AF :: Volume #14

#1303 Part 2: Investigation and result

Arrived finally, the Schwieger's about in beginning document, lifts the eye: Above, the observation report from overhead floor, finished.” 到最后,施威格合上了手中的文件,抬起眼睛:“以上,就是来自架空楼层的观测报告,完毕。” Silent. 寂静。 The deathly stillness, compared with dying must more lonesome. 死寂,比死还要更寂。 sound that even breathes soon cannot hear. 甚至连呼吸的声音都快要听不见。 On face that vacant compel ignorant, a doubtful eye winked one by one, was unreadable, actually to have anything. 只有一张张茫然懵逼的脸上,一双充满疑惑的眼睛眨了一下又一下,难以理解,究竟发生了什么。 100,000 question marks raise from the head of attending a meeting as a non-voting delegate. 只有十万个问号从列席者们的头上升起。 Antonio:??? 安东尼奥:??? Huai Shi:??? 槐诗:??? Attending a meeting as a non-voting delegate:??? 列席者们:??? Russell gawked, the tobacco pipe in hand slightly hovering, nearly forgets to restore vital energy to blow the fire. 就连罗素都愣了一下,手中的烟斗微微悬停,险些忘记补气吹火。 Everyone from the heart was having an issue. 每个人都在发自内心的产生了一个问题。 What happened? 发生甚么事了? Doesn't coagulate the possible report in view of Huai Shi? 不是针对槐诗凝固可能的调查报告么? Investigated this? 就调查了个这? Antonio stares the big eye, stubbornly stares at the present sender, the complexion has been becoming flushed, appears pale, pinches the palm of pen to get hold of the fist. 安东尼奥瞪大眼睛,死死的盯着眼前的报告者,面色已经涨红,浮现铁青,捏着断笔的手掌握紧成拳。 WDNMD! WDNMD! Schwieger, you play me! 施威格,你演我! If not the situation is not right, has soon jumped, fights with the fists to explode the dog head of this fellow! 如果不是场合不对,已经快要跳起来,一拳打爆这个家伙的狗头! „...... Only then, only then these?” “……就只有,就只有这些么?” He squeezes out sound from the gap between teeth, is having expectation by some chance, asked: Does not have other...... not......” 他从牙缝里挤出声音,抱着万一的期望,发问:“难道没有其他的……没有更加……” No.” “没有。” Schwieger replied decisively: I do not know that you are referring to anything, Mr. Antonio, the thing that but cannot check cannot check. At present we have no positive evidence said that Mr. Huai Shi is related with the solidification, not only, the indirect evidence does not have!” 施威格断然的回答:“我不知道你在指什么,安东尼奥先生,但查不到的东西就是查不到。目前我们没有任何直接证据表示槐诗先生同凝固相关,不只是如此,间接证据也没有!” Although flood good Chen, but this is the overhead floor findings. We not possible because of ficticious hearsay, but initiates the solidification indictment to a Current Territories hero rashly.” “尽管泛善可陈,但这就是架空楼层的调查结果。我们不可能因为子虚乌有的传闻,而贸然向一位现境英雄发起凝固指控。” In that attitude desolate man's placed on hand report Antonio's table, finally said to him: „ After today finished, will also stop regarding Mr. Huai Shi monitoring. 那个态度冷淡的男人将手中的报告放在了安东尼奥的桌子上,最后对他说:“今天结束之后,对于槐诗先生的监控也将到此为止。 Our work had ended. ” 我们的工作已经结束了。” Finally, looked at an indoor everyone, saying goodbye of his politeness: Then also has other matter to process, excuse my not attending.” 最后,看了一眼室内的所有人,他礼貌的道别:“接下来还有另外的事情要处理,恕不奉陪。” Then, turns around to depart. 就这样,转身离去。 Brushed past with Huai Shi, passed through the Ai Qing front. 槐诗擦肩而过,穿过了艾晴的面前。 Even, has not then looked at one again. 甚至,没有再回头看一眼。 The gate closed. 门关上了。 Leaves behind one piece again silent, 再度留下一片寂静、 In behind, these fuzzy projections look at each other in blank dismay, does not know this outcome what's the matter. 在后面,那些模糊的投影面面相觑,不知道这究竟是怎么回事儿。 Just what happened? 刚刚发生了什么事情? Probably, seems like, has the overhead floor head, to held Antonio several blades, then walked? 好像、似乎,有个架空楼层的负责人,冲进来捅了安东尼奥好几刀,然后走了? Is quite cruel! 哇,好残忍啊! Probably witnesses murder happening to be the same, how appreciates a political life span of person is to vanish in the instantaneous blood strip, was struck fatally. 就好像亲眼目睹凶杀案发的现场一样,欣赏一个人的政治寿命是如何在瞬间血条消失,被一击致命。 Real-time back thorn...... 还是实时背刺…… Too exciting! 太刺激了! From the beginning everyone also thinks that your Antonio and overhead floor achieved what friend to trade, the result has not thought, overhead floor came, overhead floor Antonio second, overhead floor walked. 一开始大家还以为你安东尼奥和架空楼层达成了什么朋友交易,结果没想到,架空楼层来了,架空楼层把安东尼奥秒了,架空楼层走了。 Leaves behind place chicken feathers and innumerable question marks, as well as a possibility including the unlucky ghost who in position with little authority of frontier territory development bureau cannot sit. 留下一地鸡毛、无数问号,以及一个可能连边境开发局的冷板凳上坐不了的倒霉鬼。 Also has a face Huai Shi that wrote all over compelled ignorant. 还有脸上写满了懵逼的槐诗 Suddenly, everyone as if understood anything, turn head, looked to Russell worthily is you, the old tortoise, this removed firewood from under the pot is really ruthless. 一时间,大家仿佛明白了什么,纷纷回头,看向了罗素不愧是你,老王八,这一手釜底抽薪实在是太狠。 Russell is smiling, is smoking the tobacco pipe, without speech. 罗素微笑着,抽着烟斗,没有说话。 Is grasping just like wisdom bead. 宛如智珠在握。 But cannot constrain 100,000 at heart continuously why...... 可心里也压抑不住十万个此起彼伏的为什么…… Simply speaking, completely clearly what happened, even suspected this is what following holds to kill the conspiracy. 简单来说,完全没明白发生什么事情,甚至怀疑这是不是什么后续的捧杀阴谋。 But this was also too odd, is insufficient? 但这也太离谱了,不至于吧? In this long to letting the person feels the suffering the silent end, only then does not know completely actually to have anything's Huai Shi, is pinching the chin, finally drew the conclusion: 在这漫长到让人感觉到煎熬的沉默尽头,只有完全不知道究竟发生了什么的槐诗,捏着下巴,终于做出了结论: In other words, after undergoing the analysis of investigation and monitoring, my condition is very probably normal, yes?” “也就是说,经过了调查和监控的分析之后,我的状态好像很正常,是吧?” Antonio's expression twitched, another, may under staring of that eye, have to answer eventually: eye, at present looks like, truly so......” 安东尼奥的表情抽搐了一下,又一下,可在那一双眼睛的凝视之下,终究不得不做出回答:“目、目前看来,确实如此……” Just, that hoarse sound, he himself has a scare. 只不过,那沙哑的声音,就连他自己都吓了一跳。 But the Huai Shi smile, even more teased: This showed, just these words, did not stem from the crazy act after solidification, but was the sincere idea that I was from the heart?” 槐诗的笑容,越发戏谑:“这就证明,刚刚的那些话,并非是出自凝固之后的疯狂行径,而是我发自内心的真挚想法咯?” If that is right.” “或许如此。” Antonio's corner of the eye is beating crazily, constraining to be fearing and flurried, warns: This does not mean that you can criticize here at will! Your each few words,......” 安东尼奥的眼角疯狂跳动着,压抑着恐惧和慌乱,警告道:“这不意味着你在这里可以随意指摘!要知道,你的每一句话,都将……” „Amn't I doing with your same things?” “我难道不是在做同你们一样的事情么?” Huai Shi enhanced sound, broke his sound, said, now you do want to tell I technique industry study the truth?” 槐诗提高了声音,打断了他的声音,“还是说,现在你们要告诉我‘术业有专攻’的道理了?” „......” “……” Antonio is silent, without speech. 安东尼奥沉默着,没有说话。 Since my pureness obtained the guarantee, my goal can publicize , about this interpellation, what issue you also has to ask that Mr. Antonio?” “既然我的清白得到了保证,我的目的得以公开,那么,关于这一场质询,你还有什么问题要问么,安东尼奥先生?” Huai Shi lowers the head, is appreciating his distressed appearance, the faint smile. 槐诗低头,欣赏着他狼狈的样子,似笑非笑。 But Antonio, is still silent. 而安东尼奥,依旧沉默。 It seems like did not have the issue.” “看来是没有问题了。” Huai Shi nods, finally asked: In other words, today regarding all my indictment is untenable?” 槐诗颔首,最后问道:“也就是说,今天对于我的所有指控都是不成立的咯?” Truly, so......” “确实,如此……” Antonio's lip difficult opening and closing, diligently is concealing own distress. 安东尼奥的嘴唇艰难的开阖,努力的掩饰着自己的狼狈。 Sets out, wants to announce that the conclusion of interpellation meeting, only felt has a dizzy spell with deep exhausted. What, finished quickly, sufficed, really enough...... 起身,想要宣布质询会的结束,只感觉一阵头晕目眩和深深的疲惫。不论是什么,赶快结束吧,够了,真的够了…… But he just set out, has not spoken with enough time, was actually pressed on the chair by Huai Shi. 可他刚刚起身,还没有来得及说话,却又被槐诗按回了椅子上。 Bang a dull thumping sound. 嘭的一声闷响。 He cannot move. 他动弹不得。 No rush.” “别急啊。” He heard Huai Shi sound, is so indifferent. 他听见了槐诗声音,如此冷漠。 You do not have the issue, I have.” “你们没有问题,我还有呢。” That palm like the pincers, is pressing him, did not allow that he departs. 那一只手掌如同铁钳,按着他,不容许他离去。 Then, enhanced sound. 然后,提高了声音 Can all assembled so many people not be easy, happen to the matter completes while this opportunity.” “能够聚齐这么多人也不容易,正好趁着这个机会吧事情做完。” Huai Shi lifts the eye, looks to the present participants, the austere sound asked: I am long as original dark Legion Legion, initiates the inquiry to ask that to everyone again my recruiting command, where having is inappropriate?” 槐诗抬起眼睛,看向眼前的参会者们,肃声发问:“我作为原暗军团军团长,向各位再度发起询问请问我的征召令,有哪里不合适么?” No one spoke, representatives who the projection of perturbation attended on the spot. 没有人说话,不论是扰动的投影还是现场列席的代表们。 Fell from the back like the blade edge general vision on Antonio's body, was urging he do not feign death, quickly ended this out of control the conference. 只有一道道如同刀锋一般的目光从背后落在了安东尼奥的身上,催促着他不要装死,赶快结束这一场失控的会议。 Antonio is scratching the cold sweat on forehead, the respite, this and this also need the meeting research......” 安东尼奥擦着额头上的冷汗,喘息,“这、这还需要开会研……” This matter should not before the interpellation meets completed?” Huai Shi enhanced sound again, laughs: „ Said your reason couldn't give?! “这种事情不是应该在质询会之前就已经做完的了么?”槐诗再度提高了声音,嗤笑:“还是说你连个原因都给不了?! You did not think that this is the dereliction and incompetent, Mr. Antonio! ” 难道你不觉得这是渎职和无能么,安东尼奥先生!” Antonio at present one black. 安东尼奥的眼前一黑。 The mother, why a present young people Wu De does not say! 妈的,为什么现在的年轻人一点武德都不讲! Actually is this interpellation or what Utopia trial special performance? 这究竟是质询会还是什么理想国的审判专场? But things have gotten to this point, has no other alternative, can only continue dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. 可事已至此,别无他法,只能继续死猪不怕开水烫。 Antonio's numb repetition: I have said that this also needs to meet......” 安东尼奥麻木的重复:“我说过了,这还需要开会……” Doesn't matter, you meet slowly.” “没关系,你们慢慢开会。” Huai Shi nods, as if accepts good advice readily general: I understood, must come according to the flow, normal normal, can understand, I also came to be good again one time.” 槐诗点头,仿佛从善如流一般:“我理解,总要按照流程来嘛,正常正常,能够理解,那我也重新再来一次好了。” Saying, he puts out a hand, takes up on the table that rejected request form, falls the original date with Antonio's breaking radical, then, wrote one. 说着,他伸手,拿起桌子上那一张被驳回的申请表,用安东尼奥的断笔划掉原本的日期,然后,重新写了一个。 Lost. 丢了回去。 In view of Green Day the recruiting application of blood floods. 针对绿日・血水灾的征召申请。 The light paper, made Antonio fine hair but actually vertical. 薄薄一张纸,却令安东尼奥汗毛倒竖。 Just like having the monster of being able to see, is opening the big mouth, is drooling fiercely, already, is unable to tolerate thirst and hunger. 宛如有看不见的怪物,对着自己张开血盆大口,狰狞垂涎着,已经,饥渴难耐。 Now, everyone went back to meet to deliberate.” “现在,各位回去可以开会研讨了。” Huai Shi will break the pen to throw on the table, superficial smiling, „, if everyone thought that the incorrect words, can hold interpellation meeting tomorrow here again a time, I await respectfully momentarily, am within call, certainly coordinates everyone's work.” 槐诗将断笔抛在桌子上,轻描淡写的笑了笑,“如果大家觉得还是不行的话,明天还可以在这里再开一次质询会,我随时恭候,随叫随到,一定配合大家的工作。” Will the interpellation such good matter, how possibly come occasionally one time? 质询会这么好的事情,怎么可能偶尔才来一次呢? Must manage year after year, every month manages, daily manages is right. 一定要年年办,月月办,天天办才对嘛。 As for the wars of various? 至于诸界之战? Goes to damn the wars of various! 去他妈的诸界之战! Is it what? 它算老几? „......” “……” Antonio delay, is looking to lose to front requisition, the respite, bumps the courage without bumped radically continually, almost cried quickly. 安东尼奥呆滞着,看着丢到面前的申请书,喘息,根本连碰都没有碰的勇气,几乎快哭出来了。 This where is the hot sweet potato? 这哪里是烫手的山芋? This was the new molten iron, will burn the person! 这是刚出炉的铁水,会烧死人的! If oneself also dare to be doomed to start the new round of storm the thing to take this, waits for own perhaps was not position with little authority and idle. 自己倘若还敢将这个注定会掀起新一轮风暴的东西拿回去,等待自己的恐怕就不是什么冷板凳和闲置了。 Is your boy directs here to come Utopia? 就是你小子把理想国引到这儿来的? Mr. Huai Shi, this, this......” 槐诗先生,这,这……” This? Does not manage according to the flow of governance bureau?” “这怎么了?不是按照统辖局的流程办的么?” Huai Shi is puzzled, is filling with the doubts, approached, „should you, not receive?” 槐诗不解,满怀着疑惑,凑近了,“你们该不会,不收吧?” Covers his face just like the dark shadow, gobbles up the reason, life and delight, brought the ice-cold death and despair. 宛如黑暗的阴影将他的面孔覆盖,吞吃理智、生命和欢欣,带来冰冷的死亡和绝望。 „......” “……” Antonio's expression twitches unceasingly, the heart jumps crazily, the blood pressure of dramatic rise achieves the good result again. 安东尼奥的表情不断抽搐,心脏狂跳,飙升的血压再创佳绩。 Fierce respite. 剧烈喘息。 In that flash, suddenly had some clear(ly) to become aware from his heart appears, immediately when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, held breath cold air, rushed to happy fainting. 在那一瞬间,忽然有某种明悟从他的心头浮现,顿时福至心灵,倒吸了一口凉气,奔向幸福的晕厥。 But when he falls into the shock suddenly, fainting time...... hears one that in the cell phone hears ding suddenly. 可正待他忽然之间陷入休克,背过气去的时候……忽然听见手机中传来叮的一声。 The screen shines. 屏幕亮起。 The reply notice from governance bureau central policy decision room issues. 来自统辖局中央决策室的批复通知下达。 Let him fall into the delay. 让他陷入呆滞。 Application passes. 【申请通过】。 The repeat offender blood floods of approval original sin Legion to oceanic trench prison initiates recruits, and can act in own discretion in the later related event and issue. 准许原罪军团对海沟监狱的重刑犯血水灾发起征召,并在以后相关的事件和问题之中可以便宜行事。 The final inscription place, presides the seal of bureau. 最后的落款处,是统辖局的印章。 And, signature from Yaeger. 以及,来自叶戈尔的签名。 For this matter, decided the final result. 为这一件事情,敲定了最后的结果。 This came from the personal reply of secretary-general. 这是来自秘书长的亲自批复。 ?” “唔?” The brow of Huai Shi shoulders, helpless shrugs, looks like this way of the world to have the sensible person, not?” 槐诗的眉头挑起,无奈耸肩,“看来这世道还是有明白人的,不是么?” Silent, unmanned response. 沉默里,无人回应。 But everyone actually cannot bear, looked to his face. 可所有人却都忍不住,看向了他的脸。 Such facial expression, has not had the happiness of slight liking and victory, but as if has some type...... the indescribable regret! 那样的神情,未曾有丝毫的欢喜和胜利的愉快,而是仿佛带着某种……难以言喻的遗憾! Cannot open while the opponent empty gate opposite party direct one set of even/including incurs kills thoroughly, cannot cast into the bog the ashes of enemy, before frustrating the bone raises the grey step to complete, the referee then issued the notice of victory and defeat unexpectedly. 没有能够趁着对手空门打开将对方直接一套连招彻底打死,没有能够将敌人的灰烬撒入泥塘,在挫骨扬灰的步骤完成之前,裁判居然便下达了胜负的通知。 Too pitifully. 太可惜了。 Since the governance bureau has made the resolution, branches out victory and defeat that also to make persistent efforts, nails to staple the shame column this fellow thoroughly? 既然统辖局已经做出了决断,分出胜负那自己还要不要再接再厉,把这个家伙彻底钉上耻辱柱呢? Huai Shi is pinching the chin, is staring at Antonio's face, the smile as before. 槐诗捏着下巴,凝视着安东尼奥的面孔,笑容依旧。 The look, as if the butcher in seeking for under the angle of blade is common. 只是眼神,仿佛屠夫在寻找着下刀的角度一般。 Frightening. 令人心惊肉跳。 Until finally, regret sighed one lightly, sincere urging: Must thank Mr. Yaeger, knew?” 直到最后,遗憾的轻叹了一声,语重心长的叮嘱:“要谢谢叶戈尔先生啊,知道了吗?” „......? Yes, yes.” “……啊?是,是的。” Antonio wipes away sweat, even is perplexed, but actually does not dare to refute, but is meeting rudeness with a smile, the unceasing nod accepted. 安东尼奥擦着汗,即便是不明所以,但却不敢反驳,只是陪着笑脸,不断的点头应承。 Ok, almost also arrived at the lunch time.” Huai Shi interest dull waving of: Announcing the interpellation can finish, Mr. Antonio.” “好了,差不多也到午饭的时候了。”槐诗兴趣索然的挥了挥手:“宣布质询会结束吧,安东尼奥先生。” Yes, yes.” “是,是的。” Antonio is overjoyed, even forgot acting with constraint, probably for fear that Huai Shi reneges on a promise to be the same, at unprecedented speed announced the end of interpellation meeting. 安东尼奥喜出望外,甚至忘记了矜持,好像生怕槐诗反悔一样,以前所未有的速度宣布了质询会的终结。 Had not detected quite the same as pitying vision that the back these people look like. 浑然没有察觉到背后那些人看来的怜悯目光。 His probably dog...... 他好像一条狗啊…… Even if detected perhaps he will not care. 就算察觉了他恐怕也不会在乎了。 Can make this interpellation awfully be able to finish, he has soon been moved to tears. 能够让这一场要命的质询会结束,他已经快要热泪盈眶了。 Really thanks heaven and earth, thank God, thanked Heaven, thanked Hell. May remember the innumerable troubles and issues that following must face, cannot bear start to hope that can the sudden stroke be hospitalized. 实在是谢天谢地,谢天谢地,感谢上苍,感谢地狱。可想起接下来自己要面对的无数麻烦和问题,又忍不住开始盼望能够突发脑溢血入院。 Changes in his facial expression sad happy, is unable to practice moderation heard Huai Shi final sound. 就在他的神情悲喜变化,无法自持的时候听见了槐诗最后的的声音 In entrance. 就在门口。 That turned head by the interpellant, resembles to think suddenly general, turn head asked: „, Right, since this interpellation can end, then some people because of this bored matter, won't call again me?” 那个被质询者回头,似是忽然想起来一般,回头问道:“啊,对了,既然这次质询会结束,接下来不会有人再因为这种无聊的事情,把我叫过来了吧?” Where words.” “哪里的话。” Antonio's reluctant extrusion smile, naturally cannot 安东尼奥勉强的挤出笑容,“自然不会” bi!!!! 哔!!!! The lie detector sharp alarm sound resounds, making the Antonio final smile disintegrate, collapses for the numb ruins. 测谎仪尖锐的警报声响起,让安东尼奥最后的笑容分崩离析,坍塌为麻木的废墟。 On the table, does not know when was placed oneself front instrument, shone the red light. 桌子上,不知道何时被放在自己面前的仪器,亮起了红灯。 Glittering. 闪烁着。 The color of lie, is so pronounced. 谎言的色彩,如此鲜明。 That, welcome everyone, next time will come again.” “那就,欢迎大家,下次再来。” Huai Shi looked at these faces finally, the politeness said goodbye. 槐诗最后看了一眼那些面孔,礼貌道别。 Turns around to depart. 转身离去。 In him behind, the shoved open gate closes up slowly, the seal, leaves behind in the great hall a silence. 在他身后,被推开的门缓缓合拢,封闭,留下大堂内一片寂静。 But in the rear, Russell also sets out to depart. 而就在最后面,罗素也起身离去。 However he is different. 不过他不一样。 His both hands are inserting the pocket, but also snort/hum song. 他的双手插着口袋,还哼着歌。 The mouth whistling sound is resounding. Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, Chapter 1302 investigates and result reads free. 口哨声响亮。为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1302章调查和结果免费阅读。
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