AF :: Volume #14

#1302: Are you teaching me to work?

The tranquil sound reverberation in the hall, is the same just like the contemptuous yawn, making these facial expressions in austere cold atmosphere appear is not quick. 平静的声音回荡在大厅里,宛如轻蔑的哈欠一样,令肃冷的氛围中的那些神情浮现一丝不快。 Even as the interpellated object, sat in that position, has not shown any proper stance as before, instead the emperor was probably same, keeps aloof. 即便作为被质询的对象,坐在了那个位置,依旧未曾表现出任何的应有的姿态,反而像是皇帝一样,高高在上。 Does not understand actually oneself where, are actually making anything. 根本不明白自己究竟在什么地方,究竟在做什么。 „......” “……” Antonio's movement stop flickers, at once continue, puts away after the table the document, says: 安东尼奥的动作停顿一瞬,旋即继续,将文件在桌子上放好之后,开口说道: Issue and hidden danger that in view of the fact that in the original sin Legion reorganization advancement exposes, to guarantee the stability and order of Current Territories, the governance bureau initiates the interpellation to you here. “鉴于原罪军团的重组进程中所暴露出的问题和隐患,为了保证现境的安定和秩序,统辖局在此向你发起质询。 Regarding this, Mr. Huai Shi, you whether can answer truthfully? ” 对此,槐诗先生,你是否能够如实作答?” I can.” “我能。” Huai Shi is still tranquil, does not have the mighty waves, is only the nod, told them: Such that such as you hope, even if the result were not necessarily able......” he to think, the regret shrugged: „...... Entirely as desired.” 槐诗依旧平静,毫无波澜,只是点头,告诉他们:“如你们所愿的那样,即便结果未必能够……”他想了一下,遗憾耸肩:“……尽如人意。” Here is not you hits the place of riddle, the attention expresses, Mr. Huai Shi..” “这里不是你打哑谜的地方,注意措辞吧,槐诗先生。。” Antonio cold sound warned, takes the first document, demonstrated toward him: yesterday, you submitted recruited the oceanic trench prison repeat offender, blood floods Green Day ten disasters to the decision room, was this document, right?” 安东尼奥冷声警告,将第一份文件拿出来,向着他展示:“就在昨天,你向决策室提交了征召海沟监狱重刑犯,绿日十灾之一的血水灾,就是这一份文件,对吗?” Yes, right.” “是的,没错。” Huai Shi nods: Above also has my genuine signature and elementium mark, all are the self- hand, situated in forming original sin Legion necessary, under protecting the Current Territories premise, I decided that uses Astronomy Association to give my recruiting power, initiates to the oceanic trench prison recruits.” 槐诗点头:“上面还有我的亲笔签名和源质印记,一切系出自我手,处于组建原罪军团必要,在保护现境的前提之下,我决定使用天文会所赋予我的征召权,向海沟监狱发起征召。” As if walks the flow to be the same, the opposite party of full coordination enters the work, asked puzzled: Excuse me, what issue do the entire process have?” 仿佛走流程一般,十足配合的对方入活儿,不解发问:“请问,整个过程有什么问题么?” Do not evade the important questions for the easy.” “不要避重就轻。” Antonio enhanced sound: Blood floods are the permanent prisoner in oceanic trench prison, the non- Astronomy Association special amnesty can not release, now you make use of your power, wants to release her- actually for Current Territories or for individual goal?” 安东尼奥提高了声音:“血水灾是海沟监狱的永久囚犯,非天文会特赦不得开释,如今你利用自己的权力,想要将她释放-究竟是为了现境还是为了自己个人的目的?” Indictment from decision room, finally arrival. 来自决策室的指控,终于到来。 Under covering of innumerable instrument, all recorders have locked when long table following Huai Shi, so long as he has a lying sign, will become the following person with high aspirations to manifest suddenly the ironclad proof and sharp weapon. 在无数仪器的笼罩之下,所有的记录仪器都已经锁定在了长桌后面的槐诗身上,只要他有一丝撒谎的迹象,都将成为后续有心人发作时的铁证和利器。 But Huai Shi, raised the head confidently, to all recorders, reply one word at a time: 槐诗,坦然抬起头,对着所有记录者,一字一顿的回答: Naturally to protect Current Territories.” “当然是为了保护现境啊。” On his on hand, the instrument is glittering the green light, not warning. 就在他的手边,仪器上闪烁着绿光,并未警报。 Carries on the evidence for his words. 为他的话语进行佐证。 No lie. 没有一丝谎言。 But for fear that they distinguish and record probably without enough time general, Huai Shi slowed down the language especially fast, comprehensively opened own soul, whatever all instruments recognize. 而就好像生怕他们来不及分辨和记录一般,槐诗特地放慢了语速,全面开放了自己的灵魂,任由一切仪器进行辨识。 From deciding to form original sin Legion to start, I as the Legion long goal, only then- guards Current Territories, guarantees the order stable with the stabilities of all Current Territories members! “从决定组建原罪军团开始,我作为军团长的目的,就只有一个-捍卫现境,保证秩序的稳定和所有现境成员的安定! Regarding recruiting of blood floods, is for this reason the line. ” 对于血水灾的征召,也是为此而行。” Instrument as before twinkle green light. 仪器依旧闪烁绿光。 Truth. 实话。 But Huai Shi looks these clear or is the fuzzy face, does not conceal own desolateness: „ I do not understand the decision room why because a paper will recruit, but the so big fee/spent will be flustered, will want me saying that you are wasting the time. 槐诗看着那些清晰或者是模糊的面孔,并不掩饰自己的冷淡:“我不理解决策室为什么会因为一纸征召而如此大费周章,要我说,你们在浪费时间。 Has this to plant each family's time, does other is more meaningful. ” 有这种过家家的功夫,做点其他的更有意义。” As before is the truth. 依旧是实话。 The green light twinkle, ridiculed each pair to look to here eye pupil, toward having the observers of gloomy guess is making the proof. 绿灯闪烁,嘲弄着每一双看向这里的眼瞳,向着怀揣着阴暗猜测的旁观者们作出证明。 Each character of, is not false. 其中的每一个字,都毫无虚假。 Including final ridicule. 包括最后的嘲弄。 In the short silence, Antonio's facial expression is invariable, as if there is expectation to be the same early, is only indifferent asking: But this does not hinder you to achieve own goal, not?” 短暂的沉默里,安东尼奥的神情不变,仿佛早有预料一般,只是淡然的问道:“但这不妨碍你达成自己的目的,不是么?” I remember that here presides the interpellation meeting of bureau, will not be the Eight Trigrams (gossip) weekly of tomorrow's news, everyone.” “我记得这里是统辖局的质询会,不是明日新闻的八卦周刊,各位。” Huai Shi indifferent question: „Some guesses of making groundless accusations without evidence can also become the reason of interpellation under the condition. This...... Mr. Antonio, do not let me suspect your professional standard.” 槐诗冷漠反问:“在没有证据的状况下一些捕风捉影的猜测也能够成为质询的理由。这位……安东尼奥先生,别让我怀疑你的专业水平。” Is your mother, you teaching me to work?! 你妈的,你在教我做事?! Antonio's corner of the eye jumped, is constraining the impulsion of cursing at people, coldly looked at Huai Shi one. 安东尼奥的眼角跳了一下,压抑着骂人的冲动,冷冷的看了槐诗一眼。 It seems like you denied had own sense of purpose?” “看来您否认其中有自己的目的性了?” In your opinion, the responsibility and goal violate certainly mutually?” “难道在你看来,职责和目的就一定是互相违背的么?” Huai Shi is shooting a look at him, natural interrogation: Defends Current Territories and own goal has certainly the conflict? Both give dual attention, has the mistake?” 槐诗瞥着他,理所当然的质问:“保卫现境的和自己的目的就一定是有冲突的么?两者兼顾,难道有错么?” Is we interpellates to you, Mr. Huai Shi, hopes your issue little.” Antonio breaks, please directly reply that my issue- why chooses to recruit the bloody water......” “是我们向你质询,槐诗先生,希望你的问题少一点。”安东尼奥打断,“请正面回答我的问题-为何选择征召血水……” Naturally to let her can start with a clean slate, for I will soon achieve rebuild the Utopia goal, I need her to become my tool.” “当然是为了让她能够改过自新,为了我早日达成重建理想国的目的,我需要她成为我的工具。” Huai Shi answered with deep veneration: In addition, if everyone needs a point anything unable to withstand with the dirty reason, that can only , because she attractively.” 槐诗肃然作答:“除此之外,如果各位非需要一点什么不堪和龌龊的理由的话,那就只能因为她长得好看了。” Without Antonio asked, then has given the answer. 没有等安东尼奥问完,便已经给出了答案。 Silent , the green light of instrument is glittering as before. 寂静里,仪器的绿灯依旧在闪烁。 Similarly, from sincerity. 同样,发自真心。 So reply decisively, reverberates in the conference site, suddenly actually made everyone fall into silent. 如此断然的回答,回荡在会场中,一时间竟然令所有人都陷入沉默。 Look at each other in blank dismay. 以至于,面面相觑。 Besides front these pompous reasons, behind that was, too odd a point? 除了前面那些冠冕堂皇的理由之外,后面那个,是不是太离谱了一点? Not in interpellating the meeting has heard so damn the goal, the absurd letting person could not speak, even does not know how to refute. 从未曾在质询会里听见过如此见鬼的目的,以至于荒谬的让人说不出话来,甚至不知道怎么反驳。 May associate to this fellow, since makes a debut for these years...... stained misdeeds. 可一联想到这家伙自从出道这么多年来的……‘斑斑劣迹’。 Although is somewhat odd, but probably, as if perhaps, is normal? 虽然有些离谱,但好像、似乎、也许,也正常? In a piece is silent, only then the green light is glittering. 一片沉默里,只有绿灯在闪烁。 As if felt these meaningful lines of sight, Antonio was mad to want the ball pen in hand to hold behind in the neck of Huai Shi...... 仿佛感受到了身后那些意味深长的视线,安东尼奥气得想要把手里的圆珠笔捅进槐诗的脖子里…… Damn, getting down that this interpellation will also do? 他妈的,这质询会还搞的下去么? What was own this is asking? 自己这是问了个啥? Asked that a sage did come out?! 问出了个圣人出来?! Where Huai Shi do you have the issue? Like your age, should not do a friend to trade, arrange(ment) money, makes do much, is improper? 还有槐诗你他妈的是不是哪里有问题?像你这个年纪,不应该多搞点朋友交易,多洽钱,多乱搞,多苟苟且且么? Why is the only personal reason only left over attractively opposite? 为什么唯一的私人理由就只剩下对面好看? How this damn can also ask! 这他妈的还能怎么问嘛! Having a plan for the present, waiting for him exposes weaknesses is not possible. Asked again, let alone interpellated, perhaps Huai Shi must canonization of saints. Moreover presides the bureau to authenticate the sage...... 为今之计,等待他露出破绽已经是不可能的了。再问下去,别说质询,槐诗恐怕都要封圣了。而且还是统辖局认证圣人…… Please directly reply, what relations you do have with Green Day?” “请正面回答,你跟绿日有什么关系?” Antonio deeply inspires, asked seriously: Among you, what achieved to trade?” 安东尼奥深吸了一口气,郑重发问:“你们之间,是否达成了什么交易?” Then, he saw the Huai Shi contemptuous smile. 然后,他就看到了槐诗轻蔑的笑容。 As long as is the person knows, I and Green Day are the hostile relationship are right.” Huai Shi replied: „ Among us, is impossible to have any transaction. “但凡是人都知道,我和绿日是敌对关系才对。”槐诗回答道:“我们双方之间,也不可能产生任何交易。 I must destroy Green Day, changes all these, in addition, I will not have any consideration. ” 我要毁灭绿日,改变这一切,除此之外,我都不会有任何考虑。” Green light twinkle. 绿灯闪烁。 In silence. 在寂静里。 Truth. 实话。 Too also damn is the truth! 太还他妈的是实话! Antonio, starts to suspect that- hasn't Huai Shi made the deal with Green Day? For the paralysis opposite party, then searches the opportunity to be good to have it all? 以至于,就连安东尼奥,都开始怀疑-难道槐诗并没有和绿日达成交易?只是为了麻痹对方,然后寻觅机会好一锅端? Spectrum . 谱,离了起来。 In our two, the brain of certainly person has the issue! 咱们两个里,一定有一个人的脑子有问题! But the material demonstration is actually not this.” “可资料显示却不是这样。” Antonio coughed, asked seriously: As far as we know, between you and Green Day, there are quite many communications and exchanges. Regarding this what did you have to say?” 安东尼奥咳嗽了一声,严肃问道:“据我们所知,你和绿日之间,有过相当多的来往和交流。对此你有什么想说的?” But Huai Shi facial expression, even more contemptuous. 槐诗的神情,越发的轻蔑。 It is well known, I since has become Sublimator, has killed incessantly a Green Day member, I remember that for sometime presides in the military officers of bureau, I even am honored as ‚the Green Day difficult adversary. “众所周知,我自从成为升华者以来,杀过不止一个绿日的成员,我记得有一段时间统辖局的武官之中,我甚至被誉为‘绿日克星’。 I killed their so many people, until both sides soon as incompatible as fire and water...... ” 我杀了他们那么多人,直到双方快要水火不容……” He stopped, attitude that the appropriate performance despises, „, but do you send out colluded with Green Day ’ the indictment to me now ‚? Your earnest, Mr. Antonio?” 他停顿了一下,恰如其分的表现出鄙夷的态度,“而你现在对我发出了‘勾结绿日’的指控?你认真的么,安东尼奥先生?” Antonio's facial expression is invariable, staring looks at Huai Shi: But are you also the Green Day hero not? Mr. Kaishi Motohito?” 安东尼奥的神情不变,直勾勾的看着槐诗:“可你也是绿日的英雄不是么?怀纸素人先生?” The Huai Shi hear cannot bear want to smile, is staring at Antonio, curious asking: „Can that Canaan to you for the memorial tablet, you go to Green Day to work as the deity another day?” 槐诗听完都忍不住想笑,盯着安东尼奥,好奇的问:“那迦南改天给你供个牌位,你是不是要去绿日当神仙了?” Laughing sound transmits, in his behind. 哄笑的声音传来,就在他的身后。 And has sound of old tortoise to be especially loud, made Antonio moving restlessly even more: Pays attention to your expression, Mr. Huai Shi!” 其中有个老王八的声音尤其大声,令安东尼奥越发的躁动:“注意你的措辞,槐诗先生!” I have paid attention very much.” “我一直很注意啊。” Huai Shi lets go, sets out from the chair, helpless lets go: Good, I acknowledged, under the necessary condition, I have reached the agreement in Tanba and Green Day.” 槐诗摊手,从椅子上起身,无奈摊手:“好吧,我承认,在必要的状况下,我曾经在丹波和绿日达成过协议。” The Antonio also inspired mind, follows up a victory with hot pursuit without enough time, hears his latter half a word words: „ To carry out the decision room gives my duty, to save many innocent beast characteristics. 安东尼奥还来不及振奋心神,乘胜追击,就听见他的后半句话:“为了执行决策室赋予我的任务,为了拯救诸多无辜的兽化特征者。 Simultaneously- ” 同时-” Huai Shi stopped, cold sound said: Meanwhile, to solve because of governance bureau wicked event that presents incompetently. Right, Mr. Renet?” 槐诗停顿了一下,冷声说:“同时,为了解决了因统辖局的无能而出现的恶型事件。对吗,勒内先生?” , Had blade edge suddenly probably on Renet's neck, let in the corner silently Renet excitedly look changes of onlooking. 猝然之间,好像有刀锋架在了勒内的脖子上,让角落里默默旁观的勒内勃然色变。 Your mother closes me assorted...... the grass! This also really...... 你妈的关我什……草!这还真…… He is gloomy the face, without the speech, only felt that the wound on throat starts to pain. 他阴沉着脸,没有说话,只感觉喉咙上的伤口开始隐隐作痛。 But Antonio is preparing to speak time, was actually broken by Huai Shi again. 而安东尼奥正准备说话的时候,却被槐诗再次打断。 Ok, I know that you must ask anything, you first think, if governance bureau this autonomy does not give action agent, after that who works also dares to go all out.” “行了,我知道你要问什么,你先想一想,如果统辖局连这点自主权都不给行动干员的话,那以后谁干活儿还敢卖力气。” Huai Shi put out a hand, aimed at Antonio behind: „ You ask them, all processes and contents I remember that should report the governance bureau to be right, but the governance bureau to the present, has had no reply to all reports as before. 槐诗伸手,指向了安东尼奥的身后:“你去问问他们,所有过程和内容我记得应该上报统辖局了才对,但统辖局一直到现在,对所有报告依旧没有任何批复。 Why is this? ” 这是为什么?” Silent, these fuzzy projections as if rock slightly. 寂静里,那些模糊的投影仿佛微微晃动起来。 Cannot hear sound that talked in whispers, but had the invisible mighty waves proliferation probably. 听不见窃窃私语的声音,但好像有无形的波澜扩散。 But the Huai Shi words, are continuing as before. 槐诗的话语,依旧在继续。 However to today, Tanba spends tens of billions dollars every year as before, rescue and support for beast characteristics. “而一直到今天,丹波每年依旧花费上百亿美金,用于兽化特征者的救助和扶持。 Now, Tanba turned into free cities in all beast characteristics hearts, over 80% beast characteristics therefore obtain the profit, but over 400,000 beast characteristics therefore rebirth. 现在,丹波变成了所有兽化特征者心中的自由之城,超过百分之八十的兽化特征者因此而获得益处,有超过四十万兽化特征者因此而重生。 Therefore, I paid many painstaking care and prices, the raising fund of sparing no efforts, looked everywhere each place, but in this, without one cent from governance bureau! ” 为此,我付出了诸多心血和代价,不辞劳苦的筹募资金,找遍了每一个地方,而这里面,没有一分钱来自统辖局!” His sound enhanced gradually, bypassed the table, forwarded, stands in Antonio's opposite, lowered the head, indifferent looks at the present interpellant: 他的声音渐渐提高了,绕过了桌子,向前,站在了安东尼奥的对面,低头,漠然的看着眼前的质询者: Now, you thought that I colluded with Green Day, if this also calculates that colludes with Green Day, I must ask but actually- , if no me, how many inside has to be able the pain dead, without me, how the condition to tidy up?!” “现在,你们觉得我勾结了绿日,如果这也算勾结绿日的话,我倒要问一下-要是没有我,里面有多少会苦痛而死,要是没有我,状况怎么收拾?!” Without me , how many will turn into the terrorist in Canaan?!” “要是没有我,又有多少个会变成迦南里的恐怖分子?!” Huai Shi is pressing the table, sound is getting higher and higher, toward everyone, cold sound asked: However present Green Day, who is also accomplishes? Is I?!” 槐诗按着桌子,声音却越来越高,向着所有人,冷声发问:“而如今的绿日,又是谁造就的?是我吗?!” Silent. 寂静。 This noisy silent again sudden, only then Antonio in angry is knocking the table, stares the big eye, is looking angrily at Huai Shi: Attention expression, Huai Shi, you in indictment governance bureau?” 这嘈杂的沉默再次突如其来,只有安东尼奥在愤怒的敲着桌子,瞪大眼睛,怒视着槐诗:“注意言辞,槐诗,你是在指控统辖局么?” May in the short silence, he only be able to see on Huai Shi behind table, pitying look that Ai Qing has no alternative. 可在短暂的沉默里,他只能看到槐诗身后的桌子上,艾晴无可奈何的怜悯眼神。 Huai Shi contemptuous facial expression. 还有槐诗的轻蔑神情。 Yes, I naturally in indictment governance bureau, otherwise!” “是啊,我当然在指控统辖局,不然呢!” That was lifted the hand by the interpellant, puts out a hand, the finger has swept from faces, „ I accused accomplishing nothing of your part of people, accused indulging and incompetent of your another part of person, thought oneself infallible. 那个被质询者抬起手,伸手,手指从一张张面孔上扫过,“我指控你们其中一部分人的无所作为,指控你们其中另一部分人的放纵和无能,自以为是。 The upbuilder as Tanba, I from the heart is spurning everyone- ” 作为丹波的建立者,我发自内心的唾弃着各位-” After several years, these innocent dead, these call out in grief and wail, sinks the anger of dormancy in feelings to thrive again. 时隔多年之后,那些无辜的死者,那些悲鸣和哀嚎,还有沉眠在胸臆中的怒火再度勃发。 When you are at a loss to the situation, is issue that I solve, when you stand by, I tidied up troublesome. Now you feel I do is inappropriate? At that time which did you go? “在你们对局势束手无策的时候,是我解决的问题,在你们袖手旁观的时候,我收拾了麻烦。现在你们又觉得我做的不合适?那你们当时去哪儿了? Did your his mother do early?! ” 你们他妈早干什么去了?!” Huai Shi lifts the eye, indifferent is overlooking them or angry or the facial expression of change, from beginning to end, you have not made clear, gentlemen.” 槐诗抬起眼睛,冷漠的俯瞰着他们或是恼怒或是变化的神情,“自始至终,你们就没有搞清楚一点,先生们。” „- Also has a need for you teaching me to work?” “-难道还用得着你们来教我做事么?”
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