是大群来得更加便捷。 On the other hand , without the time to farm the growth. 另一方面,没有时间去种田发育了。 Trains large group that Sublimator composes from the beginning, needs pedigree to incline most resource consumption dozens over over a hundred years, can complete the organization system. Do not say the equipment of arming with the elementium supply and so on issue......, moreover even so, main floor combat force, as before is with Hell large group in Road of Sublimation. 从头培养一支升华者所组成的大群,需要一个谱系倾斜大部分资源耗费几十上百年以上,才能完成建制。更不要说武装的配备和源质供应之类的问题……而且即便如此,主要的底层作战力量,也依旧是同升华之路里的地狱大群 For example skinning Saint health/guard and jaguar of warrior group Americas ; For example imperial guard and Marrs Legion of Rome ; Russian Union chalice knight and ark knight regiment ; Again for example Kua Fu that fellow Luneberg wei, uniform is Luneberg Giant...... even gruff rank grass, but others can the blending present Eastern Xia first goon and tool person, have the truth. 譬如美洲的剥皮圣卫、美洲虎武士团;譬如罗马的禁卫军和马尔斯军团;俄联的圣杯骑士、约柜骑士团;再譬如夸父那个家伙的的龙伯卫,清一色的同属龙伯巨人……即便是憨了点莽了点,但人家能够混成如今的东夏第一打手和工具人,不是没有道理的。 Russell can after Kingdom of Heaven falls from the sky, is going against the pressure, maintains to revolve as before so many large-scale projects today, blossoms and bears fruit Huai Shi here, could have been called works wholeheartedly. 罗素能在天国陨落之后,顶着压力,将这么多大型项目依旧维持运转到今天,在槐诗这里开花结果,就已经称得上呕心沥血了。 Why to envy others family/home to have the bicycle? 何必羡慕别人家有自行车呢? Kingdom of Heaven pedigree was called Abyss pedigree, has the truth, the ultra-high solidification patience and Hell the nature brought this, on the one hand congenital advantage. 天国谱系被称之为深渊谱系,又不是没有道理,超高的凝固耐性和地狱相性带来了这一方面的先天性优势。 If were not the Huai Shi experience were still shallow, Russell wished one could also to record the present in book 12 white Jiu and Dragon Calling Flute attached big dragon Legion stopper comes in altogether. 如果不是槐诗经验尚浅的话,罗素都恨不得把如今还记录在册的十二位白鸠和唤龙笛附属的巨龙军团都一股脑塞进来了。 Is good because of Huai Shi knows oneself have several jin (0.5 kg) several two, no inflates to the the more the better degree, otherwise cannot do well was tied down by care of one's family a wave flow...... 好在槐诗还是知道自己有几斤几两的,没有膨胀到多多益善的程度,否则搞不好就只有拖家带口一波流了…… Abyss trades the family/home, what can trade? 深渊换家,能换个啥? Air? 空气嘛? Isn't the foreign aid easy to look? 况且,外援还不好找么? necessary time, from the vice-president's Ms. Chen to Abyss campus, from Current Territories to Hell, but can also not swing the person? 必要的时候,从副校长到深渊校区的陈女士,从现境地狱,还能摇不到人? After consuming a afternoon, Huai Shi stroked a general idea the foundation constitution of original sin Legion finally, finally had the time to come to see the alternative list and request form that the school affairs place sent. 在耗费了一下午之后,槐诗总算是将原罪军团的基础构成捋了个大概,终于有时间来看校务处送来的备选名单和申请表了。 Then, sees the first name...... 然后,才看到第一个名字…… Anna?” “安娜?” Huai Shi knits the brows, subconscious wants to cross out own student, may see the following candidate...... 槐诗皱眉,下意识的想要划掉自己的学生,可看到了后面的推荐人…… Black god. 黑神。 This was a little odd. 这就有点离谱了。 Mr. Vitale, in?” “维塔利先生,在么?” Huai Shi raised the head, shouted toward behind glass, agitated an own killing intent and evil thought that in the quick, fuzzy inverted image, an outline of old black robe man appears baseless. 槐诗抬头,向着身后的玻璃喊了一声,鼓动了一下自己的杀意和恶念,很快,模糊的倒影里,一个苍老的黑袍男子的轮廓凭空浮现。 Has not waited for the Huai Shi opens the mouth, asked directly: Anna's matter?” 没有等槐诗开口,直接问道:“安娜的事情?” Right.” “没错。” Huai Shi nods, takes up the application slip: „Do you determine? That is the wars of various, is Mr. Vitale, so why risky?” 槐诗颔首,拿起申请单:“你确定么?那可是诸界之战,维塔利先生,何必这么冒险?” Otherwise?” Vitale asked back: „Doesn't she have this qualifications?” “不然呢?”维塔利反问:“难道她没这个资格?” „......” “……” Huai Shi starts to speak but hesitates, finally can only , helpless sighed: She is a student, has no need to worry? Time this we go, but the frontal battlefield, the strength insufficient words, are unable to defend oneself, and......” 槐诗欲言又止,最终只能无奈一叹:“她还是学生呢,用不着太着急吧?况且,这一次我们去的可是正面战场,实力不够的话,自身难保,而且……” Who is not goes, Huai Shi?” “谁不是去呢,槐诗?” Vitale laughs at one, interrupted his words, asked back: She does not have ability, without duty? Said, similarly is on the battlefield, you that crystal lattice squad that recruits from the Americas is more entitled than her? Has ability?” 维塔利嗤笑一声,打断了他的话,反问:“她难道没有能力,没有义务么?还是说,同样都是上战场,你从美洲征募过来的那一支晶格小队就比她更有资格?更具备能力?” „......” “……” Huai Shi startled, had nothing to say in reply for a while. 槐诗一时愕然,无言以对。 She is not a child, Huai Shi, even if she is your student, may still be only the student. You are not parents, even, is impossible to protect them for a lifetime. “她已经不是小孩子了,槐诗,即便她是你的学生,可也只是学生而已。你不是父母,即便是,也不可能保护他们一辈子。 She is inheritance of road of change, wants step Koschei, does not evade the battlefield, does not evade such fate. ” 她是变化之路的传承者,想要进阶寇斯切,就躲不过战场,也躲不过这样的命运。” Vitale said, this is her own decision.” 维塔利说,“这是她自己的决定。” „But why she does not look......” “可她为什么不找……” The Huai Shi words have not said, then awkward stopping suddenly. 槐诗的话还没说完,便尴尬的戛然而止。 Why doesn't look for itself? 为什么不找自己? Because she knows, perhaps she will not agree absolutely...... 因为她知道,自己恐怕绝对不会同意…… Vitale looks at him, this was the issue, not?” 维塔利看着他,“这就是问题所在了,不是么?” Makes me consider, Mr. Vitale.” “让我考虑一下吧,维塔利先生。” Huai Shi is sighing, the request form will place side, I think again.” 槐诗叹息着,将申请表放在了旁边,“我再想想。” Huai Shi, you are original sin Legion Legion are long, your decision, I will not oppose.” 槐诗,你是原罪军团军团长,你的决定,我不会反对。” Before departure, the black god reminded finally: But, always do not place in others the cradle, thinks, the person who on does who is.” 在离去之前,黑神最后提醒:“但是,别把其他人总是放在摇篮里,想一想,上一个这么干的人是谁。” Illusory image dissipation. 幻影消散。 „......” “……” Silent , the Huai Shi delay, is actually reappearing at present an old face with deep veneration, that pair seems lingering eternal the eye pupil of thunder and electric light. 寂静里,槐诗呆滞着,眼前竟然浮现出一张苍老肃然的面孔,那一双仿佛永恒萦绕着雷霆和电光的眼眸。 On fragrant continent. 应芳洲。 Lies down on the chair, then forced smile cannot help but. 躺在椅子上,便不由自主的苦笑一声。 This is nothing? 这算什么? New and old between inheritance? A weird historical cycle? 新老之间的传承么?一种邪门的历史循环? Aren't oneself so excessive? 自己也没这么过分吧? But how is not willing through that application, he actually to acknowledge this point even again- oneself as teacher, perhaps, already manages gradually too widely. 可即便再怎么不愿意通过那一张申请,他却不得不承认这一点-自己作为老师,或许,已经渐渐的管得太宽。 From the asylum, turns into the fetter. 从庇护,变成束缚。 This middle distance, only misses one step. 这中间的距离,也只差一步而已。 Should oneself really receive the protection desire of inflation? 难道自己真的应该收一收过于膨胀的保护欲了? He lowers the head, is looking at carefully Anna's facial expression, is pinching the chin, pondering. 他低头,端详着安娜的神情,捏着下巴,沉思着。 For a long time, silent sighing. 许久,无声的叹了口气。 Took up the cell phone. 拿起了手机。 After hesitant over and over, dialed the Yuan Yuan telephone. 犹豫再三之后,还是拨通了原缘的电话。 Small reason? Now has free time?” Huai Shi said: You called slightly 19, came my office.” “小缘?现在有空么?”槐诗说:“你叫上小十九,来我办公室一趟。” No, does not worry, is not the important matter, is only......” “不,不着急,并不是什么要紧的事情,只是……” He thinks, reads the present list, silent sighed lightly: Is only several issues wants to ask you.” 他想了一下,看着眼前的名单,无声轻叹:“只是有几个问题想要问你们而已。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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