AF :: Volume #13

#1291: Adjusts the attorney

In the absent-minded dreamland, Huai Shi as if returned to Xinhai again. 在恍惚的梦境里,槐诗仿佛再一次回到了新海 But all have the difference probably. 可一切好像都多有不同。 As if returned many years ago the flash general, returns young. 仿佛在一瞬间回到了很多年前一般,重归年幼。 Above the silent avenue, the street light sprinkles the lonely light. 寂静的大街之上,路灯洒下孤独的光。 The distant place has the slightly cold night wind to blow, raises the skirt swayed of young girl. 远方有微冷的夜风吹来,掀起少女的裙摆。 Under the pale yellow dim light, she turns head, looks at Huai Shi, retroceded one step, bites the lip: That, I first walk.” 在昏黄黯淡的灯光下,她回过头来,看着槐诗,后退了一步,咬了咬嘴唇:“那,我先走啦。” Huai Shi stunned looks at that shy face...... 槐诗愕然的看着那一张羞怯的面孔…… Delay. 呆滞。 Why does not know, in the heart emerged not to abandon unexpected. 不知为何,心中涌现出了未曾预料的不舍。 With the gentle whistling sound, a pigeon falls from the space, fell on her shoulder, the young girl smiled finally, resembles free and easy same turns toward him to wave: 随着轻柔的哨声,一只白鸽从天上落下来,落在了她的肩头,少女最后一笑,似是洒脱一样向着他挥手: If, if...... remembers in the future if possible comes to Jinling to ask me to play.” “如果,如果将来有机会的话……记得来金陵找我玩啊。” In dream, that youngster subconscious wish of carries zither | Jean Xiang said anything, wants to put out a hand to detain, may look at her time, has not said anything eventually again. 在梦里,那个扛着琴箱的少年下意识的想要说什么,想要伸手挽留,可看着她的时候,终究却没有再说什么。 Nod of effort. 只是用力的点头。 He said: Good, certainly!” 他说:“好的,一定!” Therefore, the young girl silent goes far away. 于是,少女无声远去。 Only then he alone stands on the silent street, for a long time, stares at the place that she is departing, self-ridicules smiles, ridicules own daydream and fond dream...... 只有他一个人站在寂静的街道上,许久,凝视着她离去的地方,自嘲一笑,嘲弄自己的遐想和美梦…… Turned around to move toward another direction. 转身走向了另一个方向。 The shatter fragment stops suddenly, meaningless scene continuous emergence, the different things of unprecedented, have not had fight and choice. 破碎的片段戛然而止,毫无意义的场景接连不断的出现,前所未见的不同事情,以及,未曾有过的战斗和抉择。 Scene in the jump of no rule. 景象在毫无规律的跳跃。 But suddenly, actually sees her cheeks once again, already and in the past immature different, appears a maturity, but these looks time to own time, could not actually have held back tears. 可忽然之间,却又一次看到她的脸颊,已经和往昔的稚嫩不同,浮现出一丝成熟,只是这一次看向自己的时候,却已经忍不住眼泪。 Actually why!” “究竟为什么啊!” Looks pool of blood and skeleton that spread at present, she interrogated angrily: Why only then I, only then I...... was kept in the dark!” 看着眼前蔓延的血泊和尸骸,她愤怒的质问:“为什么偏偏只有我,只有我……被蒙在鼓里啊!” Huai Shi has not spoken, tranquil looks at her, smiled. 槐诗没有说话,平静的看着她,笑了一下。 Turns around to depart. 转身离去。 One like old times such. 一如往年那样。 But this time, again not silent, weeping sound that hears. 可这一次,再没有寂静,只有身后传来的哭声。 The absurd dreamland as if starts becomes absurder. 荒谬的梦境似乎开始变得更加荒谬。 After absent-minded of flash, he probably becomes different, from the vault of heaven above, occupies a commanding position, is overlooking all, as if the world is grasping general. 在一瞬间的恍惚之后,他好像又变得不同,自天穹之上,居高临下的,俯瞰着一切,仿佛世界在握一般。 Hangs the pupil, stares is covering in the London in thick smoke and flame. 只是垂眸,凝视着笼罩在浓烟和火焰中的伦敦。 Has not gone to the Astronomy Association headquarters obviously, but in Huai Shi heart actually such confidence, clear, looking like innumerable to be the same. 明明从没有去过天文会的总部,可槐诗心中却又如此的确信,清晰,就像是来过无数次一样。 At this moment, wail and crying number sound proliferation. But is actually not able to make itself vacillate, in innermost feelings that unprecedented hatred, inflation even more 此刻,哀鸣和哭号的声音扩散。但却丝毫无法让自己动摇,内心中那一份前所未有的憎恨,越发的膨胀 All these, should not happen! 这一切,本不应该发生! Today, London will submerge in the destruction.” The avenger above vault of heaven announced indifferently: In this, the wicked industry that thou and others makes ideally, presents all also!” “今日,伦敦将于毁灭中沉没。”天穹之上的复仇者冷漠宣告:“于此,将汝等理想所造的恶业,尽数奉还!” When silent scolding made to be issued, then had the darkness of the whole world from arched in the air to lower, the mighty current embezzled all. 当无声的叱令被下达,便有整个世界的黑暗自穹空中降下,洪流吞没一切。 All lives dissipate in Hell. 一切的生命都消散在地狱里。 How long has not known. 又不知道过了多久。 Dies, this lunatic!” “去死吧,这个疯子!” In the dense/woods serious cold palace, riding of bloodstained will break through the blockade of large group, angrily roars. 森严肃冷的宫殿中,染血的骑将冲破大群的封锁,怒吼。 Not returned to the spear/gun to forward, passed through his heart. 无回枪向前,贯穿了他的心脏。 In ten thousand army, the young girl of panting for breath gets hold of the five fingers, in the sun of combustion, Stone Tooth Sword departs, cuts to fall his arm. 在万军之中,喘息的少女握紧五指,燃烧的日轮中,石齿剑飞出,将他的手臂斩落。 But before that...... own back had been passed through unexpectedly. 而在那之前……自己的后背竟然就已经被贯穿。 Dagger. 匕首。 Huai Shi unbelievable turning head, looks to behind, unbelievable: You, clear feather......” 槐诗难以置信的回头,看向身后,难以置信:“还有你么,清羽……” Exhausts the final strength, started the shift. 用尽最后的力气,发动了转移。 The form dissipation on throne, was embezzled by the vortex, vanishes without the trace. 王座上的身影消散,被漩涡吞没,消失无踪。 Probably has run away was very long, may probably be only short flickers, in real imaginary painful and unceasing misconception, Huai Shi by above wall, difficult respite. 好像已经逃了很久,可好像只是短短的一瞬,在真实的幻痛和不断的错觉中,槐诗靠在了墙壁之上,艰难的喘息。 This is the final hiding place. 这便是最后的藏身之地。 Has not known how long, he heard the front door of chalcedony hall to be shoved open. 不知过了多久,他听见了石髓馆的大门被推开。 Gentle footsteps sound. 轻柔的脚步声响起。 You really here?” “你果然在这里么?” The intruders put out a hand, are stroking the hanging scroll on wall: You think that I did forget this place?” 闯入者伸手,抚摸着墙壁上的挂画:“你以为我忘记这个地方了吗?” In the ruined sparse hall, Huai Shi sits on the chair, looks at her, chokes to cough, smiled: Does not know where should go to be good, waited for you here.” 在破败寥落的大厅里,槐诗坐在椅子上,看着她,呛咳着,笑了起来:“不知道该去哪里才好,就在这里等你了。” His helpless feeling: Really lets me, waited for a long time......” 他无奈的感慨:“真是让我,等了好久……” Perhaps, this is the end of dead end. 或许,这便是穷途末路的终结。 Receives the hand, Huai Shi.” “收手吧,槐诗。” She requested earnestly finally, outside all was Predator.” 她最后恳请,“外面全都是天敌。” Receives the hand? Things have gotten to this point, what words but also there is to say?” “收手?事已至此,还有什么话好说呢?” Huai Shi twittering, looks at her cheeks in a soft voice, some as if many words want to recount, may arrive finally, actually is only left over spookily sighs, you always let me, has no alternative......” 槐诗轻声呢喃,看着她的脸颊,仿佛有很多话想要述说,可到最后,却只剩下幽幽一叹,“你总让我,别无选择……” Smiling, was looking at her one eyes finally. 微笑着,最后看了她一眼。 When like the past years said goodbye such. 如同当年道别时那样。 Started the final ceremony. 发动了最后的仪式。 The Hell front door opens wide in him behind, from the attraction of Abyss during, soul crashes, welcomes the final solidification. 地狱的大门在他身后敞开,自深渊的吸引之中,灵魂坠落,迎来最后的凝固。 From cheering of Hell ten thousand army , the deep mighty current of blowout, embezzled all! 地狱万军的欢呼中,井喷的深度洪流,吞没了一切! In that flash, the inexplicable dreamland as if welcomed the end finally, is twitching unceasingly Huai Shi opens the eye from the bed suddenly, cried out panic-stricken: 在那一瞬间,莫名梦境仿佛终于迎来了尽头,只有不断抽搐着的槐诗从床上猛然睁开眼睛,惊恐呐喊: Waits for “等一下” Silent, unmanned response. 寂静,无人回应。 Only then floods in the air liquid disinfectant the flavor, the Survival Institute exclusive type, is so familiar. 只有充斥在空气里消毒药水的味道,存续院专有的类型,如此熟悉。 In responding that is only the instance of absurd dreamland, Huai Shi cannot bear self-ridicule smiles, the paralysis returned to the hospital bed again, closes the eye, is preparing sleeping well. 在反应过来那只是荒谬梦境的瞬间,槐诗就忍不住自嘲一笑,重新瘫回了病床上,闭上眼睛,正准备再好好的睡一觉。 Had just stood up from failure, saw that probably is responsible for own doctor and...... sits the investigator on bedside chair. 只是,刚翻过身,就看到好像是负责自己的医师和……坐在床边椅子上的审查者。 The written records in hand, the recording instrument on side table, capable agile hair's length only to ears, with deep veneration tranquil face, after thrust build-up, looked that anything as if looks at the trash same exclusion look probably.:. 手中的纸笔,旁边桌子上的记录仪,干练利落的齐耳短发,肃然又平静的面孔,还有进入工作状态之后,就看什么都仿佛像是看垃圾一样的嫌弃眼神。:. This familiar feeling...... 啊,这熟悉的感觉…… Ai?” “艾总?” Huai Shi stares the big eye, just bumped into the pillow, subconscious setting out. 槐诗瞪大眼睛,刚碰到枕头,就下意识的起身。 Just like sitting that lies supine. 宛如一个仰卧起的坐。 Suddenly one type did anything that weighs on the conscience at the scene captured afraid feeling. 忽然有一种干了什么亏心事被当场抓获的心虚感。 Has not responded to his regards, has not exchanged greetings, Ai Qing tranquil transferred handed over the ball pen, after knocking two writing plates, suddenly asked: 并没有回应他的问候,也没有寒暄,艾晴平静的转了转手中的圆珠笔,敲了两下记录板之后,忽然问: Name?” “姓名?” I just now get up, has not rested!” “我才刚起,还没休呢!” Huai Shi is dumbfounded, vacant looks to the surroundings: Can open new one volume?!” 槐诗傻眼,茫然的看向周围:“又要开新一卷了?!” When he confirmed after Book of Fate in soul does not have other change, finally could not bear loosely a big tone: ......” 等他确认灵魂里的命运之书没有别的变化之后,终于忍不住松了一大口气:“呼……” He also thinks that the governance bureau this time really did not cultivate the behavior, seizes the tool person toward abandoning caused , the fort big work came. 他还以为统辖局这次真不做人,逮住工具人往废了使,又要塞大活儿过来了。 But Ai Qing as if there is expectation to be the same to his response early. 艾晴对他的反应仿佛早有预料一般。 Waits for him to recover patiently, asked again: 只是耐心的等待他回过神来,再度发问: Name?” “姓名?” „......” “……” Huai Shi looked at a she so serious weaponry, does not know that is actually anything to work to look, some indefinite returned to one: Scholartree...... poem?” 槐诗看了一眼她如此严肃的阵仗,不知道究竟是什么工作找上来,有些不确定的回了一句:“槐呃……诗?” Ai Qing understands clearly nods, after filling in one, to the recording instrument said: Reply hesitates, the nonsense, the cognition has the barrier.” 艾晴了然颔首,填写一项之后,对记录仪说:“回答迟疑,胡言乱语,认知产生障碍。” Don't! I am sobering!” “别别别!我清醒着呢!” Huai Shi rushes to explain, subconscious proceeding collected a point, just squeezed the smile of flattering, saw that Ai Qing filled in one: Tries to conceal, and tries to pull closer the relations with the investigator......” 槐诗赶忙解释,下意识的往前凑了一点,刚刚挤出讨好的笑容,就看到艾晴又填了一项:“试图掩饰,且试图同审查者拉近关系……” Sees the old friend to be happy how to call to pull closer the relations?” The Huai Shi blasting refuted. “只是看到老朋友高兴,怎么叫拉近关系了?”槐诗震声反驳。 Ai Qing nods , to continue to record saying: Continues to talk nonsense, does not know so- said.” 艾晴颔首,继续记道:“继续胡言乱语,不知所谓。” You liked saying that anything was anything.” “你爱说什么是什么吧。” Huai Shi weak lying down returned to the bed to come up, the exhausted sigh, has played not you, level good? 槐诗无力的躺回了床上去,疲惫叹息,玩过不你,躺平了行不行? „...... Is deliberately bad subsequently, deals with the reality negatively.” “……继而自暴自弃,消极应对现实。” Ai Qing records again, compares the Survival Institute psychology to measure to write, finally nods: It seems like oneself right. The physical body soul confirmation is scatheless, the consciousness is normal, the response is normal, not splits and extreme response, no solidification symptom 艾晴再记,对照着存续院的心理测写,最后颔首:“看来是本人没错了。肉体灵魂确认无损伤,意识正常,反应正常,并无分裂和偏激反应,无凝固症状” With her form filling, her back clerk also wields the pen rapidly, will brush the thick several papers to fill in completely. Then turns on the box, will cap the case of judgment table, the process record and Survival Institute writing up Ai Qing seal puts together, after the box locks, gave the special commissioner. 随着她的表格填写,她背后的书记员也运笔飞速,刷刷刷将厚厚的几张纸全部填完。然后打开箱子,将加盖了艾晴印章的判断项目表、过程记录和存续院出具的病例一同放进去,箱子锁好之后,交给了专员。 Quick, the special commissioners and others turn around to depart. 很快,专员和其他人转身离去。 Only then Ai Qing also sits in own position, looks at carefully the Huai Shi appearance, the applause is nodding the head: „It seems like also the normal appearance.” 只有艾晴还坐在自己的位置上,端详着槐诗的样子,赞许颔首:“看上去还正常的样子啊。” „......” “……” Valley /span > Huai Shi looked at her quite a while, doubt: „Are you teasing me to play?” 谷/span>槐诗看了她半天,狐疑:“你是不是在逗我玩?” necessary proving program.” 必要的验证程序。” Ai Qing put down the pen finally, no matter also the patient, carries nearby tea, selfish is drinking: Must determine that you were Huai Shi oneself say again?” 艾晴终于放下了笔,也不管病人,端起旁边的茶水来,自顾自的喝着:“总要确定你是不是槐诗本人再说吧?” How wasn't I Huai Shi?” Huai Shi is angry: „The unlucky ghost like me, in the world also has second?” “我怎么就不是槐诗了?”槐诗恼怒:“像我这样的倒霉鬼,天底下还有第二个么?” Hapless not necessarily, scary actually real.” “倒霉未必,吓人倒是真的。” Ai Qing looks at him, serious reminder: Particularly your only...... big dog, making the hearts of many somewhat unable to bear.” 艾晴看着他,严肃的提醒:“尤其是你的那只……‘大狗’,让很多人的心脏都有些受不了。” ! 啪! A Huai Shi palm of the hand covers on own face, 槐诗一巴掌盖在自己的脸上, Ok, finally was clear. 好了,终于明白了。 This is the evil that make. 这还是自己造的孽。 How to forget own solidification suspicion...... 怎么就忘记自己的凝固嫌疑了呢…… Finally unfortunately also really did Ruler to come out. 结果自己好死不死的还真的搞了一个统治者出来。 This starts to suspect that from the governance bureau did not have three months, Huai Shi the speed of light has drawn the hip...... to verify the decision room really to predict with great accuracy from one side. 这距离统辖局开始怀疑还没有三个月呢,槐诗就已经光速拉胯了……从侧面印证了决策室实在是料事如神。 Feared that anything comes anything. 怕啥来啥。 Most people in seeing finally end the beast the instance that raises from the ten thousand th paradise, the first response perhaps is not allied force very powerful strength growth good flamboyant this hopeful, but is grass, the important matter is not good, Huai Shi he finally counter-! 绝大多数人在看到终末之兽从万世乐土中升起的瞬间,第一反应恐怕都不是‘友军好强力发育好牛逼这把有希望’,而是‘草,大事不好了,槐诗他终于反了’! You looked that I had said anything is coming...... 你看我早就说过什么来着…… Terrifying in this way! 恐怖如斯! This child may remain absolutely not! 此子断不可留啊! A result cold air/Qi has not attracted, Huai Shi the iron saucepan has cooked itself , helping Current Territories all weed out directly remaining soul, finished up. 结果一口冷气还没吸完,槐诗就已经铁锅炖自己,直接帮现境把剩下的灵魂全都薅回来,完事儿了。 A blade is giving Rancher to hold while convenient ruthlessly from the back, creating the audience was only effective the broken against injury. 顺带着一刀从背后给牧场主捅了个狠的,创造了全场唯一有效破防伤害。 Although this injury has not insulted in a big way...... 虽然这伤害没有侮辱大吧…… Finally, jumps in the magnificent light directly, is pure from the card. 最后,直接跳进辉煌之光里,自证清白。 This wave of exercise showed that leaders in the decision room have not patted the table to be furious with enough time, this matter has been equivalent lets it go. 这一波操作秀完了,决策室里的领导们还没来得及拍桌震怒呢,这事儿就已经相当于不了了之。 At best can only walk a procedure/program, deceives, this possibly is presides the bureau final was stubborn. 充其量只能走个程序,骗一骗自己,这可能就是统辖局最后的一点倔强了。 Without the means that he is really big, was too white. 没办法,他实在是太大,太白了。 Eastern Xia and Russian Union pedigree merit adds not to have him to be big, the pigeon on Astronomy Association badge does not have him to be white! 东夏俄联谱系的功劳加起来都没他大,天文会徽章上的鸽子都没他白! Without his words, capturing/raiding of ten thousand th paradise has not known that also how long time must spend, then late causes trouble. Perhaps as long as the stain and a solidification sign, changed into the ashes under the magnificent light directly. 没有他的话,万世乐土的攻略还不知道还要多花费多久的时间,迟则生变。而但凡有一丝污点、一点凝固迹象,恐怕直接就在辉煌之光下面化为灰灰了。 Where can comfortable lying down sleep in the Survival Institute luxurious administrative suite? 哪里能舒舒服服的躺在存续院的豪华行政套房里睡大觉? Suddenly, even if violates the irritable person at heart again, still can only squeeze out the smile to praise: This is the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree mainstay, loved the love!” 一时间,即便是心里再犯别扭的人,也只能挤出笑脸来交口称赞:“这就是天国谱系的中流砥柱么,爱了爱了!” As for person who these really want to do anything, just opens the mouth time, often will detect in the crowd toward the old tortoise that oneself look. 至于那些真想搞点什么事情的人,刚刚张口的时候,往往就会察觉到人群中向着自己看过来的老王八。 The smile is so meaningful. 笑容如此的意味深长。 Bumps into this condition, at heart again sour, except for the mouth on shouted that two check beside, how can also? 碰上这种状况,心里再酸,除了嘴上喊两句查一查之外,又能怎么样呢? Shouted that must wipe tears that feel sad, attended his medal-awarding ceremony again. 喊完还要擦一擦心酸的眼泪,再去参加他的授勋仪式呢。 Right, awards a decoration. 对,授勋。 The meritorious military service evaluation had not ended, the Current Territories glory soul medal already on the road, besides the living person who this deceased person led were more than does not know many medal, but also because of the reason of military officer, bestowed the extra major general to hold. 战功评定还没结束,现境荣耀灵魂勋章就已经在路上了,除了这种死人领的比活人多不知道多少的勋章之外,还因为武官的原因,赠送了额外的少将衔。 Even if four big Legion approvals, internal dead end major general given name, this age...... this too damn was also odd. 哪怕是个只有四大军团认可的,内部的空头少将名号,这个年纪……这也太他妈的离谱了。 This is empty, other actual benefits have Russell to stare in side, some child sons must have. 这还是虚的,其他的实惠有罗素在旁边盯着,该有的一个子儿都少不了。 However as for these, Huai Shi the interest has lacked. 不过至于这些,槐诗已经兴致缺缺。 Cannot bear hit to shake the head. 忍不住打摇头。 Completely does not have any interest. 完全没有任何兴趣。 But Ai Qing has not raised again too, in listening to Huai Shi speaking of final experience, suddenly asked one: Isn't a pity?” 艾晴也并没有再提太多,只是在听槐诗说到最后的经历时,忽然问了一句:“难道不可惜么?” Un?” Huai Shi is puzzled, what to be a pity?” “嗯?”槐诗不解,“可惜什么?” Finally end beast.” “终末之兽啊。” Ai Qing looks at him, faint smile: „ Even then situation was very urgent, then the precious work, still had other means to remain? 艾晴看着他,似笑非笑:“就算是当时的情况很紧急,那么珍贵的作品,也是有其他的办法可以留着的吧? How let alone the governance bureau can. That is the important sample and achievement, even if the governance bureau, has necessary time, should still adjust. Survival Institute has appealed to many times for this reason. ” 别说统辖局会怎么样。那可是重要的样本和成果,即便是统辖局,有必要的时候,也是会变通的。存续院可是已经为此申诉过好多次了。” What wants these things to make? When Ruler?” “要那些东西做什么?当统治者吗?” Huai Shi heaves a deep sigh: forget about it, in Hell WIFI does not have......” 槐诗摇头叹息:“算了吧,地狱里连个WIFI都没有……” Real soul talk?” “真心话?” Ai Qing looks at him, has probably had long understood that anything is the same. 艾晴看着他,好像早就明白什么一样。 Huai Shi helpless looks at her, self-ridicules smiles, replied eventually: With the thing that others' misery casts, what significance remains also has?” 槐诗无奈的看着她,自嘲一笑,终究还是回答道:“用别人的苦难铸就的东西,留着又有什么意义呢?” End the beast indeed is finally powerful, is obvious to all in view of the Rancher destructive power. If can remain, even limits to be harsher, perhaps Russell still has the means to preserve. 终末之兽诚然强大,针对牧场主的破坏力有目共睹。倘若能够留下来的话,即便是限制苛刻一些,罗素说不定也有办法保全。 At the worst Survival Institute. 大不了还有存续院嘛。 But that is uses these waiting redemption eventually soul, being shattered that raises becomes...... it, the follower and gods both are as one. 可那终究是自己利用那些等待救赎的灵魂,掀起的破灭而成……本身,信徒和神明两者就系为一体。 End the beast does not go finally, do soul of these innocent people possibly wash off the distortion and solidification thoroughly, the retrieval freedom? 终末之兽不去,那些无辜者的灵魂又怎么可能彻底洗去畸变和凝固,重获自由? Can Silver Sea receive? 白银之海能收么? Lives in the Current Territories person, why to depend upon the strength in Hell?” “活在现境的人,何必去依靠地狱里的力量呢?” Huai Shi said, because of all that the wickedness becomes, then lets it because of wickedly and finally.” 槐诗说,“因恶而成的一切,便让它因恶而终吧。” Ai Qing hears word, does not seem accidental/surprised. 艾晴闻言,似乎并不意外。 Is looking at carefully his appearance, the slight nod, as if commended general: I should say, adjusts attorney mister worthily?” 端详着他的样子,微微点头,仿佛赞许一般:“我应该说,不愧是调律师先生么?” Do not be shabby I.” “别寒碜我啦。” Huai Shi forced smile. 槐诗苦笑。 But, saw that Ai Qing card sign that puts out from the package, placed the bedhead. 可紧接着,就看到艾晴从包里拿出的卡牌,放在了床头。 New achievement, Huai Shi.” She said: Congratulates you.” “新成就哦,槐诗。”她说:“恭喜你。” In Myriad Generations TCG of golden frame, only then a thin back stands and waits for a long time above the corpse mountain blood sea, looks disdainfully Hell. Just like must battle such with entire Abyss. 金色边框的万世牌之中,只有一个消瘦的背影伫立在尸山血海之上,睥睨地狱。宛如要同整个深渊作战那样。 Trencherman is shattered, wickedness end. 【食者破灭,恶者终结。 This is thou and others fate that earned 这便是汝等应得的下场】 This is Adjusts attorney! 这便是【调律师】! May compared with this, make Huai Shi care, is the card sign name forefront camp symbol. 可比起这个来,更令槐诗在意的,是卡牌名字最前面的阵营标志。 Utopia! 理想国 After 70 years, the sparse lonely forgotten Utopia camp, welcomed the new card sign gradually finally...... 时隔70年之后,寥落冷清渐渐被人遗忘的理想国阵营,终于迎来了新的卡牌…… Huai Shi taking up cannot help but, careful is looking at carefully the above symbol. 槐诗不由自主的拿起,仔细的端详着上面的徽记。 For a long time later, then cannot bear the smile again. 许久之后,便再忍不住笑容。 „The rest, did not disturb you well.” “好好休息吧,不打扰你了。” Ai Qing looks at his delighted appearance, shakes the head, sets out to say goodbye, after refusing Huai Shi to see off, finally looked at his one eyes. 艾晴看着他眉飞色舞的样子,摇了摇头,起身道别,拒绝了槐诗相送之后,最后看了他一眼。 Such facial expression, not only the surprise acclaimed. 那样的神情,不只是诧异还是赞叹。 „......” She said. “还有……”她说。 Un?” Huai Shi is vacant. “嗯?”槐诗茫然。 New modeling is good.” “新的造型不错。” Ai Qing referred to own forehead, probably reminded his anything to be the same again, inexplicable after smiling, turned around to depart. 艾晴指了指自己的额头,好像再提醒着他什么一样,莫名的一笑之后,转身离去了。 Only leaves behind a Huai Shi person to stand in the room. 只留下槐诗一个人站在房间里。 Being confused. 一头雾水。 For a long time later, when he enters in the washroom, when sees mirror own appearance, then cannot bear on the spot. 许久之后,当他走进洗手间里,看到镜子里自己的模样时,便忍不住愣在原地。 In the mirror, that incomparably familiar face has no change probably, is only in scattered in disorder the long hair before the volume, quiet had/left a wisp of paleness. 就在镜子里,那一张无比熟悉的面孔好像没什么变化,只是在额前散乱的长发之中,悄无声息的多出了一缕苍白。 Strikingly like snow. 醒目如雪。 Made the young appearance add vicissitudes actually. 倒是令原本年轻的面目平添了一份沧桑。 Perhaps, this then adjusts the final trace that the attorney stays behind. 或许,这便是调律师所留下的最后痕迹。 „It seems like also decent.” “看上去还像模像样嘛。” Huai Shi to mirror, pretending to be serious was assuming several postures, after the puts on airs finished, raises up a thumb: Come on, Huai Shi.” 槐诗对着镜子里的自己,煞有介事的摆了几个姿势,臭美完毕之后,才竖起一个大拇指:“加油啊,槐诗。” Huai Shi in mirror shows a faint smile, had not replied. 镜子里的槐诗微微一笑,并没有回答。 Is same just like the illusion. 宛如幻觉一样。 The under foot of inverted image in the mirror, the dim shadow inflates unexpectedly slowly, extends, raises upwardly crookedly, changed into the appearance of fierce wolf head, the doubts excessive, is shooting a look at the owner outside mirror. 在镜中倒影的脚下,黯淡的影子竟然缓缓膨胀,延伸,向上升起,化为了狰狞狼首的模样,疑惑的歪过头,瞥着镜子外的主人。 Perplexed. 不明所以。 The heart, plague blood and the the breath of tooth, dissolution stomach, by incantation scale and the casting having a nightmare soul shadow...... the Abyss essence quiet circulation, then the series and became the Huai Shi authority alone finally end beast! 阴影之心、瘟疫之血、魇魂之齿、溶解之胃、受咒之鳞、铸造之息……深渊真髓悄无声息的流转,便统和成了独属于槐诗的威权・终末之兽! Why must what Ruler revering position? 何须什么统治者的尊位呢? Why also to offer these innocent soul to take the price? 又何必献上那些无辜的灵魂作为代价? Does not need to hug solidifies, so long as own inverted image has then been enough. 不用去拥抱凝固,只要自己的倒影便已经足以。 The type of disaster, hence! Provides the quickest revelation forecast to renew for you, Chapter 1290 adjusts the attorney to read free.:. 灾厄之种,至此而成!为你提供最快的天启预报更新,第1290章调律师免费阅读。:.
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