AF :: Volume #13

#1296 Part 1: Quite skillful

Feels this way of the world weirdly damn. 感觉这世道就他妈的邪门。 The odd matter one after another, a oneself patient well has not left the hospital is advanced the keenest struggle, just led Legion long ordering to face major collection of problems and troubles. 离谱的事情一出又一出,自己好好的一个病人还没出院就被推到了风口浪尖,刚刚领了军团长的授命就要面对一大堆问题和麻烦。 But at this time, your friend for fear that your insufficient bare was probably same, pinches to select to call you, wants to give you to add the work load. 而在这时候,你的朋友好像还生怕你不够头秃一样,掐着点来给你打电话,想要给你添点工作量。 Even if Liu Dongli does not open mouth, he can guess this bald person to suppress what fart. 就算柳东黎不张嘴,他都能猜得出来这个秃子憋得什么屁。 Was the last minute/share too simple? Takes this Green Day...... 上分太简单了?带上这个绿日吧…… Left, Big brother? 别了吧,大哥? Even if your Canaan did not speak Wu De, cannot always weed out my one. 你们迦南就算不讲武德,也不能总薅我一个啊。 You change individual to weed out! 你换个人去薅啊! But does not seem to comprehend his meaning to be the same, the telephone that in his hands, just hung up rings. 可就好像没有领会到他的意思一样,在他手里,刚刚挂断的电话又响起来。 So rigid. 如此执着。 After Huai Shi mute, pretends no one, but the cell phone has actually vibrated in side, buzz humming sound, buzz humming sound, doing the person is confused, finally Huai Shi cannot bear finally, with, the connection, heard familiar and happy sound. 槐诗静音之后装作没有人在,可手机却在旁边一直震动,嗡嗡嗡,嗡嗡嗡,搞得人心烦意乱,最终槐诗终于受不了,拿起来,接通,就听见了熟悉又愉快的声音 Crooked ~?” “歪~有空吗?” No, bye!” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes: I am busy , without the time to hit saying that next time will chat, I took a bath, 8.” “没有,再见!”槐诗翻了个白眼:“我正忙着呢,没时间打说,下次聊啊,我去洗澡了,八。” At noon takes a bath? Do you receive a guest? In the past I brought your time how to see you is so diligent?” Liu Dongli asked: Huai Shi, does not see for a long time, don't you have necessary this?” “大中午洗澡?你接客呐?当年我带你的时候怎么不见你这么勤快?”柳东黎问:“槐诗,好久不见,你没必要这样吧?” The Huai Shi opens the mouth, sneezes, after scratching the nose, helpless sighed: Excuse me, I to the bald allergy, we must maintain a distance.” 槐诗张口,打了个喷嚏,擦了擦鼻子之后才无奈一叹:“不好意思,我对秃头过敏,我们要保持一点距离。” Hey, do not go too far!” The overlord user is furious, you do not listen to me to say anything!” “喂,你不要太过分!”霸王用户震怒,“你都不听听我说什么吗!” Listened more troublesome, was inferior that did not listen.” “听了更麻烦,不如不听。” Huai Shi cut off the thread of conversation, sighed disconsolately: „ Sorry, although we had had Brother segment in the past the friendship, but arrives this step, everyone is able to discriminate eventually evilly. 槐诗掐断了话头,惆怅一叹:“抱歉,虽然过去我们有过一段兄弟情义,但走到这一步,大家终究是正邪有别。 old willow, later you do not call me, I feared that the governance bureau misunderstands- ” 老柳啊,以后你别跟我打电话了,我怕统辖局误会-” „...... Good.” “……好啊。” After Liu Dongli flickers silent, as if sneered, „after that I a half hour, hits to you.” 柳东黎沉默一瞬之后,似乎冷笑了起来,“那我半个小时后再打给你。” Did not wait for the Huai Shi rejection, the telephone to hang up. 不等槐诗拒绝,电话挂断了。 Leaves behind Huai Shi to be confused. 留下槐诗一头雾水。 A half hour? 半个小时? A half hour do not think! 半个小时也别想! After he thinks for a half hour , will change the idea? Selects the possibility, as long as sane will a little person, put the governance bureau di food not to look for Green Day exactly? 难道他以为半个小时之后自己就会改主意?点可能,但凡有点理智的人,难道会放着统辖局啲饭不恰去找绿日么? That has the problem. 那才是有毛病。 And...... 以及…… His complaint looked to Russell. 他怨念的看向了罗素 Why felt oneself worked as the Legion long matter, besides oneself, the entire world knew probably? 为什么感觉自己当了军团长的事情,除了自己之外,好像全世界都知道了? „......” “……” Russell innocent shrugging: „ This does not close my matter, Huai Shi, what matter is always insufficient is I does? 罗素无辜的耸肩:“这不关我的事情啊,槐诗,总不至于什么事情都是我干的吧? You look, sometimes, the governance bureau can be airtight, sometimes, the governance bureau will feel, oneself can also be not so airtight. 你看,有的时候,统辖局可以密不透风,有的时候,统辖局会觉得,自己也可以不那么密不透风。 Still remembers that I had just said getting along with people criterion of adult? Will do the matter, will come the adult of matter always to continue such several...... ” 还记得我刚刚说过成年人的处世准则么?会搞事情,会来事儿的成年人总不止那么几个……” The world of adult, was too dirty. 成年人的世界,太肮脏了。 Huai Shi is showing the whites of the eyes, does not want to speak. 槐诗翻着白眼,不想说话。 But at this time, the telephone of office made a sound, Russell picked up the phone, is listening to another report, nodded again and again: Good, I knew, does not use, to my office, un.” 而就在这时候,办公室的电话响起来,罗素拿起电话,听着另一头的汇报,连连点头:“好的,我知道了,不用,到我的办公室,嗯。” The old tortoise entered the active status shortly, Huai Shi were also disinclined to waste the time again here, set out to prepare to say goodbye, actually saw Russell to beckon with the hand. 眼看着老王八又进入了工作状态,槐诗也懒得再在这里浪费时间了,起身正准备告辞,却看到罗素摆手。 After the telephone hangs up, told him: First leaves anxiously running, then also has the matter to do.” 电话挂断之后,告诉他:“先别急着跑,接下来还有事要做。” Now?” “现在?” Huai Shi does not knit the brows quickly: In the afternoon is not good, I have no free time, has made-” 槐诗不快皱眉:“下午不行,我没空,已经约-” Also without saying, him heard slight sound that in corridor the elevator opened. 还没说完,他就听见了门外走廊里电梯开启的细微声音 The sound of footsteps transmits. 脚步声传来。 So familiar rhythm and echo. 如此熟悉的节奏和回音。 Made his corner of the eye, jumped crazily. 令他的眼角,狂跳了起来。 Quick, knocking on a door sound resounds, a particularly familiar face comes from the corridor, looks to the indoor, the indoor, the teachers and students two people are also looking at each other, strange silence. 很快,敲门的声音响起,一张分外熟悉的面孔从走廊里进来,看向室内,室内,师生两人还在对视着,诡异的沉默。 Un?” “嗯?” The surveillant from impractical organization, confidential secretary Ai Qing is feeling the unusual atmosphere, as if understood anything, the brow shoulders: „Is not the time that I come?” 来自架空机构的监督者,机要秘书艾晴感受着异常的氛围,仿佛明白了什么,眉头挑起:“是我来的不是时候么?” „......” “……” Huai Shi stiff turning head, squeezed the warm smile, but looks at to the old tortoise time, cannot suppress the grief and indignation in heart again: Russell!! 槐诗僵硬的回头,挤出了热情的笑容,只是看向老王八的时候,就再抑制不住心中的悲愤:罗素!! Russell is very helpless, letting go, the look is particularly innocent: I select possibly know that you made one!’ 罗素很无奈,摊手,眼神分外无辜:‘我点可能知道你约了人!’ Then being out of hospital did not have two hours...... 这才出院还没俩钟头呢…… Teacher rare wish of adds to you strength , the present young people play flower. 老师难得的想要给你加把力,没想到,还是现在的年轻人玩得花啊。 The bonus is the old tortoise suddenly also some difficult tops. 饶是老王八一时间也有些难顶。 Only can pretend not to know that had anything, coughed, sincere said: I said that un, this Secretary Ai from governance bureau, she was responsible for forming of representative Astronomy Association supervision original sin Legion, maintained both sides to communicate...... cough cough, the work of entire mounting phase, had what need words, she will coordinate your, come on.” 只能装作不知道发生了什么,咳嗽了一声,正色说道:“我来介绍一下,嗯,这位是来自统辖局的艾秘书,她负责代表天文会监督原罪军团的组建,维护双方沟通……咳咳,整个筹备阶段的工作,有什么需要的话,她都会配合你的,加油哦。” Finally, is patting the shoulder of Huai Shi, sincere delivered blessing from teacher, then turns around with great speed: I have the matter, first walked.” 最后,拍着槐诗的肩膀,语重心长的送上了来自老师的祝福,然后就火速转身:“我还有事,先走了。” Collapses, removes, sells and dawdles, forms a coherent whole! 崩、撤、卖、遛,一气呵成! The passing clouds and flowing water general operation is really pleasant, can only say that worthily was the old tortoise this eight. 行云流水一般的操作实在是赏心悦目,只能说不愧是老王八本八了。 But I! 可我呢! I what to do! 我怎么办! Hey...... 喂…… In the Huai Shi tearful eyes misty vision, the smile that Russell sympathizes, closes for him. 就在槐诗泪眼蒙蒙的目光之中,罗素体贴的微笑着,为他关上了门。 Only stays behind silent indoor, two people look at each other. 只留下室内寂静中,两人对视。 Exactly said, is carefully examining Huai Shi that Ai Qing has a relish. 确切的说,是艾晴饶有兴致的审视着槐诗 „, cough cough...... good, not to see for a long time.” “呃,咳咳……好、好久不见啊。” Huai Shi coughed two, restrains to send regards diligently ate the impulsion, is wanting to greet, heard the delightful ting to resound again. 槐诗咳嗽了两声,努力克制着自己问候‘吃了吗’的冲动,正想要打个招呼,就听见了悦耳的铃声再次响起。 Silent, is so clear. 寂静之中,如此清晰。 The screen shines, twinkle. 屏幕亮起,闪烁。 Liu Dongli, Liu Dongli, asked that if certainly willow tree...... 柳东黎,柳东黎,求求了,一定要是柳…… Huai Shi lowers the head, at present one black. 槐诗低下头,眼前一黑。 Fu Yi! 傅依 Ai Qing doubts looks at him: What's wrong? Why doesn't answer the telephone? Isn't convenient?” She stopped, rare cracks a joke saying: Is always insufficient is Green Day calls you?” 艾晴疑惑的看着他:“怎么了?为什么不接电话?不方便么?”她停顿了一下,难得的开玩笑说道:“总不至于是绿日给你打电话吧?” Aha, where words, were too odd, I am the Green Day difficult adversary, saw that the Green Day head/number of people reduced to him, the possible and terrorist collaborates.” “啊哈哈,哪里的话,太离谱了,我可是绿日克星,看到绿日的人头都给他砍掉了,点可能和恐怖分子同流合污。” The Huai Shi hollow laugh, under the vision gaze, the finger of shivering was connecting the call. 槐诗干笑着,在目光注视下,颤抖的手指接通了电话。 Hey? Huai Shi, I!” “喂?槐诗,我到啦!” In the indistinct street static, happy sound resounds, „your side good? In this shop completely no one, reserved all seats for a performance in the afternoon probably was the same, does a bit faster!” 在隐约的街道杂音中,愉快的声音响起,“你那边好了没有啊?这家店里下午完全没有人诶,好像包场了一样,搞快点!” „......” “呃……” Huai Shi swallowed a spit. 槐诗吞了口吐沫。 Un?” “嗯?” Telephone another as if detected anything, after short stop, appears suddenly: Doesn't work conveniently? Or another day?” 电话另一头似乎察觉到了什么,短暂的停顿之后,浮现出一丝恍然:“工作不方便么?那要不改天?” cough cough, right, this must work overtime suddenly......” 咳咳,对,这个忽然之间要加班……” All right, walks the flow is not quick in any case, work not eagerly for a while.” “没事儿,反正走流程也没那么快,工作也不急于一时。” Ai Qing lifts the hand, will send after broken strokes the ear, sympathized said to Huai Shi, happen to I and Miss Fu also made at noon had free time to drink tea-” 艾晴抬手,将碎发捋到耳后,体贴的对槐诗说,“正好我和傅小姐中午还约了有空喝茶呢-” She stopped, the smile proposed: 她停顿了一下,微笑提议: Is inferior to the same place?” “不如一起?” Just like facing is hunting the small white rabbit that the animal trembles. 宛如面对着猎食动物瑟瑟发抖的小白兔。 Huai Shi, at present one black. 槐诗,眼前一黑。 Starts to consider the resignation letter the form issue. 开始考虑辞职信的格式问题。 But can be too late? 可是会不会已经太晚? Enters to quickly writing the posthumous writings also with enough time? 快进到写遗书还来得及吗? …… …… …… …… After ten minutes, by sword river, on the open-air teahouse of cafe, the warm sunlight sprinkles in the afternoon, photo Huai Shi sends at heart coolly, pull cold, cool thoroughness. 十分钟后,剑河旁,咖啡馆的露天茶座上,午后温暖的阳光洒下,照的槐诗心里发凉,拔凉,凉的透彻。 Quite skillful!” Fu Yi surprised feeling. “好巧啊!”傅依惊奇的感慨。 Quite skillful.” Ai Qing nods the approval. “好巧。”艾晴颔首赞同。 Yes, yes, is quite skillful.” “是啊,是啊,好巧。” Huai Shi sits in the middle, is pale, already instinct suffers from the malaria. 槐诗坐在中间,脸色苍白,已经本能的打起摆子来。 What drinks?” Server serving food comes up only, polite asking. “请问喝点什么?”服务生端着菜单上来,礼貌的问。 One cup of Vienna, thanks.” Ai Qing said. “一杯维也纳,谢谢。”艾晴说。 Fu Yi reads the menu, the nod: I wanted the black tea to be good.” 傅依看完菜单,点头:“我要红茶好了。” „, cough cough, I......” Huai Shi put out a hand, takes menu time, took conveniently by Fu Yi, gave the service person. “呃,咳咳,我……”槐诗伸手,去拿菜单的时候,却被傅依随手拿起来,递给了服务员。 Giving his green tea is good.” “给他绿茶就好。” Fu Yi said that „before the rain the Longjing tea, best that a additional jasmine, the delicate fragrance is elegantly simple, builds with him very much.” 傅依说,“雨前龙井,最好的那种,再加点茉莉花,清香淡雅,和他很搭。” I......” “我……” Huai Shi wants to speak, but after two people review looks, the neck root cold, the smile cannot help but difficult: Is so complex, I feared that others could not do.” 槐诗想要说话,可两人回眸看过来之后,脖子根不由得冷了一下,笑容艰难:“这么复杂,我怕人家做不了啊。” , is right.” “唔,也对。” Fu Yi nods, the approval is the same, finally said to the server: Gives him the clear water, additional ice.” 傅依点头,赞同一样,最后对服务生说:“给他白水吧,加点冰。” She said: He was hot.” 她说:“他热了。” This time, Huai Shi does not dare to oppose again, crazy nod. 这一次,槐诗再没敢反对,疯狂点头。 Right, I like the clear water. 对,我喜欢白水。 My heat. 我热了。 Without the awkward silence and silence in estimate, in Huai Shi lowers the head to feign death rumble stings the straw is giving a tongue-lashing the ice piece in smooth cup, the talk on table as before is continuing. 没有预想之中的冷场和寂静,就在槐诗低头装死咕噜咕噜嘬着吸管呲溜杯子里的冰块时,桌子上的谈话依旧在继续着。 After regards, topic naturally switch over between the governance bureau and Survival Institute. 在问候之后,话题自然而然的就切换到了统辖局和存续院之间去。 After all as the Silver Sea vindicator, in the work of silence has a large number is having to do between governance bureaus, having the common language and topic naturally is natural. 毕竟作为白银之海的维护者,缄默者的工作里有相当一部分是和统辖局之间的打交道,有共同语言和话题自然是理所当然。 But in gradually the warm dialogues, the head of Huai Shi is getting more and more low, as if must get buried into the bosom to be the same, does not dare to raise the head. 而就在渐渐热烈的对话之间,槐诗的头却越来越低,仿佛要埋进怀里一样,不敢抬头。 Lifts the eye each time, that straw cutter on ice-cold sense will approach one again, seemed thundered the kowtowing car lock that speeds away to decide general during the night. 每次抬起眼睛,那种铡刀再上的冰冷感就会靠近一份,仿佛在黑夜之中被轰鸣疾驰的泥头车锁定一般。 Trembles, does not dare to speak. 瑟瑟发抖,不敢说话。 Seemingly all very normal appearance, why oneself felt will obviously die very much easily? 明明看上去好像一切很正常的样子,为什么自己就感觉很容易就会死呢? It is not good, cannot this way. 不行,不能再这样下去了。 Huai Shi, you want the knife edge to get up to be good. 槐诗,你要支棱起来才行啊。 You is a man! You are original sin Legion Legion are long! You are the Utopia successor, famously homing and Sword of Calamity! Because how possibly this bewildered condition dreads! 你是个男人!你是原罪军团军团长!你是理想国的后继者,大名鼎鼎的归航者和灾厄之剑!怎么可能因为这种莫名其妙的状况而畏惧不前呢! Huai Shi has the courage, raised the head, proposed one: In the afternoon the weather is really good.” 槐诗鼓起勇气,抬头,提了一句:“下午天气真好啊。” „......, Very will be truly troublesome sometimes, special individual the step change of mental model was these years research direction, we have also made some attempts. Should the aspect of governance bureau application be more?” “……确实,在有些时候会很麻烦啦,特殊个体的心智模型的阶段变化一直都是这几年的研究方向,我们也做过一些尝试。统辖局应用的方面应该会更多吧?” Consciousness revises and subconscious shield of special clause are more, but a thorougher operation are not many, may involve the operation of self- cognition regarding this type, the governance bureau is very discrete. Related to Silver Sea, how is not overrated again conservatively. I favor clarifying the full issue, searches the best solution again.” “意识修正和特殊条目的潜意识屏蔽多一些,但更彻底的操作并不多,对于这种有可能涉及自我认知的操作,统辖局还是很谨慎的。涉及白银之海,再怎么保守也不为过。我更倾向于弄清楚全盘的问题,再寻觅最好的解决方案。” „, Not seeming like instead is silence is quite sometimes more radical.” “唔,看起来有时候反而是缄默者这边比较激进一些呢。” „The angle that scholars and maintenance personnel regard is different, has the difference again unavoidably, the method of but solving the problem has, without necessary limits to be one of them.” “学者和维持人员看待的角度毕竟不同,产生分歧再所难免,不过解决问题的方法有很多,没必要局限在其中。” But the method are too many will also have troublesome, currently probably also has the new method in unceasing statement.” “但方法太多也会有麻烦吧,现在好像还有新的方法在不断的提出呢。” The words that truly, the root of issue does not solve, will have much are more troublesome. But at present condition, but also in the acceptable range?” “确实,问题的根源不解决的话,就会有更多麻烦。但目前状况来说,还在接受范围之内吧?” „, Do not continue to deteriorate to be good again.” “唔,不要再继续恶化下去就好了。” Listened to the person in decision room saying that recently had been preparing to safeguard the draft, necessary time, may consider the precautionary measure?” “听决策室的人说,最近已经在准备看管草案了,必要的时候,可能会考虑强制措施吧?” Has the possibility thoroughly to eradicate?” “有可能彻底根除么?” Was difficult saying that but can consider to try.” “难说,但可以考虑试一试。” „......” “……” The Huai Shi delay, is sitting in the dreary autumn wind. 槐诗呆滞着,坐在萧瑟的秋风里。 Looks exchanges the two people of opinion and views mutually, the sorrowful discovery, oneself no one manages! 看着互相交换意见和看法的两人,悲哀的发现,自己根本就没有人理! Moreover the topic seems to be getting more and more subtle, makes Huai Shi be scared more and more. 而且话题似乎越来越微妙,越来越让槐诗发毛。 Was the courage song of praise to finish. 属于勇气的赞歌结束了。 In the summer also finished. 夏天也结束了。 Own life seems like the branch yellowing leaf, welcomed the countdown in the winter wind of approaching gradually. 自己的生命就好像枝头泛黄的叶子,在逼近的冬风中渐渐迎来了倒计时。 Said goodbye, the world, said goodbye, all. 啊,再见了,世界,再见了,一切。 Today I soon must voyage...... 今日我即将要远航…… Hey, Huai Shi, Huai Shi-” “喂,槐诗,槐诗-” A hand swung before him dexterously, making him get back one's composure from vacant finally, then, saw the smile of Fu Yi: What kind of?” 一只手在他面前轻巧的摆动了一下,让他终于从茫然中回神,然后,看到了傅依的笑脸:“怎么样?” Un?” Huai Shi is confused: What how?” “嗯?”槐诗一头雾水:“什么怎么样?” We were just chatting the dinner, you looked at nearly four points-” Fu Yi curious asking: kaiseki of American BBQ and Yingzhou, which do you like?” “我们刚刚在聊晚饭啊,你看都快四点了-”傅依好奇的问:“美洲BBQ和瀛洲的怀石,你喜欢哪个啊?” Huai Shi is puzzled. 槐诗不解。 BBQ? kaiseki? BBQ?怀石 Which isn't good? 哪个不都行么? I along with......” “我随……” The instance of Huai Shi opens the mouth, thump, sound stopped suddenly at heart suddenly, the heart contracted suddenly suddenly in two meaningful vision. 槐诗张口的瞬间,心里忽然咯噔了一下,声音戛然而止,心脏忽然在两道意味深长的目光中忽然收缩了一下。 Under Premonition of Death, inherent skill False Wisdom Start! 死亡预感之下,固有技能・【虚假的智慧】发动! Removed a wrong answer. 去除掉了一个错误答案。 Huai Shi terrified and is startled. 紧接着,槐诗悚然而惊。 Mother, this is together the trap topic! 妈耶,这是一道陷阱题! Calm, calm, Huai Shi, looks at the essence by the phenomenon, calms down- at this kind of time, chooses BBQ and kaiseki, is not the right key. 冷静,冷静,槐诗,透过现象看本质,冷静下来-在这种时候,不论是选BBQ和怀石,都不是正确答案。 At this time, must have own opinion. 这时候,必须要有自己的主见才可以。 cough cough, might as well eat a Rome......” 咳咳,不如吃个罗马……” Vegetable/Dish character has not said that again, stops suddenly. ‘菜’字没有说出来,再一次,戛然而止。 Two meaningful vision were suddenly sharp, probably knife same- 两道意味深长的目光忽然犀利起来了,像是刀子一样- Huai Shi swallowed a spit. 槐诗吞了口吐沫。 Book of Fate revolves in soul rapidly, elementium ebullition, soul in by unprecedented high-speed approach ponder. As if elongates in this to the eternal flash, the mentality revolution of Huai Shi in the innumerable branch roads, actually desperate could not find the right key. 命运之书灵魂中急速运转,源质沸腾,灵魂在以前所未有的高速进入思考。就在这仿佛拉长到永恒的一瞬间,槐诗的思路运转在无数歧路之间,却绝望的找不到正确答案。 Until that flash, in his bosom, shakes suddenly. 直到那一瞬间,他的怀中,忽然一震。 The gentle melody resounds. 轻柔的旋律响起。 Let Huai Shi almost shed affected tears. 槐诗几乎流下感动的眼泪。 Has not felt, G string so gentle, reposes a lot of years ago tender feelings, spanned the time, recalls before Abyss desperate soul. 从来没有感觉过,G弦是如此的温柔,寄托千百年前的柔情,跨越了时光,将一个绝望的灵魂深渊之前挽回。 Is a telephone! 是电话! Telephone sound! 电话响了! Yeah? This, telephones suddenly, really bothersome...... feeds?” “哎?这谁啊,忽然打电话,真烦……喂?” On the mouth is complaining, but the Huai Shi movement so fast, the connection of passing clouds and flowing water the telephone, near the gathering ear, then, had not actually heard another mean laughter: 嘴上抱怨着,可槐诗的动作却从未曾如此飞快,行云流水的接通了电话,凑到耳边,然后,听见了另一头幸灾乐祸的笑声: How feels, Mr. Huai Shi?” “感觉如何,槐诗先生?” Liu Dongli! 柳东黎 sound of this dead bald person, unexpectedly damn delightful...... 这个死秃子的声音,竟然该死的甜美…… Considering that gives you a half hour not too enough, I separate the phone call that two hours made.” Telephone another fellow blew a whistling: What kind of? Changed the idea? If you need to consider again, tomorrow I again-” “考虑到给你半个小时不太够,我隔了两个小时才打的电话。”电话另一头的家伙吹了声口哨:“怎么样?改主意了没有?如果你需要再考虑一下,明天我再-” „, Right, I forgot!” “啊,对,我都忘了!” The Huai Shi blasting, pats the knee suddenly, guilty deep sigh: You look at this to make how I will misunderstand! Is my mistake, when do you come?” 槐诗震声,忽然一拍膝盖,愧疚长叹:“你看这弄得,我怎么会误会了呢!都是我的错,你什么时候来啊?” Where no matter, selects quickly! 甭管在哪儿,赶快点啊! Saves me in the water and fire...... 救我于水火…… „Isn't this...... good?” Liu Dongli hesitates: „Don't you return the allergy?” “啊这……不好吧?”柳东黎犹豫起来:“你不是还过敏么?” Allergy, what allergy?” “过敏,什么过敏?” Huai Shi is angry, ballad that who makes? Does Sublimator have this issue? Absolutely impossible!” 槐诗大怒,“谁造的谣?升华者有这种问题么?绝无可能!” Aiya, excuse me, I thought suddenly we should maintain a distance.” Liu Dongli tone even more teased: „ I feared that others misunderstand. “哎呀,不好意思,我忽然觉得我们应该保持一点距离。”柳东黎的语气越发的戏谑起来:“我怕别人误会啊。 Our two brothers, how possibly have the distance!” “我们兄弟两人,怎么可能有距离!” Huai Shi stares the big eye, is striking one's chest, the blasting said: Friendship without a gap do you know?! Relax, who wants to estrange me and my good friend, I beat his dog head!” 槐诗瞪大眼睛,拍着胸脯,震声说:“情义无间你知道么?!放心,谁想要离间我和我的好朋友,我就打烂他的狗头!” Good, since you said that my pushing someone take on a difficult job how moves...... tomorrow?” Before the Huai Shi blood vessel of brain explodes, Liu Dongli laughs finally: Ok, relax, looked that the Elder Brother saves you, aiya, young people......” “好吧,既然你都这么说了,我就勉为其难的动一动……明天来怎么样?”在槐诗脑血管爆裂之前,柳东黎最后大笑:“好了,放心,看哥哥来救你,哎呀,年轻人啊……” The telephone hung up. 电话挂断了。 Huai Shi such as the Mongolian pardon, long exhales. 槐诗如蒙大赦,长出了一口气。 Discovered oneself are streaming with sweat. 才发现自己已经汗流浃背。 But when looks to front two, then cannot help but hung up feeling sorry the helpless facial expression: Sorry, enters the social later work is really helpless too, must work overtime.” 而看向面前的两位时,便不由自主的挂起了歉疚又无奈的神情:“抱歉,进入社会之后的工作真是太无奈了,又要加班。” Is constraining the joyful facial expression, he regretted that sighs deeply: Dinner I possibly could not eat.” 压抑着自己喜悦的神情,他惋惜的长叹:“晚饭我可能吃不了了。” Too pitifully! 太可惜了! Really was a pity! 实在是太可惜了! soul exciting running of Huai Shi in the free field, is welcoming the spring scenery and Taiyang (Sun), joyfully celebrates the redemption and new student/life arrival! 槐诗灵魂兴奋的奔跑在自由的田野上,迎着春光和太阳,欢庆救赎和新生的到来! Quick, has the sound of footsteps in a hurry. 很快,就有脚步声匆匆而来。 Let him be overjoyed. 让他喜出望外。 old willow, you may calculate...... 老柳,你可算来…… Grass! 草! When he has turned head, reflects pleasant, is together the charming form, the graceful bearing of black high fork qipao when walk meanders, the slender right leg often reveals a fair crack, making one unable to move to the eye. 当他回过头的时候,映入眼中的,是一道妩媚的身影,黑色的高叉旗袍在行走时风姿迤逦,修长的右腿不时露出白皙的一隙,让人移不开眼睛。 But that light makeup accommodates , then complements the beautiful face, the smile is ambiguous and indistinct, cancels the person heart and soul, making one see in the past could not bear want to exhale the sound. 而那淡薄的妆容则映衬出妖艳的面孔,笑容暧昧又隐约,勾人心魄,让人一眼看过去忍不住想要哦呼出声。 Suddenly, only looks at Huai Shi ya zi to crack, almost flows off the tears of blood. 一时间,只看得槐诗睚眦欲裂,几乎流下血泪来。 You, Liu Dongli!!!! 还有你么,柳东黎!!!! Ignores the Huai Shi desperate entreaty, the beautiful charming woman comes slowly, adept post in the Huai Shi side, affectionate greeting. 可不顾槐诗绝望的哀求,妖艳妩媚的女士缓缓而来,娴熟的贴在了槐诗的身旁,亲昵的打着招呼。 Excuse me, I came late, dear.” “不好意思,我来晚了,亲爱的。” Saying, she raised the head, looks to the opposite, resembling was surprised: ei, who are these two younger sisters?” 说着,‘她’抬头,看向了对面,似是惊奇:“欸,这两位妹妹是谁啊?” „......” “……” Silent, Huai Shi desperate closed the eye. 沉默里,槐诗绝望的闭上了眼睛。
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