AF :: Volume #13

#1294: In? Tea? Drinks?

London six island peripheral regions, sword river city. 伦敦六岛周边区域,剑河城。 When Huai Shi the troublesome matter solution in Survival Institute, or routine first after throwing into the brain , after pretending the safe/without matter, refreshing goes out from the Survival Institute designated hospital, is breathing the morning fresh air, only feels refreshing. 槐诗存续院里的麻烦事情解决,或者说,习惯性的先抛到脑后装作无事发生之后,神清气爽的从存续院的定点医院中走出,呼吸着上午的清新空气,只感觉一阵沁人心脾。 Regardless of experiences many times, the feeling of this being out of hospital also is really neat. 不论经历多少次,这种出院的感觉还真是清爽。 But the flash of such feeling, many a little will be sorrowful. 但这么感觉的一瞬间,多少都会有点悲哀。 Who the normal people idle are being all right the hospital, when the hotel lives, especially the Survival Institute hospital ward technology excellent enough to wants dead difficultly, but most people go in the later this whole life is very difficult to live...... 正常人谁闲着没事儿把医院当旅馆住啊,尤其还是存续院的病房技术高超到想死都难,可偏偏大多数人进去之后这辈子都很难活着出来…… Beside the neat street of heavy traffic, is winds the rapid rivers, was in the city the most famous sword river. 车水马龙的整洁街道之外,便是蜿蜒湍急的河流,就是城市里最著名的剑河了。 It is said several hundred years ago, but also some people want to establish a university here, Current Territories great disorder that world that because finally various gods fall from the sky causes, the entire London three islands change six islands, the unpopulated area and disaster area of big piece made here turn into the mess, the matter of university also let it go. 据说几百年前,还有人想要在这里建立一所大学,结果因为诸神陨落的世间所导致的现境大混乱,整个伦敦三岛变六岛,大片的无人区和灾难区让这里变成了一团糟,大学的事情也就不了了之。 Let the person often recall, cannot bear sigh with regret, is big of culture and education regrets. 让人每每回忆起来,就忍不住扼腕叹息,是在是文教事业之大憾。 When to the present, after several hundred years, six island region residents are still scarce, besides few cities, the human footmark is rare. 时至如今,几百年过后,六岛区域依旧居民稀少,除了寥寥几个城市之外,人迹罕见。 Even if no regulations of existing writing and outwardly on approval, but since Astronomy Association strives to turn the tide, after reconstructing three big blockades, similar throughout has tacitly approved this London peripheral six island regions is the Astronomy Association direct control area. 即便并没有成文的条例和明面上的认可,但自从天文会力挽狂澜,再造了三大封锁之后,差不多全境都已经默认这一片伦敦周边的六岛区域都是天文会的直接管辖范围了。 But Astronomy Association limited to own position and status, without the interest vigorously develops the livelihood of the people, migrates the resident, causes six island region majorities actually in vacant, now even if the ecology has restored similar...... 可偏偏天文会受限于自身的位置和身份,也没兴趣大力发展民生,迁移居民,就导致六岛区域大部分其实都在空置,即便是如今生态已经恢复的差不多了…… On the one hand is because inside and outside various types of organs and departments need to isolate, on the other hand will be...... the person are many definitely will have the trouble, under various demands and promoted, Astronomy Association did not want even, perhaps still gradually toward sixth often developed. 一方面是因为各种机关部门需要隔绝内外,另一方面是……人多了必然会有麻烦,各种诉求和推动之下,天文会即便是自身不愿意,恐怕也会渐渐的向着第六常发展。 When the time comes has after Wuchang the direct related conflicts of interest or are overlap, how to maintain the own objective and neutral status? 到时候和五常有了直接的相关利益冲突或者是重叠之后,又如何保持自身的客观和中立地位呢? Advantage many, has not troubled innumerably. 好处没多少,麻烦数不清。 Regarding this, everyone is each other heart has the tacit understanding, since red string there, is far from it, do not idle about being all right show operation to jump horizontally. 对此,大家算是彼此心有默契既然红线在那里,那么就离它远一些,别闲着没事儿秀操作左右横跳了。 Now in six islands several few cities , is almost Astronomy Association various related industries or is the internal member retires the small-scale city that the later accumulation becomes. 如今六岛上几个为数不多的城市,也几乎都是天文会所相关的各种产业或者是内部成员退休之后聚集而成的小型城市。 From such being close, is away from the river now, can see the shadow of distant London faintly. 距离是如此的接近,现在隔着河,隐隐还能够看到更远方伦敦城的影子。 Even if by the mirage that the depth isolates, made one unable to bear raise the head as before to look into the distance, felt curious. 纵然是被深度所隔绝的海市蜃楼,也依旧令人忍不住翘首眺望,倍感好奇。 He has not gone to London. 他还没去过伦敦呢。 The Astronomy Association headquarters are , the heart of Current Territories, the den of governance bureau, the cities of ten thousand city, all members have a dream want to be assigned to place...... 天文会的总部所在,现境的心脏,统辖局的老巢,万城之城,所有成员做梦都想要被调往其中的地方…… May to Huai Shi, the feeling be the same. 可对槐诗来说,感觉就一般般。 Even if there is a lot of times opportunities to go or should go, but cannot make the trip probably for various reasons. Finally caused to say now the major general who the situation Utopia successor and Kingdom of Heaven who pedigree the special-grade military officer in addition S level tool people of mainstay and governance bureau no one letter/believed as well as awarded a decoration recently...... hasn't gone to London unexpectedly? 即便是有很多次机会能去或者是应该去,但好像都因为各种原因不能成行。最后导致现在说出去都没人信的地步理想国的后继者、天国谱系的中流砥柱、统辖局的特等武官外加S级工具人以及新近授勋的少将……竟然还没去过伦敦? It is not the category that can describe oddly. 已经不是离谱能形容的范畴了。 But what is more awkward: Before can come casually time, has not come, now after the position comes up, wants to come instead unable to come casually. 而更加尴尬的是:以前可以随便来的时候,没有来,现在身份地位上去之后,想来反而不能随便来了。 Regardless of his present Kingdom of Heaven pedigree status, were only his stopper causes Huai Shi to leap in the key monitoring list in the nautilus of day Queli to most front along. 姑且不论他如今天国谱系的身份,光是他随身塞在天阙里的鹦鹉螺就导致了槐诗在重点监控名单上一跃到最前排。 Without clearly stipulating said that Huai Shi you are all right cannot come, but is Huai Shi still insufficient to idle is being all right to run to do everyone everyone's blood pressure? 即便是没有明文规定说槐诗你没事儿不可以来,但槐诗也不至于闲着没事儿跑去搞大家所有人的血压吧? Moreover Astronomy Association internal and between exterior Wuchang the complex political game is damn must die randomly, under this condition, where Huai Shi made anything, the plan that may be treated as to harbor ulterior motives or is the statement in what aspect. 而且天文会内部和外部五常之间纷繁复杂的政治游戏更是乱他妈的要死,这种状况下,槐诗去哪里做了什么,都有可能被当做别有用心的计划或者是什么方面的表态。 The dirty adult world is really troublesome. 肮脏的成年人世界实在是过于麻烦。 Let the person please excuse my inability to comply. 让人敬谢不敏。 Is Tanba is not fragrant? Isn't Ivory Tower good? 是丹波不香么?还是象牙之塔不好? The earth overlords are putting improper, what goes to the city to go to 996 to make? 土霸王放着不当,跑到城里去996做什么? Therefore, after shooting a look at two, he had a yawn, takes back the line of sight, started to ponder over to receive round trip does. 因此,在瞥了两眼之后,他就打了个哈欠,收回视线,开始琢磨接下来去干啥了。 Thinks it over, probably here also has nothing to do. 思来想去,好像在这里也没什么好做的。 In order to celebrate being out of hospital, first finds a place to eat, then returns to Ivory Tower to transfer, goes home later to wash to sleep...... 为了庆祝出院,先找个地方吃一顿,然后回象牙之塔转一圈,回家之后洗漱一下睡大觉…… In instance that decides happily, he hears the clear trumpet that the hospital entrance heard. 在这么愉快决定的瞬间,他就听见了医院门口传来的清脆喇叭声。 bi A red old and worn-out vehicle has stopped in the entrance. 一辆红色的老爷车就已经停在了门口。 Two gigantic headlights lift, winked toward him, just like the eye general...... that was the eye right. 两颗硕大的车灯抬起来,朝着他眨了一下,犹如眼睛一般……那就是眼睛没错了。 Red Dragon? 红龙? Huai Shi speechless looks at to shaking down the glass, in the position of driving seat, the truck operator not seen for a long time is holding in the mouth the cigar, complacent dug up drawing from the bridge of the nose the sunglasses downward. 槐诗哑然的看向摇下的车窗,驾驶席的位置上,好久不见的卡车司机叼着雪茄,得意洋洋的将墨镜从鼻梁上往下扒拉了一下。 Elbow!” “肘!” Raymond's straightforward beckoning, migrant worker Huai Shi that comes toward the countryside summons, elder brother leads you to go to work to the factory in!” 雷蒙德豪爽的招手,向着乡下来的农民工槐诗呼唤,“哥带你到厂里上班去!” Huai Shi cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. 槐诗忍不住翻了个白眼。 Lowered the head, looked at a phone screen. 低头,看了一眼手机屏幕。 Was being out of hospital also less than one minute, the arrangement of Russell this old tortoise already on the road? 出院还不到一分钟,罗素这个老王八的安排就已经在路上了么? Really does not give false! 真就一点假都不给是吧! Survival Institute this type did not have the place of conscience compared with the governance bureau on forget about it, why is Utopia blacker than Survival Institute?! 存续院这种比统辖局还没良心的地方就算了,理想国为什么比存续院还黑?! Huai Shi face upwards to heave a deep sigh, opens the vehicle door. 槐诗仰天长叹一声,拉开车门。 Steps difficult journey that the return trip began work. 踏上了返程上工的艰难旅程. Huai Shi has left the hospital 槐诗已出院” Monitoring goal has the contact with the unidentified character, the status of opposite party is...... the Ivory Tower registration security and driver Raymond, both sides went to the Cambridge clubhouse.” “监控目标同不明人物发生接触,对方的身份是……象牙之塔的登记保安和司机雷蒙德,双方去往了剑桥会馆。” Continues to maintain the monitoring?” “是否继续保持监控?” In the frontier territory London, in the seemingly ordinary office building, in these busy checks outside conference room, on several screens is demonstrating the Huai Shi whereabouts and related report, and even the monitoring of various camera as well as satellite. 边境伦敦内,看起来普普通通的办公楼里,那些忙碌的格子间外的会议室里,几个屏幕上正显示着槐诗的行踪和有关的报告,乃至各处摄像头以及卫星的监控。 The monitoring group had entered the active status. 监控小组已经进入了工作状态。 After the report of front plainclothes detective ended, the middle-aged person took up the intercom on table: Maintains the monitoring, all whereabouts of goal in Current Territories do not omit.” 在前方的便衣探员的汇报结束之后,中年人拿起了桌子上的对讲机:“保持监控,目标在现境内的所有行踪不要遗漏。” Understood.” “明白。” Intercom another after the report, does not have sound to transmit again, only then report on screen in unceasing is renovating, the vehicles march forward gathers the paths and various materials that. 对讲机另一头在汇报之后,再没有声音传来,只有屏幕上的报告在不断的刷新着,将车辆行进的轨迹和各处资料汇聚过来。 Silent, middle-aged person both hands thoughts, silent looks at the screen. 寂静中,中年人双手抱怀,沉默的看着屏幕。 Probably the statue is the same. 像是石像一样。 Does not have the movement. 毫无动作。 Until outside the conference resounded the gentle knock. 直到会议室外响起了轻柔的敲门声。 The middle-aged people open the door to walk, saw the rapper, the facial expression is still tranquil, does not know that is indifferently or early some expectations, but sent regards: Ms. Ai?” 中年人推开门走出去,看到了敲门者,神情依旧平静,不知是无动于衷还是早有预料,只是问候道:“艾女士?” Mr. Schwieger.” “施威格先生。” Ai Qing nods the regards: Was I disturbs?” 艾晴颔首问候:“是我打扰了么?” Work just started.” “工作才刚刚开始。” Karlheinz Schwieger replied calmly. 卡尔海因茨・施威格平静回答。 This seemingly ordinary middle-aged person puts on one set only to be does not throw the share and distressed suit, chest front don't the work sign according to the convention inward, only reveals the back Astronomy Association symbol. 这个看起来普普通通的中年人穿着一套只算得上并不丢份和狼狈的西装,胸前别着的工作牌按照惯例都是向内,只露出背后的天文会徽记。 Only looks at the semblance the words, is very difficult to imagine, this is presides organization that the bureau internal supervisory department does not have in overhead floor real powerful figure. 只看外表的话,很难想象,这是统辖局内部的监管部门不存在的机构・架空楼层里货真价实的实权人物。 Since more than ten years ago starts, he held the post of No. 3 office head, is the minister X women, in addition, is not responsible for anybody. 自从十几年前开始,他就担任了三号办公室负责人,直属于部长X女士,除此之外,不对任何人负责。 Post that he holds the post is the internal monitoring and investigation, object who aims, is all may exist to solidify the hidden danger Sublimator and group. 他所担任的职位是对内的监控和调查,所针对的对象,乃是所有有可能存在凝固隐患的升华者和团体。 Meanwhile, he is also every year overhead floor assignment biggest consumption of black letter share. 同时,他也是每年架空楼层分配的黑函份额的最大消耗者。 At least 30% black letters are signed and issued by him personally. 至少有百分之三十的黑函是由他亲手签发的。 This was he passes through warned several times has restrained the later result 这还是他经过了数次警告有所收敛之后的结果 But now, periphery he looks at young minister secretary, the facial expression does not despise or disdains, does not exist to be kind and kind, tranquil as always, but after holding eyeglasses, asked: What is the minister has to inform to issue?” 而现在,他看着周围年纪轻轻的部长秘书,神情并不鄙夷或者不屑,也不存在和蔼和亲切,平静的一如既往,只是扶了一下眼镜之后问道:“是部长有什么通知下达么?” Is only my some doubts.” Ai Qing replied. “只是我个人的一些疑惑而已。”艾晴回答。 Schwieger shakes the head, among us the work has not happened together, the work of No. 3 office does not need the assistance in other aspects. If the related content, we can place at the regular meeting to discuss.” 施威格摇头,“我们之间的工作并没有交集,三号办公室的工作不需要其他方面的协助。如果是相关的内容,我们可以放在例会上谈。” Like this straightforwardly in not being built on stilts the organization is completely the department style to many touch of humanity dialogues according to X lady's original words, here does not need what office friendship, does not need unnecessarily what curious and sympathizes. Everyone goes to work in a place fortunately, so long as adhered faithfully enough. 这样直截了当到没有多少人情味儿的对话在架空机构里已经完全属于部门风格按照X女士的原话,这里不需要什么办公室友谊,也不需要什么多余的好奇和体贴。大家只是凑巧在一个地方上班而已,只要恪尽职守就够了。 After being supposed better to get off work closes the door, after parking lot, meets also treats as did not know, own work rotten in belly, in the evening sleeps does not permit to sob in the dream. 最好下班之后关上门,到了停车场之后见面也当做不认识,将属于自己的工作烂在肚子里,晚上睡觉的时候在梦里也不准哭泣。 With all due respect.” “恕我直言。” Ai Qing has not given way before difficulties, straightforward reminder: Mr. Schwieger, regarding key character the monitoring needs the central policy decision room's authorization.” 艾晴并没有知难而退,直截了当的提醒道:“施威格先生,对于‘重点人物’的监控需要中央决策室的批准的。” Above the key character, she aggravated the pronunciation especially. 在重点人物之上,她特地加重了读音。 Does not need to look at Schwieger behind office, her meaning has revealed without doubt. 并不需要去看施威格身后的办公室,她的意思已经表露无疑。 Is only the investigation of convention, to ensure the security of London, I did not think that I made any improper judgment.” Schwieger is still quiet, tranquilly to chilling degree: This is my work.” “只是惯例的调查而已,为了确保伦敦的安全,我不觉得我做了什么不当的判断。”施威格依旧平静,平静到冷硬的程度:“这是我的工作。” Ai Qing asked: Even if Survival Institute has made the safe judgment?” 艾晴问:“即便是存续院已经做出了安全的判断?” Survival Institute is Survival Institute, the governance bureau presides the bureau.” 存续院存续院,统辖局是统辖局。” Schwieger stopped, Utopia...... is not that Utopia.” 施威格停顿了一下,“理想国……已经不是那个理想国了。” Ai Qing has not spoken. 艾晴并没有说话。 According to the truth, the dialogue should stop, but, this Schwieger actually spoke the unnecessary words time rarely: I am harmless to Mr. Huai Shi, does not have the prejudice, but fulfills own work.” 按道理,对话应该到此为止,只不过,这一次施威格竟然罕见的说了多余的话:“我对槐诗先生并无恶意,也不存在偏见,只是履行自己的工作而已。” Ai Qing nods: Only this point, I had not suspected.” 艾晴颔首:“唯独这一点,我没有怀疑。” Several years of adhering faithfully on this Post, before that nearly half a lifetime, Schwieger is always the model common impractical organization, is worth studying and imitating. 在这个职位上十几年的恪尽职守,在那之前近乎半生,施威格从来都是模范一般的架空机构成员,值得学习和效仿。 Even after the wife and daughters and parents die, harbors the deeply ingrained hatred to Solidifier, still not, because own subjective cognition has made the wrong choice and order. 即便是妻女和父母死后,对凝固者怀有着刻骨的恨意,也从未曾因为自己的主观认知而做出过错误的抉择和命令。 Huai Shi is not the peon. 况且,槐诗又不是什么无名小卒。 Even if both sides really being climbed wrist/skill, some Russell this throughout authenticate old compel to look in behind Yin, still admitted defeat by Schwieger mostly finished. 就算双方真得扳起手腕来,有罗素这个全境认证老阴逼在后面看着,多半也是以施威格吃瘪结束。 If incessantly is Schwieger? 只是,倘若不止是施威格呢? In this crucial point, even if makes groundless accusations, even illusory ‚the Solidifier indictment, regarding Huai Shi, will still turn into a trouble. Once under agitation of anyone, turns into the blasting fuse this indictment...... 在这个节骨眼上,哪怕只是捕风捉影,就算是虚无缥缈的‘凝固者指控’,对于槐诗来说,也会变成一场麻烦。而一旦在什么人的煽风点火之下,将这一指控变成导火索…… Thinks the possibility of following having, will make one have a headache. 只是想想后续存在的可能,就会让人头疼。 The new round contradiction, the new round conflict, new round standing in line, turns into new round shuffle finally. 新一轮的矛盾,新一轮的冲突,新一轮的站队,最后又变成新一轮的洗牌。 Once takes the magnifying glass to check, under buttocks of how many people there are able to be clean? Let alone Huai Shi idles is being all right oneself to like that fellow who jumps toward the morass in...... 一旦拿着放大镜去查,有几个人的屁股下面能是干净的?更何况槐诗还是闲着没事儿自己就喜欢往泥坑里跳的那种家伙…… Really troublesome. 真麻烦啊。 Nodding the head that Ai Qing understands clearly, had not asked again. 艾晴了然的颔首,并没有再问。 Asked that will not have a result, that can only be ready. 问也不会有所结果,那就只能做好准备了。 Is only the conventional investigation, several days ended.” “只是常规调查而已,几天就结束了。” Schwieger looked at her one eyes finally, „, but, in view of the fact that relations between two, the related work do not ask......” 施威格最后看了她一眼,“只不过,鉴于两位之间的关系,相关的工作您还是不要多问了……” Our relations?” “我们的关系?” Ai Qing listened, suddenly some want to smile, she does not know that among them is anything relates...... 艾晴听了,忽然有些想笑,她都不知道她们之间算什么关系…… Perhaps, regarding Huai Shi, oneself sometimes is only a female lunatic who likes minding others' business also perhaps? 或许,对于槐诗来说,自己有时候只是一个喜欢多管闲事的女疯子也说不定呢? „, Was I disturbs.” “那么,是我打扰了。” Ai Qing is smiling nodding the head, said goodbye, turns around to depart. 艾晴微笑着颔首,道别,转身离去。 Schwieger also turns around, returns to the office. 施威格也转身,回到办公室里。 Silent staring construction on that screen. 沉默的凝视着那一座屏幕上的建筑。 Under the cold light of screen shines, that tranquil face likes the iron stone from beginning to end, has not had the slight mighty waves. 在屏幕的冷光照耀之下,那一张平静的面孔自始至终都有如铁石,未曾有丝毫的波澜。 The haze in eye pupil in flash of breaking into pieces, silent sending out. 只是眼瞳之中的阴霾在碎散的闪光之中,无声的散发开来。 His lip silent opening and closing. 他的嘴唇无声的开阖。 Huai Shi...... 槐诗…… In the afternoon, busy work break. 午后,繁忙的工作间隙。 The open-air booth outside middle-level cafeteria, the society livestock of snatching a little leisure from the busy schedules are enjoying the final several minutes of sunlight. 在中层食堂之外的露天卡座,忙里偷闲的社畜们享受着最后几分钟的阳光。 Ai Qing sits under the parasol, is staring at the present lawn, the static ponder these are hiding in the common news in mail and chat corner. 艾晴坐在遮阳伞下面,凝视着眼前的草坪,静静的思考着那些隐藏在邮件和闲谈角落中的不起眼消息。 In the innermost feelings, the fragments of these puzzles each other close up gradually, piece together, appear greatly embryonic form slightly. 内心之中,那些拼图的碎片渐渐彼此靠拢,拼凑,浮现出大略的雏形。 But after she has guessed finally, then cannot bear the silent length exhale, sets out, after cold drop the black tea will have drunk up, takes up the folder to depart. 而就在她终于有所猜测之后,便忍不住无声的长出了一口气,起身,将早就冷掉的红茶喝完之后,拿起文件夹离去。 Passed by the entrance time, actually hears behind the pleasantly surprised call. 只是,路过门口的时候,却听见身后惊喜的呼声。 Quite skillful, Sister Ai!” “好巧啊,艾姐!” Some person of exciting waving, toward her, jumped: For a long time does not see!” 有人兴奋的挥手,向着她,跳了一下:“好久不见!” So originally the ripe tone, with does not have threat the feeling...... 如此自来熟的语气,和‘毫无威胁’的感觉…… Ai Qing is restraining the change of facial expression, turn head, saw to exchange the pretty form of new uniform/subdue. 艾晴克制着神情的变化,回头,看到换上了新制服的靓丽身影。 Fu Yi?” 傅依?” She nods the regards, „did you also adjust London?” 她颔首问候,“你也调到伦敦了吗?” Yes, spread the good time.” “是啊,摊上好时候了嘛。” Fu Yi was demonstrating happily the work sign, silence is short of manpower everywhere, even my practice session also gave to draw to make up the number the luck to be really good, could be promoted.” 傅依愉快的展示着工作牌,“缄默者到处缺人,连我这个实习期的也给拉来凑数了运气真好啊,说不定能升职。” Congratulations.” “恭喜。” Ai Qing nods congratulates. 艾晴颔首恭贺。 Has not punctured the lie of opposite party. 并没有戳破对方的谎言。 Is built on stilts the organization, although troubles much, but wins in news enough quick. 在架空机构工作,虽然麻烦不少,但胜在消息足够的灵通。 Even Ai Qing still heard, this in the near future in the novas who the silence interior also raises the great unrests in history, second has not passed through the long practice session, through one -and-a-half years of time, passed the final theory tests and actual measurements on the perfect scores merely, ahead of time fully six years of obtained the practice qualification registration silence. 即便是艾晴也有所耳闻,这位近期在缄默者们内部也掀起轩然大波的新星有史以来,第二位没有经过漫长的实习期,仅仅通过一年半的时间,就满分通过了最终理论考试和实测,提前了整整六年得到了执业资格的‘注册缄默者’。 mo song guo ti huo cancels fermium ju heng merit hu ru fu xi jia sha to drill yao qing ma to abstain from merit app adze han geng xia deserted nail partner jie lu xi ai cen wo adze han fou Qi Quanxun ji zui shi small side gate kang umbrella brook chain pian to teach zhan cen fan hu jia lu xiang to reach ren ma tang xin hu xi jiao Qi Mo 銆愯瘑鍗佸勾鐨勮佷功鍙嬬粰鎴戞帹鑽愮殑杩戒功app锛屽挭鍜闃呰伙紒鐪熺壒涔堝鐢锛屽紑杞佺潯鍓嶉兘闈犺繖涓鏈楄诲惉涔墦鍙戞椂闂达紝杩欓噷鍙浠笅杞銆 Raises while convenient, first is her Senior Brother, now silence organization one of six regulative. 顺带一提,第一位是她的师兄,如今缄默者机构中的六位调控者之一。 But meetings from Silver Sea and relation between pilot looked, later possibly has the big probability to become colleague? 而从白银之海和先导会之间的联系看,以后可能有大概率会成为‘同事’吧? However, even if had expected, but saw smile that at this moment that Zhang Yang flatters brightly, her as before some slightly surprised, has not thought that so will be quick. 不过,即便是已经有所预料,但此刻看到那一张阳光明媚的笑容,她依旧有些略微的惊讶,没想到会这么快。 Quick, when under the line of sight moves, then appears to understand clearly. 很快,当视线下移的时候,便浮现出一丝了然。 Collar pin is good.” “领针不错。” She looked at one to be covered the decoration under neckband by Fu Yi, heartfelt praise. 她看了一眼被傅依盖在领口下面的装饰,衷心夸赞。 „, Yes?” “诶,是嘛?” Fu Yi manipulated with joy two, is blinking, requests earnestly: Right, can drink a tea in the afternoon together? I just came to here, has no idea, the department relates cannot comprehend.” 傅依喜滋滋的摆弄了两下,眨着眼睛,恳请道:“对了,下午可以一起喝个茶吗?我刚刚来这里,两眼一抹黑,部门关系都搞不懂。” Work, sorry.” “还有工作,抱歉。” Ai Qing regrettable lifted the folder in hand. 艾晴遗憾的抬了抬手中的文件夹。 „......” “哦……” Fu Yi sighed, exploratory asking: That, next time?” 傅依叹息,又试探性的问:“那,下次?” Good.” “好啊。” Ai Qing nods, after two people exchanged the mailbox and contact method, turns around to depart. 艾晴点头,两人交换了邮箱和联系方式之后,转身离去。 Fu Yi stands in same place, gazes after that form to vanish in the crowd, for a long time, suddenly excited jumps, snort/hum the song, is pulling out the cell phone, turns on WeChat. 傅依站在原地,目送着那个身影消失在人群中,许久,忽然兴奋的跳起来,哼着歌,掏出手机,打开微信。 The point opens the Huai Shi head picture, edits the news, the transmission. 点开槐诗的头像,编辑讯息,发送。 In? Tea? Drinks?】 【在?茶?喝?】
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