AF :: Volume #13

#1286: To Hell

All strategies must sever the goal. 一切的战略都要为目的服务。 All wars finally for achievement. 所有的战争最终都是为了成果。 It looks like anyone not to expect Astronomy Association to put in the so huge strength in a meeting engagement of gospel Saint place suddenly, must destroy such opponent. 就像是谁也没有料到天文会会在一次福音圣座的遭遇战之中忽然投入如此庞大的力量,要将对手一举歼灭那样。 When Rancher just like Mechanical Séance general appearance above the stage, the war of tilting welcomed the raging tide outside expectation. 牧场主犹如‘机械降神’一般的出现在舞台之上时,原本倾覆的战局就迎来了预料之外的狂澜。 What will then have? What do the opposite party have unknown method? Hidden danger whether other have not paid attention to? 接下来还会发生什么?对方还有什么自己未知的手段?是否还有其他未曾留意的隐患? In the suspicion chain case kid without limits, no one knows that actually to have anything. 无止境的猜疑链套娃中,谁都不知道究竟会发生什么。 Can win? 能获得胜利么? Certainly. 一定。 But price? 可代价呢? Is worth betting the entire frontier territory line of defense subverted danger, does not attend to the potential threat of perishing country and thunder sea, starts a decisive battle with Rancher here? 值得赌上整个边境防御阵线被颠覆的危险,不顾亡国和雷霆之海的潜在威胁,同牧场主在这里开始一次决战么? Was worth sacrificing how? 值得牺牲更多么? Said, is worth occupying all advantages and achievements that until now, hands over, only to put together life and death with Rancher? 还是说,值得将迄今为止所占据到的一切优势和成果,拱手相让,只为了同牧场主拼个你死我活? Really must abandon soul of so many ten thousand th paradises not to attend, starts more war weapons, to transfer Predator, invests into this finally unknown war in? 真的要弃那么多万世乐土的灵魂于不顾,发动更多的战争武器、调动天敌,投入到这一场结果未知的战争中去么? Before the situation is not clear, the made all judgments may be are wrong. Before finally unknown, all judgments that issues may affect the Current Territories safety...... 在局势未曾明朗之前,做出的一切判断都有可能是错误的。在结果未知之前,所下达的所有判断都有可能影响现境的安危…… The instance that if Utopia, presents in Rancher here, exciting going crazy, will whole staff without hesitation certainly go forth to battle? 倘若理想国在这里的话,在牧场主出现的瞬间,就一定会兴奋的发狂,不假思索的全员上阵吧? But, already not second Utopia...... 可是,已经没有第二个理想国了…… Yaeger weak closed the eye. 叶戈尔无力的闭上了眼睛。 Before Survival Institute does not involve, the governance bureau has been incapable of dealing with more risks and changes again. 存续院不介入之前,统辖局已经无力再应对更多的风险和变化。 He can only make the most conservative resolution. 他只能做出最保守的决断。 Preserved victory. 保存战果。 Follows established plan and strategic target from the beginning, with utmost effort, recalls these to fall into soul in Hell. 遵循一开始的既定计划和战略目标,尽一切可能的,去挽回那些陷入地狱中的灵魂 Even if, gives up part...... not hesitating again! 即便是,放弃一部分……也再所不惜! At this moment, when the ten thousand th paradise under test of strength of both sides, was torn thoroughly, the innumerable fragments spew out from the crevice, fission. 此刻,当万世乐土在双方的角力之下,被彻底撕裂,无数碎片自裂隙之中喷涌而出,分裂。 Rapid, inflation! 迅速的,膨胀! Returns normally from collapsing during. 自坍缩之中回归正常。 In a flash, entire Hell spout in pulling of both sides, the countless soil dust, iron stone and building ruins and even the skeleton such sweep across to proliferate like the storm. 转瞬间,一整个地狱在双方的拉扯之中喷涌出来,数之不尽的泥土尘埃、铁石、楼宇的废墟乃至尸骸如风暴那样席卷扩散开来。 Half of big complete fragments, turn toward Current Territories to depart under coercing of rainbow light, more remains is also pulled by the rainbow light, follows. 足足有一半大的完整碎片,在虹光的裹挟之下向着现境飞出,还有更多的残留也被虹光拉扯着,紧随其后。 One scrap was entrained in the gastric juice sea by Rancher. 只有一小块被牧场主拽进了胃液的海洋之中去。 Much, more spirits, such are dragging like the glow, dissipation in storm, weak struggles...... 还有更多,更多的魂灵,如同萤火那样摇曳着,在风暴中散逸,无力的挣扎…… In deathly stillness in a flash, god the anger of Hell roared, resounds through Abyss! 转瞬间的死寂里,来自地狱之神的愤怒咆哮,响彻深渊 In his at present, his achievement and blueprint, was crushed and torn by the Current Territories strength unexpectedly, turned into sores all over the eye. During is furious, his opens the mouth, the silent call, scolds the command. 就在他的眼前,他的成果和蓝图,竟然被现境的力量所粉碎和撕裂,变成了满目疮痍。在震怒之中,他张口,无声的呐喊,叱令。 Nautical mile of the jet black stomach, the countless bubble raises. 身后,漆黑的胃之海里,数之不尽的泡沫升起。 Ebullition. 沸腾。 The path to lead to Land of Bliss was opened, mighty current same Angel of Prey and giant beasts from raises, departed, plunged the rainbow light of that together contraction. 通向至福乐土的道路被打开,洪流一样的猎食天使和巨兽们从其中升起,飞出,扑向了那一道收缩的虹光。 The bugle of general attack was sounded, the deep space fleet in the uniform drop, opens fire full power. 总攻的号角被吹响,深空舰队在整齐划一的下降,全力开火。 From all parties' shield and assistance , the fragment in rainbow light raises toward Current Territories slowly, but more branch flowing light such as the tree is common, the unceasing fission and expansion, extended, fish to the soul flowing light of all dissipations, is competing for this soul weight with the Rancher divine will. 自各方的掩护和协助之下,虹光中的碎片向着现境缓缓升起,而更多的分支流光如树一般,不断的分裂和扩张,延伸,捞向了所有散逸的灵魂流光,同牧场主的神意争夺着这一份灵魂的重量。 Each, each, each flash in broken bits. 每一颗,每一道,每一朵细碎的闪光。 At this moment, the iris of dignified light and human of gods clashed in one, among Abyss is exaggerated strangely, but dream color. When the battleship myriad fire salvos in Abyss, are similar to the stars of steel to burn are raising and falling from the sky. 此刻,神明的威严之光和人类的虹彩对撞在一处,深渊之间被渲染成了诡异而梦幻的色彩。当深渊中的战舰万千炮火齐射,就如同钢铁的星辰燃烧着升起又陨落。 The pure honored blockade had been lifted by the chaos. 纯钧的封锁早已经被混沌所解除。 Locking from Taiyang (Sun) experience stone has lowered, new Hell fills, is ready. 来自太阳历石的锁定已经降下,新的地狱填装完毕,蓄势待发。 Also, again slowly Current Territories front door of opening. 还有,再度缓缓开启的现境大门。 The magnificent light is surging. 辉煌之光涌动着。 Is waiting for the good time...... 等待着恰当的时机…… Waits for the boundary time of finally retreating to arrive! 等待着最后撤退的界限时间到来! The brutal countdown, has started. 残酷的倒计时,已经开始. But outside the battlefield, is separated by merely less than half depth place, actually as if a silence. 而就在战场之外,仅仅相隔半个深度不到的地方,却仿佛一片寂静。 The broken Solano defense line wanders in Abyss, collapse slowly. 残破的索拉诺防线漂流在深渊之中,缓缓的崩溃。 These ferocious struggles look like the background theater curtain to be the same with life and death battle, is separated by the tiny distance, actually forgot by everyone after the brain. 那些激烈的斗争和你死我活的厮杀就像是背景的幕布一样,相隔渺小的距离,却被所有人都遗忘在脑后。 It is not worth caring. 并不值得去在乎。 Really attractive.” “真漂亮啊。” Richard sits in the cliff edge, is staring at the distant staggered rainbow light, in a soft voice twittering. 理查德坐在悬崖的边缘,凝视着远方交错的虹光,轻声呢喃着。 In the hand the empty beverage bottle falls. 手中空空荡荡的酒瓶落下。 Fell into being too deep to see the bottom the sea of Abyss...... 落入了深不见底的深渊之海中去…… Does not see. 再也不见。 In the strong winds and mighty waves of heading on, there is an adjutant of staggering to grab the safety rope, limps to come, furiously cried out toward the bear god: Senior official, the senior official we should walk!” 在扑面而来的狂风和波澜里,有踉跄的副官抓着安全索,蹒跚而来,奋力的向着熊神呐喊:“长官,长官我们该走了!” Richard just likes has not heard, is only static staring the rays of distant these sparkles. 理查德恍若未闻,只是静静的凝视着远方那些闪耀的光芒。 Senior official, order of retreating!” “长官,撤退的命令下来了!” Adjutant's anxious repetition: Deep space fleet has started to home! Again after a while, coverage type bombing must start, the Taiyang (Sun) experience stone will evaporate all!” 副官焦躁的重复:“深空舰队已经开始归航了!再过一会儿,覆盖式轰炸就要开始,太阳历石会把一切都蒸发掉的!” He begins to panic: Does not walk, without enough time!” 他急得跳脚:“再不走,就来不及了!” Richard finally, as if awakening from a dream general recovering. 理查德终于,如梦初醒一般的回过神来。 Nod. 点头。 Yes, should walk.” “是啊,该走了。” He has not turned away oneself as before, stares in the rainbow light to turn toward the fragment that Current Territories flies, suddenly asked: You said that my daughter, she there?” 他依旧不曾移开自己的视线,凝视着虹光里向着现境飞去的碎片,忽然问:“你说,我的女儿,她会在那里么?” „......” “……” Silent sudden, the adjutant stood in amazement, dry swallowed a saliva. 沉默突如其来,副官楞住了,干涩的吞了口唾沫。 Does not know how to reply. 不知道如何回答。 Since knew when Richard only daughter sacrifice by the fourth defense line that the gospel Saint place attacked, everyone has decided that kept silent to the related topic. 自从得知理查德唯一的女儿牺牲在被福音圣座所袭击的第四防线时,所有人就已经打定主意,对相关的话题绝口不提。 Lowers the head, prepares to withstand the anger from bear god to roar and angrily rebuke, even unreasonable crazy still indifferent. 低着头,准备承受来自熊神的愤怒咆哮和怒斥,即便是再不合理的疯狂也无所谓。 May to finally, Richard anything not say eventually. 可到最后,理查德终究什么都没说。 Silent took away that light notice, lives and works usual all. 只是沉默的领走了那一张薄薄的通知,生活和工作一切如常。 Has not shed drop of tears. 没有掉一滴眼泪。 Painful and angry has not crashed him, he looks like such that all subordinates hope, like the steel, all suffers with the ridicule of fate tenaciously cannot defeat him. 痛苦和愤怒没有将他压垮,他就像是所有下属期盼的那样,顽强如钢,一切折磨和命运的嘲弄都打不垮他。 But really can't defeat? 可真的打不垮么? Until this flash, looks at the old person tranquil profile, the adjutant discovered, perhaps he had not been really defeated, has not dropped down. 直到这一瞬间,看着老人平静的侧脸,副官才发现,或许他真得没有被打垮,没有倒下。 But, made his pain, almost sad crying of: 可偏偏如此,才更令他痛苦,几乎难过的落下泪来: Senior official, this is not your wrong......” “长官,这不是你的错……” No, this is my mistake.” “不,这就是我的错。” Richard shakes the head, looks at the flame that everywhere is proliferating, is so lost. 理查德摇头,望着漫天扩散的火光,如此出神。 That day that actually, Tang Na passed away, I.” “其实,唐娜去世的那一天,我在的。” He in a soft voice twittering, in the fourth defense line.” 他轻声呢喃,“就在第四防线。” The subordinates are stiff, fall into the delay. 下属僵硬,陷入呆滞。 I in first evacuation that in the rescue team that arrives at the scene...... the duty is to protect the scholar and Alchemist.” “我就在第一支抵达现场的救援队伍里啊……任务是保护学者和炼金术师的撤离。” Richard said: I said to myself, was too far, already without enough time, this is my mission. Other rescue teams...... they will certainly have the means that yes?” 理查德说:“我对自己说,太远了,已经来不及了,这是我的使命。况且,还有其他的救援队伍啊……他们一定会有办法的,是吧?” Therefore, I walked.” “所以,我走了。” He said, keeps in her Hell......” 他说,“将她一个人留在地狱里……” „......” “……” The subordinates are silent, have nothing to say in reply. 下属沉默,无言以对。 But Richard has not been hoping probably anything responded to such, but, lowers the head, looks own rough both hands, actually recalled that familiar weight again. 而理查德好像也并没有期盼着什么回应那样,只是,低下头,看着自己粗糙的双手,却再回忆起不起那一份熟悉的重量了。 Then the lithe baby, how grows into the strong soldier? 那么轻盈的婴儿,是如何成长为坚强的战士的呢? One does not pay attention. 只是,一不留神。 But, oneself had not actually detected. 可偏偏,自己却从未曾察觉。 Actually, she since childhood shy, does not like speaking, walked to lose, has cried. After may see I found her, will bring the nasal mucus bubble to smile, is hugging me, is not willing to let go. “其实,她从小就怕生,又不喜欢说话,走丢了,就会一直哭。可看到我找到她之后,就会带着鼻涕泡笑起来,抱着我,不愿意撒手。 Afterward, after Natalie passed away, she had not spoken to me again, even if saw me, should still treat as unable to see...... her to be thoroughly disappointed about me. 后来,娜塔莉去世之后,她就再没有跟我说过话,即便是见到我,也会当做看不见……她早已经对我彻底失望了。 Perhaps until finally, her has not hoped I save her. ” 恐怕直到最后,她都没期盼过我去救她吧。” Richard self-ridicules smiles, has turned head, suddenly asked: 理查德自嘲一笑,回过头,忽然问: You said, she is still hating me.” “你说,她还在恨我吗。” Senior official......” “长官……” The subordinates start to speak but hesitate, may arrive finally, looks at that eye, did not speak again. 下属欲言又止,可到最后,看着那一双眼睛,再没有说话。 Silent, lowers the head. 只是沉默着,低下头。 „, Having made her and others too long.” “已经,让她等太久了。” The cliff edge, bear God sets out slowly, is looking into that dazzling flame, thought aloud: I should rescue her.” 悬崖的边缘,熊神缓缓起身,眺望着那一片耀眼的火光,自言自语:“我应该去救她的。” Even if 1/1000 probabilities, she had not been saved, oneself should also bravely step forward. 哪怕千分之一的几率,她没有被拯救,自己也应该挺身而出。 No, even if her 1/1000 may encounter the danger, what even if compared with her is the whole world, oneself should also choose without hesitation. 不,哪怕她有千分之一的可能会遭遇危险,哪怕和她相比的是整个世界,自己也应该选择的毫不犹豫。 Now why wants to understand? 为何现在才想明白呢? Has deceived oneself and others, told itself, this world had how importantly, own mission was important. 一直自欺欺人的,告诉自己,这个世界有多么的重要,自己的使命有多么重要。 But the most important thing, had been thrown actually by him after behind. 可最重要的东西,却已经被他抛在了身后。 Even, does not dare to turn head. 甚至,再不敢回头。 Do oneself also want to turn around to depart again? 难道,自己还要再度转身离去么? Do not fear, Donna, I come immediately.” “别怕,唐娜,我立刻来。” He is staring at that gradually downcast Hell, suddenly, showed the gentle smile: Father, can rescue your!” 他凝视着那一片渐渐陷落的地狱,忽然,露出了慈祥的笑容:“爸爸,一定会来救你的!” In Abyss, unmanned response. 深渊之中,无人回应。 Earth-shaking angry roaring, raises from the Solano defense line. 只有惊天动地的怒吼,从索拉诺防线之上升起。 The land is turbulent, the cracking dust, the infinite stone gathers in shatter frontier territory, is pulling the collapsing building and defense line, tall tower who the countless weapon, loses the significance, and even all...... material. 大地动荡着,崩裂尘埃,无穷土石在破碎的边境之间汇聚,拉扯着坍塌的楼宇和防线,数之不尽的武器,失去意义的高塔,乃至一切……物质。 Gets together the outline of spirit of land. 聚合成大地之灵的轮廓。 Raises from Richard's under foot. 从理查德的脚下升起。 The great bear in Abyss, the opens the mouth, loudly roars. 巨熊在深渊中,张口,纵声咆哮。 The scarlet eye pupil reviews, looks to the old friend on shoulder, is waiting for his instruction. 猩红的眼瞳回眸,就看向肩上的老友,等待着他的指令。 Walks, old companion.” “走吧,老伙计。” Richard bends the waist, draws out the axe from the soil of sticking out, shoulders on the shoulder, pointed out toward Hell of distant place, is exhausted you, delivers me again a regulation.” 理查德弯腰,从隆起的泥土中拔出斧头,扛在肩膀上,向着远方的地狱指出,“劳烦你,再送我一程。” Therefore, great bear exciting laughing. 于是,巨熊兴奋的大笑。 Roared toward Abyss. 向着深渊咆哮。 Summon. 呼唤。 The magnanimous frontier territory fragment crashes toward here, toward the under foot of great bear. 海量的边境碎片向着此处坠落,向着巨熊的脚下。 Instantaneously, strips from Solano most defense lines, condenses the new land. 瞬间,将大部分防线从索拉诺上剥离,重新凝聚成新的土地。 The mountain towers, the flame surges, shortly, terrifying calories will breed from the mountain massif, anger racing wells up of land in the flame and lava, then formed spanned the Abyss injection gear sufficiently. 大山耸立,火焰涌动,顷刻之间,恐怖的热量从山体中孕育,大地的怒意奔涌在火焰和熔岩之中,便形成了足以跨越深渊的喷射装置。 It looks like, to Hell launch rocket such. 就像是,冲着地狱发射的火箭那样。 Spouted the dazzling melt class/flow. 喷出了耀眼的熔流。 During the advancement of flame and storm, great bear roared, controlling the polymerization is being one group of frontier territory fragments, departed toward the gospel Saint place, the advancement, the advancement, advanced again! 在火焰和风暴的推进之中,巨熊咆哮,操控着聚合为一团的边境碎片,向着福音圣座飞出,推进,推进,再推进! Forward! 向前! In the Richard hoarse call. 在理查德嘶哑的呐喊里。 Flies to Hell! 飞向地狱
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