AF :: Volume #13

#1284 Part 2: Has Hell

That where Hell workshop Lord leader, once that was most close to Ruler of king of Hell? 那哪里还是地狱工坊主的领袖,曾经那个最接近地狱之王的统治者呢? Even if the authority still, soul is complete, the body is perfect, hymn that the halo that but above the top of the head that shines together slowly, in the entire gospel Saint place resounds through...... 哪怕威权尚在,灵魂完整,躯壳完好无损,可头顶之上那一道慢慢亮起的光环,还有整个福音圣座内所响彻的圣歌…… And even, goes on a punitive expedition against the angel frantic call innumerably, survives respectful and prudent bowing politely of big angels, had explained the status of future...... 乃至,无数征伐天使狂热的呐喊,残存大天使们的恭谨叩拜,都已经说明了来者的身份…… Elements of Ruin Rancher! 毁灭要素牧场主 At this moment, the god of Hell, went out of Land of Bliss, arrives in Abyss! 此刻,地狱之神,走出了至福乐土,降临在深渊之中! What's the matter?! Actually to have what?” “怎么回事儿?!究竟发生了什么?” The secretaries of observation department stiffly in own position: „Isn't that NO.1? How and Rancher......” 观测部门的秘书僵硬在自己的位置上:“那不是NO.1么?怎么又和牧场主……” Yaeger is silent, the complexion is pale, without speech. 叶戈尔沉默着,脸色铁青,没有说话。 Only had a possibility.” “只有一个可能了。” Russell cannot bear smile to make noise, in the face of the absurd reality, ridiculed own ignorance and limit: So that's how it is? Unexpectedly including own ally, swallowed in the belly......” 罗素忍不住笑出声,在荒谬的现实面前,嘲弄自己的无知和局限:“原来如此么?竟然连自己的盟友,也吃进肚子里了啊……” No, is that really the ally? 不,那真的是盟友么? In the final analysis, from the beginning, Land of Bliss and workshop Lord form an alliance, is only they through the clue and workshop Lord enlivens to deduce the result that. 说到底,从一开始,至福乐土和工坊主们结盟,也只是他们通过线索和工坊主们的活跃而推论出的结果。 But if, deeper...... 可是,倘若更深一层呢…… It is not the union, rather, annexation? 不是联合,而是,兼并呢? The workshop Lord behaviors stop the Hell circulation of proud production, sales and processing, is not the doctrine and objective with Rancher, strength that and even the Hell food chain agrees with naturally extremely? 工坊主们所为止自傲的生产、销售和加工的地狱循环,难道不是同牧场主的教条和宗旨,乃至地狱食物链天然就极其契合的力量么? Wants the grown words, in entire Abyss also has compared with the workshop Lord more appropriate Rancher food? 想要有所增长的话,难道整个深渊之中还有比工坊主们更加合适牧场主的食粮么? The foundation is solid, development is prosperous, condition is weak, and also...... such delicacy! 底蕴深厚、发展昌盛、状态虚弱,并且还……如此的美味! Now, stands looks in the Rancher angle, all so natural. 如今,站在牧场主的角度去看,一切都是如此的理所当然。 But this as smooth as the extreme logic, makes Russell feel anxiously. 可正是这一份流畅到极点的逻辑,才让罗素感觉到不安。 Actually did It arrange how long for this day? 祂究竟为这一天筹备了多久了? Ten years? Hundred years? Started on that day of birth? 十年?百年?还是在诞生的那一天开始? Union that Lord forms facing the workshop, as well as always group colossus, completed unexpectedly quietly nibbled and annexed. 面对工坊主们所形成的联合,以及永世集团这个庞然大物,竟然悄无声息的完成了蚕食和兼并。 Before soon, holds the gambling of country, everyone has not detected any unusuality! 就连不久之前,持国之赌的时候,所有人都未曾察觉到任何的异常! Has not left behind any traces. 没有留下任何的蛛丝马迹。 Even Current Territories, after collecting clue , can only determine among the opposite party to conduct the union initially, but does not dare to have any more exaggerating idea. 甚至就连现境,在搜集到线索之后,也只能初步判定对方之间进行了联合,而不敢有任何更加夸张的想法。 In the final analysis, this result, is really extremely in the absurdness, extremely in scary. Even other workshop lords, how many also not necessarily knows? 归根结底,这一结果,实在是太过于荒谬,也太过于骇人。甚至就连其他的工坊主,也未必知道多少吧? Short less than one second, slowed down in this time to the conference room of limit , the eye of bronze has transmitted the results analysis. 短短不到一秒钟的时间,在这个时间被放慢到极限的会议室之中,青铜之眼就已经传来了分析结果。 Burnt down does not know after many eyes of observation and searched the boundary, drew the preliminary finding. 烧毁了不知道多少观测之眼和探境之后,得出初步结论。 Fusion condition! 融合状态! NO.1 at this moment, has become the carrier of Rancher supernatural power perfectly, in the meantime, but also holds own authority and strength, even if cognition and will already by radical dissolution and transformation, but can regard as the independent individual as before. 此刻的NO.1,已经完美的成为了牧场主神力的载体,同时,还保有着自身的威权和力量,纵然认知和意志已经被彻底溶解和改造,但依旧可以看做独立的个体。 The divine nature from Rancher then revolves in that body, by disaster soul, looks to world, formed the perfect personality incarnation! 来自牧场主的神性便运转在那一具身体之中,透过灾厄灵魂,看向世间,形成了完美的人格化身! From god . 从神,至人。 Will of probably once White-crowned King acting omnipotence, present NO.1, has become the god of Hell in the perfect projection of Abyss and world! 就好像曾经的白冠王代行全能之神的意志那样,如今的NO.1,已经变成地狱之神在深渊和人间的完美投影! If regards by the Current Territories general knowledge, that is...... the out-and-out god child! 倘若以现境的常识去看待的话,那便是……不折不扣的神子! Takes this to consider as the premise again the words, from the beginning, Ruler gospel, for the carriage that he prepares. But the ten thousand th paradise, is Rancher an attempt of careful preparation...... 以此为前提再度进行思考的话,从一开始,统治者・福音,就是为他所准备的车舆。而万世乐土,便是牧场主所精心准备的一次尝试…… Then, firing of this war, is the back goal, so really simple? 那么,这一次战争的打响,背后的目的,真的那么简单么? The Russell train of thought revolve like lightning, remembered anything suddenly, suddenly turn head. 罗素的思绪电转,忽然之间想起了什么,猛然回头。 Looked to Yaeger. 看向了叶戈尔。 The look becomes sharp. 眼神就变得锐利起来。 Yaeger has not responded, but is staring at the screen, did not say a word. 叶戈尔没有回应,只是凝视着屏幕,一言不发。 Below of palm, is pressing one already the correspondence that was rubbed to wrinkle, then makes an effort. 手掌的下面,压着一张已经被揉皱的信函,那么用力。 At this moment, wise decision and director, is unable to interfere with the scene to change. 事到如今,再高明的决策和指挥,也无法干涉到现场的变化了。 Only can depend upon the original preparation and deal with changes. 只能依靠原本的准备和现场的应变。 But above present gospel Saint place. 而就在如今的福音圣座之上。 In seeing Land of Bliss Son of God, the Rancher incarnation the instance that goes out of the sea of gastric juice, everyone, has then started the rapid retreat. 在看到至福乐土的圣子,牧场主的化身从胃液之海中走出的瞬间,所有人,便已经开始迅速的后退。 From the absolutely terrified premonition during, made the decision of instinct. 自毛骨悚然的预感之中,做出了本能的决定。 Swings the person! 摇人!
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