AF :: Volume #13

#1285: The choice( thanked the happy not full hegemon

When the Rancher incarnation arrives flickers, the loud sound that in silent Abyss, remembers made till innumerable soul trembles. 牧场主的化身降临的一瞬,在寂静的深渊里,想起了令无数灵魂为止颤栗的巨响。 Actually that is the hymn or howls chillily, completely, is unable to distinguish. 那究竟是圣歌还是凄啸呢,完全,无法分辨。 Exists in this, these lived the general illusion to drill into the brain continuously, flooded each crevice of will, occupied the space of ponder, making all soul stiff on the spot. 只是存在于此,那些活了一般的幻觉就源源不断的钻入了脑中,充斥了意志的每一个空隙,占据了思考的空间,令一切灵魂僵硬在原地。 Crawls, bows politely and submits, return, respect and belief...... 匍匐、叩拜、臣服、归来、崇敬、信仰…… And even, happy! 乃至,幸福! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! Happy!!!!! 幸福!幸福!幸福!幸福!幸福!!!!! The unprecedented happy feeling, raised from the heart, came from existence in that person, is only here, makes people feel that as if depended upon and home to return to is ordinary. 前所未有的幸福感,从心中升起了,来自于那个人的存在,只是在这里,就让人感觉到了仿佛依靠和归宿一般。 The black god roared. 黑神咆哮。 Holds to the wicked sword, has cut from the body of each teammate. 至恶之剑倒持,从每一个队友的身上斩过。 What is laughable, the happiness that the Hell gods bring, needs the evil intention of the world to come now unexpectedly, except that. 可笑的是,地狱的神明带来的幸福,现在竟然需要人世的恶意来除去。 But is more regrettable, strange happy feeling like weed such, along with extinguishing along with living... 可更加遗憾的是,诡异幸福感如同杂草那样,随灭随生。。。 Before that the candle nine Yin yawns, will then fall into the delay and stiff conferring rank and title sage swallow into the abdomen, sinks to the deep pools of ten thousand evil, is curling originally following first with other teammates, jumps in the dark domain. 在那之前,烛九阴便张口,将陷入呆滞和僵硬的册封圣人吞入了腹中,沉入万孽之潭中,卷着原继先和其他队友,跳进黑暗的领域。 Hodell's eyes open suddenly. 紧接着,霍德尔的双眼骤然睁开。 The everywhere dark dissipation does not have the trace. 漫天黑暗消散无踪。 Together with them together, is returning to Current Territories. 连同着他们一起,回归现境 But the next flash, they actually discovered, oneself also stood in same place, just all probably nothing happened, the happy feeling full in the heart, uncontainable, shed tears. 可下一瞬间,他们却发现,自己好像还站在原地,刚刚的一切都什么都没有发生,只有幸福感充盈在心头,难以克制的,流下眼泪。 Retreating again, return zero point again, then immersion again in a deeper peace and happiness. 再一次的撤退,再一次的回归原点,然后再一次的沉浸在更深一层的安宁与幸福之中。 Is same just like the endless circulation. 宛如无休止的循环一样。 All, by gods denial. 所发生的一切,都被神明否定。 Useless, your source standards and Rancher disputes were too deep!” Following first beckoned with the hand: Makes me come.” “没用,你们的源典和牧场主纠葛太深了!”原继先摆手:“让我来。” You may result in! Let you deliver!” Candle nine Yin flings the tail to go back his stopper. “你可得了吧!让你上去送么!”烛九阴一个甩尾把他塞回去。 Regarding Rancher such existence, the limit of all deep hatred and pledge is unable to lock, once were killed by him, that dissolves the rebirth in the sea of gastric juice, possibly is big angel originally following first...... 对于牧场主这样的存在,一切血仇和誓约的限制都根本无法锁定,而一旦被他杀死,那么在胃液之海中溶解重生的,可能就是大天使・原继先了…… Confers the authority of sage and scripture is restrained completely naturally, now has discarded thoroughly, coming out a while gives for nothing again. 册封圣人和圣典的威权完全就是被天然克制的,现在已经彻底报废,再出来一会儿都是白给。 Hodell such looked at Rancher to flow out the tears of blood on both eyes. 霍德尔这样的只是看了一眼牧场主就双目流出血泪。 All Current Territories divine nature are unable to affect on the body of Rancher, otherwise is delivers the vegetable/dish to visit. 一切现境神性都无法作用在牧场主的身上,否则就是送菜上门。 Most suitable this time, was Kingdom of Heaven pedigree, can in the maximum degree avoid the suppression of Rancher in the source standard of miracle of miracle of substitution god person. 原本最适合这个时候的,是天国谱系,以人之奇迹替代神之奇迹的源典可以最大程度上避免牧场主的压制。 Doing, is useless to the wicked sword, because in that empty body moves into mental is really extremely in huge, even if the black god invests by rapid dilution and ablation. 奈何,至恶之剑无用,因为那一片空洞的躯壳中入驻的心智实在是太过于庞大,哪怕是黑神投入其中会被迅速稀释和消融。 May differ is too far...... 可相差实在太远…… The minimum over 10 million soul evil thoughts in the hand, are unable broken to guard. Wants the words of positive/direct showdown, at least also takes full equal/match a Osiris who to be right as the positive/direct main attack. 没有起码一千万以上的灵魂恶念在手,根本无法破防。想要正面对决的话,至少还要一家满配的奥西里斯作为正面的主攻才对。 When Rancher in the way of incarnation, arrives in this's instance, everyone realized, real...... dimensionality reduction attack. 牧场主以化身的方式,降临于此的瞬间,所有人就都体会到了,货真价实的……降维打击。 Sueter Lorre seems like can also move reluctantly, that is because a had penetrated the dagger in body and soul, nails tight both, perhaps otherwise had been involved in the sea in the flash by the breath of Rancher. 修特洛尔看上去还勉强能活动,那是因为一柄早已经贯入了身体和灵魂之中的匕首,将两者钉死,否则恐怕在一瞬间就已经被牧场主的呼吸所卷入了海洋。 At this moment, the dark unceasing twinkle, the rebirth, the shift, evades purification that’ Rancher is bringing. 此刻,黑暗不断的闪烁,重生,转移,逃避着牧场主所带来的‘净化’。 But Rancher, but forwards, trod one step. 牧场主,只是向前,踏出了一步。 Lowers the head, looks to the ashes of under foot. 低头,看向脚下的灰烬。 Then, put out a hand toward the ashes, incurred. 然后,向着灰烬伸出手,招了招。 Immediately, in the flying ash, infinite disaster and soul meets again, the face of justice appears, that indifferent face with deep veneration, actually filled at this moment indescribable wild with joy and rebukes oneself. 顿时,在飞灰之中,无穷灾厄灵魂重聚,公义的面孔浮现,那一张冷漠肃然的面孔,此刻却充满了难以言喻的狂喜和自责。 Prostrated oneself in the under foot of gods incarnation, was grateful for this kindness. 拜倒在了神明化身的脚下,为这恩典而感激涕零。 „, His probably dog......” “哇,他好像一条狗啊……” Following first sighed with emotion startled, the candle nine show the whites of the eyes Yin, his stopper in mire. 原继先愕然感慨,烛九阴翻了个白眼,又把他塞了泥潭里去。 The words saying is very good, next time let alone! 话说的很好,下次别说了! But now, the line of sight of Rancher has swept, fell on their bodies. 而现在,牧场主的视线扫过,落在了他们的身上。 It is not the illusory image that the distant place talked endlessly to struggle, but was...... under the ten thousand th paradise. 并非是远处喋喋不休挣扎的幻影,而是……万世乐土之下。 The vision has swept the place, hidden prepares to wait for an opportunity Sublimator that takes barrel to travel in the shadow to be squeezed out instantaneously, even also begins to the ten thousand th paradise without enough time. 目光扫过之处,隐藏在阴影之中准备伺机提‘桶’跑路的升华者在瞬间被挤出,甚至还来不及对万世乐土动手。 Instance when a finger squeezes out forward, freeze. 当一根手指向前挤出的瞬间,冻结。 The time as if in slowed down ten million times instantaneously, everyone's movement slow to as if stagnates, stares the big eye, angry staring, or is the sharp blade that lifts...... 时间仿佛在瞬间被放慢了千万倍,所有人的动作都缓慢到仿佛停滞,瞪大的眼睛,愤怒的凝视,亦或者是抬起的利刃…… In them behind, Rancher under refers, halo that layer upon layer above the ten thousand th paradise cracks appears, the contraction, covers again. 紧接着,就在他们身后,牧场主的所指之下,万世乐土之上崩裂的层层光环浮现,收缩,再度笼罩。 The destruction stagnates, shackles rebirth. 毁灭停滞,桎梏重生。 Now, in front of that finger, twines the rainbow light cracking slit on ten thousand th paradise innumerably. 现在,就在那一根手指前面,无数缠绕在万世乐土上面的虹光崩裂缝隙。 The divine will and rainbow light each other pester in one, just like invisible strength by this phase angle. 神意和虹光彼此纠缠在一处,宛如无形之力以此相角。 Did not allow, own achievement, desires to fly high to fly. 不容许,自己的成果,插翅飞去。 „-” “-” When the Rancher opens the mouth, issues the silent law, this world as if revolves under the order. 牧场主张口,发出无声的律令时,这个世界仿佛就在命令之下运转。 Summoned toward the ten thousand th paradise. 向着万世乐土呼唤。 Come! 过来! Collapse! 崩! The crevice appears from the ten thousand th paradise together again. 一道裂隙从万世乐土之上再度浮现。 Embarrassed heavy burden. 难堪重负。 Also is together! Since rainbow light trembles fiercely, difficult, works loose...... 紧接着,又是一道!自虹光的剧烈震颤中,艰难的,挣脱…… But before that in the rainbow light of inflation, transmitted hoarse roaring suddenly. 可在那之前,骤然膨胀的虹光里,传来了沙哑的咆哮。 Roars such just like the war that the thunder and iron cast. 宛如雷霆和铁所铸就的战吼那样。 Blazing and huge stars during fighting roar, drops from the clouds! 炽热又庞大的星辰在战吼之中,从天而降! In glow of combustion, ancient and sharp sword blade outline from appears, passed through the gap of depth, cuts to fall above the land, instantaneously, the chaotic time will then stir broken. 燃烧的辉光之中,古老而锋锐的剑刃轮廓从其中浮现,贯穿了深度的间隔,斩落在大地之上,瞬间,便将混乱的时光搅碎。 Aid, responding to a call however comes. 援助,应召而来。 But in shooting up to the sky mighty waves, tall and strong form , since the storm goes out, the fierce light in double pupil surges. The silver arm stretches out, pulls up the sword blade of ground. 而在冲天而起的波澜之中,魁梧的身影自从风暴之中走出,双眸之中的烈光涌动。银色的手臂伸出,将地上的剑刃拔起。 To Rancher, cracks into a smile: Guesses that today is the week several?” 冲着牧场主,咧嘴一笑:“猜猜今天是周几?” Predator Til! 天敌・提尔! That flash, the eye pupil of Rancher, lifts finally slightly, looks to but air-splitting to Giant, and even in his hand cuts the great sword that falls. The sword of authority rune/symbol writing covers layer upon layer was grasped with the iron arm above, under the magnanimous corrected value irrigation, rust flaking above great sword, exposed once to murder to kill the innumerable frost Giant dignified point. 那一瞬间,牧场主的眼瞳,终于微微抬起,看向破空而至的巨人,乃至他手中斩落的巨剑。层层符文笼罩的威权之剑被握与铁臂之上,海量的修正值灌溉之下,巨剑之上的铁锈剥落,展露出曾经弑杀无数霜巨人的威严锋芒。 During the invisible divine will operation in void, collides with the sword blade in one, the spark scatters, before Til treads again, is swaying the heavy sword, just like grasping to hold the entire world to be the same. 无形的神意运行在虚空之中,同剑刃碰撞在一处,火花飞迸之中,提尔再度踏前,挥洒着重剑,宛如握持着整个天地一般。 With swing of sword blade, the myriad things tilt, the depth is chaotic, the world hangs upside down. 随着剑刃的挥舞,万物倾覆,深度混乱,天地倒悬。 Even Rancher will, unexpectedly still under dividing of sword blade cuts, appears the crevice. The breakthrough defense, enters again! 即便是牧场主的意志,竟然也在剑刃的劈斩之下,浮现出裂隙。突破防御,再进! But the finger of Rancher, lifted again, aimed at his face. 牧场主的手指,再度抬起,对准了他的面孔。 Goes!” “去!” The jerky and stiff byte, from the lips and teeth of person, puts out. 生涩而僵硬的字节,从人的唇齿中,吐出。 Scolds the command. 叱令。 Bang! 轰! The storm flat land, scatters from the fingertip, the infinite repulsion thrives, cuts the strength of broken stars to wash out sufficiently, Til same place. 风暴平地而起,自指尖飞迸,无穷斥力勃发,足以斩碎星辰的力量被冲散,连带着提尔一齐。 The skin bursts, the blood evaporates, the skeleton was shattered, changes into the flying ash. 皮肤破裂,鲜血蒸发,骨骼破碎,化为飞灰。 But at once, from the storm, Til's outline reappears, returns again, cannot see any wound! 可旋即,自风暴之中,提尔的轮廓重现,再度归来,丝毫看不出任何创伤! When licks is licking in the mouth the flavor of blood, the smile, is fiercer. 只有舔舐着口中自己鲜血的味道时,笑容,就越加狰狞。 „- Damn, I love Tuesday!” “-他妈的,我爱星期二!” If in Friday and Saturday gap, Til's strength in the weakest time, then in Current Territories Tuesday high noon, he then deserves at this moment, is strongest! 倘若在周五和周六的间隙,提尔的力量处于最弱的时候的话,那么此刻在现境的周二正午时分,他便当之无愧的,是最强! The will from Rancher cannot crush him, the god of Hell is unable to make him vacillate regarding the divine nature attraction. 来自牧场主的意志压不倒他,地狱之神对于神性的引力也无法让他动摇。 In achievement Predator that flash, they already by the authority that self- soul the gods will once preserve, thorough control and usurping. 在成就天敌的那一瞬间,他们就已经以自我的灵魂将曾经神明所存留的威权,彻底掌控和篡夺。 Counter god change! 逆神更替! Earnest, Brothers-” “认真点,兄弟-” Til is laughing forwarding, is shaking hardly the storm of all tearing, toward the god of true Hell, cuts to fall the sword blade. 提尔大笑着向前,硬撼着将一切尽数撕裂的风暴,向着真正的地狱之神,斩落剑刃。 The sharp blade of combustion passed through defense layer upon layer, before straight, suddenly. 燃烧的利刃贯穿了层层的防御,笔直的前突。 Before the eye pupil of Rancher, by invisible strength locking stubbornly. 牧场主的眼眸之前,被无形的力量死死的锁定。 „- So many in great disorder things, did we fight one is not good leave alone well?” “-别管那么多乱七八糟的事情了,咱俩好好打一架不行么?” From this instantaneous bird's eye view, Til grins, looks at him hopefully: That is of meeting deceased person...... good?” 自这瞬间的俯瞰中,提尔咧嘴,满怀期望的看着他:“会死人的那种……好不好?” Rancher indifferently, motionless. 牧场主漠然,不动。 Behind, in overflow the sea of gastric juice, has huge shadow rapid breaking surface suddenly, the ascension, since the long time the generation in the Hell food chain has eaten, monsters that the catalysis becomes, from appears! 只是身后,溢出的胃液之海中,骤然有庞大的阴影迅速的上浮,升腾,漫长时光以来在地狱食物链中世代相食,催化而成的怪物们,从其中浮现! A body lives ten thousand, just like centipede such, continuous seeps out scarlet, walks randomly erratically. One just like the storm, a lot of yawns appears from the strong winds, hoarse praise. Posthumous innumerable strange wings, are uncertain just like smog such assembling and parting. And, innumerably like the dignified mountain that the spore and putrefaction the cuhap becomes. 一者身生万手,宛如蜈蚣那样,源源不断的渗出猩红,游走不定。一者宛如风暴,千百张口从狂风之中浮现,嘶哑赞颂。还有一者背生无数诡异之翼,宛如烟雾那样聚散不定。以及,无数如同孢子和腐败物所居合而成的庄严之山。 Even if no Ruler authority, but regarding Rancher, is the unique excellent work. 即便不具备统治者的威权,但对于牧场主来说,便是绝无仅有的佳作。 At this moment, under the order of Rancher, punishing makes, propaganda make, turning over to cause, Envoy Yu, the beasts of four big Hell emerge from the sea of gastric juice, go to the battlefield! 此刻,在牧场主的命令之下,罚使、宣教使、归使、愈使,四大地狱之兽从胃液之海中浮出,踏上战场! But Rancher, then reviews , to continue to look that to dazzling rainbow light that drops from the clouds together. 牧场主,则回眸,继续看向那一道从天而降的耀眼虹光。 From beginning to end, the lifted finger has not fallen. 自始至终,抬起的手指都未曾落下。 Did not allow that the ten thousand th paradise is separated from the control. 不容许万世乐土脱离掌控。 Again opens the mouth. 再度张口。 with. 呼和。 Come! 过来! Bang! 轰! Dazzling seven rainbow light chaos, unexpectedly, are difficult to sustain. 耀眼的七彩虹光一阵纷乱,竟然,难以为继。 Administrative center of Rainbow Bridge, operator delay looks at the present data, desperate moan: Depth is chaotic, is not good, the disturbance were too many!” 彩虹桥的管理中心,操作员呆滞的看着眼前的数据,绝望的呻吟:“深度混乱,不行,干扰太多了!” Rising of power operation!” In charge of angry roaring. “提升功率啊!”主管怒吼。 Cannot raise again!” The operators shake the head crazily: Gets down again, must break to pieces!” “不能再提了!”操作员疯狂摇头:“再这么下去,就要碎掉了!” Breaks to pieces also to pull out!” “碎掉也要拔出来!” In charge of eye already by burning red, stubbornly is staring at him: I said that promotion, power!” 主管的眼睛已经被烧红了,死死的盯着他:“我说,提升,功率!” In the deathly stillness, the operator swallowed a spit. 死寂里,操作员吞了口吐沫。 But in the projection of Silver Sea, like this silent, has continued the long and long time. 而在白银之海的投影中,这样的寂静,已经持续了漫长又漫长的时光。 When the instance of Rancher regular script distinction, everyone then fell into silent. 牧场主正体判明的瞬间,所有人便都陷入了沉默。 Static sitting in own position. 只是静静的坐在自己的位置上。 Has not spoken, has not turned head. 没有说话,也没有回头。 As if waits for anything to be the same. 仿佛等待着什么一样。 Wait command. 等待命令。 Even no one urged, no one catches the eye looks like, but the pressure of this terrifying, has not had the slight weaken. 即便是没有一个人来催促,没有一个人抬眼看来,可这恐怖的压力,却未曾有丝毫的衰减。 In the rear position, Yaeger's projection also in unceasing is turbulent. From time to time distorts, from time to time is dim, from time to time nearly the fission...... that is almost must own soul choice and struggling that tears! 在最后面的位置上,叶戈尔的投影也在不断的动荡着。时而变形,时而黯淡,时而近乎分裂……那是几乎要将自己的灵魂为止撕裂的抉择和挣扎! At this kind of time, Russell that always talked endlessly, fell into silent. 在这种时候,一贯喋喋不休的罗素,也陷入了沉默。 Even if Yaeger raised the head finally, looked that looks toward him. 哪怕叶戈尔最后抬起头,看向着他看过来。 If......” “倘若……” I do not know.” Did not wait for him saying that Russell replied decisively: „ Does not need to refer to my opinion, does not need to care about the loss of Kingdom of Heaven pedigree. “我不知道。”不等他说完,罗素断然回答:“不必参考我的意见,也不必在乎天国谱系的损失。 This is the right choice, I only then obey. ” 这是正当的抉择,我只有服从。” Even if I did order to sacrifice?” Yaeger asked back. “即便是我下令牺牲?”叶戈尔反问。 Russell is silent, looks at him. 罗素沉默着,看着他。 Has not spoken eventually. 终究没有说话。 Until finally, Yaeger took back the line of sight, on the old face squeezes out one not to know that is the smile of extricating or self-ridiculing, twitched flickered. 直到最后,叶戈尔收回了视线,苍老的面孔上挤出一丝不知是解脱还是自嘲的笑容,抽搐了一瞬。 He said that „that when breaks , then breaks......” 他说,“那就,当断则断吧……” Yaeger closed the eye, in a soft voice twittering anything. 叶戈尔闭上了眼睛,轻声呢喃了一句什么。 Does not know that is actually whispering of feeling sorry, is the exhausted pray. 不知究竟是歉疚的低语,还是疲惫的祈祷。 After less than one second, issuance of order from central policy decision room, capped all authoritative seals and Yaeger's genuine signatures, is authorized. 不到一秒钟之后,来自中央决策室的命令下达,加盖了所有权威印章和叶戈尔的亲笔签名,予以授权。 Altogether two. 一共两份。 A authorization transfers the Current Territories magnificent light again. 一份授权再度调动现境辉煌之光。 Ordered Rainbow Bridge...... 一份授命彩虹桥…… The full power revolves! 全功率运转! In that flash, the dazzling rainbow light, illuminated entire Abyss. 在那一瞬间,耀眼的虹光,照亮了整个深渊 The angry class/flow from Current Territories is roaring racing wells up in Hell. 来自现境的怒流咆哮着在地狱里奔涌。 Instantaneously, embezzled the gospel Saint place, pours into. 瞬间,吞没了福音圣座,灌入其中。 Is pulling the ten thousand th paradise. 拉扯着万世乐土。 Pull out! 拔! The shackles of divine will are unable to obstruct this to make a decision again the brought strength, from the Astronomy Association will , the final shackles disintegrates. 神意的桎梏再也无法阻挠这一份决断所带来的力量,自天文会的意志之下,最后的枷锁分崩离析。 Man-made forever will move the Hell circulation, thorough shatter! 人造的永动地狱循环,彻底破碎! Under pulling of both sides, the outer covering of ten thousand th paradise, disintegrates, innumerable sparkle soul from scatters, since flies, sparkles just like the dim group star. 在双方的拉扯之下,万世乐土的外壳,分崩离析,无数闪耀的灵魂从其中散落,飞起,宛如黯淡的群星闪耀。 Then, Rainbow Bridge instantaneous cling most Hell, flies toward Current Territories! 就这样,彩虹桥瞬间卷住大半的地狱,向着现境飞去! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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