AF :: Volume #14

#1303 Part 1: Investigation and result

Low and deep sound as if flooded the hall, occupied the silent, angry residual sound each other dashed in the air every inchs, shook each eardrum. 低沉的声音仿佛充斥了大厅,占据了每一寸寂静,愤怒的余音在空气中彼此冲撞,撼动了每一张耳膜。 At this moment, Huai Shi stands in the front of interpellants, hangs the pupil to overlook their faces. 此刻,槐诗站在质询者们的面前,垂眸俯瞰着他们的面孔。 These loud and clear words still buzz in the ear, suddenly, makes one fall into during unexpectedly is absent-minded...... 那些掷地有声的话语还在耳边嗡嗡作响,一时间,竟然让人陷入恍惚之中…… Starts to suspect, actually to have what? 开始怀疑,究竟发生了什么? Actually today is here whose interpellation meeting? 今天这里究竟是谁的质询会? Governance bureau to Huai Shi? 统辖局对槐诗 Utopia to decision room? 还是理想国对决策室? Also, what is your mother's outcome doing? 还有,你妈的究竟在搞什么? These fuzzy forms are restraining oneself movement, is silent, as if each other is exchanging own view, but is hard to sneak a peek at the manner, some are in an uncontrollable rage. 那些模糊的身影克制着自己的动作,寂静里,仿佛彼此交换着自己的意见,但难以窥见神态,有的已经怒不可遏。 Also has, is lowering the head to wipe tears to be the same unexpectedly probably. 还有的,竟然好像在低头擦眼泪一般。 This familiar feeling and aura...... have this type to be stood in the tiny feeling on the moral high ground directing...... 这熟悉的感觉和气息……还有这种被人站在道德高地上指指点点的渺小感…… Came back. 回来了。 Came back. 都回来了啊。 But in any event, until now, all talents discovered, Huai Shi has not planned to coordinate their interpellations probably from the start, not only so, in his heart, even has not had to presiding the awe of bureau, does not care about the governance bureau then to own handling and decision. 但不论如何,直到现在,所有人才发现,槐诗好像压根就没打算配合他们的质询,不只是如此,他的心中,甚至从未曾有过对统辖局的敬畏,也根本不在乎统辖局接下来对自己的处置和决策。 You must interpellate, he arrived here...... 你们要质询,他就来到这里…… But when he sits when that chair, who soon the interpellated outcome will be again perhaps. 可当他坐在那一张椅子上时,即将受到质询的究竟是谁就再说不定了。 Even places under the spotlight, by the innumerable magnifying glass and polygraph instrument detection, he has not had any concealing as before. 即便是放在聚光灯之下,被无数放大镜和测谎仪器侦测,他依旧没有过任何的掩饰。 He does not need to conceal. 他不需要掩饰。 Or...... 或者说…… Before then, he has been concealing. 在这之前,他都一直在掩饰。 But today, does not need to waste the thoughts and present fellows finally again goes to empty and winding. 只不过今天,终于不用再浪费心思和眼前的这帮家伙去虚与委蛇。 Even, disdains with make any camouflage again. 甚至,不屑与再去做任何的伪装。 The scene has started to lose control. 场面已经开始失控。 In any event, cannot this way. 不论如何,都不能这样下去了。 In Antonio pinches to begin stubbornly the pen, looks at present by the interpellant, the austere sound was warned: Mr. Huai Shi, these impulsive and rash expressions the first time are not, does not want to be doubtable your sane degree, as well as whether...... crazy.” 安东尼奥死死的捏着手里的笔,看着眼前的被质询者,肃声警告:“槐诗先生,这些冲动且冒失的言辞已经不是第一次了,不要让人怀疑你的理智程度,以及是否过于……疯狂。” When am I sane?” “我什么时候理智过?” Asking of Huai Shi doubts, you felt, this is the first time that I was so crazy?” 槐诗疑惑的问,“还是你觉得,这是我第一次这么疯狂?” His both hands according to the table, bend the waist, look down the present man, told him sincerely: If you really know I am crazy time will make anything, you will not ask.” 他的双手按在桌子上,弯下腰,低头看着眼前的男人,诚恳的告诉他:“如果你真的知道我疯狂的时候会做什么,你就不会这么问了。” Is looked by that eye, Antonio's expression could not bear twitch two, wanted to draw back backward, but he cannot, the facial expression be still serious: 被那一双眼睛看着,安东尼奥的表情忍不住抽搐了两下,想要向后退,但是他不能,神情依旧严肃: I can understand that for this is the threat?” “我可以理解为这是威胁么?” Where words, you have not been the threat to me.” “哪里的话,对我来说你还算不上威胁。” Huai Shi shakes the head, genial smile: After all, hasn't your what matter been done? Why to threaten?” 槐诗摇头,和煦微笑:“毕竟,你什么事情都没做不是么?何必威胁?” His eye pupil lifts, looks to Antonio behind, these arrive at hence the projections, shakes the head slightly: In any case, you also never handle anything......” 他的眼瞳抬起,看向安东尼奥的身后,那些降临至此的投影们,微微摇头:“反正,你们也从来不做什么事情……” Always, likes being in the way “从来,都只是喜欢碍事而已” Sufficed!” “够了!” sound that the mallet raps resounded, interrupted his words. 木锤敲击的声音响起,打断了他的话。 Antonio enhanced sound, even if so dissolute is the result that wants to see, but is still in an uncontrollable rage, stubbornly is staring at present the dissolute young people, warning one word at a time: 安东尼奥提高了声音,即便是如此的放肆是自己最想要看到的结果,但依旧怒不可遏,死死的盯着眼前放肆的年轻人,一字一顿的警告: It seems like, your condition makes one somewhat worry.” “看来,你的状况着实让人有些担忧。” Condition? What condition do I have? Just like sees, my healthy awfully, soul , I understand that you are worried about anything......” “状况?我有什么状况?正如诸位所见,我身体健康的要命,灵魂,啊,我明白你们在担心什么了……” Huai Shi is suddenly enlighted, spreads out both hands: Truly, such that just like everyone knows, my soul solidification degree maximum time, achieved 61%, no, 72%, according to the inspection of Survival Institute, peak value maximum time, when has achieved 89...... to the present, even after the treatment, is also surviving the past pain as before, perhaps also has the sequela that what Survival Institute has not discovered.” 槐诗恍然大悟,摊开双手:“确实,正如各位所知的那样,我的灵魂凝固程度最高的时候,达到了百分之六十一,不,百分之七十二,根据存续院的检查,峰值最高的时候,达到过八十九……时至如今,即便是经过治疗,依旧还残存着往日的痛楚,说不定还有什么存续院也没发现的后遗症呢。” So, natural, acknowledges hidden danger that on oneself might have. 如此,大大方方的,承认了自己身上有可能存在的隐患。 Even untied the defense of day of Que Hegui ruins, will also be at the soul demonstration of weak condition, whatever searches the boundary scanning analysis innumerably, sympathized reminder: 甚至解开了天阙和归墟的防御,将还处于虚弱状态的灵魂展示而出,任由无数探境扫描分析,体贴的提醒道: You, if really thought that could not find what handle, can do with this makes an issue.” “你们如果实在觉得找不到什么把柄的话,可以拿这点来做一做文章。” He stopped, sound becomes ice-colder: But please do not forget, actually I will turn into this for anything.” 他停顿了一下,声音就变得越加冰冷:“但请别忘了,我究竟是为了什么才会变成这样的。” When that pair of eye pupil takes a fast look around again, is silent everyone not to look at his eye again. 当那一双眼瞳再度扫视的时候,寂静里所有人都没有再看他的眼睛。 Set up the meritorious service, to accept Current Territories to guard the war hero of medal repeatedly, after sacrificed oneself to destroy the Hell circulation of Rancher, several million soul Sublimator that recalled from Abyss, several times of thorough Hell, actually in the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree member who in Abyss battled...... because of what, but faced the risk of solidification? 一个屡立功勋、领受了现境守卫勋章的战争英雄,一个牺牲自己摧毁了牧场主地狱循环之后将数百万灵魂深渊中挽回的升华者,一个数次深入地狱,在深渊中作战的天国谱系成员……究竟又因何而面对凝固的风险? Is because he does like? 难道是因为他喜欢? Even the people here are well aware he is a talented cellist, Hell Music Association for the musician who it exclaims in surprise. 甚至在这里的人都心知肚明他本来是一个才华横溢的大提琴手,就连地狱音乐协会都为之惊叹的音乐家。 When the governance bureau, he refused not to know that many long-awaited being promoted and promotions, only in order to Vienna completed the music dream. 在统辖局的时候,他拒绝了不知道多少人梦寐以求的升职和提拔,只为了能够去维也纳完成音乐梦想。 These things basic have nothing to do in him! 这些事情根本于他无关! He really does not care about these things, even here, he can definitely strike one's chest to say oneself most repugnant becomes Sublimator, most regrets joined Astronomy Association...... 他真的不在乎这些东西,甚至在这里,他完全可以拍着胸脯说自己最讨厌的就是成为升华者,最后悔的就是加入了天文会…… Even some people will not think that he is putting on airs. 甚至不会有人觉得他是在装模作样。 But now, in the deathly stillness, Huai Shi looks all around for a week later, suddenly unfolds the face to smile: „ Everyone could rest assured that and my soul condition health completely, does not have the solidification risk. 而现在,在死寂之中,槐诗环顾一周之后,忽然展颜一笑:“各位放心,我的灵魂状态健康且完全,并不具备凝固风险。 Besides Survival Institute, the Current Territories magnificent light can be the evident proof. 除了存续院之外,现境的辉煌之光可以作为明证。 If everyone has not felt relieved, can throw to illuminate two me again, illuminates several good. 如果各位还不放心的话,可以再把我丢进去照两下,多照几下也行。 However, is best to pay attention to your expressions, I do not accept such indictment of making groundless accusations. ” 不过,最好注意你们的措辞,我不接受这样的捕风捉影的指控。” He put out a hand finally, patted Antonio's shoulder, said meaningfully: If you have no sickness, best not want.” 他最后伸手,拍了拍安东尼奥的肩膀,意味深长的说:“如果你们没什么病的话,最好也不要。” ! 啪! In Antonio's hands, that signature pen was pinched finally by the angry finger. 在安东尼奥的手里,那一根签字笔终于被愤怒的手指捏断了。 Does not know many years later, again realized such anger, making him almost unable to restrain, the whole body trembled. 时隔不知道多少年之后,再度体会到如此的愤怒,令他几乎克制不住的,浑身发抖。 Pays attention to your expression and status also to have the situation, Mr. Huai Shi!” Antonio squeezes out sound from the gap between teeth: Hopes that this is the last time warning, now, please return to your position!” “注意你的言辞、身份还有场合,槐诗先生!”安东尼奥从牙缝里挤出声音:“希望这是最后一次警告,现在,请回到你的位置去!” „?” “啊?” Huai Shi puzzled asking: „Do I as a Ivory Tower ordinary teacher, insufficiently coordinate work?” 槐诗不解的问:“我作为象牙之塔的一名普通教师,难道还不够配合各位的工作么?” Ordinary teacher? 普通教师? Antonio could not bear want to curse at people, you were ordinary your horse! 安东尼奥忍不住想要骂人了,你普通你马呢! You must be only teaching, who special idles is being all right manages you dry/does! 你要只是个教书的,谁特么闲着没事儿干理你啊! The calamity that yourself do, didn't oneself acknowledge? 你自己搞出来的乱子,自己不承认? You as......” “你作为……” When his subconscious wish rebuttal, blurted out the words, could not bear stop suddenly. Detected that oneself may fall into the expression the snare. 当他下意识的想要反驳,将话语脱口而出的时候,又忍不住戛然而止。察觉到自己有可能落入言辞的圈套。 Detects the Huai Shi ridicule the look. 察觉到槐诗嘲弄的眼神。 I as what? Mr. Antonio?” “我作为什么?安东尼奥先生?” Huai Shi cold sound asked: „Very laughable, is right? I am long as original sin Legion Legion, the hand grasps to recruit the power, can't normal speed own power, recruit a criminal unexpectedly? You thought where has the issue?” 槐诗冷声问:“很可笑,对不对?我作为原罪军团军团长,手握征募权,正常行驶自己的权力,竟然不能对一名犯人进行征召?你觉得是不是哪里有问题?” Antonio is repressing the anger, straightforward question: Why that puts the range that so many may choose, only recruits a Green Day felon?” 安东尼奥按捺着怒火,直截了当的发问:“那为何放着那么多可选的范围,只征召一个绿日重犯?” You think what we must go is where?” “你以为我们要去的是什么地方?” Huai Shi inquires: „ You think that the wars of various are each family? Does the casual which person ask one group of children to be able on the battlefield? original sin Legion is not a kindergarten, waste that does not need to hold back! 槐诗探问:“你以为诸界之战是过家家?随便哪个人找一群小朋友就能上战场?原罪军团不是幼儿园,不需要拖后腿的废物! Why do I want to choose the blood floods? 我为什么要选血水灾? Because useful, therefore I must use! ” 因为有用,所以我就要用!” He stopped, shot a look at to these forms on onlooking seat, „, since everyone thinks that I traded one, how recruited that general? 他停顿了一下,瞥向了旁观席位上的那些身影,“既然各位觉得不行的话,那我换一个,征召那位将军阁下如何? I suggested, making Mr. Arthur redeem oneself through good works in original sin Legion! 我建议,让亚瑟先生在原罪军团里戴罪立功! Applied for me to write, here, if everyone thought that the blood floods were inappropriate, might as well this bamboo slip! ” 申请我都写好了,就在这里,如果各位觉得血水灾不合适的话,不如就把这个签了吧!” So, he puts out a hand, flung another more troublesome recruiting command on the table, finally looked that to interpellated behind the seat, that representative from American pedigree: 如此,他伸手,将另一张更麻烦的征召令甩在了桌子上,最后看向了质询席位后面,那位来自美洲谱系的代表: How American does pedigree feel? Appropriate?” “美洲谱系觉得怎么样?合适吗?” „......” “……” Grass, this small tortoise...... 草,这小王八…… The representative face of American pedigree was green, the melon eats, how were oneself gotten into the water well? 美洲谱系的代表脸都绿了,瓜吃的好好的,自己怎么就被拖下水了? May think in American pedigree in secret and Kingdom of Heaven pedigree these friends relates, these friends who in the high level are trade, he puffed and blew after the half of the day, can only carry the polite talk: 可想到美洲谱系里私底下和天国谱系的那些朋友关系,还有高层里做的那些朋友交易,他吭哧了半天之后,只能端出套话: „, cough cough, although Douglas has been separated from American pedigree, but is the Current Territories potency is each citizen should responsibility completely. He wanting words, we naturally cannot have opinion, only looked that the governance bureau is willing to release people.” “呃,咳咳,虽然道格拉斯已经脱离了美洲谱系,但为现境效力是每个公民应尽的职责。他‘愿意’的话,我们自然不会‘有意见’,就只看统辖局愿不愿意放人了。” A polite talk, flung the governance bureau the pot. 一顿套话,把锅甩回了统辖局。 It is not I do not want, I am the approval, in the procedure/program is also willing to provide the help, but must obey the arrangement of decision room in the final analysis. 不是我不愿意嗷,我个人是赞同的,程序上呢也是愿意提供帮助的,但归根结底还是要服从决策室的安排嘛。 Releases people? 放人? The wizards will put away. 鬼才会放好么。 Puts Arthur to enter original sin Legion, this ratio leaves trouble for the future also oddly, this old thing holds either the huge basket, either was killed by Kingdom of Heaven pedigree directly...... . Moreover, does the governance bureau give up such convenient easy-to-use tool? 放亚瑟进原罪军团,这就比放虎归山还离谱,要么这老东西捅出天大的篓子来,要么被天国谱系直接弄死……况且,统辖局舍得这么方便好用的工具么? I believe, Mr. Arthurwill also certainly fight forfreedom.” “我相信,亚瑟先生也一定会为‘自由’而战。” Huai Shi does not seem to understand what is heard to be the same, continuously pulled out from the pocket recruited the command: „ In addition, I also planned that initiates to Lunar Surface Prison several repeat offenders recruits. 槐诗好像没听明白一样,连续不断的从口袋里掏出了征召令:“除此之外,我还打算对月面监狱的几位重刑犯发起征召。 And including the Eastern Xia pedigree food ominous ba snake and Creation Lord Conservation, Solidifier Fabbio Barlass, Alchemist Carros...... ” 其中包括东夏谱系的食凶者巴蛇、创造主【守恒】、凝固者法比奥・巴拉斯、炼金术师卡尔罗……” „......” “……” A piece silent, only then everyone's complexion is getting more and more green, saw that frightening name, only wants to curse at people suddenly. 一片沉默中,只有大家的脸色越来越绿,眼看着那一个个让人心惊肉跳的名字,一时间只想骂人。 The mother, you recruits the blood floods. 妈的,你还是征召血水灾吧。 Asked you! 求你了! Is the personality of Eastern Xia person is compromises incessantly, throughout people are similar, if you want to open a window others not to agree, why that didn't explode the roof directly? 不止是东夏人的性情是调和的,全境人都差不多,如果你想要开窗别人不同意的话,那为什么不直接把屋顶炸了呢? Really must according to this list, the felon who in Lunar Surface Prison over 1/3 will never release be possibly delivered from oppression. 真要按照这个名单来,月面监狱里超过三分之一永不释放的重犯可能都重见天日了。 You have a look at this group are what treasure material. 你看看这一帮都是什么宝材。 Not gnaws with Solidifier and Lord of the Great Swarm is playing to think that more eats a stronger result really more to eat the stronger mental illness, is the lunatic who wants to revise the Current Territories law direct vacillation miracle disaster conservation principle...... 不是拿凝固者大群之主啃着玩觉得越吃越强结果就真的越吃越强的神经病,就是想要修改现境定律直接动摇奇迹灾厄守恒法则的疯子…… Suddenly, does not know that many some vision of complaint have looked to Antonio. 一时间,不知道有多少埋怨的目光已经看向了安东尼奥。 You said that you well, provokes him to do? 你说你好好的,招惹他干嘛? Funny discussed that please stop!” “滑稽之谈请到此为止吧!” Antonio angrily roars, puts out a hand these in great disorder the recruiting commands to open out the table on, loses to. 安东尼奥怒吼,伸手将桌子上那些乱七八糟的征召令拨开,丢到一边去。 Cannot get down again. 不能再这么下去了。 This way, making him make do, perhaps the most governance bureau must be drawn in this morass, but oneself must conduct the back the incompetent label thoroughly, wastes time in position with little authority of frontier territory development bureau for a lifetime. 再这样下去,让他这么乱搞下去,恐怕大半个统辖局都要被拖进这个泥坑里了,而自己恐怕就要彻底背上无能的标签,一辈子在边境开发局的冷板凳上蹉跎。 I have received enough your arrogance, Mr. Huai Shi, I now your condition to the feel anxiety and question that was from the heart his cold sound said: I am indefinite, whether you have the qualifications to hold the post of your duty!” “我已经受够你的狂妄,槐诗先生,我现在对你的状况发自内心的感到忧虑和质疑”他冷声说:“我不确定,你是否还有资格担任自己的职务!” Regarding this, Huai Shi wind light cloud Dan, as if the approval is still ordinary, slight nod: „, Does not tell the truth, I who you said a little am indefinite.” 对此,槐诗依旧风轻云淡,仿佛赞同一般,微微点头:“唔,有一说一,你说的我也有点不确定了。” To let everyone further confirmed that soul condition of Mr. Huai Shi, then I must submit the survey data that just completed this morning on the spot. “为了让大家进一步确认槐诗先生的灵魂状况,接下来我要现场递交一份今天早上才刚刚完成的调查资料。 Concerned Mr. Huai Shi the observation of mental state until now. ” 有关槐诗先生一直以来的心智状态的观察报告。” In that flash of finishing speaking, in the interpellation seat, the Ai Qing complexion changed slightly, is on the rise, looked. 在话音刚落的那一瞬间,质询席位上,艾晴的脸色微微变化,抬起头,看了过来。 May push gate sound to resound. 可推门的声音响起。 So resounding. 如此响亮。 In corridor, puts on the middle-aged man of mechanical suit to take a step, the hand is grasping own report, at the process, nods toward Ai Qing expresses best wishes. 门外的走廊里,穿着刻板西装的中年男人迈步走进来,手握着自己的报告,在经过的时候,向着艾晴颔首致意。 Mr. Schwieger?” “施威格先生?” Ai Qing is pressing the ball pen in hand, said unemotionally: I remember, this is my work.” 艾晴按着手中的圆珠笔,面无表情的说:“我记得,这是我的工作。” „Very regrettable, is my.” “很遗憾,也是我的。” Is built on stilts head tranquil nodding the head of organization No. 3 office from the governance bureau, has not comprehended the chill in the air in that pair of eye pupil and austere cold. 来自统辖局架空机构三号办公室的负责人平静的颔首,并没有领会那一双眼瞳中的寒意和肃冷。 Fortunate meeting, Mr. Huai Shi.” “幸会,槐诗先生。” Nodding the head of Karlheinz Schwieger politeness. 卡尔海因茨・施威格礼貌的颔首。 Is so polite?” “这么礼貌么?” Huai Shi looks at carefully this to hide does not know how long prison secretly watches for oneself to look, suddenly smiles: Can shake hand?” 槐诗端详着这个藏身幕后不知道窥伺自己多久的监看者,忽然一笑:“要握手么?” No need.” “不必。” Schwieger shakes the head, fulfills the work.” 施威格摇头,“只是履行工作而已。” Saying, placed on the report in hand the table of appraisal. 说着,将手里的报告放在了评审者们的桌子上面。 Antonio cannot bear the smile that is from the heart, in looks to begin the thick achievement, suddenly raised the head, proposed: „ The scene glances through is really troublesome, whether to be able to conduct a brief report for everyone, Mr. Schwieger. 安东尼奥忍不住发自内心的微笑,看着手里厚厚的成果,忽然抬头,提议道:“现场翻阅实在是过于麻烦,能否请您为大家进行一次简短报告呢,施威格先生。 I believe, everyone anticipates certainly your work achievement very much. ” 我相信,大家一定很期待您的工作成果。” Short silent gap, both hands thoughts of Ai Qing, unemotional looks at past the silhouette of colleague, has not spoken. The fountain pen in hand silent is rotating. 短暂的寂静间隙,艾晴的双手抱怀,面无表情的看着昔日同僚的侧影,并没有说话。只是手中的钢笔无声转动着。 Above the slender five fingers, the joint turns white faintly. 修长的五指之上,骨节隐隐发白。 But Huai Shi, could not bear smile: I actually do not know, oneself unexpectedly also during the monitoring of governance bureau? Actually I committed what crime, what matter handled, reduces to this situation?” 槐诗,忍不住笑了:“我竟然都不知道,自己竟然还在统辖局的监控之中?请问我究竟犯了什么罪,做了什么事情,才沦落到这种地步?” Schwieger has not spoken. 施威格没有说话。 Antonio is smiling as before: „ Where words, are only the investigation of necessary, the body is not slanting for the shadow, why to be worried? 安东尼奥依旧微笑着:“哪里的话,只是必要的调查罢了,正所谓身正不为影子斜,何必担心呢? Mr. Schwieger, you can start. ” 施威格先生,你可以开始了。” Good.” “好的。” Schwieger took up the report on table, turned on the folder, sound did not have fluctuating, in the meantime, did not have the temperature: According to our investigations, in the past year, makes the analysis from the monitoring goal Huai Shi trend and historical record......” 施威格拿起了桌子上的报告,打开了文件夹,声音毫无起伏,同时,也毫无温度:“根据我们的调查,近一年以来,从监控目标槐诗的动向和历史记录中做出分析……” It is well known, as action agent, Mr. Huai Shi the conduct is outstanding, hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies, since the Star Group event, has set up the meritorious service repeatedly, in fact has displayed before the Star Group event.” “众所周知,作为行动干员,槐诗先生品行优秀,嫉恶如仇,自从群星号事件以来,屡立功勋,实际上在群星号事件之前就已经有所表现。” This report holds the post of starting from the Xinhai practice supervision officer period from Huai Shi, investigates...... “本报告从槐诗担任新海实习监察官时期开始,进行调查…… Freely, the long-time capable attitudes and massive unquestionable achievements and merits are known, but during the reports conflicts, and questionable point in event, we conducted...... ” 尽管,长期以来的干练作风和大量不容置疑的成果和功绩已经为人所知,但根据报告之间相互冲突,以及事件中的疑点,我们进行了……” During report that lengthy continues tired, many to the approval and praise of Huai Shi, is liberal with the words regarding the narration of merit certainly. 长篇累续的报告之中,不乏对槐诗的认可和赞美,对于功绩的叙述也绝不吝笔墨。 But seems like all hypocritical praise endings, will have one ‚, but same...... 但就好像所有假惺惺的夸奖结尾,都会有一个‘但是’一样…… Front handful of higher , behind falls is heavier. 前面捧的越高,后面就摔的越重。 In can transfer the governance bureau to have in information resources the investigation of overhead floor, no one is can hide what secret, will be doomed no one to be perfect. 在能够调动统辖局所有情报资源的架空楼层的调查里,没有人是能够隐藏住什么秘密的,也注定没有人会完美无缺。 All praises and all commending, for finally that ‚, but but upholstery. 所有的赞美和所有的褒扬,都是为了最后那个‘但是’而铺垫。 Just like laying on top of one another mountain, then pushes down to be the same from the mountain Huai Shi. 宛如垒砌高山,然后将槐诗从山上推下一样。 Report all affairs big or small elaborated Huai Shi in detail since has held the post of Astronomy Association Post each work and matter, and patient full from found many questionable points and contradictions. 事无巨细的报告详细论述了槐诗自从担任天文会职位以来的每一件工作和事情,并耐心十足的从其中找到了诸多疑点和矛盾。 Gradually, the plot revealed. 渐渐的,图穷匕见。 But Antonio could not have waited for this long upholstery. 可安东尼奥已经等不及这漫长的铺垫了。 Put out a hand, interrupted Schwieger's speech. 伸手,打断了施威格的发言。 Time is limited, was inferior that we said the key point directly, Mr. Schwieger.” He urged, I think everyone could not have waited.” “时间有限,不如我们直接说重点吧,施威格先生。”他催促,“我想大家也已经等不及了。” Schwieger's movement stagnates slightly, urged to raise the head, the brow slightly wrinkle, did not seem quick: Report has simplified, Mr. Antonio, the brief words, will perhaps lose one-sided.” 施威格的动作微微一滞,自催促中抬头,眉头微皱,仿佛不快:“报告已经精简过了,安东尼奥先生,再简略的话,恐怕会失之片面。” Antonio is impatient, I have said that said the key point!” 安东尼奥已经不耐烦,“我说过了,说重点!” No damn praised, quickly accelerates! 别他妈的夸了,赶快加速! During silent looking at each other, was Schwieger put down being of little significance section finally. 沉默的对视之中,最终是施威格放下了无关大局的小节。 „...... Such as you hope.” “……如您所愿。” His tranquil reply, puts out a hand, will report turns to the last page, at interpellation meeting, is in front of all decision room members, the readout result: 他平静的回答,伸手,将报告翻到最后一页,就在质询会的现场,当着所有决策室成员的面,宣读结果: In summary, Mr. Huai Shi no solidification tendency, no betrayal suspicion, although in male and female sentiment and selecting a friend for marriage tendency have a slight defect, down to Yu Daode category is unable to be perfect, but compares the precious integrity and ability that he has, these are completely immaterial. “综上所述,槐诗先生无凝固倾向,无背叛嫌疑,虽然男女感情方面和择偶倾向上有所瑕疵以至于道德范畴无法完美无瑕,但相比他所拥有的珍贵的操守与才能,这些完全无关紧要。 Even if were higher than the Abyss patience of common value to create many misunderstanding, but all evidence indicated that Mr. Huai Shi was innocent, I believe, anyone after the background investigation, will make with our same judgments. ” 即便是高于寻常数值的深渊耐性造成了诸多误会,但一切证据都表明了,槐诗先生清白无辜,我相信,任何一个人在经历调查之后,都会做出和我们一样的判断。” sound of no fluctuating is reverberating in the silence, each byte and each pronunciation, the wheel forwarded probably equally rolling, has ground all vacant faces, then went far away floating. 毫无起伏的声音在寂静里回荡着,每一个字节、每一个读音,好像车轮一样滚滚向前,碾过了所有茫然的面孔,然后飘然远去。
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