AS :: Volume #3

#274: The fish is moved to tears

, , spn ~ date: ~ on September 20 ~ spn~日期:~09月20日~ More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ hundred million book buildings ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~亿书楼~ ~ ~ ...... Hurt and hurt......” “唔……疼、疼死了……” Yan Zisu only thought that piercing aches transmit from the tail spine, has gone against the spread toward the brain, hurts her delicate eyebrows to frown, somewhat is hard to breathe said in a low voice: 晏紫苏只觉得一股股刺骨的疼痛从尾脊骨传来,一直往脑顶蔓延,疼得她秀眉微颦,有些难以呼吸地低声说道: No, does not use...... I am Water System Magician, was injured to process, does not need to trouble Wanqing, moreover she has rested......”[ “别,不用了……我是水系法师,受了伤可以自己处理,不用麻烦晚晴,况且她已经睡了……”[ „, That present......” some Li Jiayu hand and feet handle squat side Yan Zisu, is dumb as a wooden chicken looks that she is snow white **, suddenly does not know how should do is good, if the general case, he is hurries certainly to examine the Yan Zisu injury personal, is those images and scenes, to the extreme, the Li Jiayu courage has not dared to touch Yan Zisu awkwardly again greatly, must know that she is now stark naked, exposes including feminine most secret powder Honghuagou under his nose...... “呃,那现在……”李佳玉有些手足措地蹲在晏紫苏身旁,呆若木鸡地看着她雪白丰腴的**,一时间不知道该怎么做才好,如果是普通情况,他当然是赶紧贴身查看晏紫苏的伤势,可是此情此景,尴尬到了极点,李佳玉胆子再大也不敢去碰晏紫苏啊,要知道她现在一丝不挂,连女性最为隐秘的粉红花沟都暴露在他眼皮底下…… Fool, but also is staring doing, a bit faster holds...... Yan Zisu to nip the silver tooth me tightly, on the face full is the color of pain, like the rose that in the storm creakies, miserable, but when she notes the Li Jiayu face to stare red and silly her chest is looking, in her cannot help but heart trembles, urged hastily in a low voice: “笨蛋,还愣着干什么,快点把我扶起来……”晏紫苏紧咬着银牙,脸上满是痛楚之色,就像暴风雨中摇摇欲坠的玫瑰花,楚楚可怜,可当她注意到李佳玉脸红红、傻乎乎地盯着她胸口看的时候,她不由得心中一颤,连忙低声催促: Be not standing silly, has not seen your sister-in-law uncomfortably...... What you look at to look that a bit faster closes the eye, heard?” “别傻站着啊,没看到你堂嫂有多难受吗……你看什么看,快点闭上眼睛,听到了没有?” Although clearly knows that Li Jiayu this sentiment is slow fellow awfully not to have any evil thought that but was looked up by him the body has felt ashamed after all very much, how even if Yan Zisu were again open-minded unable to endure the vision of husband's younger brother difference, after all this was extremely awkward, suitable humiliation. 虽然明知道李佳玉这个感情迟钝得要命的家伙不会起什么邪念,但被他看光了身体总归很是羞人,哪怕晏紫苏再怎么豁达也忍受不了小叔子异样的目光,毕竟这样子太过尴尬,也相当的丢脸。 Un.” “嗯。” Li Jiayu always very much listens to sister-in-law's words, therefore he has closed the eye hastily, extends make a move to hold on the hand of Yan Zisu, wants to hold her, but Yan Zisu falls very much heavily. Did not know that has damaged the vertebra or the nerve, in any case is lower part Ma Ma, does not have too many consciousness, let alone is stands, even if moves the both legs to feel the countless sufferings and hardships. 李佳玉一向都很听堂嫂的话,所以他连忙闭上了眼睛,伸出手去拉住晏紫苏的手,想把她扶起来,可是晏紫苏摔得很重。不晓得撞伤了脊椎还是神经,反正就是下半身麻麻的,没有太多的知觉,别说是站起来,就算是动一动双腿都会感觉千难万难。 „Not good...... Jiayu. I probably was the temporary paralysis. The lower part cannot move the gentle voice that......” Yan Zisu anxious, regretted and worry about to have a weeping voice, resounded in the Li Jiayu ear slowly. “不行……佳玉。我好像是暂时性的瘫痪了。下半身根本就动不了……”晏紫苏焦虑、后悔、担忧的轻柔嗓音带着一丝哭腔,缓缓在李佳玉耳边响起。 I hug you, hugs Sister Wanqing there you, her bright Treatment Technique is so mysterious, 2-3 can cure you.” Li Jiayu somewhat was also anxious. He can any favour, however family member actually be his most precious object, each family member receives to injure him not to feel better at heart extremely, particularly treats the sister-in-law who he such as the elder sister resembles mother. “那我把你抱起来好吗,把你抱到晚晴姐那里,她的光明治疗术那么神奇,三两下就能把你治好的。”李佳玉也有些急了。他可以对任何人情,但是身边的亲人却是他的至宝,每一个亲人受到伤害他都会心里极其不好受,尤其是待他如姐似母的堂嫂。 No, do not look for her...... You and you hug your room me first, I adapt to be able to cure......” “不,别找她……你、你先把我抱回你的房间,我适应一下就能自己治好的……” Yan Zisu does not want to look for Xiao Wanqing, this mentality quite subtle, the reason, she does not talk clearly, perhaps is because her Water System Magician and Radiant Priest treat Profession of department. If she looks for Xiao Wanqing, always felt that is somewhat short she, as soon as plans, the friend who even if among them is better very much also has like this subtle idea. The women, the pretty woman, have mutual competition particularly actually, each other is not convinced fights darkly, naturally, a factor lies in Li Jiayu, Yan Zisu always thought that the heart of Xiao Wanqing such as dream is imaginary, as deep as a well. She is forever impossible by the Li Jiayu captive...... Therefore, since has no way doubly related. That extremely do not trouble Xiao Wanqing, after all she treats several reagent who Vajra Orangutan, treats Gong Zhou tonight. Was already tired to rest. 晏紫苏真的不想去找萧晚晴,这种心态相当的微妙,原因嘛,她自己也说不清楚,或许是因为她水系法师光明祭祀都是治疗系的职业。她要是去找萧晚晴的话,总感觉有些矮她一筹,哪怕她们之间是很要好的朋友也有着这样的微妙想法,啧。女人,尤其是漂亮的女人,其实都有着互相攀比,彼此不服气的暗斗吧,当然,还有一个因素就在于李佳玉吧,晏紫苏总觉得萧晚晴的心如梦似幻,难以捉摸。她永远也不可能会被李佳玉俘虏……所以,既然没法亲上加亲。那就不要太过麻烦萧晚晴了,毕竟她今天晚上治疗金刚猩猩、治疗龚州的十几个试药者。早就累得睡过去了。 Good, the sister-in-law you endure, my this......” “好吧,嫂子你忍一下,我这就……” Li Jiayu with the feeling, cautious and solemn extends make a move to want the sister-in-law to hug, although he closes the eye also to touch very much precisely by the memory, because is extremely flustered, is extremely rash, his hand trembles slightly, wanted to extend the hand to the Yan Zisu back, actually because of deviation slightly, but on moving sister-in-law that group of snow greasy soft meat groups! 李佳玉凭着感觉,小心翼翼地伸出手去想要把堂嫂抱起来,尽管他闭上眼睛也能很精确地凭借记忆摸上去,但因为太过心慌,太过毛躁,他的手微微地发抖,本来想要把手伸到晏紫苏背脊下,却因为稍微的偏差而碰触上堂嫂那团雪腻柔软的肉团! You and you bumped into should not the bumping place!” “你、你碰到不该碰的地方了!” „...... This is...... The sister-in-law I am not intentionally!” “呃……这是……堂嫂我不是故意的!” Li Jiayu hurry apologized, although was only the fingertip strokes gently the sister-in-law to stand tall and erect the proud milk-white bosom, but that flash had an electric current to bloom at the touching point, Yan Zisu fortunately, but the Li Jiayu's heart bang bang the fierce beat, obviously his brain has actually been at the highly emotional state, nearly must work as the machine. 李佳玉慌忙地道歉,尽管只是指尖摩挲到堂嫂高耸傲人的酥胸,但是那一瞬间真的有股电流在触摸点绽放,晏紫苏还好一点,但李佳玉的心脏却已经“砰砰”地剧烈跳动,显然他的大脑已经处于高度兴奋状态,差点儿就要当机了。 Sister-in-law's chest, with Kikyo is really different...... This is the young married woman defeats the evidence of young girl...... 堂嫂的胸脯,跟桔梗的果然不一样啊……这就是少妇完败少女的证据啊…… Wait / Etc., does not think now these times is good! 呃,等等,现在不是想这些的时候好不好! Li Jiayu shook the head, is smiling bitterly awkwardly, cautious and solemn extends the hand to the Yan Zisu back under once more, then another hand extends to her buttocks next three cuns (2.5cm) longlegs, has hugged her slowly, because strength suddenly stimulated the Yan Zisu wound, loves her once more to send out a pain to recite, two held in the arms the Li Jiayu's neck, in the mouth called out in a soft voice: 李佳玉摇了摇头,尴尬地苦笑着,再次小心翼翼地把手伸到晏紫苏背脊下,而后另一只手则伸到她的臀部下三寸的长腿下面,缓缓地把她抱了起来,然而因为遽然的力道刺激了晏紫苏的伤口,疼得她再次发出一声痛吟,两手搂住李佳玉的颈项,嘴里面轻声叫道: Light and light, I hurt......”[ “轻、轻一点,我疼……”[ It may sound funny, Yan Zisu leisure time is also the mode of motion young married woman, but also has studied some loose jack of all trades gong fu|effort, properly speaking should very strong is right, still remembers initially she by „the Frost frog the venomous tongue pierces the shoulder time, she has not shouted excessively sorely, has not cried, but now she unexpectedly has become this appearance, clearly with fearing pain young female student not any difference. 说来好笑,晏紫苏闲暇的时候也算是运动型的少妇,还学过一些松散的三脚猫功夫,按理说应该挺坚强的才对,犹记得当初她被“冰霜蛤蟆”的毒舌刺穿肩膀的时候,她都没有喊过疼,更没有哭过,可是现在她居然成了这幅模样,分明跟怕疼的小女生没有任何的区别嘛。 Un, I know......” “嗯,我晓得……” Li Jiayu quite awkwardly said that after all he has not worn the clothes now, but Yan Zisu was being held poster his neck by him, the posture is very ambiguous, her group of snows greasy plentiful also closely paste in the Li Jiayu chest, resembles the snow and ice shining white, Guo Dong fill, looks like the mutton fat slippery jade to be smooth, does Li Jiayu to be utterly confused, only felt sister-in-law's snow bumps into his chest greasily instant, had to say did not scavenge the unclear heat flow to penetrate his chest, points to heart that bang bang jumped madly. 李佳玉颇为尴尬地说道,毕竟他现在可没穿上衣,而晏紫苏被他抱着楼主他脖子,姿势很暧昧,就连她那团雪腻丰腴也紧紧地贴在李佳玉胸口,似冰雪般莹白,又似果冻般充满性,更像羊脂滑玉般柔滑,搞得李佳玉心乱如麻,只感觉堂嫂的雪腻碰到他胸口的刹那,有股说不清道不明的热流穿透他的胸口,直指砰砰乱跳的心脏。 Deeply inspired, Li Jiayu depresses moving restlessly and disorderly of moral nature forcefully, the half step slips away the bathroom, held Yan Zisu to return to his room hurriedly, then has closed the door gently, did not know that out of any mentality, Li Jiayu does not want to make others know in any case he with the matter that the sister-in-law has tonight. 深吸了一口气,李佳玉强行压下心底的躁动和凌乱,快步地溜出浴室,急匆匆地抱着晏紫苏回到了他的房间,然后轻轻地关上了房门,也不晓得是出于什么心态,反正李佳玉就是不想让别人知道他跟堂嫂今晚发生的事。 However, sleepy eyes fluffy Dark Octopus on the sofa actually blurry saw all, although is not sees very clearly, but it has actually hit a cleverness, mumbled to jump from the sofa, spiritual roused brandishes the tentacle, on the sucker is adsorbing the feather pillows, was happy like marrying several hundred wives. 不过,在沙发上睡眼蓬松的黑暗章鱼却迷迷糊糊地看到了一切,尽管不是看得很清楚,但它却打了个机灵,哼哼唧唧地从沙发上跳了起来,精神抖擞地挥舞着触手,吸盘上吸附着一个个羽毛枕头,高兴得就像娶了几百个老婆一样。 „! The masters, you were really good! Starts to the Zisu mistress unexpectedly...... Has was too right, is inferior to the stuffed dumpling that words said delicious, amusing sister-in-law...... The masters you have straightened out finally, octopus was too happy, it is estimated that in the near future, the harem of master can formally establish, hum, our master and servant are really a person of same belief people, a person of same belief people......” “啊!主人,你真是太棒了!竟然对紫苏主母下手……有句话说的太对了,好吃不如饺子,好玩不过嫂子……主人你终于开窍了,章鱼太高兴了,估计不久的将来,主人的后宫就可以正式建立了,呜呜,我们主仆果然是同道中人,同道中人啊……” Dark Octopus is moved to tears. 黑暗章鱼感动得泪流满面。 More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ hundred million book buildings ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~亿书楼~ ~ ~
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