AST :: Volume #13

#1235: The decision of Tian Jiange, Son of God invited human, resisted

Thanks hit person who enjoys for serveral days, thanks, list was brushed, excuse me 【感谢这些天打赏的人,谢谢,名单被刷下去了,不好意思】 Because Golden Ni Lion has used preliminary Saint Beast Pill, therefore now is taming of Qing Sha, huge Golden Ni Lion intimate in a Qing Sha side revolution of revolutions. 金猊狮因为使用了低级圣兽丹,所以现在就算是青煞的驯兽,巨大的金猊狮亲热的在青煞身边转转。 Qing Sha happy puts out a hand to feel the big end of Golden Ni Lion, to so formidable Monster Beast, their superficial knowledge was the same like the scales. 青煞则是开心的伸手摸着金猊狮的大头,到了这般强大的妖兽,它们身上的皮毛都是如鳞甲一样。 Thanks the father!” Qing Sha happy turns head to look at Qing Shui to say. “谢谢爹爹!”青煞开心的回头看着青水说道。 Silly thing, uses with the father such politely, walks, we eat meal.” Qing Shui sees Qing Sha to be happy, he will also feel is very happy, happy can transmit. “傻丫头,和爹爹还用这么客气吗,走,我们去吃饭去。”青水看到青煞开心,他也会感觉很开心,开心是可以传递的。 Qing Shui also has the Nine-Headed Moon Wolf core pill bead to some Qing Sha Monster Beast edible Medicinal Pill, this thing is the good thing, can promote the bloodlines of Monster Beast, will awaken anything regarding the future bloodlines, has the huge help. 青水青煞一些妖兽食用的丹药还有九头月狼内丹的丹珠,这东西是好东西,可以提升妖兽的血脉,对于将来的血脉觉醒什么的,有着巨大的帮助。 ...... …… Toward noon time Tian Jiange came, he saw Qing Shui is very happy, after polite several words, said directly: My elder brother saw that Holy Son, that Holy Son wants to ask you to chat.” 临近中午的时候天剑歌来了,他看到青水自是很开心,客气了几句话之后,直接说道:“我兄长去见那个圣子了,那个圣子想找你谈谈。” On the day of Qing Shui early knows will have, but has not thought that such quick, thinks also needs some day that Holy Son to look for itself, does not want directly to propose that sees itself. 青水早知道会有这一天,只是没有想到会这么的快,本来以为还需要一些日子那个圣子才会来找自己,没想都直接就要提出见自己。 „, He wants to see me, makes him come.” Qing Shui indifferent saying, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant grew now, even if Holy Son should also strength of the war. “哦,他想见我,就让他来呗。”青水无所谓的说道,现在金鳞龙象已经成长起来,就算是圣子应该也有一战之力。 Tian Jiange eye one bright: He wants to make you go to his there to see him.” 天剑歌眼睛一亮:“他想让你去他那里见他。” Tian Jiange said that has smiled, smiles a little cannot say the feeling, as if a little not bears anything. 天剑歌说完就笑了,笑的有点说不上来的感觉,似乎有点无耐什么的。 Brother, how?” Qing Shui saw that the Tian Jiange facial expression knows he is certainly helpless. “老哥,怎么了?”青水看到天剑歌的神情就知道他一定是无奈的。 That Holy Son is planned makes the person come, I make the elder brother look for him, he also complied, but must make you look for him in the past, moreover must cure the wound to his brothers.” “那个圣子本来是打算让人来的,我让哥哥去找他,他也答应了,但要让你过去找他,而且还要给他兄弟治好伤。” Brother you had feared that Holy Son, has feared Saint Alliance?” Qing Shui indifferent asking. “老哥你怕了那个圣子,怕了圣子帮?”青水无所谓的问道。 I did not fear that Saint Alliance does not dare to make anything to me again rampantly, even if Fu Yanting does not dare to be me, between I and him, so long as does not have the danger to be all right, but the brother you are different, moreover you make the Fu Yanting life be threatened, if you do not cure him, that person will not let off your, no one has the means to block him.” Tian Jiange helpless saying. “我不怕,圣子帮再嚣张也不敢对我做什么,就算是付延廷也不敢做掉我,我和他之间只要没有生命危险就没事,但老弟你不同,而且你还是让付延廷的生命受到威胁,如果你不治好他,那个人是不会放过你的,谁也没有办法拦住他。”天剑歌无奈的说道。 Brother, was your elder brother says to you.” Qing Shui asked with a smile. “老哥,是不是你哥哥给你说的。”青水笑着问道。 Yes, because only then my brother most understood that what person that Holy Son is, Qing Shui, listening to brother's one time to be good, we are also not enough to contend with that person now, even if my brother share that also only then resists.” “是的,因为只有我哥最了解那个圣子是什么样的人,青水,听老哥的一次好不好,我们现在还不足以抗衡那个人,就算是我哥也只有招架的份。” Brother, you have not gone out of that shackles, if you cannot go out of this shackles, you can never break the shackles, like the shortsighted person, that well is your shackles.” Qing Shui sighed to say. “老哥,你还是没有走出那个枷锁,如果你走不出这个枷锁,你就永远不能打破桎梏,就像井底之蛙,那个井就是你的枷锁。”青水叹口气说道。 Qing Shui understands the idea of Tian Jiange actually very much, he also some such feeling, if not have Ancient to inherit him also very much to accept fate, will feel some people not to be possible existence of Surpassed, but now is different, he will not fear anybody, so long as will give him the time. 青水其实很理解天剑歌的想法,他也有过这样的感觉,如果没有上古传承他也会很认命,也会感觉有些人是不可超越的存在,但现在不一样了,他不惧任何人,只要给他时间。 Brother understood, but between I and them the disparity was really too big, I was feared that the brothers you had any matter, I felt that was we are enduring patiently.” Tian Jiange helpless saying. “老哥理解,但我和他们之间的差距实在是太大了,我是怕兄弟你有什么事情,我感觉是不是我们在忍耐一下。”天剑歌无奈的说道。 I know that the brother is good for me, some people of matters Cultivation cannot flinch, the brother I hopes that you can break this shackles, otherwise your later Cultivation way will meet to limit itself sooner or later, has the difficulty to want on, if will meet the bottleneck you to lose that type determination that in the future breaks through the bottleneck, in your subconscious thinks one are not good, is unable to break through, makes you feel that like the present can break through to False God.” Qing Shui looks at Tian Jiange with a smile. “我知道老哥是为了我好,修炼之人有些事情是不能退缩的,老哥我希望你能打破这枷锁,不然你以后的修炼一途早晚会自己限制住自己,有困难要上,如果将来遇到瓶颈你就会丧失掉那种冲破瓶颈的决心,你潜意识里会认为自己不行,无法突破,就像现在让你感觉能不能突破到神虚一样。”青水笑着看着天剑歌 Qing Shui is also in taking exams for postgraduate schools he, if this pass/test cannot cross, then, he estimated that into five levels of Country Master are difficult. 青水也算是在考研他,如果这一关都过不了,那么以后他估计成为五级国师都难。 Tian Jiange deeps frown, the elder brother gave his feeling to be too formidable, the person who Brother Lian long had scruples he can face, these he who although Qing Shui said knows, but achieved is actually difficult such as to ascend to heaven, did this like an average person facing one flock of tigers and lions, fight? 天剑歌眉头紧锁,兄长给他的感觉太强大了,连兄长都顾忌的人他怎么能面对,虽然青水说的那些他知道,但做到却是难如登天,这就像一个普通人面对一群老虎和狮子,怎么战斗? „A person wants to become a powerhouse, must have powerhouse's heart.” Qing Shui gently continues to say. “一个人想成为强者,必须要有强者之心。”青水轻轻的继续说道。 The Tian Jiange brow wrinkles was fiercer, in bright both eyes has intense struggling, the elder brother is formidable, cannot the Surpassed brand mark be hard to cancel in his body since childhood, must cancel forcefully, easier said than done. 天剑歌眉头皱的更厉害了,明亮的双眼中有着强烈的挣扎,兄长强大,不可超越的烙印从小在他身体中难以抹去,现在要强行抹去,谈何容易。 Brother I believes you, this time I and you face together.” Long time later Tian Jiange affirmative saying, although is a little difficult, the words expression that but said was very firm. “老哥我相信你,这一次我和你一起面对。”良久之后天剑歌肯定的说道,虽然有点艰难,但说出的话语气还是很坚定的。 Good, relax, will not have the matter, later you know decision that you make today how correct.” Qing Shui said with a smile. “好,放心吧,不会有事的,以后你就会知道你今天做出的决定是多么的正确。”青水笑着说道。 Strikes while the iron is hot, must make her believe that own ability, Qing Shui gives him directly drop of Spring of Life, his moral behavior can affirm that therefore did not fear that he said that said again now he did not fear, Qing Shui is helping him actually. 打铁趁热,要让她相信自己的能力,青水直接给他一滴生命之泉,他的人品还是可以肯定的,所以不怕他说出去,再说现在他也不怕,青水其实是在帮他。 Said that Qing Shui obtained the huge advantage from him to own Nine Heavens Gold Pill, therefore is willing to give him to share some own things. 说起来青水可是从他给自己的九天金丹得到了巨大的好处,所以心甘情愿给他分享一些自己的东西。 Let alone he is his friend, later can help with him mutually, when the time comes he can also become a side overlord, even can the big help oneself, Tian Jiange disposition Qing Shui like, has the principle, just, heavy friendship. 何况他是自己的朋友,以后自己可以和他互帮,到时候他也能成为一方霸主,甚至可以大大的帮到自己,天剑歌的性格青水还是很喜欢的,有原则,正义,重情谊。 After Tian Jiange has taken Spring of Life , the function, potential of strength and body obtains the big promotion, pleasantly surprised looks at Qing Shui, he obtained many advantage from Qing Shui here, has the person background of many day of material treasure to be ordinary, he also very much believes Qing Shui, will otherwise not make formerly decision. 天剑歌服食了生命之泉后实力和身体的机能、潜能等都是得到大大的提升,惊喜的看着青水,他已经从青水这里得到了不少的好处了,一个拥有很多天材地宝的人背景能普通吗,他也是很相信青水,不然就不会做出先前的决定。 He has a strange feeling, is the matter that Qing Shui as if could not have completed. 他有种奇怪的感觉,就是青水似乎没有完不成的事情。 Brother, you said me , if not go, that Holy Son can come.” Qing Shui now and Tian Jiange stands in institute the pond looks at the sea-monster in basin said. “老哥,你说我如果不去,那个圣子会不会自己前来。”青水现在和天剑歌站在院中池塘边看着水池中的游鱼边说道。 Should the meeting, Fu Yanting, although a little rampant domineering, but Holy Son is very pain his.” Tian Jiange affirmative saying. “应该会的,付延廷虽然有点嚣张跋扈,但圣子还是很疼他的。”天剑歌肯定的说道。 „The brother felt that his most party looks for me for several days.” “那老哥感觉他最晚会几天来找我。” Three days , he since has opened the mouth, if you do not look for him, then most three days he will look for you.” Tian Jiange knows the custom of Holy Son, whose time Holy Son visits to look for generally personally, that person will not have the good end. “三天吧,他既然已经开口了,如果你不去找他,那么最多三天他就会来找你。”天剑歌知道圣子的习惯,一般圣子亲自上门找谁的时候,那个人是不会有好下场的。 What person that is Holy Son?” Qing Shui is very curious. “那个圣子是个什么样的人?”青水很好奇。 Decisive and resolute, does not fear the criticism and wisdom, is the adult thing, occasionally makes slaughters is not strange, person who is also has the acting on the other hand, he is comes visibly, will not start in the back, perhaps is not worth him starting in the back.” Tian Jiange has given appraisal to Holy Son. “果断、刚毅、不畏人言、睿智、算是个大人物,偶尔制造些杀戮也不奇怪,相对来说还算是个有担当的人,他都是明着来,不会背地里下手,也许是不值得他背地里下手吧。”天剑歌给出了对圣子的评价。 Qing Shui hears these appraisals not to be strange, appraises him unable to achieve Holy Son this position without this, the answer that therefore he wants also had, it mainly wants to know that what person this Holy Son is, how for example can in the back, since broad and level that were good, naturally this against must guard. 青水听到这些评价也不奇怪,没有这个评价他也做不到圣子这个位置,所以他要的答案也有了,它主要是想知道这个圣子是个什么样的人,比如会不会背地里如何,既然坦荡那就好了,当然该防的还得防。 Tian Jiange walked, Qing Shui hopes, when Holy Son comes he can also come, three days, although Tian Jiange said most three days, but he knows that Holy Son will certainly come three days later. 天剑歌走了,青水希望在圣子来的时候他也能来,三天的时间,虽然天剑歌说最多三天的时间,但他知道那个圣子一定会在三天后前来。 Perhaps perhaps three days can with a Holy Son war, not need to fight, when the time comes look at the situation, but Qing Shui has the hope fight indistinctly. These three days of do not know can one quiet. 三天也许会和圣子一战,也许不用战斗,到时候看情况吧,只是青水隐约有种渴望战斗。只是这三天的时间不知道自己能不能清静一下。 The matter that for these days had made Qing Shui a little self-satisfied, after all the change was too big, but this was the good deed, this was attacked happily. 这几天发生的事情让青水有点飘飘然,毕竟变化太大了,但这是好事,这是被幸福冲击的。 Next noon, the distant place airborne several person's shadows appeared. 第二天中午时分,远处空中数道人影出现了。 Yesterday a day passed in tranquility, today Qing Shui optional guidance Qing Sha in institute, therefore has first discovered the sound of distant place. 昨天一天都是在平静中度过,今天青水就在院中随意的教导青煞,所以第一时间发现了远处的动静。 Came! 来了吗! Qing Shui looks up the distant place, can so fly in Secret School, at least is also the elder rank, a that day elder has come, therefore this time comes should at least more formidable than a day elder. 青水抬头看着远处,能在天机学府这般飞行的,至少也是长老级别的,那个天一长老来过了,所以这次来的应该至少要比天一长老强大吧。 The quick four old people stopped in the manor courtyard sky, flew high to stand. 很快四个老人停在了庄院的上空,凌空而立。 Mr. Qing, we are meet your, the Holy Son time is tight, makes the obsolete several people come to take the mister to pass by.” Is the old person of head is tall and powerfully built, Golden Armor puts in the body such as the war-god is ordinary, the old person seems like not old, the line is resolute, on face only then wrinkle, both eyes swift and fierce like blade. 青先生是吧,我们是来接你的,圣子时间紧,就让老朽几人前来接先生过去。”为首的一个老人身材魁梧,一身金甲穿在身上如战神一般,老人看起来并不老,线条刚毅,脸上只有浅浅的皱纹,双眼凌厉如刀。 I have said that he wants to see itself my to come, since he so were busy at I not disturbing him.” “我说过,他想见我就自己来,既然他那么忙我也就不去打扰他了。” You also really think highly of yourself, you have any qualifications to make Holy Son see you.” The old person could not say the anger, but in the words has actually been full of the satire. “你还真看得起自己啊,你有什么资格能让圣子来见你。”老人说不出愤怒,但话中却是充满了讽刺。 You have any qualifications before me chatty.” Qing Shui does not pay attention to his elder status now. “那你又有什么资格在我面前唧唧歪歪呢。”青水现在可是不把他的长老身份放在眼里。 Now what because the old person represents is Holy Son, but is not Secret School, said because again, if a young disciple elder could not handle to cause to report Secret School, then this elder also disgraced lost proficiently, did not need to mix. 因为老人现在代表的是圣子,而不是天机学府,再说如果因为一个年轻弟子这个长老而处置不了导致报道天机学府,那么这个长老也就丢人丢到家,不用混了。 Also is such Qing Shui can satirize now directly, said again Secret School does not have the time to pay attention to such minor matter. 也是这样青水现在就能直接讽刺回去,再说天机学府也没有时间理会这样的小事。 Extremely arrogant, young does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, thinks really can exceed the day one to think own unmatched in the world, told you, here is Secret School, is beyond control you to be dissolute, you also fall far short.” Saying that the old person short of breath instead smiles. “狂妄,年轻就是不知天高地厚,真以为能胜过天一就觉得自己天下无敌了,告诉你,这里是天机学府,由不得你放肆,你还差得远呢。”老人气急反笑的说道。 Old person, I am young frivolous, but you is a dotard, you think that I dare to say does not have a few tricks.” Qing Shui returns to say with a smile. “老人家,我是年少轻狂,而你是老糊涂,你以为我敢这么说就没有两下子。”青水笑着回道。 Old person stares, earnest looks at Qing Shui, today you go also to go, does not go also to go.” The old person said strongly turns toward Qing Shui to throw directly. “老人一愣,认真的看着青水,今天你去也得去,不去也得去。”老人强硬的说完直接向着青水扑去。 But Qing Shui has scruples Qing Sha in ground, therefore rushes to the midair directly, Speed strange Kuai, treadons Nine Palaces. 青水顾忌到地面上的青煞,所以直接冲上半空,速度奇快,脚踏九宫 Primal Chaos Chop! 太极斩 Right hand revolving of Qing Shui, then single Zhanghua spins to chop! 青水的右手旋转,然后单掌化旋为劈! Primal Chaos Golden Thread Qi! 太极金缕气 Broken! 破! Primal Chaos by the incisiveness of Qing Shui display, this was cut mysteriously has not been considered as actually Primal Chaos, but is the Primal Chaos technique makes with the verve strength and bracing cold. 太极的玄奥被青水发挥的淋漓尽致,这一斩其实已经不算是太极,而是太极的手法用刚猛的力道和气劲打出。 A martial arts way to Qing Shui this situation, had already not arrested in the fixed style, has words at fingertips and writes with facility is the styles, but other shadows, like Qing Shui the Primal Chaos Chop, from Primal Chaos, have the Primal Chaos flavor. 武道一途到了青水这种地步,已经早就不拘于固定的招式,信手拈来都是招式,不过其中还是有些其它的影子,就像青水的这太极斩,从太极中来,有着太极的味道。
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