AF :: Volume #13

#1297 Part 1: 21 Guns

After a half hour, when monitoring listen the illusion is showing the circulation cat piece, downtown Jianhe, in a post- kitchen in bear dog chain fast-food restaurant, household furniture finally gets up. 半个小时后,就在监控者们听着幻象放循环猫片的时候,剑河市中心,一家熊狗连锁快餐店的后厨里,桌椅板凳终于支起来了。 After getting off work the later silence, in the kitchen does not have others, restored Liu Dongli of appearance to turn over back and forth, discovers a Yanjing mutton bowl to wash cleanly, displayed, looks that side idled about to watch the fun Huai Shi that ate, immediately shows the whites of the eyes: You washed to cut scallion Jiang Suanxi actually, oneself began, couldn't understand havingly ample food and clothing?” 下班之后的寂静后厨里没有其他人,恢复原本模样的柳东黎翻来翻去,找出了一个燕京羊肉锅子洗干净,摆上,看着旁边游手好闲看热闹等吃的槐诗,顿时翻了个白眼:“你倒是把葱姜蒜洗一洗切了啊,自己动手,丰衣足食懂不懂?” „Do I prepare food?” “我做饭?” Huai Shi was not but actually angry, smiles: „Do you dare to eat?” 槐诗倒也不恼,笑了:“你敢吃?” „...... Grass.” “……草。” Liu Dongli cannot bear pats the forehead, pinched to let the thought that Huai Shi lent a hand. 柳东黎忍不住一拍脑门,掐掉了让槐诗搭把手的念头。 He is insufficient actually, because these accent baseless rumor has what prejudice to Kitchen Demon, but the front leg just gave Huai Shi to add stopping up, that big heart where he comes dares to eat the thing that Huai Shi handles. 他倒是不至于因为那些不着调的风言风语对厨魔有什么偏见,但前脚才刚刚给槐诗添了堵,他哪里来的那么大心敢吃槐诗经手的东西。 Feared that is not on the road that goes back starts the storm to flee thinly...... 怕不是回去的路上就开始风暴窜稀…… This was known as that hundred years of rare Kitchen Demon nova is good! 这可是号称百年难得一遇的厨魔新星好么! Moreover it is said since previous Land of Bliss landing operation, his license the Kitchen Demon association rose two stars, now is Current Territories youngest six star Kitchen Demon. 而且据说自从上次至福乐土登陆战之后,他的执照又厨魔协会被升了两星,现在已经是现境最年轻的六星厨魔了。 Hiss, the terrifying in this way, this child may stay for a long time absolutely not...... hopes that the Astronomy Association masters think quickly, then oneself think the means to write a rebellious poem to gain Canaan this real man. 嘶,恐怖如斯,此子断不可久留……希望天文会的老爷们赶快这么想,然后自己想办法写个反诗把这一条好汉赚上迦南来。 In a while, the hot pot of combustion on the frame the table, making is not actually troublesome, in meat vegetable/dish refrigerator ready-made. 没过多久,燃烧的火锅就已经架上了桌子,弄起来倒是没那么麻烦,肉菜冰箱里都是现成的。 In the steaming hot cooking liquor scallion Jiang Suan is tumbling, raised the faint fragrance. 热气腾腾的汤汁里葱姜蒜翻滚着,升起了隐隐的香味。 But when Liu Dongli is breaking off chopsticks and other durations and degrees of cooking, table opposite Huai Shi both hands thoughts, have sneered to make noise: „ Can't? This? This? 而就在柳东黎掰着筷子等火候的时候,桌子对面的槐诗已经双手抱怀,冷笑出声:“不会吧?就这?就这? Did not have my BBQ and Lane kaiseki, asking me to eat this? ” 把我BBQ和怀石没了,请我吃这个?” „...... That you go back to eat, but also with enough time.” “……那你回去吃啊,还来得及。” Liu Dongli stared this goods one: „My Current Territories most wanted terrorist ignores the safety to go to by London to save you in the water and fire, does your how sentence thank does not have?” 柳东黎瞪了这货一眼:“我一个现境通缉犯不顾自身安危跑到伦敦旁边救你于水火,你这人咋就连句谢谢都没有呢?” „Did you also feel all right to say?” “你还好意思说?” Huai Shi is angry, knocks the table to angrily rebuke: „Did your call to save me in the water and fire? Do you do right by I?! Do you do right by I to deliver your overlord?” 槐诗大怒,敲着桌子怒斥:“你那叫救我于水火?你对得起我么?!你对得起我送你的霸王么?” Forget it, you, as long as is short toward Canaan delivers two bottles of overlords, does not stop in such hatefully......” “得了吧,你但凡少往迦南送两瓶霸王,都不止于这么讨嫌……” The rebuttal of Liu Dongli ill-humored, clamps the block mutton to try the water temperature, throws the mouth, ill-humored said: Has you to assemble to eat, Legion is long your excellency!” 柳东黎没好气儿的反驳,夹着块羊肉试了试水温,丢嘴里,没好气儿的说:“有你就凑合吃吧,军团长阁下!” Aiyu, a moment ago entire work time also called the Hani treasure, now shouts others Legion to be long. Has my such Legion to be long? In the governance bureau some people keep thinking about my forget about it, now is keeping thinking about Green Day.” “哎呦,刚才整活儿的时候还叫人家哈尼宝贝,现在叫人家军团长。有我这样的军团长么?统辖局里有人惦记我就算了,现在连绿日都惦记着。” mo song guo ti huo cancels fermium ju heng merit hu ru fu xi jia sha to drill yao qing ma to abstain from merit app adze han geng xia deserted nail partner jie lu xi ai cen wo adze han fou Qi Quanxun ji zui shi small side gate kang umbrella brook chain pian to teach zhan cen fan hu jia lu xiang to reach ren ma tang xin hu xi jiao Qi Mo 銆愯瘑鍗佸勾鐨勮佷功鍙嬬粰鎴戞帹鑽愮殑杩戒功app锛屽挭鍜闃呰伙紒鐪熺壒涔堝鐢锛屽紑杞佺潯鍓嶉兘闈犺繖涓鏈楄诲惉涔墦鍙戞椂闂达紝杩欓噷鍙浠笅杞銆 Huai Shi stared his one eyes, takes up the chopsticks eventually: Day has had no way.” 槐诗瞪了他一眼,终究还是拿起筷子来:“日子没法儿过了。” He is looked in any case old willow this time suppressed any bad fart mostly. 反正他是看出来老柳这一次来多半憋了什么坏屁。 But lets him do what he pleases, the food always has no alternative but to eat. 但管他呢,饭总不能不吃。 Rinses the mutton to rinse the beef, rinses to play in several five flowers of beef also to take the incision refrigerator, after drinking half beer, Huai Shi put down the chopsticks finally. 涮完羊肉涮牛肉,涮玩牛肉把冰柜里的几块五花也拿出来切开涮涮,喝了半件啤酒之后,槐诗总算放下了筷子。 Is away from steam that in the bowl raises slowly, he is shooting a look at starved ghost reincarnation same plain rice bald gigolo, as for is so hungry? Green Day poorly to this degree? Completed to plant a round of surgery not to have money to eat meal?” 隔着锅子里缓缓升起的水蒸气,他瞥着饿死鬼投胎一样干饭的秃头牛郎,“至于这么饿么?绿日穷到这种程度了?做完植发手术就没钱吃饭了?” „Do you little damage my two lines?” “你少损我两句行么?” Liu Dongli shows the whites of the eyes: Because you conducted a wave of cross time zone to operate, was I as for so hungry?” 柳东黎翻了个白眼:“要不是因为你又进行了一波跨时区操作,我至于这么饿么?” Mentioned this Huai Shi to sneer: Domestic animal, you operated anything!” 提起这个槐诗就想冷笑:“畜生,你操作了个甚么!” Pushes to re-water on two barrels of thermits oneself toward the fiery pit in? 把自己往火坑里推再浇上两桶铝热剂么? Some matters said the matter, finished eating me to go back to sleep.” “有事儿说事儿,吃完我回去睡觉了。” Is the long-standing friendship, he could not bear this hitting primal chaos to rub the time the atmosphere, straightforward opens the mouth. 到底是老交情,他受不了这种打太极磨时间的氛围了,直截了当的开口。 Asks you to help.” “找你帮忙。” Liu Dongli toward mouth stopper an entire cabbage leaf, ambiguous swallows downward. 柳东黎往嘴里塞了一整块白菜叶子,含糊的往下咽。 Huai Shi silent, looked that becomes to his vision strange: 槐诗沉默了一下,看向他的目光变得古怪起来: Whom kills?” “杀谁?” Kills...... to kill.” “杀……杀个屁。” Liu Dongli also by the speed of his thought landslide frightening, almost choked, pounded on the table to cough the half of the day, has breathed heavily the attitude: Fishes the person!” 柳东黎也被他思想滑坡的速度给吓到了,几乎呛到,拍着桌子咳了半天,才喘过气儿来:“是捞人!” Who?” “谁?” cough cough,......” the Liu Dongli facial expression is awkward, puffs and blows after quite a while, said: In family/home...... character quite special...... sisters.” 咳咳,呃……”柳东黎的神情尴尬起来,吭哧半天之后才说道:“家里一位……性格比较特殊的……姐妹。” Finishes speaking, the sound of backless stool and surface friction resounds. 话音刚落,板凳和地面摩擦的声音响起。 Huai Shi sets out to hold the fist in the other hand to say goodbye: 槐诗起身抱拳道别: Said goodbye!” “告辞!” No, wait/etc! Waits, you and others I said.” Liu Dongli saw that he really must walk, catches hastily: Besides you, this matter no one is easy to do.” “别啊,等等!等一下,你等我说完。”柳东黎眼看他真的要走,连忙拽住:“除了你之外,这事儿谁都不好办。” I am not easy to do!” The Huai Shi grief and indignation gets up, I now am miserable, you must aggravate the situation!?” “我也不好办啊!”槐诗悲愤起来,“我现在多惨啊,你还要火上浇油!?” „It is not that meaning! Really was not...... you first sits down, listening to me to say!” “不是那个意思!真不是……你先坐下,听我说完!” Liu Dongli distressed is wiping the mouth, tried every means to persuade held down him, after stroking the mentality, said slowly: I know, you render meritorious service in Astronomy Association, there is an energy, Kingdom of Heaven pedigree protects you, you dread Green Day......” 柳东黎狼狈的擦着嘴,好说歹说将他按住了,捋了捋思路之后才缓缓开口说道:“我知道,你在天文会里立了功,有能量,还有天国谱系保护你,你忌惮绿日……” „Are you wish make me call you godfather?” “你是不是想要让我叫你‘教父’?” Huai Shi breaks again. 槐诗再次打断施法。 You listened to me to say!” “你听我说完!” A Liu Dongli anger pats the table, Huai Shi, helpless lets go, both hands thoughts, must wait for this goods to say actually to spend. 柳东黎一怒拍桌,槐诗无奈摊手,双手抱怀,倒是要等这货说出个花来。 Actually this matter was hopeless your, what everyone has not held to hope, but now do not reorganize original sin Legion?” “其实这事儿原本没指望你的,大家也没抱有什么希望,但你现在不是要重组原罪军团了么?” Liu Dongli stopped, looks at him with a strange line of sight: „Should you have the plenary powers independent recruiting power now?” 柳东黎停顿了一下,用一种古怪的视线看着他:“你现在应该有全权自主的征募权吧?” „......” “……” Huai Shi silent half of the day, nodding the head that does not prefer. 槐诗沉默了半天,不情愿的颔首。 This is presides in the document of bureau to write clearly, recruits power Huai Shi to have the right independently according to the need, initiates to Current Territories any pedigree Sublimator recruits, if the opposite party does not have the warrant, cannot reject these time military service that defends Current Territories. 这是统辖局的文件里写得清清楚楚的,自主征募权槐诗有权利根据需要,对现境任何一个谱系升华者发起征召,对方如果没有正当理由的话,就不能拒绝这一次保卫现境的兵役。 This potency that recruits to make only limits to the duration of war of various, the range actually covers huge to scary. 这一份征召令的效力只局限于诸界之战的持续时间,范围却涵盖的庞大到吓人。 Basically Huai Shi took this gadget to arrive in each pedigree to select the person at will. 基本上槐诗拿着这玩意儿就能随意到各个谱系里挑人了。 In fact...... the disparity of ideal and reality is very remote. 实际上……理想和现实的差距还挺遥远。 Person who has the background to have the backer to have the qualifications, basically bird thing, Wuchang will not be will eat without working, how ignores will Huai Shi possibly dig the corner? 有背景有靠山有资历的人,基本上都不会鸟这个东西,五常又不是吃干饭的,怎么可能放任槐诗来挖自己墙角? Under can otherwise, Huai Shi this first not forking to present little brother Yuan Zhao works as a young lad? 要不然的话,槐诗这还不第一时间把小老弟原照给叉过来在座下当个童子? Yuan Family will not release people, Eastern Xia pedigree cannot. 原家不会放人的,东夏谱系也不会。 Huai Shi is insufficient to give to be concerned about face. 槐诗不至于给脸不要脸。 Now Yuan Yuan is the Kingdom of Heaven pedigree member, the Huai Shi earnest agent and successor, without the necessary little brothers does not let off. 况且,现在原缘都已经是天国谱系的成员,槐诗正儿八经的代理人和继承者了,没必要连小老弟都不放过。 But even if some people gain to climb mountains forcefully, in the heart adds the resentment, will not work honestly. Cannot do well will also hit a tale to come on a blade to Huai Shi at crucial moment. 而有些人就算强行赚上山来,心中平添怨气,也不会老老实实干活儿。搞不好还会打个小报告关键时候给槐诗来上一刀。 Gain does not equal the loss. 得不偿失。 Person but who as for these do not have ability not to have the backer, what does Huai Shi select to make? 而至于那些没有能力没有靠山的人,槐诗挑来做什么? Gets food down? 下饭么? Recruiting power gadget listens to be very beautiful, but also is listens to look, in fact with not almost. 征募权这玩意儿听着很美,但也就是听听看而已,实际上跟没有差不多。 „Do you want to make me recruit in Canaan directly?” The Huai Shi squint looked at the past. “你想让我直接在迦南征召?”槐诗斜眼看过去。 Is insufficient, is insufficient, now also not when the time comes.” Liu Dongli shakes the head, the words that spoke makes Huai Shi have a scare actually, what is now not when the time comes? “不至于,不至于,现在还不到时候。”柳东黎摇头,说的话倒是让槐诗吓了一跳,什么叫现在不到时候? Don't forget, recruiting the power covered the range is throughout, including Astronomy Association, including the Astronomy Association subordinate organization , including...... prison.” “别忘了,征募权涵盖范围是全境,包括天文会,也包括天文会的下属组织,其中,也包括……监狱。” Liu Dongli stares looks at him, you have the qualifications to initiate to all prisoners recruit, even if Mariana Trench Prison.” 柳东黎直勾勾的看着他,“你是有资格向所有囚犯发起征召的,哪怕是马里亚纳海沟监狱。” This recruits the power most correct application method. 这才是征募权最正确的使用方法。 Meanwhile, is once the Astronomy Association original sin Legion standard configuration indication way from having no human rights in the prisoner the choice painstaking care, transforms, gives the strength. 同时,也是曾经天文会原罪军团的标配征兆方式从没有任何人权可言的囚犯中挑选心血,加以改造,赋予力量。 The refuse reclamation uses again. 垃圾回收再利用。 Let the villains for this world creation value. 让恶棍们为这个世界创造价值。 Throughout all prisons, are the Huai Shi reserve of capable people ponds, all convicts, are his scheduled tool. 全境所有的监狱,都是槐诗人才储备池,所有的囚徒,都是他预定的工具。 Has the self-service to recruit the power in the hand, Huai Shi wants to fish individual in inside, is simply relaxed. Without the particular reason, no one can obstruct Huai Shi to exercise own right entitlement. 有自助征募权在手,槐诗想要在里面捞个人,简直轻轻松松。没有特殊理由,谁也不能阻挠槐诗行使自己的正当权利。 I understood!” “我懂了!” Huai Shi pats the knee, being suddenly enlighted, fishes the general! This means that gain actually the general, the advantage is infinite!” 槐诗一拍膝盖,‘恍然大悟’,“捞将军是吧!这倒是个办法,把将军赚过来,好处无穷啊!” „, You want to fish actually, does the general want? The general wants even, American does pedigree want? Survival Institute and does the governance bureau want?” “呵,你倒是想捞,将军愿意么?将军就算愿意,美洲谱系愿意么?存续院和统辖局愿意么?” Liu Dongli sneers: Has the dream to continue to do, do not awake.” 柳东黎冷笑:“有梦继续做,不要醒。” But Huai Shi has not spoken, but looks at him. 槐诗没有说话,只是看着他。 Ten disasters?” “十灾?” Huai Shi cold sound asked. 槐诗冷声问。 Right.” “对。” The Liu Dongli neat nod, exactly said, is the blood floods.” 柳东黎干脆利落的点头,“确切的说,是血水灾。” Huai Shi silent was very long, has not moved the chopsticks and beer again, probably thinks general, after being very long, suddenly asked: I remember, locust plague escapes from prison from the oceanic trench prison, did you also in inside mix one?” 槐诗沉默了很久,没有再动筷子和啤酒,好像思索一般,很久之后,才忽然问:“我记得,蝗灾从海沟监狱越狱的时候,你也在里面搀和了一手吧?” Yes, as Astronomy Association running dog traitor, does own old friends.” “是啊,作为天文会的走狗二五仔,干自己的老朋友们。” Liu Dongli tilts the head, lights the cigarette, made Green Day by Green Day, the old repertoire of governance bureau.” 柳东黎歪头,点燃烟卷,“以绿日绿日,统辖局的老套路了。” „Does wind comment is your younger brother?” Huai Shi asked. “风评是你弟弟?”槐诗问。 Right.” Liu Dongli nods: Although does not have the blood relationship, but in fact and own no difference.” “对。”柳东黎点头:“虽然没有血缘关系,但实际上和亲的没什么区别。” He almost killed me.” “他差点杀了我。” Huai Shi said: „ Not only I, the wind comment also kill the person who should help me registrate, in addition, more people, some are your younger brother massacres, some are you person who wants to protect and rescue...... they are the innocent people, own life, without blocking whose road, no sin as for non- refuses stubbornly to be possible. 槐诗说:“不只是我,风评还杀死了一个本来应该帮我进行登记的人,除此之外,还有更多的人,有的是你的弟弟杀掉的,有些是你想要保护和救助的人……他们都是无辜的人,过自己的生活,没有拦过谁的路,也没有罪孽至于非死不可。 However, Green Day massacred them. ” 但是,绿日将他们杀掉了。” I can help you, Liu Dongli.” “我可以帮你,柳东黎。” Question of Huai Shi doubts: But you give me a reason, why do I want to help Green Day? Why do I want to help one group to slaughter achieve the mental illness and terrorist of goal innocently?” 槐诗疑惑的发问:“但你给我一个理由,我为什么要帮绿日?我为什么要帮一帮以杀戮无辜达成目的的神经病和恐怖分子?” Person of dying only then these?” “死的人难道就只有那些么?” Liu Dongli asked back: „Before on that day, more people died, Huai Shi.” 柳东黎反问:“那一天之前,还有更多人死了,槐诗。” In the frontier territory dark lane. In the mine tunnel, the breeding farm, the farm haven't you seen with own eyes? Incessantly is these beast characteristics, more people. “在边境的暗巷里。矿坑里,养殖场,农场你难道不是亲眼见到过?不止是那些兽化特征者,还有更多人。 Because the crime, persecution and custom or are must not exposed to the light the goal, living to might as well die, or silent dying. The governance bureau has not managed, because compares the truly important matter, these are not very important. May by the person who that world gives up, how can also? 因为犯罪、迫害、习俗或者是见不得光的目的,生不如死,或者无声的死掉。统辖局没有管过,因为相比真正重要的事情,这些都不够重要。可被那个世界放弃的人而言,又能如何? Did not go on living, only then revolts. 活不下去了,就只有反抗。 Does not kill people not to go on living, can only kill people. 不杀人活不下去,就只能杀人了。 Imagines, without you, Tanba will turn into what appearance...... 想象一下,如果没有你,丹波会变成什么样子…… But does this world only have Tanba? 可这个世界难道只有丹波么? Even if there is a paradise that you provide, the unfair treatment and persecution that but mixed-breed encounters have not stopped as before. Hell is too near, Tanba is too far. 即便是有你提供的乐土,可混种所遭遇到的不公待遇和迫害依旧没有停下来过。地狱太近,丹波太远。 I am not castigating the governance bureau to be certainly perfect, reason that but existence of Green Day has the aspects. 我并非在苛责统辖局一定要完美无瑕,但绿日的存在是有方方面面的原因的。 I did not plan that is Green Day argues anything, many people commit a crime, deserve to be damned, but some people, if not crime, did not go on living. ” 我不打算为绿日辩解什么,有很多人犯了罪,死有余辜,但还有一些人,如果不犯罪的话,就活不下去了。” Huai Shi shakes the head, even so, they are still full the hand to be bloody, not?” 槐诗摇头,“即便如此,他们依旧满手血腥,不是么?” „, Deserving to be damned is truly numerous, wants to change truly, not one in ten. Even now, still some people never forget is thinking many destruction and deaths.” “确实,死有余辜者众多,真正想要做出改变的,十中无一。即便是现在,也还有人念念不忘的想着更多的破坏和死亡。” Liu Dongli is sighing, pinches out the cigarette: But I want to change it, Huai Shi.” 柳东黎叹息着,掐灭烟卷:“但我想改变它,槐诗。” Huai Shi is silent. 槐诗沉默。 Canaan has arrived should transform, Green Day is also the same.” “迦南已经到了应该转变的时候了,绿日也一样。” Liu Dongli forced smile: „ I alone cannot achieve, even if with many strengths, will still only spin in that circle. The governance bureau is not good, they will not go against their criterion. 柳东黎苦笑:“我一个人做不到,就算是用再多的力气,也只会在那个圈子里打转。统辖局不行,他们不会违背自身的准则。 But you are different, Huai Shi. 但你不一样,槐诗 You have such ability and status, has to change its qualifications. ” 你具备这样的能力和身份,同时也具备改变它的资格。” He looks at Huai Shi, told him one word at a time, you can true displacement Green Day.” 他看着槐诗,一字一顿的告诉他,“你可以真正的代替‘绿日’。” It is not concerned for the success and failure, maintains fair influence. 一个不计较得失,去维持公正的势力。 True can disregard the benefit, goes for the group of misery voice. 一个真正的能够无视利益,去为苦难者发声的集团。 Compared with the Green Day right, manner can accept. The death and violence that does not need to lose control of deterred, can raise up the hope in the despair the light. 绿日更加的正当,更加的为人能够接受。不需要失控的死亡和暴力去威慑,在绝望中可以竖起希望的光。 The old sin and evil consequence disintegrated, avoid more misery and deaths happen. 将旧的罪孽和恶果瓦解,避免更多的苦难和死亡发生。 Even the day of the distance is extremely remote...... 即便距离那一天太过遥远…… But if anything does not do now, may not have. 但如果现在什么都不去做的话,一丝可能都不会有了。 Regarding Green Day, this is the real transformation and outlet. 对于绿日而言,这才是真正的转变和出路。 Otherwise, sooner or later, because of own welcomed wickedly falls from the sky and destroys. 否则的话,早晚有一天,会因自身的恶而迎来陨落和毁灭。 Huai Shi, we can go to destroy together Green Day!” 槐诗,我们可以一起去把绿日毁灭掉!” Liu Dongli looks at the table opposite young people, sincere invitation: Do not make it destroy in others' hand, do not make it fall into Hell.” 柳东黎看着桌子对面的年轻人,诚恳的邀请:“不要让它毁灭在别人的手中,也不要让它掉进地狱里去。” Silent, no one spoke. 寂静里,没有人说话。 Only has Huai Shi sigh in a soft voice. 只有槐诗轻声的叹息。 Has flash that he thought that Liu Dongli is insane. 有那么一瞬间,他觉得柳东黎已经疯了。 But is sorrowful, he thought that oneself is not possibly normal. 可悲哀的是,他觉得自己可能也不算正常。 Thinks extremely to be crazy, a governance bureau and Green Day double material traitor and Kingdom of Heaven pedigree traitor unites in together, bold wish change established order and rule. 想想就太过疯狂了,一个统辖局和绿日的双料二五仔和一个天国谱系二五仔联合在一起,胆大包天的想要改变既定的秩序和规则。 The blood floods are only a start. 血水灾只是个开始。 Through the essential season of war of various, reconstructs original sin Legion, step by step conforms with Green Day, nibbles, annexes, disintegrates and changes, finally above this foundation, reconstructs all. 通过诸界之战的关键时节,重建原罪军团,一步步的将绿日重新整合,蚕食、吞并、瓦解、更替,最终在此根基之上,重建一切。 Extremely in crazy. 太过于疯狂。 But besides oneself, whom there is a also to do? 可除了自己之外,有还有谁能够去做呢? But are relative to entire Current Territories, how many jin (0.5 kg) also there are how many two? 可自己相对于整个现境,又有几斤几两? Thinks of here, Huai Shi self-ridiculed that smiles: These that you said that Perron...... does he know?” 想到这里,槐诗自嘲一笑:“你说的这些,佩伦……他知道么?” Perhaps?” Liu Dongli shrugs, „ these years old man already, no matter matter. Even manages, will I receive the hand? “或许呢?”柳东黎耸肩,“这几年老头儿已经不管事儿了。就算管,难道我会收手么? Recruits the blood floods, the governance bureau will not that easily nod.” Huai Shi said, follow-up plan will not be easy, not necessarily as you expected.” “就是只是征募血水灾,统辖局也不会那么轻易点头的。”槐诗说,“后续的计划也不会有那么容易,未必如你所料。” I know.” Liu Dongli nods. “我知道。”柳东黎点头。 This matter makes my standpoint is very passive, particularly in this crucial point involves with you.” Huai Shi continued: Once I show what flaw, might encounter rallies together to attack.” “这事情弄下去我的立场会很被动,尤其是这个节骨眼上和你们有牵扯。”槐诗继续说:“一旦我露出什么破绽,很可能会遭到群起而攻。” I know.” Liu Dongli nods again. “我知道。”柳东黎再度点头。 The Huai Shi hear, could not bear smile: „Do you also open the mouth?” 槐诗听完,都忍不住笑了:“那你还开口?” „Don't you do dry/does?” “那你干不干?” Liu Dongli is blinking the eye, looks at him, fills with curiously. 柳东黎眨巴着眼睛,看着他,满怀好奇。 „......” “……” Huai Shi wants to hit the person suddenly. 槐诗忽然很想打人。 Having the reason isn't dry? 有理由不干么? Besides Green Day, throughout where also has is so again easy to weed out the wool the place? 除了绿日之外,全境哪里还有再这么容易薅羊毛的地方? Reorganization original sin Legion, disintegrates Green Day, to reconstruct Utopia lays a cornerstone again, this is completely the matter of killing three birds with one stone. 重组原罪军团,瓦解绿日,为重建理想国再奠定一块基石,这完全是一举三得的事情。 Even the risk is significant, but initially completes even if, can further be promoted by the strength that oneself grasp. 即便是风险重大,但哪怕只是初步完成,都能够让自己所掌握的力量进一步得到提升。 Huai Shi did not fear when the time comes some people try to revolt unruly or present Yang Wei Yin, wants taking advantage of own does anything , does not care about outside these baseless rumors. 槐诗不怕到时候有人桀骜不驯试图反抗或者是阴奉阳违,想要借着自己的搞点什么事情,也不在乎外面的那些风言风语。 But the only issue is, Green Day? 可唯一的问题是,绿日呢? Green Day, is really worth itself trusting, bets this? 绿日,真的值得自己信任,去赌这一把么? Sorry, old willow, I do not believe Green Day “抱歉,老柳,我不信绿日 Huai Shi shakes the head, the man who looks at that silent waiting, finally, actually cannot bear, helpless sighed, „, but I letter/believed you.” 槐诗摇头,看着那个沉默等待的男人,最终,却忍不住无奈叹息,“但我信你。” Liu Dongli is silent. 柳东黎沉默。 Visits him. 看着他。 Actually does such facial expression have the feeling relaxed unexpected surprise of expectation early? 那样的神情究竟是早有预料的释然还是未曾预料的诧异呢? He has not spoken, but puts out a hand. 他没有说话,只是伸出了手。 Gets hold of Huai Shi. 槐诗握紧。 Then makes an effort. 那么用力。 Does not need the contract and testimony, does not need the provisions and restricting of these burdens, this is among them the contract. 无需合同和见证,也不必那些累赘的条款和拘束,这便是他们之间的契约. The short handshake, looked like exhausted Liu Dongli all strengths. 短暂的握手,就像是耗尽了柳东黎所有的力气。 His paralysis on the chair, long exhales, was deliberately considering preside the bureau, Green Day and Huai Shi tertiary status, only feels strange: 他瘫在椅子上,长出了一口气,寻思着自己统辖局、绿日槐诗这边的三重身份,只感觉一阵离奇: „Was my three traitor?” “我这算是三家二五仔了么?” Yes, Abe.” “是呀,阿布。” Huai Shi nods, teaches with skill and patience, wants us to walk a flow, do you do obeisance an adoptive father?” 槐诗点头,循循善诱道,“要不要咱们走个流程,你来拜个义父啊?” Go away!” “滚!” Liu Dongli stared his one eyes: „Can't you proper?” 柳东黎瞪了他一眼:“你就不能正经点?” This proper time can definitely, but really cannot enforce to you.” “该正经的时候肯定会的,但对你实在不太能严肃起来。” Huai Shi thinks, after I was familiar with the flow, will initiate to the blood floods on behalf of original sin Legion recruits, hopes when the time comes Green Day will not form the hindrance.” 槐诗想了一下,“等我熟悉一下流程之后,就会代表原罪军团会向血水灾发起征召,希望到时候绿日不会形成阻碍。” Relax, I can look for you, can definitely help deciding that you carry out.” “放心,我能来找你,就肯定能帮你搞的定。” Liu Dongli waves: Was the blood floods, the locust plague also delivers you incessantly on the remaining craniums, you used careful, breaking to pieces was very troublesome.” 柳东黎挥手:“不止是血水灾,蝗灾也送你不过就剩下一个头盖骨了,你用的时候小心点,碎了很麻烦。” Is so natural?” “这么大方?”
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