AF :: Volume #13

#1288: One day

Our frames have not fired off, the brother is evil!” “咱们的架还没打完呢,兄歹!” Til pokes head, curious question: „ Having diarrhea? Hasn't family's faucet closed/pass? What did I make the mistake? Your complexion is quite ugly, is where is uncomfortable? 提尔探头,好奇的发问:“拉肚子了吗?还是家里的水龙头没关?是不是我做错了什么?你的脸色好难看啊,是哪里不舒服吗? Un, didn't you speak? Did I quarrel you? ” 嗯,你怎么不说话啊?是不是我吵到你啦?” The continuous idle talk spreads from his mouth, but in his hands, the swift and fierce sword potential never stops. 源源不断的废话从他的口中扩散,而在他手中,凌厉的剑势从未停止。 Above the heavy sword blade, appears gradually the sad and shrill blood-color. 沉重的剑刃之上,渐渐浮现出凄厉的血色。 The countless Lu En writing sparkles from the blood , the Gold sword hilt is splendid. All previous generations have this sword dead users soul and under this sword surge from the sword blade above, blade of sad and shrill roaring curse. 数之不尽的卢恩文字自血中闪耀,黄金剑柄熠熠生辉。历代拥有此剑且死于此剑之下的使用者们的灵魂自剑刃之上涌动,诅咒之刃凄厉的咆哮。 His named tearer, it is the blade of Hell fair sword Til, on the both sides ridges of double-edged sword, simultaneously shines upon Til and Rancher face, lowered the equal curse and blessings. 其名为撕裂者,其为提尔之刃地狱公平之剑,双刃剑的两面剑脊上,同时映照出提尔和牧场主的面孔,降下了均等的诅咒和赐福。 Today, between both, has one person to for the sword blade injure inevitably! 今日,两者之间,必然有一人要为剑刃所伤! In another, breakthrough tight encirclement wears armor the great bear to speed away to come, the axe of agitation infinite blood-color moonlight, toward the face of Rancher, cuts! 就在另一处,突破重围的披甲巨熊已经疾驰而来,月光之斧搅动无穷血色,向着牧场主的面孔,斩! Bang! 轰! In the Rancher front, the form of justice appears again, resists the axe blade that divided to cut stubbornly. 就在牧场主的面前,公义的身影再度浮现,死死的抵住了劈斩的斧刃。 The storm spreads, under the scolding command of divine will, all stop was separated all. 风暴扩散,在神意的叱令之下,一切阻拦者都被尽数弹开。 But, as if has resounding sound to resound from storm most deep place, to Abyss most deep place...... 可紧接着,仿佛有高亢的声音自风暴的最深处响起,向深渊的最深处…… Rancher is roaring, summon. 牧场主在怒吼,呼唤。 The strength of summon ten thousand th paradise. 召唤万世乐土的力量。 He has been weary of these reptile continuous resistances and stops, is summoning the beast of prey of ten thousand th paradise lowest level, making the sea of below gastric juice surge rolling, the countless air bubble raised. 他已经厌倦了这些爬虫源源不断的抵抗和阻拦,呼唤着万世乐土最底层的猛兽,令下方的胃液之海滚滚涌动,数之不尽的气泡升起。 Just like ebullition. 宛如沸腾。 In the dark most deep place, has what colossus in rapid reappearing. 在黑暗的最深处,有什么庞然大物在迅速的浮现。 Infinite disaster gathers the entity, unceasing toward here gathering. 无穷灾厄汇聚成实体,不断的向着此处汇聚。 The jet black sea drops in the by visible speed, like gobbled up all, but in mighty current racing wells up thundering, the mountain range general huge body, from the sea of Hell food chain, raises slowly! 漆黑的海洋在以肉眼可见的速度下降,就像被尽数吞吃了一样,而在洪流奔涌的轰鸣之中,山峦一般的庞大身躯,从地狱食物链的海洋中,缓缓升起! Is inconceivable, in Hell can accomplish the so huge giant beast. 难以想象,地狱之中能够造就如此庞大的巨兽。 It is not able to understand, why, fierce does such appearance,...... seem to have met before probably? 也无法理解,为何,这样狰狞的模样,好像……似曾相识? In the deathly stillness of flash, everyone in this sudden shock, is stiff on the spot. In such surprised and vacant facial expression, actually appears the ridicule that a faint trace is unable to conceal. 一瞬间的死寂里,所有人都在这突如其来的震撼中,僵硬在原地。那样惊奇又茫然的神情里,竟然浮现出一丝丝无法掩饰的嘲弄。 At this moment, when looking all around of Rancher doubts, then sees, in the inverted image of that in pairs eye pupil, own behind, has the darkness, raises slowly. 此刻,当牧场主疑惑的环顾四周的时候,便看到,那一双双眼瞳的倒影之中,自己的身后,有黑暗,缓缓升起。 The crown wears the crown of stars, is shouldering the infinite spirit, the dazzling light wheel launches from the back, the eternal hymn sound spreads. 冠戴星辰之冕,背负着无穷魂灵,耀眼的光轮自背后展开,永恒的圣歌声扩散。 End the beast lifts the eye finally, again, overlooks the myriad things. 终末之兽抬起眼睛,再度,俯瞰万物。 Made the chewing sound of person scalp tingles, with opening and closing of huge mouth, slowly proliferation. But giant beast that Rancher summoned, this, in Its gaps between teeth, revealed the miserable wreckage. 令人头皮发麻的嘴嚼声,随着巨口的开阖,缓缓扩散。而牧场主所呼唤的巨兽,就这样,在祂的齿缝之间,露出了凄凉的残骸。 The blood-color surges. 血色涌动。 Then, curious, doubts, dedicated, stares at this to seem like as if very back of the head on time at present...... 就这样,好奇的,疑惑的,专注的,凝视着眼前这个看上去仿佛很正点的后脑勺…… Grinning. 咧嘴。 It is deep, inspires. 祂深深的,吸了一口气。 When the Rancher instance turn head, then saw in consternation finally that fierce animal mask appears, the bright smile, just like making what virus inspection is common, opened big mouth. 牧场主愕然回头的瞬间,便终于看到那一张狰狞兽面上所浮现的,灿烂笑脸,以及,宛如做什么病毒检查一般,张开的大口。 In jet black throat, unprecedented fierce light, fermentation! 漆黑的喉咙里,前所未有的烈光,酝酿! Silent toward him, sends out the invitation. 无声的向着他,发出邀请。 Plays, Big Brother! 来玩啊,大哥哥! When the iron of countless curse evaporates in the melt class/flow, magnanimous disaster ascends with the elementium qualitative change, to finally, then formed made the entire battlefield instantaneous dim terrifying light class/flow. 当数之不尽的诅咒之铁在熔流中蒸发,海量的灾厄随着源质的质变而升腾,到最后,便形成了令整个战场都瞬间黯淡的恐怖光流。 It said: He, leg!” 祂说:“He,腿!” Bang! 轰! Demise from Bahamut spits the breath, such as forwards. 来自巴哈姆特的灭亡吐息,如是向前。 Flows rapidly from the vault of heaven of gospel Saint place above enormously and powerful, vacant Rancher will embezzle, covers, extends, spanned the limit of land, all monsters and Solidifier after along the way will dissolve and will evaporate all, from another of gospel Saint place puts on, tyrannical vanguard in Abyss, so spanned four depths after carefree, will erupt for dazzling the fireworks of noise. 自福音圣座的天穹之上浩荡奔流,将茫然的牧场主吞没,覆盖,延伸,跨越了大地的限制,将沿途的一切怪兽和凝固者们尽数溶解和蒸发之后,从福音圣座的另一头穿出,在深渊之中暴虐的前行,如此畅快的跨越了四个深度之后,爆发为了耀眼而喧嚣的焰火。 The place visited, all vanish without the trace. 所过之处,一切都消失无踪。 Stays behind only, wreckage that only then destroys! 唯一留下的,只有毁灭的残骸! This then came from finally end the gift of beast! 这便是来自终末之兽的赠礼! The purification domain is unable to spit the breath to stop that to the wicked destruction, invincible might will in this strength beforehand does not have any protection that came from the food chain, but the divine nature of god of Hell cannot vacillate soul of opposite party, instead, felt that hunger and thirst and greedy from the heart. 净化的领域无法将那至恶的毁灭吐息阻拦,神威的意志在这一份来自于食物链的力量之前没有任何防备,而地狱之神的神性未曾能够动摇对方的灵魂,反而,感受到了那一阵发自内心的饥渴和贪婪。 Even if already 1/3 disaster and strengths in the sea of darkness swallows into the abdomen, still disliked insufficiently, but also in crazy earnestly seeks are being more, many soul, more lives, many deaths! 哪怕已经将黑暗之海中三分之一的灾厄和力量吞入腹中,仍嫌不够,还在疯狂的渴求着更多,更多的灵魂,更多的生命,还有更多的死亡! As if has source disaster with Land of Bliss obviously, but is such being in sharp opposition, runs counter! 明明是与至福乐土仿佛同出一源的灾厄,但又是如此的针锋相对,背道而驰! From, destruction crystallization that the food chain end of distortion is born! 自畸变的食物链尽头所诞生的,毁灭结晶! If Rancher is the reverse sides of god, then It at this moment is the reverse reverse side. 倘若牧场主是众神的反面,那么此刻的祂就是反面的反面。 It is a pity that wraps the kid general derivation, not only without letting Its lost/carrying lost/carrying positive, instead is more extreme just like the tool that the pure destruction forms, the significance that exists, then swallows all lives completely, the guidance perishes! 遗憾的是,套娃式一般的衍生,非但没有让祂负负得正,反而更加极端就宛如纯粹的毁灭所形成的工具,所存在的意义,便是将一切生灵吞尽,导向灭亡! When the fragment of ten thousand th paradise crashes into the instance of this sea, has been doomed such result 当万世乐土的碎片坠入这一片海洋的瞬间,就已经注定了这样的结果 Does not need to imagine, can understand, had anything. 根本不需要想象,都能够明白,发生了什么。 Food chain Predator when the ten thousand th paradise breeds, falls into the into the sea|nautical mile of dissolution this piece of Rancher builds personally, will have other matter to happen?! 当万世乐土所孕育出的食物链天敌,落入这一片牧场主亲自所打造的溶解之海里,难道还会有别的事情发生么?! In this short and long time, in the darkness that no one knows, destruction from food chain end carefree the gluttony and roaming in the Rancher dark sea is towing, to make the terrifying speed that one stares dumbfounded grow. 在这短暂又漫长的时光中,无人知晓的黑暗里,来自食物链尽头的毁灭者在牧场主的黑暗海洋里畅快的饕餮和游曳着,以令人瞠目结舌的恐怖速度进行成长。 Looked like the larva to remove own outer covering. 就像是幼虫褪去了自己的外壳。 Big mouth is gobbling up as if inexhaustible common food and disaster. 大口的吞吃着仿佛无穷尽一般的食物和灾厄 Arrived finally, when It and dissolves the myriad things in the sea to launch the pair of wings from breeding, then started the earth-shaking mighty waves. 到最后,当祂从孕育和溶解万物的海洋中展开双翼,便掀起了惊天动地的波澜。 This is Bahamut that is bred by the ten thousand th paradise, in growth without limits from the Hell food chain finally end beast! 这便是由万世乐土所孕育出的巴哈姆特,自地狱食物链中无止境成长的终末之兽! Such appearance and nature, even is more like Rancher Son of God compared with NO.1. But at this moment, It actually turned toward created the god of oneself Hell, retracted something said to bite! 如此的模样和性质,甚至比NO.1更像是牧场主的圣子。但此刻,祂却向着创造了自己的地狱之神,反口相噬! The spitting breath when destroys blows from the throat in completely, then has roaring of being furious, resounds through from each soul, just like startling thunderclap. 当毁灭的吐息自喉中吹尽,便有震怒的咆哮,从每一个灵魂之中响彻,宛若惊雷。 In the jet black raging fire, the lit form appears, neighing reverberation from Rancher incarnation above vault of heaven. 在漆黑的烈火之中,被点燃的身影浮现,来自牧场主化身的嘶鸣回荡在天穹之上。 Relies on the eye ear of this body, the god of Abyss is staring at present creation, the tyrannical invincible might then drops from the clouds. 凭借着这一具躯壳的眼耳,深渊之神凝视着眼前的造物,暴虐的神威便从天而降。 Execution destruction! 施行毁灭! But before that Bahamut , deeply inspires again! 而在那之前,巴哈姆特,再度的,深深吸一口气! Toward the vault of heaven above, toward the light of soul these scatter just like vortex such, is towing countless soul, fell into the back light wheel. 向着天穹之上,向着那些散落的灵魂之光宛如漩涡那样,牵引着数之不尽的灵魂,落入了背后的光轮之中。 Made the enormous and powerful hymn even more frantic. 令浩荡的圣歌越发的狂热。 The destruction arrives! 紧接着,毁灭到来! From the Rancher mighty force , the pale storm covered all, just broke the shell, but end the beast neighed finally, rapid cracked the innumerable huge fissures, the blood-color spout. 牧场主的伟力之下,苍白的风暴笼罩了一切,刚刚破壳而出的终末之兽嘶鸣,迅速的崩裂无数巨大的裂痕,血色喷涌。 But after these frigid wounds, has as if infinite dark blowout. 但在那些惨烈的伤口之后,却有仿佛无穷的黑暗井喷而出。 Not cares about this close destruction, the giant beast indifferent launches the tattered and torn pair of wings, toward the sky, above Rancher the incarnation toward vault of heaven, kicks out suddenly! 丝毫不在乎这近在咫尺的毁灭,巨兽冷漠的展开千疮百孔的双翼,向着天空,向着天穹之上的牧场主的化身,猛然扑出! Whatever half bodies burn down in the light of invincible might completely, half bodies disintegrate. 任由半数的躯壳在神威之光中焚烧殆尽,半数躯壳分崩离析。 Instantaneously, interlocks. 瞬间,交错而过。 The blood-color, sprinkles from the vault of heaven. 血色,从天穹之上洒下。 So, bright. 如此的,鲜艳。 In the time of this instantaneously as if solidification, the first idea in all human brains reappearing, unexpectedly so strange original, the blood of god, is the red. 在这瞬间仿佛凝固的时间中,所有人脑中所浮现的第一个想法,竟然都是如此的离奇原来,神的血,也是红色的。 At this moment, above the sky, the Rancher incarnation on the spot. 此刻,就在天空之上,牧场主的化身愣在原地。 Looks down to own right shoulder...... 低头看向自己的右肩…… There only has the nihility, an emptiness. 那里只有虚无,一片空空荡荡。 But in him behind, that incomplete Dragon of the End finally rises the sky, the huge mouth closes up, that half arm then changed into the smashing quietly. 而就在他身后,那残缺的终末之龙升上天空,巨口合拢,那半截手臂便悄无声息的化为了粉碎。 Swallows into the abdomen. 吞入腹中。 Again then, the opens the mouth, toward below battlefield jet black flame like waterfall such, gushes out, the innumerable huge greatness will blame to embezzle with Angel of Prey, lowers the destruction the death of disaster and no recalling. 再然后,张口,向着下方的战场漆黑的火焰如瀑布那样,喷薄而出,将无数庞大的巨怪和猎食天使们吞没,降下毁灭的灾厄和毫无挽回的死亡。 Brings in the sea of dissolution 1/3 belongs to Rancher elementium and does not have in several thousand paradises soul, finally end giant beast elated hovering above sky. 带着溶解之海中三分之一的属于牧场主源质和无数万世乐土中灵魂,终末的巨兽欢畅的翱翔在天空之上。 From Its top of the head, Huai Shi grabs that just like the handle common horn, toward reviews behind, toward behind Hell, lip silent opening and closing, said goodbye. 自祂的头顶,槐诗抓着那宛如握柄一般的犄角,向着身后回眸,向着身后的地狱,嘴唇无声的开阖,道别。 Bye! 再见! Just like laughing general, the giant beast opens the mouth of heavy losses, sends out resounding dragon to recite. In the fervent hymn, it spreads the wings, the acceleration, flies to that piece, is the Current Territories light! 宛如大笑一般,重创的巨兽张口,发出高亢的龙吟。在慷慨激昂的圣歌之中,它展翅,加速,飞向那一片,属于现境的光! Even if this ray will make itself burn down completely...... 纵然这光芒会让自己焚烧殆尽…… In that flash, the incarnation of delay is on the rise finally, the opens the mouth, the strange howl swept across the entire gospel Saint place, is subordinated to issue to scold the command toward each. 在那一瞬间,呆滞的化身终于抬起头,张口,诡异的啸声席卷了整个福音圣座,向着每一个从属下达叱令。 But now, even if not the Rancher follower, cannot understand such words, does not hinder to understand its meaning. 但现在,即便不是牧场主的信徒,不能听懂那样的话语,也毫不妨碍理解它的意思。 That is demented angry roaring. 那是癫狂的怒吼。 Blocks him!!! 拦住他!!! What a pity, late. 可惜,晚了。 The will of gods is unable to affect beast of in Zhongmo, divine nature scolding made unable to make soul of Bahamut have the slight vacillation. 神明的意志无从作用于终末之兽,神性的叱令也不能让巴哈姆特的灵魂有丝毫的动摇。 After swallowing completely the entire food chain, giant beast that changed into the end, was in this world fresh Predator of only one in view of Rancher, even if compared with the god of Hell, but also was so tiny and emaciated...... 当吞尽了整个食物链之后,化为终结的巨兽,便是这世上唯一一个针对牧场主而生的天敌,纵然同地狱之神相比,还如此渺小和孱弱…… When goes on a punitive expedition against the Legion blockade broken through instance, It had then crossed the battleline from Current Territories. Toward that piece of magnificent light, the front door that Current Territories opens, flies! 当征伐军团的封锁被突破的瞬间,祂便已经越过了来自现境的阵线。向着那一片辉煌之光,现境敞开的大门,飞去! Even if more close to that brilliance, more can feel to fire the soul terrifying temperature. 哪怕越是靠近那一片光辉,就越是能感受到灼烧灵魂的恐怖温度。 That is disaster purifies under the Silver Sea glow. 那是灾厄白银之海的辉光之下净化。 Rapid evaporation, ascension. 迅速的蒸发,升腾。 After the big dragon, hoarse angry roaring is in hot pursuit, speeds away at the terrifying speed, the breakthrough fetter, spans the final limit, big angel justice plunges Huai Shi: 就在巨龙之后,嘶哑的怒吼紧追不放,以恐怖的速度疾驰,突破束缚,跨越最后的极限,大天使・公义扑向槐诗: Stops to me!!!” “给我停下!!!” In the Ruler hand that the bloodstained causes heavy losses , the Saint spear pierces left, passed through the body of Huai Shi, sewed him above the head of giant beast. But the speed of giant beast, does not have slight slowing down. 在染血重创的统治者手中,圣枪刺出,贯穿了槐诗的身体,将他钉在了巨兽的头颅之上。可巨兽的速度,却没有丝毫的减缓。 Whatever, the Saint spear/gun pierces own heart. 任由,圣枪将自己的心脏洞穿。 Not caring a whoop. 毫不在意。 Smiling, is putting out a hand, held his arm stubbornly. 只是微笑着,伸出手,死死的抓住了他的手臂。 The speed of hovering, rises again! 翱翔的速度,再度攀升! Congratulates you, caught last bus “恭喜你,赶上了末班车” Huai Shi warm invitation: We, start off together!” 槐诗热情的邀请:“咱们,一起上路吧!” Then, leads him, soars that piece of magnificent light. 就这样,带着他,飞翔那一片辉煌之光。 Rebelling, stops!” “悖逆者,停下!” The justice excitedly look changes, angrily rebuking, is wanting to shake off his fetter, but Rope of Grief has extended from soul, the hand of palm of Ruler with Huai Shi, twines in one! 公义勃然色变,怒斥着,想要挣脱他的束缚,可悲伤之索已经从灵魂中延伸而出,将统治者的手掌同槐诗的手,缠绕在一处! Leads him together, bathes in the Current Territories ray. 带着他一同,沐浴在现境的光芒之中。 Just like the moth is the same, plunges Taiyang (Sun)! 宛如,飞蛾一样,扑向太阳 Instantaneously, that blazing light class/flow then lit the big dragon, all cover in the radiant flame. 只是瞬间,那炽热的光流便将巨龙点燃了,一切都笼罩在璀璨的火焰里之中。 But Its speed is getting more and more fast. 可祂的速度却越来越快。 Justice same place. 连带着公义一起。 To this because of the strength that Hell becomes, burying in the flame, only has the happy song of spirit all even more resoundingly, resounds through Abyss and world. 任由这一份因地狱而成的力量,尽数埋葬在火焰里,唯有魂灵的欢歌越发的高亢,响彻深渊和天地。 Saint, Saint, Saint!” “圣哉,圣哉,圣哉!” This was finally end the final sacrifice of beast! 这便是终末之兽的最后牺牲! Then, under the washout of magnificent light, Bahamut rapid flaking, the collapse, changes into the dust, roaring justice same place. 就这样,在辉煌之光的冲刷下,巴哈姆特迅速的剥落,崩溃,化为尘埃,连带着咆哮的公义一起。 When everywhere ashes are flying upwards, falls to Hell, then has countless soul following the attraction of ray, raises upwardly. 当漫天的灰烬飞扬着,落向地狱,便有数之不尽的灵魂顺着光芒的吸引,向上升起。 Is ordinary just like the radiant group star, they are waving, singing loudly, extolling, dying Sublimator will pick up from Abyss, flies to belong to their hometown to that piece. 宛如璀璨的群星一般,它们舞动着,高歌着,赞颂着,将垂死的升华者深渊中托起,飞向那一片属于他们的故乡。 In that enormous and powerful star sea, Huai Shi difficult review, looks finally to behind Abyss. 那一片浩荡的星海中,槐诗艰难的回眸,最后看向身后的深渊 Looks to the gods who in Hell is furious. 看向地狱之中震怒的神明。 Detected that the infinite evil intention and anger in that pair of eye pupil, on the bloodstained face, then showed the smile of bidding farewell. 察觉到那一双眼瞳中的无穷恶意和怒火,染血的面孔上,便露出了诀别的笑容。 No rush, one day.” “别着急,总有一天的。” The lip of Huai Shi opens and closes, toward Rancher, said goodbye gently. 槐诗的嘴唇开阖,向着牧场主,温柔道别。 Exhausts the final strength, lifts the finger, before the throat slowly has delimited. 用尽最后的力气,抬起手指,从喉咙前缓缓的划过。 Told him: 告诉他: One day......” “总有一天……” Even if the day, is so remote. 哪怕那一天,如此遥远。 Then, he anticipates, happy, closed the eye, was embezzled by the ray. 就这样,他期待的、愉快的,闭上了眼睛,被光芒所吞没。 Vanishes does not see. 消失不见。 This is belongs his, the long duty, ends. 这便是属于他的,漫长任务的,终结。
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