AS :: Volume #124

#12339: Sound

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The surrounding person looked dumbfounded. 周围的人都看傻眼了。 Although they have experienced thunder punishment, but they see the god of thunder for the first time. 他们虽然都经历过雷罚,但他们还是第一次看到雷公。 Existence that this transcendence they imagine. 这种超越他们想象的存在。 The ninth day tribulation appears like this. 第九道天劫就这样出现。 Xia Tian watches to ninth day tribulation. 夏天看着冲下来的第九道天劫。 He does not have the use to be limitless and day power. 他没有使用无极和天权。 But opened own Wang Jue directly...... 而是直接打开了自己的界王决…… This thunder punishment, if can shoulder with the body, that best is shoulders, because shoulders many, can absorb many, you with that some thunder punishment who own strength consumes, was equal to that is wasting thunder punishment. 这种雷罚,如果能够用身体扛下来,那最好就是扛下来,因为扛下来多少,就能吸收多少,你用自己的实力消耗掉的那部分雷罚,就等于是在浪费雷罚。 After this is also why many people become the spirit , has the weak difference. 这也是为什么很多人成为灵之后有强有弱的区别。 Most people to avoid oneself are injured, first resists most thunder punishment with the strength. 大部分人为了避免自己受伤,都是先用实力去抵挡大部分雷罚的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Ninth thunder punishment. 第九道雷罚。 Destroys the day to extinguish. 毁天灭地。 The defense that the surrounding immortal Black Tortoise and other have mystical powers, was broken instantaneously, their bodies were also struck to fly completely, entire divine land, all lives under this strikes, complete destruction. 周围仙玄武和其他所有灵的防御,瞬间被破,他们的身体也被完全击飞了出去,整个神州,所有的生命在这一击之下,全部毁灭。 Plunging the people into disaster. 生灵涂炭。 But Xia Tian Wang Jue. 夏天的界王决。 Also in flash divided smashing. 也是在一瞬间被劈的粉碎。 Death. 死亡。 In this flash. 在这一瞬间。 The entire divine land fell into during the death. 整个神州都陷入到了死亡之中。 How can like this?” Although Xia Tian has long known that this thunder punishes together is not definitely simple, but he has not thought that the might that this strikes is so huge. “怎么会这样?”夏天虽然早就知道这一道雷罚肯定不简单,但他没想到,这一击的威力如此巨大。 Wang Jue dantian was also destroyed instantaneously. 就连界王决丹田也是瞬间被毁。 Surrounding all people. 周围所有的人。 The aura vanished. 气息都消失了。 Strikes. 一击。 Ripples. 荡漾开来。 Destruction myriad things. 毁灭万物。 It seems like, you not possibly selected that person!!!” God of thunder disappointed shaking the head. “看来,你不可能是被选中的那个人了!!!”雷公失望的摇了摇头。 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 Smashing Wang Jue dantian starts to meet again, but these condenses time is not a tower. 粉碎的界王决丹田开始重聚,不过这一次凝聚成的不是一座塔。 But is a crystal core. 而是一個晶核。 Glittering and translucent carving crystal core. 晶莹剔透的晶核。 This is Xia Tian suddenly thinks, this isn't being the godship in resurrecting immortal Black Tortoise? “这是”夏天突然想起来,这不正是复活仙玄武的神格吗? Even if oneself successfully cross the tribulation, should still be only spirit, how possibly to unify the godship? 自己就算是成功渡劫,应该也只是灵而已,怎么可能重新凝聚出神格来? Un? 嗯? Looks at the body of Xia Tian smashing, the god of thunder is surprised: Your unexpectedly succeeded!!!” 看着夏天粉碎的身体,雷公非常惊讶:“你居然成功了!!!” Xia Tian opening eyes slowly. 夏天缓缓的睁开双眼。 Looked to the god of thunder in sky: Why must affect so many people!!!” 看向了天空之中的雷公:“为什么要波及这么多的人!!!” This is my mission!!” Lei said. “这是我的使命!!”雷公说道。 The colored cloud in sky vanishes gradually. 天空之中的彩色云彩渐渐消失。 The god of thunder form also disappeared. 雷公的身影也消失了。 Raining. 下雨。 The clear and boundless sky, is raining suddenly. 晴空万里,突然下起了雨。 Tick-tock! 滴答! The rainwater drops above the ground. 雨水滴落在地面之上。 Turned into the ruins the divine land, started to grow the shoot, the ground started to present spiritual energy, the surrounding shoot also started to grow crazily, these by all that thunder punishment destroyed, started to reappear, including destroyed human, life, started to condense the body, these ruined city, as if experienced the time to flow backwards. 原本变成废墟的神州,开始生长出了嫩芽,地面开始出现灵气,周围的嫩芽也开始疯狂生长,那些被雷罚毁灭的一切,都开始重新出现,包括被毁灭的人类,生命,也开始重新凝聚身体,那些被毁掉的城池,也仿佛经历了时光倒流。 This is, time?” Xia Tian surprised saying. “这是,时间吗?”夏天惊讶的说道。 Buzz! 嗡! The body of Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) made the happy sound. 红凤的身上发出了愉快的声音。 Quickly, takes the day cold sword and Golden Blade!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) hurried reminder said. “快,将天寒剑和金刀都拿出来!!!”红凤急忙提醒道。 Xia Tian is also at the same time takes Golden Blade and day cold sword. 夏天也是在同一时间将金刀和天寒剑拿出来。 Similarly. valley Lu 同样的。谷芦 In the rainwater is low on them, they are also changing. 在雨水低落在它们身上的时候,它们也在发生变化。 The person who surroundings, just destroyed appears, their bodies were also being moistened by the rainwater. 周围,刚刚毁灭的人出现,他们的身体也在被雨水滋润着。 On small insect tattoos including Xia Tian, starts becomes more and more clear. 包括夏天身上的小虫子纹身,也开始变得越来越清晰。 Starts to grow from the Xia Tian recent these plants crazily, turned into the day of material treasure. 距离夏天最近的那些植物开始疯狂成长,都变成了天材地宝。 Even if the Xia Tian under foot has stepped on the ground, starts the stone that turns into destroys the hardest defenses. 哪怕是夏天脚下踩过的地面,也开始变成无坚不摧的石头。 From Xia Tian nearer thing. 距离夏天越近的东西。 Becoming more goes against heaven's will. 就变得越逆天。 But Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) is felt oneself break through directly, is the crazy breakthrough. 红凤则是感觉自己直接突破,是疯狂的突破。 On the day cold sword, is the ray twinkle. 天寒剑上面,更是光芒闪烁。 Golden Blade is starts itself to shiver, since this has been Xia Tian obtains Golden Blade, saw that for the first time Golden Blade moves in oneself. 金刀则是开始自己颤抖起来,这是夏天获得金刀以来,第一次看到金刀在自己动。 But because the small insect the previous consumption is oversized, beforehand tattoos almost pale looks to disappear. 而小虫子因为上次消耗过大,之前的纹身几乎淡的看不见了。 But now. 可现在。 tattoos of small insect compared with before strong, even started to hover on the body of Xia Tian. 小虫子的纹身比之前更加的浓烈,甚至开始在夏天的身上游动了起来。 Just what's the matter? I felt that I have died was right.” “刚刚怎么回事?我感觉到自己已经死了才对。” Yes, I also felt that I had been destroyed, is the thorough destruction, but now I not only has not died, but also these rainwater unexpectedly made my Realm promote again.” “是啊,我也感觉到自己已经被毁灭了,是彻底的毁灭,可现在我不但没死,而且这些雨水居然让我的境界再次提升了。” I broke through to worked, I must come the day tribulation!!!” “我突破到灵了,我要来天劫了!!!” The people were ignorant, especially Xia Tian these brothers, they were away from spirit only have half step remote, this time was the immediate knowledge oneself must break through to spirits. 现场的人都懵了,特别是夏天的那些兄弟们,他们原本距离灵就只有半步之遥了,这次更是直接感觉到自己要突破到灵了。 But is the spirit these people, is in abundance the Realm promotion. 而原本就是灵的那些人,则是纷纷境界提升。 Nine levels of spirit, are also promoting. 就连九级灵,也在提升。 Everyone. 每个人。 The strength is increased. 实力都在提升。 This time rainwater, lets the entire divine land, everyone, gained the advantage, even if these average people, ordinary life, so long as in the divine land, every bit of property can gain the advantage. 这次的雨水,让整个神州,每一个人,都获得了好处,哪怕那些普通人,普通生灵,只要是在神州上的,一草一木都会获得好处。 This is Xia Tian this breakthrough, brings the good fortune that to the divine land. 这就是夏天这次突破,给神州带来的福泽。 He is really uncommon, unexpectedly arrived this step!!!” The divine land elf says with emotion. “他果然不凡,居然走到了这一步!!!”神州精灵感慨道。 Felt? Just was the time!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “感受到了吗?刚刚是时间!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Ultimate strength!!!” Divine land slight nod. “终极力量!!!”神州微微点头。 Yes, he has the aptitude of ultimate strength!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise just also felt the death, but they all resurrected again. “是啊,他已经拥有了终极力量的资质!!!”仙玄武刚刚也感觉到了死亡,可他们全都再次复活了。 This is the time. 这就是时间。 The time flows backwards. 时间倒流。 In distant place. 在远处。 An eye is staring at Xia Tian, this person is not others, is summer army, just present summer army, in look no longer empty, but is flexible, this rainwater, makes his thorough time was sober: So many years, my unexpectedly survived in this manner.” 一双眼睛正在盯着夏天,这个人不是别人,正是夏军,只不过现在的夏军,眼神里面不再空洞,而是非常灵活,这一次的雨水,让他彻底的清醒了:“这么多年了,我居然以这种方式存活下来。” Old companion, I know that is you!!!” Yang appears in his side. “老伙计,我就知道是你!!!”央出现在他的身边。 Our three, now, live two, was only short of his one!!” summer army says with emotion. “我们三个,现在,活下来两个,只少了他一个!!”夏军感慨道。 No, you have a look at the day cold sword in Xia Tian hand carefully, that is she!!!” Yang said. “不,你仔细看看夏天手中的天寒剑,那就是她!!!”央说道。 In the past, both of us, actually know oneself are instigated, because a special person appears, therefore we will strengthen our idea!!!” summer army said. “当年,我们两个人,其实知道自己是被挑拨的,但因为一个特殊的人出现,所以我们才会坚定自己的想法!!!”夏军说道。 What person?” Yang's puzzled asking. “什么人?”央不解的问道。 Person emperor!!!” “人帝!!!” Bang! 轰! In the sky, the rainwater stops gradually, the entire divine land is the unusual brightness soars to the heavens everywhere, therefore treasure storehouse of hidden, starts born, all immortal crystals evolved completely the universe immortal crystal. 天空之中,雨水渐渐停止,整个神州到处都是宝光冲天,所以隐藏的宝藏,开始纷纷出世,所有的仙晶全部进化成了宇宙仙晶。 Divine land. 神州。 Started to turn into dream land. 开始变成了一个梦想之地。 But Xia Tian dantian. 夏天的丹田。 Changes into ray of light glow. 化为一道光芒。 Direct impact horizon. 直冲天际。 Buzz! 嗡! In a flash. 一瞬间。 Fluctuated, the intense fluctuation made those present as if lose all feelings temporarily, they did not have the sense, in this moment, dizzy, as if the world started to change. 波动出来了,强烈的波动让在场的人仿佛暂时失去了所有的感觉,他们没有了感官,在这一刻,天旋地转,仿佛世界都开始发生变化。 Having a Xia Tian person is normal. 只有夏天一个人是正常的。 At this moment. 就在这时。 That sound appeared again. 那个久违的声音再次出现了。 Little friend, your unexpectedly arrived at this, this compared with we imagined wants quick Ah!!” “小友,你居然走到这一步了,这比我们想象中的要快啊!!”
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