AF :: Volume #13

#1289: Residual sound

When that bunch of ray high raising, bringing Huai Shi to go far away, above the gospel Saint place, the battlefield of noise turmoil, welcomed a deathly stillness. 当那一束光芒高高的升起,带着槐诗远去,福音圣座之上,原本喧嚣动乱的战场,迎来一片死寂。 Has flash that in this slaughters forgot in the silence continually, everyone had strange absent-minded and illusion, does not know that actually to have anything. 有那么一瞬间,在这连厮杀都遗忘了的沉默里,所有人都产生了一种离奇的恍惚和幻觉,不知究竟发生了什么。 Who am I? 我是谁? I where? 我在哪儿? Am I doing? 我在干什么? Probably had a very big gadget to fly from the top of the head, what matter probably also did, what was that? 好像有个挺大的玩意儿从头顶飞过去了,好像还搞了什么事情,那是啥? New fighter aircraft? 新型的战斗机么? Even doesn't the big fighter aircraft have such odd size? The aerospace mothership is not odd! 就算是再大的战斗机也没这么离谱的大小吧?空天母舰都没那么离谱! Moreover, in everyone at present, that after probably gadget causes trouble, escapes immediately? 而且,就在所有人眼前,好像那玩意儿肇事之后,就立刻逃逸了? Real ox Pi...... 哇,真牛批…… The innumerable questions and exclamation appear from the brain of Sublimator, continuously, to finally , becomes the practical problem that must face as if by prior agreement. 无数疑问和惊叹从升华者们的脑子浮现,此起彼伏,到最后,不约而同的,变成了一个必须要面对的现实问题。 You looked, this wave SS it...... can enter two stages? 你看,这个波SS它……是不是要进二阶段了? At this moment, above deathly stillness vault of heaven, under callous Saint illumination. 此刻,死寂的天穹之上,冷酷的圣光照下。 The clear cracking resounds. 清脆的破裂声响起。 Face from NO.1, the after crevice of face, a brilliance of crack terrifying spews out , is second and third...... has the infinite light to boil probably at this moment, shattered all stops and distances wildly with rage, must arrive in this piece of Hell. 来自NO.1的面孔之上,面孔的裂隙之后,一隙恐怖的光焰喷涌而出,紧接着,是第二道、第三道……好像有无穷的光明此刻沸腾,狂怒的冲垮了一切阻拦和距离,要降临在这一片地狱之中。 Destroys all! 毁灭一切! On the ground, in the blood river, Yuan Zhao of charge half restrains the reins suddenly, the Lu four hooves sharply checked in the scarlet, row four path that has the spark. 在地上,血河之中,冲锋半截的原照猛然勒住缰绳,的卢四蹄在猩红中急刹,划出了四道带着火花的轨迹。 Raised the head at a loss, looks at the unexpected scene. 茫然抬头,看着出乎预料的光景。 What does? 搞什么? But, winds around blood fire ya zi to drop from the clouds, a palm of the hand claps on his back of the head, hoisted his collar, shoots toward the path wind of Rainbow Bridge: 可紧接着,缭绕着血火的睚眦就已经从天而降,一巴掌拍在他的后脑勺上,扯起了他的领子,向着彩虹桥的通路飙射而出: Is gawking doing, the dumb kid, runs!” “愣着干啥,傻小子,跑啊!” Speed away! 疾驰! In side of blood-color flying flame, the dim light is pursuing together tightly, is almost quicker than their speed, in passing another vehicle, the candle nine Yin also still has poking head of leisure, shot a look at Yuan Zhao, sighed: 就在血色飞炎的旁边,一道幽光紧追着,几乎比他们速度还要快,在超车的时候,烛九阴还犹有余暇的探出头来,瞥了一眼原照,啧啧感叹: „Are your family young people good, will travel not, eyesight price...... I had not looked, will be one generation is inferior to one generation!” “你家年轻人行不行啊,连跑路都不会,没点眼力价儿……我看,是一代不如一代咯!” What ghost! 什么鬼! Yuan Zhao cannot bear want to speak, may even the mouth in the hurricane of heading on not open, only felt that at present a flower, has soon departed Land of Bliss. 原照忍不住想要说话,可在扑面而来的飓风里连嘴都张不开,只感觉到眼前一花,就已经快要飞出至福乐土了。 What's the matter!” He compels as before ignorant...... “咋回事儿啊!”他依旧懵逼…… You may the long dessert!” “你可长点心吧!” While the left hand still, following first also toward the Yuan Zhao back of the head a palm of the hand, the lesson said: Their Kingdom of Heaven pedigree is the attire that becomes famous compels to run, the conscience cannot say does not have, but basically ate to the dog quickly...... left behind such big mess to come, did you tidy up? You tidy up?” 趁着左手还在,原继先又往原照后脑勺上来了一巴掌,教训道:“他们天国谱系是出了名的装完逼就跑,良心不能说没有,但基本上都快给狗吃了……留下这么大的烂摊子来,你收拾么?你收拾的了么?” In side, silent black god quiet passing by. 在旁边,沉默的黑神悄无声息的路过。 The air/Qi resulted in the face to be green. 气得脸都绿了。 Is speechless. 偏偏无话可说。 What scene is not making a debut youth has not seen, can become fifth-order, how many years old foxes everyone was, what now can also say? 又不是初出茅庐的愣头青啥场面都没见过,能成五阶,大家都是多少年的老狐狸了,现在还能说什么? The mo song qin fine jade reaches the ren sui ji cao jian fine jade to teach zhan cen ying Lian ke fermium diao pp adze han geng xia deserted nail partner ren to soak cuo zhi ying ou to play the role of the zeng mo umbrella 銆愯瘽璇达紝鐩鍓嶆湕璇诲惉涔渶濂界敤鐨刟pp锛屽挭鍜闃呰伙紝瀹夎呮渶鏂扮増銆傘 Drank tea to chat and other magical girls to change the body to finish? 喝茶聊天等魔法少女变身完毕么? Has not hurried to make the best use of the time to tidy up the teammate, then takes to one's heels to run! 还不赶紧抓紧时间收拾队友,然后撒丫子跑啊! In a hurry, probably all become different. 仓促之间,好像一切都变得不同。 One's blood bubbles up to the brim to initiate the charge a Current Territories Legion confusion, has not run out of the half, after the first army immediately change army, then to exert the extreme speed of going all-out to start to retreat. 原本热血沸腾发起冲锋的现境军团一阵混乱,还没冲出半截,前军立马变后军,然后以奋尽全力的极速开始撤退。 Even recently time also quick. 甚至比来的时候还快。 Without the means...... 没办法…… The way of the world becomes too quickly, the scene becomes too quickly, the condition becomes too quickly. 世道变得太快,场面变得太快,状况变得太快。 In the final analysis, Huai Shi he was really quick! 归根结底,槐诗他实在是太快了! Although the entire process seemingly can the water many ten thousand characters come out to write the report, but in fact, enters the stage to retreat from Bahamut, but also is less than a half minute. 虽然整个过程看上去好像能水个多少万字出来写报告,但实际上,从巴哈姆特出场到撤退,还不到半分钟。 Exactly said that 13 -and-a-half seconds. 确切的说,十三秒半。 This punctures from the sewer back to the distance of under the sunlight evaporating. 这就是从阴沟背刺到阳光下蒸发的距离。 Quick odd. 快的过于离谱。 Around battlefield, in Current Territories searching boundary model old, actually even has not analyzed this is anything...... 在战场周围,现境的探境里型号老一点的,甚至还都没分析出这究竟是个啥…… Waits for the people response in impractical conference room comes after panic-stricken, Russell has prepared to install to compel the special-purpose indifferent smile. 以至于,等架空会议室里的众人反应从惊骇中过来之后,罗素就已经准备好了装逼专用的淡然微笑。 Carries the teacup, lonely such as the feeling of snow. 端起茶杯,寂寞如雪的感慨。 You looked that Huai Shi this child has prospects since childhood, not the good fame and fortune, to install to compel silently, finally was exposed carelessly, is too young, everyone drinks tea, drinks tea......” “你看槐诗这孩子从小就有出息,不好名利,本想默默的装逼,结果又被不慎曝光,还是太年轻啊,大家喝茶,喝茶……” Has the tea regardless of the time being, but to the present, all talents tastes finally. 有没有茶水姑且不论,但到现在,所有人才终于回过味儿来。 Actually to have anything. 究竟发生了什么。 But rather extremely in oddness. 可未免太过于离谱。 In everyone heart cannot bear start to suspect that your Kingdom of Heaven pedigree was Rancher is in cahoots quietly, develops my? 以至于大家心中都忍不住开始怀疑你们天国谱系是不是和牧场主悄悄串通好了,来演我的? Under glare of the public eye, drills from the Rancher Abyss sea, after the Rancher incarnation one spat, ruthlessly gnawed Rancher one. 就在众目睽睽之下,从牧场主深渊大海里钻出来,照着牧场主的化身一顿啐之后,又狠狠的啃了牧场主一口。 Then, was like the bankrupt tannery, bringing dozens over a million soul to travel? 然后,就跟破产的皮革厂一样,带着几十上百万的灵魂跑路了? Finally, runs up to the magnificent light directly below, the iron saucepan cooks itself, to scatter a spice also burnt a justice probably? 最后,直接跑到辉煌之光的下面,铁锅炖自己,为了撒点作料好像还烧死了个公义? Your mother, what ghost! 你娘诶,什么鬼! Only was said that one has the innumerable cards in the throat. 光是说一遍就已经有无数槽点卡在喉咙里。 Was your so adept elegant and unyielding travelling way, to the present human too advanced? 您这如此娴熟清奇又硬气的跑路方式,对现在的人类是不是太超前了点? And, will he why so skilled? 以及,他为什么会这么熟练啊? Actually to do to do how many times, can the passing clouds and flowing water, not bring the slight smoke and fire attitude completion back thorn more goods to travel to frustrate the bone to raise the grey a dragon? 究竟作死作过多少次,才能如此行云流水,不带丝毫烟火气儿的完成背刺越货跑路挫骨扬灰一条龙的? And, odd does the so victory, actually how do? 以及,如此离谱的战果,究竟是怎么搞出来的? Is built on stilts the conference room incessantly. 不止是架空会议室。 Rome, Eastern Xia, Russian Union, Americas and India...... all people who are paying attention to this war fall into at a loss. 罗马、东夏俄联、美洲、天竺……所有关注着这一场战争的人都陷入茫然。 On the Eastern Xia frontier territory defense line, continually in frontline control center, short more than ten seconds of process, already, in conclusion changed to the giant screen instantaneously. 就在东夏边境防线上,直连前线的指挥中心里,短短十几秒钟的过程,已经在结束的瞬间转到了巨大的屏幕上面。 Repetitive cycle. 重复循环。 Has not let off any detail. 没有放过任何细节。 Scratches the head poorly wonderfully, after looking good long while, as before is somewhat confused, subconscious turning head, looks to nearby child, respectful collecting in the past: „ What did you see to select? 穷奇挠头,看了好半天之后,依旧有些一头雾水,下意识的回头,看向旁边的小孩儿,恭恭敬敬的凑过去:“您看出点什么了么? Even is only an incarnation, Rancher is always insufficient such vegetable/dish? ” 就算只是一个化身,牧场主总不至于这么菜吧?” That both hands thoughts are seemingly self-important the particularly strange child not to put aside the eye. 那个双手抱怀看上去老气横秋分外怪异的小孩儿也没有移开眼睛。 Although short several months of panting, rebirth later Fu Canguang already from five years old as long as eight years old, after looking at two times, in the heart has the result. 虽然才短短的几个月过气,重生之后的符残光已经从五岁长到了八岁,在看过两次之后,心中就已经有了结果。 „It is not right.” “不对劲。” Fu Canguang puts out a hand, the anchorage the image, aimed at end the beast to gnaw the detail of food incarnation right arm finally: „ Here, obviously, Rancher has the protection. 符残光伸手,定住了图像,指向了终末之兽啃食化身右臂的细节:“这里,明显,牧场主已经是有了防备的。 It rejection this attack, had started to revise the reality, but has not eaten the divine nature control with that thing completely, the reality that the divine will revises cannot interfere with it. 祂已经‘拒绝’了这一次袭击,开始修订现实,但完全没有用那个东西根本不吃神性的控制,神意修改的现实也干涉不到它。 Moreover, seems like also has the natural restraint...... the nature completely to oppose with Rancher to the Hell food chain! ” 而且,看起来还对地狱食物链有着天然的克制……性质跟牧场主完全对立!” Fu Canguang cannot bear scratch the head, is confused, asked all pedigree high levels in a bare issue: 符残光忍不住挠头,一头雾水,问出了所有谱系的高层都在头秃的一个问题: Actually Kingdom of Heaven does pedigree how do?” 天国谱系究竟是怎么搞出来的?” Was strongest as once Eastern Xia, had participated in the Qilin of Land of Bliss landing operation, his where can also not the clear Rancher abnormal degree? 作为曾经的东夏最强,曾经参与过至福乐土登陆战的麒麟,他哪里还能不清楚牧场主的变态程度? Invisible does not have the nature, everywhere. 无形无质,无处不在。 Just like void it. 宛如虚空本身。 Divine will institute, optional revision reality. 神意所及,随意修改现实。 The divine nature is the result, suppresses all divine nature revolutions. 神性所致,压制一切神性运转。 Moreover the time was long, will also be remembered the elementium fluctuation and soul characteristics by It, after this takes the night road time must guard against the corrosion of god of Hell. 而且时间久了,还会被祂记住源质波动和灵魂特征,从此之后走夜路的时候都得防备地狱之神的侵蚀。 One did not pay attention to solidify the big angel under place slightly. 稍微一不注意就凝固成座下的大天使了。 But the present all, are not the category that oddly and can describe weirdly to specifically aim at Rancher, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree did create a war weapon of Ruler level unexpectedly specially? 而眼前的一切,已经不是离谱和邪门可以形容的范畴了为了专门针对牧场主,天国谱系竟然专门创造出了一个统治者级的战争兵器? Moreover his mother is disposable! 而且还他妈是一次性的! Such luxurious? 这么奢侈的吗? Russell that every day gets money the appearance that everywhere must budget, where comes such great writer? Is always insufficient is runs up to Hell to go to the numerous to plan to accumulate? 罗素那每天到处打秋风要预算的样子,哪儿来这么大手笔?总不至于是跑到地狱里去众筹攒出来的吧? „Can't you explain the white spot?” “您老就不能说明白点?” Side, Kua Fu is still vacant, is unable to understand, the melon seed skin of mouth forgot to spit. 旁边,夸父依旧茫然,无法理解,嘴里的瓜子皮都忘记吐了。 Fu Canguang cannot bear roll the eyes: You treat as Kingdom of Heaven pedigree to do Rancher, raised a special tool to come out from Hell on the line.” 符残光忍不住翻白眼:“你就当做天国谱系为了搞牧场主,从地狱里养了一个专门的工具出来就行。” Moreover the percentage DT guards, of percentage hundred real wounds...... 而且还是百分百破防,百分百真伤的那种…… Only can say, only then the wrong name, did not have the staggered nickname. Such weird thing did, you also dare saying that you weren't Abyss pedigree?! 只能说只有起错的名字,没有交错的外号了。这么邪门的东西都搞出来了,你还敢说你们不是深渊谱系?! Hears here, Kua Fu cannot bear pats the thigh, the resentment soars to the heavens: I said! I have said early, it is fortunate that we go! Has Huai Shi that fellow, does not have the matter certainly!” 听到这里,夸父就忍不住一拍大腿,怨气冲天:“我就说吧!我早说过,得亏我们去啊!有槐诗那家伙在,就准没好事儿!” Since the gambling of previous time Abyss, does not know at heart accumulated many suffering, cast the big shadow, from the beginning complained that cannot stop. 自从上一次的深渊之赌以后,心里不知道攒了多少的苦水,留下了多大的阴影,一开始抱怨就停不下来。 Just, currently no one has the thoughts to listen to these idle talk. 只不过,现在已经没人有有心思去听那些废话了。 Concentrates on, looked to the screen. 全神贯注的,看向了屏幕。 A simple issue. 一个简单的问题。 If the big shot plays the trumpet to be sprouted jumps the face newly, what to do can? 倘若大佬玩小号被萌新跳脸的话,会怎么办? The answer only has one...... 答案只有一个…… Trades the large size the truth! 换大号来讲道理! ! 啪! That flash, the sky on gospel Saint place, NO.1 body, after silent breakage...... skin of flaking, the inexhaustible dazzling ray gushes out. 那一瞬间,福音圣座上的上空,NO.1的躯壳,无声破裂……剥落的皮肤之后,无穷尽的耀眼光芒喷薄而出。 Rushed to jet black Abyss. 冲上了漆黑的深渊 Congeals the fierce light of essence to wave in Hell, as if has what physique to be the same, but is hard to search outline truly, but fluctuates generally erratically just like the neon. 凝结成实质的烈光舞动在地狱之间,仿佛有什么形体一般,但又难以寻觅出确实的轮廓,只是宛如霓虹一般变幻不定。 But looks even if, makes people think dazzling and intoxicating, feels trembling and strange the attraction from soul...... 可哪怕只是看着,就让人觉得目眩神迷,感受到来自灵魂中的颤栗和诡异的吸引…… In being built on stilts conference room, is away from a mold layer upon layer because of filtering the mirror, everyone's breath suddenly loud. 就连在架空会议室内,隔着一层层的模因滤镜,所有人的呼吸一时间都粗重了起来。 But the edge in gospel Saint place, some people are ordinary just like the good-for-nothing, forgot retreating, turns around, numb rushes to that light. 而在福音圣座的边缘,已经有人宛如行尸走肉一般,忘记了撤退,转身,麻木的奔向那一片光明。 Wishes one could, is involved...... 恨不得,投身其中…… Is away from remote Abyss, Rancher arrives finally! 隔着遥远的深渊,牧场主终于降临! Even if 1/10000 essences, made in Abyss erupt to sweep across dozens deep terrifying turbulent flow. 哪怕是万分之一的本质,也令深渊中爆发出席卷数十个深度的恐怖乱流。 Fluctuates the uncertain ray at all is not his it, but after is that divine nature perturbation reality, phenomenon that forms. 变幻不定的光芒根本不是他的本身,只不过是那一份神性扰动现实之后,所形成的现象而已。 That invisible does not have the nature, no happy not sad solidification divine nature to operate above Abyss. 那一份无形无质、无喜无悲的凝固神性运行在深渊之上。 Just like the truth appears such. 宛如真理的显现那样。 Made the last filamental flow light of Rainbow Bridge be on the verge of the collapse. 就令彩虹桥的最后一线流光濒临崩溃。 Do not look! Walks!” “别看!走!” In the fierce murkiness, Richard only felt oneself were thrust in that piece of brilliant rainbow light, involuntary flies toward Current Territories. 在剧烈的昏沉之中,理查德只感觉自己被人推入了那一片烂漫的虹光里,身不由己的向着现境飞去。 Falls into Sandra who faints also to fall into together with own family heirloom shield. 紧接着,陷入晕厥的珊德拉连同自己的传家宝盾也落入了其中。 One piece of faint ice-cold moonlight, by the invisible attraction, pulling, is flying into that light to go...... to be possible in the midair, the moonlight then silent explodes, only then the silk threads broken light falls into the vortex, vanishes without the trace. 只有一片隐隐的冰冷月光,被无形的引力,拉扯着,飞入那一片光明之中去……可在半空之中,月光便无声爆裂,只有丝丝缕缕的碎光落入漩涡之中去,消失无踪。 That is Mamaqi Syria. 那是玛玛基里亚。 Since is determined to arrive to start, she has not been thinking can goes back this divine nature and soul fragment belt/bring. 自从决心降临开始,她就没有想着能够将这一份神性和灵魂的碎片带回去。 In instance that Rancher appears, then courageous self-destroying, only left behind some residuals, is ridiculing eating what is offered the god of Hell. 牧场主显现的瞬间,便已经当机立断的自灭,只留下了些许残渣,嘲笑着饥不择食的地狱之神。 But now, when the magnificent light cuts off with the closure of fontanel. 而现在,当辉煌之光随着天门的关闭而断绝。 The final rainbow light contracts under the protection of Predator, vanishes. 最后的虹光在天敌的保护之下收缩,消失。 Making a getaway. 逃之夭夭。 A wisp burns red just like blood-color general blazing, departs from the frontier territory line of defense, flows rapidly enormously and powerful. 紧接着,一缕宛如血色一般的炽热灼红,从边境防御阵线飞出,浩荡奔流。 Abyss level annihilation authority Taiyang (Sun) experience stone, full power launch! 深渊级湮灭威权・太阳历石,全功率发射! Three Hell dissolve the destructive attack that becomes all hindrance along the way to evaporate all, arrives at the battlefield, but, then submerged in that together illusory light wheel quietly, vanishes does not see. 三座地狱溶解而成的毁灭性打击将沿途的一切阻碍尽数蒸发,降临战场,可紧接着,便悄无声息的没入了那一道虚幻的光轮之中,消失不见。 Made the projection of Rancher stagnate slightly the half a point. 只是令牧场主的投影微微停滞了半分。 The ray, is revolving as before. 光芒,依旧在运转。 Is transmitting being furious of gods 传达着神明的震怒 Even if no indication of bitter experience attack, in the governance bureau, the heart of everyone contracts one group, is unable to beat. 即便没有任何遭遇攻击的征兆,统辖局内,每个人的心脏都收缩成一团,无法跳动。 Only the warning on screen in unceasing twinkle. 只有屏幕上的警报在不断的闪烁。 Even, has not celebrated this hard-won short victory with enough time. 甚至,还未曾来得及庆祝这一场得来不易的短暂胜利。 The innumerable index have then started to rise suddenly at the appalling speed, was warning actually each indulges luck in gentle false appearance has how terrifying change, ferments in the Abyss lowest level! 无数指数便已经开始以令人毛骨悚然的速度进行暴涨,警告着每一个沉溺在平和假象之中的侥幸者们究竟有多么恐怖的变化,在深渊的最底层酝酿! When hidden in the strength of gospel Saint place most deep place is awakened, Hell of this activation disintegrates in the inflation, then changed into the huge vortex. 当隐藏在福音圣座最深处的力量被唤醒,这一座活化的地狱在膨胀中分崩离析,便化为了庞大的漩涡。 Reveals bottom the dark tunnel to Abyss. 袒露出通往深渊之底的幽暗隧道。 But in the chaos sea tide, the countless fragment under the will of gods, raises slowly, the gathering, forms the mighty current. 而混沌的海潮中,数之不尽的碎片在神明的意志之下,缓缓升起,汇聚,形成洪流。 Finally, endures gushes out compared with the deep siphon terrifying storm. 最终,堪比深度虹吸的恐怖风暴喷薄而出。 Toward Current Territories...... 向着现境…… Just like turning toward the criminals lowers heavenly punishment such. 宛如向着罪人们降下天罚那样。 Continues over four months disasters, arrives! 延续四个月以上的灾难,就此降临!
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