AS :: Volume #52

#5192: Come is the legend

Ice the person arrived finally. ‘冰’的人终于到了。 Before they think ice the person is intelligent, therefore has not come, but now, ice the person came, moreover this arrival is most entire. 之前他们认为‘冰’的人是聪明,所以才没有来,但是现在,‘冰’的人来了,而且这一次的到来还是最全的。 Everyone came. 所有人都来了。 81 people. 八十一个人。 This is ice everyone. 这就是‘冰’的所有人。 Although the population seems like not many, but in fact the battle efficiencies of these people a moment ago these people strong are too more. 虽然人数看上去并不是很多,但实际上这些人的战斗力是要比刚才那些人强的太多的。 Is one person of head wears the sky blue battle dress, the cloak is also the pure blue color, as if the iceberg is the same. 为首的一人身上穿着天蓝色的战袍,披风也是纯纯的蓝色,仿佛冰山一样。 The whole person stands there, looks also seems like one generation of King. 整个人站在那里,看上去也好像是一代王者。 But he is standing behind these people. 而他身后站着的那些人。 Xia Tian has seen some. 夏天还是见过一些的。 Several are Xia Tian has also fought. 有几个也是和夏天交手过的。 You came finally.” Xia Tian looked that said to front these people. “你们终于来了啊。”夏天看向面前的这些人说道。 His vision also in ice these people took a fast look around. 他的目光也是在‘冰’的这些人身上扫视了一圈。 The rank of ice organization as if divided was the same, had very big discrepancies with beforehand painted face king Qingbao, this solely was not the difference in population, difference between overall strengths. 冰组织的等级仿佛是重新划分了一样,和之前的花脸王情报有很大的出入,这不单单是人数上的出入,还有整体实力之间的出入。 Em!” Is that man of head nods, his seems like not old, however his imposing manner actually unusual. “恩!”为首的那名男子点了点头,他的年龄看上去并不大,但是他的气势却非常的强。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded one step: Also good, since came, a that weaponry manual computation.” 夏天向前走了一步:“也好,既然来了,那就把仗一笔算了吧。” Hold up! 擎! Breaks Sky Sword to appear in the hand of Xia Tian, this time Xia Tian also appeared killed the heart. 破天剑出现在夏天的手中,此时的夏天也是出现了杀心。 He and ice between can be said as the friction being unceasing. 他和‘冰’之间可以说是摩擦不断。 Although he does not fear the opposite party, but he actually does not want to be entangled by the opposite party, this will make him feel the unusual trouble. 他虽然并不惧怕对方,但是他却不想被对方一直缠着,这样会让他感觉非常的麻烦。 Xia Tian.” Is that man opens the mouth of slowly head: I called the little moon, ice Chief of organization.” 夏天。”为首的那名男子缓缓的开口:“我叫小月,‘冰’组织的首领。” „!” Xia Tian very optional should say. “哦!”夏天非常随意的应道。 I come to here, is invites you to join ice!” little moon says directly. “我来这里,是邀请你加入‘冰’的!”小月直接开口说道。 „, You are not too concerned about face, unexpectedly also undermines a wall.” Painted face king very uncomfortable saying. “边去吧,你们也太不要脸了,居然还这么挖墙脚。”花脸王非常不爽的说道。 Killed you, does not calculate that undermined a wall.” little moon unemotional saying. “杀了你,就不算挖墙脚了。”小月面无表情的说道。 I before you killed him, killed all of you.” Saying of Xia Tian coldly. “我会在你杀了他之前,杀了你们所有人。”夏天冷冷的说道。 Painted face king! 花脸王! This is the Xia Tian present brothers, he will not go to the manages opposite party is what status, so long as the opposite party dares to move the painted face king, he wanted the life of opposite party, even if killed off the person of opposite party, he also refuses to balk. 这可是夏天现在的兄弟,他可不会去管对方是什么身份,只要对方敢动花脸王,那他就要了对方的命,哪怕是杀光了对方的人,他也在所不惜。 I acknowledged that your strength is very strong, but you really think can oneself kill off our 81 people?” little moon looks at Xia Tian to ask. “我承认你的实力很强,可是你真的认为自己能够杀光我们八十一个人吗?”小月看着夏天问道。 Does not give a try, how to know is good?” On the face of Xia Tian showed the smiling face of pondering. “不试试看,怎么知道行不行?”夏天的脸上露出了玩味的笑容。 If you lost, price that you died.” little moon said. “如果你输了,那你就死亡的代价。”小月说道。 „Do I fear death?” Xia Tian looked that asked to the little moon. “我怕死吗?”夏天看向小月问道。 Breaking Sky Sword in his right hand directly aimed at front little moon: My name was summer Heavens!, my had not feared for a lifetime whose, you want to play, I accompanied you to be fun, 81 people, in my eyes , was just 81 heads.” 他右手之中的破天剑直接指向了面前的小月:“我的名字叫夏天啊,我这一辈子从来都没有怕过谁的,你们想玩,我就陪你们好好玩玩,八十一个人,在我的眼中,也只不过是八十一颗人头而已。” little moon has not gone to meet the Xia Tian words, but said again: Ice organization, Chief, is I ; Three ice kings, are three person who has the sss level strength, battle efficiency 150,000 to 170,000 ; Seven ice are graceful, battle efficiency about 150,000, Spirit Strength Awaken ; 20 ice, battle efficiency 140,000 + ; 50 ice warriors, battle efficiency 100,000- among 150,000, ices the warrior, although the battle efficiency does not lose face, but each of them is useful the special ability, the role that plays is as good as any battle efficiency about 150,000 people.” 小月没有去接夏天的话,而是再次说道:“‘冰’组织,一名首领,就是我;三名冰王,是三名拥有sss级实力的人,战斗力十五万到十七万之间;七名冰帅,战斗力十五万左右,灵力苏醒;二十位冰将,战斗力14万+;五十名冰斗士,战斗力10万-15万之间,冰斗士虽然战斗力不出彩,但是他们每一个人都有用特殊的能力,起到的作用不亚于任何一个战斗力十五万左右的人。” little moon this was the complete battle efficiency of organization said entire ice. 小月这是将整个‘冰’组织的全部战斗力都说了出来。 Terrifying. 恐怖啊。 Everyone hears here time, yes, these ice warriors sound the battle efficiency to be not much, but the special capability, that was different. 大家听到这里的时候,都明白,那些冰斗士听上去战斗力并不怎么样,但是特殊能力,那就不一样了。 At this time Qiang Zui and the others look at front these people. 此时枪罪等人看着面前的这些人。 These people are not the obscure individuals, is some topest Expert. 这些人都不是无名之辈,全都是一些最顶尖的高手 They are become famous for a long time Expert. 他们都是成名已久的高手 The lead yama who the Empire Alliance that fought at that time also can only in the third echelon of this team, be able to see from this point, actually this ice has terrifying how. 就连当时帝国联盟那一战的主角冥王也只能在这个队伍的第三梯队,从这一点就可以看出,这个‘冰’究竟有多么的恐怖。 On the face of Xia Tian showed the smiling face. 夏天的脸上露出了笑容。 Agreement?” little moon asked. “同意了?”小月问道。 Although I do not know that you ice has what goal, but simplest a few words: You should not provoke me.” The Xia Tian breaking Sky Sword must move in this moment. “虽然我不知道你们‘冰’有什么目的,但是最简单的一句话:你们不应该招惹我。”夏天的破天剑在这一刻就要动了。 He moves! 他一动! The flames of war must erupt. 战火就要爆发了。 Moreover this time flames of war and beforehand flames of war are different, this time, Xia Tian behind these people were perhaps impossible to move out. 而且这次的战火和之前的战火不同,这一次,夏天身后的那些人恐怕也不可能全身而退了。 Wait!” “等等!” The fiery-red form kept off in the Xia Tian front together. 一道火红色的身影挡在了夏天的面前。 Fire Emperor! 火帝 Eldest child.” The yamas face Fire Emperor to bow. “老大。”冥王在后面对着火帝鞠了一躬。 The Fire Emperor slight nod, his vision looked later to Xia Tian: „Is little brother, sharply beginning to do?” 火帝微微点头,随后他的目光看向了夏天:“小兄弟,这么急着动手干什么?” What's wrong? Do you also want to kill me? That on together.” On the face of Xia Tian does not have slightly the tense look, even if faces Fire Emperor the time, he is also the same is this attitude. “怎么?你也要来杀我?那就一起上好了。”夏天的脸上没有丝毫紧张的神色,哪怕是面对火帝的时候,他也一样是这种态度。 Whiz! 嗖! Also was the form flew from outside together: Mr. Fire Emperor, is your must do?” 又是一道身影从外面飞了进来:“火帝先生,您这是要干什么啊?” Dream heart, aren't you willing to come outside the city?” Fire Emperor asked. “梦心,你不是在城外不肯进来吗?”火帝问道。 You run, I naturally must watch the fun.” Dream heart Master shows a faint smile, although he becomes famous for a long time, but age between he and Fire Emperor has very big disparity. “你都跑进来,我自然是要看看热闹了。”梦心大师微微一笑,虽然他成名已久,但是他和火帝之间的年龄还是有很大的差距的。 Fire Emperor, you such a big didn't the age, convalesce at home well, runs to do?” The laughter transmits from the building together. 火帝,你都这么一大把的年纪了,不好好在家疗养,跑出来干什么?”一道笑声从楼上传来。 Yes, your such old bones, but also comes out to mind others' business, did not fear that which hung naively.” Another sound appears. “是啊,你这么一把老骨头了,还出来多管闲事,也不怕哪一天真的挂了。”另外一道声音出现。 Afterward the vision of people also looked to the building. 随后众人的目光也是看向了楼上。 On the face of Qiang Zui also showed the smiling face: Big Master, two masters, you also came.” 枪罪的脸上也露出了笑容:“大师傅,二师父,你们也来了啊。” See two Grand Master.” Gravity Crown Prince Abo's respectful saying. “参见两位师祖。”重力太子阿博恭敬的说道。 Your these Old Fellow runs to join in the fun?” Fire Emperor looked at two people one eyes, helpless shaking the head. “你们这些老家伙一个个的跑出来凑什么热闹?”火帝看了两人一眼,无奈的摇了摇头。 So many old figure that moves Jianghu accompany me to sing this play, can not be lively?” little moon looked at surrounding people, on the face is the happy expression. “这么多名动江湖的老人物都来陪我唱这出戏,能不热闹吗?”小月看了一眼周围的众人,脸上全都是笑意。 The Xia Tian vision also looked in front several people. 夏天的目光也是在面前的几人身上看了一圈。 Several, if everyone wants to see a play, that please let.” Xia Tian looks that front Fire Emperor said. “几位,如果大家只是想看戏的话,那就请让一让。”夏天看着面前的火帝说道。 Fire Emperor, said you, how not to have self-knowledge.” Qiang Zui Master said. 火帝,说你呢,怎么这么没有自知之明呢。”枪罪的一名师傅说道。 Inadequate, inadequate, if I made way, that troubled.” Fire Emperor shakes the head. “不成,不成,如果我让开了,那就麻烦了。”火帝摇了摇头。 How do you want?” Xia Tian looked that asked to Fire Emperor. “那你想怎么样?”夏天看向火帝问道。 I look, is ok, you and ice between organizations, although has also hit several times, but in the final analysis, without does not die the continuous situation, you kill the person of Empire Alliance, kills the Qin Ying Gate person, that is because among you must die, that affirmed that no one said anything, but your both sides, once fought, that will really make Heavenly Spirit Continent again turbulent.” Fire Emperor said. “我看,还是算了吧,你和‘冰’组织之间虽然也打过几次了,但是说到底,没有不死不休的地步,你杀帝国联盟的人,杀秦赢门的人,那是因为你们之间必须死一个,那肯定没有人说什么了,但是你们双方一旦交手,那就真的是会让天灵大陆再次动荡了。”火帝说道。 Fire Emperor looked at him probably high.” little moon light saying. 火帝好像高看他了啊。”小月淡淡的说道。
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