AST :: Volume #5

#492: The troops unite, Human and Elephant Unite, performs slaughter

One must each time and opposite party touches hardly, otherwise cannot withstand, similarly the opposite party also touches with oneself, their human bodies cannot stand their Strength formidable similarly. 自己必须每次和对方硬碰,不然自己根本承受不住,同样对方也得和自己相碰,他们的肉体强大同样也禁受不住自己的力量 Thinks that here Qing Shui feeling also a little hopes. 想到这里青水感觉还有点希望。 You must be careful, you pull the opposite party to walk as far as possible.” “你要小心点,你尽量牵着对方走。” Qing Shui is smiling bitterly nod! 青水苦笑着点点头! Must fight a battle to force a quick decision, when if 7 Star Armor vanished were more difficult to do. 必须要速战速决,如果等到七星护甲消失了就更加难搞了。 Qing Shui nods to flush away while Diamond Gigantic elephant toward the opposite toward the white hair man! 青水向着白发男子点点头乘上金刚巨象向着对面冲去! Three people go forward five meters toward Qing Shui, then assumes the glyph facing Qing Shui! 三人向着青水前进五米,然后呈品字形的面对青水 Presently old man waves the big sword, then another two old men are also one gesture, immediately marvelous Strength spreads to connect in three people. 当前的老者一挥手中的大剑,接着另外两个老者也是一个起手式,顿时一股奇妙的力量在三人中蔓延串联起来。 Qing Shui is dull, because Qing Shui can the clear feeling the opposite party three people as if become a person was unexpectedly same, making Qing Shui feel that Attack that as if in the Attack three people, this is fusions between three people...... 青水呆呆的,因为青水可以清晰的感觉到对方三人居然仿佛成了一个人一样,让青水感觉攻击那个都仿佛在攻击三人,这就是三人之间的融合…… Their three brothers regards are interlinked!” “他们三个兄弟心意相通!” Qing Shui thinks words that white hair man spoke! 青水想到白发男子说的话! great elephant is rash! 巨象莽撞! Qing Shui makes Diamond Gigantic elephant great elephant overrun rashly, simultaneously uses this time strongest Attack Shield Bash! 青水金刚巨象一个巨象莽撞冲了过去,同时用出此时最强的攻击盾击 Motionless as a Mountain! 不动如山 ...... …… Purple Gold Divine Shield brought boundless imposing manner Shield Bash toward facing the Qing Shui old man has hit. 紫金神力盾带着一股磅礴的气势一个盾击向着面对青水的老者打了出去。 Boom! 嘣! Qing Shui flies upside down, a blood spurts crazily! 青水倒飞出去,一口鲜血狂喷而出! Three old man complete complete has drawn back backward two steps! 三个老者齐齐的向后退了两步! But this has made three old men change countenance, but when the old man withdraws the white hair man turns toward a following old man to get rid suddenly. 但这已经让三个老者动容,而就在老者退后的时候白发男子突然向着后面的一个老者出手。 Bite! 叮! The white hair man is also flies upside down similarly, what making Qing Shui shock is the Attack angle of white hair man is very cunning, most important is the opposite party gets rid hastily, in addition the stress of man is not complete, therefore has not been injured unexpectedly. 白发男子同样也是倒飞出去,让青水大跌眼镜的是白发男子的攻击角度很刁钻,最重要是对方仓促出手,加上男子的受力并不是全部,所以居然没有受伤。 Person of high skill!” “高人!” This is appraisal of Qing Shui to white hair man. 这就是青水对白发男子的评价。 Qing Shui scratches the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, then rushes once more! 青水擦擦嘴角的血迹,然后再次冲上去! Mighty Elephant Stomp!! 巨象践踏 Diamond Gigantic elephant starts Mighty Elephant Stomp! toward the opposite party three people suddenly! 金刚巨象向着对方三人猛然发动巨象践踏 A gap spreads to go toward opposite three people! 一道鸿沟向着对面三人蔓延而去! In the old person hand of head the big sword wields suddenly! 为首的老人手中大剑猛然挥出! Bang! 嘭! Pounds directly on the ground, the formidable impulse has blocked that Mighty Elephant Stomp! directly! 直接砸在地上,强大的冲击力直接拦住了那巨象践踏 Crap!” 我靠!” Qing Shui criticizes, is used together Purple Gold Divine Shield Shield Bash to make the opposite party draw back two steps, how this hits, oneself were the five main internal organs (entrails) is injured. 青水暗骂,连用紫金神力盾盾击都只是让对方退两步而已,这怎么打,自己更是五脏六腑都受伤了。 Those who make Qing Shui depressed is three old people stands there not initiative Attack, this makes Qing Shui feel that is a mountain is ordinary. 青水郁闷的是三个老人只是站在那里不主动攻击,这让青水感觉那是一座大山一般。 great elephant is rash! 巨象莽撞! Hidden Weapon Technique! 暗器术 Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword in hand Sword Cleaving Mountain toward old man detachment. 手中的北斗七星剑一个“一剑开山”的向着老者劈去。 Five heavy vigor! 五重劲! Qing Shui these time was shaken again flies, but this Qing Shui supple uses at crucial moments Primal Chaos, although these time was shaken again flies, but compared to the impact that the previous feeling was under to be smaller, being insufficient let the body wound was so serious, but made that wound more serious a point. 青水这一次再次被震飞,只是这一次青水在关键时刻把太极中“柔”用上,虽说这一次再次被震飞,但比起上次感觉受到的冲击小了很多,不至于让身体伤的那么严重,不过还是让那个刚才的伤更为严重了一点。 Qing Shui has a look at the opposite old man feeling to have a dilutedness, making him feel that is a little unable to start, fights like the child and adult, does not have the commeasurability. 青水看看对面的老者感觉有种无力感,让他感觉有点无法下手,就像小孩和大人打架,没有可比性。 Boom! 嘣! Boom! 嘣! ...... …… Qing Shui does not know that is many times is hit, what makes Qing Shui happy is, in unloading the control of strength controlled was quite good. 青水也不知道是第多少次被撞击出去,但让青水开心的是,在卸力的控制上已经控制的比较好了。 If not Qing Shui to practice this unloads the say|way of strength, Qing Shui takes Great Revitalizing Pellet directly, it is estimated that can put down these people quickly at present. 如果不是青水为了练习这卸力之道,青水直接服食大还丹,估计很快就能把眼前这些人扫平。 Qing Shui time unless it is absolutely essential does not want to use, let alone Qing Shui also has the worry. 只是青水不到万不得已的时候不想使用,何况青水还有顾虑。 For example after using up , the opposite party comes person again, oneself have one month of weak, but Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal also can only stay today many in the first half month in inside, if were kicked at that time once were overtaken basically were finished. 比如说用完后对方再来人,自己可是有着一个月的虚弱,而紫玉仙境今日也只能在里面呆上半月多一点,如果在那个时候被踢出来一旦被追上基本上完蛋。 If soon will arrive now late at night, Qing Shui had not worried, at the worst enters Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal after body restore comes out again. 如果现在是即将到达后半夜的话,青水也就没有顾虑了,大不了进紫玉仙境一直到身体恢复后再出来。 Although times were hit, just started directly hit flying upside down, the person and Diamond Gigantic elephant are fly away, distance that afterward flew away comes to be nearer. 虽然一次次的被撞击出去,刚开始直接是被撞的倒飞出去,人和金刚巨象是飞开的,后来飞开的距离愈来越近。 Qing Shui is in order to a morning point rides Diamond Gigantic elephant, can therefore not fall from Diamond Gigantic elephant by oneself with every effort, then as soon as possible and opposite party consumes the physical strength. 青水是为了能早一点骑上金刚巨象,所以尽力让自己能不从金刚巨象身上掉下来,然后尽快的和对方耗体力。 Although the opposite party self-recovery ability of three person but Qing Shui on the physical strength and body has considerably large self-confidently, Qing Shui in consuming the physical strength of opposite party, even if cannot achieve the effect, even if injure is very heavy, under worst result Qing Shui clothing/taking Great Revitalizing Pellet. 对方虽然有三个人但青水在体力上和身体的自愈能力上有着相当大的自信,青水是在消耗对方的体力,即使达到不到效果,哪怕自己伤的很重,最坏的结果青水服下大还丹 The impact that therefore Qing Shui is not aware of fatigue, Diamond Gigantic elephant Defense does not have any issue actually, but Qing Shui has looked pale, lost blood a little. 所以青水不知疲倦的冲击,金刚巨象防御倒是没有任何问题,只是青水已经面色苍白,失血有点多了。 Middle clothing/taking grain of Five Dragon Pill! 中间服了一粒五龙丹 Qing Shui gradually discovered was shelled Qing Shui did not need to separate with Diamond Gigantic elephant, even Qing Shui had the consciousness unloaded the strength toward Diamond Gigantic elephant under body on. 渐渐的青水发现被轰击出去的时候青水不用和金刚巨象分开了,甚至青水有意识的向着身下的金刚巨象身上卸力。 This discovery makes Qing Shui pleasantly surprised! 这一发现让青水惊喜无比! Human and Horse Unite! 人马合一 Suddenly Qing Shui thinks that a boundary, the Knight boundary, Human and Horse Unite, this boundary is very formidable, achieves person and the horse under body such as a whole, Speed of horse adds on Strength of person, that tacit understanding and impulse make the battle efficiency increase directly are more, what is most important is a boundary. 突然青水想到一种境界,骑士的境界,人马合一,这种境界很强大的,达到人和身下的马如一个整体,马的速度加上人的力量,那种默契和冲击力直接让战斗力增加很多很多,最重要的是一种境界。 Strength that the warhorse runs quickly added in has ridden in its above person, you said that can not be formidable? It is said formidable can display the person and horse Strength adding together Human and Horse Unite is big. 战马奔驰的力量加在了骑在它上面的人身上,你说能不强大?据说强大的可以将“人马合一”发挥出人和马力量相加还要大。 In the Qing Shui eye the ray dodges! 青水眼睛中光芒一闪! If can achieve Human and Elephant Unite, do want terrifying dead?” On the Qing Shui pale face presents dark red of blood congestion. “如果自己能达到人象合一,那自己岂不是要恐怖死?”青水苍白的脸上出现一丝充血的殷红。 Qing Shui times were hit, outside Strength that but the expression on face is actually more and more happy, unconscious Qing Shui discovery can receiving shifts to Diamond Gigantic elephant under body on 20%. 青水一次次的被撞击出去,但脸上的表情却是越来越开心,不知不觉的青水发现可以把受到的外面的力量转移到身下的金刚巨象身上两成。 20%! 两成! The strength of similar two county, regarding present Qing Shui, have been able to withstand opposite party Attack reluctantly, is mainly the present is also wounded. 差不多两郡之力,对于现在的青水来说,已经可以勉强承受住对方的攻击,主要是现在是身上还带着伤。 The change of Qing Shui makes the white hair man have that three old person's complexion to feel more and more amazed, especially that three old men, because of them can the clear feeling the change of Qing Shui, making them feel Strength that rumbles has to plant the downloaded feeling. 青水的变化让白发男子还有那三个老人的脸色越来越感到惊诧,特别是那三个老者,因为他们可以清晰的感受到青水的变化,让他们感觉到轰出去的力量有种被卸掉的感觉。 ...... …… Boom! 嘣! Again hits time, Qing Shui is only the backlash two steps slightly! Lightened together the shining ray on this time Qing Shui and Diamond Gigantic elephant suddenly! 再一次撞击的时候,青水只是微微的后退两步!就在这个时候青水金刚巨象身上突然闪出一道金灿灿的光芒! a golden light flash passes, Qing Shui at this time is actually joyful incomparable! 金光一闪而逝,青水此时却是欣喜无比! Human and Elephant Unite! 人象合一 Qing Shui now is reluctant achieving Human and Elephant Unite, although this Human and Elephant Unite degree is only reluctant achieving, is the most reluctant degree. 青水现在算是勉强的达到人象合一,这种人象合一的程度虽然只是勉强的达到,是最勉强的程度。 That said that golden light Qing Shui is very familiar, when like formerly Golden Buddha presented the feeling, even Qing Shui turns head to have a look, these time has not seen that familiar image of Buddha. 那道金光青水很熟悉,就像先前“金佛”出现时的感觉一样,甚至青水回头看看,这一次并没有看到那熟悉的佛像。 However has to present the image of Buddha the shadow not to be unimportant, more importantly Qing Shui can now with Diamond Gigantic elephant Human and Elephant Unite to 50% degrees. 不过有没有出现佛像的影子已经不重要,重要的是青水现在可以和金刚巨象人象合一”到一半的程度。 When this is one feeling of Qing Shui, the feeling fusion to 50% degrees! 这是青水的一种感觉,感觉时“融合”到一半的程度! Qing Shui feels this time, if rides on Diamond Gigantic elephant, Defense has achieved nine counties, even if were Strength has also achieved the terrifying nine counties. 青水感受到此时如果骑在金刚巨象身上,防御达到了九郡,就算是力量也达到了恐怖的九郡。 Naturally this has 7 Star Armor or other temporary attaches to issue, if after these temporary things remove, can achieve any degree Qing Shui not to know. 当然这都是有着七星护甲或者其他的临时的附加下达到的,如果这些临时东西去掉后能达到什么程度青水不知道。 Qing Shui only knows that now sufficed! 青水只知道现在够了! At least and under the white hair old man coordination has sufficed, even also sufficed! 至少和白发老者配合下够了,甚至自己也够了! Roar! 吼! Qing Shui face upwarded to roar! 青水仰天吼了一声! Mentioned the peak all cultivation technique and imposing manners, turned toward that three old people to flush away once more! 将所有的功法和气势提到巅峰,再次向着那三个老人冲去! Human and Elephant Unite! 人象合一 Shield Bash! 盾击 Boom! 嘣! The huge sad sound made surrounding air produce the giant airing, these two huge Strength collisions, turned into stretch of giant ruins this surroundings directly, the middle has a big hole of exaggeration. 巨大沉闷的响声让周围空气都产生了巨大的气爆,这两股巨大的力量碰撞,直接将这周围变成一片巨大的废墟,中间更是有着一个夸张的大坑。 Qing Shui stands there complexion blanch, but the packed hole is the huge excitement. 青水站在那里脸色发白,不过满眼都是巨大的兴奋。 But the opposite three old men have also drawn back several steps, but is actually the face whiten, in the look full is the incredible vision, they know that this strikes, Greencloud Continent can meet the tough head-on with toughness few of oneself three people of repelling, old monster but who is also not born. 而对面的三个老者也只是退了几步,不过却是脸色苍白,神色中满是不可置信的目光,他们可是知道,这一击,青云州能硬碰硬的把自己三人击退的屈指可数,还都是不出世的老妖怪。 Qing Shui felt that now specially happy, formerly by bombardments more than hundred times, now not only can not draw back, can compel to draw back the opposite party...... 青水现在感觉特别的舒畅,先前被一次次的轰击出去不下百次,现在不但可以不退,更是可以逼退对方…… Qing Shui has a look at Diamond Gigantic elephant under body, but also really makes Qing Shui have deep feelings! 青水看看身下的金刚巨象,还真是让青水感触颇深! If Qing Shui knows that this thing was the World of the Nine Continents counter space warfare beast rank will not be surprised! 如果青水知道这东西是九州大陆逆天战兽级别的话就不会惊奇了! Impact! 冲击! Shield Bash! 盾击 Shield Bash! 盾击 ...... …… Qing Shui depends the intensity bombardment opposite party of body not awfully! 青水仗着身体的强度不要命的一次次轰击对方! Fifth heavy waves sword! 剑之五重浪! Now fifth on heavy wave Strength sword is not most formidable, but wins is wave after wave! 如今剑之五重浪力量上并不是最强大,但胜在是一浪接着一浪! ! 噗! The white hair man gets rid in this moment suddenly, the goal is not that three old people, but is practitioner that behind these are in a daze. 白发男人在这一刻突然出手,目标不是那三个老人,而是后面的那些发呆的武者 Mean!” “卑鄙!” White Ghost, you such do not see light!” 白鬼,你还是这么见不的光!” „!” “啊!” ...... …… Qing Shui summoned Diamond Gigantic elephant, while 7 Star Armor still, directly broke in that group of Greencloud Continent powerhouses, Purple Gold Divine Shield and Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword in hand almost every time must take away a human life. 青水呼唤一下金刚巨象,趁着七星护甲还在,直接冲入那群青云州强者之中,手中的紫金神力盾北斗七星剑几乎每一次都要带去一条人命。 Slaughters Martial King peak such as slaughter dog to be ordinary! 屠杀武皇巅峰者如屠狗一般! Several time of breath, because there is a reason of white hair man to run cannot run away! 数个呼吸的时间,因为有白发男子的原因想跑都跑不掉! Several summon birds, what a pity the birds had been shot by Qing Shui hidden weapon. 有几个呼唤飞禽的,可惜飞禽被青水暗器射了下来。 Quick here is peaceful! 很快这里安静下来! Crisp! So was for a long time uncomfortable, this group of grandsons early should kill.” White hair man happy saying. “爽!好久没有这么舒服了,这帮孙子早该杀了。”白发男人开心的说道。 His smiling face and strange, a little gentle and reserved a little sounds queer, but makes Qing Shui feel many jerkiness. 他的笑容和奇怪,有点阴柔有点令人奇怪,但让青水感觉最多的生涩。 Senior, are you?” Qing Shui saved a man of oneself life regarding this is specially grateful. “前辈,您是?”青水对于这个救了自己一命的男人还是特别感激的。 Hehe, is the Old Ancestor sect makes me come, he a little does not feel relieved you, but he should also feel relieved now.” 呵呵,是老祖宗让我过来的,他有点不放心你,不过现在他老人家也该放心了。” Old Ancestor sect?” Qing Shui formerly listened to that strange man to speak of this man to be sent by Heavenly Palace, but also is really the Old Ancestor sect. 老祖宗?”青水先前听那诡异男人说到这个男人是被天宫派来的,还真是老祖宗。 Yes, you think you to exit, will he feel relieved? Today after all looks like the matter that has to guess can also guess.” “是啊,你以为你一个人出去,他老人家会放心?毕竟像今天发生的这种事猜也能猜的着。” This time weather turned white slightly, the Dongfang (East) sky presents dawn, Qing Shui knows that the day must shine quickly. 此时的天色已经微微发白,东方的天空出现一丝曙光,青水知道天很快就要亮了。
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