AST :: Volume #5

#491: Slaughter, red flood dragon bow and Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow

That raids together to the cold brightness of Qing Shui scruff such as delimits the nighttime sky meteor to be ordinary, radiant is bringing unapproachable gorgeous Murderous Qi, that is one type speedily, is a boundary. 那一道袭向青水后颈的寒光如划过夜空的流星一般,璀璨中带着无可匹敌的绚丽杀气,那是一种疾速,更是一种境界。 In Qing Shui heart one startled, at this moment the back has hit a cleverness, entire back soaks instantaneously, although the present achieves fearfully Defense about seven counties, but some weakness and do not include. 青水心中一惊,这一刻背后打了一个机灵,整个后背瞬间湿透,虽说自己现在达到可怕的将近七郡的防御,但一些弱点并不包括在其中。 Can achieve seven county Defense was not only being surrounded by the armor but also most resists the place that hits, when Qing Shui feels that say|way to have the feeling of feeling helpless toward the Murderous Qi time that own neck comes. 能达到七郡防御的不但是被铠甲包围着而且还是最抗击打的地方,当青水感受到那道向着自己脖子而来的杀气时候有种不知所措的感觉。 Suddenly body anteversion, in anteversion instance, even has not moved with enough time! 猛然身子前倾,在前倾的瞬间,甚至还没有来得及行动! Bite! 叮! Qing Shui feels the distance neck, only then ruler distance have a giant weapon symphony! 青水就感受到距离脖子只有尺余的距离产生一道巨大的兵器交响曲! That type as reserved makes Qing Shui feel to be inferior as extreme Strength, even Qing Shui only felt that this strikes is only the boundary of Obscure, but in each boundary existence of Surpassed peak is called Divine Skill in this boundary. 那种把力量内敛到极致青水都感觉不如,甚至青水只感觉这一击只是奥义之境,可每一个境界之中都有一种超越巅峰的存在被称为这一境界中的神技 Qing Shui has not achieved this boundary, but Qing Shui felt attacked own person absolutely is formerly strange old person. 就连青水都没有达到这一境界,不过青水感到了袭击自己的这个人绝对就是先前的诡异老人。 These time makes Qing Shui feel compared with Feng Shamo that strikes seems to be more fearful is fatal, but in quenching against under Qing Shui felt that now is still unable to resist, and at this moment Qing Shui felt current One With The World the boundary as if lost the function! 这一次让青水感觉比起风沙漠的那一击似乎更可怕更加致命,但在淬不及防下青水现在感觉依然无法抵挡,并且这一刻青水感觉到目前的“入微”之境似乎都已经失去了作用! When Qing Shui hears that clear impact noise, the Qing Shui heart was mad chummily, he knows that he was safe, but once more killed in this time space and surrounding several sharp Attack. 青水听到那声清脆的撞击声时,青水心热乎气来了,他知道自己安全了,不过就在这个时候天上、周围几道犀利的攻击再次杀来。 Bang! 嘭! Qing Shui kicks a foot backward, is Tiger Form most virulent Tiger Leg Kick! 青水向后踢出一脚,是虎形最恶毒的虎尾脚 Pa! 啪! When Qing Shui turns head to look, that strange old man is grasping one jet black such as the dagger of black ink, but another arm directly was actually kicked to explode. 青水回头看时,那诡异的老者握着一把漆黑如墨的匕首,但另一条臂膀却是直接被踢爆了。 White Ghost! Heavenly Palace also is really, unexpectedly takes sends to protect this boy you.” 白鬼天宫还真是可以,居然拿是把你派来保护这小子。” The strange old person looks deathly pale, clenches teeth to look a white hair man who in field are many, the thin and small man, in the hand is grasping an ordinary dagger at this time, the look light is staring at the surrounding all. 诡异老人脸色惨白,咬着牙看着场中多出的一个白发男人,瘦小的男人,此时手中握着一把平淡无奇的匕首,眼神平淡的盯着周围的一切。 Is one boundary Cultivation toDivine Skill situation! ” Qing Shui felt, this was called the White Ghost man is Speed, such as ghosts and demons general Speed. “又是一个将境界修炼到“神技”的地步!”青水感觉到了,这个被称为白鬼的男子是速度,如鬼魅一般的速度 Sometimes is content is a good deed, like , if willing to halt in the The Truth boundary and Obscure Realm, even is the Grandmaster boundary, after dozens years of even hundred years and 200 years, may achieve giving up affectation in this boundary, achieves one type superbly boundary. 有的时候知足是一种好事,就像如果甘愿止步于真谛境界、奥义境界,甚至是宗师境界,经过几十年甚至百年、200年,在这一境界中有可能达到一种返璞归真,达到一种“出神入化”的境界。 The strange old person has achieved, in his Speed and his sleeve the utilization of sword, is called the White Ghost man as if compared with him even better. 诡异老人达到了,他的速度和他的袖里剑的运用,被称为白鬼的男人似乎比他更胜一筹。 Qing Shui, this person I gave you to solve, led you to leave, it seems like today does not use!” 青水,这个人我给你解决了,本来带你离开的,看来今天不用了!” The men said that fires into that strange old person, but flushed in this time big tiger and that big tall and strong man! 男人说完冲向那诡异的老人,而在这个时候的大老虎和那个高大魁梧的男人冲来过来! Near! 近了! Qing Shui regarding Diamond Gigantic elephant Defense is very self-confident, present Diamond Gigantic elephant simply does not have the time to start Mighty Elephant Stomp!, let alone Diamond Gigantic elephant present Mighty Elephant Stomp! cannot injure opposite that to be only big tiger. 青水对于金刚巨象防御还是很自信的,现在的金刚巨象根本没有时间发动巨象践踏,何况金刚巨象现在的巨象践踏也伤不到对面的那只大老虎。 First kills above that Beast Tamer! 先干掉上面的那个驯兽师 Qing Shui jumps in that flash that Diamond Gigantic elephant and big tiger bump into, is only big tiger carrying on the back to fall toward opposite that! 青水金刚巨象和大老虎相撞的那一瞬间腾身而起,向着对面那只大老虎的背上落下! Boom! 嘣! Diamond Gigantic elephant was higher than retreat that backward big tiger that giant claw of oneself Strength pats. 金刚巨象被高于自己力量的大老虎那巨大的爪子拍的向后退去。 These changes if quickly electric light Shi Hua, the opposite man stares, saw that Qing Shui must fall to the big tiger carries on the back, brandished the great axe to wield hastily. 这一下变化快若电光石花,对面的男人一愣,看到青水已经就要落到大老虎背上,连忙挥舞着巨斧挥了过来。 Green huge Mountain Opening Axe pinches the swift and fierce azure light to cut together to Qing Shui! 一把青色的巨大开山斧挟着一道凌厉的青光斩向青水 Qing Shui at this moment is instead quiet, in the heart fiery, has an excitement! 此刻的青水反而沉静下来,心中一片火热,更是有着一种兴奋! Mighty Elephant Stomp!! 巨象践踏 That moment that Qing Shui is leaping has thought of this point, now main body Strength has achieved the fearful 15.6 million jin (0.5 kg) great strength. 青水在腾起的那一刻就想到了这一点,如今本体力量达到了可怕的15600000斤的巨力。 This Mighty Elephant Stomp! gets down Strength about eight counties! 这一个巨象践踏下去将近八郡的力量 But this big tiger had wiped out a Defense strength about county by Qing Shui Armor Piercing Talisman! 而这只大老虎已经被青水破甲符打掉了将近一郡的防御力! Boom! 嘣! Ka...... 咔喳…… A huge sound mixes with a piece of crowded fierce skeleton to crash and demolition sound! 一声巨大的声响夹杂着一片密集剧烈的骨骼碎裂声和爆破声! Shield Bash! 盾击 Simultaneously Purple Gold Divine Shield in hand welcomed to that giant axe! 同时手中的紫金神力盾迎向那巨大的斧子! Gets rid hastily, in addition Strength used in great elephant completely has trod the step on surface, but Qing Shui was not worried, because Qing Shui present Defense, so long as did not hit the vital spot almost nothing. 仓促出手,加上全部力量都用在了巨象踏上面,但青水不担心,因为青水现在的防御只要不是被打中要害几乎没有什么事情。 Therefore so long as Qing Shui in the Purple Gold Divine Shield standard with hand keeps off the opposite party! 所以青水只要用手中的紫金神力盾格挡一下对方! Although used Shield Bash to be shaken by huge Strength flies, has not actually been injured, this was the Defense strength formidable advantage, even if hit flew, so long as Surpassed that Resistance Strength will not have any important matter. 虽然用出了盾击还是被巨大的力量震飞,却并没有受伤,这就是防御力强大的好处,哪怕被打的飞出去,只要不超越抗击打力就不会有什么大事。 Roar! Wu! 吼!呜! Until this time, big tiger Ai Hou but actually, direct soft on the ground, Qing Shui that treads directly organ bombardment the smashing of its within the body, the skeleton also by an cuns (2.5cm) break of to trample, after all this foot trod directly on the body of big tiger. 直到这个时候,大老虎哀吼着倒了下去,直接软在地上,青水的那一踏直接把它体内的器官轰击的粉碎,骨骼也被践踏的寸寸断裂,毕竟这一脚是直接踏在了大老虎的身上。 Even if formidable Golden Eyes Wind Tiger Beast cannot withstand this strength of treading! 就算是强大的金睛风虎兽也是承受不住这一踏之力! Sudden, in the big tiger and instance of Diamond Gigantic elephant hit, Qing Shui gets rid, was the big tiger formerly is reduced 30% many Speed by Qing Shui Binding Talisman. 事发突然,在大老虎和金刚巨象撞击的瞬间,青水出手的,还有就是大老虎先前被青水禁足符降低了三成多的速度 This foot pedal makes Qing Shui feel that 360 pore comfortable ratios hug the peerless beautiful woman to be comfortable, Qing Shui is second time so treads directly on Monster Beast, bombardment of such destructive power compared in ground strong were too many. 这一脚踏的让青水感觉360个毛孔舒服的比抱着绝世美女还要舒服,青水已经是第二次这般直接踏在妖兽身上,这样的破坏力比起在地面上的轰击强的太多了。 However looks like the opportunity not to be so many today, needs too many coincidences to achieve. 不过像今天这般机会不多,需要太多的巧合才能做到。 In a minute, this formidable tiger suffocated, the huge noble appearance also droops! 片刻,这只强大的老虎已经奄奄一息,巨大的虎头也耷拉下来! Saw that this many people were shocked! 看到这一幕的许多人都是惊呆了! Especially the Monster Beast Sect person, they knows that this only Golden Eyes Wind Tiger Beast is the mount of Old Ancestor sect, the shed falls the birds to use this only Golden Eyes Wind Tiger Beast to work as the mount, obviously great strength of this Monster Beast. 特别是妖兽宗的人,他们可是知道这只金睛风虎兽老祖宗的坐骑,舍掉飞禽而用这只金睛风虎兽当坐骑,可见这妖兽的强大。 But now this formidable Monster Beast unexpectedly a foot stamping...... 但现在这只强大的妖兽居然被人一脚给踩死了…… Even if the people of other sect aristocratic families in chasing down the Qing Shui time also knows that this only Monster Beast how great strength, regards one of the next to last act it, but wants to compel in the ground to make this big tiger kill him Qing Shui, but the result was makes people too inconceivable. 就算是其他宗派世家的人在追杀青水时候也知道这只妖兽如何的强大,更是把它当成压轴之一,只是想把青水逼到地面上让这只大老虎杀死他,但结果却是让人太不可思议了。 Roar! 吼! Qing Shui has roared toward the sky! 青水向着天空吼了一声! Motionless as a Mountain was promoted the peak again, the imposing manner is more formidable, the Martial King peak of many three county strengths retroceded under this formidable imposing manner unexpectedly one step. 不动如山再次被提升到巅峰,气势更加强大,许多三郡实力的武皇巅峰居然在这强大的气势下后退了一步。 Qing Shui was shaken flies more than 20 meters, just fell on that has used poisonous sloppy man nearby ten meters places! 青水被震飞20多米,刚好落在了那个用毒的邋遢男人旁边十米处! But the sloppy man noticed that Qing Shui was shaken flies, falls to oneself, on face immediately one happy, about raises! 而邋遢男人看到青水被震飞,更是落向自己这边,脸上顿时一喜,左右一扬! Bang! 嘭! Gorgeous gas fills the air in air, the right hand rapid puts out a red monster different small bow from clothes armor, then rapid puts out one to dodge pitch-black arrow. 一股绚丽的气体在空气中弥漫,右手迅速从衣甲中拿出一把红色妖异的小弓,接着又是迅速的拿出一根闪着乌黑的箭枝。 ! 咻! Crap, Pei Sanyuan was really under initial capital, used including this only Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow!” 我靠,裴三元真是下血本了,连这根唯一的毒蛟箭也用上了!” That can lose the natural disposition colorful small dish powder!” “还有那可以迷失本性的艳碟粉!” Red Flood-Dragon Bow? Shoots this Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow might fully to penetrate one foot thick armor and shield with this Red Flood-Dragon Bow......” 红蛟弓?用这红蛟弓射这毒蛟箭威力足可以穿透一尺厚的护甲和盾……” This Pei Sanyuan also really has the good thing, Red Flood-Dragon Bow and Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow are Martial Saint rank Monster Beast Red Jiao and poisonous flood dragon material quality make......” “这裴三元还真有好东西,红蛟弓毒蛟箭都是至尊级别妖兽红蛟、毒蛟身上的材质制成的……” ...... …… Qing Shui instinct keeps off with the Purple Gold Divine Shield standard! 青水本能的用紫金神力盾格挡! Bite! 叮! Incite! 滋! Qing Shui was shelled again, corners of the mouth overflow a bloodstain, the five main internal organs (entrails) are created lightly, in the eye stares at that suddenly with the man of this red small bow, in the eye kills intent to be strong. 青水再次被轰击出去,嘴角溢出一道血迹,五脏六腑已经受到轻创,眼中突然盯上那个拿这红色小弓的男子,眼中杀意浓烈。 That is any shield, unexpectedly can block Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow......” Pei Sanyuan is actually to become at this time is at a loss, must know that by his feeling, Poison Flood-Dragon Arrow will penetrate the shield directly, that formidable toxicity also meets perishes the opposite party instantaneously, that arrow on most poisonous the tooth with the poisonous flood dragon makes, besides Sharp Edge incomparable, is that fearful toxicity. “那是什么盾,居然可以挡住毒蛟箭……”裴三元此时却是变得六神无主,要知道以他的感觉,毒蛟箭会直接穿透盾,那强大的毒性也会瞬间将对方腐蚀掉,那箭头可是用毒蛟身上最毒的牙齿制成,除了锋利无可比拟外,就是那可怕的毒性。 Core Qi Law! 丹气法 Cloudmist Steps! 云霄步 The Qing Shui shed falls acts recklessly to fire into own that once more with the big man of axe, summoning Diamond Gigantic elephant to overrun directly. 青水舍掉再次不知死活冲向自己的那个用斧子的高大男人,呼唤一下金刚巨象直接冲了过去。 Divide! 劈! Qing Shui occupies a commanding position, Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword hack sword in hand puts forth! 青水居高临下,手中的北斗七星剑一个劈剑使出! Bite! 叮! The potential of mountain capping pounded on the head of Pei Sanyuan! 山岳压顶之势砸在了裴三元的脑袋上! ! 噗! But periphery Diamond Gigantic elephant is actually direct Mighty Elephant Stomp! gets down, lets once more everything may become vulnerable, falls into a confusion. 金刚巨象却是直接一个巨象践踏下去,让周围再次地动山摇,陷入一片混乱。 All these changes are also only two time of breath, falls to present airborne these practitioner! 这一切的变化也只是两个呼吸的时间,到现在空中的的那些武者才降下来! But this time Qing Shui has actually ridden Diamond Gigantic elephant to flush away toward that tall and strong man! 而这时的青水却是已经乘上金刚巨象向着那个魁梧男子冲去! Gong Qi has feared, has not been afraid his these time has been afraid, the present youth mysteriously appears and disappears, is only a meeting, after vanishing each time time, will become more formidable...... 龚琦怕了,从没有害怕过的他这一次害怕了,眼前的这个青年神出鬼没,只是一会而已,每次消失一点时间后就会变得更加强大…… The monstrous talent, absolutely are the monstrous talent! 妖孽,绝对是妖孽! ! 噗! At this time, that was called the White Ghost man delimits the throat of strange man with the dagger, a person then such as the bullying was then common, the Martial King peak of these three counties before him can only helplessly was sheared the throat, could not pass through one move. 就在这个时候,那个被称为白鬼的男子用匕首划断了诡异男子的喉咙,接着一个人便如虎入羊群一般,那些三郡的武皇巅峰在他面前只能眼睁睁的被割喉,走不过一招。 Qing Shui also looked at a movement and Speed of that man at this time, shocks once more, regarding the Speed assurance, especially avoids subtly unexpectedly to compare own One With The World that” and gets rid to be wise. 青水这个时候还看了一眼那个男子的身法和速度,再次震撼一把,对于速度的把握,特别是躲避和出手的精微居然比起自己的“入微”还要高明。 Qing Shui knows that he is not One With The World, but is actually present One With The World is formidable, if naturally Qing Shui One With The World boundary can not be inferior compared with his degree in the promotion. 青水知道他不是“入微”,但却是比自己现在的“入微”还要强大,当然如果青水的“入微”境界可以在提升的话比起他的这种程度不会逊色。 Shield Bash! 盾击 Qing Shui Purple Gold Divine Shield bumps into the axe of guy, directly hits him flew! 青水紫金神力盾碰上大汉的斧子,直接将他撞的飞了出去! Qing Shui is in power not to forgive the person beats severely don't hit a person when he's down toward the opposite party speedily to spread, Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword in hand wields suddenly! 青水得势不饶人痛打落水狗的向着对方疾速驰去,手中的北斗七星剑猛然挥出! Fifth of fully striking the heavy waves sword make! 全力一击的剑之五重浪打出! ...... 嘣嘣…… A series of giant explosives spread! 一连串巨大的爆响传出! The guy of big overwhelming power was shelled to fly directly, was hit to fly to compare by him with formerly Qing Shui faster, the giant axe in hand also lost, the entire body twisted. 高大威猛的大汉直接被轰击飞,和先前青水被他打飞相比更加迅捷,手中的巨大斧子也丢了出去,整个身子已经扭曲。 The battlefield changes instantaneously! 战场瞬间变化! This guy and that was only big tiger as well as the Silver Horned Mad Bull King death lets encircle directly kills the Qing Shui person to lose almost 50% Strength. 这个大汉和那只大老虎以及银角暴牛王的死直接让围杀青水的人失去了差不多一半的力量 When Qing Shui looks to them, these people have somewhat flustered, but after all also dozens people, although hurried, but is also insufficient to want startled. 青水看向他们时,这些人有些慌了,但毕竟还有几十人,虽然慌但还不至于惊慌欲死。 When does not know, that white hair man arrived at side Qing Shui! 不知何时,那个白发男子已经到了青水身边! Thanks!” “谢谢!” Qing Shui knows that at this moment has the time to make Qing Shui feel toward this similarly a little strange man said the sound thanks! 青水知道此刻方有时间向着这个同样令青水感觉有点诡异的男人说声谢谢! Saw that three people do not have, so long as removes them, the remaining these collapse at the first blow.” The white hair man looked at Qing Shui one, meaning in vision has made Qing Shui unable to completely understand. “看到那三个人没,只要把他们除掉,剩下的这些都是不堪一击。”白发男人看了青水一眼,目光中的意味让青水看不透。 Following his vision Qing Shui saw that now has stood dozens people, middle the old people of three driveheads! 顺着他的目光青水看到现在已经站在一起的几十人,当中三个打头的老人! Three old people is a Sword House clothing, the snow white long hair, hangs the waist, in everyone hand is grasping is a big sword, the sword length five chi (0.33 m), the width seven cuns (2.5cm), are all over the body deep green, is really garish, looks is not every thing! 三个老人都是一身剑楼的服装,雪白的长发,垂到腰间,每人手上握着的都是一把大剑,剑长五尺,宽七寸,通体碧绿,甚是扎眼,一看就不是凡物! The swords on three old person hands are exactly the same, Divine Sense dispersing of Qing Shui! 三个老人手上的剑是一模一样,青水神识散开! Sword House also is really a great writer, unexpectedly is the powerhouses of strength of three five county, Qing Shui knows that on them has certainly several formidable amplification things. 剑楼还真是大手笔,居然是三个五郡之力的强者,青水知道他们身上一定有着几件强大的增幅东西。 It seems like Sword House also really must kill oneself.” The eye of Qing Shui narrows the eyes to stare at opposite that is looking like the tranquil three people. “看来剑楼还真是要把自己弄死。”青水的眼睛眯起还是盯着对面那看起来平静的三人。 Saw, that three people may be extraordinary, was Sword House Protector, but this was also not strongest, now nobody knows that their three brothers named, only knows the Sword House three monsters referred to was their three brothers.” The white hair man opens the mouth saying once more gently. “看到了吧,那三人可了不得,是剑楼守护,不过这还不是最强的,现在没有人知道他们三兄弟叫什么名字,只知道剑楼三妖指的就是他们三兄弟。”白发男子再次开口轻轻的说道。 „Are they the blood brother?” Qing Shui looks that the distant place a little similar three people asked indistinctly. “他们是亲兄弟?”青水看着远处隐约有点相似的三人问道。 Not only kisses three brothers, but also the triplets, are the regard are more interlinked.” Saying that the white hair man smiles. “不但是亲三兄弟,而且还是三胞胎,更是心意相通。”白发男子微笑的说道。 „Is regard interlinked?” Qing Shui surprised looks at the white hair man. “心意相通?”青水惊奇的看着白发男子。 Right, yes, regard is interlinked, what is most important what is Cultivation is the same Martial Skills and Cultivation rank is also same, do not visit them to have the strengths of five counties, but can actually three people of coordination with each other fuse, is 60% degrees of integration.” The white hair man turns the head to look to Qing Shui. “对,是的,心意相通,最重要的还是修炼的是同样的武技修炼等级也是相同,别看他们只有五郡的实力,但却是可以三人互相配合融合,达到六成的融合度。”白发男子转头看向青水 In the Qing Shui heart shakes, remembers Mighty Elephant Stomp! that previous and Diamond Gigantic elephant sum total displays, that is not jointly attacks, but is two connection of same Strength, can have the intense blasting power at that point. 青水心中一震,想起上次和金刚巨象合计施展的巨象践踏,那不算合击,而是两种相同力量的交汇,在那一点可以产生强烈的爆破力。 This connection not only the request is extremely high, the condition that but also needs is very harsh, previous time was Qing Shui anxious has also caught up, the degree of integration Qing Shui that but the white hair man said knew. 这种交汇不但要求极高,而且需要的条件很苛刻,上一次也算是青水“急中”赶上了,但白发男子说的这种融合度青水还是知道的。 This fusion relatively is say|way of the jointly attacking, the say|way of very wise jointly attacking, poly three people of Strength is one! 这种融合相对就是一种合击之道,非常高明的合击之道,聚三人力量为一! If these three people of Strength degrees of integration are 60%, that said that can make Strength of nine counties...... 如果说这三人的力量的融合度为六成的话,那岂不是说可以打出九郡的力量…… Qing Shui stunned looks to white hair man, felt that this World of the Nine Continents water is very deep, in Greencloud Continent , at least in name does not have in practitioner of Martial Saint rank, nine counties are the peak characters. 青水愕然的看向白发男子,感觉这九州大陆的水很深,在一个青云州,至少名义上没有至尊级别的武者中,九郡已经是峰顶人物了。 However the present three people are can achieve nine county practitioner strengths together, otherwise links practitioner of six county to arrive depending on practitioner of strength of three five county. 不过眼前的三人是一起才可以达到九郡武者的实力,不然凭三个五郡之力的武者连一个六郡的武者都抵不过。 But the present three people can actually achieve nine counties...... 而眼前的三人却是可以达到九郡…… Breaks their only means to make one of them lose the battle efficiency.” After the white hair man sees the Qing Shui vision, saying gently. “破掉他们的唯一办法就是要让他们中的一人丧失战斗力。”白发男子看到青水的目光后轻轻的说道。 This, you constrain them, making me find the opportunity to make one.” The white hair man has not waited for the Qing Shui speech then to say. “这样吧,你拖住他们三人,让我找机会做掉其中的一个。”白发男子没等青水说话接着说道。 Qing Shui nods to say with a smile: Good!” 青水点点头笑道:“好!” Reason that Qing Shui dares to comply like this is because has the Diamond Gigantic elephant reason, but even so Qing Shui knows that this time was difficult, although Diamond Gigantic elephant Defense adds on other Aegis Talisman as well as temporary Defense achieves nine counties to be many, if also had the danger by Attack to weakness anything's Diamond Gigantic elephant. 青水之所以敢这样答应是因为有着金刚巨象的缘故,不过即使如此青水知道这次难了,虽说金刚巨象防御加上神盾符以及其他的临时性防御达到九郡多,不过如果被攻击到弱点什么的就算金刚巨象也有危险。
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