AST :: Volume #13

#1234: Golden Ni Lion that Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant of 10 Millions cloud strength, lives

The Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant present strength went to a specially fearful situation, Attack has achieved 10 Millions to say fully, let alone it can also weaken the match 10% strengths, achieves so the strength 10% is also very fearful, let alone present Dragon Elephant to trample is also the might very fearful. 金鳞龙象现在的实力已经达到一个特别可怕的地步,全力攻击已经达到千万云,何况它还能削弱对手一成的实力,达到这般实力一成也是非常可怕的,何况现在的龙象践踏也是威力非常的可怕。 Once were stunned, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant fearful Attack will destroy the fleshly body of goal directly, under the dizziness condition Defense is big reduction. 一旦被震晕,金鳞龙象的可怕的攻击直接会摧毁目标的肉体,眩晕状态下防御可是会大大的降低。 Although this breakthrough has not comprehended formidable Killing Move, but a change of Dragon Elephant to trample has made its strength increase, this is dizziness Attack of range. 这一次突破虽然没有领悟到强大的杀招,但一个龙象践踏的改变已经让它的实力增加了很多,这是一个范围的眩晕攻击 Saint Alliance that any Holy Son, he now and Dragon Elephant coordinated at least also to be able with him to tie, if that Holy Son, only then 10 Millions said that Qing Shui even felt that did not have what to be amusing. 圣子帮的的那个什么圣子,他现在来自己和龙象配合至少也能和他战平了吧,如果那个圣子只有千万云的话,青水甚至都感觉没有什么好玩了。 Looks at this Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, a formidable war intent raises, although he is not Beast Tamer, but he in others eyes is most formidable Beast Tamer. 看这金鳞龙象,一股强大的战意升起,他虽然不是驯兽师,但他在别人眼中就是最强大的驯兽师 Unconscious Ancient Monster Fruit has used five, but also remaining five, this is Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal promotes to own reward, coordinating Spring of Life to be obtained an unprecedented breakthrough by own Monster Beast. 不知不觉的上古妖果已经使用了五颗,还剩下五颗,这是紫玉仙境升级给自己的奖励,配合生命之泉让自己的妖兽都得到一种前所未有的突破。 What is most important is Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, this main body broke through 30,000 saying that Qing Shui does not know how many this can absorb? 最重要的还是金鳞龙象,这一次本体突破了30000云,青水不知道这一次自己能吸收多少? Moreover is Heaven Shaking Drum as before to the Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant function, what makes Qing Shui happy is Spirit Gathering Lamp can also use, fire bird and Lightning Beast Attack promoted one time, Five-Headed Demon Spider Qing Shui not to know by Heaven Shaking Drum the assistance of assistance Spirit Gathering Lamp, in any case Five-Headed Demon Spider strength also formidable one time. 另外就是震天鼓依旧对金鳞龙象没有作用,不过让青水开心的是汇灵盏还能使用,火鸟雷兽攻击提升了一倍,五头妖蛛青水不知道受震天鼓的辅助还是汇灵盏的辅助,反正五头妖蛛的实力也强大了一倍。 Myriad Poisons Purple Sable, Qing Shui now was understood, if Surpassed the strengths of 2 million clouds, Heaven Shaking Drum as if lost the effect of amplification, in other words the Heaven Shaking Drum present boundary can only the strengths in amplification 2 million cloud. 万毒紫貂兽也可以,青水现在算是明白了,如果超越了2000000云的实力,震天鼓似乎就是失去了增幅的效果,也就是说震天鼓现在的境界只能增幅2000000云之内的实力。 Although Spirit Gathering Lamp is not clear, but the Qing Shui feeling should also be, after all the Spirit Gathering Lamp boundary is the same with the Heaven Shaking Drum boundary, Qing Shui is a little depressed, if the Heaven Shaking Drum Huaneng amplification, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant is the present can dominate Level 4 dynasty such strength? 虽然汇灵盏还不清楚,但青水感觉应该也是,毕竟汇灵盏的境界和震天鼓的境界是一样的,青水有点郁闷,如果震天鼓华能增幅的话,金鳞龙象是不是现在就可以称霸四级王朝这样的实力呢? Has thought one will feel does not need to think this, is Cultivation these treasures, beforehand time has not felt anything, at that time the strength was low, even if were makes Monster Beast add a time of strength unable to apply, now was different, a additional time of strength has really gone against heaven's will, does not know when the time comes the boundary was high, can use, can not add to a time of strength to be depressed, what for example added 100,000 clouds or 1 million saying that such Qing Shui estimated depressed must spit blood, after all on can increase almost 1 million clouds regarding Seven-Headed Demon Spider and Lightning Beast now the strengths...... 想了一会感觉没有必要想这个,还是修炼这些宝物吧,以前的时候没有感觉什么,那时候实力低,就算是让妖兽加一倍的实力也派不上用场,现在不同了,加一倍的实力实在是太逆天了,不知道到时候境界高了,能用了,可别加不到一倍的实力就让人郁闷了,比如说加100000云或者说1000000云什么,那样青水估计郁闷的要吐血,毕竟对于七头妖蛛雷兽现在就能增加差不多1000000云的实力…… Qing Shui also thinks that should, not enhance, but maintains promotes a time of Attack anything to have. 青水也只是想想,应该不会,就是不提高,但保持提升一倍的攻击什么应该还是有的。 Moreover is Coiling Dragon Stone, besides Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant, other Monster Beast doubled Defense, the Spirit Communication Jade boundary also once more has promoted a boundary, later wants to break through again is more difficult. 另外就是盘龙石,除了金鳞龙象之外,其它的妖兽都是增加了一倍的防御,还有通灵宝玉的境界也再次提升了一个境界,以后再想突破就更难了。 Soul Shocking Bell has used little, high ability Beast Tamer and Alchemist scarce almost, therefore had not used, but two formidable Monster Beast person has plenty of such people. 惊魂铃已经是很少用了,高能力驯兽师炼药师的稀少差不多,所以一直也没有用到,不过有一只两只强大妖兽的人还是大有人在的。 Moreover can use high grade Saint Beast Pill, what a pity Qing Shui now in hand, only then preliminary Saint Beast Pill, he did not plan was actually taming other Monster Beast, only if met specially appropriately. 另外就是可以用高级圣兽丹,可惜青水现在手中只有低级圣兽丹,他倒是不打算在驯服其他妖兽了,除非遇到特别合适的。 As for Longfeng anything, Qing Shui does not think temporarily that is not does not think, but is he knows not possibly, the people who tames Dragon Xunfeng are some ancient inheritance clans, their strengths are prominent, their bloodlines are noble, they such as deity general existence in the eyes of average person. 至于龙凤什么的,青水暂时不想,不是不想,而是他知道不可能,驯龙驯凤的人都是一些古老的传承一族,他们的实力显赫,他们的血脉高贵,他们在一般人的眼中如神仙一般的存在。 Had a look at the dantian to have a ash-gray bead once more, the plain atmosphere, compared with previous time as if also wanted in a big way, this was Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant feeds back to his strength. 看看丹田再次有了一颗灰色的珠子,古朴大气,比起上次似乎还要大了一圈,这是金鳞龙象反馈给他的实力。 This time catches up with Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to promote, presented such matter directly, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant makes the Qing Shui strength progress speed up not knowing many times twice, if made others know an own time can increase many to cultivate to certainly let many people depressed hit the wall. 这次赶上紫玉仙境升级,直接出现两次这样的事情,金鳞龙象青水实力进步加快了不知道多少倍,如果让别人知道自己一次可以增加多少修为一定会让不少人郁闷的去撞墙吧。 This Qing Shui knows one want to refine at least also requires some time, Golden Scaled Dragon Elephant previous time fuses fiery dragon already a little time, calculated in Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal already long time, ten several years. 这一次青水知道自己想要炼化至少还需要一些时间,金鳞龙象上次融合火龙可是已经有点时间,算下来在紫玉仙境已经很长时间了,十数年之多。 But his day can only be equal in Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal to more than three months the points of time, therefore Qing Shui decides wait / etc., for safety's sake waits, did not permit itself at this time a fault in this situation. 但他一天在紫玉仙境只能是相当于三个月多点的时间,所以青水还是决定等等,为了保险起见还是等一等好,决不允许自己这个时候在这种情况上出一点失误。 Because the present strength makes the background, therefore the Qing Shui feeling absorption does not have the previous time that bad risk on the other hand, at least will not have the situation of exploding the body. 因现在的实力做底子,所以青水感觉吸收相对来说没有上次那么凶险,至少不会出现爆体的情况。 Rest of the time Qing Shui passed in Cultivation continuously, the middle also meets Beast Refining, to paint pictures, Talisman Drawing, the present symbol seal directly carved in the armor and boots anything's above, was the same with the Heaven Talisman effect. 剩下的时间青水一直都在修炼中度过,中间也会炼妖、画画、画符,现在的符篆都直接雕刻在了铠甲、靴子什么的上面,和天符的效果一样。 The boundary of painting pictures this pass/test is unable to break through at present, so long as broke through, Qing Shui felt that his Heaven Talisman might can also enhance much, when the time comes can picture high grade Heaven Talisman. 画画的境界眼前这一关无法突破,只要突破了,青水感觉他天符的威力也可以提高不少,到时候就可以画更加高级天符 Because present Heaven Talisman in the amplification like Heaven Shaking Drum, the function is minimal, even did not have the function, should be the rank of Heaven Talisman or and Qing Shui boundary has the relations. 因为现在的天符在增幅上就像震天鼓一样,作用微乎其微,甚至已经没有了作用,应该是和天符的等级或者和青水的境界有关系。 Past the Lin Family ancestors were very perhaps formidable on Heaven Talisman, but afterward Lin Family should decline, Qing Shui arrived at this Western Niu He Territory, the function of Heaven Talisman basically is also eliminated. 昔日林家的先人在天符上也许很强大,但后来林家应该是没落了,青水来到这西牛鹤州,天符的作用基本上也被淘汰了。 Martial Arts eliminates very normal matter, powerful, has opportunity Cultivation high grade cultivation technique, many people will eliminate beforehand cultivation technique, like the weapon, is nothing unusual. 武学淘汰很正常的事情,实力强大了,有机会修炼更加高级功法,很多人都会淘汰以前的功法,就像兵器一样,不足为奇。 Qing Shui he has the time, therefore does not want the beforehand all Martial Skills cultivation technique anything eliminates, for example Blue Lotus Art, what initially Cultivation is broken cultivation technique, afterward had the mutation. 青水他有时间,所以不想把以前的所有武技功法什么的都淘汰掉,比如青莲武诀,当初修炼的是一本残破的功法,后来发生了异变。 However Qing Shui was all right recently started to revise Blue Lotus Art, then lets Qing Family person Cultivation. 不过青水最近没事的时候已经开始修改青莲武诀,然后让青家修炼 Revises cultivation technique in the mainland is not very common, can revise the good person less, not only needs to be powerful, but also needs the thoughts prudent and meticulous, as well as skilled on Martial Arts achieves a fearful boundary to revise, is must know from A to Z to meridians anything of human body. 修改功法在大陆并不是很常见,能修改好的人更少,不只是需要实力强大,还需要心思慎密、以及在武学上的熟练达到一个可怕的境界才能修改,还有就是对人体的经脉什么都要了若指掌。 Are many because of the person who revising cultivation technique caused the death, therefore in the mainland revised the cultivation technique person to be few, created the cultivation technique person less. 因为修改功法而导致死亡的人不少,所以大陆上修改功法的人很少,创造功法的人就更少了。 Qing Shui revises Blue Lotus Art to revise according to the route after own Cultivation mutation slightly, enabling it to suit certain strength person Cultivation, he knows that the grandfather chair yearns for some Qing Family person again Cultivation to the lotus flower nine present degrees. 青水修改青莲武诀是根据自己修炼异变后的路线稍加修改,让它更能适合一定实力的人修炼,他知道外公椅子向往青家有人再修炼到莲花九现的程度。 Who Qing Family that ancestors are, Qing Family was a grandfather person then had a big family/everybody child person to Qing Village, where before grandfather came, did other places have Qing Family? 青家的那个先人是谁,青家是外公一个人到青家庄然后才有了一大家子人,以前外公是从哪里来的,其它地方还有青家吗? The azure this surname is few. 青这个姓还是很少的。 Although Qing Shui walks the place to be many, but also is passing by that gallops on horseback to view the lanterns, even jumps over directly, the mainland was really too big, wants to step on fully with the both feet, was fantasy story, the vast in territory degree of mainland is hard to imagine simply, thinks that previous life that world, added not to arrive in a here county completely, conceivable this world length and breadth how was boundless. 青水虽然走得地方不少,但也是走马观灯的路过,甚至直接跳过,大陆实在是太大了,想用双脚踩满,简直就是天方夜谭,大陆的地域辽阔程度难以想象,想到前世的那个世界,全部加起来也不抵这里的一个郡,就可以想象这个世界多么的广袤无边。 The grandfather has not raised Qing Family, has not raised his beforehand family|home, why Qing Shui does not know, does not know that Qing Family currently also has any person, has other branch vein besides grandfather lineage/vein. 外公没有提青家,没有提他以前的家,青水不知道为什么,也不知道青家现在还有什么人,除了外公这一脉是不是还有别的支脉。 Also thinks that was called his father's man, Qing Shui to feel should soon go, after waiting for this strength to refine, should be able to walk in Western Niu He Territory, even arrived at several other territory to have a look, completed own matter. 又想到那个叫他父亲的男人,青水感觉应该快要去走走了,等这次实力炼化掉以后,应该就可以在西牛鹤州走走,甚至到另外几看看,把自己的事情做完。 Naturally also had Di Chen, Lotus Flower Sect should also go, does not know that what situation saw Di Chen to be...... 当然还有帝尘,莲花宗也该去了,不知道见到帝尘会是个什么样的情况…… Cultivation has arrived, outside weather has shone, to backyard time Qing Sha in Cultivation, she very much diligently, has been deferring to the Qing Shui words to do again, moreover Qing Shui has left behind many Spirit Concentrating Pill to her , helping her Cultivation, now Qing Shui Spirit Concentrating Pill has been able to promote to five times of numbers, a Cultivation day to be equal to five days. 一直修炼到出去的时候,外面的天色已经亮了,到后院的时候青煞已经在是在修炼,她还是很努力的,一直都是在按照青水的话再做,而且青水给她留下了不少的聚神丹,帮助她修炼,现在青水聚神丹已经可以提升到五倍之数,修炼一天相当于五天。 The Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal medicinal herbs are getting more and more, year is also getting more and more long, the drug efficacy is also bigger and bigger. 紫玉仙境的药草越来越多,年份也是越来越长,药效也是越来越大。 After a double-hour, Qing Shui sees Qing Sha to stop, walks. 一个时辰后,青水看到青煞停下来,才走过去。 Girl, gives you only Monster Beast to want.” Qing Shui thinks saying that according to normalcy practitioner, regardless of the men and women are like having Monster Beast, this is the permanent helper, the mount. “丫头,给你只妖兽要不要。”青水想了想说道,按正常来说武者无论男女都是喜欢有妖兽的,这可是永久帮手,坐骑等。 However Qing Sha is not an average person, therefore liked really very being difficult to say. 不过青煞不是一般人,所以喜不喜欢还真很难说。 Wants, but I will not tame.” Qing Sha hopes for looks at Qing Shui. “要,可是我不会驯服。”青煞希冀的看着青水 Since gives you, has the means.” Qing Shui puts out Spring of Life and Ancient Monster Fruit with a smile, preliminary Saint Beast Pill, tamed Golden Ni Lion not any issue by the Qing Sha present strength with preliminary Saint Beast Pill. “既然给你,就有办法。”青水笑着拿出生命之泉上古妖果,还有低级圣兽丹,以青煞现在的实力用低级圣兽丹驯服金猊狮没有任何问题了。 All these do are very rapid, the Golden Ni Lion strength is not quite strong, the Qing Sha present strength can achieve the control pressure with ease, first feeds Spring of Life, is preliminary Saint Beast Pill, then is Ancient Monster Fruit. 这一切做下来还是很迅速的,金猊狮的实力还不太强,青煞现在的实力可以轻松做到控制威压,先是喂下生命之泉,然后才是低级圣兽丹,再接着才是上古妖果 Spring of Life can restore its life, Ancient Monster Fruit be able to let Golden Ni Lion strength suddenly to increase time makes the skeleton, internal organs in its body obtain production and strengthening again, such as is reborn to be the same. 生命之泉可以恢复它的生命,上古妖果可以让金猊狮实力暴增的时候让它的身体中的骨骼、脏器等得到重新的生成、强化,如脱胎换骨一样。 Qing Shui in this process discovered Qing Sha continuously hope looks at Golden Ni Lion, in the eye does not conceal regarding liking of Golden Ni Lion, Qing Shui the seal Golden Ni Lion is planned at that time, can revive tame, or gives to others to tame. 在这过程中青水发现青煞一直希冀的看着金猊狮,眼中不掩饰对于金猊狮的喜欢,青水那时候封印了金猊狮就是打算以后能救活的时候自己驯服,或者送给别人驯服。 Qing Shui saw Qing Sha happy has also satisfied, this only Golden Ni Lion was also resources are well used. 青水看到青煞的开心也就满足了,这只金猊狮也算是物有所值了。 The Golden Ni Lion main body strength achieved 8000 to say! 金猊狮本体实力达到了8000云! Golden Lion Roar: Can promote the main body ten times of strengths, passive Battle Technique, zero consumption! 金猊吼:可以提升本体十倍的实力,被动战技,零消耗! gold/metal Ni is also the legend includes Monster Beast of bloodlines of very strong dragon, Golden Ni Lion includes gold/metal Ni the bloodlines, can have strength obvious within the body the bloodlines of so to be formidable enough. 金猊也是传说含有很强的龙之血脉的妖兽,金猊狮则是含有金猊的血脉,能有这般实力可见体内的血脉足够强大。 ...... …… Golden Ni Lion strongest Attack can achieve 400,000 saying that Golden Ni Lion is mainly fleshly body Attack, in Attack includes formidable Sharp Edge, can tear Jin Yu. 金猊狮最强的攻击可以达到400000云,金猊狮主要是肉体攻击,攻击中含有强大的锋利,可以撕裂金玉 The Golden Ni Lion present strength regarding Qing Shui is not anything, but regarding Qing Sha is actually very formidable helper, said again after Golden Ni Lion, will evolve the breakthrough and bloodlines to awaken, the condition will allow perhaps in the future to become gold/metal Ni also perhaps. 金猊狮现在的实力对于青水来说不算什么,但对于青煞来说却是很强大的帮手,再说金猊狮以后还会进化突破、血脉觉醒,条件允许也许将来能成为金猊也说不定。
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