AF :: Volume #13

#1300: Interview (Last Part)

Probably from not being able to see the end nightmare wakes up to be the same. 就好像从看不见尽头的噩梦中醒来一样。 Too for a long time imprisoned. 太久的囚禁了。 Since was presided the bureau to attack to kill by the incantation, after having no recourse and blood floods assimilate, she is sealed up in pillar crystallization that in the bloody water forms, deep sleep in that chaos mental. 自从被统辖局以咒弹击杀,迫不得已将自身和血水灾同化之后,她就一直被封闭在血水所形成的柱石结晶里,在那一片混沌的心智中沉睡。 Even does not know that had anything. 甚至不知道发生了什么。 May after the short respite, in that pair of empty eye pupil appear finally the faint ray. 可在短暂的喘息之后,那一双空洞的眼瞳中终于浮现出隐隐的光芒。 Lies down on the ground, delay looks jet black vault of heaven, as if understood a point. 躺在地上,呆滞的看着漆黑的‘天穹’,仿佛明白了一点。 The dry lip opens and closes slowly.. 干涸的嘴唇缓缓开阖。。 Mariana?” “马里亚纳?” Right.” “对。” Huai Shi nods, pulled out the gift on first meeting from the pocket, the fruit drops: Can come one? Supplements the sugar minute/share, brings the happy feeling.” 槐诗点头,从口袋里掏出了见面礼,水果硬糖:“要来一颗么?补充糖分,带来幸福感。” Guelaud does not seem to seen to be the same, delay, quick, then accepted the present reality. 葛洛瑞亚仿佛没有看到一样,呆滞着,很快,便接受了眼前的现实。 When now...... was?” “现在……是什么时候了?” „The intermediate stage of war of various.” “诸界之战的中期。” Huai Shi regrettable shrugging, throws into the mouth the hard candy, ka-beng ka-beng chewing, you were closed for 15 years.” 槐诗遗憾的耸肩,将硬糖丢进嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣的嚼碎,“你被关进来十五年了。” „......” “……” Guelaud lip opens and closes, as to say anything. 葛洛瑞亚的嘴唇开阖,仿佛想说什么。 Arrived finally, anything had not said. 到最后,却什么都没说。 Closed the eye. 只是闭上了眼睛。 Liu Dongli wants to save you to go out.” Huai Shi said: Put the big thoughts, very big thoughts, you should not disappoint his payout and sacrifice greatly.” 柳东黎想要救你出去。”槐诗说:“花了大心思,很大很大的心思,你不应该辜负他的付出和牺牲。” Willow tree...... eastern Li?” “柳……东黎?” Guelaud as if falls into the recollection, for a long time, chuckle suddenly: Child who that likes crying?” 葛洛瑞亚仿佛陷入回忆,许久,恍然的轻笑:“那个喜欢哭的孩子么?” Huai Shi shakes the head: Likes crying I not to know actually, but he definitely likes the hair.” 槐诗摇头:“喜不喜欢哭我倒是不知道,不过他肯定喜欢掉头发。” „Like the father.” “和父亲一样啊。” Guelaud reluctant smiles, the opens the mouth, wanted to say anything. 葛洛瑞亚勉强的一笑,张口,想要说什么。 sound that may break resounds suddenly. 可破碎的声音骤然响起。 After that emaciated body, the pale face cracks, the bloody water gushes out, changes into the sharp blade, aimed at the face of Huai Shi. Is ordinary just like the cicada slough used in Chinese medicine, since changes into the flying ash in rapidly the body, the bloody water is surging, forms Guelaud body again. 自那一具孱弱的躯壳之后,苍白的面孔崩裂,血水涌出,化为利刃,对准了槐诗的面孔。宛如蝉蜕一般,自迅速化为飞灰的躯壳中,血水涌动着,再度形成葛洛瑞亚的身体。 Among close, catches up suddenly. 自咫尺之间,猝然发力。 The bloody water congeals such as the needle common long awl, punctured the Huai Shi remnant shadow. 血水凝结成如针一般的长锥,刺破了槐诗的残影。 Then, stopped in he double referred. 然后,停在了他的双指之间。 But, the bloody water collapses, the blowout, Guelaud dissolves, the tip of naked half-length awl finds out from a long-range point of view, the both arms disassimilation is a long blade, interlocks to wield to the Huai Shi nape of the neck! 可紧接着,血水崩溃,井喷,葛洛瑞亚溶解,赤裸的半身从长锥的尖端探出,双臂异化为长刀,冲着槐诗的脖颈交错挥下! Behead! 斩首! Gives the devil his due, such fighting method is worth a to praise. 平心而论,这样的打法还是值得点赞的。 Can change own physique with Guelaud of blood floods depth assimilation momentarily, transforms in all bloody water willfully, even does not limit the quantity. 和血水灾深度同化的葛洛瑞亚能够随时变化自身的形体,在一切血水之间任意转化,甚至不限数量。 Meanwhile, will not limit...... the limbs. 同时,也不会限制……肢体。 The staggered both arms are the bait. 交错的双臂不过是诱饵。 Her entire body, probably the bomb is the same, is breeding the impact of destruction! 她整个的身体,都像是炸弹一样,孕育着毁灭的冲击! Only pitifully, when Huai Shi puts out a hand, when presses firmly between the fingers her neck, all changes stop suddenly in the shake of resonance, forced from the condition striking back original form of bloody water. 只可惜,当槐诗伸出手,捏住她的脖子时,一切变化都在共鸣的震荡中戛然而止,被强迫的从血水化的状态打回原形。 ?” Huai Shi is raising Guelaud neck, asking of doubts: We were just not discussed well?” “唔?”槐诗提着葛洛瑞亚的脖子,疑惑的问:“我们刚刚不是谈得好好的么?” Discussed? What having talks about?” “谈?有什么好谈的?” On Guelaud face appears the ridicule: Said again of pleasant to hear, nothing but is the same old story of redeeming oneself through good works, said again well, nothing but is to make your tool?” 葛洛瑞亚的脸上浮现出嘲弄:“说的再好听,无非是就是戴罪立功的老一套,说得再好,无非就是做你的工具而已吧?” The girls, you do, will embarrass the leadership of pictures of cakes. 姑娘,你这么干,会让画饼的领导很难堪啊。 Huai Shi is sighing reluctantly. 槐诗无奈的叹息着。 Then nods. 然后点头。 Right.” “对。” His sincere reply, is this right.” 他正色回答,“就是这样没错。” Guelaud facial expression stagnates, does not seem to see has so not covered up the shameless appearance that to be the same, at once, the look is even more indifferent: „Did I agree that what distinguishes?” 葛洛瑞亚的神情一滞,好像没有见过如此不加遮掩的无耻模样一样,旋即,眼神越发冷漠:“那我同不同意有什么区别?” This different.” “这不一样。” Huai Shi shakes the head earnestly: „ I do not like forcing others to make anything, Miss Guelaud, possibly you have what non-solution to my status. 槐诗认真摇头:“我并不喜欢强迫别人做什么,葛洛瑞亚小姐,可能你对我的身份有什么无解。 But I like the governance bureau, will not open what condition to you , nothing can promise that gives you. ” 但我并不像统辖局那样,会给你开什么条件,也没有什么东西能够许诺给你。” He stopped, sincere saying: Therefore, my wish makes you voluntary, when my tool.” 他停顿了一下,诚恳的说道:“所以,我想要让你自愿当我的工具。” „......” “……” Guelaud was shocked, has flash that she a little suspects oneself ear. 葛洛瑞亚愣住了,有那么一瞬间,她有点怀疑自己的耳朵。 Imagines. 想象一下。 You in breaking through, were presided the running dogs of bureau to hold, design seizing, with your righteousness younger sister is a hostage, forcing you to submit, then strikes to kill you. 你在突围的时候,被统辖局的走狗们抓住,设计抓捕,用你的义妹为人质,强迫你屈服,然后将你击杀。 After the discovery is unable you kill, you imprisons in the world's blackest place, more than ten years. 发现无法将你杀死之后,又将你囚禁在了世界上最黑的地方,十几年。 You can only the deep sleep in innumerable crazy mental, be suffered, wait for some day to dissolve in this strength thoroughly. 你只能沉睡在无数疯狂的心智里,饱受折磨,等待着有一天自己彻底在这一份力量中溶解。 Then, one day, you by one are not known the mental illness where comes awakened. 然后,忽然有一天,你被一个不知道哪儿来的神经病叫醒了。 Is having an attractive face, did not speak the logical expression. 长着一张漂亮面孔,却不说人话。 Wish makes you voluntary, when his dog. 想要让你自愿当他的狗。 Lies shouts on the ground tearfully. 趴在地上汪汪叫。 What temper is this loses to have what dream? 这是发什么神经做什么梦? I have not cracked a joke, Miss Guelaud.” “我没有开玩笑,葛洛瑞亚小姐。” Huai Shi said earnestly: „ I do not like deceiving others with the promise of what idle talk vernacular, does not want to twist your will, making you puppet. 槐诗认真的说:“我并不喜欢用什么空口白话的许诺欺骗别人,也不想扭曲你的意志,让你成为傀儡。 I have that little moral cleanliness/mysophobia, preventing me from using these not to amount to something the method that. 我有那么一点点道德洁癖,阻止我使用那些不上台面的方法。 Although you did not agree, will not change my decision. 虽然你不同意,也不会改变我的决定。 But if you agree, will make my mood better. ” 但如果你同意的话,会让我的心情更好。” In stopping, after giving enough time made her digest the understanding, Huai Shi sincere adjuration: Therefore, can invite you, voluntary, becomes my tool?” 在停顿了一下,给了充分的时间让她消化理解之后,槐诗正色恳请:“所以,能不能请你,自愿,成为我的工具呢?” Responded his, was the indifferent look. 回应他的,是冷漠的眼神。 And, in his palm diversion, the nape of the neck that reverses suddenly. 以及,在他的手掌牵制中,骤然扭转的脖颈。 The card scratches one. 卡擦一声。 Wrenched apart own neck. 扭断了自己的脖子。 Died. 死了。 But is losing the life the instance, dissolves for the corpse of bloody water, Guelaud appearance reappears, is sneering toward Huai Shi, what disassimilation is the limbs congealment of bloody water. 可在失去生命的瞬间,溶解为血水的尸体中,葛洛瑞亚的面目重现,向着槐诗冷笑着,异化的为血水的肢体凝结。 Formed the outline of great artillery. 形成了巨炮的轮廓。 Blood fire spout! 紧接着,血火喷涌! The Huai Shi remnant shadow is defeated and dispersed with the great artillery that the bloody water congeals together , again since the distant place appears, helpless letting go: Why so?” 槐诗的残影随着血水凝结成的巨炮一同溃散,紧接着,再度从远方浮现,无奈的摊手:“何必如此呢?” What's wrong, expected that I do pledge yourself to you? Do not have a dream, boy.” “怎么,期望我对你以身相许么?别做梦了,小子。” Guelaud body takes shape again, not cares about own nakedness, arrogant holding up the head, „does wish make me bow to you? How long regardless of imprisons my is not useful.” 葛洛瑞亚的身体再度成型,毫不在乎自身的赤裸,傲慢的昂起头,“想要让我向你低头?不论囚禁我多久都不会有用。” Even unprecedented weak, were being suppressed by secret instrument of entire oceanic trench prison, she has no thought of submitting: „ Suggested that you try soul to transform, or is consciousness change- cannot display the thing of floor to take your. 即便是前所未有的虚弱,被整个海沟监狱的秘仪压制着,她都没有任何屈服的念头:“建议你试试灵魂改造,或者是意识更替-把你们那些摆不上台面的东西全都拿出来。 Killed me! ” 或者,杀了我!” Feels relieved me unable.” “放心我不会。” Huai Shi shaking the head without hesitation, looks at her eye, told her seriously: Because I need you.” 槐诗不假思索的摇头,看着她的眼睛,郑重的告诉她:“因为我需要你。” Does not contain any false and lie. 不包含任何的虚伪和谎言。 Sincere and earnest, initiates the invitation toward the notorious convict at present. 诚挚又认真的,向着眼前恶名昭彰的囚徒发起了邀请。 Is ordinary just like the confession. 却宛如告白一般。 Made Guelaud be shocked. 令葛洛瑞亚愣住了。 Even if only then that flash. 哪怕只有那么一瞬间。 But in simultaneously, the face of Huai Shi, strange reappearing in her front, close, each other sticking, just like can feel the spitting breath of opposite party to be the same. 可就在同时,槐诗的面孔,就诡异的浮现在了她的面前,近在咫尺,彼此紧贴着,宛如能够感受到对方的吐息一般。 Does not wait for Guelaud to respond, feels the terrifying the pain to proliferate in the abdomen. 不等葛洛瑞亚反应过来,就感受到恐怖的痛楚在腹部扩散。 Tertiary thunderclap day collapses! 三重霹雳・天崩! Holds nothing back a fist, her body, hits to explode thoroughly. 毫不保留的一拳,将她的身体,彻底打爆。 Her head flies in in the air, saw Huai Shi has no fierce face, could not see that any gloom and pit cry, sincerely, makes her unexpectedly anxious as before sincerely. 她的头颅飞在空中,看到了槐诗毫无任何狰狞的面孔,看不到任何的阴暗和坑哭,依旧诚挚,诚挚的让她竟然不安。 But simultaneously, needs you to start with a clean slate-” “但同时,也需要你能够改过自新-” Huai Shi is saying, again, lifts the palm. 槐诗说着,再度,抬起手掌。 The five fingers get hold. 五指握紧。 A fist! 一拳! The day collapses crack, again, made into the smashing her. 天崩炸响,再度,将她打成了粉碎。 Everywhere bloody water is splashing, the polymerization formation , sees Huai Shi to stroke the appearance of shirt sleeve cuff again, careful and earnest, fold. 漫天血水飞溅着,重新聚合成型,紧接着,就看到槐诗捋起衬衫袖口的样子,仔细又认真的,折叠。 Finally, raised the head, regrettable notice: 最后,抬起头,遗憾的通知: Therefore, till I will project on you to agree.” “所以,我会打到你同意为止的。” Finally, bends the waist, the cell phone that will finish fixed time placed the ground, on the screen, the countdown starts. 最后,弯下腰,将定时完毕的手机放在了地上,屏幕上,倒计时开始。 We have nine minutes of being together time.” “我们还有九分钟的相处时间。” He is pulling the tie, loosens, trod forward one step, ten fingers stretched to contract slowly, twined faint thunderous, the electric light is jumping, is fermenting the named painful strength. 他将领带拉扯着,松开,向前踏出了一步,十指缓缓舒展收缩着,缠绕着隐隐的雷鸣,电光跳跃,酝酿着名为痛苦的力量。 Illuminated Guelaud eye pupil. 照亮了葛洛瑞亚的眼瞳。 Long suffering, as if eternal general nine minutes, this, started! 漫长又煎熬,仿佛永恒一般的九分钟,就这样,开始了! In front of the screen of control room, chief prison warden lifts the remote control, switched off the screen. 在监控室的屏幕前面,典狱长抬起遥控器,关掉了屏幕。 Put on the earphone. 戴上了耳机。 In the coffee dense steam, launched the newspaper. 在咖啡氤氲的热气中,展开了报纸。 Enjoys the short leisure time. 享受短暂的闲暇时光。 …… …… …… …… After nine minutes, with resounding of ting, these shatter floors, the wall and ceiling appears from void again, blocks the prisoner's cage again. 九分钟过后,随着铃声的响起,那些破碎的地板,墙壁和天花板都从虚空中再度浮现,重新将囚笼封锁。 The invisible strength lowers, is suppressing the convict of angry roaring brutally, suppresses her stubbornly in the ground. 紧接着,无形的力量降下,残酷的压制着怒吼的囚徒,将她死死的压制在地面。 But Huai Shi that the entire sentiment invests also good to recover finally. 而全情投入的槐诗也好想终于回过神来。 Lifts the arm, wipes off the bloody water on face. 抬起胳膊,将脸上的血水擦掉。 Sets out slowly. 缓缓起身。 Long exhales. 长出了一口气。 In him behind, the strobe raises slowly. 在他身后,闸门缓缓升起。 Chief prison warden is joining hands behind the back as before, stands in the darkness, time arrived, Mr. Huai Shi.” 典狱长依旧背着手,站在黑暗里,“时间到了,槐诗先生。” I know, thanks the reminder.” “我知道,谢谢提醒。” Huai Shi puts out a hand, wears the tie, bends the waist, picks up the ground the coat and cell phone. 槐诗伸手,将领带重新打好,弯下腰,捡起地上的外套和手机。 Today first talks about here.” “今天先谈到这里吧。” He turns head, in Guelaud of difficult reorganization to the bloody water said goodbye: I will come to see you tomorrow again.” 他回头,对血水中艰难重组的葛洛瑞亚道别:“我明天再来看你。” When nods says goodbye, as before smiling. 颔首道别时,依旧微笑着。 Probably devil. 像是魔鬼。 …… …… …… …… Got up early to complete own work, after throwing off other things, managed an entirely new unique school to incur the interview, after finishing up, found a place to have feast. 早起完成了自己的工作,甩掉了其他的事情之后,又主持了一场别开生面的独特的校招面试,完事之后去找个地方吃一顿大餐。 Simply is happy a day. 简直是美好的一天。 Waits for afternoon time, the Huai Shi footsteps vividly returned to own office swayingly time, saw already table opposite Ai Qing. 等下午的时候,槐诗晃晃悠悠脚步轻快的回到了自己的办公室的时候,看到了早已经桌子对面的艾晴 Tranquil waiting. 平静的等待。 Un?” “嗯?” The Huai Shi instantaneous second understands: „Did this have the result?” 槐诗瞬间秒懂:“这就有结果了?” Replied, un, used for four hours, the efficiency was unprecedented, pitifully, finally was not so only attractive.” “批复下来了,嗯,用时四个小时,效率前所未有,只可惜,结果并不那么漂亮。” Ai Qing turned around the dispatch case, advanced his front. 艾晴将文件袋转过来,推到了他的面前。 After disassembling, inside only has a light notice. 拆开之后,里面只有一张薄薄的通知。 Reply from governance bureau. 来自统辖局的回复。 „Doesn't rejection, pass?” “拒绝,不予通过?” Huai Shi cannot bear smile to make noise: This should say that is expected, is unexpected?” 槐诗忍不住笑出声:“这应该说是预料之中,还是预料之外呢?” It can be predicted that new round wrangling must start. 可以预见,新一轮的扯皮恐怕又要开始了。 In view of Huai Shi this Legion long status. 针对槐诗这个军团长的身份。 In view of his power boundary, in view of the work and following imminent campaign of Huai Shi...... 针对他的权力边界,针对槐诗的工作和接下来迫在眉睫的战役…… And, specifically aims at the interpellation conference that you hold.” “以及,还有一项专门针对你召开的质询会议。” Ai Qing continues saying that brings another bad news: tomorrow morning, sword river legislative body hall 艾晴继续说道,带来另一个坏消息:“就在明天上午,剑河市的议院大厅” ? I also made one to interview together.” “唔?我还约了人一起面试呢。” Huai Shi stares the big eye, such sudden?” 槐诗瞪大眼睛,“这么突然的吗?” Otherwise?” “不然呢?” Ai Qing looks that asks somebody who hammers hammers, does not have the sympathy. 艾晴看着求锤得锤的某人,毫无同情。 Idled being all right electric switch to touch, sooner or later must enter ICU. 闲着没事儿电门摸多了,早晚就要进ICU。 Is ready, Huai Shi.” “做好准备吧,槐诗。” She heaves a deep sigh: Cannot do well, just started.” 她摇头叹息:“搞不好,才刚刚开始呢。”
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