AS :: Volume #52

#5190: Drops the blood not to moisten the body

! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! Explosions appear, on him also had 30 wounds directly, these wounds pierced his body completely, moreover these wounds are vital point. 一道道的爆炸出现,他身上也是直接出现了三十多道伤口,这些伤口完全将他的身体洞穿了,而且这些伤口都是要害 On him all organ vital point were pierced. 他身上所有的器官要害都被洞穿了。 ! 噗! A big blood spouts from his mouth. 一大口的鲜血从他口中喷出。 Divine Soul exsomatize. 神魂离体。 He has induced. 他已经感应到了。 Own Divine Soul is leaving own body. 自己的神魂正在离开自己的身体。 No, is impossible.” dragon Ao Divine Soul shouts loudly, but just left the instance of body in his Divine Soul, he felt the strength of powerful attracting pulling. “不,不可能的。”龙獒的神魂大声喊道,可是在他神魂刚刚离开身体的瞬间,他就感受到了一股强大的吸扯之力。 bo! 啵! Divine Soul vanishes. 神魂消失。 dragon Ao the physical body death, Divine Soul was also the direct dissipation in the air. 龙獒的肉体死亡,神魂也是直接消散在空气之中了。 é! 额! Saw that this people all looked dumbfounded. 看到这一幕的众人全都看傻眼了。 dragon Ao had many does not need saying that so many super Expert wanted to cope with him a moment ago, that has not become any injury to other party, even his defense has not broken open. 龙獒有多强就不需要多说了吧,刚才那么多的超级高手想要对付他,那都没有给他造成任何的伤害,甚至连他的防御都没有破开。 But now, he died in the Xia Tian front like this. 可是现在,他就这样死在了夏天的面前。 His from afar catches up from the Empire Alliance, but also waited is so long here, finally ended up the fate that the body died. 他千里迢迢的从帝国联盟赶过来,还在这里等了这么久,最后落得身死的下场。 This is the thousand li (500 km) delivers the head/number of people completely, the ritual light affection is heavy. 这完全就是千里送人头,礼轻情意重啊。 Very powerful.” The person who Qin Ying Gate takes the lead is also has a lingering fear, he does not think oneself compared with dragon mastiff anything, but dragon Ao such Expert is killed by Xia Tian now. “好强啊。”秦赢门带头的人也是心有余悸啊,他并不认为自己比龙獒强什么,可是现在龙獒这样的高手都被夏天杀死了。 He? 那他呢? He wanted to initiated an attack a moment ago, but he actually a little approaches the meaning of retreat now. 刚才他还是想要主动出击的,可是现在他却有点向后退的意思了。 Expert of other major influences are also in abundance retreat. 其他各大势力的高手也都是纷纷后退 Was too strong.” dragon prestige 9-Stars these people are also a face admiration looks at Xia Tian, but they do not have too many surprised, because they in the war, do not dare to be distracted now. “太强了。”龙威九星的那些人一个个也都是一脸敬佩的看着夏天,不过他们也没有太多的惊讶,因为现在他们也都在大战之中,不敢走神。 Kills, on, cannot make him rest together, the fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out can also certainly consume him.” Surrounding these influence Chief shout. “杀,一起上,不能让他休息,车轮战也一定可以耗死他的。”周围的那些势力首领纷纷喊道。 They were look to understand. 他们算是看明白了。 Xia Tian selected is only invincible. 夏天单挑已经无敌了。 Therefore on is bringing death. 所以一个一个上就是在送死。 They are now on together, everyone begins together, killed Xia Tian directly. 他们现在就是要一起上,所有人一起动手,直接杀了夏天 Kill! 杀! Innumerable Expert all killed to Xia Tian. 无数的高手全都杀向了夏天 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian also flushes away directly forward. 夏天也是直接向前冲去。 ! 唰! Sword Light unceasing flashing before. 剑光不断的闪现。 Surroundings these charged into the Xia Tian person are also deaths one after another. 周围那些冲向夏天的人也是一个接着一个的死亡。 Slaughter! 屠杀! Xia Tian is slaughtering now completely. 夏天现在完全就是在屠杀啊。 No matter who came, is a sword. 不管谁来了,都是一剑。 The surrounding these people also without the escape route, they know, behind oneself absolutely would have no road, all was the person, once retreat, their Chief will also kill them. 周围的那些人也没有退路,他们知道,自己后面根本就没有路了,全都是人,而且一旦后退,他们的首领也会杀了他们的。 Therefore they can only spell. 所以他们只能拼了。 ! 噗! Blood unceasing is swaying, Xia Tian form also unceasing is flashing before. 鲜血不断的挥洒着,夏天的身影也是不断的闪现着。 However a little actually very surprising. 不过有一点却非常的让人惊讶。 That is on the new clothes that Xia Tian changed a moment ago including a drop of blood not to have. 那就是夏天刚才换上的新衣服上面连一滴血都没有。 He in the murder, drops the blood not to moisten the body. 他在杀人的时候,滴血不沾身。 Snort, he was really inadequately invincible, our these Expert outside, cope with him with the long-distance attack together, controls his body, then everyone attacks hits him together, I do not believe him am also not.” Expert numerous snort/hum. “哼,他还真无敌了不成,我们这些高手在外面,一起用远程攻击对付他,控制住他的身体,然后所有人攻击一起打他一个人,我就不信他还不是。”一名高手重重的哼了一声。 Afterward the attacks of surroundings these people also drop from the clouds. 随后周围那些人的攻击也都是从天而降。 All pounded to Xia Tian. 全都砸向了夏天 Kill! 杀! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Julu city well started to suffer the destructive attack. 好好的巨鹿城开始遭受到毁灭性的打击了。 The attacks of these Expert are very strong, they together, can here house damage, periphery all destroy casually directly directly, this is Expert. 这些高手的攻击都是非常强的,他们随便一道,就可以直接将这里的房屋损毁,直接将周围的一切全都毁灭,这就是强者 No matter attacks strongly, does not hit, is forever useless.” Body unceasing flushing away of forward Xia Tian. “不管攻击多强,打不中,永远都没有用。”夏天的身体不断的向前冲去。 ! 噗! The lives of surroundings these people are also unceasing was ended. 周围那些人的生命也是不断的被终结。 No matter the blood tosses what shape, is unable to fall on the body of Xia Tian, moreover these people are seemingly sharp the incomparable attack, but last has not hit Xia Tian. 不管鲜血抛洒成什么形状,都无法落在夏天的身上,而且那些人看上去锋利无比的攻击,可是最后一个都没有打中夏天的。 Became did the destruction completely. 完全就成了搞破坏的。 Even it can be said that relocation team. 甚至可以说是拆迁队。 „It is not good, the words that gets down are not the means that our people cannot shoulder, no difference attack, right, is no difference attack, no one aim at him, otherwise aims at his words, he can evade with ease, no difference attack that however blots out the sky can certainly kill him.” The Qin Ying Gate people of sound lead shouts. “不行,这么下去的话不是办法,我们的人扛不住的,无差别攻击,对,就是无差别攻击,谁也别瞄准他,否则都瞄准他的话,他可以轻松躲过,但是铺天盖地的无差别攻击一定可以杀了他的。”秦赢门的带头之人大声喊道。 Great idea! 好主意! Although surroundings other people of influence do not need to listen to his words, but these people also think that the idea of person of Qin Ying Gate lead is good, therefore they also all started no difference attack. 周围其他势力的人虽然都不需要听他的话,但这些人也都认为秦赢门带头之人的主意非常好,所以他们也全都开始无差别攻击了。 Truly is a great idea, what a pity your opponents are called Xia Tian.” Xia Tian shows a faint smile, later his body changed into the nihility directly. “确实是一个好主意啊,可惜你们的对手叫做夏天。”夏天微微一笑,随后他的身体直接化为了虚无。 The strength of aurora! 极光之力! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Crazy attack. 疯狂的攻击。 Surroundings these people start the crazy attack. 周围那些人开始疯狂的攻击。 They were hitting for five minutes to front that region, everyone let loose the attack, no one stops, they such unceasing bombing. 他们足足对着面前的那片区域打了五分钟,所有人都是放开了攻击,没有人停,他们就这么不断的轰炸。 The strong destructive power pounded over ten thousand meters deep endocrater there. 强大的破坏力将那里砸出了一个上万米深的巨坑。 Stopping, this time he was similar, cannot induce to have the resistance.” The person of Qin Ying Gate lead shouts. “停,这次他差不多了吧,感应不到里面有反抗了。”秦赢门带头之人喊道。 Others also induced. 其他的人也都是感应了一下。 Inside truly was nothing's response, they truly cannot induce to have any trace of resistance, this showed, the attack center does not have the live person. 里面确实是没有任何的反应了,他们这些人确实都感应不到里面有任何反抗的痕迹了,这就证明,攻击的中心已经没有活人了。 That Xia Tian died either, either abandoned. 夏天岂不是要么就死了,要么就废了。 Yeah, what a pity.” That person who Qin Ying Gate takes the lead sighs. “哎,可惜了。”秦赢门带头的那个人叹了一口气。 His time comes, but grasps Xia Tian, must live, now Xia Tian died, he goes back is not good to report on accomplishments, but actually also has nothing, they killed Xia Tian, that Xia Tian father should also come back to seek revenge, when the time comes extinguished Xia Tian to be good directly. 他这次过来可是来抓夏天的,要活的,现在夏天死了,他回去也不好交差啊,不过其实也没什么,他们杀了夏天,那夏天的父亲应该也会回来寻仇吧,到时候直接灭了夏天就好了。 ! 呼! Light breeze has blown. 一阵轻风吹过。 What?” Everyone all by the present situation shocking, them entirely does not believe that own eye, Xia Tian at this time is standing of flying high there, but center that the position that he is , the people attacked a moment ago. “什么?”所有人全都被眼前的情况给震惊了,他们完全不相信自己的眼睛,夏天此时就是凌空的站在那里,而他所在的位置,就是刚才众人攻击的中心。 But he is safe and sound. 可是他却安然无恙。 Clothes that clothes, not only does not have the blood, but also the dust does not even have. 衣服还是那件衣服,不但没有鲜血,而且连灰尘都没有。 So many people attack a person together, but this person also in attack center, but the last matter does not have. 这么多人一起攻击一个人,而这个人还就在攻击的中心,可是最后一点事都没有。 This kept them all from accepting. 这就让他们全都无法接受了。 Perhaps even the dragon mastiff, will still be rumbled the sediment. 就算是刚才的龙獒,恐怕也会被轰成渣滓了吧。 „Are you doing the destruction? Although said that is everyone loses money together, but you do the destruction the words, must compensate.” Corners of the mouth of Xia Tian slightly one slanting. “你们是在搞破坏吗?虽然说是大家一起赔钱,但你们这么搞破坏的话,也要多赔一点的。”夏天的嘴角微微一斜。 Attract! 吸! Surroundings these people held breath cold air. 周围那些人倒吸了一口凉气。 Fearful!! 可怕!! Xia Tian was really fearful. 夏天实在是太可怕了。 Do not worry, relax, since you chose staying behind, I all will certainly kill off you, this can also do right by you.” Breaking Sky Sword in Xia Tian right hand stretches out. “你们不要着急,放心吧,既然你们选择了留下,那我就一定会将你们全都杀光的,这样也能对得起你们。”夏天右手之中的破天剑伸出。 Extinguishes the immortal swordsmanship. 灭仙剑法。 Sword round of dance!!! 剑轮舞!!!
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