AS :: Volume #3

#275: Sister-in-law honey peach

, , spn ~ date: ~ on September 20 ~ spn~日期:~09月20日~ More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ five senses literature ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~五味文学~ ~ ~ Dark Octopus feels a little odd, in its divine, master within three days with some mistress on good, is very strange, tonight is the second night, the octopus has thought the disposition of Li Jiayu that rubbing gently, at least also will want the possibility the day after tomorrow, but now Li Jiayu make a move too quickly was also too decisive, unexpectedly dares to start to the sister-in-law who he will most respect, moreover forcefully will dig up the light her, after having taken the affectionate couple bath, will hold in the room again intimate...... 黑暗章鱼感到有点奇怪,在它的占卜中,主人会在三天之内就跟某位主母好上,可是很奇怪,今晚才是第二夜啊,章鱼一直以为李佳玉那种磨蹭的性格,起码也要后天晚上才有可能,但现在李佳玉出手也太快太果断了,居然敢向他最尊敬的堂嫂下手,而且还是强行将她扒光,洗了个鸳鸯浴以后再抱进房里亲热…… The gods, the master you did not call have amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, first time captured the mistress who was difficult to do...... You did not fear that these hypocritical health/guard Daoist Priest, could not eat the grape to say racemic acid miscellaneous personnel baseless rumor, pointed at your spine to speak your malicious remarks......[ 神啊,主人你不鸣则已一鸣惊人,第一次就攻略最难搞的主母……难道你就不怕那些伪善的卫道士、吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的闲杂人等风言风语,指着你背脊骨说你坏话吗……[ Ok, these were unimportant, the master also taunts the face in any case, annoyed big pile of baseless rumors, moreover everywhere queers by master that temper, sooner or later the meeting personal enemy spreads the world, entire Heavenly Dynasty rises regards as the eye-sore by the youth talent and destiny child of, therefore trivial morally degenerate is also nothing...... 算了,这些都已经不要紧了,反正主人也是嘲讽脸,本来就惹来一大堆的风言风语,而且以主人那性子又处处得罪人,迟早会仇家遍及天下,被整个天朝崛起的青年才俊、气运之子视为眼中钉,所以区区的道德败坏也算不了什么吧…… Also, what humanitarian also scrupulously followed and moral issue in Apocalypse, that was not does not look happily, the law swung however has saved, the life was also in a precarious state, which country bumpkin will have scruples the moral immoral issue? 再说嘛,在末世里还恪守什么人道主义、道德问题,那不是自个儿找不痛快吗,法律都已经荡然存了,性命也朝不保夕,哪个傻帽还会去顾忌道德不道德的问题? Oh...... The octopus secretly had practiced also divination, the master has the slight love elder sister complex, likes the age than the Top Grade ripe female who he is older, as a result of the relations of destiny, first with the master has the relations should be the Wanqing mistress is right, why may be able to be the Zisu mistress acts swiftly to get there first...... The Zisu mistress physique is the water, certainly many water, are wet and slippery, the master can withstand, does not take 2-3 to be defeated to the octopus loses face......” “哎呀呀……章鱼本来还偷偷地占卜了一下,主人有轻微的恋姐情结,喜欢年纪比他大的极品熟女,唔,由于命运的关系,第一个跟主人有关系的应该是晚晴主母才对,可为什么会是紫苏主母捷足先登了呢……紫苏主母体质是水,一定很多水,又湿又滑,主人能承受得了吗,千万不要两三下就败下阵来给章鱼丢脸啊……” At this time, in the Li Jiayu's room, Yan Zisu Yang Tang on the soft mattress, the breath is somewhat disorderly, the standing tall and erect snow earthen mound that covering up along with breath shortness fluctuating, is rippling careful waves, obviously she could not endure to contact with the Li Jiayu's flesh a moment ago, particularly now all her the sensitive spots of feeling ashamed look at up by the husband's younger brother, this made her feel that accommodated, only thought that the dignity all shatter becomes in front of Li Jiayu was maintaining fine powder...... 此时,李佳玉的房间里,晏紫苏正仰躺在软绵绵的床垫上,呼吸有些凌乱,毫一丝遮掩的高耸雪丘正随着呼吸急促地起伏,荡漾出一片细细的波浪,显然她也忍受不了刚才跟李佳玉的肌肤接触,尤其是现在她所有羞人的敏感部位都被小叔子看光了,这让她感到地自容,只觉得一直在李佳玉面前维持着的尊严全都破碎成齑粉…… If, Yan Zisu wants to draw to block from the wool blanket really very much her *, but she cannot achieve, can only look helplessly Li Jiayu stands in the bedside silly, although he casts aside goes not to dare to look excessively, but does not know that is the Yan Zisu psychological process anything reason, she always thought that the Li Jiayu's corner of the eye split vision is secretly is looking at her pink gully...... 如果可以,晏紫苏真的很想把毛毯拉过来遮住她的*,但是她做不到,只能眼睁睁地看着李佳玉傻乎乎地站在床边,尽管他撇过头去不敢看,可是不知道是晏紫苏的心理作用还是什么原因,她总是觉得李佳玉的眼角余光就是在偷偷地看着她的粉红色沟壑…… This certainly is the dream...... I and between Jiayu am the pure kinship, although does not have the blood relationship, actually compares the one's own sister and brother also to compatible, why may have such awkward matter tonight, after this called me, how to show off one's power to teach him in front of Jiayu, if he saw each time my time cannot help but recalled that my appearance, I did not have any dignity and face in his heart 这一定是梦吧……我跟佳玉之间是淳淳的亲情,虽然没有血缘关系,却比亲生的姐弟还要合得来,可为什么今天晚上会发生这么尴尬的事呢,这叫我以后怎么在佳玉面前逞威风教训他啊,万一他每次见到我的时候都不由自主地回想起我的这幅模样,那我在他心里面就没有任何尊严和面子了 Jiayu, brings the white wool blanket quickly, do not look......” 佳玉,快把白色的毛毯拿过来,你不要看……” Un......” “嗯……” Li Jiayu tunnels the vision with the hand, pulls the wool blanket to lose to Yan Zisu deftly, she looked like has gripped the straw to grasp, no matter also the ache of body, covered the tender body flustered, let that attractive flesh color gully and proud milk-white bosom all hides, has completed all these, she felt that her dignity came back a point slightly, relaxed quietly, but sent out on the shining white gloss gentle cheek to blush has not dispersed, like the flesh color peach blossom that at night bloomed. 李佳玉用手挡住视线,麻利地扯过毛毯丢给晏紫苏,她就像是握住了救命稻草,也不管身体的疼痛,慌慌张张地把娇躯盖住,让那诱人的粉红沟壑与傲人酥胸全部隐藏起来,做完了这一切,她才感觉自己的尊严稍微回来了一点,悄悄地松了一口气,只是散发着莹白光泽的柔媚脸蛋上红晕未散,就像在夜间绽放的粉红桃花。 Saw that Yan Zisu covered wool blanket strenuously, in the Li Jiayu heart was hanging the giant stone has put down half, actually he also was very a moment ago anxious, mainly had the flesh to contact with the sister-in-law of respect to him brings with spiritual of peer shocks, although wanted to exhibit one before the sister-in-law strongly, if the appearance of its matter, but Li Jiayu could not achieve, slightly is still trembling his hand to the present, the breath was not steady, on the forehead has emitted sweat of faint trace. 看到晏紫苏吃力地盖好毛毯,李佳玉心里面悬着的巨石放下了一半,其实他刚才也很紧张,主要是与尊敬的堂嫂有肌肤接触给他带来与伦比的精神震撼,虽然竭力想要在堂嫂面前摆出一副若其事的样子,可李佳玉真的做不到,他的手到现在还在微微发抖,呼吸非常不平稳,就连额头上都冒出了一丝丝的汗水。 Even if comes a full fierce combat with insect Corpse Clan, does not have tired such, sister-in-law...... How between I and you were...... 就算是跟虫子尸族来一场酣畅淋漓的激战,也没有这么的累啊,堂嫂……我跟你之间到底是怎么了…… Sister-in-law and sister-in-law, you feel a point now......” “嫂、嫂子,现在你感觉好一点了吗……” Good point...... Probably does not have so to be from the beginning sore......” “好一点了……好像没有一开始那么疼……” Yan Zisu groaned several, the willow eyebrows frown, silent a meeting, as to condense the water element to treat own wound strongly, but the severe pain had diverted her attention, and some Li Jiayu look in side that she does not dare to wave the arm to make some fingerprints, for fear that the acting scope too greatly makes the husband's younger brother see her milk-white bosom, therefore her Water Moistening Technique basic on condensation. 晏紫苏浅浅呻吟了几声,柳眉微颦,沉默了一会,似乎想要竭力地凝聚起水元素来治疗自己的伤口,但剧痛一直分散了她的注意力,兼且又有李佳玉在旁边看着,她不敢挥动手臂弄一些指印,生怕动作幅度太大又让小叔子看到她的酥胸,所以她的水润术根本就凝聚不起来。 May more not condense, Yan Zisu more worries, in the attractive oval face showed the tragic anxious expression, in the bright eyes concentrates unexpectedly water gauze, like one such as the dream imaginary mist, miserable to the extreme, having made people wish one could to support into bosom her Tartar to cut down recklessly, then lightly pitied the dense love. 可越不凝聚出来,晏紫苏就越是着急,漂亮的鹅蛋脸上露出凄楚焦急的表情,明眸里面竟然凝上了一层水纱,就像一层如梦似幻的水雾,楚楚可怜到了极点,让人恨不得把她拥入怀里肆意鞑伐,然后再轻怜密爱。 I and I could not need the magic...... Yan Zisu to be burning with impatience probably, eye socket slightly one red, two clear teardrops flowed copiously, wind through the snow white cheeks, stayed on that exquisite chin instant, has dropped swiftly, splashed the beautiful tears on the bed sheet. “我、我好像用不出魔法了……”晏紫苏心急如焚,眼圈微微一红,两颗晶莹的泪珠夺眶而出,流过雪白的脸颊,在那小巧的下巴上停留了刹那,倏然滴落,在床单上溅起美丽的泪花。 Do not be anxious, this is because you have no way to concentrate the spiritual reason...... Yeah, since you do not want to look for Sister Wanqing, that is tried......” Li Jiayu to sit by me by Yan Zisu, congealed with rapt attention, has restrained the beforehand flustered appearance gradually, showed a serious, discrete and earnest expression, like a self-confident physician-in-charge. “别急,这是因为你没法集中精神的缘故……哎,既然你不想去找晚晴姐,那就由我来试试吧……”李佳玉坐在晏紫苏旁边,凝了凝神,渐渐地收敛住之前的慌张模样,露出一副严肃、谨慎、认真的表情,就像一个自信满满的主治医师。 You and you try anything......” “你、你来试什么呀……” Sister-in-law do not forget, I am also Radiant Priest.” Li Jiayu shames in telling others him is Radiant Priest of Pope level, he felt that this has lost face, shows a faint smile simply, no matter also whether to be competent must exhibit a confident appearance, after all this can give the sister-in-law enough confidence.[ “堂嫂别忘了,我也是光明祭祀哦。”李佳玉羞于告诉别人他是教皇级的光明祭祀,他感觉这样太丢脸了,索性微微一笑,也不管自己能否胜任都要摆出一副胸有成竹的样子,毕竟这样才能给予堂嫂足够的信心嘛。[ Right...... You are also Radiant Priest, I gave to forget you...... If you, should not have the issue......” in the Yan Zisu heart raises to like inexplicably, if Xiao Wanqing gives her to treat, she will have little being offended, but if is the husband's younger brother, that is different...... “对哦……你也是光明祭祀,我都把你给忘掉了……如果是你的话,应该没问题的……”晏紫苏心中升起一股莫名地欢喜,如果是萧晚晴给她治疗的话,她还会有一点点的介怀,可如果是小叔子的话,那就不一样了…… Recalls Li Jiayu also with Radiant Technique to the Chan You treatment sinking sickness, therefore Yan Zisu even more has believed the Li Jiayu's words, open is frowning the brow tip slightly affably, relaxed twittering said: 回想起李佳玉也是用光明术婵幽治疗沉疴,于是晏紫苏愈发地相信了李佳玉的话,稍稍地舒缓开颦着的眉梢,轻松呢喃道: That troubled you......” “那就麻烦你了……” „It is not troublesome, this is I should doing......” the Li Jiayu corners of the mouth have pulled out, he felt that this is extremely estranged, among the wives of uncle also serves a need to be troublesome? “不麻烦,这是我该做的……”李佳玉嘴角抽了一下,他感觉这样太过生分,叔嫂之间还用得着麻烦不麻烦吗? Sister-in-law, can stand up from failure, you lie on the bed, making me have a look at your wound......” “堂嫂,可以翻个身吗,你趴在床上,让我看看你的伤口……” Was not good, does not turn...... You know that the both legs did not have the consciousness...... You help me turn...... So long as you and you leave touch randomly well......” “不行,翻不了……你知道的,双腿都没有知觉了……你帮我翻吧……只要你、你别乱碰就好……” „, I know.” “呃,我知道的。” Li Jiayu is away from the white wool blanket, cautious and solemn is holding sister-in-law's arm, turns over gently her, making her milk-white bosom press on the bed sheet, then Li Jiayu slowly lifts the wool blanket, carefully looks that actually sees sister-in-law's waist buttocks intersection point silt azure one piece, forms the sharp contrast with the sparkling stone white snow greasy flesh...... 李佳玉隔着白色的毛毯,小心翼翼地扶着堂嫂的手臂,轻轻地将她翻转过来,让她的酥胸压在床单上,而后李佳玉缓缓地掀开毛毯,仔细地看着,却见堂嫂的腰臀交界处淤青一片,与莹白雪腻的肌肤形成鲜明的对比…… Falls well heavily...... The sister-in-law you are also Insect Crystal has strengthened the person, how such not to pass through falls......” “摔得好重啊……堂嫂你也是虫晶强化过的人,怎么就这么不经摔啊……” Wants you to manage, the sister-in-law is Magician! Moreover completely is the fusion freezes attribute Insect Crystal at your request, these strengthened strengths and strengthening * Insect Crystal useless, where therefore my body intensity is not better than to go the average person!” “要你管,堂嫂是魔法师嘛!而且又在你的要求下尽是融合冰冻属性的虫晶,那些强化力气、强化*的虫晶都没用过,所以我的身体强度不比普通人好到哪里去!” „, I have a look at your wound first......” “咳,我先看看你的伤口……” Saying, somewhat awkward Li Jiayu the vision delivery in the waist buttocks of Yan Zisu, was just wanting to touch the wound, actually suddenly notes sister-in-law's two petal buttocks meat so clear fair, soft fat and tender buttocks meat under the flame often ripples one * the dazzling whitecap. 说着,有些尴尬的李佳玉把目光投放在晏紫苏的腰臀之间,刚想要碰碰伤口,却忽然间注意到堂嫂的两瓣臀肉是如此的晶莹白皙,柔软肥嫩的臀肉在火光下不时地荡漾出一*的耀眼白浪。 „......” “呃……” The Li Jiayu's body stiffened immediately, he wants to turn away, but does not know that is any reason, the unexpected happening approaches unexpectedly slightly, looks anxiously, taking advantage of the light of slightly dim insect fire, sister-in-law that fresh-faced tender two petal snow white buttocks meat in wool blankets so attractive, seems already the thoroughly ripe juiciness honey peach, flesh Yun Bai is tender and delicate, blows to break, in careful buttocks seams...... 李佳玉的身体顿时就僵住了,他想要移开视线,但不知道是什么原因,竟然鬼使神差地稍稍凑近过去,紧张地看着,借着略显昏暗的虫火之光,堂嫂那粉嫩嫩的两瓣雪白臀肉在毛毯间是如此的诱人,好似一颗已经熟透的多汁水蜜桃,肌肤云白娇嫩,吹可破,细细的臀缝中间…… Li Jiayu a little does not dare to look, the place that but there the sister-in-law most feels ashamed, must come to make his creepy feeling compared with that partly visible powder Honghuagou...... 李佳玉有点不敢看下去了,那里可是堂嫂最羞人的地方,比起那若隐若现的粉红花沟还要来得令他头皮发麻…… Makes an effort to shake the head, the distracting thoughts and dryness and heat in Li Jiayu forcefully holding down moral nature, but the vision still uncontrolled looked in the sister-in-law profound mountain valleys only then the pink floret of bulb size, the unfaithful of that needle eye size bloomed outward the number close wrinkle...... 使劲摇了摇头,李佳玉强行按住心底里的杂念和燥热,可是目光依然不受控制地瞄向了堂嫂幽深山谷中间只有指肚大小的浅红色小花,那针眼大小的花心向外绽放开数细密的皱纹…… Coughs......” “咳……” Li Jiayu somewhat could not bear coughs, the whole body gently was shivering, he does not know that was any reason, only thought that sister-in-law's buttocks like magnet, captured his attention firmly, making him breathe feels an intermittent difficulty...... 李佳玉有些受不了地咳嗽了一声,浑身都在轻轻地颤抖着,他也不知道是什么原因,只觉得堂嫂的臀部就像磁石一样,牢牢地吸引住他的目光,让他呼吸都感到一阵阵的困难…… The heaven, I am looking at anything...... This is a sister-in-law, absolutely not! 老天,我到底在看些什么……这可是堂嫂啊,绝对不可以的! How I can have the improper evil thought to the sister-in-law, she is good to me so, such as elder sister mother, to my percentage hundred faith, but my innermost feelings so are dirty...... 我怎么能对堂嫂产生不该有的邪念,她对我这么好,如姐似母,对我百分百的信赖,可我的内心却如此肮脏…… Although said that this is the body instinct, a man should have the response that right...... But a Li Jiayu light guilty conscience and ashamed feeling, guilty of faint trace, but these three mood mixed when together, actually fuses dry and hot flame, is similar to the fire of prairie, spread each inch flesh and blood of his body, making the aura that he shouted boiling hot compare. 虽然说这是身体本能,一种男人该有的反应没错啦……可李佳玉还是有一种淡淡的负罪感和羞耻感,还有一丝丝的愧疚,但是这三种情绪交杂在一起时,却融合成一股燥热的火焰,如同草原之火,蔓延了他身体的每一寸血肉,让他呼出来的气息都滚烫比。 Jiayu, you how?”[ 佳玉,你怎么了?”[ Yan Zisu suppresses the ache, cautious and solemn has been turning head, actually sees Li Jiayu to stare at her buttocks to be in a daze, all these make her also panic-stricken, wanted to scold Li Jiayu not to let him have the bad thoughts, is those images and scenes, she could not say the extremely severe words, has the face to lower the sound red, in a soft voice twittering: 晏紫苏强忍着疼痛,小心翼翼地回过头,却见李佳玉在盯着她的臀部发呆,这一切让她也心慌意乱,本来想要呵斥李佳玉别让他动坏心思的,可是此情此景,她根本就说不出太过严厉的话,只好脸红红地压低声音,轻声呢喃: And Do not look, the sisters-in-law quickly hurt, you hurried to treat......” “别、别看了,堂嫂都快疼死了,你赶紧治疗啊……” ! # !# More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ five senses literature ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~五味文学~ ~ ~
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