AF :: Volume #13

#1290 Part 2: Storm edge

Only can say, sometimes fate really taunted. 只能说,有时候命运实在是过于嘲讽。 Although old tortoise most of the time wrong behaviors, moreover is hateful, moreover is repugnant, moreover troubles is not good, but besides his opponent, in big Astronomy Association, oneself unexpectedly could not find several to sit to drink the person who the coffee chatted together...... 虽然老王八大部分时候都不当人,而且讨嫌,而且讨厌,而且还麻烦的不行,可除了他这个对手之外,偌大的天文会里,自己竟然也找不到几个能坐下来一起喝咖啡聊天的人了…… May be able to understand that only own person, unexpectedly is old tortoise, means own where also a little problem? 可唯一能够理解自己的人,竟然是个老王八,是不是意味着自己哪里也有点毛病呢? His silent light sighed. 他无声的轻叹。 Said, my also matter, I want to ravel.” “说起来,我还有一件事情,我很想弄明白。” In the related governance bureau cold joke and Survival Institute the topic intermittence of treatment surgery, Russell raised the head suddenly, is filling with curiously looks: If, I meant, if...... if, in gospel Saint place, because you open the door of Current Territories, causing Rancher successfully to pass through the frontier territory line of defense, what to do should?” 就在有关统辖局冷笑话和存续院的治疗手术的话题间歇,罗素忽然抬头,满怀着好奇的看过来:“如果,我是说,如果……如果,在福音圣座上,因为你把现境之门打开,导致牧场主成功穿过边境防御阵线的话,该怎么办?” Yaeger was shocked. 叶戈尔愣住了。 Thinks, then cannot bear shake the head: „Will I perhaps become the Current Territories criminal?” 想了一下,便忍不住摇头:“我恐怕就会成为现境的罪人吧?” Ambition, ideal, oneself until now for all that it strives, this world, may be being been ruining by oneself...... 不论是野心也罢,理想也罢,自己一直以来为之奋斗的所有,连带着这个世界,可能都会被自己所葬送…… Because are only suddenly hotheaded, wants to recall soul in these Hell. 只因为自己忽然之间头脑发热,想要挽回那些地狱中的灵魂 Also the decision room once must therefore prepare to question no wonder that. 也无怪决策室一度要因此准备进行质询。 Really yes, non- wisdom. 实在是,过于不智。 Also did not seem like the governance bureau. 也太不像是统辖局了。 But, Mr. Markus, had spoken a few words, I approve of very much.” “不过,马库斯先生,曾经说过一句话,我很赞同。” Yaeger thinks, smiles in a soft voice: „ The war of previous various, does Current Territories have the city wall? 叶戈尔想了一下,轻声笑起来:“上一次诸界之战,难道现境还有城墙么? Russell hears word, for a long time, knew startled probably again this troublesome old fogy is the same, this may really not like you.” 罗素闻言,愕然许久,就好像再一次认识了这个麻烦的老家伙一样,“这可真不像你啊。” Perhaps, isn't the extremely evil political ambition causes trouble?” Yaeger shrugs, asked you to treat as a politician to want it to seek the interests the instinct.” “唔,说不定是万恶的政治野心作祟呢?”叶戈尔耸肩,“就请你将它当做一个政客想要谋取利益的本能吧。” Also right.” “也对。” The Russell approval nods, finally encourages saying: „Did that wish you to make persistent efforts?” 罗素赞同颔首,最后鼓励道:“那就祝你再接再厉?” That was I only saves not many courage. As for other places, you forgave me. I have not wanted to be treated as to mix in the Utopia traitors within of governance bureau.” “那就是我仅存不多的勇气了。至于其他的地方,你还是饶了我吧。我还不想被当做混入统辖局的理想国内奸呢。” Russell cannot bear again, laughs to make noise. 罗素再忍不住,大笑出声。 After one cup of coffee drink up, the chat had ended. 一杯咖啡喝完之后,闲谈就已经结束了。 Probably is well aware to be the same to Yaeger's program, sympathized left behind 15 minutes of living alone time for him, Russell set out to say goodbye. 就好像对叶戈尔的日程心知肚明一样,体贴的为他留下了十五分钟的独处时间,罗素起身道别。 Before, him actually hears behind sound just before leaving. 只是,在临走之前,他却听见身后的声音 Russell?” 罗素?” Un?” Russell turns head. “嗯?”罗素回头。 In the sofa, Yaeger looks at him, probably wanted to say anything, for a long time later, actually showed a faint smile, seemed sigh with emotion: Really envies you.” 在沙发,叶戈尔看着他,好像想要说什么,许久之后,却只是微微一笑,仿佛感慨:“真羡慕你啊。” What envies my not to know?” Russell is puzzled. “羡慕我什么都不知道?”罗素不解。 No.” Yaeger shakes the head, sighed in a soft voice: „After envying your anything knows, such courage.” “不。”叶戈尔摇头,轻声一叹:“羡慕你什么都知道之后,还有那样的勇气。” The Russell movement is stiff on the spot. 罗素的动作僵硬在原地。 For a long time silence. 许久的沉默。 Has flash that he suspected that actually Yaeger knew anything, more often, his instinct seeking is concealing and inserting funny dialog the method, is thinking deeply about the words technique and strategy. 有那么一瞬间,他怀疑叶戈尔究竟是知道了什么,还有更多的时候,他本能的寻找着掩饰和插科打诨的方法,思索着话术和策略。 But when he recovers again, has actually passed is too long. 可当他再度回过神来的时候,却已经过去太久。 Is only left over silent. 只剩下沉默。 When Russell reorganizes the good train of thought that wants to open the mouth, actually hears the slight snoring sound that on the sofa heard. 而当罗素整理好思绪,想要开口的时候,却听见了沙发上传来的细微鼾声。 A half minute. 只是半分钟时间而已。 Yaeger by the sofa, has fallen asleep. 叶戈尔靠在沙发上,已经睡着了。 But in this short silence, line of sight of Russell, subconscious falling in his chest front- according to him the understanding of Yaeger, the important goods and thing of special significance, will usually install in the waistcoat in bag. 而这短暂的寂静中,罗素的视线,下意识的落在了他的胸前-根据他对叶戈尔的了解,重要的物品和具有特殊意义的东西,通常会装在马甲左边的内袋里。 Has the possibility, that letter/believes of pharaoh king...... 有可能,法老王的那一封信…… Only needs the flash. 只需要一瞬间。 Even if places under the strictest monitoring equipment, will not have anybody to detect Lokey's clever trick. 即便是放在最严密的监控设备之下,也不会有任何人察觉到洛基的诡计。 Even if only absent-minded in a flash, enough he satisfies in the heart the biggest curiosity. 哪怕只是弹指间的恍惚,也足够他满足心中最大的好奇。 May to finally, him sigh in a soft voice: Actually is every day to eat how many Survival Institute to stimulate attacks especially, can work as the sleeping pill the coffee?” 可到最后,他却只是轻声一叹:“究竟是每天吃多少存续院提神特攻,才能把咖啡当安眠药啊?” Has not made anything not to have the matter of significance again. 并没有再做什么没有意义的事情。 He looked at one Yaeger one eyes finally, turns around to depart. 他最后看了一眼叶戈尔一眼,转身离去。 , Closes for him gently. 轻轻的,为他关上了门。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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