AF :: Volume #13

#1293: Except that the fungus extinguishes lives

Name?” “姓名?” Huai Shi.” 槐诗。” Sex?” “性别?” Male.” “男。” Age?” “年龄?” 20......” “20……” Table another head, lives not to have young people who may the love by chair, helpless sighing: I said that can't we remodelling type?” 桌子另一头,生无可恋的年轻人靠在椅子上,无奈的叹气:“我说,咱们就不能换个样式么?” Self- cognitive ability is the important indicator of soul observation, without the means that you must be familiar with me to think you very do not like this?” “自我认知能力灵魂观察的重要指标,没办法,你总要习惯我看你不是挺喜欢这个的么?” In behind of desk, Creation Lord Schach looks the data that on the screen appears, satisfaction nods: Authentication is unmistakable, congratulates you, you can leave the hospital, Mr. Huai Shi!” 在办公桌的后面,创造主・沙赫看着屏幕上浮现的数据,满意点头:“认证无误,恭喜你,你可以出院了,槐诗先生!” Although on the mouth is saying congratulation, but in fact expression actually regret must die. 虽然嘴上说着恭喜,但实际上表情却遗憾的要死。 Complete mouth not to heart. 完全口不对心。 Grabs the hand of Huai Shi not to loosen. 抓住槐诗的手就根本不愿意松开。 Was tearful on the bad tearful eyes. 就差泪眼汪汪了。 Next time must play again, Huai Shi.” “下次一定要再来玩啊,槐诗。” Will not have next!” Huai Shi was angry, drew out own hand. “不会有下次了!”槐诗大怒,拔出了自己的手。 That may not say certainly “那可说不准” Schach's facial expression is mischievous: „ At your in hospital frequency and intensity, I thought that be likely this year to set new high again. Wants me to look, or you resulted in my office year card directly...... following some time, all life study and elementium study Creation Lord of will definitely be busy wants dead. 沙赫的神情促狭起来:“以你的入院频率和强度,我觉得有望今年再创新高。要我看,要不你直接在我这里办个年卡得了……接下来一段时间里,所有生命学和源质学的创造主肯定会忙的想死。 When the time comes I help you join a production team directly, Nagajima that fellow likes you so much, definitely did not mind. ” 到时候我直接帮你插队,中岛那个家伙这么喜欢你,也肯定不介意。” At this point, before his collecting, pulled down sound: „The medical service of highest rank, so long as there is a fragment to deliver, I can guarantee that you long return to the original design, but also throws in the tidying up style hair meal......, so long as you sign, here.” 说到这里,他就凑前了,压低声音:“最高等级的医疗服务哦,只要有一个碎块送回来,我都能保证你长回原样,还附赠整容美发套餐……只要你签个字,在这儿。” Saying, him a thick contract and a pen forced in the hand of Huai Shi, wished one could to grab the hand of Huai Shi to make him sign directly immediately. 说着,他将厚厚的一本合同和一根笔塞进槐诗的手里,恨不得直接抓着槐诗的手让他马上签了。 It is a pity that Huai Shi palm steady like pincers. 遗憾的是,槐诗手掌稳如铁钳。 How to break off breaks off motionless. 怎么掰都掰不动。 Sneering looks at Schach. 只是冷笑的看着沙赫。 Signs this? 签这个? Signing this today can be whole to walk different matter! 签完这个自己今天能不能囫囵着走出去还是另一回事儿呢! I have not known that what style your Survival Institute is? 我还不知道你们存续院是个什么风格? „......” “啧……” Saw that Huai Shi was not swindled, helpless Schach also shakes the head, the appearance that lonely such as the snow who can understand, sighed: Since you do not trust us, our medical-patient relations are also very difficult to be established, forget about it, does not demand, you walk.” 眼看槐诗死活不上当,沙赫也无奈摇头,一副寂寞如雪谁能理解的样子,叹了口气:“既然你这么不信任我们,我们这个医患关系也很难建立起来啊,算了,不强求,你走吧。” Walks? 走? Huai Shi sits on the chair, is entirely still. 槐诗坐在椅子上,纹丝不动。 Puts out a hand, toward Schach, the five fingers launched, fished fishing. 只是伸出手,向着沙赫,五指展开,捞了捞。 Probably is wanting anything to be the same. 好像在要什么东西一样。 Schach is overjoyed, comes the contract stopper, actually by the Huai Shi angry racket: What I said is this?” 沙赫大喜过望,把合同塞过来,却被槐诗恼怒的拍开:“我说的是这个么?” Taiyang (Sun) wreckage!” 太阳的残骸!” His straightforward asking: „Before the gambling house, we may reach an agreement, clue? Are the Survival Institute big enterprise has lots of assets, insufficient to repudiate a debt?” 他直截了当的问道:“赌局之前咱们可就说好了,线索呢?存续院家大业大,不至于赖账吧?” Schach hears word stares. 沙赫闻言一愣。 Why does not know, relaxes to be the same probably. 不知道为什么,好像松了口气一样。 Scared to death me, I also thought...... cough cough, no, no.” “吓死我了,我还以为……咳咳,没,没什么。” He coughed two, conceals was rejoicing that with the self-satisfied appearance, squeezes out forcefully austere accommodates: „ Chief said that at least one month, exactly said, is 34 days more than 6 hours a 15 point......, now 14. 他咳嗽了两声,掩饰着庆幸和得意的样子,强行挤出肃容:“院长说了,最少一个月的时间,确切的说,是三十四天零六个小时多十五分一点……嗯,现在十四了。 Relax, since complies your not to put the pigeon absolutely, our Survival Institute means what he says. ” 放心,既然答应你的就绝对不会放鸽子,我们存续院可是说话算话的。” Tells the truth, truly. 有一说一,确实。 According to this group of OCD style, does the matter basically to arrive precisely second, after the project date nailed tight, early was not absolutely late, said how long was how long. 按照这帮强迫症的风格,做事儿基本精确到秒,项目日期钉死了之后,绝对是不早不晚,说多长时间就是多长时间。 Working day?” Questioning that Huai Shi some do not feel relieved. “工作日?”槐诗有些不放心的追问。 Schach hears word, could not bear smile, asked back: „Does Survival Institute have the view of holiday?” 沙赫闻言,忍不住笑了,反问:“存续院有节假日的说法么?” „......” “……” Silent, Huai Shi indicated to admire submissively. 沉默里,槐诗拱手表示佩服。 The governance bureau does not have you to be black. 统辖局都没你们黑啊。 Working overtime that they keep, where seems like you to be the same, has not gotten off work this view. 他们只是不停的加班而已,哪里像是你们一样,根本就没有下班这个说法。 A day entered Survival Institute, for a lifetime is Survival Institute, living time is the Survival Institute tool person, died can also become the Survival Institute tool deceased person. 一天进了存续院,一辈子都是存续院,活着的时候是存续院的工具人,死了也能成为存续院的工具死人。 Is only, why takes one month?” Knitting the brows of Huai Shi doubts. “只是,为什么要一个月?”槐诗疑惑的皱眉。 A clue, why must wait for such a long time. 一个线索,为什么要等这么长时间。 This does not have the matter of means.” “这也是没办法的事情啊。” Schach shrugs: Must complete except the work of fungus deactivation, after all is the wreckage of gods, you do not think that” he stopped, gesticulated the half of the day, said: „After the step ceremony ended, what walks from inside is a native of India?” 沙赫耸肩:“除菌灭活的工作得做好啊,毕竟是神明的残骸,你也不想”他停顿了一下,比划了半天,说:“等进阶仪式结束之后,从里面走出来的是个天竺人吧?” Wait!” “等等!” Following regardless of the time being, Huai Shi felt oneself misunderstood what word: „...... Extinguishes except the fungus...... lives?” 后面的姑且不论,槐诗感觉自己听错了什么词儿:“除菌……灭……活?” The mo song qin fine jade reaches the ren sui ji cao jian fine jade to teach zhan cen ying Lian ke fermium diao pp adze han geng xia deserted nail partner ren to soak cuo zhi ying ou to play the role of the zeng mo umbrella 銆愯瘽璇达紝鐩鍓嶆湕璇诲惉涔渶濂界敤鐨刟pp锛屽挭鍜闃呰伙紝瀹夎呮渶鏂扮増銆傘 Right.” Schach nods. “对啊。”沙赫点头。 Is that I understand......” “是我理解的那种……” Huai Shi gesticulated at a loss the half of the day: „Does that type, eliminate fungus deactivation?” 槐诗茫然的比划了半天:“那种,‘除菌灭活’么?” Although a little difference, but almost.” “虽然有点出入,但是差不多。” Schach nods, „, although is disappearing that some are not worth mentioning kills the work, without difficulty, but will spend a lot of time. Carefully, from inside to outside, guaranteed has not remained......” 沙赫颔首,“虽然都是一些并不怎么值得一提的消杀工作,没有难度,但是就是会消耗很多时间。得仔仔细细,从里到外,确保没有残留……” At this point, he sighed reluctantly: „ Really is not we must buckle your reward intentionally, in fact the previous gambling house had not finished time, our archeological teams had embarked because of this, everyone also meets specially, deliberated carefully. Everyone is pondering over, since the clue gave, do not take away the suo suo simply, delivered goods to the doorstep directly. 说到这里的,他无奈一叹:“真不是我们故意要扣你的报酬,实际上上次赌局还没结束的时候,我们的考古队就已经出发了因为这个,大家还专门开了个会,仔细研讨了一下。大家都琢磨着,既然线索都给了,干脆也别扣扣索索的,直接送货上门就得了。 But we work, the speed is also quite slow, the arrangement and excavation spent time much, you understand. ” 而我们做事呢,速度也比较慢,筹备和发掘工作多花了一点时间,你懂的。” Saying, Creation Lord holds their palms together, particularly said embarrassed: Understands.” 说着,创造主双手合十,分外不好意思的说:“多谅解一下吧。” This...... good?” “啊这……么好的吗?” Huai Shi delay. 槐诗呆滞。 Vacant. 茫然。 Only feels a dizziness, but also has not digested this explosive news completely. 只感觉一阵头晕,还完全没有消化掉这个爆炸性消息。 What how to reach an agreement is only the clue, finally directly did the thing deliver continually together? 怎么说好的只是线索,结果就直接连东西一块送了? Also supplementary sterilization deactivation a dragon processing? 还附带杀菌灭活一条龙处理的? Wanted a shopping to link, finally did Party A deliver goods directly the family/home the luxurious hardbound Gold collection version? 原本只是想要个购物链接,结果甲方就直接把豪华精装黄金收藏版送货到家了? Does in the world have such good matter?! 天底下还有这么好的事情?! That is the Taiyang (Sun) wreckage! 那可是太阳的残骸! Taiyang (Sun) god Suriya The divine nature crystallizes! 太阳神・苏利耶】的神性结晶! This gives for nothing? 这都白给的么? Really considers in the supermarket to kill the live fish presently? 真当是超市里现杀活鱼么? Thinks Survival Institute to the opportunity, has not thought this wave, this wave supported the grandmother directly the family/home. 原本只是以为存续院会给个机会,没想到这一波啊,这一波是直接赞助到姥姥家了。 The eye winks, is in Rome. 眼睛一眨,身在罗马。 The truth said, he is a little hurried. 实话说,他有点慌。 But, price?” He will move a point in the future: What is price?” “但,代价呢?”他往后挪了一点:“代价是什么?” Price is you must wait again for more than 30 days......” “代价就是你得再等三十多天……” Schach looks at him, the facial expression is complex. 沙赫看着他,神情复杂。 Obviously, sits the rocket same speed a little complaint to Huai Shi this. 明显,对槐诗这坐火箭一样的速度有点怨念。 „, According to the plan, the coordination of this thing is fitted together perfectly, do you know? After you do a matter, can then do another......, but your here speed, obviously quick excessiveness. We think we can be quickest, now instead turns holds back. “原本,按照计划,这个东西的配合是严丝合缝的,你知道吧?等你搞完一件事情之后,就可以接着去搞另一件……但你这边的速度,明显快的过头。原本我们以为自己会是最快的,现在反而变成拖后腿的了。 These incessantly is I time, in nine chiefs has eight to have a scare, has not seen some people to do ‚the type of Abyss to do this, but also such...... quick. ” 这一次不止是我,九个院长里有八个都吓了一跳,没见过有人搞‘深渊之种’能搞成这样的,还这么……快。” Probably heard any sensitive glossary, the eye socket of Huai Shi jumped, looked to other directions: „, I do not know that you are saying anything.” 好像听到了什么敏感词汇,槐诗的眼眶跳了一下,看向其他方向:“呃,我不知道你在说什么。” It doesn't matter.” “无所谓。” Schach shakes the head, deep looked at his one eyes: In any case that thing is also the technology that Survival Institute began initially, you remember that the security is good, if not flow out carefully, what will have you to understand?” 沙赫摇头,深深的看了他一眼:“反正那东西也是存续院当初起了头的技术,你记得保密就好,如果不小心流出的话,会发生什么你懂吧?” What can also have? 还能发生什么? Survival Institute fine private room, lifelong system. 存续院精致雅座一位,终身制。 No, perhaps incessantly. 不,说不定就不止一位了。 The Huai Shi expression twitched, has not said. 槐诗的表情抽搐了一下,没有接话。 Does not know actually should sigh with emotion your group of mental illness is anything damn the technology will do, rejoiced that can actually leave a loophole in this Survival Institute. 不知道究竟是应该感慨你们这帮神经病是不是什么见鬼的技术都会搞,还是庆幸于这一次存续院竟然能够网开一面了。 Words said, my treatment did feel better?” “话说,我这待遇是不是好过头了?” Huai Shi some do not believe firmly: You determined that doesn't have the issue?” 槐诗有些不确信:“你们确定没问题?” The truth said that for these years, he enjoys such top enterprise treatment for the first time, moreover came from Survival Institute this place awfully. 实话说,这么多年以来,他还是第一次享受这么顶级的企业级待遇,而且还是来自存续院这种要命的地方。 Must say that the opposite party does not have other arrangement, he does not believe. 要说对方没有别的安排,他也不信啊。 The louse were many did not worry, the debt were many were not itchy, a troublesome matter big pile, he already already hemp. 只是,虱子多了不愁,债多了不痒,麻烦的事情一大堆,他早就已经麻了。 Does not lack this. 不缺这一个。 Instead is this bewildered well-meaning and generous, makes his some not be familiar with. 反而是这种莫名其妙的善意和慷慨,还是让他有些不太习惯。 I know that you are worried about anything, but you felt relieved that we strove to you no other.” Schach lets go, „ at least does not have now. Survival Institute is not the investment institution, did not seek the return compared with that type of thing. “我知道你在担心什么,但你放心吧,我们对你别无所求。”沙赫摊手,“至少现在没有。存续院不是投资机构,不求回报比那种东西。 If you see, to reach the goal resorts to all means is our style. ” 如你所见,为达目的不择手段是我们的行事风格。” If a matter were determined to have necessary, then we do seem us to think that you become Dongjun, even, becoming Taiyi is matter such that has necessary. ” 如果一件事情被判定为有必要,那么我们就去做就好像我们认为你成为东君,甚至,成为‘太一’是一件有必要的事情那样。” Schach stares looks at him, with an unusual vision, does not know that is pities or acclaims: „ Your ability is without a doubt, but it is a pity that compares your responsibility extremely is still tiny. 沙赫直勾勾的看着他,用一种奇特的目光,不知是怜悯还是赞叹:“你的才能毋庸置疑,但遗憾的是,相较你的责任依旧太过渺小。 If Utopia can reconstruct, making us pay ten times and 100 times of prices not to have the issue again, but it is a pity that Utopia does not depend upon Dongjun to complete. 如果理想国能够重建,让我们再付十倍、一百倍的代价都没有问题,但遗憾的是,理想国不是依靠一个东君就能够完成的。 You need also has...... ” 你需要的还有更多……” Then, he patted the shoulder of patient finally, a deep sigh: Your hard times, Huai Shi, is leaving steadily happily too early.” 说罢,他最后拍了拍患者的肩膀,一声长叹:“你的苦日子还长着呢,槐诗,别高兴的太早了。” Sounds actually challenging?” Huai Shi self-ridiculed that smiles. “听上去倒是蛮有挑战性的啊?”槐诗自嘲一笑。 Yes, at least in this point, you have a Utopia member proper superior quality to go looking for trouble and ask for trouble, finally, takes the consequences for own actions.” “是啊,至少这一点上,你已经具备了一位理想国成员应有的优秀品质自找麻烦、自讨苦吃,最后,自作自受。” Schach sincere asked finally: Therefore, the matter of years card you really don't consider?” 沙赫最后正色问道:“所以,年卡的事情你真的不考虑一下吗?” „......” “……” Huai Shi looks at the facial expression that he hopes, suddenly sets out, retroceded in big strides, stands near the gate, waved to say goodbye: Said goodbye!” 槐诗看着他期盼的神情,忽然起身,大踏步后退,站到了门边上,挥手道别:“告辞!” ! 啪! The gate closed. 门关上了。 The sound of footsteps goes far away. 脚步声远去。 But indoor, Schach lay down on the chair, transferred, looked to behind. 而室内,沙赫躺在了椅子上,转了一圈,看向了身后。 In behind, is the wall place was dragging slightly, after illusion dissipation, is one leaf like the laboratory isolation window common landing glass. 在后面,原本是墙壁的地方微微摇曳着,幻象消散之后,是一扇如同实验室隔离窗一般的落地玻璃。 Behind the glass, the laboratory in Survival Institute core appears. 玻璃后面,存续院核心中的实验室显现。 Stands the person there. 还有站在那里的人。 Chief 004. 院长【004】。 „, You also saw, condition all normal.” “喏,您也看到了,状况一切正常。” Schach reports saying: Observation period is so short, where can see what thing? Wanted me saying that should watch again some time.” 沙赫汇报道:“观察期这么短,哪里能看得出什么东西来?要我说,还是应该再留观一段时间的。” The chief replied: Russell urged many times, detains again, everyone will make very stiffly.” 院长回答:“罗素催了很多次,再强留下去,大家会闹得很僵。” „......” Schach has not spoken, looks at him, faint smile. “……”沙赫没说话,看着他,似笑非笑。 Probably listened to a good cold joke. 好像听了一个不错的冷笑话。 Do you tease me? 你逗我呢? Relates to make stiffly? 关系闹得僵? Will Survival Institute care about this? 存续院会在乎这个? Even if you are a chief, cannot insult my intelligence quotient to be good! 就算你是院长,也不能侮辱我的智商好么! All data are very normal, not?” The electronic sound of chief does not have fluctuating as before. “一切数据都很正常,不是么?”院长的电子声依旧毫无起伏。 Yes, normal, the experience is normal, encounters normally, the harvest is normal, the result is normal.” Schach shows the whites of the eyes: „Regardless how to see, this is normal to is not normal!” “是啊,正常,经历正常,遭遇正常,收获正常,结果正常。”沙赫翻了个白眼:“不论怎么看,这都正常到不正常了啊!” Where was normal? 哪里正常了? The normal people have such? 正常人有这样的么? Has such person of speed also to be normal?! 有这样的速度的人还能正常?! Others enter the step are the mountain rock climbing, make further progress go a step further, disciplines in every possible way difficultly, only has him, probably dashes about wildly on a straight road with stride, even is still accelerating...... 别人进阶都是高山攀岩,百尺竿头更进一步,百般磨练万般艰辛,唯有他,好像在一条笔直的路上大步狂奔,甚至还在加速…… Then less than one week, the type of Abyss handling?! 这才一个星期不到,深渊之种就已经给搞定了?! Places in Survival Institute, this was one estimates conservatively over ten years plans! 放在存续院里,这都是一个保守预计十年以上的计划了! Rides the rocket not to have such exaggeratingly good! 坐火箭也没这么夸张的好么! What matter do you have not to tell me?” Schach suspects looked. “你是不是还有什么事情没告诉我?”沙赫怀疑的看了过去。 The chief has not spoken. 院长没有说话。 Silent looks at him. 只是沉默的看着他。 But Schach does not retreat, looks at him. 而沙赫也毫不退却的,看着他。 Until after for a long time, the chief as if admitted defeat generally, shaking the head slightly, the sigh seems to be ordinary. 直到许久之后,院长仿佛认输了一般,微微的摇头,仿佛叹息一般。 But has not waited for Schach to show the smile, heard the conclusion of chief: 可还没等沙赫露出笑容,就听见了院长的结论: It seems like, your work load is not quite saturated.” “看来,你的工作量不太饱和。” Wait “等等” Schach complexion big change, tries to rein at the brink of the precipice. 沙赫面色大变,试图悬崖勒马。 It is a pity that already late. 遗憾的是,已经晚了。
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