AF :: Volume #14

#1301: Please start your performance

Actually should say that is a stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, did the serene fish pond welcome the depth bomb suddenly? 究竟应该说是一石激起千层浪,还是安详的鱼塘骤然迎来深水炸弹呢? In any case since the report of Huai Shi hands over, the entire central policy decision room has become a hopeless mess randomly. 反正自从槐诗的报告交上去之后,整个中央决策室就已经乱成一锅粥。 Under the premise without large-scale conference, does not know that many areas and central factions quarrelled in telephone are heavily engaged. 在没有大型会议的前提之下,不知道多少个地区和中央的派系在电话里吵得不可开交。 The brokers like the sled dog general high-frequency send out, to fling the tongue to run back and forth, almost wears out, breathes to have chest pains while breathing. But in the continuous probe and statement, seek the difference from the ambiguous expressions and subtle attitudes as well as all sorts of suggestions in the foundation of union. 掮客们如同雪橇犬一般高频率出动,甩着舌头来回奔走,几乎跑断了腿,喘岔了气。而接连不断的试探、表态里,从模棱两可的措辞和微妙的态度以及种种暗示中寻求异同点于联合的基础。 Then, in the ripples of rounds of round of unceasing proliferation, everyone climbs the blood pressure peak together bravely. 然后,就在一轮轮不断扩散的涟漪中,大家一起勇攀血压更高峰。 Brings the new round cerebral hemorrhage revelry. 带来新一轮的脑溢血狂欢。 It seems most blasting fuses to be the same, once after being ignited, then following with emphasis no longer is this blasting fuse, but is graver and remote history, inertia, contradiction and even the standpoint.. 就好像绝大多数导火索一样,一旦被点了火之后,那么接下来的重点就已经不再是这一根导火索了,而是更加深重和久远的历史、惯性、矛盾乃至立场。。 An application does not know that affected the sensitive nerves of many people, but Canaan has locked up comprehensively, condition that the inside and outside isolate, even conducts the proof unable to achieve in secret. 一封申请不知道牵动了多少人的敏感神经,而迦南早已经全面锁闭,内外隔绝的状态,甚至连私下里进行求证都做不到。 Regarding this, the everyone's first response was Kingdom of Heaven pedigree and Green Day really illicit intercourse! 对此,大家的第一反应是天国谱系绿日果然苟合了! Thought Huai Shi this fellow, wants to use the bottom line of own power probe governance bureau. Is the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree next action sends out a scout to see if anybody is about or has other fish to fry, absolutely is not a minor matter, must treat cautiously. 紧接着,是觉得槐诗这个家伙,想要用自己的权力试探统辖局的底线。不论是为天国谱系下一步行动投石问路还是另有图谋,绝对不是一件小事,必须慎重对待。 But finally, everyone careful ponder time, actually the discovery...... this matter, this application, as if, seems like, perhaps, but also is very fair? 可最后,所有人仔细思考的时候,却发现……这事儿,这张申请,似乎、好像,或许,还挺合情合理? After all is Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, wanted to recover Utopia simply is naturally to the family/home, wants not to need to think radically, over the next ten years 20 years of even 50-60 years, even if Russell were not dry to Huai Shi this generation, the main guiding principle and goal will definitely not have any vacillation. 毕竟是天国谱系,想要复苏理想国简直是理所当然到家了,根本想都不用想,未来十年二十年甚至50-60年,哪怕罗素不干了到槐诗这一代,主要的纲领和目的也绝对不会有任何动摇。 original sin Legion this place, it does this! 况且,‘原罪军团’这个地方,它就是干这个的啊! Replaces the firm service by the military service, the waste transforms uses, the criminal recruits the creation value...... 以兵役代替牢役,废物改造重新利用,罪人征募创造价值…… Has the issue? 有问题吗? Probably a point does not have the issue not to have! 好像一点没问题都没有啊! But the issue is, actually regardless of the time being the essence of fact is anything, after placing on the scale, will turn into one extremely to be bright and extremely resounding political signal. 可问题在于,姑且不论事实的本质究竟是什么,放在秤上之后,都会变成一个极其鲜明且极其响亮的政治讯号。 You gang up in secret, this matter spreads, does the governance bureau have with the suspicion that Green Day gangs up with commit fornication? 你们私下里勾勾搭搭也就罢了,这个事情传扬出去,统辖局岂不是也有和绿日勾搭成奸的嫌疑? The innumerable trouble and change will therefore live. 数不清的麻烦和变化会因此而生。 Regarding this, the member clear clarifying standpoint of many decision room- has your fond dream! I die today, jumps from here, do not want to make Green Day enter this gate absolutely! 对此,不少决策室的成员旗帜鲜明的摆明立场-做你的美梦!我今天就是死,就是从这里跳下去,也绝对别想让绿日进这个门! But another part, then squeezes out the smile, reveals saw through facial expression, expressed that is not good. 而还有另一部分,则挤出笑脸,露出看开了的神情,表示不也挺好嘛。 More people have not taken a stand, but also some people have started to plan to fish in troubled waters. 更多的人没有表态,还有的人已经开始打算浑水摸鱼。 Opposes, approve and sit on the fence or ambiguous...... in this process, the attitude of everyone unceasing transformation, moreover may continue to transform anytime and anywhere again. 反对、赞同、骑墙或者模棱两可……在这个过程之中,每个人的态度都在不断的变换,而且随时随地有可能再继续变换。 Superficially, this matter regarding original sin Legion whether can recruit the discussion that the Green Day criminal starts reasonably. 表面上来看,这件事情是围绕着原罪军团是否能够合理征募绿日罪犯而展开的讨论。 But the deep layer contains many contradictions, including the governance the opposition between bureau and Green Day, difference and even frontier territory between the radical factions and conservative factions sends with the seizing the chance voice that the sovereignty sends...... 而更深层则包含着诸多矛盾,包括统辖局和绿日之间的对立,激进派和保守派之间的分歧乃至边境派和主权派的趁机发声…… The bedding of present decision room in just like Yihongyuan is the same, in the surface is seemingly uneventful, actual upper and lower surface chaotic his mother awfully. 现在的决策室宛如怡红院里的被窝一样,表面上看上去风平浪静,实际上下面乱他娘的要命。 But that as before is only the representation. 但那依旧只是表象。 Part that can neglect as before...... 依旧只是可以忽略的部分…… Real issue, does not lie here.” “真正的问题,不在于这里。” In the principal office, Russell sips the black tea to curl upwards the leg, leisurely saying: This matter radically is, the governance bureau must indulge strength of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, must prepare for selling some benefits to receive in exchange for Utopia reconstruction......, must support you.” 在校长办公室里,罗素抿着红茶翘着腿,优哉游哉的说道:“这件事情的根本在于,统辖局要不要放纵天国谱系的壮大,要不要做好出让部分利益以换取理想国重建的准备……以及,要不要支持你。” He lifts the finger, aimed at Huai Shi. 他抬起手指,指向了槐诗 Supports me?” “支持我?” Huai Shi is holding the nut jar, vacant is pinching the pine nut : What supports me to make? Shouldn't support you?” 槐诗抱着坚果罐子,茫然的捏着松子,一颗又一颗:“支持我做什么?不是应该支持你么?” Supporting me is useful? I am the lord of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, truly right, I enjoy such status and position, my obtained no one can win, my position was guaranteed by my ability, but the key lies in...... in most people opinion, my life, I possibly can only be the lord of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree finally.” “支持我有什么用?我是天国谱系之主,确实没错,我享有这样的身份和地位,我的所得谁都夺不走,我的地位由我的能力保证,可关键在于……在绝大多数人看来,终我的一生,我可能都只会是天国谱系之主了。” Russell smiled: Now, did you understand?” 罗素笑了起来:“现在,你明白了么?” Even controls the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree period in Russell, Utopia can reconstruct, how long but can continue? In the future grasps all these, decided that the Utopia decision, can affect Current Territories minimum 50 years and 100 years of person...... 即便是在罗素掌控天国谱系的时期,理想国能够重建,但又能持续多久?未来掌握这一切,决定理想国的决策,能够影响现境起码五十年、一百年的人…… Is that stands in his behind person. 是那个站在他身后的人。 His student, his successor. 他的学生,他的继承人。 Huai Shi. 槐诗 Huai Shi compels ignorant. 槐诗懵逼。 Thinks remote?!” “想得这么久远的么?!” After tool person, Huai Shi some have not been able to understand these advanced logic. 当惯了工具人之后,槐诗已经有些无法理解这些过于超前的逻辑。 Sometimes, many mistakes will appear , because shortsighted, but sometimes, is because long-term...... you think in the decision room is what people one group of? Will they be stupid to not being able to see clearly in the future?” “有时候,很多错误会出现,是因为目光短浅,但有的时候,则是因为过于长远……你以为决策室里的是一帮什么人?他们会愚蠢到看不清未来么?” Russell happy letting go, announced toward the present student: Congratulates you, Huai Shi, you had been regarded as the Utopia successor. Your every word and deed and every action and every movement, will become Its will gradually, you will become Its representing and incarnation.” 罗素愉快的摊手,向着眼前的学生宣布:“恭喜你,槐诗,你已经被视作理想国的继承者了。你的一言一行、一举一动,都将渐渐成为祂的意志,你将成为祂的代言和化身。” Myriad Generations TCG that belongs to Huai Shi, is the evident proof. 那一张属于槐诗万世牌,就是明证。 Utopia member who receives throughout approval adjusts the attorney! 受到全境认可的理想国成员・调律师! „The royal crown of justice has prepared for you, my dear student.” Russell said,it is a pity that but before then, will certainly face the question, faced with responsibility, faced with. “公义的冠冕已经为你准备好了,我亲爱的学生。”罗素说,“遗憾的是,而在这之前,必将面临质疑,面临职责,面临更多。 Even if presides the interpellation of bureau, just just started...... ” 哪怕是统辖局的质询,也只不过是刚刚开始……” In the silence, Huai Shi has not spoken. 在沉默里,槐诗没有说话。 Is holding the nut jar, silent is pinching the husk, will pile up a hill until the present husk, wiped the mouth, puts the jar. 只是抱着坚果罐子,沉默的捏着果壳,将直到眼前的果壳堆积成一座小山,才擦了擦嘴,把罐子放下来。 Ate to the full. 吃饱了。 Absolutely does not have to ponder. 根本就没有在思考。 Looked at Russell, how do you see?” 只是看了一眼罗素,“你怎么看?” This is the student own matter, seems complete(ly) set up to be the same, when my teacher how can see?” Russell does not seem to understand his meaning to be the same, replied indifferently: I sit look.” “这是学生自己的事情,就好像毕设一样,我这个当老师的能怎么看?”罗素好像没听懂他的意思一样,淡然回答:“我坐着看。” You might as well lie down, cover a small blanket also comfortably.” “你不如躺下,盖个小毯子还舒服点。” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes, only felt that old tortoise the soul of attire compelling started to be ready to make trouble. 槐诗翻了个白眼,只感觉老王八的装逼之魂又开始蠢蠢欲动了。 Young children's generation broken enemy? 小儿辈破敌是吧? Fear?” Russell takes pleasure in others' misfortunes probably same asking. “害怕么?”罗素好像幸灾乐祸一样的问道。 What is afraid? One crowd of old things?” “害怕什么?一群老东西?” The Huai Shi puzzled question, „did I make the mistake what matter?” 槐诗不解的反问,“我难道做错了什么事情么?” Russell has not spoken, but looks at him, cannot bear again, laughs to make noise. 罗素没有说话,只是看着他,再忍不住,大笑出声。 Therefore I like you so much Huai Shi.” “所以我才这么喜欢你啊槐诗。” …… …… …… …… Next day, in the morning, sword river Legislative body. 翌日,上午,剑河市议院。 City tranquil was broken by the motorcade from London daily, these have not brought any black sedan of symbol to go through from the street, drove into internal parking lot under the guard of police directly. 城市的平静日常被来自伦敦的车队打破,那些没有带任何标志的黑色轿车从街道上穿行而过,在警察们的护卫之下直接驶入了内部停车场里。 And does not have any public road surface, the members of interpellation meeting have been achieving the elevator, entered the special preparation lounge. 并没有任何的公开路面,质询会的成员们就已经达成着电梯,进入了专门准备的休息室。 Looks serious, serious in speech and manner, just like a conscientious attitude. 彼此之间神情严肃,不苟言笑,俨然是一副公事公办的态度。 It is a pity that has a different number to be one of them promiscuously, is holding in the mouth the tobacco pipe, is light-footed, just like visiting friends to be the same, the smile is happy, laughing does not make sense. 遗憾的是,偏偏有个异数混杂在其中,叼着烟斗,脚步轻快,宛如走亲访友一样,笑容愉快,嘻嘻哈哈的不像话。 Mr. Russell, please note a point.” Be responsible for interpellating the decision room representative of link to turn head, serious reminder: Do not disrupt our work atmosphere.” 罗素先生,请注意一点。”负责质询环节的决策室代表回头,郑重提醒:“不要扰乱我们的工作氛围。” Verona leaves so many years, is such serious, Mr. Antonio.” Russell sighs with emotion: Excuse me, saw so many old friends all of a sudden, somewhat is suddenly excited. Heard that you also handled many big things in the frontier territory administrative bureau for these years.” “维罗纳一别这么多年,还是这么严肃啊,安东尼奥先生。”罗素感慨道:“不好意思,一下子看到了这么多故人,一时间有些激动。听说您在边境管理局这几年也做了不少大事情啊。” These things, with today irrelevant.” “那些事情,和今天无关。” Antonio remains unmoved: I initiate to Mr. Huai Shi on behalf of the decision room today inquire.” 安东尼奥不为所动:“我今天只是代表决策室向槐诗先生发起问询。” I understand, I understand, am conscientious in discharging official duties.” Russell waves: Please relax, I am only the observer of overstrength, does not have the right to speak, will not disturb the conference site order.” “我懂,我懂,公事公办嘛。”罗素挥手:“请放心,我只是编外的旁观者而已,不具备发言权,也不会捣乱会场秩序。” He said: I have a look.” 他说:“我就看看。” Just like entering in the store the sail about, the look lingers on the commodity unceasingly, asked several times after the price , the rascal who is not willing to take out money is the same, making one hit the feeling is not at heart quick. 宛如走进商店里逛来逛去,眼神在商品上不断流连,好几次问价之后就是不肯掏钱的无赖一样,让人打心里感觉不快。 Also is from the bottom of the heart impossible to believe. 也打心底不可能相信。 Does not know that actually this old thing has anything to scheme...... 不知道这老东西究竟有什么图谋…… Hope so.” “希望如此。” Antonio nods, no longer spoke. 安东尼奥点头,不再说话。 But Russell, has turned head, looks indifferent the man to the corner, the smile even more happy: Aiyu, Mr. Renet, does not see for a long time! Is predestined friends, can have a lunch a while together?” 罗素,回过头,看向角落里冷漠的男人,笑容越发的愉快:“哎呦,勒内先生,好久不见!这么有缘,要不要等会儿一起吃个午饭?” Renet is silent, the look is gloomy, does not want to manage him. 勒内沉默着,眼神阴沉,不是很想理他。 But Russell after greeting one, did not speak again, a person sits on the sofa is smoking the tobacco pipe, seems content with one's lot general, no longer spoke. 罗素在招呼过一圈之后,也再没有说话,一个人坐在沙发上抽着烟斗,仿佛自得其乐一般,不再说话。 Then, time one minute/share one second of passing. 就这样,时间一分一秒的流逝。 Under the governance bureau's rare efficiency, completes the preparation in view of the special performance interpellation of original sin Legion in short one day. 在统辖局罕见的效率之下,针对原罪军团的专场质询在短短一日之内完成准备。 Will soon start. 即将开始。 Has prepared?” “已经准备好了么?” In front of the final front door, Ai Qing looks at Huai Shi, but gesture that Huai Shi is full of confidence OK posture. 最后的大门前面,艾晴看着槐诗,而槐诗则满怀信心的比划出了OK的姿势。 While convenient irritable is stretching the body, looks that does not know the suit how long has not worn, only feels restricts everywhere, particularly ill. 顺带着别扭的舒展着身体,看着身上不知道多久都没穿过的西装,只感觉处处拘束,分外的不适。 Governance bureau is really troublesome, isn't the formal dress on forget about it, the performance clothing/taking good?” “统辖局真麻烦啊,正装就算了,演出服都不行么?” He tries to draw the tie again downward, draws again. 他试图将领带再往下拉一点,再拉一点。 Then during staring of Ai Qing, stopped, the regret pulls the original position again. 然后在艾晴的凝视之中,停顿了一下,遗憾的再扯回了原本的位置。 This , the sleeve cuff must be.” “就这样吧,还有,袖口也要系好。” Ai Qing nods, after looking at time of wrist watch, referred to that door, speechless reminder: Facing consequence time arrived, Huai Shi, you should go.” 艾晴颔首,看了一眼腕表的时间之后,指了指那一扇门,无言的提醒:“面对后果的时候到了,槐诗,你该进去了。” „Will you speak for me?” Huai Shi turn head looks at her finally. “你会为我说话么?”槐诗最后回头看她。 Really regrettable, I attend a meeting as a non-voting delegate as the overhead floor surveillant, can provide the evidence in necessary for the interpellation, in addition, does not have the right to speak.” “真遗憾,我只是作为架空楼层的监督者列席,在必要的时候为质询会提供佐证,除此之外,不具备发言权。” Ai Qing looked at his one eyes, after final stop, silent sighed lightly: Although, I sit in your side.” 艾晴看了他一眼,最后的停顿之后,无声轻叹:“虽然,我坐在你的旁边。” This enough.” “这就够了。” Huai Shi smiles happily, toward her: Thank you.” 槐诗愉快一笑,向着她:“谢谢你。” Then, he puts out a hand, opened the present door, entered in the silence after gate. 就这样,他伸手,推开了眼前的门,走进门后的寂静中去。 …… …… Seemed like undergoes at the same night preparation, in the space after gate had placed the furniture, in huge conference site by distinguishing right from wrong was divided into two pieces. 似乎是经过了连夜的准备,门后的空间中已经摆好了桌椅,庞大的会场里被泾渭分明的分成了两片。 The decision room representatives of participation interpellation have taken a seat, but in their behind, many fuzzy projections from decision room has also lowered, attended the participation. 参与质询的决策室代表们已经入座,而就在他们的身后,来自决策室的众多模糊投影也已经降下,列席参与。 With deep veneration silent. 肃然无声。 But in the opposite of interpellants, only then on a sliver of table is putting the Huai Shi name brand. 而就在质询者们的对面,只有一张长条桌子上放着槐诗的名牌。 Just like trial. 宛如审判。 Such solemn occasion, I comes probably for the first time.” “这么严肃的场合,我好像还是第一次来啊。” Huai Shi pushed the chair, sits, but side as surveillant, but also accepts Ai Qing that inquired. 槐诗拉开了椅子,坐下来,而旁边就是作为监督者而同样接受问询的艾晴 Such look, from wasn't is too a little far?” “这么看,距离不是有点太远了么?” Huai Shi puts out a hand, is pinching the microphone on table, referred to the both sides middle distance of: Was inferior that I stand simply there, what kind of? Without necessary this type of thing, everyone can also see clearly.” 槐诗伸手,捏着桌子上的话筒,指了指双方中间的距离:“不如我干脆站到那里,怎么样?没必要这种东西,各位也能看得清楚一点。” Please respect the conference flow, Mr. Huai Shi.” “请尊重会议流程,槐诗先生。” Directly opposite, Antonio's indifferent lifting the document in hand: Joke are too many, do not show nowhere imposition here the sense of humor.” 正对面,安东尼奥冷漠的掀开的手中的文件:“笑话已经太多,就别在这里彰显无处安放的幽默感了。” That line.” “那行。” Huai Shi nods, by chair, careless waving of: Manages.” 槐诗点头,靠在了椅子上,漫不经心的挥了挥手:“就这么办吧。” Just like giving orders general. 宛如发号施令一般。 Is waiting for the theatrical troupe that comes to pay respect, offers the performance. 等待着前来参拜的剧团,献上表演。 He said, you can start.” 他说,“你们可以开始了。” Come. 来吧。 Do not rub gently. 别磨蹭了。 At first your performances. 开始你们的表演。
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