AF :: Volume #13

#1296 Part 2: Quite skillful

The teacup that the Fu Yi delay, in the hand carries forgets to put, looks at among two people the intimate posture, reading out of instinct the Huai Shi subconscious stiffness and resistance, under the facial expression subtle change and movement language of that strange face, indistinct coming apart feeling. 傅依呆滞,手里端起的茶杯忘记放下来,看着两人之间亲密的姿势,本能的读出了槐诗下意识的僵硬和抗拒,以及,在那一张陌生面孔的神情细微变化和动作语言之下,隐隐约约的脱节感。 Does wait/etc, why feel likely a man?! 等等,为什么感觉像个男人?! Is the hobby range of Huai Shi this fellow so broad? Said has walked too on the Utopia road, universal love in this way? 槐诗这个家伙的嗜好范围已经这么宽广了么?还是说已经在理想国的路上走得太远,以至于博爱如斯? It is not good, must attack with heavy blows. 不行了,必须重拳出击。 Even brainwashes and changes the consciousness, cannot...... wait/etc, in the mentality soon the instance of landslide, she detect cold intent. 就算是洗脑和更替意识,也不能……等等,在思路即将滑坡的瞬间,她察觉到了身旁的冷意。 Ai Qing. 艾晴 Her tranquil looks at among two people the kind posture, finally, the line of sight falls on the face of future, then as if passed through the camouflage of that careful beautification, understands thoroughly the essence. 她平静的看着两人之间的亲切姿势,最后,视线落在来者的面孔上,便仿佛贯穿了那一层精心修饰的伪装,洞彻本质。 „.” She sighed lightly, I have not looked actually, besides installing the idiot deceived the rich woman, you also had such skill-” “没想到啊。”她轻叹,“我倒是没看出来,除了装白痴骗有钱女人之外,你还有这样的本事-” Aiya, I do not know that you are saying anything.” “哎呀,我不知道你在说什么呢。” Liu Dongli hides behind the Huai Shi shoulder, as if cannot withstand the accusation against be ordinary, prays for rescue from Huai Shi: „ This younger sister is really fearful, others frighten tightly. 柳东黎藏在槐诗肩膀后面,仿佛不堪指责一般,向槐诗求救:“这位妹妹真可怕,人家心里吓得紧呢。 Hani ~ we walk quickly, late could not catch up, others want that dinner to be very long. ” 呐,哈尼~我们快走吧,晚了就赶不上了,人家想吃那一家的晚餐很久了。” Saying, is entraining just like Huai Shi of good-for-nothing, pulls him to go far away. 说着,拽起了宛如行尸走肉的槐诗,扯着他远去。 In the cold wind of coming, the Huai Shi delay, is raising head, looks at the top of the head empty pale sky, the tears, finally could not bear. 在迎面而来的寒风里,槐诗呆滞着,仰头,看着头顶空洞苍白的天空,眼泪,终于忍不住冲了出来。 Then, under following closely and track of vision control supervisors. 就这样,在监控人员的盯梢和跟踪之下。 Action close two people passed through the street, passed through the alley, witnessed the sword river scenery, stops from time to time, finally, entered in the lover hotel. 举动亲密的两人穿过了街道,走过了小巷,见证了剑河风光,一路走走停停,最后,走进了情侣酒店里。 After five minutes, the window curtains draws. 五分钟后,窗帘拉上。 In the channel of laser interception transmitted moan sound, mixes with is whipping, electric shock, to reprove...... 激光窃听的频道里传来了呻吟的声音,夹杂着鞭挞、电击、训斥…… In the car(riage), listens to listen with tree top, a nostril heat, wiped a face, saw that a wisp bright red spreads in the fingertip. 在车里,跟梢者听着听着,鼻孔一热,抹了一把脸,看到一缕鲜红在指尖蔓延开来。 „- Mother, real his mother is exciting!” “-妈耶,真他妈刺激!” …… …… …… …… Actually is because the Liu Dongli speed is too fast, is this sudden change extremely in panic-stricken. 究竟是因为柳东黎的速度太快,还是这突如其来的变化太过于惊骇呢。 Until Huai Shi was being entrained, Fu Yi responded. 直到槐诗被拽着走了,傅依才反应过来。 But felt oneself have not responded as before. 但感觉自己依旧没有反应过来。 Delay. 呆滞。 This and this......” “这、这……” Her subconscious turning head, looks to Ai Qing: What's all this about?” 她下意识的回头,看向艾晴:“这是怎么回事儿?” „, Man.” “呵,男人。” Ai Qing coldly is shooting a look at that back that vanishes in the corner, smiled one suddenly, shakes the head, forget about it, lets him and his bald friend plays.” 艾晴冷冷的瞥着那个消失在街角的背影,忽然笑了一声,摇头,“算了,让他和他的秃头朋友去玩吧。” Saying, will before just serve the exploding potato angular orientation that stirs up trouble pushed a point. 说着,将刚刚服务生端上来的炸薯角向前推了一点。 You first eat a thing.” “你先吃点东西。” She looks to Fu Yi, asking that understands clearly: At noon should not eat in the cafeteria?” 她看向傅依,了然的问:“中午在食堂应该没怎么吃吧?” „?” “啊?” The Fu Yi delay for a long time, responded finally: „, Thanks.” 傅依呆滞许久,终于反应过来:“哦,谢谢。” Truly, was hungry. 确实,饿了。 Has not eaten...... 根本就没有吃好…… In the afternoon also drank a lot of water, hungry was fiercer. 下午还喝了一肚子水,饿的更厉害了。 But after she just fronted two exploded the potato corner/horn, suddenly heard sound. 而就在她刚刚才垫了两块炸薯角之后,忽然听见了身旁的声音 Right, didn't you want to ask relations between my organization departments at noon?” “对了,中午你不是还想要问我组织部门之间的关系么?” Ai Qing is supporting the chin, looks at her appearance, suddenly said: „ Happen, I come to introduce for you concrete constitution and governance bureau of Astronomy Association authorizes action the concrete flow. 艾晴撑着下巴,看着她的样子,忽然说:“正好,我来为你介绍一下天文会的具体构成和统辖局的批办具体流程吧。 Earlier knows these, is good to you. ” 早点知道这些,对你也有好处的。” „?” Fu Yi stares. “啊?”傅依一愣。 Governance bureau in London this, foreign every large or small altogether 200 departments, the probably more than 90 key posts, will deal with you should have 41, is counted the words of examination and execution department, should have more than 50, you may probably record clearly.” “统辖局在伦敦本部,对外的大大小小一共有二百个部门,其中大概有九十多个关键岗位,会跟你打打交道的应该有四十一个,算上审批和执行部门的话,应该有五十多,你可要记清楚哦。” Saying, Ai Qing is turning on own package, took out optical glasses, wears good, finally, referred to the book in Fu Yi package. 说着,艾晴打开自己的包,取出了一副平光眼镜,戴好,最后,指了指傅依包里的本子。 The smile of corners of the mouth becomes even more happy. 嘴角的微笑就变得越发愉快。 Relax.” “放心。” She said that I can say is very careful.” 她说,“我一定会讲的很仔细的。” „......” “……” Fu Yi looks at the dusk ray that outside sky exudes faintly. 傅依看着外面天空上隐隐泛起的黄昏光芒。 That by the good brothers who the lover cancels. 还有自己那个被野男人勾走的好兄弟。 Who as well as are unable to skip classes. 以及无法逃课的自己。 The tears also flowed quickly. 眼泪也快流出来了。
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