AF :: Volume #13

#1299: Interview (Middle Part)

The sharp chilliness howls from the sound of the tide crack. 尖锐的凄啸从潮声中炸响。 Looking like, when the dike collapses is the same, in pillar crevice that since the blood surges, an extremely thin scarlet spurts suddenly, from the Huai Shi eye forward flight, had spanned the long distance instantaneously, resounding sound slowly. 就像是,堤坝崩溃时一样,自鲜血涌动的柱石裂隙之中,陡然一道极细的猩红喷而出,从槐诗的眼前飞过,瞬间跨越了漫长的距离,紧接着高亢的声音才迟迟而来。 Exceeded the blood of speed of sound to form the high-pressure water jet blade general destructive power, divulged this terrifying strength in the prisoner's cage, cracked an extremely thin slit from the wall above. 超越音速的血液形成了高压水刀一般的破坏力,将这一份恐怖的力量宣泄在了囚笼之中,自墙壁之上切裂出一道极细的缝隙。 Together, two and three...... 一道、两道、三道…… In a flash, in the countless blood blade entokinetic fissure punctures, the inconsistency of entire indoor cutting. 弹指之间,数之不尽的血刀自裂缝里刺出,将整个室内都切的七零八落。 But in forefront, Huai Shi tranquil is greeting penetration of blood blade, whatever own body cut inconsistency, is ordinary just like the illusory image, approached freely, looks at carefully carefully. 而就在最前面,槐诗平静的迎接着血刀的贯穿,任由自己的身体被切的七零八落,宛如幻影一般,自如凑近了,仔细端详。 In him behind, the iron wall of prisoner's cage at the wail, ka ka is making noise, until finally, disintegrates thoroughly. 就在他身后,囚笼的铁壁在哀鸣着,咔咔作响,直到最后,彻底分崩离析。 After the wall that may collapse, appears unexpectedly is not the prison, but is a darkness.. 可坍塌的墙壁之后,所浮现的竟然不是监狱,而是一片漆黑。。 Eternal blackness, quiet swallowing completely blood-color. 永恒的漆黑,悄无声息的吞尽了血色。 Silent is waving. 无声的舞动着。 In a piece is jet black, there is huge shadow slowly roaming drag, the dead grey common skin appears in the glimmer, the ugly fierce outline flashes to pass. 而在一片漆黑里,有更加庞大的阴影缓缓游曳而过,死灰色一般的皮肤浮现在微光之中,丑陋狰狞的轮廓一闪而逝。 Huge, made the person palpitation! 庞大的,令人心悸! Huai Shi raised the head, is looking into this strange scene that acclaimed. 槐诗抬头,赞叹的眺望着这一片奇异的场景。 Here, already under deep sea...... 此处,已然在深海之下…… They had been shifted the oceanic trench prison, tosses into ice-cold sea that this piece did not bottom. 他们已经被转移出了海沟监狱,抛入了这一片不见底的冰冷海洋之中。 Bang! 轰! In his front, the blood column explodes loudly, magnanimous blood-color from spurts to be thin, shatter stone in rapid dissolution in scarlet, but actually cannot see has anyone 's shadow. 就在他的面前,血柱轰然爆裂,海量的血色从其中喷薄着,破碎的石块在迅速的溶解在猩红里,但却看不到其中有任何的人影。 One surging bloody water are spreading, in corrupt odor, pale faces from appears, throws the hunger and thirst toward Huai Shi the look. 只有一片涌动的血水蔓延着,腐败的恶臭里,一张张惨白的面孔从其中浮现,向着槐诗投来饥渴的眼神。 Therefore, in the blood-color, palms stretch out, pulls toward him. 于是,血色里,一只只手掌伸出,向着他拉扯而来。 Was held by such palm, even has passed through on the depth elementium body, still presented the corrosion and distortion outside expectation unexpectedly. 被那样的手掌抓住,即便是早已经经过深度源质化的身体上,竟然也出现了预料之外的侵蚀和畸变。 Melting. 融化。 Huai Shi in the rapid melting, dissolves in that blood-color, returns to the primary. 槐诗在迅速的融化,溶解在那一片血色里,回归原初。 Every has blood qi, then performs worthlessly such as. 凡有血气的,便尽如草芥。 In dissolving did not know the bloody water of many lives, vegetation and even in all organic matters, only then returns to a way, is unable to resist. The formation and dissolution, growth and corruption random operation life, occlude the myriad things at the same time, destruction myriad things. 在溶解了不知道多少生灵、草木乃至一切有机物的血水之中,只有回归一途,无从抵抗。任意的操纵生命的形成和溶解、生长和腐败,包藏万物的同时,又毁灭万物。 Is makes one hear look changes Miracle Seal worthily. 不愧是令人闻之色变的神迹刻印 Resistance that even Huai Shi still has no, is only contamination slightly, the finger has melted rapidly, reveals the skeleton, the quick skeleton also starts becomes soft and viscous, draws the filament to drip into the blood-color. 即便是槐诗也毫无任何的抗性,只是稍微的沾染,手指就已经迅速的融化,露出骨骼,很快骨骼也开始变得柔软、粘稠,拉着长丝滴入血色里。 Even elementium and soul also same...... 甚至源质灵魂也一样…… But what similarly regrets, unexpectedly elementium and soul also same...... 而同样遗憾的是,竟然源质灵魂也一样…… Is suppressing in elementium these thriving curses and virus, in soul the jet black Abyss essence and precipitation, Huai Shi shrugs slightly, the part that was dissolved, transforms unexpectedly again returns. 压制着源质中那些生机勃发的诅咒和病毒,灵魂里漆黑的深渊精髓和沉淀,槐诗只是微微耸肩,被溶解去的部分,竟然再度转化归来。 Is corroding the blood floods reverse, after the bloody water changes into the shadow, again flowed in Huai Shi soul. Probably turned on the faucet simultaneously with the swimming pool of discharge pipe same, is proficiently conducting one wave to trade the family/home. 反向侵蚀着血水灾,将血水化为阴影之后,又再度流入了槐诗灵魂之中。就好像同时开着水龙头和排水管的游泳池一样,熟练的进行了一波换家。 Then, he lowers the head, looks to the winding in the bloody water of whole body, these stretch out from the bloody water are pulling oneself hand, as well as faces, genial smile: 然后,他低头,看向缠绕在周身的血水,那些从血水里伸出拉扯着自己的手,以及一张张面孔,和煦的微笑着: Can make to introduce oneself? What project has managed? Personal history how? What is your shortcoming?” “能不能做个自我介绍呀?主持过什么项目?履历怎么样?你的缺点是什么?” Why leaves job from the previous company? What view has to this work? You thought that you can be competent this work? Why can respond to this post? Is I comes move of you, that was all right......” “为什么从上一家公司离职?对这一份工作有什么看法?你觉得你能胜任这一份工作吗?为什么要应聘这个岗位?哦,是我来招你的,那没事儿了……” What view your working overtime culture to the Utopia has?” “请问你对理想国的加班文化有什么看法?” Can accept 007 working methods?” “能接受007的工作方式吗?” In that flash, the eye pupils of a lot of faces exude the crystal general scarlet suddenly. 在那一瞬间,千百张面孔的眼瞳陡然泛起结晶一般的猩红。 It seems like, by enough talking endlessly of Huai Shi, is unable to endure patiently this noise continuously again, the opens the mouth, bursts out neighs, the bloody water of surging is seething with excitement, the colossus raises slowly. 就好像,受够了槐诗的喋喋不休,无法再忍耐这连绵不断的噪音,张口,迸发嘶鸣,涌动的血水沸腾着,庞然大物缓缓升起。 Had submerged in the bloody water of Huai Shi ankle, the fierce outline appears, the life restoration, kicks out toward Huai Shi! 已经淹没了槐诗脚腕的血水之中,狰狞的轮廓浮现,生命再造,向着槐诗扑出! Proliferates the huge mouth of sharp tooth to open, in instantaneous, covers his head is one of them. 遍布锋锐牙齿的巨口张开,在瞬间,就将他的头颅笼罩在其中。 That flash, Huai Shi cannot bear shoulder the brow. 那一瞬间,槐诗忍不住挑起眉头。 In the facial expression of anticipation, is difficult to cover intertwines. 期待的神情中,难掩纠结。 How should cope with this thing? 应该怎么对付这东西呢? It is not at a loss. 并非是束手无策。 But was the range that...... can choose are too many. 而是……可以选的范围太多了。 elementium military equipment direct dismembering? Miracle Seal does the curse in seeking Heaven tear soul? Does Yun Zhongjun's thunderous bang kill to the dregs? Does the judgement of Grand Controller of Fate seize to seize the vitality? Does the incarnation of elementium arming devastate heartily? Day Que Paojue? Nautilus bombing? Also or end does the beast gobble up finally completely? 源质武装直接分尸?神迹刻印天问中的诅咒撕裂灵魂?云中君的雷鸣轰杀至渣?大司命的裁决掳夺生机?源质武装的化身尽情蹂躏?天阙炮决?鹦鹉螺轰炸?亦或者终末之兽全部吞吃? But a probably which metropolis/can does not destroy the location carefully. 但好像哪一种都会不小心破坏场地。 Visited prisoners to demolish the prison what's the matter? 来探监把监狱拆了算怎么回事儿? forget about it, uses the hand directly.” 算了,直接用手吧。” Huai Shi is sighing, puts out a hand toward the big dragon that in the bloody water raises, that flash, the launched five fingers bail out, pulls backward, then has the wind tunnel to reappear from the five fingers probably suddenly, swallows completely all. 槐诗叹息着,向着血水中升起的巨龙伸手,那一瞬间,展开的五指捞出,向后拉扯,便好像骤然有风洞从五指之间浮现,吞尽一切。 Made the bloody water surge raising. 令血水涌动着升起。 Giant head that is throwing, cannot help but was received the fear by that invisible strength, fell into under the five fingers. 连带着扑来的巨大头颅,都不由自主的被那无形的力量收慑,落入了五指之下。 Held down. 被按住了。 Is away from refers to the seam, then saw eye pupil that Huai Shi overlooks. 隔着指缝,便看到了槐诗俯瞰的眼瞳。 Resembles acclaims. 似是赞叹。 Little thing, is very long is unique-” “小东西,长得还挺别致-” Bang! 轰! The day collapses crack. 天崩炸响。 The great skull collapses, changes into the bloody water to be defeated and dispersed. 巨颅崩溃,化为血水溃散。 In the ebullition bloody water also has is huger and fierce outline rapid raising. 紧接着,沸腾血水中却还有更多庞大又狰狞的轮廓迅速的升起。 But this time, Huai Shi has not waited for them to take shape. 可这一次,槐诗没有等它们成型。 Bends the waist, the left hand taking bearing blood, the five fingers launches, post gently in the surface of bloody water. His deep inspiration. 只是弯下腰,将左手探向鲜血,五指展开,轻轻的贴在了血水的表面。紧接着,他深深的吸了一口气。 Wisp of ripples from the fingertip flood, spread in the bloody water, the proliferation, proliferated again, spanned the fetter of prisoner's cage, surroundings that profound sea water, eternal did not see the ray the deep sea, and even all roaming drag monsters in this deathly stillness sea area, covered all. 一缕涟漪从指尖泛起,在血水中扩散,扩散,再扩散,跨越了囚笼的束缚,将周围那幽深的海水,永恒不见光芒的深海,乃至所有游曳在这一片死寂海域中的怪物,尽数笼罩在内。 Extreme Intent symphony! 极意・交响! In that flash, chief prison warden in control room cannot help but is straight the body, stares the big eye to look at the present screen, without hesitation will defend the rank to advance high. 在那一瞬间,监控室里的典狱长不由自主的直起身子,瞪大眼睛看着眼前的屏幕,不假思索的将防御等级推到了最高。 The grating warning never knows in many detecting instruments crack. 紧接着,刺耳的警报就从不知道多少探测仪器之中炸响。 Picture drags, in the sharp shake, as if in the deep sea was invested the unprecedented bombs. The terrifying equivalent raised in the liquid made all materials change into the impact of smashing sufficiently. 画面一阵摇曳,剧烈的震荡中,仿佛深海中被投入了前所未有的爆弹。恐怖的当量在液体之中掀起了足以令一切物质都化为粉碎的冲击。 The infinite bloody water, under the finger of Huai Shi, shakes suddenly. 无穷血水,在槐诗的手指之下,骤然一震。 In high fever that the kinetic energy brings, the ebullition, the evaporation, changes into one piece to not to see the scarlet mist of five fingers thickly. 紧接着,在动能带来的高热里,沸腾,蒸发,化为一片浓厚到不见五指的猩红雾气。 The life that these have not taken shape with enough time was extinguished instantaneously all kills, together with these bloody water in ominous offense wills and soul, all occludes the evil thought in bloody water and fierce collapses all. 那些还未曾来得及成型的生命在瞬间被尽数灭杀,连同着那些血水中的凶戾意志和灵魂,所有包藏在血水中的恶念和狰狞尽数崩溃。 But instinct greedy and preys on the desire not to give up as before. 可本能的贪婪和捕食欲望依旧未曾放弃。 The viscous thick blood fog shakes suddenly, toward the Huai Shi gathering, embezzled him instantaneously, formed blood cell of swimming pool size. 粘稠浓厚的血雾骤然一震,向着槐诗汇聚,瞬间将他吞没在了其中,形成了一个游泳池大小的血球。 In chaos will that the innumerable shatter consciousness form, malicious fierce, poured into Huai Shi soul! 无数破碎意识所形成的混沌意志里,恶意狰狞,灌入了槐诗灵魂 Corrosion, transformation! 侵蚀,转化! As was included Current Territories to threaten the list ten disasters, they are Miracle Seal that ten different phenomenon level disasters form, past Utopia the ten destruction embryonic forms of all disaster records extracting. 作为被列入现境威胁名单的十灾,它们本身就是十种不同的现象级灾害所形成的神迹刻印,昔日理想国从一切灾难记录中所萃取出的十种毁灭雏形。 Was sealed the banned book in Kingdom of Heaven. 被封存在天国之中的禁书。 The freeze myriad things write off the vitality the frost hail disaster ; Locust plague that brings the famine proliferation plague ; Cancels all sensations and consciousness, making all soul fall into the dark dark disaster...... and even multiplies corrupt, dissolves all lives the blood floods! 冻结万物抹杀生机的霜雹灾;带来饥荒扩散瘟疫的蝗灾;抹去一切感知和意识,令所有灵魂堕入黑暗的黑暗之灾……乃至滋生腐败、溶解一切生命的血水灾! Their destructive power do not have the upper limit. 它们的破坏力是无上限可言的。 So long as there is sufficient elementium and a supply, even can form to cover a state and an ocean, even covers the entire Current Territories destruction phenomenon. 只要有充足的源质和供应,甚至可以形成笼罩一州、一洋,甚至覆盖整个现境毁灭现象。 Meanwhile, the request to the user, is also very harsh. If phenomenon of this destruction loses control slightly, first swallows forever is its user. 同时,对使用者的要求,同样无比苛刻。倘若这一份毁灭的事象稍微失控,最先吞噬的永远都是它的使用者。 But, besides all dies under it that in the blood floods dissolves the lifeform, including all previous holder...... 而就在血水灾中所溶解的,除了所有死在它之下的生物之外,也包括历代的持有者…… Chaos will instinct that this piece of innumerable shatter soul forms is searching all living creatures, longs for swallowing all lives completely, evolves the brand-new corrupt ecology. 这一片无数破碎灵魂所形成的混沌意志本能的寻觅着一切活物,渴望将所有生命吞尽,演化出崭新的腐败生态。 But besides destruction, the energy of its no other creation. Therefore then can only unceasing gobbling up and dissolution and unceasing collapse and leads to many corruption...... 可除了毁灭之外,它别无创造之能。因此便只能不断的吞吃和溶解、不断的崩溃和滋生更多的腐败…… Miss Guelaud?” “葛洛瑞亚小姐?” In the bloody water, Huai Shi is sighing, getting out of bed air/Qi is exaggerating, should be similar? Even if you want my blood, still not necessarily...... forget about it, gives you and that's the end.” 血水之中,槐诗叹息着,“起床气再怎么夸张,也应该差不多了吧?就算是你想要我的血,也未必……算了,给你就是了。” He lifts the finger. 他抬起手指。 The fingertip splits a slit, a point exceeds all bloody water scarlet from seeps out, integrated in the infinite blood. 指尖裂开一道缝隙,一点胜过所有血水的猩红从其中渗出,融入了无穷鲜血之中。 The surging blood cell then trembles suddenly. 紧接着,涌动的血球便骤然震颤起来。 As if living creature general convulsion, shock, countless sharp thorn from grows, the magnanimous distortion limbs appears from the bloody water, the organ of distortion seems inexhaustible the same blowout. 仿佛活物一般的痉挛,剧震,数之不尽的尖刺从其中长出,海量的扭曲肢体从血水里浮现,畸变的器官仿佛无穷尽一样的井喷。 The innumerable fresh flower growth above the flesh, opens the defeat rapidly, becomes the soil rottenly, in the soil has a towering great tree to rise straight from the ground, is deriving the blood, grew just like the hard trunk and branches, on the trunk and branches opens glibly, put out the odor fierce poison. 数不清的鲜花生长在血肉之上,迅速开败,腐烂成泥土,紧接着泥土之中有一株参天巨树拔地而起,汲取着鲜血,生长出宛如铁一般的枝干,枝干上一张张利嘴张开,吐出了恶臭的猛毒。 But the quick great tree was also torn from center, an only strange worm crawls from inside, the ugly body is wriggling, after rupturing, to the revolting fragrance grows the strange human bodies of innumerable arm to crawl richly generally just like the centipede, frigid is wailing, died...... 可很快巨树也从正中被撕裂,一只只诡异的蠕虫从里面爬出,丑恶的身体蠕动着,爆裂之后,浓郁到令人作呕的香味中一具宛如蜈蚣一般长着无数手臂的诡异肉体爬出来,又惨烈的哀嚎着,死掉…… One after another made one sufficiently in the night awakened unceasingly trembles to the horror of dawn, the myriad things live to extinguish the corrupt terrifying circulation to welcome the end. 一连串足以令人在深夜里不断惊醒颤栗到天明的恐怖画面之后,万物生灭腐败的恐怖循环迎来终结。 The blood-color and material change into the flying ash together, vanishes does not see. 血色和物质一同化为飞灰,消失不见。 Form of one convulsion crawls from the wreckage, unceasing is twitching, the red long hair covers above the naked body, the figure is beautiful. 只有一个痉挛的身影从残骸之中爬出,不断的抽搐着,红色的长发笼罩在赤裸的身体之上,身材姣好。 Probably also stays is presided the youthful years that the bureau imprisons. 就好像还停留在被统辖局囚禁的青春年华。 On the fair skin the blue vein collapses, the probably dead fish same is wriggling, has not gasped for breath, is pinching own neck, in the mouth and nose continuous flows out the corrupt poisonous blood. 只是,白皙皮肤上青筋崩起,像是死鱼一样的蠕动着,喘不过气,掐着自己的脖子,口鼻之中源源不断的流出腐败的毒血。 But is actually not able to put out in the thing of throat that as if fishbone common card. 可是却无法将那一根仿佛鱼刺一般卡在喉咙的东西吐出。 Until Huai Shi extended putting out a hand at will. 直到槐诗随意的伸了伸手。 Wisp of scarlet dew appears from the palm, returned again, permeated under the skin. 一缕猩红的露水从掌心浮现,再度归来,渗入了皮肤之下。 What thing do not eat.” “别什么东西都吃。” Huai Shi squatting lower part of the body, pitied touches her hair, „isn't the feeling of dyspepsia good?” 槐诗蹲下身,怜悯的摸了摸她的头发,“消化不良的感觉不好吧?” Unmanned response. 无人回应。 On the ground, blood floods...... or Liu Dongli long elder sister, Guelaud Schiff also in difficult respite. 就在地上,血水灾……或者说,柳东黎的长姐,葛洛瑞亚・西弗还在艰难的喘息。
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