AST :: Volume #13

#1236: The roadlessness may draw back, letter of challenge

Bang! 嘭! Qing Shui mysterious strikes, bumps into with the old person directly, his form in a flash, the old person was shaken draws back two steps, Qing Shui set out once more, treadons Nine Palaces, gets rid is Primal Chaos Killing Move. 青水玄奥的一击,直接和老人相撞,他的身影一晃,老人则是被震退了两步,青水再次起身,脚踏九宫,出手就是太极杀招 The present Primal Chaos only remaining Primal Chaos flavors, coordinate the Nine Palaces mysterious step, each move has the fearful might, an old person move to be shaken draws back directly causes the situation completely to lose. 现在的太极只剩下太极味道,配合九宫的玄奥的步法,每一招都是带着可怕的威力,老人一招被震退直接导致先机尽失。 Drink! 喝! Old person's double fist and both arms sudden violent increase three points, above is golden light sparkles, gives a loud shout to stand firm the form, the giant fist interlocks to rumble. 老人的双拳和双臂突然暴增三分,上面更是金光闪闪,大喝一声稳住身影,巨大的拳头交错轰出。 Vigorously Diamond fist! 大力金刚拳! In the Qing Shui eye also flashes through a surprised appearance, vigorously before Diamond fist actually, has seen, vigorously Diamond palm, but this Martial Arts divides the grade, is low grade Martial Arts, but he knows that this such as the old man of Golden Armor war-god, his vigorous Diamond fist is high grade Martial Arts, Western Niu He Territory can the Cultivation this rank Martial Arts person not be absolutely many much. 青水眼中也是闪过一丝惊讶的神采,大力金刚拳其实以前见过,还有大力金刚掌,只是这种武学分品级,很多都是低等级的武学,但他知道这个如金甲战神的老者,他的大力金刚拳已经是一个很高级武学,西牛鹤州修炼这个级别武学的人绝对不多。 White Ape Fist! 通背拳 Qing Shui revolves the strength, both arms as if also became slender, similarly was also golden light flashes before, this was the Nine Yang Golden Body reason, therefore Qing Shui White Ape Fist can call Diamond White Ape Fist. 青水将实力运转,双臂似乎也变得修长了一些,同样也是金光闪现,这是九阳金身的缘故,所以青水通背拳可以叫金刚通背拳 The name is unimportant, more importantly the might, whose the fight does not look at strength, looked who can live, lives is being wins. 名字不重要,重要的是威力,战斗不是看谁实力强的,看谁能活着,活着才算赢。 Bang bang...... 嘭嘭…… Airborne heard the fierce demolition sound, Qing Shui has used Beast Transformation Armor with the old people, the Qing Shui aura was long, Attack was the same like the wave, spreads in the past, heartless endless general. 空中传来剧烈的爆破声,青水和老人都已经用出了化兽铠,青水气息悠长,攻击就如波浪一样,一道道的蔓延过去,无情无尽一般。 The old person more hits the heart startled, again while with Qing Shui to the bang retreats, on the double fist presented a golden giant gauntlet|glove. 老人越打越心惊,再一次趁着和青水对轰撤退的时候,双拳上出现了一副金色的巨大拳套。 This is his weapon, perhaps has hit a meeting, the old person somewhat appreciates to Qing Shui this young people, speaks saying: Puts out your weapon, otherwise you are not my match.” 这是他的武器,也许是打了一会,老人对青水这个年轻人有些赞赏,出言说道:“拿出你的武器吧,不然你不是我的对手。” Qing Shui nods: Relax, needs the weapon time, I naturally can take, but I told you, you were not my match, you must lose.” 青水点点头:“放心,需要武器的时候,我自然会拿出来,不过我还是告诉你,你不是我的对手,你要输了。” Extremely arrogant, meets my one move again!” “狂妄,再接我一招!” The old person is a little as if indignant, form fierce pulling up, then form fierce latter bends supinely, like a tight big bow, shining, has filled explosive Strength, then the form suddenly disperses. 老人似乎有点气愤,身影猛的拔起,然后身影猛的后仰弓起,就像一张绷紧的大弓一样,金灿灿的,充满了爆炸性的力量,接着身影猛然散开。 Open! 开! Form quick inconceivable of old person, the shining belt the light, the double fist such as two augers same fire into Qing Shui together at this time. 老人的身影快的不可思议,金灿灿的带起一道光影,双拳此时如两道螺旋钻一样冲向青水 Nine Continents Mountain! 九州山 Go! 去! Qing Shui started Nine Continents Mountain unhurriedly, old person's strength about 4 million will say that this was his complete strength, was less than 4 million saying that this strength in Secret School is very high existence. 青水不慌不忙的发动了九州山,老人的实力在将近4000000云,这是他全部的实力,不到4000000云,这个实力已经在天机学府算是很高的存在了。 2 million cloud strengths, is the Level 4 Country Master peak, there is a giant watershed, the percentage 90 many people will stop life-long there are unable to make great strides forward five levels of Country Master front doors. 2000000云实力,也就是四级国师巅峰,那里是一道巨大的分水岭,百分90多的人会终生停在那里无法迈进五级国师的大门。 Does not step unable to promote strength, only then steps to continue to promote, this Golden Armor old man obviously is five levels of Country Master, moreover already Country Master about 4 million cloud strengths. 不迈进去就无法提升实力,只有迈进去才能继续提升,这个金甲老者显然就是一个五级国师,而且已经是将近4000000云实力的国师 What a pity Qing Shui Nine Continents Mountain Attack is 5 million clouds that 5 million Yun Duo, just less than 4 million said that the strength the disparity were many, when Nine Continents Mountain fast collision to old man, old person's complexion great change. 可惜青水九州山攻击是5000000云,一个5000000云多,一个刚刚不足4000000云,实力已经差距很多,所以当九州山快速的撞向老者的时候,老人的脸色巨变。 The shade of Golden Armor! 金甲之影! The old person form stops suddenly, the form leaves behind the empty shade to retrocede in a flash together suddenly! 老人身影猛然止住,身影一晃留下一道虚影猛然后退! Bang! 轰! Nine Continents Mountain cracks-up the empty shade, then turns toward the old man to flush away once more. 九州山撞碎虚影,然后再次向着老者冲去。 practitioner of Cultivation fleshly body is this sorrow, meets compared with he more formidable fleshly body Attack, he was the tragedy. 修炼肉体的武者就是这种悲哀,遇到比他更加强大的肉体攻击的,他就算是悲剧了。 We on simultaneously, catch him to go back!” “我们一起上,抓他回去!” In the remaining several old people that loud shouting of leftmost, joins the fight to clash rapidly toward Qing Shui. 剩下的几个老人中最左边的那个大声的喊道,迅速加入战斗向着青水冲来。 Qing Shui has not been startled, but in eye fills to disdain, a ruthless offense, he has not liked this procedure, if Qing Shui invades a side today, they on, they are look for themselves together unluckily, looked that will unable to win must gang up on, deals with such person he always not to make them have the good end. 青水没有丝毫吃惊,只是眼中充满不屑,还有一丝狠戾,他不喜欢这种做法,如果今天青水是侵略一方,他们一起上也就算了,他们是来找自己晦气的,一看打不赢就要群殴,对付这样的人他向来是不会让他们有好下场的。 Nebula Spirit Formation! 星云神阵 Chaos Flame Dragon Whip! 混沌火龙鞭 Qing Shui present Spiritual Strength Attack is more fearful, even if has not used Great Peng Seal, turned time to neglect as for that probability directly, cannot place on that the hope. 青水现在的精神力攻击更加可怕,就算是没有使用大鹏之印,至于那个几率翻倍直接忽视了,不能把希望都放在那个上面。 Pa! 啪! The old man who that clashes resists vigorously, but the pulled out whole body shakes, pulled out directly, in a scale, he did not compare to Mr. Golden Armor strength to be weaker, but compared to a day elder to strive to excel on some. 那个冲来的老者极力抵挡,但还是被抽的浑身一震,直接被抽了回去,不在一个档次,他可是比起金甲老人的实力弱了很多,但比起天一长老要强上一些。 Qing Shui present Chaos Flame whip optional strikes is 3 million clouds that in addition flexible mysterious, a whip whip such as the god comes the whip same is hard to resist, a whip lost half life, directly shelled flew. 青水现在的混沌火鞭随意的一击都是3000000云,加上灵活神奇,一鞭鞭如神来之鞭一样的难以抵挡,一鞭子就丢了半条命,直接被轰击的飞了出去。 The Golden Armor old man tied down by Nine Continents Mountain, remaining three old man severe wounds, final two prepare to begin, but actually can only stop, compared with formerly a move of caused heavy losses old person, their not wise anything, the matter fool of this sacrifice did in vain. 金甲老者被九州山缠住,剩下的三个老者一个重伤,最后两个才准备动手,但却是只能停下来,比起先前一招被重创的老人,他们也不高明什么,这种白白牺牲的事情傻子才做。 We are the Secret School elders, you are the following defy superiors.” In remaining two old men micro fat old man loud shouting. “我们是天机学府的长老,你这是以下犯上。”剩下的两个老者中一个微胖的老者大声的喊道。 Do not oppress others with the status of your anything elder, formerly had done, even if the Secret School elder does not have the right to make an arrest secretly.” Although under Qing Shui does not have the killer, but will not make them feel better. “不要拿你什么长老的身份压人,先前干什么了,就算是天机学府的长老也没有权利私自来抓人。”青水虽然没有下杀手,但也不会让他们好过。 Old Jin two, hit the steel plate!” 金老二,撞到钢板了吧!” With a smile flew in this time several old men, has not arrived at the open laughter to transmit. 就在这个时候数个老者笑着飞了过来,没有到开朗的笑声就传来出来。 Qing Shui saw that these old people's clothing know is Monarch Sect. 青水看到这些老人的服饰就知道是君门的。 Our Saint Alliance matter, has not related with your Monarch Sect, does a bit less to mind others'business.” Although Golden Armor old man distressed, but turned toward several old people who came to roar indignantly. “我们圣子帮的事情,和你们君门没有关系,少来多管闲事。”金甲老者虽然狼狈但还是向着前来的几个老人气愤的吼了一句。 Ha Ha, we look that looks how you were tidied up, had not thought one are very strong, how to bully today few, relies on always bullies young.” Formerly old man was very as if happy. “哈哈,我们就看着,看着你们怎么被收拾,不是一直都觉得自己很强吗,怎么今天以多欺少,倚老欺幼。”先前的老者似乎很开心。 These words are make that Golden Armor old man several people choke with rage, gets rid of Nine Continents Mountain with great difficulty, but other another old man already took that injured old man, found opportunity distressed departure. 这些话更是让那个金甲老者几人窝火,好不容易摆脱九州山,而另外另个老者早已是带上那个受伤的老者,找到机会狼狈的离开。 Just before leaving time anything had not said that to this step, said anything is the disciple increases disgraced, therefore anything does not reach an agreement, as for this young people, some people will tidy up his. 临走的时候什么也没说,到了这一步,说什么都是徒增丢人,所以还是什么也不说好了,至于这个年轻人,会有人来收拾他的。 Little brother quite cultivates is!” “小兄弟好修为啊!” Formerly that old person, such as a maitreya buddha was the same, even if did not smile seems also smiling to be the same, Qing Shui knows that such person was not greatly friendly person that is the greatly wicked person. 先前的那个老人,如一个弥勒佛一样,就算是不笑也仿佛在笑一样,青水知道这样的人不是大善之人那就是大恶之人。 Venerable is good!” Qing Shui knows that they are the Monarch Sect people, even has the relations with Tian Jiange. “老先生好!”青水知道他们是君门的人,甚至和天剑歌有关系。 You are all right, we have felt relieved, Little Tian did not feel relieved that must make us come to see.” Old person temperate saying. “你没事,我们就放心了,小天不放心,非要让我们来看看。”老人温和的说道。 Troubled several venerable, or drank the cup tea.” Qing Shui polite saying, he knows that Little Tian is Tian Jiange, it seems like he started to promote in the Monarch Sect status. “麻烦几位了老先生了,要不去喝杯茶。”青水客气的说道,他知道小天就是天剑歌,看来他在君门地位已经开始提升了。 Next time, later some are the opportunities, we also had the matter first to go back.” “下次吧,以后有的是机会,我们还有事情就先回去了。” Good!” “那好!” Qing Shui gazes after several old men to leave, no matter how these people came, explains a Tian Jiange standpoint, is Monarch Sect is helping itself. 青水目送几个老者离开,不管如何这些人来了,也就算是说明天剑歌的一个立场,也算是君门在帮自己。 This these people leave, that Holy Son should come, moreover person who oneself these time have injured his, if did not leave accidental/surprised to be able to fight with him. 这一次这几个人离开,那个圣子应该会来了,而且自己这一次打伤了他的人,如果不出意外的话自己应该会与他战斗了。 After this fights, almost quick Qing Shui name passed on Secret School, any person defeats four elders, anything speaks the last words to Saint Alliance, even passed on a message Qing Shui to get down the letter of challenge to Holy Son, agreed two days later life and death duel. 这一战之后,几乎很快青水的名字就在天机学府传了起来,什么一人打败四个长老,什么向圣子帮叫板,甚至传言青水已经向圣子下了挑战书,约定两天后生死决斗。 Qing Shui now is not stupid, some rumors, but the letter of challenge came out, he knows that is some people does specially, but the person who does can only be Saint Alliance. 青水现在没有那么笨,一些传言就罢了,但是挑战书都出来了,他知道是一些人“特意”搞出来的,而搞出来的人只能是圣子帮 The rumor said that Qing Shui how extremely arrogant, provocative Saint Alliance, to Holy Son intoxicated with the younger brother of any dirty trick, asks him to detoxify again and again is rejected, said that Qing Shui injures the elder, has no regard for elders and superiors...... 传言说青水多么的狂妄,怎么挑衅圣子帮,更是用什么卑鄙手段对圣子的弟弟下了毒,三番两次找他解毒被拒绝,还有说青水打伤长老,目无尊长…… Many people do not know the special details, but thinks that does not know boy who wants to become famous profoundly, but has found fault the goal, therefore suddenly many people are turning toward Qing Shui to spit the saliva. 很多人不知道具体情况,只是以为有一个不知道天高地厚想出名的小子,只是找错了目标,所以一时间很多人都是在向着青水吐口水。 These passed on a message Qing Shui not any feeling, even if the rumor will not harass his heart again coarse, he had a clear conscience, how others saw his are others' matters, the person did not live for these immaterial people, if such were too tired, who can achieve to satisfy. 这些传言青水没有任何感觉,哪怕传言再难听也不会扰乱他的心,他问心无愧,别人怎么看他那是别人的事情,人不是为了那些无关紧要的人而活,如果那样岂不是太累了,谁又能做到让所有人都满意呢。 Sits in the pavilion, Qing Shui puts out the words paper inkstone. 坐在凉亭中,青水拿出笔墨纸砚。 Since you spread me the letter of challenge to you, that simply gave under you to be really good, then should achieve wishes.” Qing Shui is thinking, then has written on the beast paper. “既然你传出我向你下挑战书,那就干脆给你下个真的好了,这下该如愿了吧。”青水想着,然后在兽皮纸上写了起来。 When Crown Princess arrives, Qing Shui happen to writes down last. 长公主来到的时候,青水正好写下最后一笔。 What writes?” Crown Princess was saying looks to Qing Shui the beast paper on stone table. “写什么呢?”长公主笑着说着看向青水的石桌上的兽皮纸。 Letter of challenge!” Qing Shui said with a smile. “挑战书!”青水笑着说道。 „Do you want to challenge him?” Crown Princess surprised saying, sexy mouth surprised opening, Qing Shui sees the red lip of that micro temptation at this time, cannot bear evilly has thought of anything, hurries to cancel these thoughts. “你要挑战他?”长公主惊讶的说道,性感的檀口此时惊讶的张开,青水看到那微张诱.惑的红唇,忍不住邪恶的想到了些什么,赶紧打消那些念头。 Yes, he said that I must challenge him, since a war, might as well simply on own initiative, always compares unavoidably passively good.” Qing Shui indifferent saying. “是啊,他已经放出话来说我要挑战他,既然免不了一战,还不如干脆主动一点好,总比被动好。”青水无所谓的说道。 Crown Princess looks at Qing Shui, felt suddenly did not know the little man who completely this wind light Yun Dan, looked long time slowly said: You have several tenths assurance to defeat him.” 长公主看着青水,突然间感觉完全不认识这个风轻云淡的小男人了,看了良久才缓缓说道:“你有几成把握战胜他。” 30%!” Qing Shui thinks to say. “三成!”青水想了想说道。 „Do 30% you want to challenge him?” Crown Princess inconceivable looks at Qing Shui. “三成你就要挑战他?”长公主不可思议的看着青水 Because I do not know that sometimes his strength, some man matters must face, is not the avoidance can avoid.” “因为我不知道他的实力,男人有时候有些事情一定要面对,不是躲避就能躲避掉的。” Qing Shui said actually 30% grasped not to say at will, but was his really feeling is 30% assurances, if he can refine that Strength in body, he felt at least 80% hopes. 青水其实说三成把握并不是随意说说,而是他真的感觉是三成把握,如果他能把身体中的那股力量炼化,他感觉至少有八成的希望。 Because Qing Shui has Emperor Qi, Dragon Elephant also has Diamond Submit Demon, that Holy Son in formidable, where can arrive at formidable, if Qing Shui refine to melt that energy to be able to break through the 10 Millions cloud the strength. 因为青水皇之气,龙象还有金刚伏魔,那个圣子在强大,能强大到哪里,如果青水炼化了那股能量应该可以突破千万云的实力。 Does not know that has not come with enough time, if can only depend on Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant without enough time, but the Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant strength copes with that Holy Son, making Qing Shui lack self-confidence. 不知道还来不来得及,如果来不及就只能靠金鳞龙象了,只是金鳞龙象的实力对付那个圣子,让青水没有底。
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