AS :: Volume #124

#12340: Must go home

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Is this sound, are actually you who?” Xia Tian asked. “又是这个声音,你究竟是谁?”夏天质问道。 You can come to see arrives at my time, knows that who I was!!!” “等你能来看到我的时候,就知道我是谁了!!!” Who I have no interest in looking at you am, I only want to go home, I want to return to Earth!!!” The Xia Tian response said. “我没兴趣看你是谁,我只想回家,我想回到地球!!!”夏天回应道。 Now the strength, has the skill of Earth, but can you really choose?, You will become the king in entire paradise again diligently, even exceeds existence of paradise!!!” “现在你的实力,已经有回地球的本事了,可你真的要这么选择吗?再努力一下,你将成为整个仙界的王,甚至超越仙界的存在!!!” I have no interest, I only want to go home, with my family members in the same place!!” Xia Tian said. “我没兴趣,我只想回家,和我的家人们在一起!!”夏天说道。 „The road of life has two, yourself choose, the God, the person the emperor, the insect emperor, under the sage, is the ants!!!” “人生的路有两条,你自己选择吧,天帝,人帝,虫帝,圣人之下,皆为蝼蚁!!!” The sound vanishes gradually. 声音渐渐消失。 The surroundings start to return to normal. 周围开始恢复正常。 These Expert also keeping rocks own head, they have gotten back at this time. 那些高手们一个个也是在不停的晃动自己的脑袋,他们此时已经恢复过来了。 Now. 现在。 They start to inspect oneself physical condition. 他们开始检查自己的身体状况。 The physical condition of everyone changed...... 每個人的身体状况都发生了改变…… Xia Tian saw own wives. 夏天看了一眼自己的妻子们。 At this time their body as if also changed. 此时她们的身体似乎也发生了改变。 Everyone, some of some of my also things must process, did not keep everyone, but divine land many treasure storehouse open now, if everyone were interested, can try one's luck!!!” Xia Tian was arching cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the people. “各位,我还有一些事情要处理,就不留各位了,不过现在神州很多的宝藏都开启了,各位如果感兴趣,也可以去碰碰运气!!!”夏天对着众人拱了拱手。 The people are also bowing to Xia Tian. 众人也是纷纷对着夏天鞠躬。 They think this is only ordinary observing and emulating. 原本他们以为这只是一次普通的观摩。 But they have not thought. 可他们没想到。 unexpectedly turned into the present this. 居然变成了现在这样。 They gained very big advantage, the strength of everyone was promoted. 他们都获得了很大的好处,每一个人的实力都得到了提升。 This simply is a unexpected happiness. 这简直就是意外之喜啊。 Because this Xia Tian breaks through, the entire divine land were more than hundred times the beforehand resources, thousand times, the cultivation environment of divine land was also better than dozens times before, over a hundred times. 而且因为这次夏天突破,整个神州比之前的资源多了百倍,千倍,神州的修炼环境也比之前好了数十倍,上百倍。 It can be said. 可以说。 Present divine land. 现在的神州。 Turned into the true cultivation sacred place. 变成了真正的修炼圣地。 Xia Tian changed all. 夏天改变了一切。 A person. 一个人。 Make a mainland from obscure, the place that even everyone looks down upon, turned into the present cultivation sacred place, even every bit of property was promoted. 让一片大陆从默默无闻,甚至所有人都看不起的地方,变成了现在的修炼圣地,甚至一草一木都得到了提升。 . 正所谓。 One's family and relatives can ride on one's coattails to success. 一人得道鸡犬升天。 Also this truth!! 也正是这个道理吧!! Arrogant corrupt wolf, is bowing to Xia Tian slightly. 就连高傲的贪狼,也对着夏天微微躬身。 This time. 这一次。 He really took. 他是真的服了。 He understands. 他明白。 If continues cultivation to get down, he is for a lifetime impossible to surpass Xia Tian. 如果继续修炼下去的话,他一辈子也不可能超过夏天 But the only prospect is. 但唯一的指望就是。 Xia Tian does not have the desire to cultivation. 夏天修炼没有欲望。 Xia Tian wholeheartedly only wants to return to Earth!! 夏天一心只想回到地球!! This. 就这样。 People divergence of gradually. 众人渐渐的散去。 His these brothers leave finally, most people started to get ready to cross the tribulation, Xia Tian this time crossing tribulation had a great influence on them, they also wanted to prepare well, go facing the day tribulation, although they were impossible to bring in the Xia Tian such big day tribulation, but they also hope that through own effort, arriving high was farther. 他的那些兄弟们最后离开,大部分人都开始准备渡劫了,夏天这次的渡劫对他们影响很大,他们也想要好好准备,去面对天劫,虽然他们不可能引来夏天这么大的天劫,但他们也希望通过自己的努力,走到更高更远。 Naturally. 当然了。 All these. 这一切。 Is Xia Tian gives them. 都是夏天给他们的。 Many people. 很多人。 If not bump into Xia Tian. 如果不是碰到夏天的话。 For a lifetime is obscure, even has died. 一辈子都是默默无闻,甚至早就已经死了。 Xia Tian gives the opportunity that they lived, gave back to them to become the spirit, this for a lifetime also not unimaginable opportunity. 夏天给了他们活下来的机会,还给了他们成为灵,这个一辈子也无法想象的机会。 Finally. 最后。 Immortal Black Tortoise returned to Xia Tian all things. 仙玄武回到了夏天的森罗万象之中。 The divine land elf also took 1-2 months to restore, but now, after just rainwater, he has almost fully restored. 神州精灵原本还需要1-2月才可以恢复,可现在,经过刚刚的雨水,他几乎已经完全恢复了。 How long also needs?” Xia Tian asked. “还需要多久?”夏天问道。 „A week, most one week of time, I can restore!!!” Divine land elf very exciting saying. “一周,最多一周的时间,我就可以恢复了!!!”神州精灵非常兴奋的说道。 Un! 嗯! That restores!” Xia Tian slight nod. “那就恢复吧!”夏天微微点头。 Really was too thank you, if were not you, my destiny does not know that what Ah! can be!” The divine land elf says with emotion. “真的是太谢谢你了,如果不是你的话,我的命运不知道会是什么样啊!!”神州精灵感慨道。 I also received your many attendance, was your strength helps me get through many difficult times.” Xia Tian said. “我也受到了您很多的照顾,是您的力量帮助我渡过了很多的难关。”夏天说道。 After saying goodbye to Xia Tian . 告别了夏天之后。 The divine land elf starts to conduct the final restoration. 神州精灵开始进行最后的恢复。 After Xia Tian own flesh compromises, coordinated emperor Wang Dan, takes to own wives. 夏天将自己的血肉调和之后,配合了帝界王丹,给自己的妻子们服下。 They several bodies also started the final change. 她们几个的身体也开始了最后的变化。 This time. 这一次。 Is speeding up their evolutions. 算是在加快她们的进化。 Because there is Xia Tian to end the overall flesh help now, their evolutions were in the ultimate stage. 但因为有现在夏天完整体的血肉帮助,她们的进化进入到了终极阶段。 How does the present body feel?” Immortal Black Tortoise very curious asking. “现在的身体感觉怎么样?”仙玄武非常好奇的问道。 After the baptism of rainwater, his strength also already 7788 that restored. 经过雨水的洗礼,他的力量也已经恢复的七七八八了。 Therefore. 所以。 He now is more curious, Xia Tian present condition what. 他现在更加好奇,夏天现在的状态什么样。 „Very static, felt all change is very static, all every bit of property lives, can change in the graces, but this biggest harvest is Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) evolves again, present Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), the lethality was fearful, has not tested specifically, but I felt, even spirits, could not shoulder his attack ; The day cold sword also had the independent soul, was the strength of past cold ice throne awakens ; Golden Blade this seven military are also restoring, presented oneself soul.” Xia Tian really feels. “很静,感觉一切都变的很静,所有的一草一木一生灵,都可以在举手投足之间发生改变,不过这次最大的收获就是红凤再次进化,现在的红凤,杀伤力非常可怕了,具体还没有测试,但我感觉,就算是灵,也扛不住他的攻击了;天寒剑也有了自主灵魂,是当年寒冰王座的力量觉醒了;金刀这个七武也正在恢复,出现了自己的灵魂。”夏天真的感觉到。 All are becoming well. 一切都在变得更好了。 Insect emperor?” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “虫帝呢?”仙玄武问道。 He can move, beforehand he, is tattoos, moreover is very pale, but now, presented the entity, started to hover on me!!!” Xia Tian answered. “他可以移动了,以前的他,就是一个纹身,而且很淡,但现在,出现实体了,开始在我身上游动!!!”夏天解释道。 What to do next does step plan?” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “下一步打算怎么办?”仙玄武问道。 „After and other divine land elves thoroughly restore, I must go home, now my strength, should be able to go home, although the road is not quite good, but should no issue, if ancient times the paradise can return, by my speeds and various transmissions, most one month, should be able to find the road that goes home.” Xia Tian said. “等神州精灵彻底恢复之后,我就要回家了,现在我的实力,应该可以回家了,虽然路不太好走,但应该没什么问题,如果远古仙界可以回归的话,以我的速度和各种传送,最多一个月的时间,应该就可以找到回家的路。”夏天说道。 When the time comes, I must distinguish with you!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise shakes the head. “到时候,我就要与你分别了!!!”仙玄武摇了摇头。 Many thanks the Senior companion and taught.” Xia Tian smiles. “多谢前辈的陪伴和教导。”夏天一笑。 Final secret, is untying, ancient times the paradise certainly was very splendid!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “最后的秘密,正在解开,远古仙界一定是非常精彩的!!!”仙玄武说道。 That belongs to the world of others , there is nothing to do with me, if to not rescue my mother, I will not come the divine land, not to mention what ancient times paradise, I only want to return to Earth, makes up the debt that I was in the past!!!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “那是属于其他人的世界,与我无关,如果不是为了营救我的母亲,我连神州都不会来,更不用说什么远古仙界了,我只想回到地球,去弥补我当年欠下的债!!!”夏天感慨道。 Seven days later. 七天之后。 That moment in the divine land elf restoring. 在神州精灵恢复的那一刻。 Appeared troublesome. 麻烦又出现了。 The tyrant who before escaped, caught up again, moreover this time tyrant was coming prepared, his complete force was stronger than before on, moreover he went back later to analyze, reason that the summer heavenly time can beat him, was not because Xia Tian really strong, because Xia Tian planned him, he believes, oneself this time will not be swindled absolutely. 之前逃跑的暴君,再次赶了过来,而且这次的暴君是有备而来的,他的整体战斗力比之前强上了很多,而且他回去之后分析了,夏天上次之所以能够击败他,并不是因为夏天真的有多强,而是因为夏天算计了他,他认为,自己这次绝对不会上当了。 unexpectedly came, happen to can try my present condition with him!!!” After Xia Tian since breakthrough, did not have an experimental own strength well. 居然又来了,正好可以用他来试试我现在的状态!!!”夏天自从突破之后,还没有好好的试验一下自己的实力。 Now. 现在。 Seven military tyrants are willing to be the sparring partner, he also wants to give a try. 有七武暴君愿意做陪练,他也很想试试看。
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