AF :: Volume #13

#1287: Recalling

At this moment, spanned the fire of deep space fleet, pulling of innumerable rainbow light, the innumerable frontier territory wreckage gather the mountain range that becomes, toward the gospel Saint place, pounds to fall! 此刻,跨越了深空舰队的炮火,无数虹光的拉扯,无数边境残骸所聚拢而成的山峦,向着福音圣座,砸落! With the turbulent the complementary waves of fires and these battles, the giant stone such drops from the clouds like the rainstorm, pounds to fall, nearly, blocks the sky! 随着动荡的炮火和那些交战的余波,巨石如暴雨那样从天而降,砸落,近乎,遮天蔽日! Does not know that many Angel of Prey and huge monsters were buried by this sudden destruction mighty current. 不知多少猎食天使和庞大的怪物被这突如其来的毁灭洪流所掩埋。 Only the blood-color infiltrates from the slit. 只有血色从缝隙中渗透出来。 But the quick, infinite soil and rock repolymerization, formed such fierce outline of great bear, before lifting the claw, stretches out the arms, roared toward Hell. 可很快,无穷泥土和岩石再度聚合,形成了巨熊的那样的狰狞轮廓,抬起前爪,张开双臂,向着地狱咆哮。 These perturbation are the same like the housefly in surrounding Angel of Prey, under swing of great claw and struck changed into the smashing. 那些扰动在周围的猎食天使如同蚊蝇一样,在巨爪的挥舞和拍击之下化为了粉碎。 Goes against the monster mighty current that these are kicking out forward, bloodstained the bear of iron stone is neighing, forwards. 逆着那些向前扑出的怪物洪流,染血的铁石之熊嘶鸣着,向前。 Fellow who dares to be in the way all, tearing, tramples the mud all! 将一切胆敢碍事的家伙,尽数撕裂,践踏成泥! Then, all missions and responsibility, the order, the glory and even pays the life all, threw after the brain. 就这样,将所有的使命、职责,命令,荣耀乃至付出一生的所有,抛在了脑后。 bear God is laughing, crashes in Hell. 熊神大笑着,冲进地狱里。 During toward sinking to the ten thousand th paradise of sea of gastric juice, is besieging toward that Hell gods who overlooks as before indifferently...... 向着沉入胃液之海的万世乐土,向着那个在围攻之中,依旧冷眼俯瞰的地狱神明…… Come, ** bastard!” “来啊,**崽子!” Richard's both eyes are scarlet, looking like each is father-like, got hold of the blade axe, announced toward the murderer: I killed you 理查德的双目猩红,就像是每一个父亲一样,握紧了刀斧,向着凶手宣告:“我来弄死你了” Roar!!! 吼!!! The great bear shouts, without limits is selecting for promotion own strength, does not hesitate to make this huge body ignition, the lava of boiling spouts from the crevice of land, covers on his body, changed into burnt red war armor. 巨熊嘶吼,无止境的拔升着自己的力量,不惜令这一具庞大的躯壳点燃,沸腾的熔岩从大地的裂隙中喷出,笼罩在他的身上,就化为了灼红的战甲。 Opens the dark sea tide, toward standing erect in initiates the challenge to the gods of peak. 开辟出黑暗的海潮,向着屹立于至高峰的神明发起挑战。 I have said that your does not bring to plant, come, does the frame!” “我就说过了,你丫的不带种,来啊,干架!” Til wields a sword, cuts broken the level mountain range that Rancher raises up, does not attend to the giant beasts that besieges, forwards. 提尔挥剑,将牧场主所竖起的层峦斩碎,不顾围攻的巨兽们,向前。 But Rancher,...... raises from the land finally. 牧场主,终于……从大地之上升起。 That launched the both arms just like the puppet same incarnation, the Land of Bliss illusory image raised from him behind slowly, the blooming infinite ray, covered all. 那一具宛如傀儡一样的化身展开了双臂,至福乐土的幻影从他身后缓缓升起,绽放无穷光芒,笼罩一切。 Forces, all transmissions, but below fire and fierce light freeze. 强行的,将一切透射而下的炮火和烈光冻结。 Puts out a hand, toward fragment that in the rainbow light raises. 伸手,向着虹光中升起的碎片。 Remote separates ten million/countless, stubbornly will hold will soon be separated from the control Hell. 遥隔千万里,死死的抓住即将脱离掌控的地狱 Scolds the command again. 再度叱令。 Return! 归来! The dignity of gods flowed out from the divine nature revolution during, spread the entire gospel Saint place, making it change into the Hell paradise, dissolved all the outcomers of overreaching oneself all. 神明的威严自神性的运转之中流出,遍及了整个福音圣座,令其化为了地狱的乐土,将一切不自量力的外来者尽数溶解。 Makes great bear freeze that is furious in same place, rapid collapse. 令震怒的巨熊冻结在原地,迅速的崩溃。 May in that flash, in the stones of innumerable collapsing, Richard of crash grin, silent smiles, the last time, turn head looked at one behind the Current Territories ray. 可在那一瞬间,无数坍塌的土石中,坠落的理查德咧嘴,无声的一笑,最后一次,回头看了一眼身后现境的光芒。 Silent saying goodbye. 无声的道别。 Offered, final pray. 献上了,最后的祈祷。 Remote various God, please curse in me!” “遥远的诸神啊,请诅咒于我吧!” After this, I will fall into Hell...... 从此之后,我将堕入地狱里…… For, strength at this moment! 为了,此刻的力量! In that flash, the strength of miracle reverses, sublimation soul hugs Hell, the blood-color flame waves from the lava, the jet black iron stone raises from the land. 在那一瞬间,奇迹的力量逆转,升华灵魂拥抱地狱,血色的火焰从熔岩中舞动,漆黑的铁石从大地之上升起。 Again, formed the brand-new appearance. 再度,形成了崭新的面目。 Did not have once benevolence and gentleness again, but was the fierce beast of prey. 再无曾经的仁慈与温柔,而是狰狞的猛兽。 The bear god who in order to get rid of the restraint of Rancher, the hug blood hates starts to move toward the solidification gradually, faces appear from the great body, is emerged the infinite anger and strength by soul that in disaster corrodes gradually. 为了摆脱牧场主的克制,拥抱血恨的熊神开始渐渐走向凝固,一张张面孔从巨躯之上浮现,渐渐被灾厄所侵蚀的灵魂里涌现出无穷的怒火和力量。 Departs from Current Territories all. 背离现境的所有。 Toward the Hell gods, initiates the revenge again! 向着地狱的神明,再度发起复仇! The scarlet flame raises from soul of unceasing combustion, the scale grows from the appearance, jet black eyes mirror Abyss, stubbornly is staring at the god of Hell. 猩红的火焰从不断燃烧的灵魂中升起,鳞片从面目之上长出,漆黑的眼睛映照深渊,死死的盯着地狱之神。 I wanted, to kill, you!” “我要,杀了,你!” That flash, the great bear of combustion angrily roars, kicks out toward the gods who the glow overflows. 那一瞬间,燃烧的巨熊怒吼,向着辉光流溢的神明扑出。 Even if, overreaches oneself 哪怕,不自量力 Bang! 轰! The finger when the gods lift, bursts out the infinite light class/flow. 当神明抬起的手指,迸发无穷光流。 Embezzles all. 吞没一切. What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The fist of feather snake almost the present table will break, in Michel toward projection interrogated: Why is not blocking him!” 羽蛇的拳头几乎将眼前的桌子砸碎,向着投影中的米歇尔质问:“为什么不拦着他!” How to block?” “怎么拦?” The Michel exhausted sigh, asked back: I have blocked his one time, in the fourth defense line, he performed the mission of oneself general. Now can also block him to be a father?” 米歇尔疲惫的叹息,反问:“我已经拦过他一次了,在第四防线,他尽了自己将军的使命。难道现在还能拦着他去做一个父亲么?” That idiot!!!” “那个蠢货!!!” The feather snake almost cannot restrain the impulsion that curses at people, you are not clear, actually he wants to save oneself daughter, wants to take revenge for her?” 羽蛇几乎克制不住骂人的冲动,“你难道不明白,他究竟是想救自己的女儿,还是想为她复仇?” Michel has not spoken. 米歇尔没有说话。 Visits him. 只是看着他。 The feather snake does not know that should say anything. 就连羽蛇都已经不知道应该说什么了。 He can also not understand old friend who this knew so many years? What even if the present revenge is unable to recall, but shouldn't a real man damn do? 他难道还能不明白这个认识了这么多年的老朋友么?就算是现在的复仇根本无法挽回什么,可一个真正的男人难道不就他妈的应该这么干么? If not for if the responsibility limits, feather snake wish one could with the hunting rifle, follows in Richard's side, then a face of rifle butt Rancher rumbles the pulp! 倘若不是职责所限,羽蛇自己都恨不得拿着猎枪,跟在理查德的旁边,然后一枪把牧场主的脸轰成稀巴烂! But finally, he can only exhausted sigh. 可最终,他只能疲惫一叹。 Also with enough time.” “还来得及。” The feather snake turns head, orders to the subordinate who was just returning: Sueter Lorre, you goes 羽蛇回头,对着刚刚归来的下属命令:“修特洛尔,你去” No, making me come.” “不,让我来吧。” That flash, in bloodstained the shadow of feather snake behind, gentle sound resounds. 那一瞬间,在染血的羽蛇之影身后,有一个轻柔的声音响起。 Feather snake, startled turn head. 羽蛇,愕然回头。 In the indistinct dim moonlight, saves the form of the world gods to reappear, lifts a pupil, is staring above the screen the bloodstained great bear, silent light sighed. 在隐约的黯淡月光之中,存世神明的身影浮现,抬起眼眸,凝视着屏幕之上染血的巨熊,无声的轻叹。 It looks like Richard such, as parents, how can also see the child to fall into Hell with own eyes? 就像是理查德那样,作为父母,又怎么能亲眼看着孩子落入地狱里? That is also my child.” “那也是我的孩子啊。” Then, the loving mother of brutal moon/month, silent departs. 就这样,残酷的月之慈母,无声离去。 But in this in a flash ice-cold such as the moonlight of iron, illuminated in Hell. 而就在这一瞬间冰冷如铁的月光,照进了地狱里。 Just like blade edge such, the blazing light class/flow will cut the crack. 宛如刀锋那样,将炽热的光流切裂。 Lowers from Richard's front, forwards, straight sweeps, the tide that probably the iron and rock such, will destroy opens. An obsidian great shield since the Rancher front lifts. 自理查德的前方降下,向前,笔直的扫出,像是铁和岩石那样,将毁灭的浪潮从中开辟。一张黑曜石巨盾自从牧场主的前方抬起。 Above the great shield, ice-cold bright moonlight raises, shines upon the myriad things. 巨盾之上,一轮冰冷的明月升起,映照万物。 But after great shield, Huai Shi adjutant Sandra, no, should say that...... Mamaqi Syria's world incarnation at this moment, lifted the eye. 而就在巨盾之后,槐诗的副官・珊德拉,不,应该说……玛玛基里亚此刻的人世化身,抬起了眼睛。 The gods fall! 神降! From instantaneous sluggishness, Rancher, stunned hanging pupil. 自瞬间的迟滞之中,就连牧场主,都愕然的垂眸。 Probably looks that the prey in fortress goes out of the front door on own initiative, arrived at the front of enemy to be the same. The lip opens and closes, dry put out the words of person: 就好像看着堡垒中的猎物主动走出大门,来到了敌人的面前一样。嘴唇开阖,干涩的吐出了人的话语: You, have the courage to appear, in my front?” “你竟然,有勇气出现,在我的面前?” You have not presented in me front, not?” “‘你’也没出现在‘我’的面前啊,不是吗?” Mamaqi Syria asked back indifferently, putting out a hand that if no others, according to the forehead of great bear, huge such as the great bear delay of mountain range in same place, is staring at present the light of familiar miracle, unbelievable. 玛玛基里亚漠然反问,若无旁人的伸手,按在巨熊的额头,庞大如山峦的巨熊呆滞在原地,凝视着眼前熟悉的奇迹之光,难以置信。 Mamaqi Syria?” “玛玛基里亚?” Person has many stupid lines, Richard, most helpless, then thought that the parents will abandon themselves.” “人有诸多蠢行,理查德,其中最让人无奈的,便是觉得父母会抛弃自己。” In the body of young girl, Mamaqi Syria reviews, sighed lightly: I will forgive you, will not allow you to fall into Hell to go......” 少女的身躯之中,玛玛基里亚回眸,轻叹:“我会宽恕你,也绝不会允许你堕入地狱之中去……” If yes, puts out a hand, will proliferate disaster above soul to strip all. 如是,伸手,将扩散在灵魂之上的灾厄尽数剥离。 Grasps in the five fingers, the evaporation , the vast supernatural power is similar to Ganlin all, above in addition holds, put on moonlight such armor for it. 握在五指之间,尽数蒸发,紧接着,浩瀚的神力如同甘霖,加持其上,为其披上了月光那样的装甲。 Now, stands, Richard, throws out the chest to raise the head, like the father “现在,站起来,理查德,挺胸抬头,像个父亲一样” Mamaqi Syria is touching his face, smiles gently: 玛玛基里亚抚摸着他的面孔,慈祥一笑: Like me, goes belt/bring from Hell to come back your child's!” “像我一样,去把你的孩子从地狱里带回来!” Respectfully follows your will, mother.” “谨遵您的意志,‘母亲’。” Richard nods, clenches teeth, almost, has had tears streaming down the face, 理查德点头,咬牙,几乎已经,泪流满面、 When covers the cold severe moonlight big axe to be pulled up again, the great bear of rebirth sets out silent, toward the god of Hell, declares war again. 当笼罩着冷厉月光的大斧被再度拔起,重生的巨熊沉默起身,向着地狱之神,再度宣战。 But in another hand, jet black shield huge like mountain, appears ‚the place of hills confrontation illusory image. From strength that the entire god occupies, reposes above the shield, changed into his arming. 而就在另一只手中,漆黑的盾牌庞大如山,浮现出‘群山交锋之地’的幻影。来自整个神居的力量,寄托于盾牌之上,化为了他的武装。 bear God roared. 熊神咆哮。 Straight forwarding, the breakthrough infinite fetter, the axe blade cuts to fall, toward Rancher. 笔直的向前,突破无穷束缚,斧刃斩落,向着牧场主 This time, the gods of multipurpose Hell are unable to regard the present enemy , if no thing. Is gripping tightly the Rainbow Bridge ray palm, cannot help but relaxed flickered. 这一次,万能的地狱之神在无法视眼前的敌人如无物。紧握着彩虹桥光芒的手掌,不由得松弛了一瞬。 But in the distant place, the fontanel of Current Territories, opens wide again. 而就在远方,现境的天门,再度洞开。 The light in world all human understanding flow rapidly in Hell, the Silver Sea strength flows rapidly in Abyss, again, dropped from the clouds, deadlocked existence of gospel Saint place. 世间一切人智之光奔流在地狱之中,白银之海的力量奔流在深渊里,再度,从天而降,锁死了福音圣座的存在。 Lowers the infinite strength! 降下无穷力量! In the projection conference room, in the deathly stillness, Russell cannot bear turn head, looked that to has control of jurisdiction only, shocks completely. 投影的会议室里,死寂中,就连罗素都忍不住回头,看向唯一具备权限的操控者,满是震撼。 Unexpectedly in Rancher at present, opened front door that returns to Current Territories? 竟然在牧场主的眼前,开启了回归现境的大门? In order to recall the final spirit, does not hesitate to take the so huge risk! 为了挽回最后的魂灵,不惜承担如此庞大的风险么! This may really not like you, Yaeger.” Russell sighed lightly. “这可真不像你啊,叶戈尔。”罗素轻叹。 Must do everything possible, not?” “总要尽力而为,不是么?” Thin and pale secretary-general reluctant smiling of, „, as long as also the hopes, must try hard, although is somewhat undecided, but has not abandoned them at least there.” 憔悴的秘书长勉强的笑了笑,“但凡还有一份希望,就总要努力一下才对虽然有些首鼠两端,但起码没有将他们抛弃在那里。” He stopped, issued the final notice: „ Circular frontline, the support of magnificent light, will maintain for two minutes, carries out the alternative plan. 他停顿了一下,下达了最后的通知:“通告前线,辉煌之光的支援,将会维持两分钟,执行备用计划。 The created all consequences, will be taken by my strength. 造成的所有后果,将由我一力承担。 As for the remaining parts...... ” 至于剩下的部分……” He stopped, looks at the projection to gospel Saint place, silent blessing. 他停顿了一下,看向福音圣座的投影,无声祝福 Gave you. 交给你们了. When that together is enormous and powerful the light class/flow, lowers from Abyss most sky, covers the fragment is one of them, sprinkles the infinite strength. 当那一道浩荡光流,从深渊的最上空降下,将碎片笼罩在其中,洒落无穷力量。 Rancher is unable to distinguish, actually oneself mood at this moment should be furious or wild with joy. 就连牧场主都无法分辨,自己此刻的心情究竟是应该震怒还是狂喜。 The soul in that fragment and adjusted range anger goes far away. 愤怒于那一份碎片中的灵魂和成果距离自己远去。 Pleasant surprise , the light of so close Current Territories...... 惊喜于,如此近在咫尺的现境之光…… Nearly, the tentacle may. 近乎,触手可及。 As if, the front door to lead to journey end is opening at present, again without the defense line that these are in the way, so long as puts out a hand, can touch the infinite scenery after gate...... 仿佛,通向旅程尽头的大门在眼前开启,再没有那些碍事的防线,只要伸手,就能够触碰到门后的无穷风光…… Countless Angel of Prey as if feel joyfully, is extolling the gods who Rancher heart Hiroshi Chuusho overflows frantically, acting boldly regardless of one's safety from remoulding of sea of gastric juice crawls, flies to that dazzling light class/flow. 数不尽的猎食天使仿佛感受到牧场主心中所洋溢的喜悦,狂热的赞颂着神明,奋不顾身的从胃液之海的重塑中爬出,飞向那一道耀眼的光流。 But at this moment, inspired hunts Legion incessantly, landing Legion that fights bravely to station in innumerably, furiously is at toward the gods, initiates the counterattack. 但此刻,振奋的不止是猎食军团,还有无数奋战驻留的登陆军团,奋力的向着神明所在,发起逆袭。 In the dark Abyss darkness, meteor one after another is going against flow direction of Rainbow Bridge, drops from the clouds! 幽暗的深渊黑暗里,一道又一道的流星逆着彩虹桥的流向,从天而降! The general reserves from each pedigree, arrive in the battlefield! 来自各个谱系的总预备队,抵达战场! The jet black war flag in the frontline, was held up again. 漆黑的战旗在最前方,被再度举起。 Under the blood red armor, the sacred hall knights are roaring, held up the lance in hand, the steel array launched abreast in row, casts final guarding. 血红色的装甲之下,圣堂骑士们咆哮着,举起了手中的长矛,钢铁阵列并排展开,铸起了最后的提防。 Is insulted knight regiment! 受辱骑士团 The priests from Russian Union, for this day, do not have long known how long waited. 来自俄联的教士们,为了这一天,早已经不知道等待了多久。 Violated the blunder knights to be saved from the topping cheat, discarded the most life and soul through the knights who the authoritarian relic transformed, trading this specially is the light of trial Rancher built. 犯下了大错的骑士们从绞刑架之下被挽救,通过威权遗物所改造的骑士们舍弃了自己大半的生命和灵魂,换来了这一份专门为牧场主所打造的审判之光。 In order to anticipate to gain the glory from the battlefield, scrubs own humiliation and sin. 以期待从战场之上获取荣耀,洗刷自身的屈辱和罪孽。 At this moment, racing line/traverse the priest rides above the steed, before the array patrols, fearless flows rapidly, but to monsters, hoarse call the chapter in scripture. 此刻,奔行的教士骑乘在骏马之上,自阵列之前巡行,无惧奔流而至的怪物们,嘶哑的呐喊着圣典之中的篇章。 But responded his, was the roaring sound of steel. 而回应他的,是钢铁的咆哮声。 What follows is 84 jaguar warriors, the hand is grasping the obsidian sword, is shouting the baptismal name of benevolent callous moon/month, follows on way that in the great bear paves, clashes with Angel of Prey in one, the blood-color such as the rain bursts out. 紧随其后的是八十四名美洲虎武士,手握着黑曜石剑,呼喊着仁慈冷酷之月的圣名,追随在巨熊所开辟的道路上,同猎食天使们对撞在一处,血色如雨迸发。 , Many flowing light unceasing dropping from the clouds, graze from the battlefield above, are collecting soul of these dissipations. 还有更多,更多的流光不断的从天而降,自战场之上飞掠,收集着那些散逸的灵魂 But above shatter land, counter god along bloody road on! 而在破碎的大地之上,逆神者们沿着血路而上! Toward the god of Hell. 向着地狱之神。 Must fall into soul in Hell these, recaptures! 要将那些落入地狱中的灵魂,夺回! Rancher could not have attended to pays attention to own enemy again. 牧场主已经顾不上再去理会自己的敌人了。 That pair of empty eye pupil is only occupied by Current Territories, his straight toward opening the front door flies, but before that an abominable smile blocked suddenly in his front. 那一双空洞的眼眸已经被现境之光所占据,他笔直的向着开启的大门飞去,而就在那之前,一张令人憎恶的笑脸忽然拦在了他的面前。 Also is Til! 又是提尔! The sword blade cuts! 紧接着,剑刃斩下!
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