AF :: Volume #13

#1298: Interview (First Part)

Next day, in the morning, ten o'clock. 翌日,上午,十点钟。 In conference room that a sword river hotel, the renting room changes to temporarily, early morning sunlight illuminates. 剑河一家酒店,租赁房间临时改成的会议室里,清晨的阳光照下来。 In the garden in out of the window, the flower is blooming, the bird is singing. 窗外的庭院中,花儿在绽放,鸟儿在歌唱。 But behind the desk, Ai Qing looks the application that at present Huai Shi submits, thought suddenly some unlucky children, should be thrown into the Hell flame...... 而办公桌后面,艾晴看着眼前槐诗递交的申请,忽然觉得有些倒霉孩子,就应该被丢进地狱的火焰里…… . 啪。 The document was returned on the table. 文件被放回了桌子上。 „Are you earnest?” She asked. “你认真的?”她问。 Yes......” “是啊……” Huai Shi nods, asking of doubts: Is the form that I write has the issue?” 槐诗点头,疑惑的问:“是我写的格式有问题么?” Ai Qing has not spoken, but the finger is striking the application of Huai Shi. 艾晴没有说话,只是手指敲打着槐诗的申请。 No, your form is complete, the typeface, the number of pounds, the punctuation and expression are perfect.” “不,你的格式完整,字体,磅数,标点符号和措辞都完美无缺。” If not Huai Shi is in front of her to write the printing, she almost suspected that Huai Shi found anyone to write a letter on another's behalf from the secretariat of decision room. 如果不是槐诗当着她的面写出来打印的话,她几乎怀疑槐诗从决策室的秘书处里找了个什么人去代笔。 Is I do not express accurately?” Huai Shi asked again. “是我表达不准确?”槐诗再问。 Meaning is clear and straightforward, has not talked ambiguously, does not exist to let the misunderstanding leeway that the person uses something as a pretext.” Ai Qing thinks, the nod said: Written good.” “意思清晰又直白,没有含糊其辞,也不存在能够让人借题发挥的误解余地。”艾晴想了一想,点头说:“写的挺不错。” It is not splendid, does not need to be splendid, does not have any highlights and changes, a word generally can call it the standard, the standard to the decision room entrance. 并不精彩,也并不需要精彩,没有什么突出和跌宕起伏,一言概之可以称之为标准,标准到决策室门口了。 Is only, you understand that what you are making, right?” Ai Qing looks at Huai Shi, earnest asking. “只是,你明白自己在做什么,对吧?”艾晴看着槐诗,认真的问。 Huai Shi nods: Fulfills own power and responsibility.” 槐诗颔首:“履行自己的权责。” Therefore, Ai Qing understands clearly: Meaning of Russell?” 于是,艾晴了然:“罗素的意思?” No, is my.” “不,是我的。” Huai Shi shakes the head, „, but he will not oppose.” 槐诗摇头,“但他不会反对。” Not only will not oppose, the agreement that if oneself and between Liu Dongli reach and he has nothing to do, does the Liu Dongli telephone possibly pinch to select? 岂止不会反对,倘若自己和柳东黎之间达成的协议和他无关的话,柳东黎的电话怎么可能掐着点来? Projected on nearby Russell directly. 都直接打到罗素跟前了。 original sin Legion...... 况且,‘原罪军团’…… Only is the significance of this name representative, is very straightforward? 光是这个名字代表的意义,就已经很直白了吧? In comparison, last Huai Shi that receives the message is also last responds. 相比之下,最后一个收到消息的槐诗也是最后一个反应过来的。 In addition, simply is the sensible people. 除此之外,简直都是明白人。 The governance bureau does not understand that what meaning this designation is? Said Yaeger really doesn't understand? Even Green Day, hasn't understood? 统辖局难道不明白这个番号是什么意思么?还是说叶戈尔真就一点都不懂?即便是绿日,难道还不懂么? Huai Shi is unable to know that actually behind to achieve many agreements and benefit exchanges, but this did not finish absolutely, instead is the start of another disturbance. 槐诗无从得知背后究竟达成了多少协议和利益交换,但这绝对不是结束,反而是另一场风波的开始。 The governance bureau decided that concentrated to the development of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree? Said, some people do not want to look at Utopia to resurge, want taking this opportunity, has done again? 统辖局决定对天国谱系的发展投注了?还是说,有人不想看着理想国死灰复燃,想要借着这个机会,再重新做过一场? That side Green Day really has the possibility is so simple? 绿日那边真有可能这么简单么? The disturbance and struggle of political tide and right extremely in letting the person have a headache, Huai Shi does not want to ponder over. 这其中的政潮和权利的风波和斗争太过于让人头疼,槐诗不想去琢磨。 Old Yin compared with the matter loses for old Yin compared with. 老阴比们的事情就丢给老阴比们吧。 He is only responsible for completing the matter that oneself want to handle. 他只负责把自己想做的事情做好。 Ai Qing looks at his firm facial expression, silent sighed. 艾晴看着他坚决的神情,无声叹了口气。 Even some of her early expectations, still without thinking, first day, Huai Shi planned that the heavy blows attack. 即便是她对此早有预料,也没想到,才第一天,槐诗就打算重拳出击。 Does not make a veiled attack, does not jump the probe repeatedly horizontally, comes is so ruthless directly. 不旁敲侧击,不反复横跳试探,直接来个这么狠的。 Directly mouth pull people who the hand does put in the governance bureau? 直接把手伸进统辖局的嘴里拔人? Calm, do you want to understand? 冷静点,你想明白了么? No, what does this fellow...... never understand is advances gradually in proper order? 不,这个家伙……从来就不懂什么叫循循渐进吧? Determination?” Ai Qing asked finally. “确定了?”艾晴最后问。 Un.” “嗯。” Huai Shi nods. 槐诗点头。 „, I will conduct reporting.” “那么,我会进行上报的。” Ai Qing turns to the application last page, signs and seals, then loads into nearby dispatch case, the seal, the serial number, said finally: Usually the examination and reply time are about five working days, but this application...... a day, long will be quickly never, you need to be ready.” 艾晴翻到申请最后一页,签字盖章,然后装进旁边的文件袋里,封口,编号,最后说道:“通常审查和批复时间是五个工作日左右,但这一份申请……快则一天,长就遥遥无期了,你需要做好准备。” Process time, sometimes is also one type to the news that the outside world conveys. 处理时间的长短,有时候也是一种向外界传达的讯息。 But actually must specifically long short, must look at governance bureau's that side idea. 但具体究竟要多长多短,就要看统辖局那边的想法了。 Looked that everyone has reached the unification opinion, then this opportunity broke off a wrist/skill. 就看大家是早就达成统一意见,还是接着这个机会来掰个手腕了。 Its decision room is never a body, the internal faction stands in great numbers, each department, each area and each different group, everyone at least over two status, moreover can transform seamlessly, but sometimes has between the possibility two status to produce very much self-contradictorily. 本身决策室就从来不是一体,内部派系林立,各个部门、各个地区、各个不同的集团,每个人至少有两个以上的身份而且可以无缝转换,而有的时候很有可能两个身份之间产生自相矛盾。 Related to the major event, wants to unify the consensus, difficult. 涉及到重大事件,想要统一共识,难上加难。 For this reason, governance bureau the ossification and the swell of system will make one denounce, but, this set complex to harsh and old-fashioned system, similarly lets this huge organization that covers throughout can maintain the efficiency and ability basis is. 正因如此,统辖局的制度之僵化和臃余才会令人诟病,但同时,这一套复杂到苛刻且古板的制度,同样是让这个覆盖全境的庞大机构能够维持效率和能力的根本所在。 Ai Qing can definitely be able to imagine, after oneself this bomb loses, actually to start the big water splash and tide. 艾晴完全可以想象得到,自己把这个炸弹丢进去之后,究竟会掀起多大的水花和浪潮。 Huai Shi said that good work.” 槐诗说,“辛苦了。” „......” “……” Ai Qing has not spoken, but looks at the table opposite person, is hard to maintain that conscientious appearance until Huai Shi again, is smiling bitterly lowering the head. 艾晴没有说话,只是看着桌子对面的人,直到槐诗再难以维持那一副公事公办的样子,苦笑着低头。 Thanks.” He said. “谢谢。”他说。 Ai Qing nods, takes up the document, sets out to depart. 艾晴颔首,拿起文件,起身离去。 Moved toward will soon welcome the fish pond of bomb. 走向了即将迎来炸弹的鱼塘。 After she departs, Huai Shi also walks quickly from the office, carries the coat since the clothes rack, outside busy the staff toward the suite waves to greet. 而当她离去之后,槐诗很快也从办公室里走出来,从衣架上拎起外套,向着套房外面繁忙的工作人员挥手打了个招呼。 Just like just punched the clock takes the lead the higher authorities of outstanding class to be the same, relaxed enjoyable waves to say goodbye. 宛如刚刚打卡就带头翘班的上级一样,轻松写意的挥手道别。 Pushes Raymond on office chair raised the head, on the face also hangs the eyeglasses that was soon being supported to explode, saw that Huai Shi just came less than a half hour to run, immediately knits the brows: 挤在办公椅上的雷蒙德抬头,脸上还挂着一幅快要被撑爆的眼镜,眼看槐诗刚来不到半个小时就要跑路,顿时皱眉: Oh, do you go?” “唉,你去哪儿?” Takes a stroll.” “溜达溜达。” Huai Shi beckons with the hand indifferently: Breakfast eats is a much less, digestion.” 槐诗淡然摆手:“早饭吃的有点多,消消食。” „Do you want digestion the trouble to work to be good?!” “你想消食麻烦来干活儿好不好?!” By drawing, when the truck operator of tool person is angry immediately: equipment demand and so on thing, don't you plan to make?” 被拉来当工具人的卡车司机顿时大怒:“装备需求之类的东西,你就一点都不打算弄么?” „Doesn't this have you?” “这不是还有你么?” Huai Shi trust patted his shoulder: This is leader's trust, old thunder, right, afternoon time you first hand over me a draft, behind changes slowly, come on!” 槐诗信任的拍了拍他的肩膀:“这就是领导的信任啊,老雷,对了,下午的时候你先交我一个初稿,后面再慢慢改,加油哦!” What is knows one's subordinates and assign them properly! 什么叫知人善任啊! Let originally the Eye of Nightmare ten thousand men long reserve duty in addition Ivory Tower senior tool person and fitting out master to come is responsible for the Legion large-scale equipment demand table of contents and related data compilation. 让原本噩梦之眼的万夫长预备役外加象牙之塔资深工具人和整备师来负责军团的大型装备需求目录和相关的资料整理。 This wave, operated does not say the atmosphere, can arrive at a stratosphere? 这一波啊,操作不说大气层,怎么也能到个平流层吧? This called the specialty! 这就叫专业! Pretended not to see the ox head popularity cold Dou appearance, Huai Shi has carried the coat to arrive at outside the gate, looked up an outer space, blew a whistling. 装作没有看到牛头人气冷抖的样子,槐诗已经拎着外套走到了门外面,抬头看了一眼太空,吹了声口哨。 Shook the seven color brights of blind truck operator dog eye to drop from the clouds together suddenly, embezzled the Huai Shi form. 紧接着,一道晃瞎卡车司机狗眼的七彩亮光就骤然从天而降,吞没了槐诗的身影。 Vanishes does not see. 消失不见。 Ascended to heaven! 升天了! Only leaves behind a Raymond person, is facing at present the complex material and documents, work that as well as cannot do, then before the blood vessel of brain explodes, starts to ponder: 只留下雷蒙德一个人,面对着眼前纷繁复杂的资料和文档,以及干不完的活儿,然后在脑血管爆裂之前,开始思考: Own present outsources transfers the outsourcing not to come with enough time? 自己现在外包转外包还来不来得及? Probably was thrown into the washer suddenly, after fierce revolving, throughout falls, after instantaneous absent-minded, the world of fine spring day does not see. 就好像被忽然之间丢进了洗衣机里,剧烈的旋转之后,始终下坠,瞬间的恍惚之后,鸟语花香的世界不见。 In the gloomy hall, is shining several pale lights, at best can only illuminate gloomily, but makes people feel ill even more. 阴暗的大厅里,亮着几盏苍白的灯光,充其量只能将阴暗照亮,但却让人感觉越发的不适。 But in Huai Shi at present, a pale gloomy face has waited for a long time. 而就在槐诗眼前,一张苍白阴沉的面孔已经等待许久。 In top of the head, indistinct ka ka the sound transmits, the crawling of probably small insect on the ceiling is the same, but in fact, here has not let the insect class life the space. 就在头顶,隐约的咔咔声传来,像是小虫子在天花板上爬行一样,但实际上,这里并没有让虫类生活的空间。 Here is under the vast vastness. 这里是浩瀚汪洋之下。 In the unenlightened dark oceanic trench, the hydraulic pressure of entire sea is extruding this always just like the bubble general iron casing, made the screw and connecting point makes sound in broken bits. 闭塞的黑暗海沟里,整个海洋的水压无时不刻的挤压着这一层宛如泡影一般的铁壳,令螺丝和接缝处发出细碎的声响。 Here is entire Current Territories is darkest the loneliest place. 这里是整个现境最黑暗最孤独的地方。 Is the special-grade seat of villains and criminals specially. 专属于恶棍和罪人们的特等席。 Mariana Trench Prison. 马里亚纳海沟监狱。 Before the authorization of governance bureau issues, Huai Shi has first arrived. 在统辖局的批准下达之前,槐诗就已经先到了。 Hello, chief prison warden mister.” “您好,典狱长先生。” Nodding the head of Huai Shi politeness, you should receive my visiting application.” 槐诗礼貌的颔首,“您应该已经收到了我的拜访申请。” The pale chief prison warden stature is skinny, in the eye pupil does not have the temperature, looks like these fish such in similarly ultra Abyss level, is indifferent and numb, making one be awed at the sight. 脸色苍白的典狱长身材枯瘦,眼瞳之中毫无温度,就像是同样超深渊层里的那些鱼类那样,冷漠又麻木,令人望而生畏。 Visiting to the ordinary day has not shown any smile rare, but is sizing up his appearance, when with sizing up convict the appearance has no difference. 并没有向平日里难得一见的拜访者露出任何笑容,只是打量着他的模样,和打量囚徒时的样子没有任何区别。 I do not know whether should welcome your arrival, Mr. Huai Shi.” “我不知道是否应该欢迎您的到来,槐诗先生。” Chief prison warden said, truth said that I do not approve of the arrangement that these met with time, I do not like the outcomer disturbing here order.” 典狱长说,“实话说,我并不赞同这一次会面的安排,我也不喜欢外来者干扰这里的秩序。” Thinks toward the advantage, is only an interview.” “往好处想,只是一次面试而已。” Huai Shi lets go, „after perhaps I see, gave up.” 槐诗摊手,“说不定我见完之后就放弃了呢。” You best give up, but you cannot mostly.” “你最好放弃,但你多半不会。” Chief prison warden turns around, walks toward the hall outside. 典狱长转身,向着大厅之外走去。 Please come with me, you keep here time to be limited, treasure every seconds.” “请跟我来吧,您留在这里的时间有限,珍惜每一秒。” Probably marches forward in stretch of ruins. 就好像行进在一片废墟之中。 Silent, lonely, when each passed by the people who see bring one share thorough marrow gloomy and cold and indifferently, looks at occasionally to Huai Shi time, many brings a point with warden same carefully examining. 寂静,冷清,每个路过时看到的人都带着一股子深入骨髓的阴冷和漠然,偶尔看向槐诗的时候,也多少都带着一点和监狱长一样的审视。 Cannot see the tightly guarded appearance. 看不出戒备森严的样子。 Perhaps, but Huai Shi identity issue, if he were delivered to here as convict, decides however will have other different kind entertainments? 或许,只是槐诗的身份问题倘若他以囚徒的身份被送到这里,定然会有其他别样的招待吧? But at this moment the uneventful appearance, let prepare for psychological Huai Shi somewhat being slightly disappointed actually. 但此刻风平浪静的样子,倒是让做好了心理准备的槐诗略微有些失望起来。 Hears the general also here?” “听说将军也在这里?” Cannot see the end in the maneuver staircase, under Huai Shi looks at the dark deep well, curious asking. 看不到尽头的回旋楼梯里,槐诗看着下方黑暗的深井,好奇的问道。 Chief prison warden is stepping on the staircase downward, did not return said: Here does not have the general, only then convict.” 典狱长踩着楼梯向下,头也不回的说:“这里没有将军,只有囚徒。” „, Also is right.” Huai Shi taps the head: I remember that he is called...... Arthur Douglas?” “啊,也对。”槐诗一拍脑袋:“我记得他是叫做……亚瑟・道格拉斯?” That similarly is also an honored guest, just like that you visit, always does not make one be free from worry, luckily, besides books and newspapers, other he not presumptuous requests.” “那同样也是一位贵客,同您拜访的那位一样,总是不太让人省心,幸好,除了书籍和报纸之外,他并没有其他非分的要求。” Chief prison warden said indifferently: That also in your list?” 典狱长淡然说道:“难道那位也在您的名单上?” Has considered, what a pity, he was extremely free.” Huai Shi does not evade this topic: „Perhaps, other person rather I select him also perhaps.” “考虑过,可惜,他太过自由了。”槐诗并不避讳这个话题:“不过,其他人或许宁愿我去挑他也说不定呢。” Should better carry off.” “最好带走。” Chief prison warden nods, resembling is the approval. 典狱长颔首,似是赞同。 Un? Is he so hateful?” Huai Shi is stunned. “嗯?他这么讨嫌么?”槐诗愕然。 No, but I like peacefully, but some people, always pass in and out here are the prisons, is not the presidential suite in hotel.” “不,只是我喜欢安静,而有些人,总是进进出出这里是监狱,不是旅馆的总统套房。” Chief prison warden turn head looked at his one eyes, said earnestly: I trouble repugnantly.” 典狱长回头看了他一眼,认真的说:“我讨厌麻烦。” Frankly, I also very like.” “实不相瞒,我还挺喜欢的。” Huai Shi shrugs. 槐诗耸肩。 Chief prison warden has not spoken again, but forwards. 典狱长没有再说话,只是向前。 As if planned a route for him specially, anything had not seen all the way, the person also saw not many, other convicts disappeared completely. 似乎专门为他规划出了一条路线,一路上什么东西都没看到,就连人也见得不多,其他的囚徒完全不见踪影。 Only then occasionally in the corridor corner, hearing in the darkness to transmit the loud respite. 只有偶尔在走廊的拐角处,听见黑暗里传来粗重的喘息。 Illusion same laughter. 或者,幻觉一样的科科笑声。 Does not have during the estimate cruel, callous and dirty, here each place cleaned is very clean, moreover obtained maintained. The staff who Huai Shi sees do not have the ferocious-looking tall and strong appearance, even has not provided the weapon. 没有预想之中的残暴、冷酷和肮脏,这里的每一个地方都被打扫的很干净,而且得到了保持。槐诗见到的工作人员也都没有满脸横肉的魁梧样子,甚至没有怎么配备武器。 Actually can be the matter that misconception at heart in fact has? 可究竟是心里的错觉还是实际上发生的事情呢? Huai Shi always felt the place beyond own angle of view, had anything quiet passing over gently and swiftly probably, however did not have the trace in Yun Zhongjun's sensation. 槐诗总感觉自己视角之外的地方,好像有什么东西悄无声息的掠过,但是在云中君的感知之中却毫无踪影。 In the perception area of symphony, anything could not detect as before. 交响的感知范围内,也依旧什么都察觉不到。 But is only, pure cannot see, lets nerve unavoidable constraining of Huai Shi and ties tight. 可只是,单纯的‘看不到’,就让槐诗的神经难免的压抑和紧绷。 Until the final strobe, opens before him. 直到最后的闸门,在他面前打开。 In the darkness, the light shines. 黑暗里,灯光亮起。 The reception room has prepared. 会客室已经准备好了。 You have 15 minutes, Mr. Huai Shi.” Chief prison warden made way the position, „after 15 minutes, we will open the door for you again.” “您有十五分钟的时间,槐诗先生。”典狱长让开了位置,“十五分钟后,我们会为您再度打开门。” Nodding the head that Huai Shi understands clearly, smile: In other words, in these 15 minutes, what regardless has, you won't manage?” 槐诗了然的颔首,微笑:“也就是说,这十五分钟里,不论发生什么,你们都不会管咯?” No, after this is only the blanker shuts down, restarts the time again.” “不,这只是抑制器关闭之后再度重启时间而已。” Chief prison warden pulls out the remote control, referred to another head: necessary time, they will aid.” 典狱长掏出遥控器,指了指另一头:“必要的时候,他们会进行援助。” After raising wall, is gloomy, can only see that forms silent stand and wait for a long time. Fully-armed, no inch skin exposed outside. 升起的墙壁之后,阴暗里,只能看到一个个身影无声伫立。全副武装,没有一寸皮肤裸露在外。 Is same just like the iron stone, motionless, does not have the breath. 宛如铁石一样,一动不动,也毫无呼吸。 Actually is that the dying thing or the life? 那究竟是死物还是生灵呢? Really is hard to distinguish. 实在难以分辨。 In shadow end the beast seemed somewhat moved in that flash finally, appears hunger and thirst and greedy. 只是阴影之中的终末之兽在那一瞬间仿佛有所触动,浮现出了一丝饥渴和贪婪。 Huai Shi had not carefully looked again, but shakes the head with a smile. 槐诗并没有再仔细看,只是笑着摇了摇头。 No, did not need to disturb.” “不,就不用打扰了。” After he entered the gate, shines gradually toward that piece: I think, we can need some...... the private space.” 他走进了门后,向着那一片渐渐亮起的:“我想,我们会需要一些……私密空间。” In him behind, the strobe closes up loudly. 在他身后,闸门轰然合拢。 The pale light photo falls. 苍白的灯光照落。 May be called in the neat huge single room, the fine dust does not dye, without washing stage, without furniture, even does not have the bed. 堪称整洁的庞大单人间内,纤尘不染,没有洗漱台,没有桌椅,甚至没有床。 The scarlet pillar that one roughly one person encircles towers in the center. 只有一根约莫一人合围的猩红柱石耸立在中央。 Is lending the strange aura. 散发着诡异的气息。 Green Day ten disasters blood floods! 绿日十灾・血水灾! At this moment, along with top of the head humming sound the dissipation of sound, silent indoor, only then Huai Shi and blood-color pillar, cannot hear other breath and heartbeats. 此刻,伴随着头顶嗡嗡声的消散,寂静的室内只有槐诗和血色柱石,听不到其他的呼吸和心跳。 Could not find others in addition. 也找不到除此之外的其他人。 Huai Shi stands in same place, waited for the moment, tilts the head looks at the present blood column, prepared a lot of words and issues unexpectedly could not find the object suddenly. 槐诗站在原地,等了片刻,歪头看着眼前的血柱,原本准备了一肚子的话语和问题竟然一时间找不到对象。 Only then time one minute/share one second of past. 只有时间一分一秒的过去。 This damn had the issue very much. 这他妈的就很有问题了。 This elder sisters study what is not good, student self-closing? 这姐们学什么不好,学人自闭? He arrives at the scarlet pillar front, is looking at carefully above the beautiful scarlet issue, the ponder a moment later, exploratory putting out a hand, the knuckle bends. 他走到猩红的柱石前方,端详着上面妖艳猩红的问题,沉思片刻之后,试探性的伸出手,指节屈起。 Knocked two. 敲了两下。 Hello?” “你好?” First time Huai Shi that holds the post of the HR work, decides to come straight to the point, straightforward: „Can you accept every week work overtime, year's end not to rest? Although we do not have the year-end bonus and wages, but can wrap the board and lodging , the work load is a little saturated, but you can certainly learn/study many......” 第一次担任HR工作的槐诗,决定开门见山,直白一点:“请问你能接受每周加班、年终无休么?虽然我们没有年终奖和工资,但可以包食宿,呃,工作量有点饱和,但你一定能够学习到很多……” Unmanned response. 无人回应。 Clear sound that only then bursts, resounds from the prisoner's cage. 只有破裂的清脆声音,从囚笼之内响起。 ! 啪! From the stone column above, cracked suddenly a slit. 自石柱之上,骤然崩裂出了一道缝隙。 Wisp of viscous blood-color, from silent outflow. 一缕粘稠的血色,从其中无声的流出。 In Huai Shi actually also when ponders over this is to agree or not agree , the second crack appeared. 就在槐诗还在琢磨这究竟是同意还是不同意的时候,紧接着,第二道裂缝出现了。 Third and fourth...... in a flash, the entire stone column proliferates the crack slit, but the water drop sound in broken bits overlapped in one, unexpectedly in rapid increasing, rise. 第三道、第四道……转瞬间,整个石柱遍布龟裂的缝隙,而细碎的滴水声重叠在了一起,竟然在迅速的攀升,上涨。 In under the crevice from the stone column, the sound of the tide gathers, bursts out the sea tide to thunder! 自石柱之内之下的裂隙内,潮声汇聚,迸发出海潮轰鸣! Corrupt odor proliferation. 紧接着,腐败的恶臭扩散。 Blood-color mighty current, blowout! 血色洪流,井喷而出!
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