AS :: Volume #3

#276: In the moral issue heart intertwines

, , spn ~ date: ~ on September 20 ~ spn~日期:~09月20日~ More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ hand hits 5200 ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~手打5200~ ~ ~ Is sorry...... I have been distracted, this, this makes to you......” “抱歉抱歉……我又走神了,这就、这就给你弄……” Li Jiayu exceptionally said awkwardly that he is also red in the face, the Yan Zisu vision showed all a moment ago as before, thinks that the sister-in-law cares about him to look very much her buttocks petal is in a daze......[ 李佳玉尴尬异常地说道,他也是面红耳赤,刚才晏紫苏的目光依旧说明了一切,想必堂嫂很在意他看着她的臀瓣发呆的吧……[ The bastards, how looked like seemed to be in a trance unable to control itself a moment ago same...... The heaven , because my Li Jiayu is the perverted reason? I do not feel the slight interest to these young female students, even if rests with Kikyo in the same place not such rude, why may the object be the sister-in-law time turns into this appearance...... Such that just like the octopus and Ran Hongxia said that am I the wife young married woman control? 混蛋,刚才怎么就像是丢了魂一样控制不了自己呢……老天,难道是因为我李佳玉变态的缘故吗?我对那些小女生不感丝毫的兴趣,即便是跟桔梗睡在一起的时候也没有这么失态过,可为什么对象是堂嫂的时候就变成这个样子呢……难道正如章鱼和染红霞说的那样,我是个人妻少妇控? No, is not such...... Certainly because of sister-in-law extremely special reason...... 不,才不是那样呢……一定是因为堂嫂太过特殊的缘故吧…… Li Jiayu calmed down forcefully, abandons all distracting thoughts strongly, does not look at sister-in-law that attractive buttocks seam as far as possible, does not pay attention to that partly visible colored ditch, the left hand pinches the fist, making the fingertip deeply fall into the palm, is stimulating itself by the slight ache...... Li Jiayu wants to scrupulously follow the conscience, cannot be turned into one by oneself absolutely by the man who * manipulates, if not let off the sisters-in-law, really may cure...... 李佳玉强行定了定神,竭力地抛开一切杂念,尽量地不去看堂嫂那诱人的臀缝,更不去注意那若隐若现的花沟,左手捏成拳头,让指尖深深地陷入手掌中,以轻微的疼痛来刺激着自己……李佳玉想要恪守本心,绝对不能让自己变成一个被*所操纵的男人,如果连堂嫂都不放过,那自己就真的可救药了…… After all, indulges in beauty words, Li Jiayu has no way calm the mind to practice, he sees many youth talents to indulge among wanton and luxurious livingly, lingers in Chuangdi, greatly reduced the time of practice, original ten tenths Strength can only display 90%, therefore wholeheartedly is being thought Li Jiayu that become stronger takes revenge surmounts...... 毕竟,沉溺于美色的话,李佳玉就没法静心地修炼,他可是见过许许多多的青年才俊沉溺于纸醉金迷、流连于床第之间,大大地减少了修炼的时间,本来十成的力量只能发挥出九成,所以才被一心一意想着变强去复仇的李佳玉所超越…… Once also indulge in the female sexual attractiveness, that Li Jiayu was perhaps awful, after all his intelligence will obtain Proud Son of Heavens that the destiny cared to miss many, innate insufficiencies compared with these can only make up through the day after tomorrow effort...... 一旦自己也沉溺于女色,那李佳玉恐怕就糟糕了,毕竟他的资质比起那些得到命运眷顾的天之骄子差了不少,先天的不足只能通过后天的努力来弥补啊…… However, is the situation so really serious? 但是,情况真的有那么严重吗? The people have the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, by own mortification of the flesh, its result can only be more and more depressing constantly, after all stops up is sparse, the suitable male and female sentiment is beneficial to the physical and moral integrity, Li Jiayu's shortcomings lies in the emotion a blank, the experience of mind is far from completing, he looks at heavily the kinship, has actually neglected the love and friendship...... 人有七情六欲,一味地让自己禁欲,其结果只会是愈来愈压抑,毕竟堵不如疏,适当的男女感情有益于身心健康,李佳玉的硬伤就在于情感上一片空白,心灵的历练远远没有完成啊,他把亲情看得太重,却忽视了爱情和友情…… Love...... The sister-in-law cannot absolutely! If I have anything improper ambition to her, I had not been distinguished by * the bastard of control with that several...... It is not good, is not absolutely good, this is not the path that I want!” “爱情个屁啦……堂嫂是绝对不可以的啦!如果我对她有什么非分之想,那我不就跟那几个被*支配的王八蛋没有区别了吗……不行不行,绝对不行,这可不是我想要的道路啊!” In the Li Jiayu heart has struggled, but he even more feels somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like, he thinks that does not understand, previous life time few women dare to approach itself, why may arrive at this, the side one after another has the big beautiful woman to appear in own side, moreover looked own look is strange, now including sisters-in-law...... The day, I have not thought must open the harem, why may the destiny actually with me do right, this way, only feared after Yong City, will do younger sister Li Banyue, that may on real End of the World...... If possible, Li Jiayu wants really these change into Divine Artifact, magical weapon and Divine Dragon lucky in love and so on good treasure, gives me to come a Dark Priest inheritance of Pope level at least...... 李佳玉心中挣扎了一下,可是他愈发地感到有些力不从心,他就想不明白了,上辈子的时候没几个女人敢于接近自己,可为什么到了这一世,身边就接二连三地有大美女出现在自己身边,而且一个个看自己的眼神怪怪的,如今连堂嫂都……天啊,我从没想过要开后宫,可为什么命运却总是与我做对呢,再这样下去,只怕到了邕城以后也会把妹妹李半月都搞了吧,那可就真的世界末日了……如果可以的话,李佳玉真的想把这些艳福换成神器神兵神龙之类的好宝贝,至不济也给我来一个教皇级的黑暗祭祀传承啊…… These thoughts, but the flash has delimited in brain, when has not delayed, at this moment, has spat Li Jiayu that the trough finished to extend the make a move finger, pressed that silt to be blue in the sister-in-law waist buttocks gently, immediately made the sister-in-law raise the snow white graceful neck, the mouth has sent out the tragic pain to shout, to attracting a cool gas channel: 这些念头,只是一瞬间在脑子里划过而已,并没有耽误什么时间,此时此刻,已经吐槽完毕的李佳玉出手指,在堂嫂腰臀间轻轻地按了一下那处淤青,顿时让堂嫂扬起了雪白优雅的颈项,嘴里发出凄楚的痛呼,到吸了一口凉气道: Jiayu, and do not bump there, very pain......” 佳玉,别、别碰那里,很疼的……” Li Jiayu knit the brows, somewhat is scared at heart said: 李佳玉皱了皱眉,心里有些发毛地说道: „It is not wonderful, this was injures to the nerve, seemed like the bone was also injured, this silt has extended to azure your, buttocks there......” “不妙,这是伤到神经了,貌似骨头也受了点伤,这道淤青一直延伸到你的,咳,屁股那里……” Is very serious......” “很严重吗……” „It is seemingly serious, this is the appearance of underlying tissues hemorrhage...... However the sister-in-law felt relieved, although my Radiant Technique was superficial, effective also super slow, had no way to treat the flesh wound, what regarding treatment internal injury anything was very useful, Queen Chan You that 18 years of sinking sickness soon her life, slowly had not been cured by me, although took 2-3 years......” “貌似很严重,这是内部组织出血的样子……不过堂嫂放心好了,我的光明术虽然浅薄,见效也超级慢,没法治疗外伤,可是对于治疗内伤什么的还是很有用的,婵幽女王那18年的沉疴都快要了她的命,不也被我慢慢地治好么,虽然需要两三年时间……” „? Do you need 2-3 years to cure her? Your Radiant Technique wants slowly, the temporary paralysis of sister-in-law also takes 2-3 years......” “啊?你要两三年才能治好她啊?那你的光明术到底要有多慢嘛,堂嫂的暂时性瘫痪是不是也需要个两三年……” Not that long, Chan You that is injured by the immortal hero, you are the ordinary body wound, where can place on a par, I estimated that you most also in the evening can restore on half such as beginning......” “没那么久的啦,婵幽那是被仙侠所伤,你这是普通的皮肉伤,哪里能相提并论嘛,我估计你最多也就半个晚上就能恢复如初了……” „A that fortunately point......” “那还好一点……” The Yan Zisu voice just fell, the Li Jiayu's left hand condensed one group of radiant peerless rays, just likes a small Sun in the slightly dim bedroom, is quite attractive, then he carefully covers the palm in the Yan Zisu waist buttocks silt azure place, is stroking gently gently, during the friction can feel clearly sister-in-law's flesh is creamy, the nature surpasses, suddenly makes Li Jiayu capriciously, gaze at the pink floret between sister-in-law deep buttocks seams dull......[ 晏紫苏话音刚落,李佳玉的左手就已经凝聚出一团璀璨绝伦的光芒,在略显昏暗的卧室内犹如一轮小小的太阳,颇为漂亮,而后他小心谨慎地把手掌覆盖在晏紫苏的腰臀淤青处,轻柔地摩挲着,摩擦间能清晰地感觉到堂嫂的肌肤滑腻柔软,性超好,一时间又让李佳玉心猿意马,呆呆地注视着堂嫂深深臀缝间的浅红色小花……[ And Do not skid your palm...... Pain, is very pain, as soon as you touch hurt......” Yan Zisu to send out small creature calling out in grief, trembles lies on the bed sheet vibrates the tender body, the snow snow is groaning, the beautiful big eye has again covered mist, but she reviews to the Li Jiayu flowing the appearance that wants to cry, was too beautiful...... “别、别滑动你的手掌……疼,还是很疼的,你一碰就疼……”晏紫苏发出一声声小动物般的悲鸣,战栗地趴在床单上抖动着娇躯,雪雪呻吟着,美丽的大眼睛再一次蒙上了一层水雾,不过她回眸对着李佳玉潸然欲哭的样子,真的太美了…… If she is not the Li Jiayu's sister-in-law, that should good...... Why may she be sister-in-law...... sister-in-law this word like wall, crosses, everyone has no way to surmount barrier at heart...... 如果她不是李佳玉的堂嫂,那该有多好啊……可为何她就偏偏是堂嫂呢……“堂嫂”这个词就像一堵墙似的,横贯在彼此之间,谁也没法突破心里的障碍…… Sister-in-law is enduring, my Radiant Technique is very warm, is having the little analgetic effects, crosses for one minute you to feel again Radiant Technique brings comfortable......” Li Jiayu slowly has still been stroking gently sister-in-law's waist buttocks, does not have the means that his Radiant Technique was extremely superficial, if not bump into the sister-in-law wound directly, these Light Energy have no way to infiltrate the repair wound.(, U “堂嫂忍着点,我的光明术很温暖的,带着少许的止痛效果,再过一分钟你就能感觉到光明术带来的舒服了……”李佳玉依然缓缓地摩挲着堂嫂的腰臀,没办法,他的光明术太过浅薄了,如果不正面碰到堂嫂伤口的话,那些光明力量根本就没法渗进去修复伤口。(,,u knk knk Stops and stops...... Somewhat loved me not to gasp for breath, stopped quickly!” “停、停一下……真的疼得我有些喘不过气了,快停下!” Cannot stop, such selected the pain to endure on the past......” “不能停,这么点痛楚忍忍就过去了……” Li Jiayu extends the right hand, grips sister-in-law's hand, the five fingers is complicated in the same place, gives her to support and comfort, this made the silver tooth bite, forehead to sweat tightly Yan Zisu that felt better, but after for several seconds, she is somewhat cannot endure the ache, raised the snow white neck pain to recite in a low voice, feared in the greater part of the night awakened by noise others, has to lower the head, buried the face in the pillow, the tooth bit the pillow covering gently, the corner of the eye place falls the ice-cold tears once more...... 李佳玉伸出右手,握住堂嫂的手,五指交缠在一起,给予她支持与安慰,这才让银牙紧咬、额头冒汗的晏紫苏好受了一些,但十几秒钟以后,她还是有些忍受不了疼痛,扬起雪白的颈项低声痛吟,又怕在大半夜的吵醒别人,只好低下头,把脸埋在枕头里,牙齿轻轻地咬住枕巾,眼角处再次滑落冰冷的泪水…… The nerve of vertebra place was very rich, injures there nerve, naturally painful to the extreme, Li Jiayu looks at sister-in-law appearance is to also love dearly awfully, therefore displayed the left hand of Radiant Technique even more gently, but that warm ray was also similar to the spring drizzle, the sound was moistening sister-in-law's flesh, gradually hot. 脊椎处的神经很丰富,伤到了那里的神经,当然痛到了极点,李佳玉看着堂嫂这幅模样也是心疼得要命,所以施展光明术的左手愈发地温柔,而那温暖的光芒也如同春天的牛毛细雨,声地滋润着堂嫂的肌肤,渐渐地就热了起来。 Yan Zisu felt first pure ache, she felt slowly the pain as if reduced little, what is following is one rises, Bao Bao the warming up feeling, like wears the sunglasses to enjoy the insolation by the cool blue sea sand beach, although is not very comfortable, but that feeling is very good. 晏紫苏先是感到纯粹的疼痛,慢慢地,她就感到痛楚似乎消减了一点点,随之而来的是一股涨涨的、饱饱的温热感,就像在清凉的蓝海沙滩旁戴着墨镜享受日光浴一样,虽然不是很舒服,但是那种感觉真的很不错。 Shortly, that tepid feeling becomes thick, Yan Zisu thought one soak likely in the temperature pleasant hot spring, enjoys very much, although the pain in silt azure place has not weakened many, but Yan Zisu has been able to concentrate the attention, were too been no longer many by that severe pain influence. 不久后,那股温热感变得浓厚起来,晏紫苏觉得自己像是泡在温度宜人的温泉里,很是受用,尽管淤青处的痛楚还没有减弱多少,可是晏紫苏已经可以集中注意力,不再被那股剧痛影响太多了。 Jiayu...... Your Radiant Technique good alcohol, exceed to feel there, there is more comfortable......” Yan Zisu to smile, on the slightly pale face has a morbid state weak classical aesthetic sense. 佳玉……你的光明术好醇啊,越摸着那里,那里就越舒服……”晏紫苏浅浅地一笑,略显苍白的脸上有着一丝病态虚弱的古典美感。 „...... Li Jiayu wants to say anything fortunately very much again, is he somewhat has been inarticulate before the sister-in-law, particularly now he is stroking sister-in-law's waist buttocks intersection point, the atmosphere is somewhat awkward, his not good mouth to be colored, if provokes the sensitive sister-in-law to be possible not to be wonderful. “还好啦……”李佳玉很想再说点什么,可是他在堂嫂面前一直都有些嘴笨,尤其是现在他抚摸着堂嫂的腰臀交界处,气氛有些尴尬,他也不好口花花,万一惹恼了敏感的堂嫂可就不妙了。 Jiayu, you thought that the sister-in-law is pretty......” suddenly, Yan Zisu asked without reason such a few words, immediately have made Li Jiayu breathe obstruct, like liked a sudden thunderclap. 佳玉,你觉得堂嫂漂亮吗……”忽然间,晏紫苏没头没脑地问出了这么一句话,顿时让李佳玉呼吸一窒,像是被五雷轰顶一样。 Yan Zisu is certainly beautiful solemnly, that virtuous mature young married woman beautiful condition and elegant exquisite just like the makings of water of south of the Yangtze River, did not know that is in the dreams of many people the sweetheart...... If usually, Li Jiayu definitely without hesitation nod, but the present atmosphere is so awkward, matter such fluttering flags that they make, he does not know how really should reply is good. 晏紫苏当然美丽端庄啦,那种贤淑成熟的少妇美态、典雅优美宛若江南之水的气质,不晓得是多少人的梦中情人……如果是平时,李佳玉肯定毫不犹豫地点头,但现在的气氛如此尴尬,两人所做的事又如此的旖旎,他真不知道该怎么回答才好。 Li Jiayu is indulging in flights of fancy, was guessing why sister-in-law will ask these words, she inquired that purely implies another thing, always cannot...... The sister-in-law has other any idea to me, tests me depending on this opportunity...... 李佳玉在胡思乱想,猜测着堂嫂为什么会问出这句话,她是单纯地询问还是另有所指呢,总不会……堂嫂对我有什么别的想法,藉着这次机会来试探我吧…… Actually Li Jiayu has felt strange, previous generation time, after Yong City and sister-in-law gather, why she will pay that many to herself, for the trash husband's younger brother, she can let go the become stronger opportunity, can let the person to beat and scold, can kneel down to the foe, can go to generously...... The pure righteousness sister and brother sentiment can support to this, was the sister-in-law had other feelings to oneself at that time...... 其实李佳玉一直都感到奇怪,前世的时候,在邕城与堂嫂相聚后,她为什么会对自己付出那么多,为了废柴的小叔子,她可以放弃变强的机会,可以任人打骂,可以给仇敌下跪,可以慷慨赴死……单纯的义姐弟感情可以支撑到这一步吗,是不是堂嫂那时候对自己有别的情愫在内…… And regardless of the present, the light says the future, if the sister-in-law will have the sentiment to oneself in the future, that should be what to do good, reckless with sister-in-law in the same place, rejected the sister-in-law resolutely, thoughts went to the alone love faintly recognizable not to be possible and Xiao Wanqing...... 且不论现在,光是说将来,万一将来堂嫂对自己有了感情,那该怎么办才好,是不顾一切地与堂嫂在一起呢,还是毅然拒绝堂嫂,一副心思去独爱飘渺不可及的萧晚晴…… Discovered that Li Jiayu gawked enough two time of breath, Yan Zisu somewhat had also realized her words were somewhat improper, this in a soft voice smiled bitterly saying: 发现李佳玉愣了足足两个呼吸的时间,晏紫苏也有些意识到她的话有些不妥,这才轻声苦笑道: How not to speak...... Were sister-in-law's words extremely offensive? Do not reply...... The sister-in-law also look at you to be tense like the young virgin, was saying smiles to tease your playing to make you relax......” “怎么不说话了……是不是堂嫂的话太过唐突了?那你就别回答了……堂嫂也只是看你紧张得像个小处男一样,说着笑逗你玩让你放松的啦……” Li Jiayu smiled awkwardly, shakes the hand of Yan Zisu is becoming makes an effort, his deep breath, has exhausted the strength of whole body likely, is hoarse the throat trembling sound track: 李佳玉尴尬地笑了笑,握着晏紫苏的手变得更加用力,他深呼吸了一下,像是用尽了全身的力气,沙哑着嗓子颤声道: No, inoffensive...... The sister-in-law is very pretty, sister-in-law you are in this world the prettiest woman......” “不,一点都不唐突……堂嫂真的很漂亮,堂嫂你是这世上最漂亮的女人……” ! # !# More attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ hand hits 5200 ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~手打5200~ ~[ ~[
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