AS :: Volume #52

#5191: The ice person came

Destruction! 毁灭! Although the people outside city have not entered a city, but they can induce to the city in present the situation, is completely the ruination. 城外的人虽然没有进城,但是他们都能感应到城内现在的情况,完全就是毁灭性啊。 In the entire city, was covered by various strengths completely. 整个城内,完全就是被各种力量所覆盖了。 Really does not know that inside present what happened, words that but looks at from outside now, felt that came out right.” “真不知道里面现在发生什么事了,不过现在从外面看的话,感觉还是出来对了。” Yes, if did not listen to dream heart Master, perhaps we will also be involved in the war, when the time comes death was we, we will even possibly become the cannon fodder.” “是啊,如果不是听了梦心大师的话,那我们恐怕也会被卷入到战争之中了,到时候死的就是我们了,我们甚至可能会成为炮灰啊。” Really was too terrifying, did not say inside, I was so far outside, the Berserk strength let my aura disorder.” “真是太恐怖了,不说里面,我在外面这么远,狂暴的力量都让我气息紊乱了。” Outside these people are the unusual lingering fear, they feel now oneself came out is right, otherwise let alone fished in troubled waters, the poor life must confess. 外面的那些人一个个都是非常后怕,他们现在感觉自己出来就是对了,否则别说是浑水摸鱼了,小命都要交代到里面了。 Death!” Sits says in front dream heart Master suddenly. “死亡!”坐在前面的梦心大师突然开口说道。 In a flash, the vision of surroundings these people all centralized on his body. 一瞬间,周围那些人的目光全都集中在他的身上了。 Master, what did you say?” Nearby several people go forward to ask. 大师,您说什么?”旁边的几人上前问道。 These people are also not the average people, is the ss level Mercenary ranks. 这几个人也都不是普通人,全都是ss级佣兵的行列。 Death, inside in a large area of death, I am feeling large quantities of deaths now, is terrifying, inside has certainly what important matter.” Dream heart Master unemotional saying. “死亡,里面现在正在大面积的死亡,我感受到了大批的死亡,非常恐怖,里面一定是发生什么大事了。”梦心大师面无表情的说道。 Whish! 哗! The surrounding person heard blasted out the pot immediately. 周围的人听到顿时炸开了锅。 A large area of death. 大面积的死亡。 They now are also curious, actually inside what happened. 他们现在也都好奇,里面究竟发生了什么事。 In Julu city. 巨鹿城之中。 Actually is his doing.” Qiang Zui and the others all removed, they in the attack, unexpectedly received Fire of Life signal a moment ago, drew back. “他这究竟是在干什么啊。”枪罪等人全都撤了回来,刚才他们在进攻的时候,突然接到身上生命之火的信号,退了回来。 Also all drew back including the flame and small snake. 包括小火和小蛇也全都退了回来。 In this moment, Xia Tian their people of this side also obtained the rest. 在这一刻,夏天他们这一方的人也是得到了休息。 Although their strengths are very strong, but the opposite party is not weak, therefore the war, they also all consumed very in a big way, was good because of having Xia Tian Fire of Life, therefore has not presented the death temporarily, but Fire of Life cannot these invincible even. 虽然他们这些人的实力都很强,但是对方也不弱,所以刚才的大战,他们这些人也全都消耗非常的大,好在有夏天生命之火在,所以暂时还没有出现死亡,不过就算是生命之火也不能让这些人无敌。 Time that if continues to fight, that will also definitely die. 如果继续战斗下去的时候,那也肯定会死亡的。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! These people all drew back. 那些人全都退回来了。 Afterward they saw, the body of Xia Tian seemed starts to revolve, innumerable Sword Light formed a Sword Light round of dance around the body of Xia Tian. 随后他们看到,夏天的身体仿佛是开始旋转起来了,无数的剑光夏天的身体周围形成了一道剑光轮舞。 ! ! 噗!噗! The place visited, the bodies of these people start the cut smashing, everything contacts Sword Light all, will cut off, no matter what weapon, shut off directly, even if the body of person. 所过之处,那些人的身体开始被斩的粉碎,凡是接触到剑光的一切,都将被斩断,不管是什么武器,都被直接切断,哪怕是人的身体。 Breaks the arm, breaks the leg. 断臂,断腿。 Everywhere is. 到处都是。 Too quick. 太快了。 The Xia Tian speed was too fast, the surrounding these people dodge radically without enough time, the Xia Tian place visited, is filling everywhere bloody, but the body of Xia Tian also same is spotless. 夏天的速度太快了,周围的那些人根本就来不及闪躲,夏天所过之处,到处充满着血腥,可是夏天的身上也一样是一尘不染。 Instantaneously! 瞬间! Over ten thousand people perished directly. 上万人直接灭亡了。 Death! 死亡! Large quantities of Expert deaths, these usually won great reputation the person dead one after another. 大批的高手死亡,那些平时名声在外的人一个接着一个的死亡。 It seems like we want.” The Jun Zui vision looks form that Xia Tian that flashes before unceasingly. “看来我们都想多了啊。”君醉的目光看着夏天那个不断闪现的身影。 The person deeply was all shocked by the Xia Tian strength. 现场的人全都被夏天的实力所深深震撼了。 In this moment, these and Xia Tian for the person of enemy knows that actually Xia Tian has formidable how. 在这一刻,那些和夏天为敌的人才知道夏天究竟有多么的强悍 Kill! 杀! The people who Xia Tian first kills are the Empire Alliance and Qin Ying Gate person, although strength formidable of these people, but they have no person in the hand of Xia Tian to pass through one move. 夏天先杀的人都是帝国联盟和秦赢门的人,虽然那些人的实力强悍,但是他们没有任何一个人可以在夏天的手中走过一招的。 This is the true legend. 这就是真正的传奇。 Perhaps Fire Emperor is also mediocre.” king Minggou swallowed saliva. “恐怕火帝也不过如此吧。”器王冥狗吞了一口口水。 Fire Emperor! 火帝 This absolutely is figure in legend. 这绝对是传说中的人物 Top Expert in top Expert, some people called him for Heavenly Spirit Continent first Expert. 顶尖高手中的顶尖高手,更有人称呼他为天灵大陆第一高手 But now, they felt that the Xia Tian strength was really as strong as Realm, was compared with Fire Emperor, perhaps present Xia Tian did not miss anything, even can say. 可是现在,他们感觉夏天的实力真的是强到一种境界了,就是和火帝相比,现在的夏天恐怕也不差什么了,甚至可以说。 Fire Emperor is old. 火帝已经老了。 But Xia Tian or peak time. 夏天还是巅峰时代。 Naturally, although Fire Emperor was old, but his experience and method are absolutely more than Xia Tian, words that therefore two people fight, now possibly was 46, Xia Tian four, Fire Emperor six. 当然了,火帝虽然老了,但他的经验和手段绝对是比夏天多的,所以两人交手的话,现在可能就是四六分了,夏天四,火帝六。 This is the growth of Xia Tian, if when Empire Alliance that war, if Xia Tian meets the tough head-on with toughness with Fire Emperor, his winning percentage are most is 10%, may be 20%. 这就是夏天的成长,如果是在帝国联盟那一战的时候,夏天如果和火帝硬碰硬的话,他胜率最多是10%,也有可能是20%。 Perhaps my two Master can meet the tough head-on with toughness with him together jointly.” Qiang Zui is clear own two Master strongly, but if independent combat, that absolutely did not have the odds of success. “恐怕我两位师傅一起联手才能和他硬碰硬吧。”枪罪非常清楚自己的两位师傅有多强,可要是单打独斗的话,那绝对是没有胜算了。 But if two people collaborate, that and between Xia Tian should also be 55 opens. 但要是两人联手的话,那和夏天之间应该也就是五五开了。 Enemy is chaotic, it seems like we won.” On the face of painted face king showed a smiling face of faint trace. “敌人已经乱了,看来咱们赢了。”花脸王的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 Constructing the city is hopeful.” Gravity Crown Prince Abo's exciting saying. “建城有望啊。”重力太子阿博兴奋的说道。 Why hasn't the ice person come?” Qiang Zui asked suddenly. “冰的人为什么没来?”枪罪突然问道。 Person who can only prove the ice compared with these person of intelligence, although they and Xia Tian have between the painted face kings to have the enmity, but they were clear compared with anyone, Xia Tian strength unusual, therefore has not come.” Jun Zui light saying. “只能证明冰的人比这些人聪明,虽然他们和夏天还有花脸王之间有仇怨,但是他们比谁都清楚,夏天的实力非常的强,所以并没有来。”君醉淡淡的说道。 Whiz! 嗖! The body of Xia Tian flashed backward, falls on painted face king and the others the front. 夏天的身体向后一闪,落在了花脸王等人的面前。 Pitiful yell sound. 惨叫声。 Everywhere is the pitiful yell sounds, these people simply with going crazy to be the same. 到处都是惨叫声,那些人一个个简直就是和发了疯一样。 Morale! 士气! Xia Tian must do lets the morale thorough confusion of opposite party. 夏天要做的就是让对方的士气彻底的混乱。 The homicide too many people, most can only shock, but if he did injure many people? 他杀了太多的人,最多只能震慑,但是如果他伤了很多的人呢? The pitiful yell sound is to other person best attack. 惨叫声是对其他人最好的打击。 Xia Tian, you were also too good.” Qiang Zui goes forward to say. 夏天,你也太牛了。”枪罪上前说道。 Xia Tian shows a faint smile, later looked to front these people: I killed everyone of Empire Alliance a moment ago, Qin Ying Gate core Expert, remaining your these people, I also meet killing off.” 夏天微微一笑,随后看向了面前的这些人:“我刚才杀了帝国联盟的所有人,秦赢门的核心高手,剩下的你们这些人,我也会一个个的杀光。” Escape! 逃! When they hear Xia Tian these words, the first idea escapes. 当他们听到夏天这句话的时候,第一个想法就是逃。 What Xia Tian is strongest is not the skill of murder, but is the psychological warfare. 夏天最强的并不是杀人的本事,而是心理战。 In this moment, he thorough routed the hearts of these people. 在这一刻,他已经彻底的击溃了现场这些人的心。 It seems like, we won.” Painted face king said. “看来,咱们赢了啊。”花脸王说道。 Also misses the final draw in a net, I informed the remaining brothers.” Jun Zui that good thick a token, later pats directly broken. “还差最后的收网啊,那我就通知剩下的弟兄们了。”君醉那好粗了一道令牌,随后直接拍碎。 Kill! 杀! Afterward the hundreds of thousands of people outside city all began. 随后城外的数十万人全都动手了。 They are unable in these Expert with city to contend normally, is these Expert in present city thorough was chaotic, which they currently have the fight **. 他们这些人正常是无法和城内的那些高手抗衡的,可是现在城内的这些高手已经彻底的乱了,他们现在哪还有战斗的**。 „The ice person came finally.” When the Jun Zui person is drawing in a net, Xia Tian looked up to in the air. “冰的人终于来了啊。”在君醉的人正在收网的时候,夏天抬头看向了空中。 Ice! 冰! They were still saying a moment ago the ice person has not come, is now, the ice person has come. 刚才他们还在说冰的人没有来,可是现在,冰的人就已经来了。 !!!!! 咻!咻!咻!咻!咻! Enough 81 forms fell Xia Tian their front. 足足八十一道身影落到了夏天他们的面前。 Ice! 冰! This is the ice complete troops. 这才是冰的全部人马。 unexpectedly has so many people.” The painted face king closed tightly the tooth, with a moment ago that several million people of comparing words, these people who he dreads the ice. 居然有这么多人。”花脸王咬紧了牙,和刚才那数百万人比的话,他更加忌惮冰的这些人。
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