AF :: Volume #13

#1292: Pleasure

Name?” “姓名?” Huai Shi.” 槐诗。” Sex?” “性别?” Male.” “男。” Age?” “年龄?” 20.” “20。” In the dark huge palace, the shadow and palm dialogue between puppets welcomed ended. 幽暗庞大的殿堂之中,阴影和掌中的傀儡之间的对话迎来结束。 In the fuzzy dense fog, wears the man of pale long gown to hang the pupil layer upon layer, smiles is staring at the board game piece that in the palm that is living gradually. 就在层层模糊的迷雾之中,身披苍白长袍的男人垂眸,微笑着凝视着掌中那渐渐活过来的棋子。 Compares on the board game piece Huai Shi nimble and resourceful the appearance, the face of playing chess person actually seems similar to the main hall to hide in the dense fog generally, the men and women distinguish not, old and young difficult minute/share, but that teased the smile of ridicule as if to be general eternal, has not had any change. 相比于棋子上槐诗灵动的面貌,下棋人的面孔却仿佛如同大殿一般隐藏在迷雾中,男女莫辨,老少难分,只是那戏谑嘲弄的笑容却仿佛永恒一般,未曾有过任何的变化。 Elements of Ruin Piper! 毁灭要素吹笛人 At this moment, during the short several breath, pours into elementium, the simulation consciousness, artificial soul...... 此刻,短短的几个呼吸之间,注入源质,模拟意识,拟似灵魂…… Arrived finally, the board game piece of activation was placed above the checkerboard. 到最后,活化的棋子被放在棋盘之上。 Finally commended. 最后嘉许。 Very good.” “很好。” Piper is smiling encouragement: Goes to slaughter for you, Huai Shi.” 吹笛人微笑着鼓励:“去为你而厮杀吧,槐诗。” Therefore, the board game piece turns around, moves toward the array that blots out the sky behind, is riding the steed, welcomed to ten thousand army. 于是,棋子转身,走向身后铺天盖地的阵列,骑乘着骏马,迎向万军。 Is gone battle, starts again. 一去不回的厮杀,再度开始。 But opposite of checkerboard, old jester white snake lifts the finger, the board game piece perishing country nine chief ministers in hand fosters Duke braces forth a standard. 而就在棋盘对面,苍老的弄臣・白蛇抬起手指,将手中的棋子亡国九卿・育养公向前推出一格。 Above the checkerboard, is representing Current Territories and Hell board game piece is complex, is sparkling all sorts of color and radiance, under promotions of two palms, each other is worrying just like wild animal such, life and death battle. 棋盘之上,代表着现境地狱的棋子纷繁不同,闪耀着种种色彩和光华,在两只手掌的推动之下,宛如野兽那样彼此撕咬着,你死我活的厮杀。 The fireworks rays raise unceasingly, falls, brought massive deaths and killing. 不断有一道道烟花般的光芒升起,又落下,带来了大量的死亡和杀伤。 Arrived finally, under the operation of Piper, the broken Huai Shi board game piece killed perishing country palace error most peak, cut the final head. 到最后,在吹笛人的操纵之下,残破的槐诗棋子杀上了亡国宫阙的最顶端,斩去了最后的头颅。 Victory and defeat already difference. 胜负已分。 Really, interesting during the recent collection, this is especially special and astounding existences.” “果然,有趣在新进的收藏之中,这一颗都是尤为特殊和让人惊奇的存在。” Piper touches in the palm to fall into the delay again the board game piece, approached, hangs the pupil to overlook. 吹笛人抚摸着掌心中再度陷入呆滞的棋子,凑近了,垂眸俯瞰。 What secret you have to exist, Huai Shi?” “你还有什么样的秘密存在呢,槐诗?” He in a soft voice twittering: Really curious.” 他轻声呢喃:“真让人好奇。” Quick, the chessgame starts again. 很快,棋局再度开始。 The new battlefield checkerboard, the new board game piece, the new campaign started. 新的战场棋盘,新的棋子,新的战役打响了。 In the spacious austere cold palace is here has the clear board game piece collision sound incessantly, that sound is ordinary just like the drizzle, unceasing resounding in each one corners of dense fog, proliferation, is clear and delightful. 空旷肃冷的殿堂里不止是此处有清脆的棋子碰撞声,那声音宛如细雨一般,在迷雾的个个角落中不断的响起,扩散,清脆又悦耳。 On the countless checkerboard deducted the entirely different all sorts of changes. 数之不尽的棋盘上演绎出了截然不同的种种变化。 Trillion chessgames, trillion deductions. 亿万次棋局,亿万次推演。 In the simulations and collisions of trillion soul, Piper is singing in a soft voice, pushes to begin the board game piece, forwards, stares at them in the stern defense that in white snake constructs the steamroll becomes the smashing is traced the type pitifully. 亿万次灵魂的模拟和碰撞中,吹笛人轻声歌唱着,推动手中的棋子,向前,凝视着他们一个个在白蛇所构造的森严防御中被碾压成粉碎的凄惨摸样。 Then cannot bear, happy racket. 便忍不住,愉快的拍着手。 Smiles the sound. 笑出声响。 When as if there is wind to blow from the distant place, raises covering up of mist, then can see that Piper that as if covers the face behind the end of the world exhibition frame, on arrives at the collection of vault of heaven most peak. 当仿佛有风从远方吹来,掀起薄雾的遮掩,便能够看到吹笛人身后那仿佛掩面到世界尽头的陈列架,上抵天穹最顶端的收藏。 Above each check, is exhibiting the entirely different board game piece. 每一个格子之上,都陈列着截然不同的棋子。 Each board game piece, from each heroes and heroes of Hell and time, but above each checkerboard, froze in once the earth-shaking battlefield to develop again. 每一个棋子,都来自各个地狱和时代的英雄和豪杰们,而每一张棋盘之上,都封冻着曾经惊天动地的战场再演。 Terrifying scale that so, is inconceivable. 如此,难以想象的恐怖规模。 white snake the movement stagnates slightly. 白蛇的动作微微停滞。 Is sighing lightly, put out a hand own board game piece to take off from the checkerboard, returned in box. 轻叹着,伸手将属于自己的棋子从棋盘上摘下,放回了身旁的盒子里。 I admitted defeat.” “我认输了。” He said. 他说。 „Does that come one game again?” Piper proposed: Your this has not entered the condition, the hand was getting more and more hot.” “那再来一局?”吹笛人提议:“你这不是已经进入状态了嘛,手越来越热了。” Your excellency, we have played the chess that enough 140 have leaked.” “阁下,我们已经下了足足一四十漏的棋了。” Helpless white snake sighed, sincere reminded: 白蛇无奈一叹,正色提醒道: Entire seven days.” “整整七天。” Even if had estimated that this meeting will last long time, but he has not actually thought that since entering this fast changing dense fog, will spend the so long time above the chessgame unexpectedly. 哪怕早已经预计到这一次会面将会耗时良久,但他却没想到,自从进入这一座瞬息万变的迷雾之后,竟然会在棋局之上消耗如此漫长的时间。 Some faint mental efforts are exhausted. 以至于,隐隐有些心力疲惫。 ? Don't you like?” “唔?你不喜欢么?” Piper is pinching the chin, is staring at front checkerboard, careless saying: I remember, before you become an official the perishing country, is the chess player who in the jester ranks among the best...... said, the heart has the distracting thoughts, such as fire burning down, has to think. What matter has, such as does the fishbone in the throat, have to say?” 吹笛人捏着下巴,凝视着面前的棋盘,漫不经心的说道:“我记得,在你出仕亡国之前,是弄臣中数一数二的棋手呢……还是说,心有杂念,如火焚烧,不得不想。有什么事情,如鲠在喉,不得不说?” Speaking of final time, the meaning of that ridicule has can be seen in speech and appearance. 说到最后的时候,那嘲弄之意已经溢于言表。 Your excellency clearly sees.” “阁下明见。” white snake sighed, moved some from the seat in backward, respectful saluting: Has the mission below , but the plan of perishing country's, is hopeful your aid.” 白蛇叹息,自坐席上向后挪出一些,恭敬的行礼:“在下身怀使命而来亡国的计划,有望您的援手。” „, The plan, the plan...... I like planning.” “啊,计划,计划……我喜欢计划。” Piper holds the chin, pinches the board game piece to jump to march forward on the checkerboard, gathers these disorderly board game pieces in one, forms as incompatible as fire and water the situation, each other attacks. 吹笛人托着下巴,捏着棋子在棋盘上跳跃行进着,将那些杂乱的棋子聚拢在一处,形成水火不容的局势,彼此攻伐。 But he looks at carefully the chaotic appearance that are accomplishing personally, then cannot bear sighs with emotion spontaneously: „The plan of perishing country's, the plan of father, the plan of Rancher, the plan of Current Territories...... also has my plan.” 而他端详着自己亲手造就的混乱样子,便忍不住油然感慨:“亡国的计划,大君的计划,牧场主的计划,现境的计划……还有我的计划。” He said: Is always in a planned way, not?” 他说:“总有计划,不是吗?” Said like you.” The white snake nods tranquilly. “诚如您所言。”白蛇平静颔首。 Piper smiles suddenly, shakes the head, overthrows after the board game piece on checkerboard all, sets out, suddenly asked: How do you regard this battlefield? white snake.” 吹笛人忽然一笑,摇头,将棋盘上的棋子尽数推翻之后,直起身,忽然问:“你怎么看待这一场战场呢?白蛇。” Un?” white snake knits the brows. “嗯?”白蛇皱眉。 Had not replied. 并没有回答。 Not did not understand, but does not understand actually what Piper asked was what? 并非不理解,而是不明白吹笛人究竟问的是什么? The trend of war? Contrast of both sides? Following deal with changes? Said other? 战争的走向?双方的对比?后续的应变?还是说其他? In was extremely general. 太过于笼统了。 Also extremely in fuzzy...... 也太过于模糊…… Yes, the meaning in wording.” “就是,字面上的意思。” Piper is smiling repeatedly: You, how regard, this war? It to your significance? Nature? Your goal and ambition?” 吹笛人微笑着重复:“你,如何看待,这一场战争呢?它对你的意义?性质?你的目的和野心?” Nothing but, dedicates.” “无非,尽忠职守而已。” The white snake replied calmly: This is my work, your excellency, is I the contract with your majesty, and has no individual likes and dislikes, if your majesty can get the pleasure, then inevitably so line, that is all.” 白蛇平静回答:“这是我的工作,阁下,也是我同陛下之间的契约,其中并无任何个人的好恶,倘若陛下能够获得乐趣的话,那么就必然如此而行,仅此而已。” „, Pours also right, pleasure.” “啊,倒也没错,‘乐趣’啊。” Nodding the head that Piper understands clearly, resembling is acclaims general: „ To that in Abyss, had almost nothing compared with this more precious thing? 吹笛人了然的颔首,似是赞叹一般:“对那位来说,深渊里,几乎没什么比这更珍贵的东西了吧? It is a pity that the pleasure is always difficult to seek. 遗憾的是,乐趣总是难寻。 Can come across such lively matter, that now certainly full of enthusiasm? In the booth such customer, you are really not easy. ” 能够遇到这么热闹的事情,那位现在一定兴致勃勃的等不下去了吧?摊上这样的主顾,你也真不容易。” white snake has not spoken. 白蛇没有说话。 According to the truth, oneself this time should fly into a rage, refuted to be right decisively, but he really had nothing to get angry, had nothing to refute. 按道理来说,自己这时候应该勃然大怒,断然反驳才对,可他实在没什么可怒,也没什么可反驳。 After all, Piper said completely right. 毕竟,吹笛人说得完全没错。 Even, several thousand years have pleasure king such title to exist early, the king of withering does not even care, even therefore is contented. 甚至,早几千年就已经有了‘乐子王’这样的称号存在,枯萎之王甚至根本就不在乎,甚至还因此而自得。 Works in the perishing country, the blood pressure slightly was high a point unable to support for several years. 在亡国工作,血压稍微高一点都撑不了几年。 But as the subordinate, white snake many planned by oneself this boss is prompted by a sudden impulse for a while thoroughly doing to crash is not a time twice. 而作为下属,白蛇的诸多规划被自己这位上司一时心血来潮彻底给搞崩盘也不是一次两次了。 He was used to it...... 他习惯了…… Now at least can also be familiar with. 至少现在还能习惯。 Un, before by own giving loyalty to doing cerebral hemorrhage. 嗯,在被自己的效忠者给搞到脑溢血之前。 Is worried, white snake, this is not good.” “无需苦恼,白蛇,这不是挺好的嘛。” Piper is laughing, resembling is encourages general: „ Sometimes, the method and goal are as important, the former is the pleasure is , the latter is the achievement saves, in the difference/two kinds can obtain one to succeed even. 吹笛人大笑着,似是鼓励一般:“有时候,手段和目的同样重要,前者是乐趣所在,后者是成果所存,两样之中能得到一个就算成功。 But sometimes, you need to start the brain difference/two kinds to take. 而有的时候,你需要开动脑筋两样都要拿到手。 Therefore needs your such jesters to exist, not? ” 所以需要你们这样的弄臣存在,不是么?” Guaranteed that the king of withering obtains the pleasure and ensure the perishing country obtains the achievement. 确保枯萎之王得到乐趣,确保亡国得到成果。 The difference/two kinds can grasp to be the same, has not been true easily. 两样能掌握住一样,就已经属实不易。 Can in the perishing country climbed until now a position under this nearly person, white snake ability is without a doubt. 能够在亡国爬升到如今这样近乎一人之下的位置,白蛇的能力已经毋庸置疑。 But the plan that he proposed, indeed, regarding both sides was the excellent plans of two advantages. 而他所提出的计划,诚然,对于双方都是两利的绝佳方案。 He has not actually grasped, can facilitate union between both sides. 只是,他却始终没有把握,能够促成双方之间的联合。 At this moment, hears the Piper words, his eye pupil lifts slightly, asked with deep veneration: „, What pleasure do you want and achievement?” 此刻,听闻吹笛人的话语,他眼瞳微微抬起,肃然发问:“那么,您又想要得到什么样的乐趣和成果呢?” Does not need to be worried, white snake.” “不必担心,白蛇。” Piper happy grinning: My pleasure and achievement, obtain.” 吹笛人愉快的咧嘴:“我的乐趣和成果,已经得到了。” white snake wants to speak, but, Piper then beckons with the hand, broke his words. 白蛇想要说话,可紧接着,吹笛人便摆了摆手,打断了他的话语。 Goes back king of report/give report the withering, said to him, I can aid his plan, is liberal with the support.” “回去禀报枯萎之王吧,对他说,我会援手他的计划,不吝支持。” After short stop, Piper continues saying: „ But similarly, I will also provide the same help to the father, no, incessantly is the sea of thunder, even Rancher, even if the gloomy eye...... 短暂的停顿之后,吹笛人继续说道:“但同样,我也会对大君提供相同的帮助,不,不止是雷霆之海,即便是牧场主,哪怕是晦暗之眼…… So long as opens the mouth, so long as nods, I will provide the aid. ” 只要张口,只要点头,我都会提供援助。” After aggravating pronunciation, Piper told him: I will help their, plan.” 在加重了读音之后,吹笛人告诉他:“我会帮助他们的,‘计划’。” white snake knits the brows: „, What condition has?” 白蛇皱眉:“那么,有什么条件?” Does not need the condition, without request. Did not seek the return, you do not need the anxiety more.” “无需条件,没有要求。不求回报,你们也不必忧虑更多。” Piper raised a board game piece, shakes shaking in white snake at present: I handled the matter that I want to handle...... as for these days, when had a false to oneself, white snake.” 吹笛人提起一枚棋子,在白蛇眼前晃了晃:“我只是做了我想做的事情而已……至于这几天,就当给自己放了个假吧,白蛇。” He shows a faint smile, got by Abyss is hard, if could not have learned to try to find pleasure amidst suffering, a more bitter learned will only be loaf occasionally, that your majesty who you gave loyalty to will perhaps also be glad to see him succeed.” 他微微一笑,“在深渊里度日已经够苦了,如果还学不会苦中作乐,就只会更苦学会偶尔偷懒吧,你所效忠的那位陛下说不定也会乐见其成。” white snake the silent moment, nods slightly, respectful and prudent saluting: 白蛇沉默片刻,微微颔首,恭谨的行礼: „...... I understood, I will have your answer.” “……我明白了,我会将您的答复带回去的。” Walks.” “走好。” Piper waves to say goodbye, next time will come to play chess again together.” 吹笛人挥手道别,“下次来再一起下棋。” white snake is speechless, brings own board game piece, like the smog vanishes in palace that generally, in this thought constitutes. 白蛇无言,带着自己的棋子,如同烟雾一般消失在这一座思维所构成的殿堂里。 But in Piper behind, in the mist, another form appears. 而在吹笛人身后,薄雾里,另一个身影浮现。 Another, from beginning to end observer. 另一个,自始至终的旁观者。 Has what issue, as if made by Heaven.” “有什么问题么,天成。” Piper looks back, looks to behind, is filling with curiously: You had the words to say probably.” 吹笛人回首,看向身后,满怀着好奇:“你好像有话要说。” Curious.” “只是好奇而已。” The jester of named as if made by Heaven has not rigidly adhered to the formality, even, besides the respect of necessary, above the leader to Piper this name has not offered the awe. 名为天成的弄臣并没有拘泥于礼节,甚至,除了必要的尊重之外,并未曾对吹笛人这个名义之上的领袖献上敬畏。 Piper does not care. 吹笛人也并不在乎。 Venerates incessantly, even has not anticipated what loyalty. 不止是尊崇,甚至未曾期待过什么忠诚。 It, the jester is such loose and strict organization, just like the Hell talent market, is ordinary like the cooperation club, seems like a body, but is only the member in same place. 本身,弄臣就是这样松散又严密的组织,如同地狱人才市场一样,如同互助俱乐部一般,看似一体,但不过只是同一个地方的会员。 Because everyone the similar benefit walks in one, each other union, but after losing the benefit the tie, each other criticizes will not have the slight hesitation. 大家会因为同样的利益走在一处,彼此联合,而失去利益的纽带之后,彼此攻讦也不会有丝毫的犹豫。 Even, regarding the Piper position, has in a person of heart to covet. Even the direct challenge is still common, did not need to raise plans in secret. 甚至,对于吹笛人的位置,也不是没有人心中觊觎。就算是直接的挑战也屡见不鲜,更不用提暗中的谋划了。 Just, that face covers after the mist from beginning to end, has not revealed the appearance/portrait, is hard to sneak a peek at the change or is the trace of change. 只不过,那一张面孔自始至终都笼罩在薄雾之后,从未曾显露过真容,也难以窥见更替或者是变化的痕迹。 So mysterious. 如此的神秘。 Made one ascertain airtight. 令人捉摸不透。 Your excellency inquired issue that just now white snake, I instead want to know your excellency answer.” as if made by Heaven looked down the chaotic checkerboard, suddenly asked: How your excellency regards this war?” “适才阁下询问白蛇的问题,我反而更想知道阁下的答案。”天成低头看着乱糟糟的棋盘,忽然问:“阁下是怎么看待这一场战争的呢?” Piper shows a faint smile, had not replied. 吹笛人微微一笑,并没有回答。 Continues to provoke the present checkerboard. 只是,继续拨弄着眼前的棋盘。 Again, deploys troops and forms lines, evolves the situation of war. 再度,排兵布阵,演化出战争的局势。 Above the jig-saw patterned battleline, slaughters starts again. 犬牙交错的阵线之上,厮杀再度开始。 You know, what the chessgame establish condition is, as if made by Heaven?” He asked suddenly, one does a struggle that has the significance, what premise need?” “你知道,棋局成立的条件是什么吗,天成?”他忽然问,“一场具备意义的斗争,需要什么样的前提?” as if made by Heaven was silent, seemed ordinary in the ponder, for a long time later asked: Fair?” 天成沉默,仿佛在思考一般,许久之后发问:“公平?” Fair?” “公平?” Piper smiled: Where in this world had may say fairly? That is only the sleep-talking. Talking during sleep of weak one, humble opinion of simplemindedness, the lie of swindler......” 吹笛人笑了:“这世界上哪里有公平可说呢?那只是梦话而已。弱者的呓语,愚者的浅见,骗子的谎言……” I asked you, as if made by Heaven, in can the world once have true fair?” “我问你,天成,世上可曾有过真正的公平?” Sends greatly general just like the mood, Piper discussed directly: „ Height does and diminutive each other dispute? Vigorous and healthy how with weakling fair showdown? How wisdom and ignorance do compete? Even the same warhorse, then didn't have division of the strong and weak? 宛如谈兴大发一般,吹笛人侃侃而论:“身长者如何和矮小者彼此较量?健壮者如何同病弱者公平对决?智慧者和愚昧者又如何同台竞技?即便是同样的战马,难道便没有先后强弱之分么? In my opinion, most does not need, is so-called fair. 在我看来,最不需要的,就是所谓的‘公平’了。 Just the opposite 恰恰相反” He said that chessgame establish premise, should be same is unfair is right!” 他说,“棋局成立的前提,应该是‘同样的不公平’才对!” Tosses into the similar adversity both sides. 将双方抛入同样的逆境。 Two sides advances the common mire. 将两边推进一般的泥沼。 Such as both sides of water and fire invest the potential into same Hell in...... 将势如水火的双方投入到同样的地狱中去…… Facing the same disadvantage, strikes off the arm of powerhouse, makes up the artificial limb for the weak one, pares the intelligence of wise man, then gives simplemindedness to be crazy. 面对同等的不利,砍去强者的手臂,为弱者补足义肢,削去智者的聪慧,然后赋予愚者疯狂。 Forces both sides to stand in the similar altitude and trough. 强迫双方站立在同样的高度和低谷之中。 Looking like on the checkerboard is the same. 就像是棋盘上一样。 Looking like this war is the same 就像是这一场战争一样 Eliminates the advantage of Current Territories city wall, limited the Abyss quantity by the limited battlefield. 消去现境城墙的优势,又以有限的战场限制了深渊的数量。 Spoiled the plan of Rancher, in the meantime, granted the Current Territories recent sad news. 破坏了牧场主的计划,同时,又赠与了现境新的噩耗。 Now, both sides must face a same war. 现在,双方要面临同样的一场战争了。 Brutal, fierce, does not have any escape route and battle of room for manoeuvre. 残酷的、狰狞的、没有任何退路和回旋余地的厮杀。 Thinks, lets the person, is choked up with emotions! 只是想想,就让人,心潮澎湃! War to you are the method.” “战争对你们是手段。” Piper is smiling, told him: To me, is one of the goals.” 吹笛人微笑着,告诉他:“对于我而言,是目的之一。” For the goal to use the method achieving, to seek pleasure achievement of creation. 为了施展手段而达成的目的,为了寻求乐趣而创造的成果。 In order to appreciate new performance build stage. 为了欣赏新的表演而搭建的舞台。 I want to see the spark.” “我想要看到火花。” The plan for a long time audience sits on the special-grade seat that oneself build, in the eye pupil is brimming with the hope and joy: „When the brilliant color of soul change time, sublimation or the solidification dazzling ray, destroys and falls from the sky the festivities smoke and fire.” 筹谋已久的观众坐在自己搭建的特等席上,眼瞳中洋溢着期盼和喜悦:“不论是灵魂变化时候的绚烂色彩,升华或是凝固时的耀眼光芒,毁灭和陨落时的节庆烟火。” I liked your plans, as if made by Heaven.” “我喜欢你们的计划,天成。” Elements of Ruin heartfelt praise: Grand, long-term, strange, terrifying...... huge and tiny are not related.” 毁灭要素衷心的夸赞道:“宏伟的、长远的、诡异的、恐怖的……庞大和渺小都没有关系。” „ When I like planning the collapse appearance. “我更喜欢计划崩溃时的样子。 The determination grand plan middle course death of the emperor, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) tall building collapsing is the ruins, exposes under the sunlight virulently cunningly, the pure ideal dark was tarnished gradually...... ” 壮志宏图中道崩殂,万丈高楼坍塌为废墟,恶毒机心暴露在阳光下,纯粹的理想被黑暗渐渐玷污……” When above the checkerboard, in ruins in confusion, the final board game piece pricks the chest of opposite party the sharp blade everywhere, supports, but perishing time. 当棋盘之上,满目狼藉的废墟中,最后的棋子将利刃刺入对方的胸膛,相拥而亡时候。 It narrows the eye, satisfied light sighed: 祂眯起眼睛,满足的轻叹: Therefore, I so cherish the war.” “所以,我才如此的钟爱战争啊。” The war, will grind all plans. 战争,会碾碎一切计划。 The war, best plan about destruction. 战争本身,就是关于毁灭的最好计划。 Quick, when the storm welcomed the end, on the unprecedented huge checkerboard, the inexhaustible board game piece each other will welcome again slaughters. 很快,当风暴迎来终结,在史无前例的庞大的棋盘上,无穷无尽的棋子将再度彼此迎来厮杀。 The perishing country, thunder sea and Rancher, oneself, so-called Piper, must turn into board game piece. 亡国、雷霆之海、牧场主、就连自己,所谓的‘吹笛人’,也要变成其中的棋子。 No one can control own fate. 无人可以主宰自己的命运 Not having the plan can be scheduled the future. 没有计划可以预定未来。 In battles of innumerable soul, extinguishes without the impoverished student, sparkling, is that dazzling and magnificent ray. 无数灵魂的厮杀中,无穷生灭里,闪耀着的,便是那耀眼而瑰丽的光芒。 Quick. 快了。 Was quick. 就快了。 Piper is smiling, waiting. 吹笛人微笑着,等待。
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