AF :: Volume #13

#1290 Part 1: Storm edge

Half a month later, frontier territory line of defense. 半个月之后,边境防御阵线。 Central reassignment center. 中央调动中心。 In the frontier territory chain in core, on the giant screen, is waving layer upon layer as before innumerably just like the noise spot common floccosoids. As if storm such, unceasing twinkle in jet black background. 层层边境连锁之中的核心里,巨大的屏幕上,依旧舞动着无数宛如噪点一般的白斑。仿佛暴雪那样,在漆黑的背景中不断的闪烁。 On the gauge board these shone the red light that and went out to start the eye strain unceasingly. 仪表盘上那些不断亮起又熄灭的红灯已经让人开始视觉疲劳了。 After looking for a long time, even was numb. 看久了之后,甚至麻木。 Isn't the Current Territories second-level warning? Normal, normal, sprinkles the water spray...... 不就是现境二级警报么?正常,正常,洒洒水啦…… Depends on does not limit the quantity the coffee of supply and three hours of fast dormancy service, sits just like the good-for-nothing common staff in front of screen, occasionally work break chat time, everyone will exchange recently very popular ten thousand th paradise joke. 靠着不限量供应的咖啡和三小时快速休眠服务,宛如行尸走肉一般的工作人员们坐在屏幕的前面,偶尔工作间隙闲谈的时候,大家就会交流起最近非常流行的万世乐土笑话。 Relies on recaptures the success of strategy with soul, recently the thickness of Hell piece artistic collection multiplied, moreover is new two volume, carefully chooses a total of 461 jokes... 仰赖与灵魂夺回战略的成功,最近地狱段子集锦的厚度倍增,而且还新出两册,精心挑选出总共四百六十一则笑话。。。 And half of keywords are working overtime, the other half of keyword is death from overwork. 其中有一半的关键词是‘加班’,另外一半的关键词是‘过劳死’。 From this perspective, the food chain of Rancher is not probably fearful. 从这个角度上来看,牧场主的食物链好像也没那么可怕。 What is the governance bureau? 什么叫统辖局啊? The class that Rancher does not dare to add, we preside the bureau to dare to add, minimum wage that Rancher does not dare to approve, we preside the bureau to dare to approve, work load that Rancher does not dare to increase, we preside the bureau to dare to increase the benefits that...... Rancher cannot truncate, hey, how do you guess? We have not truncated, but we can guarantee that no one can use! 牧场主不敢加的班,我们统辖局敢加,牧场主不敢批的最低工资,我们统辖局敢批,牧场主不敢增的工作量,我们统辖局敢增……牧场主不能削的福利,嘿,你猜怎么着?我们也没削,但我们可以确保没人能用得了! The god of what Hell, simply spicy chicken...... 呵,什么地狱之神,简直辣鸡…… Then, the occasional merry air floods, in this suffocates to let in the atmosphere that the person goes crazy year to year, but the managers look in the eye, does not go to the manages, so long as the mental measurement result does not have problems, this small matter goes along with them. 就这样,偶尔的快活空气充斥在这常年窒息到让人发疯的气氛里,而主管们看在眼中,也不去管,只要心理测量结果不出问题,这种小事情都随他们去。 Everyone day passes really laboriously.” “大家日子过得真辛苦啊。” After window, Russell looks at the launch control center's same busy hall, the sympathy sighed: Always is insufficient a false not to put?” 落地窗之后,罗素看着发射指挥中心一样的繁忙大厅,同情感叹:“总不至于连个假都不放的吧?” „To have a vacation, later some are the time.” “想放假,以后有的是时间。” Yaeger shakes the head, rubs the eye that became dry: „ Even if sits on the chair again tired, still compared with maintenance defense line person? Performs its own functions. 叶戈尔摇头,揉了揉发干的眼睛:“就算坐在椅子上再累,也比维护防线的人强吧?只是各司其职而已。 Your this type throws own matter to others is everywhere the hateful idler, don't speak this words here well? ” 况且,你这种把自己的事情丢给别人做到处讨嫌的闲汉,就别在这里说这种话了好么?” My this called to care about the Current Territories important matter, to be how hateful?” “我这叫关心现境大事,怎么又讨嫌了呢?” Russell sits, the magic same pulls out one set of coffee tool and canteen boiling water pulverizing. 罗素坐下来,变魔术一样掏出一套咖啡工具和水壶烧水磨粉。 Yaeger's eye socket beat two, really wants to make this old thing hurry to leave. But thinks he also has various marvelous methods to add to stop up to himself, can only comfort itself, forget about it forget about it...... 叶戈尔的眼眶跳动了两下,实在是很想让这个老东西赶紧走人。但一想到他还有各种奇妙的方法给自己添堵,就只能安慰自己,算了算了…… Actually to have what matter, can't you say directly?” Yaeger asked: Time is precious.” “究竟有什么事情,你就不能直接说?”叶戈尔问:“时间宝贵。” No, in fact actually nothing.” “不,实际上倒是没什么事情。” Russell shrugs: This is not thinking today explored the satellite to launch? Does not have money to buy the member, wanting your here to rub high-definition......” 罗素耸肩:“这不是想着今天探索卫星要发射了吗?没钱买会员,想要到你这里来蹭个高清……” As if midnight knocks on a door in the village head family/home to watch the television to be the same, the smile is simple and honest and simple and honest. 仿佛半夜敲门到村长家里看电视一般,笑容憨厚又淳朴。 Made the person blood pressure rise dramatically. 令人血压暴增。 Can't you afford that television unable to install the special line of governance bureau? Wants me to spend to give you to pull one, do you go back to be good quickly? 你是买不起那个电视机还是装不起统辖局的专线?要不要我自己花钱给你牵一根,你赶快回去好不好? But Russell has sat well, the unshakeable appearance, is not loose just like nightmare general taking. 罗素已经坐定了,雷打不动的样子,宛如噩梦一般取之不散。 Yaeger heaved a deep sigh, is disinclined the manages. 叶戈尔长叹一声,懒得去管。 Hid these days obviously, finally was stopped up by this old tortoise today. 明明都躲了这么些日子,结果还是在今天被这老王八堵住了。 Uncomfortable. 难受。 But quick, the frontier territory outer layer search lens data has connected on the large screen of landing out of the window. 可很快,边境的外层探镜数据就已经接入了落地窗外的大屏幕上了。 In jet black Abyss, a piece glitters the pale turbulent flow that unceasingly surges, is the same just like the sea tide, starts the ripples, winds around above the line of defense. 漆黑的深渊之中,一片不断闪烁涌动的苍白乱流,宛如海潮一样,一波波掀起涟漪,缭绕在防御阵线之上。 Looks just like the mist general gentleness. 看上去宛如水雾一般的轻柔。 But in fact, made the entire frontier territory line of defense understand the highest panic stations sufficiently the terrifying disaster phenomenon. 可实际上,却是足以令整个边境防御阵线进入最高紧急状况的恐怖灾害现象。 Bottom the storm of Abyss chilly white spouts from that piece, is always attacking Current Territories guards- each grain just like mist generally snow powder in broken bits, is disaster solidifies and a Hell fragment...... 来自深渊之底的风暴从那一片凄白中喷出,无时不刻的冲击着现境的提防-每一粒宛如雾气一般细碎的雪粉,都是和灾厄凝固与一处的地狱碎片…… Just like bringing the meteor swarm of destruction is ordinary, continuous impact above guarding of Current Territories. 宛如带来毁灭的流星群一般,源源不断的冲击在现境的提防之上。 But this continued already half a month impact , is just the representation that cyclone common Abyss disaster forms together. Does obeisance its bestows, the frontier territory line of defense welcomed the unprecedented high pressure. 而这持续了已经半个月的冲击,也只不过是那一道气旋一般的深渊灾难所形成的表象而已。拜其所赐,边境防御阵线迎来了前所未有的高压。 But meanwhile, other Legion in Abyss have to stop the large-scale offensive. 可同时,深渊之中的其他军团们也不得不停下了大规模的攻势。 Really is to make the person not know that is actually good or bad. 实在是让人不知道究竟是好还是坏。 „Hasn't wind stopped unexpectedly?” “风竟然还没停吗?” Russell stares at the crevice that line of defense most outer layer is reappearing dedicated, helpless sighed lightly: Obviously rain and snow already on road-” 罗素专注的凝视着防御阵线最外层所浮现的裂隙,无奈轻叹:“明明雨和雪已经在路上了啊-” This just started, according to the eye of observation scale bronze, must continue for over three months...... Yaeger to say at least, supplemented one heavyheartedly: If, without others creates difficulties.” “这才是刚刚开始呢,按照青铜之眼观测规模,起码要持续三个月以上的时间……”叶戈尔说完,忧心忡忡的补充了一句:“倘若,没有其他人从中作梗的话。” But won't some people really create difficulties? 可真的不会有人从中作梗么? Thinks also not possibly to know. 想想也知道不可能。 Above the change of picture with the screen, the specially-made development searches the boundary, already, as during the launcher, flew to that piece of close Abyss to be void. 随着屏幕之上画面的变化,特制的开拓探境,就已经随着发射器,飞往了那一片近在咫尺的深渊虚空之中。 No, perhaps compared with the picture in must early. 不,恐怕比画面上还要早。 In that illusion general chilly white, with the naked eye, unlikely anything is only hard to see clearly. 在那一片幻觉一般的凄白中,只凭着肉眼,恐怕什么都难以看清。 They see, after is the data transfers of innumerable instrument, after processing and noise reduction of relevant departments, supplemented picture that again exaggerates. 他们所看到的,是无数仪器的数据传递回来之后,通过有关部门的处理和降噪之后,再补充渲染成的画面。 By searching the boundary in internal observation, thick falling storms stripped concealing of semblance gradually, drifts away Abyss precipitation and countless the Hell fragment in void reveals. 透过探境在内部的观测,一片纷纷扬扬的暴雪渐渐剥离了外表的掩饰,游离在虚空中的深渊沉淀和数之不尽的地狱碎片就显露而出。 Just like hiding the reef under sea level is ordinary. 宛如隐藏在海面之下的礁石一般。 Alarmed. 触目惊心。 At this moment, covers that vortex beside Current Territories, had turned into a Abyss grinding pan, what material and elementium enter, will stir shortly becomes the residual broken. 此刻,笼罩在现境之外的那一片漩涡,已经变成了一座深渊磨盘,不论是什么样的物质和源质进入其中,都会在顷刻之间搅碎成残渣。 Above the picture of dramatic turmoil, the countless fragment comes, even if unceasing about moves aside, the shake is still unceasing. 剧烈动荡的画面之上,数之不尽的碎块迎面而来,即便是不断的左右躲闪,依旧震荡不断。 But the depth constantly is also changing. 而深度也在不断的变化着。 Does not have the rule. 毫无规律。 Depth 7...... depth 13...... depth 4...... depth 12...... depth 91...... 深度七……深度13……深度四……深度12……深度91…… Is inward, the terrifying shadow that in that vortex contains is huge. 越是向内,那一片漩涡之中所蕴藏的恐怖阴影就越是庞大。 Even the special characteristics searching boundary, cannot guarantee that can penetrate, but passed over gently and swiftly from the edge, then has soon broken during the heavy losses. 即便是特质的探境,也不能保证能够深入其中,只是浅浅的从边缘掠过,便已经快要在重创之中散架。 But in the most deep place of vortex, huge fragments is taking off and landing to float among the depths, each other when collision, raised the new storm and raging tide. 而就在漩涡的最深处,一块块庞大的碎片正在深度之间起落漂浮,彼此碰撞时,就掀起了新的风暴和狂澜。 The countless Hell fragment gathers here, the slow completion polymerization, appears gradually the huge outline and embryonic form. 数之不尽的地狱碎片汇聚在此处,缓慢的完成聚合,渐渐浮现出庞大的轮廓和雏形。 But in this jolts in rough speeding along, the search lens distressed avoidance of hovering the storm, the pull-up altitude, is departing from the slanting thorn, then sneaked a peek hid in storm another terrifying stars. 而就在这颠簸坎坷的飞驰之中,翱翔的探镜狼狈的躲避着风暴,拉升高度,从斜刺里飞出,便窥见了隐藏在风暴另一头的恐怖星辰。 Is ordinary just like the red giant star, is twining perishing country palace error of blood rivers ; Covers in the darkness and chaos the wheel of strange shadow ; And, is surging generally the mighty waves just like the sea tide, but actually some innumerable thunder such as the wing launches the fierce outline that and disturbs generally...... 宛如红巨星一般,缠绕着一道道血河的亡国宫阙;笼罩在黑暗和混沌之中的诡异阴影之轮;以及,宛如海潮一般涌动着波澜,但却有无数雷霆如翼一般展开、扰动的狰狞轮廓…… At this moment the symbols of all sorts of Abyss, are to mention just a few ordinary just like the indifferent eye pupil, are away from the storm that fills, each other is looking into the distance with Current Territories. 种种深渊的象征不一而足的,宛如冷漠的眼瞳一般,隔着此刻弥漫的风暴,同现境彼此眺望着。 Whets the lackey, to fit out patiently. 磨砺爪牙、耐心整备。 Is awaiting calmly the storm end. 静候着风暴终结。 The bugle horn sound of war is not far. 战争的号角声已经不远。 Relies on the change that this storm is bringing about, Legion in Abyss had completed the polymerization quietly, has started impatiently...... 凭借着这一场风暴所带来的变化,深渊中的军团已经悄无声息的完成了聚合,已经开始迫不及待…… Look, sometimes person, once puts aside the prejudice and monopoly desire, accepts the reality, turns around to hug the collective, immediately can feel arrives at the arrogant family's friendly affection and warm. “看呀,有时候人一旦放下偏见和独占欲,接受现实,转身去拥抱集体,立刻就能感受到来自大家庭的友爱和温暖了。 It seems like such truth, is also accepted in Abyss. ” 看来这样的道理,在深渊中也是行得通的。” Russell smiles to make noise, person many strengths are eventually big.” 罗素笑出了声,“终究还是人多力量大啊。” Yaeger shot a look, does not know that is startled in his brain circuit admiringly in the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree heavy line: Coming out that you also smile unexpectedly?” 叶戈尔瞥了过来,不知是吃惊于他的脑回路还是钦佩于天国谱系的粗线条:“你竟然还笑的出来?” Why can't smile?” “为什么笑不出来?” Russell let go, refers to the screen that covering the huge vortex above Current Territories as before, asked back: Situation again how bad, always pats compared with that gadget directly in the face good?” 罗素摊手,指了指屏幕上那个依旧笼罩在现境之上的庞大漩涡,反问:“局势再怎么糟糕,也总比那玩意儿直接拍在脸上好吧?” Yaeger is speechless for a while. 叶戈尔一时无言。 Stared on the screen that distressed storms, the eye socket was jumping two, dark anger at the same time, actually also appeared a faint trace to rejoice. 凝视着屏幕上那一片令人心焦的风暴,眼眶跳了两下,暗怒的同时,竟然也浮现出一丝丝庆幸。 Now at present two people see, this piece continues was for half a month will continue the long time the deep storm, then from Rancher presented...... 如今两人眼前所看到的,这一片持续了长达半个月而且还将持续漫长时光的深度风暴,便是来自于牧场主的馈赠…… Exactly said, this is the gospel Saint place originally true mission! 确切的说,这才是福音圣座原本真正的使命! Even is separated by so remotely, still created unexpectedly made the frontier territory line of defense border on the destructive power of collapse several times. 即便是相隔如此遥远,竟然也造成了令边境防御阵线数度濒临崩溃的破坏力。 Imagines, if, Astronomy Association has not made the countermeasure promptly, cannot set firm resolve, thus the plan of Rancher was implemented smoothly, actually to have what? 想象一下,倘若,天文会没有及时作出对策,没有能够下定决心,从而牧场主的计划顺利得到了实施,究竟会发生什么? First, through unceasing plundering soul, laid the foundation of ten thousand th paradise in the gospel Saint place. 首先,通过不断的掠夺灵魂,在福音圣座内奠定了万世乐土的根基。 «Eats Hell Monster of Person» of Raising from Abyss 《吃人的地狱怪物从深渊中升起》 Unceasing struggling of several million soul in the brutal circulation, according to general that the blueprint designs, evolving is completely the Hell food chain of Current Territories quantity body making to order. 紧接着,数百万灵魂在残酷循环中内不断的挣扎,按照蓝图所设计的一般,演化出了完全为现境量身订造的地狱食物链。 And, in revolving after for ten minutes, following the original design , to promote to thoroughly completing the condition, saved enough the sufficient strength. 并且,在运转十分钟过后,遵照原本的设计,彻底晋升至完成状态,积攒够了足够的力量。 «Elements of Ruin Achieved His Secretive Goal» 毁灭要素达成了祂不可告人的目的》 At the appointed time, even the pure honored blockade is unable to make it reach a deadlock. 届时,即便是纯钧的封锁也无法让它搁浅。 Even if refuting bombing of Taiyang (Sun) experience stone, enough spans the final distance, this, is carrying the Rancher incarnation, pounds the frontier territory line of defense the inner layer...... 哪怕是硬顶着太阳历石的轰炸,也足够跨越最后的距离,就这样,搭载着牧场主的化身,砸进边境防御阵线的内层…… «Rancher Spanned frontier territory Blockade» 牧场主跨越了边境封锁》 But waited till that time, the gospel Saint place is similar to now this again, blasting open, forms a channel that loudly goes nonstop to the bottom of Abyss, spouts the Hell fragment continuously the vortex. 而等到了那个时候,福音圣座再如同现在这样,轰然炸裂,形成一个直通向深渊之底的通道,一个源源不断喷出地狱碎片的漩涡。 The terrifying impact will be disintegrating existence of frontier territory line of defense instantaneously, making three big blockades also disintegrate, Current Territories will not have the protection opened wide the bosom to Hell. 恐怖的冲击将在瞬间瓦解边境防御阵线的存在,令三大封锁也分崩离析,现境将毫无防备的对地狱敞开怀抱。 Does not need Man-in-Grey for It sounds Battle of Armageddon the bugle again. 再无需灰衣人为祂吹响‘哈米吉多顿之战’的号角。 «God of Hell Arrives in Current Territories» 地狱之神抵达现境 Finally, with the expansion of ten thousand th paradise, the pollution meets not the restrainable proliferation, the rule of Hell food chain will insert Current Territories thoroughly, after waiting for three column thorough distortions, Silver Sea falls into enemy hands thoroughly has also been able to expect. 最后,随着万世乐土的扩展,污染会不可抑制的扩散,地狱食物链的规则将彻底嵌入现境,等待三柱彻底畸变之后,白银之海的彻底失守也已经可以预料。 This is the last report, «Multipurpose Gods Rule His Loyal and devoted Current Territories». 这就是最后一篇报道,《万能之神君临他忠心耿耿的现境》。 Almost. 差一点。 Almost, 就差一点点, Perhaps entire Current Territories must be interpolated the Hell joke artistic collection...... 整个现境恐怕都要被写进地狱笑话集锦了…… After waiting to respond, everyone is breaking into sweat at heart and shouts 'motherfucker'. 等反应过来之后,所有人的心里都在冒冷汗和骂娘。 For all that the smooth premise establishes, in the entire Current Territories strength does not revolt against above the foundation that and accomplishes nothing, Astronomy Association is impossible to sit by and do nothing, does not have any response, do not raise the major pedigree defense line and Survival Institute nerve degree......, but after thinking through the overall scheme of Land of Bliss, whose how many cold air/Qi can also not attract at heart? 虽然如此顺利的前提是建立在整个现境力量毫不反抗、无所作为的基础之上,天文会也不可能坐视不管、没有任何反应,更不要提各大谱系的防线和存续院的神经程度……但想通了至福乐土的全盘计划之后,谁的心里还能不吸上几口冷气呢? So to be how poisonous? 怎么就这么毒呢? How long the wars of various hit, how rather to keep thinking is trading the family/home? 诸界之战才打了多久,宁怎么就惦记着换家了? Even, other teammate, by the Rancher ignorant/veiled in drum-, even if on the mouth said is a teammate, but everyone is really not in fact ripe. 甚至,就连其他的‘队友’,都被牧场主蒙在了鼓里-就算嘴上说是队友,但实际上大家真不熟。 From the beginning, regarding Rancher, Current Territories is always own thing. 从一开始,对于牧场主来说,现境从来都是属于自己的东西。 My is my, your my. 我的就是我的,你的还是我的。 Let alone one cup of thick soup, a ladle do not want to extend. 别说一杯羹,一个勺子都别想伸进来。 Ally? 盟友? Gnawed not to him. 头都给他啃没了。 Also Piper digs a pit to him no wonder secretly quietly, the sea and the perishing country thunder looked at the pleasure in the side entire journey...... 也怪不得吹笛人暗地里悄悄给他挖坑,雷霆之海和亡国在旁边全程看乐子了…… No matter, fellow who wants to keep everything for oneself, forever is most repugnant that. 不论在什么时候,想要吃独食的家伙,永远都是最讨厌的那个。 But the result is dreary, it can be said that was natural. 而结果惨淡,可以说是理所当然了。 Raises the new car gospel Saint place happily, finally has not opened many kilometers, does the abandonment to the bandit who Current Territories robs on the way directly. 喜提新车福音圣座,结果还没开多少公里,就直接给现境劫道的土匪干到报废。 In order to strive for two dimension hegemonies, invests trillion, to place the great expectations new roaming «Ten thousand th Paradise» gets online did not have a half minute, the server did not have the heat, was flushed by the locust player thoroughly rottenly, even the storehouse was deleted. 为了争夺二次元霸权,投资亿万、寄予厚望的新游《万世乐土》上线还没半分钟,服务器还没热,就被蝗虫玩家给彻底冲烂,连库都被删了。 800,000 pairs of 600,000 advantages in my excellent situation, welcomed the boundary that the myriad things vitality, set vigorously in a flash......, but entire process, even is less than five minutes! 原本八十万对六十万优势在我的大好局面,转瞬间就迎来了万物生机、勃勃竞发的境界……而整个过程,甚至不到五分钟! Did not have! 没了! What did not have. 什么都没了。 Even also mixed in malignant tumor traitor that the company cheats out of money to deceive people to hold a blade...... to be in front of his from the back ruthlessly finally, sent off a divisional manager directly. 甚至还被混入自己公司内部骗钱骗人的毒瘤二五仔从背后狠狠的捅了一刀……最后当着他的面,又直接送走了一个部门经理。 Besides incompetent wild with rage, how can Rancher? 除了无能狂怒之外,牧场主又能怎么样呢? Storm that this moment Current Territories faces, besides the anger of god of Hell, are more, is Rancher under having no other choice, chooses to the concession that other Abyss camps make? 此刻现境面对的风暴,除了地狱之神的怒火之外,更多的,便是牧场主在不得已之下,选择对其他深渊阵营所作出的让步吧? According to searching the observation of boundary, this storm will also continue the long time. But in wreaking havoc of disaster, the frontier territory line of defense will welcome huge weakening. 根据探境的观测,这一场风暴还将持续漫长时光。而就在灾难的肆虐之中,边境防御阵线将迎来巨大的削弱。 Not only so, that innumerable raises the Hell fragment that from the bottom of Abyss and forms, after the stable formation, will form a trim Abyss aggregation. 而不只是如此,那无数从深渊之底所升起、形成的地狱碎片,在稳定成型之后,将会形成一整片深渊聚合体。 Regarding Abyss, this is just the natural natural phenomenon, even again how huge, is still unsustainable, does not know how long later will collapse...... 对于深渊而言,这只不过是理所当然的自然现象,即便是再怎么巨大,也难以维持,不知多久之后就会崩溃…… But before the issue lies in...... the collapse ? 但问题在于……崩溃之前呢? Through creating the century common Hell storm, Rancher beside Current Territories, is sticking to the frontier territory line of defense directly, created the ultra giant domain that got together by nearby dozens Hell and innumerable fragments becomes baseless. 通过创世纪一般的地狱风暴,牧场主直接在现境之外,紧贴着边境防御阵线,凭空创造出了由附近数十个地狱和无数碎片所聚合而成的超巨型领域。 Goes nonstop to the bridge that Current Territories approaches together! 一道直通现境向的桥梁! It looks like deals with the tall wall firm city, must pile the earth to become the mountain to be the same. 就像是应对高墙坚城,就要堆土成山一般。 Rancher personally is the wars of various, created the most brutal battlefield. 牧场主亲手为诸界之战,创造出了最残酷的战场。 Instance that the waiting storm stops, is king of Men attacking army has reached the city Hell time. 等待风暴休止的瞬间,便是地狱之王们兵临城下的时候了。 No avoids and possibility of dragging again. 再没有任何回避和拖延的可能。 It can be predicted that was different is deliberately divided from in the different the local war above defense line and battlefield, between Current Territories and Hell the comprehensive campaign of upfront contention, had raised the curtain gradually...... 可以预见,不同于之前被刻意划分在不同防线和战场之上的局部战争,一场现境地狱之间正面角逐的全面战役,已经渐渐揭开帷幕…… Prepares, Russell.” “多做准备吧,罗素。” Yaeger's disconsolate sigh, I know, you want to know more inside stories. Very regrettable, I have no good news to give you.” 叶戈尔惆怅的叹息了一声,“我知道,你想要知道更多的内情。很遗憾,我已经没有任何好消息能够给你了。” Rain opens an umbrella, winter the matter of grain storage, although troubles, but should do to do.” Russell shook the head saying that I did not come for this matter.” “雨来打伞、冬来储粮的事情而已,虽然麻烦一点,但该做总要做。”罗素摇头说,“我也不是为这种事情来的。” In sound that the canteen boils, the limpid water body in siphon pot caught sallowly such as the soil color, the mellow fragrance flutters in the air. 在水壶沸腾的声音里,虹吸壶中的清澈水体染上了焦黄如泥土的色彩,醇厚的香气飘荡在空气里。 You know that what I want to ask, is right?” “你知道我想问什么,对不对?” Russell the steaming hot cup will place his front, stares form that in the mist Yaeger is vigilant gradually, suddenly, smiles, the plot revealed: 罗素将热气腾腾的杯子放在他的面前,凝视着水雾中叶戈尔渐渐警惕的身影,忽然,爽朗一笑,图穷匕见: Actually in that letter/believes of pharaoh king to say what?” “法老王的那封信里究竟说了什么?” Yaeger without hesitation, replied with deep veneration: Current Territories is secret, no comment.” 叶戈尔不假思索,肃然回答:“现境机密,无可奉告。” Part besides Current Territories secret?” Russell approached, smiling: What you want to conceal, Yaeger? Is that only a private letter?” “除了现境机密之外的部分呢?”罗素凑近了,微笑着:“你想掩饰什么,叶戈尔?那只是一封私信吧?” Yaeger is putting on a serious face as before, personal privacy, similarly also in no comment category.” 叶戈尔依旧板着脸,“个人隐私,同样也在无可奉告的范畴。” We exchange, is good?” “我们交换,好不好?” Once again, the magic is probably same, in the hand of Russell presented a paper, held up, gathered Yaeger at present: Look, looking like female high-school student everyone exchanges the small secret to be the same mutually.” 又一次的,好像变魔术一样,罗素的手中出现了一张纸条,举起,凑到了叶戈尔的眼前:“看,就像是女子高中生大家互相交换小秘密一样。” He blinks, proposed: „A small secret, trades another, how?” 他眨了眨眼睛,提议道:“一个小秘密,换另一个,如何?” But Yaeger is still indifferent, has not opened the mouth. 而叶戈尔依旧冷漠,没有开口。 In silent staring, there is a flash that he is hard to suppress oneself vacillation unexpectedly. 只是,在沉默的凝视中,有那么一瞬间,他竟然难以抑制自己的动摇。 But, he sees the paper in Russell hand to receive suddenly, vanishes does not see. 可紧接着,他就看到罗素手中的纸条忽然收起,消失不见。 Probably for fear that he nods assent to be the same. 就好像生怕他点头同意一样。 forget about it forget about it.” Russell shakes the head, you do not want, I do not force, avoid everyone felt oneself suffer a loss.” 算了算了。”罗素摇头,“你不愿意,我也不勉强,省得大家都觉得自己吃了亏。” Makes a feint from now on, then pretends the safe/without matter to happen to be the same, immediately the silent does not raise. 虚晃一枪过后上,便装作无事发生一样,立刻闭口不提。 Only then after Yaeger tastes, is glowering to him. 只有叶戈尔回过味儿来之后,对着他怒目而视。 This old tortoise, is cheating itself?! 这老王八,又在诈自己?! He can determine now in any case, pharaoh king own was really the private letter......, if really related to the Current Territories secret, oneself affirmed that the consideration will not consider. 反正现在他可以确定,法老王给自己的真的是私信了……如果真的是涉及现境的机密,自己肯定考虑都不会考虑。 The day against night guards, finally almost capsizes in the Russell in the sewers! 日防夜防,结果偏偏又在罗素的阴沟里差点翻了船! Ok , do not ok be angry, did not ask that you ask for money to budget, leaving against me and against equally is very good?” “好了,好了,别生气,又不是问你要钱要预算,别防我跟防贼一样好么?” Russell sighed, raises hand to guarantee: Brain be not thinking that all day these troublesome things, the pleasure of life lies in catching a fish by hand the friend. When how the old friend does ask you to chat?” 罗素叹息,举手保证:“脑子别整天都在想那些麻烦事情了,人生的乐趣在于摸鱼啊朋友。就当老朋友来找你聊天怎么样?” Old friend?” “老朋友?” Yaeger shot a look at his one eyes, cannot bear cold snort/hum. 叶戈尔瞥了他一眼,忍不住冷哼。 But finally, eventually under the smile and apology of Russell, carried the present coffee. 可最后,终究是在罗素的笑脸和道歉之下,端起了眼前的咖啡。
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