AST :: Volume #13

#1237: The femme fatale, the woman chaotic heart, hugs Crown Princess

Should be able to protect oneself, he felt that should have this ability, he felt that the Holy Son strength in 15 million clouds probably, copes with such strength, Qing Shui felt should average, his some Battle Technique coordinate Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant. 应该可以自保吧,他感觉应该有这个能力,他感觉圣子的实力大概在15000000云,对付这样的实力,青水感觉应该扯平吧,他有一些战技配合金鳞龙象 The strengths of after 15 million clouds Qing Shui and Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant weaken, remaining are less than 11 million clouds that under the Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant strength most flourishing condition can achieve 10 Millions Yun Duo to be little, basically and coordinate also to be able with 15 million cloud weakened strengths ties. 15000000云的实力被青水金鳞龙象削弱后剩下不到11000000云,金鳞龙象的实力全盛状态下可以达到一千万云多一点点,基本上和自己配合起来也能和15000000云被削弱后的实力战平。 In principle is this, but Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant is the world fights the beast, Qing Shui felt , if only 15 million clouds strengths, after being weakened, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant should be able to defeat the opposite party, on this day fights the beast prestige is not Bai Jiao. 原则上是这样,但金鳞龙象是天地战兽,青水感觉如果只是15000000云的实力,被削弱后金鳞龙象应该可以战胜对方,这天地战兽的威名不是白叫的。 Also is this reason Qing Shui under the decision the letter of challenge, he felt that should coordinate itself at least by oneself to be in an impregnable position, so long as can constrain the opposite party, in addition their several Monster Beast can certainly defeat him. 也是这个原因青水才决定下挑战书,他感觉应该配合自己至少可以让自己立于不败之地,只要能拖住对方的话,加上自己的几只妖兽一定能战胜他。 Has gotten back one's composure, thinks anything, at this time can also be distracted.” Crown Princess shakes the hand to say in Qing Shui discontentedly at present. “回神了,想什么呢,这个时候还能走神。”长公主不满在青水眼前晃晃手说道。 Qing Shui has gotten back one's composure embarrassed looks at Crown Princess, this woman black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, obviously was being worried for this matter that opens the mouth to say with a smile: How to be worried about me?” 青水回过神不好意思的看着长公主,这个女人黛眉微蹙,显然是在为这件事担心,开口笑道:“怎么在担心我?” He also at will said that also to become this little depressing atmosphere gentle, but said that thinks a little improper, although they now are very good friends, but is a little inappropriate. 他也只是随意的说说,也是为了将这个有点压抑的气氛变得和缓一点,只是说完觉得有点不妥,虽然两人现在算是很好的朋友,但还是有点不合适。 Who was worried about you, you did not know to be worried about itself, others were worried usefully.” Crown Princess is air/Qi Qing Shui to write the letter of challenge. “谁担心你了,你自己都不知道担心自己,别人担心有用吗。”长公主是气青水写挑战书。 Does not need to be worried that Elder Sister Su must refuel to me, cannot refuel to that any Holy Son, even if he pursues you, you cannot refuel to him.” Qing Shui looks at Crown Princess to say with a smile. “不用担心,素姐要给我加油,不许给那个什么圣子加油,哪怕他追求你,你也不能给他加油。”青水看着长公主笑道。 „A right occupation, when had not had the mood to play such joke, this letter of challenge I cannot under you.” Crown Princess has thought for a long time slowly said. “没个正行,什么时候了还有心情开这样的玩笑,这挑战书我不许你下。”长公主想了好久才缓缓说道。 Qing Shui is very at heart affected, felt and distance of this woman suddenly was very near, the care among people some accidentally will display at matter, perhaps was the important matter, perhaps was the hour, but this was unimportant, important was distance between that suddenly heart and heart. 青水心里还是很感动的,突然间感觉和这个女人的距离很近了,人与人之间的关心在无意中的某件事情会表现出来,也许是大事,也许是小时,但这不重要,重要是那种突然间心与心之间的距离 Elder Sister Su, I know that you care about me, all right, I do not want dead, I have the family member also to have the wife also to have the child, does not need to be worried about me, my life is very hard, the average person cannot take away.” Qing Shui said with a faint smile, looks like very relaxed, but makes the person feeling very earnest. 素姐,我知道你关心我,没事的,我也不想死,我还有家人还有妻子也有孩子,不用担心我,我的命可是很硬的,一般人拿不走的。”青水微笑着说道,看起来很轻松,但又让人感觉很认真。 Listens to Elder Sister one time, you do not suit with him now fight.” Crown Princess looks at Qing Shui very prudent saying. “听姐姐一次,你现在不适合和他战斗。”长公主看着青水很慎重的说道。 Sunu, you could rest assured that I will not take his life.” 素女,你放心,我不会取他性命的。” Transmitted in this time together temperate sound. 就在这个时候一道温和的声音传来。 Qing Shui and Crown Princess are surprised, Qing Shui turns head to see that is standing a man suddenly in the distant place upper air, at this time is smiling is visiting them, stands has a strange coordinated feeling in the midair. 青水长公主大吃一惊,青水猛然回头看到在远处高空中站着一个男子,此时正微笑着看着他们,站在半空中有着一种奇异的协调感觉。 Both eyes of Qing Shui narrow the eyes, looks at man from far to near, the man cannot see the age, cultured near immortal, this is a spotless man, the eyebrow peak like the sword, the vision goes to and makes the person warm not dare to watch intently, at this time and Qing Shui has formed the sharp contrast, Qing Shui is gentle and reserved occupies more ingredients, is mainly among that purple marks two eyebrows, in gentle and reserved but actually also has firm, but this man compares, appears the Qing Shui gentle and reserved monster even more different, but will not be felt effeminate, instead has a strange charm. 青水的双眼眯起,看着由远及近的男人,男人看不出年纪,儒雅近仙,这是一个一尘不染的男人,眉峰如剑,目光温煦去又让人不敢逼视,此时和青水形成了鲜明的对比,青水阴柔占据更多的成分,主要是两眉中间的那颗紫色的印痕,阴柔中倒也有阳刚,只是和这个男人一比,显得青水越发的阴柔妖异,但不会让人感觉娘娘腔,反而有种奇异的魅力。 The men are very handsome, what is more handsome is his temperament, anybody noticed that he will feel this is a just person, is very easy the man who makes each ages have the favorable impression. 男人很俊,更俊的是他的气质,任何人一看到他就会感觉这是一个正义的人,一个很容易让各个年龄段产生好感的男人。 He can become the palm of Saint Alliance holds is not the luck, he has this breadth of spirit, Qing Shui only saw that other people felt this person is Holy Son, his faintly recognizable uncertain aura. 他能成为圣子帮的掌托并不是运气,他有这个气魄,青水只看到他人就感觉这个人就是圣子,还有他那一身飘渺不定的气息。 Takes my life? Did you obtain? Then!” Qing Shui wields afterward, challenges to turn toward Holy Son to fly directly. “取我性命?你取得了吗?接着吧!”青水随后一挥,挑战住直接向着圣子飞去。 The light beast paper such as sharp sword same turns toward the man to fly together, Qing Shui puts forth with the hidden weapon technique specially. 薄薄的兽皮纸如一道利剑一样向着男人飞去,青水特意用暗器手法使出。 The men smile at will, the hand extends easily caught Qing Shui to throw the past letter of challenge. 男人随意笑笑,手一伸轻而易举的接住青水丢过去的挑战书。 Qing Shui does not like this arrogant feeling, perhaps is not arrogant, but in Qing Shui felt that this is arrogant, actually should for a long time occupy the aura that the top digit fosters. 青水就是不喜欢他这种盛气凌人的感觉,也许并不是盛气凌人,只是在青水感觉这是盛气凌人,其实应该久居高位养成的气息吧。 Qing Shui!” Crown Princess holds on the Qing Shui sleeve, she fears Qing Shui impulsive rushing. 青水!”长公主拉住青水的袖子,她怕青水冲动的冲上去。 The men look at Crown Princess to draw a man, even if draws a sleeve his calm look not to perceive changed. 男人看着长公主拉着一个男人,哪怕只是拉着一个袖子他从容的神色也是不可觉察的变了变。 Sunu, does not need to draw him, I had said the words kept a promise, said again the letter of challenge had.” Man said with a faint smile. 素女,不用拉着他,我说过的话还是算数的,再说挑战书都有了。”男人微笑着说道 Qing Shui Hehe then backhandedly holds on the hand of Crown Princess with a smile, formerly he saw in that male person eyes is not quick, but conceals is very good, but was looked by him, because he hears this man to like Crown Princess very much. 青水呵呵的笑着然后反手拉住长公主的手,先前他已经看到了那个男人眼中的一丝不快,只是掩饰的很好,不过还是被他看出来了,因为他听到这个男人很喜欢长公主的。 Crown Princess has not thought that Qing Shui so will be bold, hidden bitterness was angry Qing Shui, but has not withdrawn, she does not understand anything at heart, she even knows that this is not good, but also only then this can make that man lose heart. 长公主也没有想到青水会这么大胆,幽怨的嗔了青水一眼,不过并没有抽回手,她自己也不明白什么心里,她甚至知道这样不好,但也只有这样能让那个男人死心吧。 Own hand had been held by this little man, that man will again certainly not pester himself, only if Qing Shui died, he is the pursue perfect person, all that he pursues do not allow to present the stain, even if not good. 自己的手被这个小男人拉了,那个男人一定不会再来纠缠自己,除非青水死了,他是个追求完美的人,他追求的一切都不允许出现污点,哪怕一点也不行。 Crown Princess felt that such person is too tired, not having the woman is willing to be his woman, because that is the burden, is not joyful, why this is he does not have the woman to the present. 长公主感觉这样的人太累,没有女人愿意做他的女人,因为那是负担,不是快乐,这也是为什么到现在他都没有女人。 He can like Crown Princess, pursues Crown Princess, obviously outstanding of Crown Princess! 他能喜欢长公主,追求长公主,可见长公主的优秀! I took back formerly did not take the commitment of your life, if you are cut off now that hand, I can consider to keep your life.” The men look like very tranquil, but everyone can look that he has gotten angry. “我收回先前不取你性命的承诺,如果你现在断掉那只手,我可以考虑留你一命。”男人看起来很平静,但谁也能看出来他已经怒了。 Elder Sister Su , he although is a formidable man, but is not suitable to make Husband, your important matter lifelong comes to check to be good to you by me.” Qing Shui said with a smile that pays no attention to that man radically. 素姐,他虽然是个强大的男人,但不适合做夫君,你的终身大事由我来给你把关好不好。”青水笑着说道,根本不理那个男人。 The man who the original Qing Shui feeling can achieve this situation should be very outstanding, but has not thought such strong, obstinate, although is very formidable, but has let a Qing Shui not favorable impression. 本来青水感觉能做到这个地步的男人应该是很优秀的,但没有想到这么强势,刚愎自用,虽然很强大,但已经让青水没有一点好感。 Qing Shui does not know that Crown Princess already was actually considered as is Holy Son Reverse Scale, even if has not pursued, reason that so rude , because Qing Shui and Crown Princess walk is too near. 只是青水不知道,长公主其实已经早已算得上是圣子逆鳞,哪怕还没有追求到,之所以如此失态,都是因为青水长公主走的太近。 It is not he is not very magnanimous, because he knows that Crown Princess has not walked with that man nearly, said the matter does not close oneself, will close oneself to be chaotic, forgives him wise silly for a while, does not think that Crown Princess so will be can it be that easy to pursue. 不是他不够大度,因为他知道长公主没有和那个男人走得这么近,都说事不关己,关己则乱,饶他聪明一世糊涂一时,根本不会想长公主岂是那么容易追求的。 Today I ask you also to have the incident, opens a condition, poisonous get rid of in my little brother body.” The men come here this are the proper business. “今天我来找你还有一事,开个条件吧,把我小弟身体内的毒解掉。”男人来这里这个才是正事。 I have said that is cut off awfully two arms, wants the arm awfully, a practitioner most minimum commitment did not have continually, he does not patch in this world, you think that you can cover this day.” Qing Shui neither arrogant nor servile saying, said that these he do not bring honor to anything, he cannot get used to seeing Fu Yanting this bullying, to villains hold sway, the villain countenance, let alone that person should receive the proper penalty. “我说过了,要命就断掉两条手臂,要手臂就不要要命,一个武者连最起码的承诺都没有了,他就不配活在这个世上,难道你以为你可以遮挡了这天。”青水不卑不亢的说道,说这些他不是要弘扬什么,他就是看不惯付延廷这种仗势欺人、小人得志、小人嘴脸,何况那种人就该受到应有的惩罚。 Good, is very good, on our life and death stage sees, makes you live again for two days.” The men said that vanished. “好,很好,那我们就生死台上见吧,再让你多活两天。”男人说完消失了。 Qing Shui shakes the head: Femme fatale!” 青水摇摇头:“红颜祸水啊!” What did you say?” Crown Princess panting in indignation saying. “你说什么?”长公主气呼呼的说道。 „, I said Crown Princess your young person Beautiful Woman (Qingcheng).” Qing Shui hurries to say. “啊,我说长公主你红颜倾城。”青水赶紧说道。 Snort, should let go, you have been mad him, you also really have the skill, can not be many person who he air/Qi.” Crown Princess speechless lifts the hand of Qing Shui, she knows that person walks because, but Qing Shui was dangerous. “哼,该松手了吧,你已经把他气走了,你还真有本事,能把他气走的人可不多。”长公主无语的抬起青水的手,她知道那个人走还是因为自己,不过青水就危险了。 She has not thought will be stopped by man, moreover has the man to be so bold, she now is very complex, because she does not have anger how, he is only when he is his younger brother, even if under the small advantage he...... 她从没有想过会被一个男人拉住手,而且也有没有男人这么大胆,她现在很复杂,因为她没有多么的愤怒,他只是当他是自己的弟弟,就算是便宜下他…… Qing Shui loosens the hand to say with a smile hastily embarrasedly: Elder Sister Su is pure, is I am offensive, I do not have the heart of blaspheming, you in my heart like the gods, cannot blaspheme.” 青水连忙松开手讪讪笑道:“素姐冰清玉洁,是我唐突,我没有亵渎之心,你在我心中如神明,是亵渎不了的。” Was good, little poor.” Crown Princess panting in indignation being angry said that put out a hand to knock while convenient on the Qing Shui forehead, was speaking the feeling to be very relaxed with him, was very comfortable, with other man very dead air/Qi, they are not false is will do in front of oneself, can never make her remember a meeting. “好了,少贫了。”长公主气呼呼的嗔道,顺便伸手在青水的额头上敲了一下,和他在一起说话感觉很轻松,很舒服,和别的男人会很死气,他们在自己面前不是虚假就是做做,从不能让她多记住一会。 Was then good, his these time will not let off your, you why such must compel to draw back oneself roadless.” Crown Princess looks that Qing Shui said puzzled. “这下好了,他这一次是不会放过你的,你为什么这么的要把自己逼到无路可退呢。”长公主看着青水不解说道。 Because did not have the escape route, can compel the biggest potential, Elder Sister Su, or gave me to select to encourage, could not reach an agreement I to win.” Qing Shui saying gently. “因为没有退路了,才能逼出最大的潜力,素姐要不给我点鼓励,说不好我就能胜利了。”青水轻轻的说道。 Hi, anything encourages, I who can give to you.” Crown Princess sighed to say. “嗨,什么鼓励,能给的我都给你。”长公主叹口气说道。 Qing Shui looks at that pair of god pupil, that binocular pupil limpid like immortal, saying with a smile gently: I have not hugged the person for a long time, I am suddenly good to hug a person.” 青水看着那双神眸,那双眼眸清澈如仙,轻轻的笑道:“我好久没有抱人了,我突然好想拥抱一个人。” Crown Princess stares, looks at Qing Shui, looks that pair does not contain limpidly obscenely any ~ the vision of evil thought that that vision could not say exhaustedly, suddenly heart one soft: I am your Elder Sister, is not to a precedent.” 长公主一愣,看着青水,看着那双清澈不含任何淫~邪念头的目光,那目光说不出疲惫,一时间心头一软:“我是你姐姐,下不为例。” Crown Princess said opens the white delicate arms slightly gently grasps the neck of Qing Shui. 长公主说完微微张开玉臂轻轻的抱住青水的脖子。 Qing Shui said actually a little regretted, he do not moisten her to be cheap, everyone will be tired, tired time wants to look for a dependence, even if the strong person, for example went home, even if the big character saw the old father old mother, will feel the dependence as before, because he forever was their children, not having the parents also to have the family|home, the wife also had the child...... 青水其实说出来有点后悔了,他并不是要沾她便宜,每个人都会累,累的时候都想找点依靠,哪怕再坚强的人,比如回家,哪怕再大的人物见到老父老母,依旧会感觉依靠,因为他永远是他们的孩子,没有了父母还有家,还有妻子还有孩子…… Qing Shui formerly vision made Crown Princess very familiar, she has understood, because she many time had this situation, cannot say that take pity on cannot say other, at this time her innermost feelings do not know what idea one were. 青水先前的目光让长公主很熟悉,她读懂了,因为她很多次都有这种情况,说不上怜惜也说不上其它,这个时候她内心都不知道自己是什么样的想法。 Qing Shui grasps her, he hugs very tightly, the entire face buries in her pink neck there, at this moment he does not have the evil thought that, is the simple hug, but is actually the tranquility that could not say. 青水抱住她,他抱得很紧,整个脸埋在她的粉颈那里,这一刻他没有邪念,,就是简单的拥抱,但却是说不出的平静。 soft jade enters the bosom heart not to have distracting thoughts, this feeling is no one can have, in the life can have one time difficultly. 软玉入怀却心无杂念,这种感觉不是谁都能有的,一生中能有一次都难。 Crown Princess as if is also so, this is rarest, the static two people hug, has as if forgotten the time, does not know when Crown Princess opens both eyes slightly, then she stayed, because she noticed that Yan Jinyu and Seventh Princess are visiting them in not far away dull. 长公主似乎也是如此,这才是最难得的,静静的两个人拥抱在一起,仿佛忘记了时间,不知道什么时候长公主微微睁开双眼,然后她就呆了,因为她看到炎瑾瑜七公主正在不远处呆呆的看着她们。 How this was, making person arrive such nearly had not discovered...... 这是怎么了,让人走到这么近没有发现……
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