AST :: Volume #5

#490: Great Revitalizing Pill becomes, the formidable strength, kills Silver Horned Mad Bull King

Qing Shui adds coat armor to have three county many points Defense strength now, this in practitioner of same rank, is existence of super abnormal, after all has taken Pure Gold Black Turtle Pill, now is Cultivation had valuable likely god presently the boundary, making Motionless as a Mountain have the qualitative change to enter to a brand-new boundary. 青水现在加上衣甲有了三郡多一点的防御力了,这在同级别的武者当中,属于超级变.态的存在,毕竟服食过赤金玄龟丹,如今更是修炼出了“宝像神现”的境界,让“不动如山”发生质变进入到一个全新的境界当中。 May so, this Defense and Monster Beast is unable to compare, let alone compares with Diamond Gigantic elephant, is that is only big tiger unable to compare, but Qing Shui also abnormal thing, so long as uses Qing Shui even more powerful. 可就算如此,这防御还是和妖兽无法比,别说和金刚巨象比,就是和那只大老虎都无法比,但青水还有一个变.态的东西,只要用上青水如虎添翼。 7 Star Armor! 七星护甲 7 Star Armor of half double-hour can Qing Shui Defense mention directly six counties more than half Defense about seven counties, Qing Shui thinks one's blood bubbles up to the brim, now like directly rushes to that group of bastards to batter to slaughter in Xie Jiexin that hatred. 半个时辰的七星护甲可以直接把青水防御提到六郡半多将近七郡的防御,青水想想都热血沸腾,现在就像直接冲到那群王八蛋里横冲直撞杀戮一番解解心中的那股恨意。 Qing Shui knows that now is also not time, Qing Shui must leave behind the escape route to oneself, Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal must leave behind 50% time, if encounters the danger time perhaps can also depend upon. 青水知道现在还不是时候,青水必须要给自己留下后路,紫玉仙境要留下一半的时间,万一遇到危险的时候也许还能依靠一下。 „Does several days of time, what need to make?” “还有几天时间,要做点什么呢?” Qing Shui optional brandishes fifth with the sword the heavy waves sword, in the heart is thinking at the same time, had better be able make itself safer! 青水随意的用剑挥舞着剑之五重浪,心中一边想着,最好能让自己稳妥一些! Great Revitalizing Pellet?” 大还丹?” Qing Shui when saw that wanted mature Stone Gold Phoenix Tail Grass to think Great Revitalizing Pellet that had not refined, present to this time, even if were defeated must also attempt to refine one time. 青水在看到已经又要成熟的石金凤凰尾草的时候想到那一直没有炼制的大还丹,现在到了这个时候,哪怕失败了也要尝试炼制一次。 If refined successfully, Qing Shui had confidence these people takes down completely! 如果炼制成功了,青水有把握把这些人全部放倒! The Great Revitalizing Pellet material was completely uneven, was already uneven, but Qing Shui had not refined, he fears by the present level refinement failure, therefore after wants waits for Limitless Pill to come out, when own alchemy experience after promoting some again to refine. 大还丹的材料全部齐了,早已齐了,只是青水一直没有炼制,他怕以现在的水平炼制失败,所以想等着无极丹出来后,等自己的炼药经验在提升一些后再炼制。 However today the Qing Shui decision refines, after all the life has not safeguarded, lives is being most important! 不过今天青水决定炼制,毕竟生命都已经没有保障了,活着才是最重要的! In Great Revitalizing Pellet prescription had Flower of Life, Qing Shui these time has picked second directly, then started the skilled alchemy flow. 大还丹药方里有生命之花,青水这一次直接把第二朵摘了下来,然后开始熟练的炼药流程。 After Qing Shui completes all preparatory work, sat Cultivation Ancient Strengthening Technique, after ate a thing to rest a meeting, started to refine. 青水把所有的准备工作做完后,坐下来修炼了一遍上古强身术,更是吃了点东西睡了一会后才开始炼制。 When uses Chaos Flame, Qing Shui transported just to break through to Level 2 Overwhelming Righteous Qi! 在使用混沌火的时候,青水运起刚刚突破到二级浩然正气 Qing Shui alchemy first time such excited, once obtained Great Revitalizing Pellet prescription time not such excited, at that time did not have to think own strength was so formidable, the strength that temporarily increases can also be so formidable. 青水炼药还是第一次这么激动过,曾经得到大还丹药方的时候也没有这么激动过,那时候没有想到自己实力这么强大,那个临时增加的实力也可以这般强大。 Divine Sense launches, high concentrated on Golden Flint Furnace, operates change of Chaos Flame in hand in medicinal herbs along with Golden Flint Furnace to change. 神识展开,高度的集中金燧铁炉上,操纵着手中的混沌火随着金燧铁炉里药草的变化而变化。 ...... …… Three days of passed by quickly! 三天的时间很快过去了! Qing Shui Chaos Flame in hand has more than two chi (0.33 m) to be long at this time fully, ash-gray flame looks like fearful incomparable, that type such as can swallow all aura intensely specially. 青水此时手中的混沌火足有两尺多长,灰色的火焰看起来可怕无比,那种如可以吞噬一切的气息特别的强烈。 After this is alchemy, Qing Shui knows that formerly breakthrough let this Chaos Flame also direct ascent unexpectedly a time of might, this made Qing Shui happier. 这是炼药青水才知道,先前的突破居然让这混沌火也直接上升了一倍的威力,这让青水更加开心了。 Because this Chaos Flame can regard a weapon use finally! 因为这混沌火总算可以当成一种武器使用了! Formerly Chaos Flame might was a little low, even if Attack arrived at the person, cannot play the huge might by the time limit. 先前的混沌火威力有点低,即使攻击到人,受时间限制并不能发挥出巨大的威力。 The common silver needle cannot withstand the Chaos Flame might, every so often cannot apply, is unable like the first time with the heart of Refined Gold acupuncture opposite party, to fill the fire of chaos in the Refined Gold needle. 一般的银针又承受不住混沌火的威力,很多时候更是派不上用场,无法像第一次那样用金精针刺对方的心脏,更是在金精针中灌上混沌之火。 When with Feng Shamo to the war, Qing Shui has thought that does not have the opportunity, what is most important has not needed! 在和风沙漠对战的时候,青水想到了,却是没有机会,最重要的是已经没有必要了! Bite! 叮! After a delightful sound resounds, Qing Shui has opened both eyes suddenly, a happy expression crawls on the face, then Chaos Flame in hand starts the reduction fire intensity slowly. 一声悦耳的声音响起后,青水猛然睁开了双眼,一丝笑意爬在脸上,然后手中的混沌火开始缓缓的降低火势。 This has continued about one day. 就这样一直持续一天左右。 Under the activity the body, Qing Shui washes, drinks while convenient perfect has made up the soup greatly slowly arrives at that Golden Flint Furnace there! 活动下身体,青水洗漱一番,顺便喝了点十全大补汤才缓缓的走到那金燧铁炉那里! Excited opens Golden Flint Furnace! 激动的去打开金燧铁炉 Two and two and two......” “两颗、两颗、两颗……” Qing Shui was shouting at the same time, one opened slowly, Qing Shui dull was gawking! 青水一边喊着,一遍慢慢打开,青水呆呆的愣着! Three, early knows that shouted four......” “三颗,靠,早知道喊四颗……” In Golden Flint Furnace is rolling three grains of golden yellow Medicinal Pill, sends out mildly such as jade golden light, has the cherry size, looks like specially attractive. 金燧铁炉中滚着三粒金黄色的丹药,散发出温润如玉的金光,有樱桃大小,看起来特别的漂亮。 Three grains, Qing Shui has not thought that this intensity Medicinal Pill one time refines three grains unexpectedly, leaves behind one grain to Lin Zhanhan, oneself can also have two grains, cannot reach an agreement the evening to use up one grain now. 三粒,青水没想到这种强度的丹药一次居然炼制出来三粒,给林展瀚留下一粒,自己还可以有两粒,说不好今晚上就要用掉一粒。 Unknowingly half a month passed, but Qing Shui actually had very big change! 不知不觉已经半个月过去了,但青水却是发生了很大的变化! Outside just one -and-a-half double-hour! 外面只不过一个半时辰而已! Qing Shui can also stay last more than 20 days in Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, but Qing Shui must leave a way out to oneself, therefore the Qing Shui decision clashes to rush now, now did not mean an own not hope. 青水还可以在紫玉仙境中呆上20多天,不过青水要给自己留个后路,所以青水决定现在冲出去闯一下,如今并不是说自己没有一点希望。 After staying to strength restore, puts on clothes armor, with weapon and Purple Gold Divine Shield. 呆到实力恢复后重新穿上衣甲,拿上武器和紫金神力盾 The fire bird injury was early good! 火鸟的伤势已经早好了! Qing Shui looks outward! 青水向外看去! Perhaps the present is one in the evening the most night time, although is far from the tired soldiers and worn-out horses, but is not specially is full of vigor. 也许现在正是一个晚上最深夜的时刻,虽说谈不上人困马乏,但也不是特别精神饱满。 That is only big position that the tiger is at special being in the way, Qing Shui discovered that so long as clash, will receive its Attack in that direction. 那只大老虎所在的位置特别的“碍事”,青水发现只要自己一冲出去,向着那个方向都会受到它的攻击 The surroundings as if stand in front were also many many people, were more several formidable Monster Beast, although was inferior that is only big tiger, but was still was very formidable. 周围似乎站在前边的又多了不少人,更是多了几只强大的妖兽,虽说不如那只大老虎,但却是仍然很强大。 Silver Horned Mad Bull King, Martial King peak Monster Beast, strength is greatly infinite, Defense strong, the attack and defense can achieve five counties to be many, Speed is ordinary, when displaying „the Mad Bull impact Speed can promote one time instantaneously, Strength can also increase 50%, only then hemiprism fragrant time, later weak three days, the strength falls keeps off usual half. 银角暴牛王,武皇巅峰妖兽,力大无穷,防御超强,攻防可以达到五郡多,速度一般,不过在施展“暴牛冲击”时速度可以瞬间提升一倍之多,力量也可以增加五成,不过只有半柱香的时间,之后虚弱三天,实力降挡平时的一半。 Crap, paralysis this, but uses the Mad Bull impact, in addition that is only big tiger, can oneself be finished?” Qing Shui quite depressed, this Silver Horned Mad Bull King Qing Shui also knows that has the record in Monster Beast Atlas, the present this is only the mature time, completely mature Silver Horned Mad Bull King, the height in nine meters, the height four meters, two giant silver coins has two meters fully, partly twists is referring to the sky forward slantingly. 我靠,麻痹这一但用出暴牛冲击,再加上那只大老虎,自己岂不是要完蛋?”青水相当的郁闷,这银角暴牛王青水也知道的,在妖兽图谱中有记载,眼前的这只正是壮年时期,完全成熟的银角暴牛王,身长在九米,高四米,两只巨大的银角足有两米长,半拧着向前斜指天空。 Qing Shui looks at another direction again, this time is not Monster Beast, but is an old man, the silver-haired, both eyes black japan like black ink, as if no white eyeball to be the same, making the man-year feel that strange, feels timid, the cold brightness that the eye sends out such as the knife is common, making the person be afraid. 青水再看另一个方向,这次不是妖兽,而是一个老者,满头银发,双目黑漆如墨,仿佛没有白眼球一样,让人年感觉诡异、发怵,眼睛发出的寒光如刀子一般,让人不寒而栗。 The stature of old man looks like medium thin, loose Sword House clothes put on the strangeness that on him could not say, in the hand do not have the weapon, what by Qing Shui and Sword House contiguous sense this old man Cultivation was in the sleeve the sword. 老者的身材看起来中等消瘦,一身宽松的剑楼衣服穿在他身上说不出的诡异,手中并没有武器,以青水剑楼的接触感觉这老头修炼的是袖里剑。 Make Qing Shui restless is not the strength of old man, but is the dangerous aura and strange place that the old man lends. 青水不安的不是老者的实力,而是老者散发出的危险气息和诡异之处。 Qing Shui has a look airborne, this looked that Qing Shui can only smile bitterly, above is circling unexpectedly three Blue Eyes Tempest Sparrow, this thing Speed in flight Monster Beast, the Martial Saint rank one belongs before, Qing Shui has a look at that to launch the both wings length and breadth in 18 meters, Speed also wants compared with present fire bird on quickly, if after getting Swift Wind Talisman, should compared with Blue Eyes Tempest Sparrow quickly, but the opposite party has stood in airborne, occupied completely the initiative. 青水看看空中,这一看青水只能苦笑,上面居然盘旋着三只“风云蓝睛鹞”,这东西速度在飞行妖兽中,至尊级别一下属于靠前的,青水看看那展开双翅长宽在18米大小,速度比现在的火鸟还要快上一点,如果打上疾风符后应该比“风云蓝睛鹞”快一点吧,但对方已经站在空中,占尽了主动权。 Finally the Qing Shui decision turns toward that to be only big tiger impact, must achieve the preparation first, must know that at least two things awfully are staring at themselves. 最后青水决定就向着那只大老虎冲击,要先做到充分的准备,要知道至少有两个要命的东西盯着自己。 Silver Horned Mad Bull King and that elder brother's strange Sword House old man! 银角暴牛王和那哥诡异的剑楼老者! Summoned Diamond Gigantic elephant! 呼唤一下金刚巨象 In addition now turns increased 20% Strength Overwhelming Righteous Qi, increased county main body Defense as well as a time of imposing manner, Motionless as a Mountain that 20% main body Strength increase. 加上现在变成增加了两成力量浩然正气,还有增加了一郡本体防御以及一倍的气势,二成的本体力量增加的不动如山 Broke to pieces additional 30% own main body Strength Divine Strength Talisman, Aegis Talisman and Swift Wind Talisman in this time Qing Shui in body racket! 就在这个时候青水在身上拍碎加三成自身本体力量神力符神盾符疾风符 Qing Shui main body Strength has achieved 15.6 million jin (0.5 kg) great strength now, in addition when these formidable assistances, in addition Shield Bash the formidable effect, Qing Shui Strength has achieved the strength of fearful seven county! 青水现在本体力量达到了15600000斤的巨力,加上这些强大的辅助,加上盾击时强大的效果,青水力量已经达到了可怕的七郡之力! The strength of seven county! 七郡之力! Qing Shui binocular fiery, does not need to fear this big tiger at this time now! 青水此时双眼一阵火热,现在没有必要怕这个大老虎! 7 Star Armor! 七星护甲 A halo flashes through, in clothes armor, under the function of Aegis Talisman, has achieved the Defense strength about seven counties similarly! 一身光晕闪过,在衣甲,神盾符的作用下,同样达到了将近七郡的防御力! Should get rid! 该出手了! Except that strange old man makes Qing Shui a little be worried that other present has not let Qing Shui again such being at a loss really! 除了那个诡异的老者让青水有点担心,其他的现在还真没有让青水再那么的束手无策! A hand in a big way grabs one symbol, has Binding Talisman also to have Armor Piercing Talisman! 一只手抓着一大把符,有禁足符还有破甲符 Patted Divine Strength Talisman and Aegis Talisman also to have Swift Wind Talisman on Diamond Gigantic elephant! 更是在金刚巨象身上拍了神力符神盾符还有疾风符 Finds the accurate time, Qing Shui rides Diamond Gigantic elephant to run out suddenly, puts forth Mighty Elephant Stomp! in that flash Qing Shui and Diamond Gigantic elephant once more! 找准时间,青水乘着金刚巨象猛然冲出,在那一瞬间青水金刚巨象再次使出巨象践踏 Mighty Elephant Stomp!! 巨象践踏 Simultaneously one in hand big with the technique of hidden weapon hits the symbol to the surroundings, the key point is the big tiger, Silver Horned Mad Bull King and that strange old man. 同时手中的一大把符用暗器的手法打向周围,重点是大老虎、银角暴牛王和那个诡异的老者。 The matter is too sudden, does not have slight indication! 事情太突然,没有丝毫征兆! However that is only big tiger to be actually smart, unexpectedly when Qing Shui puts forth Mighty Elephant Stomp! has shunted smartly, making this dual Mighty Elephant Stomp! only kill not far away ten several Qing Shui simply not to have interest practitioner. 不过那只大老虎倒是机灵,居然在青水使出巨象践踏的时候机灵的躲开了,让这双重的巨象践踏只杀死了不远处的十数个青水根本没有兴趣的武者 Huge sound everything may become vulnerable, a not far away hill direct avalanche! 巨大声响地动山摇,不远处的一座小山直接崩塌! The surroundings everywhere are dense fog! The ground presented two giant gullies, on not far away mountain wall in abundance was still falling some giant stones. 周围到处都是一片迷雾!地上出现了两道巨大的沟壑,不远处的山壁上还在纷纷掉着一些巨大的石块。 Moo! 哞! A shocking good cry, then Qing Shui feels now to Silver Horned Mad Bull King that oneself dashed about wildly to come! 一声震天的牛叫声,接着青水就感受到了现在向自己狂奔而来的银角暴牛王 This draft animal, paralysis unexpectedly uses Mad Bull to attack directly.” Qing Shui looks Silver Horned Mad Bull King decision that such as violent wind clashes to it Deadly Strike. “这牲口,麻痹的居然直接用出暴牛冲击。”青水看着如一阵飙风冲过来的银角暴牛王决定给它致命一击 great elephant is rash! 巨象莽撞! Diamond Gigantic elephant brings Qing Shui to flush away toward Silver Horned Mad Bull King, on Silver Horned Mad Bull King does not have practitioner unexpectedly, this made Qing Shui have very big confidence. 金刚巨象带着青水向着银角暴牛王冲去,银角暴牛王上居然没有武者,这让青水有了很大的信心。 Boom! 嘣! Qing Shui in Diamond Gigantic elephant and instance of Silver Horned Mad Bull King hit, in hand Purple Gold Divine Shield fully Shield Bash almost simultaneous hitting in the head of Silver Horned Mad Bull King! 青水金刚巨象银角暴牛王撞击的瞬间,手中的“紫金神力盾”一个全力盾击几乎同时的打在了银角暴牛王的头上! Although this coordination not, Strength cannot fuse completely, but actually killed this Silver Horned Mad Bull King to be only enough. 虽说这次配合的不算好,力量不能完全融合,但却杀死这只银角暴牛王却是足够了。 The huge sound mixed with that huge Silver Horned Mad Bull King to fly, the giant head did not have at this time directly, everywhere blood rain sprinkled. 巨大的响声夹杂着那巨大的银角暴牛王飞了出去,巨大的脑袋此时却是直接没了,漫天的血雨洒落下来。 Qing Shui has not seen, under the gunsmoke dense fog, the Qing Shui impact in the instance of hit, that strange old man has gotten rid, Speed quick under was only not big in that the tiger, in the sleeve the Azure-colored cold brightness dodges to raid together to the scruff of Qing Shui. 只是青水没有看到,在硝烟的迷雾下,青水冲击在撞击的瞬间,那个诡异的老者出手了,速度快的丝毫不下于那只大老虎,袖子里一道湛蓝色的寒光一闪袭向了青水的后颈。
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