AST :: Volume #13

#1238: Misunderstanding, Human and Elephant Unite, better than nothing

Crown Princess not such surprised, is hugging a man very tranquilly passed long some time, moreover had not been detected to this distance by the strength low near body. 长公主从没有这么惊讶过,抱着一个男人很平静的度过好长一段时间,而且被实力低的近身到这个距离都没有发觉。 But at this time she did not have the thoughts to ponder these, she felt that now a little does not talk clearly the present situation, because she knows that her younger sister Su Xin has the favorable impression even also to like him to him, oneself have urged her, but the present is making anything, although know that is not such, but the younger sister does not think like this. 但这个时候她已经没有心思去思考这些了,她现在感觉有点说不清现在的情况,因为她可是知道自己的妹妹素心对他有好感甚至还喜欢他,自己可是劝过她,但自己现在在做什么,虽然自己知道不是那样的,可妹妹绝不会这样认为。 She thinks certainly one also like him, can she think one are the person who snatches her to like...... 她一定会认为自己也喜欢他,她会不会认为自己是抢她喜欢的人…… unnatural and Qing Shui loosen, but Qing Shui as if also noted to be many they, suddenly a little awkward saying: You came.” 不自然的和青水松开,而青水似乎也是才注意到多了两人,一时间有点尴尬的说道:“你们来了。” However nobody spoke, Yan Jinyu strange looks at Qing Shui, her vision was a little complex, but also was somewhat puzzled. 不过没有人说话,炎瑾瑜古怪的看着青水,她的目光有点复杂,还有些不解。 But Seventh Princess is actually complexion very unnatural, looks at Crown Princess, her complexion is also the rapid transformation, Crown Princess looks that Seventh Princess knows she wants to be many sighed saying: Su Xin, I can only tell you, is not such that you think.” 七公主却是脸色很不自然,看着长公主,她的脸色也是迅速的变换,长公主看着七公主知道她想多了叹口气说道:“素心,我只能告诉你,不是你想的那样。” What that I think, you how know what that I think?” Seventh Princess looks at Crown Princess saying that her look is very complex, is a little struggling. “我想的什么,你怎么知道我想的什么呢?”七公主看着长公主说道,她的神色很复杂,有点在挣扎。 „Doesn't girl, your Elder Sister believe?” Crown Princess knows that at this time said anything estimated she does not listen. “丫头,难道你连姐姐也不相信吗?”长公主知道这个时候说什么估计她也听不进。 I only believe that my eye, Elder Sister does not need to explain anything with me actually, why Elder Sister you did not tell me earlier, Elder Sister has loved me, anything will let me......” “我只相信我的眼睛,其实姐姐不用和我解释什么,为什么姐姐你不早点告诉我,姐姐一直疼我,什么都会让我……” What were you saying?” Qing Shui looks that Seventh Princess has the view to Crown Princess obviously, thinks that beforehand Crown Princess and he had said the matter about Seventh Princess, quick understood. “你们在说什么?”青水看着七公主明显是对长公主有看法了,想到以前长公主和他说过关于七公主的事情,很快就明白了。 „Do you like Elder Sister?” Seventh Princess looks at Qing Shui with a smile. “你喜欢姐姐吗?”七公主笑着看着青水 Why can such ask?” Actually Qing Shui is also very depressed, this world is not open, let alone the Crown Princess anything person, she and a man hugs, if no any relations, it is estimated that was Yan Jinyu even now said that a little do not believe that may anything not have, sometimes was this. “为什么要这么问?”其实青水也是很郁闷,这个世界没有那么开放,何况长公主什么人,她和一个男人拥抱,如果说没有任何关系,估计就是炎瑾瑜甚至现在说起来自己都有点不相信,可真的什么也没有,有时候就是这样。 Elder Sister outstandingly beautiful woman is the imperial family important person, if you like Elder Sister, can only marry a Elder Sister person is the wife, can you achieve?” Seventh Princess looks at Qing Shui. 姐姐天姿国色更是皇室重要之人,如果你喜欢姐姐,只能娶姐姐一个人为妻,你能做到吗?”七公主看着青水 Girl, has sufficed, you today how.” Crown Princess makes noise saying that puts out a hand to stop the Qing Shui speech. “丫头,够了,你今天怎么了。”长公主出声说道,伸手止住青水说话。 Elder Sister, I am see you to have in the will of the people of liking happy, you know that I had felt that man cannot can be joined to you, therefore I am very happy.” Seventh Princess looks at Crown Princess earnest saying. 姐姐,我就是看到你有喜欢的人心里高兴,你知道吗,我一直感觉没有那个男人能配得上你,所以我很开心。”七公主看着长公主认真的说道。 You will not lie, among our blood sisters is this matter out of control continually?” Crown Princess gently walks to say. “你不会说谎,难道我们亲姐妹之间连这点事都禁不住?”长公主轻轻的走过去说道。 Elder Sister, I made a mistake!” 姐姐,我错了!” Seventh Princess grasped Crown Princess to cry all of a sudden, why she did not know, wants to cry, like a child knows that he most beloved toy was taken away by he most own person. 七公主一下子抱住长公主哭了出来,她不知道为什么,就是想哭,就像一个孩子知道他最心爱的玩具被他最亲的人拿走了一样。 You not wrong, Elder Sister said to you that at least Elder Sister now and he did not have any relations not to have any commitment and pledge.” Crown Princess rubs the head of Seventh Princess. “你没有错,姐姐给你说,至少姐姐现在和他还没有任何的关系也没有任何的承诺和誓言。”长公主揉揉七公主的脑袋。 Qing Shui has not thought that the matter of such dog blood occurred in own side, is a little inconceivable, moreover Crown Princess and Seventh Princess, but among three people truly anything does not have, can have misunderstanding so unexpectedly. 青水没有想到这样狗血的事情发生在自己身边,有点不可思议,而且还是长公主七公主,而三人之间确实什么也没有,竟然能有这般误会。 Elder Sister, sorry, why I do not know......” 姐姐,对不起,我也不知道为什么……” Silly thing, this is good, if you also press with me are hiding, I am sad.” Crown Princess puts out a hand to wipe Seventh Princess tears. “傻丫头,这样才好,你要是和我还压着藏着,我才难过。”长公主伸手擦擦七公主的眼泪。 Elder Sister, you like him.” Seventh Princess low voice saying. 姐姐,你是不是真的喜欢他啊。”七公主小声的说道。 Does not like.” “不喜欢。” I said that you can do not discuss this issue.” Qing Shui hears the Crown Princess decisive words also to stare, this was also too direct, said also tactfully. “我说你们能不能不要讨论这个问题。”青水听到长公主果断的话也是一愣,这也太直接了,怎么说也得委婉一点吧。 Was good, big family/everybody sits to state clearly, Qing Shui here, big family/everybody explained simply the words, hopes that do not have the barrier, big family/everybody was the best friend.” Crown Princess said with a smile. “好了,大家就坐下来明说吧,青水在这里,索性大家把话都说明白好了,希望不要有隔阂,大家都是最好的朋友。”长公主笑着说道。 Has anything saying that I do not like him.” Seventh Princess a little embarrassed saying, formerly looked that she had the issue. “有什么好说的,我又不喜欢他。”七公主有点不好意思的说道,先前可是都看出来她有问题了。 You determined.” Crown Princess asked with a smile. “你确定。”长公主笑着问道。 Elder Sister......” 姐姐……” Qing Shui he has the wife, moreover is not one, do not think that he can separate with his wife, girl formerly these of were the angry words that you spoke, later cannot say again that you liked any person, I did not block you, I will check for you, but you decided finally.” Crown Princess saying gently. 青水他是有妻子的,而且不是一个,也别想他会和他的妻子分开,丫头先前的那些就算是你说的气话,以后不许再说,你喜欢什么人,我也不拦你,我会为你把关,但最终还是你自己决定。”长公主轻轻的说道。 I know, sorry.” Behind said toward Qing Shui. “我知道,对不起。”后面是向着青水说道。 Qing Shui shook the head has not said anything. 青水摇摇头没有说什么。 I pursue my happiness, I jointly do not have a man with others.” Seventh Princess looks that Qing Shui clenches teeth saying that as if has gotten down a very big decision. ” I am also! „ Yan Jinyu also with a smile said. “我还是追求我的幸福,我不要和别人一起共同拥有一个男人。”七公主看着青水咬咬牙说道,似乎下了一个很大的决定。”我也是!“炎瑾瑜也是笑着说道。 Qing Shui has not thought that the matter transforms this, this is also good, is not troublesome, the sentimental incident is exhausting, therefore this is best. 青水没有想到事情转变成这样,这样也好,不麻烦,感情一事最是累人,所以这样最好。 Elder Sister, you?” Seventh Princess curious looks at Crown Princess. 姐姐,你呢?”七公主好奇的看着长公主 Also only then Seventh Princess will ask Crown Princess such question, only then she has this privilege. 也只有七公主会问长公主这样的问题吧,也只有她有这个特权。 I do not get married.” Crown Princess shakes the head saying that but the expression affirmed very much. “我不嫁人。”长公主摇摇头说道,但语气很肯定。 This replied that Qing Shui is very surprised, Yan Jinyu slightly is also startled, but Seventh Princess does not have greatly to be too surprised, but is said with a smile: Elder Sister this reply, but I do not believe now, I guess that later Elder Sister will get married absolutely.” 这个回答青水很吃惊,炎瑾瑜也是略微吃惊,但七公主却是没有太大吃惊,而是呵呵笑道:“姐姐还是这个回答,不过我现在不信,我猜以后姐姐绝对会嫁人。” Crown Princess has not refuted, had not acknowledged that actually the innermost feelings she also a little vacillates, this feeling is very marvelous, the time can disappear all, the time can also change all, as if before , very affirmative thing actually must vacillate now. 长公主没有反驳,也没有承认,其实内心她也有点动摇,这种感觉很奇妙,时间可以泯灭一切,时间也可以改变一切,似乎以前很肯定的东西现在却是要动摇了。 Was good, was all right was good, later had any matter to say.” The Crown Princess heart tied as if also unties. “好了,没事就好了,以后有什么事都要说出来。”长公主心结似乎也解开了。 ...... …… What, has Qing Shui gotten down the letter of challenge to Holy Son?” “什么,青水圣子下了挑战书?” Yan Jinyu and Seventh Princess are inconceivable looks at Qing Shui. 炎瑾瑜七公主都是不可思议的看着青水 Sooner or later must hit one time, hits one to be how could it not be better as soon as possible.” Qing Shui does intentionally relaxed saying. “早晚都要打一次,尽快打一场岂不更好。”青水故作轻松的说道。 But he is Holy Son......” “可是他是圣子……” Person the shade of famous tree, is this, a formidable famous person, will result in the pressure in the people, will make the display abnormal, this is one type affects at heart. 人的名树的影,就是这样,一个强大有名气的人,会在众人心里造成压力,甚至会让发挥失常,这是一种心里作用。 How Holy Son, should not be frightened by the name of opposite party, do not think that nameless person treats it lightly a silently, goes all out also uses fully, careful sewer overturned ferry (fail miserably in easy task), such dies does not die content.” Qing Shui sees two females with a smile. 圣子又如何,不要被对方的名字吓到,也不要以为一个默默无名的人就掉以轻心,狮子搏兔亦用全力,小心阴沟里翻船,那样死都是不瞑目的。”青水笑着看着两女。 The station princess is static sitting at the same time is drinking tea to listen respectfully. 站公主则是静静的坐在一边喝茶聆听。 This Holy Son fame was too big, do you have confidence?” Saying that Yan Jinyu worries about. “这圣子的名气太大了,你有把握吗?”炎瑾瑜还是担忧的说道。 Wanting is an enemy, no matter his anything reputation, the truly learned and genuinely talented is also good, has unearned reputation, is the enemy, deals with the enemy unable to flinch, must overthrow, naturally cannot fight a hopeless battle, only then the fool will fight a hopeless battle sacrificed in vain.” Qing Shui said with a smile. “只要是敌人,不管他什么名声,真才实学也好,浪得虚名也罢,都是敌人,对付敌人不能退缩,要打倒,当然也不能以卵击石,只有傻子才会以卵击石白白牺牲。”青水笑着说道。 That Qing Shui your meaning had confidence.” Yan Jinyu pleasantly surprised saying. “那青水你的意思就是有把握了。”炎瑾瑜惊喜的说道。 No!” Qing Shui very simple saying. “没有!”青水很干脆的说道。 A Yan Jinyu depression, panting in indignation looks at Qing Shui. 炎瑾瑜一阵郁闷,气呼呼的看着青水 Qing Shui smiles: Should be able to protect oneself!” 青水笑笑:“应该能自保吧!” Really energy?” “真的能吗?” Should the energy!” “应该能吧!” Yan Jinyu did not ask that more asked more feels the worry, suddenly is also a little fall in the blues. 炎瑾瑜不问了,越问越感觉担心,一时间也是有点情绪低落。 Elder Sister Yan, was good, you could rest assured that I am not a rash person.” 炎姐,好了,你放心,我不是个莽撞的人。” ...... …… They walked, a Qing Shui person sits there, at heart also relaxed many, he rather goes to and Holy Son fight, does not want to face the matter on sentiment, how calms down he to think then and Holy Son fight. 他们都走了,青水一个人坐在那里,心里也轻松不少,他宁愿去和圣子战斗,也不想面对感情上的事情,静下来他想想接下来怎么和圣子战斗。 In the evening Qing Shui enters Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, he has not been thinking must refine that formidable energy of Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant feedback, he does not want to take risk, therefore can only consolidate own strength. 晚上青水进入紫玉仙境,他没有想着要炼化金鳞龙象反馈的那股强大的能量,他不想冒险,所以只能稳固自身的实力。 However when he sees Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, in the eye the fine glow dodges. 不过当他看到金鳞龙象的时候,眼中精芒一闪。 Human and Elephant Unite! 人象合一 How to forget this. 怎么把这个忘了。 Qing Shui pleasantly surprised non- to describe, if Human and Elephant Unite can a high boundary, then this odds of success is bigger. 青水惊喜的无以形容,如果人象合一能到一个高境界,那么这次胜算就更大一些。 Called Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, Qing Shui jumped directly, in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal sky, Qing Shui recalled the feeling of beforehand Human and Elephant Unite, then started to drill slowly, then controlled oneself and Divine Strength operation between Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, making two strengths allow temporary credit mutually. 唤过来金鳞龙象,青水直接跳了上去,在紫玉仙境的上空,青水回忆以前的人象合一的感觉,然后开始缓缓操练,然后控制自身和金鳞龙象之间的神力运行,让两股力道相互融通。 Human and Elephant Unite preliminary boundary, but fuses an opposite party strength, it is said that has achieved high grade, can act according to the tacit understanding and boundary, lets add is bigger than two, therefore Qing Shui anticipated very much that he does not request to add is bigger than two effects, even one plus one equal to two do not request, can fuse some mutually. 人象合一低级的境界,只是融合对方的一点实力,据说达到了高级,就可以根据默契和境界,让一加一大于二,所以青水很期待,他不要求一加一大于二的效果,甚至一加一等于二都不要求,能相互融合一些就可以。 Impact! 冲击! Diamond Instantaneous Flash! 金刚瞬闪 Dragon Elephant attacks fiercely! 龙象猛击! ...... …… Qing Shui carries on the back to coordinate Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant Attack in Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, lets the Attack maximization of Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, although before the Qing Shui Human and Elephant Unite boundary was not high, but was also very good, now practices but actually is also very skilled . Moreover the progress was also quicker and quicker, after all now the understanding of Qing Shui compared with before, cultivates, eyesight is no comparison between them. 青水金鳞龙象背上配合着金鳞龙象攻击,让金鳞龙象攻击最大化,以前青水人象合一的境界虽然不高,但也很不错了,现在练起来倒也是很熟练,而且进度也是越来越快,毕竟现在比起以前来说青水的认识、修为、眼力等都是不可同日而语。 Has as if forgotten the time on such Qing Shui, hungry has eaten a thing, has been stranded the rest meeting, unknowingly was the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal time. 就这样青水似乎都忘记了时间,饿了吃点东西,困了休息会,不知不觉已经到了出紫玉仙境的时间了。 Calming down Qing Shui looks one and Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant Human and Elephant Unite effect, but is not ideal, because he does not know how his Human and Elephant Unite, can only make the Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant Attack strength achieve 11 million now to say in the Human and Elephant Unite condition reluctantly. 静下来的青水看着自己和金鳞龙象人象合一的效果,但并不理想,因为他不知道自己的人象合一现在到底如何,只能在人象合一状态下让金鳞龙象攻击力勉强达到11000000云。 Before Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant Attack was over the 10 Millions cloud, therefore calculates that can make the strength that Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant displayed increase several hundred thousand saying that although said that Human and Elephant Unite did not divide your me, what a pity that is a higher boundary, Qing Shui present Human and Elephant Unite has not achieved that boundary, his present Human and Elephant Unite boundary can only be he coordinates Dragon Elephant, or Dragon Elephant coordinated him, but the present is Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant Attack is formidable, therefore Qing Shui can only coordinate Dragon Elephant Attack. 之前金鳞龙象攻击千万云出头,所以算下来可以让金鳞龙象发挥的实力增加几十万云,虽然说人象合一不分你我,可惜那是更高的境界,青水现在的人象合一还没有达到那种境界,他现在的人象合一境界只能是他配合龙象,或者龙象配合他,但现在是金鳞龙象攻击强大,所以青水只能配合龙象攻击 Also one day, hopes that can a little break through again, such odds of success can also again greatly.” Qing Shui sighed Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. “还有一天,希望能再有点突破吧,这样胜算还能再大一点。”青水叹口气说完出了紫玉仙境 As for building up that Strength also requires time, he does not think the present, because such too has take risked, he must make the present strength consolidate thoroughly refine again, such security will enhance several times, otherwise this moment should refine. 至于炼化那股力量还需要一点时间,他不想现在,因为那样太冒险了,他要让现在的实力彻底稳固了再炼化,那样安全会提高好几倍,不然这个关头是该炼化的。
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