AS :: Volume #3

#273: The sister-in-law threw down

, , spn ~ date: ~ on September 20 ~ spn~日期:~09月20日~ More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ On one by one please Chinese ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~一一中文~ ~ ~ Why does not know, when Li Jiayu hears sister-in-law final sentence „unable”, he recalled unexpectedly the previous generation sister-in-law for all that he makes, the pictures of recollections appear in the mind quickly, immediately makes Li Jiayu be filled with emotion, in the heart raised saying that unexpectedly did not scavenge the unclear tender feelings, wishes one could to grasp the sister-in-law immediately, poured out to her, but he does not dare to do this, because that was a sister-in-law, was the Cousin Li Jiayu's wife, even if she is a widow, Li Jiayu cannot be unfair to her. 不知为何,当李佳玉听到堂嫂最后句“不可以的哦”之时,他蓦地回想到前世堂嫂为他做的一切,一幕幕回忆的画面倏地在脑海中浮现,顿时让李佳玉感慨万千,心中竟然升起一股说不清道不明的柔情,恨不得立刻将堂嫂抱住,向她倾诉一切,但他真的不敢这样做,因为那是堂嫂,是堂兄李佳玉的妻子,即便她已经是寡妇,李佳玉也不能对不起她。 Yes, you are the hall heart “是啊,你是堂心 ...... Forever is the sisters-in-law, therefore is impossible, must...... ” ……永远都是堂嫂,所以不可能的,必……” Was good, do not exhibit a sentimental appearance, these that said a moment ago are tease you to play, do not care......”[ “行了,别摆出一副多愁善感的模样,刚才说的那些都是逗你玩的,你别放在心上……”[ Un, the words that you spoke a moment ago looked that is false, I will not believe “嗯,你刚才说的话一看就是假的,我才不会信呢 ...... ” ……” They were suddenly silent, in bathroom only remaining, if has, if underwater sound and breathing, the atmosphere becomes is slightly awkward. 两人忽然间就沉默了,浴室里只剩下若有若的水声和呼吸声,气氛变得略微尴尬起来。 Sister-in-law, can I ask your matter again?” “堂嫂,我可以再问你一个事情吗?” Said.” “说。” That octopus said that I in sentiment indecisive, lacks aggressively, hesitants when a decision needed instead its chaotically, is this real? How you think......” “那个章鱼说我在感情上优柔寡断,缺乏霸气,当断不断反受其乱,这是真的吗?你怎么认为呢……” Un, you when fight fight indeed are competitive, often hits to explode the enemy, however in the sentiment, you should be more initiative , is to Wanqing or to Hongxia, even is Zhou Liu Yinsha you processes complete mess, sometimes the sister-in-law watched also takes on to say for you......” “嗯,你在打架战斗的时候的确是霸气十足,动不动就把敌人打爆,但是在感情上,你真的应该主动一些,论是对晚睛还是对红霞,甚至是纣柳银纱你都处理得一团糟,有时候嫂子看在眼里也为你担说……” How should I do?” “那我该怎么做?” To Wanqing you best aggressive, the stance is strong, making her treat as the man you, but is not her 19-year-old student, but I thought that you are very possibly difficult to achieve, because you before her is a face red awkward appearance, feelings hard......” “对晚睛你最好霸气一点,姿态要强硬,让她把你当做男人,而不是她19岁的学生,不过我看你可能很难做得到,因为你在她面前都是一副脸红红的尴尬模样,心肠硬不起来……” Un, this point must change, but I do not dare to injure her, I feared that will make her feel embarrassed to her strongly, even is not happy......” “嗯,这一点的确要改,但我不敢伤害她,我怕对她强硬会让她为难,甚至是不高兴……” The young fool, the thoughts of woman you do not understand, the young female student may like the gentle charming put on airs, however the mature young married woman, may be likes having the opinion to have valor, moreover is rich in the real man of the sense of responsibility and security sense, you, are extremely impetuous, has lacked the sense of responsibility and security early morning 小笨蛋,女人的心思你不懂,小女生或许会喜欢温柔帅气的白马王子,但是成熟的少妇嘛,可都是喜欢有主见有勇气,而且又富有责任感、安全感的大丈夫,你啊,太过浮躁,就是缺少了责任感和安全晨 Un, these shortcomings that some of my indeed you said...... But how Liu Yinsha explained that she is also the mature young married woman, does not run to harass me all day baa......” “嗯,我的确有你说的那些缺点……但柳银纱怎么解释,她也是成熟的少妇啊,不也整天跑来骚扰我咩……” You and do not cite the negative example with sister-in-law! Liu Yinsha this marvel, regards as another matter!” “你、你别跟堂嫂举反面例子!柳银纱这种奇葩,另当别论!” „......” Li Jiayu obediently nod. “哦……”李佳玉乖乖点头 As for Hongxia, could see that she cares about you very much, actually also has Sun Weiwei, Kikyo, Luo Yanyu wait / etc. female students also very much to pay attention to you, but since you do not have the meaning to them completely, that finds a time to suggest that with them, do not let them continue the waste painstaking care on you...... , is not good, the present is Apocalypse, is in a precarious state, the lord knows they have several to arrive in Nanning safely...... Yeah, first do not reject them, otherwise their fond dreams were disillusioned, the psychology definitely does not feel better......” “至于红霞嘛,看得出她很在意你,其实还有孙薇薇桔梗罗烟雨等等女生也对你很关注,可既然你对她们完全没意思,那就找个时间跟她们暗示一下吧,别让她们继续在你身上浪费心血了……唔,也不行,现在是末世,朝不保夕,天晓得她们有几个能安然抵达邕么……哎,你还是先别拒绝她们,要不然她们的美梦破灭了,心理肯定不好受……” During the speeches, Yan Zisu has beaten from the bathtub Li Jiayu, making him sit on modelling the alley round stool, a shampoo, has washed hair to Li Jiayu carefully but actually slowly, in fact the Li Jiayu's hair has the miniature bright purification technique to clean up at any time, is not dirty, washes has not related, but Yan Zisu is in the psychological process, wants to wash hair to Li Jiayu, she wanted to manipulate Li Jiayu that mild-mannered smooth snow white hair to be very long. 说话间,晏紫苏李佳玉从浴缸里捶了出来,让他坐在塑衙圆凳上,小心地倒了点洗发水,缓缓地给李佳玉洗头,事实上李佳玉的头发任何时候都有微型的光明净化术清理着,根本就不脏,洗不洗都没关系,可晏紫苏处于心理作用,就是想给李佳玉洗头,她想要摆弄李佳玉那柔顺光滑的雪白色头发很久了。 Washed hair, Yan Zisu also toward bath flower on but actually the bathing dew, then a fingertip point, immediately also had lightly the water splash to hit on Li Jiayu, then Yan Zisu uses the bath flower back and forth to clean on the flesh of his chest, produces big white froth. 洗完头,晏紫苏又往浴花上倒了点沐浴露,然后指尖一点,顿时又有淅淅沥沥地水花打在李佳玉身上,然后晏紫苏就用浴花在他胸膛的肌肤上来回擦拭,磨出一大片白色的泡泡。 Sister-in-law, in your bath encircled too loosely, soon falls.” Li Jiayu was reminding, somewhat awkwardly cast aside goes excessively, because was not careful a moment ago saw the sister-in-law deeply did not see the bottom evilly the snow white gully “堂嫂,你的浴中围得太松,快要掉下来了啦。”李佳玉提醒着,有些尴尬地撇过头去,因为刚才不小心又看到了堂嫂邪深不见底的雪白沟壑 Wants you to manage.” “要你管。” Yan Zisu then noted small half milk-white bosom quickly to reveal, she face has raised in the bath immediately red, will be will evil two groups of snows to block from greasily, then she has squatted, partly knelt in front of Li Jiayu, the hand grasped the bath flower to clean, from chest to abdomen, even arrived at the inguen, she already noted the Li Jiayu's shorts to haunch the tent, but Yan Zisu was also a seasoned person, moreover was very always strong in front of Li Jiayu, therefore smiled with something else in mind, the supine face said with a smile to the Li Jiayu accent:[ 晏紫苏这才注意到小半截酥胸都快露出来了,她立刻脸红红地提了提浴中,堪堪将邪两团雪腻遮住,而后她蹲了下来,半跪在李佳玉面前,手掌握着浴花一路擦拭而下,从胸膛到腹部,甚至到了腹股沟,她早就已经注意到李佳玉的短裤撑起了帐篷,不过晏紫苏也是过来人了,而且一向在李佳玉面前很强势,所以不以为然地笑了笑,仰起脸对李佳玉调笑道:[ Yo, had the feeling? Because of sister-in-law's reason...... The words said for six years ago time, you are only 13 years old, which also looks like the chicken intestines to be so small.” “哟,有感觉了?是因为堂嫂的缘故吗……话说六年前的时候,你才13岁,哪儿还像鸡肠子那么小咧。” ...... ” Li Jiayu word by right, but is awkward wants to look for a hole to worm one's way into. ……”李佳玉言以对,只是尴尬得想要找个洞钻进去。 Sees Li Jiayu not to speak, Yan Zisu strikes an attitude to take off the Li Jiayu's shorts, grinning say|way 李佳玉不说话,晏紫苏作势去脱李佳玉的短裤,笑嘻嘻道 There must clean, you may probably be fastidious about the health, do not think that Apocalypse, has been able not to need to clean, must know a place is very easy to multiply the bacteria......” “那里也要清洗一下,你可要讲究卫生,别以为到了末世,就可以不用清洗,要知道耶个地方很容易滋生细菌的……” No, do not escape!” Li Jiayu hurries to seize the hand of Yan Zisu awkwardly, his where dares to make Yan Zisu see that place, must know, how even if among them relates to be again good and what kind, she is the sister-in-law...... Even if she did not mind that Li Jiayu does not have valor, after all he felt that own there was too ugly, in motion, moreover white shame wool, if were seen by the sister-in-law definitely is to her blaspheming. “别,别脱!”李佳玉尴尬得要死赶紧捉住晏紫苏的手,他哪里敢让晏紫苏看到那个地方啊,要知道,就算两人之间关系再怎么好又怎样,她可是堂嫂啊……即便她不介意,李佳玉也没耶个勇气,毕竟他感觉自己那里太丑陋了,又处于兴奋状态,而且还是白色的耻毛,如果被堂嫂看到肯定是对她的亵渎。 Harms anything to be bashful, sister-in-law is not outside the early morning...... Ok, the sister-in-law does not compel toward the dead end in you, you scratch first, the sister-in-law goes to make bathing dew to come to you again.” “害什么臊啊,堂嫂又不是外晨……嘛,算了,堂嫂也不把你往绝路上逼,你先自己擦一下,嫂子再去给你弄一点沐浴露过来。” Yan Zisu smiled, on the standing up body, walks toward not far away rack, but she goes barefoot now, has stuck a bubble, but the floor of bathroom is also smooth not carefully therefore under she will lose Ping Ya unexpectedly, the body will slip in the future on the ground, butt will be well-grounded at the same time also has hit a spine, loved her to inhaling cold air. 晏紫苏浅浅地笑了笑,就站起身子,朝不远处的架子走去,只是她现在打着赤脚,粘了点泡沫,而浴室的地板又光滑得要死所以不小心之下她竟然失去平衙,身躯往后滑倒在地上,翘臀着地的同时还撞到了尾脊骨,疼得她到吸了一口凉气。 Li Jiayu turned away to pass away is indulging in flights of fancy, but he hearspū tōng „ the dull thumping sound and Yan Zisu pain shouted has turned the head, after he saw Yan Zisu fell upside-down immediately jumped from the round stool like the reed, 32 steps jumped over by Yan Zisu, but next quarter he dumbfounded. 李佳玉本来背转过身正在胡思乱想,可他听到“噗通“的闷响和晏紫苏的痛呼就转过头,当他看到晏紫苏掉倒后立刻就像簧一样从圆凳上跳了起来,32步蹦到晏紫苏旁边,但下一刻他又呆住了。 Because the Yan Zisu bath towel already hung dispersing, the book of that perfect flaw rests to cover up exposes under the Li Jiayu nose! 因为晏紫苏的浴巾早已垂散开,那完美瑕的册休毫遮掩地暴露在李佳玉眼皮底下! If were in the past, perhaps will not have the too big feeling early morning...... But now, Yan Zisu partly lies down on water-damaged of floor, Ye Zhongzi early morning...... Really was extremely beautiful, was very easy to have the impulsion of class nosebleed, particularly Yan Zisu that lofty snowy peak high and low was shivering, was showing the astonishing nature, but peak dark red two point like hanging in the fresh and tender cherry of branch. 如果是以往,或许还不会有太大的感晨……可是现在,晏紫苏半躺在地板的水渍上,耶种姿晨……实在是太过妖艳了,很容易让人有流鼻血的冲动,尤其是晏紫苏那巍巍雪峰上下地颤动着,彰显着惊人的性,而顶端殷红的两点儿就像挂在枝头的鲜嫩樱桃。 These...... 这些…… Also is not enough to cause spiritual to injure to Li Jiayu, after all Li Jiayu touches, has licked the Kikyo big white rabbit, therefore the Yan Zisu snowy peak is not but actually extraordinary, but, among her snow white stocks is hiding wipes the flesh color gully, as well as the snow white plentiful lush buttocks earthen mound, makes Li Jiayu feel that the heart had been struck by ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) steelyard weight maliciously, immediately feels dizzily, was almost dizzy on the brain...... 还不足以对李佳玉造成精神伤害,毕竟李佳玉可是碰过、舔过桔梗的大白兔,所以晏紫苏的雪峰倒也不算出奇,可是,她雪白股间隐藏着的一抹浅浅粉红沟壑,以及雪白丰腴的肥美臀丘,却让李佳玉感觉心脏被万斤重锤狠狠地敲打了一下,顿时感觉天旋地转,差点就脑子晕了…… The heaven, I saw anything...... This is a sister-in-law 老天,我看到了什么……这可是堂嫂啊 ...... …… However, Li Jiayu responded quickly that he was not the color embryo, did not have free time appreciates the moving beauty, now he most is worried was Yan Zisu has the wound, therefore he after a half second of hesitation of squatted by Yan Zisu, has turned the head slightly, did not look that the torso of Yan Zisu rested, said impatiently: 不过,李佳玉很快就反应过来,他可不是色胚,没闲工夫去欣赏动人的美色,他现在最担心的就是晏紫苏有没有掉伤,所以他在经过半秒钟的迟疑后还是蹲在晏紫苏旁边,稍稍地转过头,不去看晏紫苏的胴休,心急道: Sister-in-law, you are all right, hurts very much? Wants me to go...... Asks the Wanqing elder sister to come to you to treat?”( To be continued “嫂子,你没事吧,疼得厉害吗?要不要我去……找晚睛姐来给你治疗?”(未完待续 More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ On one by one please Chinese ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~一一中文~ ~ ~
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