AF :: Volume #13

#1295: Looks for good brothers, online, anxiously

In? Tea? Drinks?】 【在?茶?喝?】 The ball window of message jumps, on the sofa the drowsy Huai Shi spirit shakes immediately, agile reply, 【?】 短信的弹窗一跳出来,沙发上昏昏欲睡的槐诗精神顿时一震,利索回复,【?】 But another reply is briefer. 而另一头的回复更加简略。 【!】 【!】 Now?】 Huai Shi asked...... 【现在?】槐诗问…… Can't come? In the evening asked you to have the feast! The inn of sword river I inquired clearly.】 【来不来?晚上请你吃大餐!剑河的馆子我都打听清楚了。】 XXHXD! I must first deal with the foreman a while, you occupy a place, finished up immediately.】 【XXHXD!我等会儿要先应付工头,你占个地方,完事儿立马来。】 Finally what replies is an expression, seems like with the dog that is a bit like but as if under punches very much, the sign in hand holds up toward him OJ8K!】 最后回复过来的是一个表情,一只看上去和自己有点像但又似乎很欠揍的狗,手里的牌子向着他举起【OJ8K!】 Is this woman doing every day? Hanging chart one pile in expression package...... 这个女人每天在干什么?表情包里的吊图一堆…… The corner of the eye of Huai Shi twitched, switches off the screen of cell phone. 槐诗的眼角抽搐了一下,关掉手机的屏幕。 Then, had a yawn , to continue drowsily in the waiting of being bored to death. 然后,打了个哈欠,在百无聊赖的等待中继续昏昏欲睡。 Just, these closes the eye not to have a while time, he heard the corridor end the gate to open. An old person walks, Russell held the palm reading to deliver to the entrance. 只不过,这一次才闭上眼睛没一会儿,他就听见走廊尽头的门打开了。一位老人走出来,罗素执手相送到了门口。 Yes, I gradually will then conduct to promote...... that naturally, your worried that I can understand how...... can, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is not the bad apple......” “是的,接下来我会逐步进行推动……那当然,您的担忧我能理解……怎么会呢,天国谱系不是害群之马……” Indistinct can hear among two people the talk. 隐约能听见两人之间的谈话。 At process, that old person politeness nods toward Huai Shi, that face he has seen in the Astronomy Association restricted publication probably, but forgot is where, but also seeing off of setting out politeness. 在经过的时候,那位老人礼貌的向着槐诗颔首,那一张脸他好像在天文会的内部刊物里见到过,但忘记了是在哪儿,但也起身礼貌的恭送。 Does not know that actually this they did anything to not exposed to the friend transaction of light, seemed like your Nong my Nong Mili mixed with oil, can only say that the world of senior citizen will play compared with the world of adult too. 不知道这俩人究竟搞了什么见不得光的朋友交易,看上去你侬我侬蜜里调油的,只能说老年人的世界比成年人的世界会玩太多了。 But waits for Russell to return to own office, looks the paralysis when Huai Shi that on the chair dozes off, traded a face immediately, the smile no longer. 而等罗素回到自己的办公室,看着瘫在椅子上打瞌睡的槐诗时,就顿时换了一张面孔,笑容不再。 Just left the hospital starts to sleep, a Kingdom of Heaven pedigree health upward style does not have!” “才刚刚出院就开始睡觉,一点天国谱系健康向上的风貌都没有!” The old tortoise expect too much general denouncing severely and helplessness, „ can your age, how sleep?! How can your ages fall asleep? 老王八恨铁不成钢一般的痛斥和无奈,“你这个年纪,怎么睡得着觉?!你这个年龄段怎么睡得着? This when! ” 这都什么时候了!” 1 : 30 pm.” “下午 1 点半。” Huai Shi looked at a cell phone: „Can we make a long story short do not hit the chicken blood? I have the matter in the afternoon.” 槐诗看了一眼手机:“咱能长话短说别打鸡血了么?我下午还有事儿。” You have a look at you, you have a look at you, the appearance that respects the elder does not have, my teacher is sad, my heart must break to pieces! Thinks turned into this appearance Kingdom of Heaven pedigree to my hand, I am hate bitterly......” “你看看你,你看看你,一点尊重长辈的样子都没有,我这个老师心里难过啊,我的心都要碎了!一想到天国谱系到了我的手里变成这个样子,我是痛心疾首……” „......” “……” Huai Shi shows the whites of the eyes. 槐诗翻了个白眼。 Also came? 得,又来了是吧? Developed. 演起来了。 Listens to Russell not to know big segment Taici who with great difficulty where comes said that Huai Shi felt oneself soon fell asleep. 好容易听罗素把不知道哪儿来的一大段台词说完,槐诗感觉自己又快要睡着了。 But when he lifts the hand wants to have the yawn, actually heard sudden thundering. 可就在他抬起手想要打哈欠的时候,却听见了突如其来的轰鸣。 The loud sound spreads, in the strong winds of howling, the present world is loudly stave. 巨响扩散,呼啸的狂风之中,眼前的世界轰然破碎。 In the under foot of Russell. 就在罗素的脚下。 Just like dust such that whisking off is not worth mentioning, the illusion changed the reality, from the warm office, fell into boundless Abyss to be void instantaneously. 宛如拂去不值一提的尘埃那样,幻象更替了现实,瞬间从温暖的办公室里,堕入了无边的深渊虚空之中。 Just like bird's eye view of occupying a commanding position. 宛如居高临下的俯瞰。 Current Territories, Hell, with Abyss...... 现境,地狱,和深渊…… In just like the Taiyang (Sun) common sun around, countless Hell such as the fragment gathers generally, but planet common dazzling stars raise from the dark Abyss lowest level. 在宛如太阳一般的日轮周围,数之不尽的地狱如碎片一般汇聚,而一道道行星一般的耀眼星辰从黑暗的深渊最底层升起。 Is away from gradually the storm of dissipation, is pressing the sword, indifferently relative. 隔着渐渐消散的风暴,按着刀剑,漠然相对。 In that broad to endless terrifying criterion, existence of person becomes so tiny, even is hard to attain tiniest dust. 在那宽阔到没有尽头的恐怖尺度之下,人的存在变得如此渺小,甚至难以企及其中最为渺小的尘埃。 This what?” “这什么?” Huai Shi subconscious in the future will move a point. 槐诗下意识的往后挪了一点。 Arrives in such ice-cold scene from the drowsy afternoon suddenly, making him slightly somewhat ill. 猝然之间从昏昏欲睡的午后来到这样冰冷的场景里,令他略微有些不适。 But behind the chair, a pair of hand has pressed on the shoulder of Huai Shi, does not allow him to leave the table, is appreciating this grand scene with him together. 可就在椅子后面,一双手已经按在了槐诗的肩膀上,不容许他离席,同他一起欣赏着这宏伟的场面。 Is the war, Huai Shi.” “是战争啊,槐诗。” Russell whispered in the Huai Shi ear: Old war had not ended, the new war must come.” 罗素槐诗耳边低语:“旧的战争还没结束,新的战争就要来了。” The depth from Dragon Calling Flute searches the boundary, the scene projection in Abyss here, with forwarding of angle of view, originally that mist then rapid enlargements of between septum transversum in Current Territories and Hell. 来自唤龙笛的深度探境,将深渊之中的景象投影在此处,随着视角的向前,原本横隔在现境地狱之间的那一片薄雾便迅速的放大。 mo song stubble yu adze shen ying ma die cun sui inch ke xia xia deserted nail meat lian cen beats xuan to reach ren song zan rou pian huang adze shen jian fine jade marriage shi cuan to insert pan- ren to soak the sui duo pan gauge yong hong embarrassed chi mo umbrella 銆愯茬湡锛屾渶杩戜竴鐩寸敤鍜鍜闃呰荤湅涔拷鏇达紝鎹簮鍒囨崲锛屾湕璇婚煶鑹插氾紝瀹夊崜鑻规灉鍧囧彲銆傘 Arrived finally, changed into the storm of blotting out the sky. 到最后,化为了铺天盖地的风暴。 That is the Rancher masterpiece. 那便是牧场主的杰作。 Will only bring the destruction, creates the century! 只会带来毁灭的,创世纪! Before the horror, the present storm had revealed gradually indication that sparse and extinguishes, but internal that huge shadow actually even more clear. 和之前的恐怖景象相比,如今的风暴已经渐渐的显露出稀疏和熄灭的征兆,可内部那庞大的阴影却越发的清晰。 Even, but also in unceasing growth...... 甚至,还在不断的生长…… After getting together the countless Hell fragment, formed brand-new Hell. Through coming from bottom of Abyss wreckage, piles up, the bridge of Abyss! 聚合了数之不尽的地狱碎片之后,形成了崭新地狱。通过来自深渊之底的残骸,所堆积成的,深渊之桥! Together straightly gate the shortcut to Current Territories...... 一道笔直通向现境之门的捷径…… Through this exists, each other is connected Current Territories and Abyss. 通过这一存在,将现境深渊彼此相连。 It seems like, umbilical cord same...... 就好像,脐带一样…… In the heart of Huai Shi appeared to make the absolutely terrified imagination. 槐诗的心中浮现出了令自己毛骨悚然的想象。 At this moment, in another end of storm, in the glow of perishing country's, scarlet rivers spreads, flapping, was falling into the storm, the winding of silk threads above Hell. 此刻,就在风暴的另一端,亡国的辉光之中,一道道猩红的河流扩散开来,漫卷着,落入了风暴中去,丝丝缕缕的缠绕在了地狱之上。 The inexhaustible blood changes into the rivers, infiltrates in Hell, changed into the blood vessel of creeping motion probably, to birth Hell be providing soon the nutrient of solidification. 无穷尽的鲜血化为河流,渗透进地狱之中,就好像化为了蠕动的血管,为即将诞生的地狱提供着凝固的养分。 But just like the wing of deadwood sharp cruel thunder light to prick in the storm layer upon layer generally, lowered infinite thunder fire and brilliance, the continuous disaster will pour into. 而层层犹如枯枝一般尖锐暴戾的雷光之翼刺入了风暴之内,降下了无穷的雷火和光焰,将源源不断的灾难灌入了其中。 Jet black rainwater from Abyss continuous flies, adorned in that storms. 漆黑的雨水从深渊中源源不断的飞来,妆点在在了那一片风暴之中。 ...... 还有更多…… Ruler are joyfully celebrating the birth of Hell, the arrival of celebration war. 统治者们在欢庆地狱的诞生,庆祝战争的到来。 In nearly without limits to is investing the Abyss essence unceasingly, creates real Hell, making it change into large group and Solidifier paradise. 在近乎无止境的向其中不断的投入着深渊的真髓,创造出货真价实的地狱,令其化为大群凝固者们的乐土。 But in another head of storm, the similarly brutal incline is also continuing. 而在风暴的另一头,同样残酷的倾斜也在继续。 In open Current Territories line of defense, the endless sea is surging the mighty waves, bursts a dike the spout toward the storm. 敞开的现境防御阵线里,无尽之海涌动着波澜,向着风暴决堤喷涌。 The iron rain above Russian Union wilderness continuous pounded like the meteor generally. 俄联荒原之上的铁雨源源不断的如同流星一般砸进了其中。 The mountain range and foehn of viscous lava and dissolution in Middle East region infinite sea of fire raise in the scarlet dragon volume, invest in the darkness. Side is the confused dim fog and Rome of Americas the earth of burying...... 中东地带无穷火海中的粘稠熔岩、溶解的山峦和焚风在猩红的龙卷中升起,投入黑暗里。旁边是美洲的迷茫黯淡之雾、罗马的埋葬之土…… Before the war arrives, the struggle has started. 在战争到来之前,斗争就早已经开始了。 Is impossible to look on Abyss will have the advantage in the future situation, does not know that many frontier territory fragments had been invested under promotion of governance bureau into the storm, making that cover long and narrow Hell in layer upon layer storm becomes even more strange. 不可能坐视着深渊在未来的局势中占据优势,不知多少边境碎片已经在统辖局的推动之下被投入到风暴之中去,令那一座笼罩在层层风暴之中的狭长地狱变得越发的诡异。 Poisons, pollution, distortion, curse, destruction and flesh all...... 毒害、污染、畸变、诅咒、毁灭和血肉化的一切…… In coming from Current Territories with the same malicious irrigation of Abyss, Hell in the healthy growth, is the same just like the ominous sinister design, being doomed, is mires that fermented the innumerable deaths. 在来自现境深渊的同等恶意灌溉之下,地狱在茁壮的成长着,宛如不祥的鬼胎一样,注定,将会是一个酝酿出无数死亡的泥潭。 Looks at such scene, cannot help but trembles in this malicious creation. Subsequently feels, is came from the hunger and thirst and anticipation of soul deep place unexpectedly. 只是看着那样的场景,就不由自主的在这恶意的创作中颤栗。继而感受到的,竟然是来自灵魂深处的饥渴和期待。 Destruction flavor, so fragrant...... 毁灭的味道,如此香甜…… In the under foot of Huai Shi, in shadow end the beast has lifted the eye finally, four eyes are staring in that Abyss kitchen gradually the formation excellent work, could not have borne flow off the saliva. 就在槐诗的脚下,影中的终末之兽已经抬起了眼睛,四只眼睛凝视着那深渊厨房中渐渐成型的绝佳作品,就已经忍不住流下了口水来。 Penetrates the illusion, falls on the rug. 穿透幻象,落在地毯上。 Makes noise. 嗤嗤作响。 When Abyss original dark with the ray dissipation time of Hell stars, Russell had returned to own position, launches the both arms, as if must draw the color artillery celebration to be the same, jubilant. 而当深渊的原暗和地狱星辰的光芒消散时候,罗素已经回到了自己的位置上,展开双臂,仿佛要拉个彩炮庆祝一般,喜气洋洋。 Saw, Huai Shi, war!” “看到了吗,槐诗,战争!” He gets hold of the fist, delighted: War must come!” 他握紧拳头,眉飞色舞:“战争要来了啊!” Saw that the old man must celebrate the new year probably the same cheerful expression, the corner of the eye of Huai Shi cannot bear twitch: „......, let alone such happy good?” 眼看着老头儿好像要过年一样的欢快表情,槐诗的眼角就忍不住抽搐:“……别说的这么高兴好么?” Why wasn't happy?” “为什么不高兴?” Russell asked back, sincere urged: „ Doesn't go to war the salt fish to turn over/to stand up? How doesn't go to war to revive Utopia? You must learn to do the matter, the child who Huai Shi can cry has the milk to eat, will come the matter, to do the matter, to be the grown talent of matter to be respected and like. 罗素反问,语重心长的劝道:“不打仗怎么咸鱼翻身?不打仗怎么复兴理想国?你要学会搞事情啊,槐诗会哭的孩子有奶吃,会来事儿、会搞事儿、会做事儿的成年人才会受人尊敬和喜欢。 Wants the day to pass, how can not many select the matter? ” 想要日子过得去,怎么能不多来点事情呢?” Hey, the world of adult is quite dirty!” “噫,成年人的世界好肮脏!” What that was just mouth-watering is who? You two years ago 18 good? Where some qualifications said this?” “那刚刚流口水的是谁?况且你两年前就十八了好么?哪里有资格说这个?” Russell was disinclined to hit the chicken blood with this impenetrably thickheaded fellow, straightforward put out one pack of documents that just sent from the drawer, patted on Huai Shi front table. 罗素懒得跟这个冥顽不灵的家伙打鸡血了,直截了当的从抽屉里拿出刚刚才送来的一叠文件,拍在了槐诗面前的桌子上。 „, To let you shines to give off heat, benefits Current Territories, from basic to being buried, my , when teacher helped you arrange.” “喏,为了让你发光发热,造福现境,从入门到入土,我这个当老师的都帮你安排好了。” This what?” “这什么?” Huai Shi is confused, takes the document: „Does...... perish the notice?” 槐诗一头雾水,将文件拿起来:“阵……亡通知?” „, Took embarrassed mistakenly, was this.” “哦,不好意思拿错了,是这个。” Huai Shi has not seen clearly with enough time, the document was pulled out by Russell, then exchanges newly. 槐诗还没来得及看清,文件就被罗素拔了出来,然后换上新的。 The letterof appointment from Astronomy Association, capped the notice of Astronomy Association seal, as well as after collecting five big pedigree authenticated, can summon the permission certificate of Divine Dragon simply, document that as well as thick one big folds...... 来自天文会的委任书、加盖了天文会印章的通知,以及凑齐了五大谱系认证之后简直能召唤神龙的许可凭证,以及厚厚一大叠的文件…… According to the above meaning, according to the Huai Shi past excellent performance and meritorious service, besides awarding the military rank of his major general, but also gave him the independent combat, plenary powers to recruit and so on dazzling authorities. 按照上面的意思,根据槐诗往日的出色表现和功勋,除了授予他少将的军衔之外,还赋予了他独立作战、全权征募等等让人眼花缭乱的职权。 And, finally, the heavyweight notice transmitted the order and duty from Astronomy Association ordered that Huai Shi reconstructed once the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree independent armed department. 以及,最后,重量级的通知则传达了来自天文会的命令和任务授命槐诗重建曾经天国谱系的独立武装部门。 original sin Legion?” “原罪军团?” Huai Shi loses one's voice, this damn odd!” 槐诗失声,“这他妈的就离谱!” Just now the 20-year-old young people give the major general to hold to one completely on forget about it, after all is the given name of dead end, has no difference from the medal, nothing but is shouted that is of pleasant to hear. 给一个才刚满20岁的年轻人授少将衔就算了,毕竟是个空头的名号,和勋章没什么区别,无非是喊上去更好听一些。 But how suddenly, did a major general of oneself dead end turn into the hand to grasp Legion and arms the Legion real power to send independently?! 可怎么忽然之间,自己一个空头的少将就变成了手握军团和独立武装军团的实权派了?! Moreover, presides the bureau through, the Astronomy Association approval, five big pedigree testimonies stamp, procedure complete to not being able to discover any slight defect Current Territories arming defense capacity...... 而且,还是统辖局通过、天文会准许,五大谱系见证且盖章,手续齐全到找不出任何瑕疵的一支现境武装防卫力量…… Huai Shi instinct looks to subordinate that part, finally discovered, the meaning of independent combat is the independence beside the frontier territory line of defense headquarters, is Astronomy Association armed forces...... 槐诗本能的看向‘从属’那一部分,结果才发现,独立作战的意思是独立于边境防御阵线指挥部之外,直属于天文会本身的武装力量…… Right, from name, is a part of Astronomy Association. But in fact does not have President in this Astronomy Association, power takes over control by the governance bureau temporarily time, the governance bureau wants to issue the order to oneself, that can only walk the procedure/program through the special conference, conducts to issue in the name of Astronomy Association again...... 对,从名义上来说,是天文会的一部分。可实际上在这种天文会没有会长,权能由统辖局暂时接管的时候,统辖局想要对自己发布命令,那就只能通过专门的会议走程序,再以天文会的名义进行下达…… This is real holds the card warlord! 这就是货真价实的持证军阀! Receives the hand, Russell.” “收手吧,罗素。” Huai Shi looked that the face was white, subconscious goes back the document stopper, looks to the old tortoise, you go to our school south gate that fabrication card?” 槐诗看完脸都白了,下意识的将文件塞回去,看向老王八,“你是不是又去咱们学校南门那个造假证的了?” This you dare to act unreasonably, feared that does not act recklessly! 这你都敢乱来,怕不是不知死活! Russell shows the whites of the eyes, is appreciating him damn the facial expression, sneers: You have a look again carefully, the Astronomy Association elementium copy, is there can imitate?” 罗素翻了个白眼,欣赏着他见了鬼的神情,冷笑一声:“你再仔细看看,天文会源质印鉴,是那里能仿出来的么?” How do you know cannot?” The Huai Shi instinct refuted. “你怎么知道不能?”槐诗本能反驳。 Joke! That place is I opens, can I also not know?” “笑话!那地方就是我开的,我还能不知道?” „......” “……” Ok, you can, you be able. 行吧,你能,你能。 But in other words...... 但也就是说…… This gadget ?” “这玩意儿,是真的?” Huai Shi delay in looks to begin the document, unbelievable. 槐诗呆滞的看着手里的文件,难以置信。 Right, otherwise?” “对啊,不然呢?” Russell faint smile looks at him: Starting today gets up, you are the Current Territories powerful figure, major general. Needs me to salute to you?” 罗素似笑非笑的看着他:“从今天开始起,你就是现境实权人物啦,少将阁下。需要我向您敬个礼么?” „...... The line, you respect.” “……行,那你敬吧。” The Huai Shi squint looks at him, even if was unable to recover from this sudden shock, does not believe in this not to have this old tortoise to mix. 槐诗斜眼看着他,即便还没能从这突如其来的震惊中回过神来,也不信这里面会没有这个老王八搀和。 Develops , to continue to develop. 演啊,继续演。 I get rich in Hell, the business does crisply, the day passes well, has Ruler and Abyss protects me, but I do not have to your respect, I am not even willing to call you a teacher. 我在地狱里发了财,生意做得爽,日子过得好,有统治者深渊保护我,但我对你一点尊重都没有,我甚至不愿意叫你一声老师。 No wonder I just left the hospital, on the come road some people have followed closely. 怪不得我刚刚出院,来的路上就已经有人盯梢了。 Is gathering in my also paralysis , in hospital, did you advance the keenest struggle me? 合着在我还瘫在医院里的时候,你把我又推到风口浪尖去了? With coming out that the foot heel wants to think, once this matter announced, perhaps aroused thousand overlapping waves on a stone directly, does not know that will trigger how much disturbances and shakes, oneself will turn into eye-sore of many people, took the magnifying glass to aim at every day...... 用脚后跟想都能够想的出来,这件事情一旦公布出去,恐怕直接就一石激起千层浪,不知道会引发多少风波和震荡,自己会变成多少人的眼中钉,拿着放大镜每天针对…… Thinks that his skull hurts. 想想他都脑壳疼。 What's wrong? Don't you like evidently?” “怎么?看样子你不喜欢?” Russell saw the appearance that he puts on airs, puts out a hand to take the document directly, does not want me to draw back to you, said you to have little talent and less learning, difficult to bear no matter what greatly......” 罗素眼看他装模作样的样子,直接伸手来拿文件,“不要我给你退回去,就说你才疏学浅,难当大任……” Wants, why does not want!” “要,为什么不要!” Huai Shi forced in the dispatch case with great speed directly turned over to the hamlet, did not give Russell to play tricks on own opportunity again. 槐诗火速将文件袋直接塞进了归墟里,不给罗素再戏弄自己的机会。 Does the keenest struggle on the keenest struggle, oneself also little see? 风口浪尖就风口浪尖,难道自己还见得少? Now in the crucial point of war of various, there is such a appointment, will give itself the big convenience? Will not at least present what vagrant shouted five to drink six to make itself work as cannon fodder damn the plot. 如今在诸界之战的节骨眼上,有这么一封任命,会给自己多大的便利?至少不会出现什么瘪三儿吆五喝六的让自己去当炮灰的见鬼剧情。 Even if by Russell ability, can handle such an appointment, perhaps still has paid did not know many prices and painstaking care, perhaps when nearby forces oneself to look cheerful, the back bitter difficult wipes tears. 况且,就算是以罗素能力,能搞定这样一封任命,恐怕也已经付出了不知道多少代价和心血,说不定在自己跟前的时候强颜欢笑,背后辛酸劳苦抹眼泪呢。 How such doesn't one want is very crisp? 唔,怎么这么一想还挺爽的? Got food down, comes! 太下饭了,多来点! Aiya , teacher your so many years, did a person matter finally, were I misunderstand.” “哎呀,没想到,老师你这么多年了,终于干了一回人事儿嗷,是我误会了。” Huai Shi grabs the hand of Russell, effort shook two, feels grateful: „It is not easy, makes persistent efforts, makes persistent efforts!” 槐诗抓住罗素的手,用力的晃了两下,以示感激:“不容易啊,再接再厉,再接再厉!” This time traded the Russell toothache. 这次换罗素牙疼了。 How this goods called themselves with great difficulty a teacher, drew the blood pressure? 怎么这货好不容易叫自己一次老师,这么拉血压呢? Saw that the tail of this fellow curls upwards the space to go, he cannot bear shake the head. 眼看这个家伙的尾巴又翘到天上去,他就忍不住摇头。 Is too young. 还是太年轻。 First leaves is laughing foolishly anxiously, Huai Shi.” “先别急着傻乐呢,槐诗。” He puts out a hand, bypasses Huai Shi directly, will turn over to the dispatch case of hamlet to take, Huai Shi has not even seen clearly the hand how he moves, an eye flower, the document nearby oneself launches unexpectedly. 他伸手,直接绕过槐诗,将归墟里的文件袋拿出来,槐诗甚至没看清他是怎么动的手,眼睛一花,文件竟然就在自己跟前展开了。 Then, flashing through. 然后,一条条的闪过。 Saw? Even if gave you to establish, all was still spatial, only had a reputation. The manpower resources solicited, the fund self-provided, equipment from buying...... “看到了吗?就算给了你编制,也全都是空的,只有一个名头而已。兵源自募,资金自筹,装备自购…… Let alone compares with four big Legion, which pedigree irregular troops is casual to compare, is the urchins who the stepmother raises. The enough hard relations , without wanted the logistics replenishment to arrange to ten years later. ” 别说和四大军团比,就是和随便哪个谱系的杂牌军比,也都是后娘养的野孩子。没有够硬的关系,想要后勤供应都要排到十年后去。” Independent combat and independent judgment, sound very crisp, but listens in turn, that is fights in isolation and is a scapegoat alone.” “独立作战、独立判断,听上去很爽,但反过来听,那就是孤军作战、独自背锅。” Governance bureau is not a softy, even if shuts their mouths with your merit and ability, will not make you eat without paying white take, Yaeger favors you again, cannot make this matter to come.” “统辖局可不是烂好人,就算是用你的功绩和能力堵住他们的嘴,也不会让你白吃白拿,叶戈尔再看好你,也做不出这种事情来。” Has a look at following this, incessantly is here, the following two pages, inside is the pit......” “看看下面这一条,不止是这里,后面两页,里面全都是坑……” Simple after inside regulation to Huai Shi, Russell loses his arms the thing, shaking the head of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: „The matter that person, money, equipment...... must solve were many went, first wants to be clear how to handle troublesome these, Huai Shi Legion was long.” 简单的把里面的章程给槐诗过了一遍之后,罗素才将东西丢回他的怀里,幸灾乐祸的摇头:“人,钱,装备……要解决的事情多了去了,先想清楚怎么搞定这些麻烦吧,槐诗军团长。” Also without the self-satisfied two minutes, struck back by a Russell blow to the head with enough time the frigid reality. 还没来得及得意两分钟,就被罗素的当头一棒打回了惨烈的现实。 Asks for money not to have money, the important person no one, wants equipment not to have equipment. 要钱没钱,要人没人,要装备没有装备 Once power and prestige ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) original sin Legion, now only then a Legion long Huai Shi polished rod commander...... light/only thinks slightly, issue on many innumerableness. 曾经威风万丈的原罪军团,现在只有军团槐诗一个光杆儿司令……光是稍微想想,问题就多的数不清。 May have the issue is not fearful, feared the means without solved. 可有问题不可怕,怕的是没有解决的办法。 Huai Shi is pinching the chin, the subconscious start considered that this wave, where do oneself go to white Piao to select the thing to come back again? 槐诗捏着下巴,下意识的开始考虑这一波,自己去哪里再白嫖点东西回来? The numerous plan, does not lose face. 众筹嘛,不丢人。 Where unshared does CP have to push the person to enter the pit to be imprisoned together crisply? 独享CP哪里有推人入坑一起坐牢来得爽? Then, who is this good brothers? 那么,谁来做这个好兄弟呢? In the ponder, he feels the telephone in bosom to shake suddenly, the ting resounds. 就在沉思的时候,他忽然感觉到怀中的电话一震,铃声响起。 When he looks to the screen, but also thinks Fu Yi went to the place time, actually saw name outside an expectation. 等他看向屏幕,还以为傅依已经到地方了的时候,却看到了一个预料之外的名字。 Liu Dongli! 柳东黎】! . 啪。 The telephone hangs up. 电话挂断。 Huai Shi unemotional receives the cell phone , to continue to ponder. 槐诗面无表情的收起手机,继续思考。 Just the safe/without matter happened...... 刚刚无事发生……
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