AS :: Volume #124

#12338: Crosses the tribulation to extinguish kills

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The thunder punishes everyone to see. 雷罚大家都见过。 They have also experienced, here many spirit, crossed this pass/test. 他们也都经历过,这里很多灵,也都是渡过这一关的。 But they saw at this time when the Xia Tian thunder punishes, was scared. 可此时他们看到夏天的雷罚时,一个个却傻眼了。 Their di thunder punishment, is the purple black, each thunder punishment are the diameter about ten meters, is all-mighty, even they, must put out the complete strength to be used to resist, only by doing so, their bodies will be punished by the thunder quenching, complete the evolution. 他们旳雷罚,是紫黑色的,每一道雷罚都有直径十米左右,威力无穷,就算是他们,也要拿出自己全部的力量用来抵挡,只有这样,他们的身体才会被雷罚淬炼,完成进化。 But now Xia Tian head thunder punishment. 可现在夏天头上的雷罚。 Colored. 是彩色的。 Moreover has hundred meters width. 而且足足有百米宽。 This might is their thunder punishment ten times. 这威力就是他们雷罚的十倍啊。 shit, this is what situation, how his thunder punishes with our differences, moreover this thunder punishment might, was too terrifying, if traded to do is I, will be rumbled instantaneously the sediment.” 我靠,这是什么情况,他的雷罚怎么和我们的不一样,而且这雷罚的威力,也太恐怖了吧,如果换做是我,会被瞬间轰成渣滓啊。” He was different from us, but has not thought, his unexpectedly so special, even/including Leifa go against heaven's will!!!” “他原本就与我们不一样,只不过没想到,他居然如此的特殊,连雷罚都这么逆天!!!” This is Xia Tian, after he successfully crossed a day of tribulation, we will see an unprecedented spirit.” “这就是夏天吧,当他成功渡过天劫之后,我们将看到一个史无前例的灵。” The person is also the incomparable excitement, this is they are willing to observe and emulate Xia Tian to cross the reason of tribulation. 现场的人一个个也都是无比的激动,这才是他们都愿意来观摩夏天渡劫的原因。 Normal. 正常来说。 Their many people are spirit, definitely does not need to observe and emulate other person to cross tribulations to become spirit, looked will not have what too big help to them. 他们很多人都已经是灵了,完全没有必要去观摩别的人渡劫成灵,看了也不会对他们有什么太大的帮助。 But now. 可现在。 They see simply is a feast for the eyes. 他们看到的简直就是一场视觉盛宴啊。 In the world, all rays were punished to cover by the colored thunder. 天地之间,所有的光芒都被彩色雷罚所掩盖。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! They see with one's own eyes. 他们亲眼看到。 thunder punishment pounded like this on the body of Xia Tian. 雷罚就这样砸在了夏天的身上。 But Xia Tian seemed scared generally, basic on does not have any response, has not counter-attacked, without resistance. 夏天仿佛是吓傻了一般,根本就没有任何的反应,也没有反击,没有反抗。 To thunder Faza on his body. 任由雷罚砸在了他的身上。 This boy is really terrifying, unexpectedly shoulders thunder punishment hardly!!!” The divine land elf says with emotion. “这小子还真恐怖啊,居然硬扛雷罚!!!”神州精灵感慨道。 His body originally special, the peculiar circumstance of additional upper boundary Wang Jue dantian, he ate my flesh and immortal Azure Dragon flesh again, the physical body went to a terrifying situation, now bad is to evolve liquid this terrifying physical body, this can achieve the assimilation, be promoted to spirit!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise is also saying of face anticipation. “他的身体原本就特殊,再加上界王决丹田的特殊情况,还有他吃了很多我的血肉和仙青龙的血肉,肉体早就达到了一个恐怖的地步,现在差的就是要将这个恐怖的肉体进化成液态,这样就可以达成同化,晋级为灵!!!”仙玄武也是一脸期待的说道。 Normal people before becoming spirit. 正常人在成为灵之前。 The promotion of physical body has the limit. 肉体的提升是有极限的。 But the Xia Tian physical body does not have the limit. 夏天的肉体却并没有极限。 As if a bottomless pit is forever ordinary. 仿佛永远都是一个无底洞一般。 ! 呼! The mist and dust diverges gradually, the people discovered with amazement, Xia Tian still stands erect there, the powerful colored thunder and lightning has not given his body to cause any damage. 烟尘渐渐散去,众人惊讶的发现,夏天依然屹立在那里,强大的彩色雷电并没有给他的身体造成任何的伤害。 But his body also sent out the colored ray. 而他的身体也发出了彩色的光芒。 Ka ka! 咔咔! The strength of thunder and lightning walked randomly his whole body. 雷电的力量游走了他的全身。 Just thunder punishment, was directly by his body absorption, completely crushed his body cell, rearrangement. 刚刚的雷罚,是直接被他的身体吸收的,将他的身体细胞彻底粉碎,重新排列。 „If ordinary thunder punishment, but also is not really able to reorganize Ah! my body cell!!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “如果是普通的雷罚,还真的无法将我的身体细胞重组啊!!!”夏天感慨道。 Regarding others. 对于别人来说。 thunder punishment is not only the gracious gift, is the crisis, because their bodies , if unable to withstand thunder punishment the strength, will be extinguished directly kills, therefore they as far as possible consumes the part of strength of thunder punishing, punishes the strength to crush own body cell with the remaining small some thunder, lets own body cell rearrangement combination. 雷罚既是恩赐,也是危机,因为他们的身体如果无法承受雷罚的力量,就会被直接灭杀,所以他们会尽可能的去消耗一部分的雷罚之力,用剩下的小部分雷罚力量来粉碎自己的身体细胞,让自己的身体细胞重新排列组合。 This thunder Fazhen is very strong, if not your body is special, cannot shoulder, but the body cell so arranges, were you also a human?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) asked. “这个雷罚真的很强,如果不是你的身体特殊,是扛不住的,不过身体细胞如此排列的话,你还算是一个人类了吗?”红凤问道。 Spirit, has not been human, the New Student life that but was created, making human have the gene to change, now I understand finally my wife what's the matter, their present bodies are having the gene to change, because of own is lacking strength, therefore the body cell is unable the rearrangement, after my breakthrough, I will use my flesh , helping them evolve.” Xia Tian also wants to understand many things at this time. “灵,早就已经不是人类了,而是被创造出来的新生命,让人类发生基因变化,现在我终于明白我的妻子们是怎么回事了,她们现在的身体就是在发生基因变化,但因为自身的力量不足,所以身体细胞无法重新排列,等我这次突破之后,我会利用我的血肉,重新帮她们进化。”夏天此时也想明白了很多的事情。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Second thunder punishment appeared. 第二道雷罚出现了。 This thunder punished was just thicker. 这道雷罚比刚刚还要粗。 Compared with just seemed like bad risk. 比刚刚看上去更加的凶险。 What situation, his thunder punished was getting stronger and stronger, our thunder punishment was not same? Only then final thunder punishment having a mind demon attack.” “什么情况,他的雷罚怎么越来越强了,我们的雷罚不都是一样的吗?只有最后的雷罚有心魔攻击。” Does not know, he and our normal people are different, therefore thunder punishment will also be different, but the present thunder punished affects the range to increase, we wanted retreat!!” “不知道,他和我们正常人不一样,所以雷罚也会不一样,但现在的雷罚波及范围已经增大了,我们都要后退!!” Everyone completely retreat!!!” “所有人全部后退!!!” The people responded without enough time, is retreat of earliest possible time instinct. 众人来不及反应,都是第一时间本能的后退 thunder punishment who at this time in the sky falls, the diameter is about 200 meters. 此时天空之中落下来的雷罚,直径已经有二百米左右了。 And the might is infinite. 而且威力无穷。 They in the surrounding, have been able to induce, this thunder punishment has terrifying how. 他们在外围,就已经可以感应到,这种雷罚到底是有多么的恐怖。 Un? 嗯? Xia Tian is also a brow wrinkle: Situation is not right, this thunder punishment, does not seem like stimulates my body, is more like destroys my!!!” 夏天也是眉头一皱:“情况不对啊,这个雷罚,不像是来激发我身体的,更像是来毁灭我的!!!” Manages it, absorbing is!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “管它呢,吸收了就是!!!”红凤提醒道。 Un! 嗯! Xia Tian is also directly absorbs second thunder punishment. 夏天也是直接将第二道雷罚吸收。 His body. 他的身体。 Has the mutation again. 再次发生异变。 But has not waited for him to respond the time, third thunder punishment appeared. 可还没等他反应过来的时候,第三道雷罚出现了。 The third 400 meters in diameter. 第三道直径400米。 The surrounding these people can only continue retreat, they were shocked by this scene. 周围的那些人只能继续后退,他们都被这种场面所震惊了。 Xia Tian also hits the spirit. 夏天也是打起了精神。 Although he can absorb the thunder and lightning, but also the upper limit, thunder punishment the might imagines compared with him now the terrifying. 虽然他可以吸收雷电,但也是有一个上限的,现在雷罚的威力比他想象中的恐怖了。 bo! 啵! He is also lifts the hand to start to resist. 他也是抬起手开始抵挡。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. 第四道,第五道,第六道,第七道,第八道。 Appears then together. 一道接着一道出现。 800 meters, 1600 meters, 3200 meters, 6400 meters, 12,800 meters! 八百米,一千六百米,三千二百米,六千四百米,一万两千八百米! The diameter is getting bigger and bigger. 直径越来越大。 The surrounding all, were destroyed. 周围的一切,都被毁灭了。 Although Xia Tian crosses the tribulation in the hills, but thunder punishment the might was too big, unceasing outward diffusion ;. 虽然夏天是在群山之中渡劫,可雷罚的威力太大了,不断的向外扩散;。 More and more greatly. 越来越大。 The range seems to cover this stretch of the world to be the same. 范围仿佛是想要覆盖这片天地一般。 The strength of proliferating. 扩散出去的力量。 All trees, plant destruction. 将所有的树木,植物毁灭。 As if sweeps away general. 仿佛横扫出去一般。 „It is not good, the words that gets down, the entire divine land must be ruined!!” Immortal Black Tortoise was also quickly uses own strength to form the defense in the surroundings, was used to resist the strength to proliferate, when fifth thunder punishment, he has induced, this strength, can destroy the entire divine land fully. “不行,这么下去的话,整个神州都要被毁掉!!”仙玄武也是急忙使用自己的力量在周围形成了防御,用来抵挡力量扩散,在第五道雷罚的时候,他就已经感应到了,这种力量,足可以毁灭掉整个神州了。 Other spirits also make a move. 其他的灵也是纷纷出手。 They start to resist thunder punishment the proliferation with oneself strength. 他们开始用自己的力量来抵挡雷罚的扩散。 At this time. 此时。 Ninth thunder punishment appeared. 第九道雷罚出现了。 But under the thunder punishes Xia Tian to be scarred now. 而雷罚之下的夏天现在已经伤痕累累。 This special crosses the tribulation? This special wants my life!!” Xia Tian fiercely looks at thunder punishment in sky. “这特么是渡劫吗?这特么是想要我的命吧!!”夏天恶狠狠的看着天空之中的雷罚。 Bang! 轰! At this time. 此时。 Clarity that everyone looks. 大家看的清清楚楚。 A huge form appears in the sky. 一道巨大的身影出现在天空之中。 This person the god of thunder from highest heaven seems to be ordinary. 这个人仿佛是来自九霄的雷公一般。 Awe-inspiring. 威风八面。 „Are you that human?” In the god of thunder mouth made a sound. “你就是那个人类吗?”雷公的口中发出了一道声响。 „Do you want to kill me?” Xia Tian asked. “你想杀我?”夏天质问道。 No, this is your test, did you still remember once that say/way from the summon of ascending the sky? If you successfully crossed this last day tribulation, you will hear that sound again.” “不,这是属于你的考验,你还记得曾经那道来自上天的呼唤吗?如果你成功渡过这最后一道天劫,你就会再次听到那个声音。”
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