AS :: Volume #124

#12337: Xia Tian crosses the tribulation

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Bang! 砰! He has not controlled oneself body, flew upside down. 他还没控制住自己的身体,就倒飞了出去。 That that completely cannot control. 完全控制不住的那种。 ! 噗! The intense internal injury appeared, this feeling made him arrive at an unprecedented crisis. 强烈的内伤出现了,这种感觉让他到了一种前所未有的危机。 Escape! 逃! The tyrant is very discrete existence, since he had felt that danger, that will first escape. 暴君还是一个非常谨慎的存在的,他既然已经感觉到了危险,那就会第一时间逃跑。 Disappearance. 消失。 He has own maintaining life skill. 他可是有着属于自己的保命本事的。 Quick of also escaping. 逃的也很快。 Xia Tian has not gone to pursue. 夏天也没有去追。 They communicate with immortal Black Tortoise are so long, naturally understands existence of seven military ranks, is not easy to cope and take, wastes the time with it with him here, might as well first drives away him, his goal does not cut to kill the opposite party in any case, so long as he defended the divine land elf to be OK...... 跟仙玄武他们沟通这么久,自然明白七武这个级别的存在,不是那么容易对付和拿下的,与其在这里和他浪费时间,还不如将他先赶走,反正他的目的并不是斩杀对方,只要他守着神州精灵就可以了…… Does not owe is your Ah!!” The divine land elf thinks now more and more made Xia Tian his protector is the most proper approach. “不亏是你啊!!”神州精灵现在越来越觉得让夏天成为他的守护者是最正确的做法了。 If this time is not Xia Tian. 这次如果不是夏天的话。 He was really more unfortunate than fortunate. 那他还真的要凶多吉少了。 . 要知道。 He is away from restores only to miss for 1-2 months. 他距离恢复只差1-2月的时间了。 This time he, is the most essential time, once made a mistake, that wasted all previous efforts. 这个时候的他,也是最关键的时候,一旦出错,那就是前功尽弃。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates: I must break through.” 夏天吐了一口气:“我要突破了。” He has felt obviously, oneself day tribulation must arrive. 他已经明显感觉到,自己的天劫就要到来了。 This breakthrough. 这一次突破。 Is his life biggest one time transformed, once breaks through, his sky can be different, his world will have the tremendous changes. 将会是他人生最大的一次变革了,一旦突破,那他的天空都会是不一样的,他的世界也将发生翻天覆地的变化。 I really anticipate Ah! very much!” Immortal Black Tortoise induces. “我真的很期待啊!!”仙玄武感应到。 bo! 啵! Xia Tian emitted the pass on message symbol. 夏天放出了传讯符。 This time, he planned that called all brothers, because he greatly broke through each time, will have all kinds of the world phenomenon, will also present some advantage every so often, if this time will also be good, he naturally was hopes that oneself brothers followed to obtain. 这一次,他打算把所有的兄弟们都叫过来,因为他每次巨大的突破,都会产生各种各样的天地异象,甚至很多时候还会出现一些好处,如果这次也会有好处的话,他自然是希望自己的兄弟们都跟着获得了。 And. 而且。 This breakthrough, perhaps is he and brothers' farewell. 这次突破,也许将会是他和兄弟们的告别。 If he obtained the super strength, he will leave here, to Earth. 如果他获得了超级的实力,那他就会离开这里,去往地球了。 Also is a confession!!! 也算是一次交代吧!!! They how?” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “她们怎么样了?”仙玄武提醒道。 Still in the variation, I planned that with chatted daily, perhaps she knew something!!!” Xia Tian felt, this variation may have some issues. “还在变异,我打算和天天谈谈,也许她知道一些事情!!!”夏天感觉,这种变异可能会有一些问题。 „Can she be willing to respond you?” Immortal Black Tortoise also saw daily the attitude to Xia Tian. “她会愿意搭理你吗?”仙玄武也看到天天对夏天的态度了。 Does not know!!” Xia Tian shakes the head. “不知道!!”夏天摇了摇头。 At this time. 此时。 These Expert of three island ten states, heard news that Xia Tian must break through, this brought to everyone's attention. 三岛十州的那些高手,都听说了夏天要突破的消息,这就引起了大家的注意。 . 要知道。 Xia Tian may not be the spirit. 夏天可一直都不是灵。 But he had that terrifying strength, once makes him break through spirit, what strength can be? 但他却拥有了那么恐怖的实力,那一旦让他突破到灵,会是什么样的实力? It is not able to imagine simply. 简直就是无法想象啊。 At once. 一时之间。 All spirits with Expert, rush to the divine land in abundance, they want to take a look at Xia Tian to cross the appearance of tribulation with own eyes. 所有的灵和高手,纷纷赶往神州,他们都想要亲眼看看夏天渡劫的样子。 But Xia Tian. 夏天 Then was looks daily!! 则是找上了天天!! I and you have nothing to chat!!!” Daily said. “我和你没什么好聊的!!!”天天说道。 Your mother now how?” Xia Tian asked. “你母亲现在怎么样了?”夏天问道。 Died!!!” Daily said. “死了!!!”天天说道。 Why can like this?” Xia Tian asked again. “为什么会这样?”夏天再次问道。 Why can also, you abandon so many mess, oneself walked, the following matter who manages for you? Although my mother is a capable woman, but she is also a woman, every day is so tired, but also cannot obtain any comfort, but also cannot see you, becomes ill because of overwork!!!” Daily said. “还能为什么,你扔下那么多的烂摊子,自己一個人走了,后面的事情谁替你管?我母亲虽然是个女强人,但她也是女人,每天那么劳累,还得不到任何的安慰,还看不到你,积劳成疾!!!”天天说道。 Who does that sneak attack my person is?” Xia Tian asked. “那偷袭我的那个人是谁?”夏天问道。 Snort! 哼! Daily numerous snort/hum. 天天重重的哼了一声。 Has not gone to say. 没有去说。 I must break through, this time breaks through successfully, it is estimated that will find the way to return to Earth!!” Xia Tian said. “我要突破了,这次突破成功,估计会想办法回到地球!!”夏天说道。 You can go back, you knew!!” Daily said. “等你能回去,你就知道了!!”天天说道。 Un! 嗯! You observe and emulate together!!” Xia Tian said. “你们一起来观摩一下吧!!”夏天说道。 Who is willing to look at you to cross the tribulation, I have to see!!” Daily very uncomfortable saying. “谁愿意看你渡劫,我又不是没看到过!!”天天非常不爽的说道。 However although she on mouth so many, but she went, person who this time comes, is almost three island ten state all spirits, with all half spirit above figure, hundred star above revering also came much, this makes Xia Tian here extremely busy, Xia Tian these brothers as landlord, then takes care of everyone, prepared the observing and emulating place to everyone. 不过她虽然嘴上这么多,但她还是去了,这次来的人,几乎是三岛十州所有的灵,和所有半灵以上的人物,百星以上的尊者也来了不少,这就让夏天这里热闹非凡,夏天的那些兄弟们作为地主,则是照顾起了大家,给大家准备好了观摩的地方。 The place of Xia Tian this choice is a barren hill. 夏天这次选择的地方是一片荒山。 The lifeform of having no moves here. 原本就没有任何的生物在这里活动。 They processed to pass by urgently, but also blocked this space, preventing any life to step into here. 他们又紧急处理掉了一些路过的,还封锁了这片空间,防止有任何生命踏入这里。 Corrupt wolf and the others are the guard in the surroundings. 贪狼等人则是护卫在周围。 Crosses the tribulation time, most abstains some people clash. 渡劫的时候,最忌讳的就是有人冲进去。 This will increase crosses the difficulty of tribulation. 这样会增加渡劫的难度。 Suddenly. 一时间。 Here extremely busy. 这里热闹非凡。 Has a look at your popularity, heard you must cross the tribulation, everyone ran over, although you are not the hegemon of alliance, the stir that but the position may compared with their higher, your casual a few words, be able now to cause is also higher than them.” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “看看你的人气,一听说你要渡劫,大家都跑过来了,虽然你不是什么联盟的盟主,但现在你的地位可要比他们高多了,你随便一句话,能够引起的轰动也比他们高。”仙玄武感慨道。 Xia Tian also contained with everyone. 夏天也是跟所有人含蓄了一圈。 Confessed something. 交代了一些事情。 Finally starts to get ready to cross the tribulation. 最后开始准备渡劫。 All has confessed. 所有的一切都交代过了。 He was also thorough reassurance. 他也算是彻底的放心了。 He, if crossed the tribulation to succeed, what will turn into?” The nightmare asked. “他如果渡劫成功了,会变成什么样?”梦魇问道。 Does not know, in any case I was not his opponent, but I will certainly catch up with him in the future, because he was never a person who is thinking cultivation, he later will halt in Realm, but I am unceasing pursued the strength, when I exceeded his time, I will initiate the challenge to him!!!” Corrupt wolf firm saying. “不知道,反正我不会是他的对手了,但将来我一定会追上他,因为他从不是一个想着修炼的人,他以后会止步于一个境界,而我则是会不断的去追求实力,等我超过他的时候,我就会对他发起挑战!!!”贪狼坚定的说道。 Listened to you saying that I felt you did not have that opportunity probably forever.” The nightmare says with emotion. “听你这么说,我感觉你好像永远都没那个机会了。”梦魇感慨道。 Why?” The corrupt wolf asked. “为什么?”贪狼问道。 Because he is really a extraordinary person!!” The nightmare said. “因为他真的是一个了不起的人!!”梦魇说道。 At this time. 此时。 Sits in all directions watches Xia Tian to cross the person of tribulation innumerably, the divine land elf is also observing all these in the hidden place. 四面八方坐着无数观看夏天渡劫的人,神州精灵也是在暗处观察着这一切。 Immortal Black Tortoise is the same. 仙玄武一样。 He cannot on the body of Xia Tian, otherwise, increase very major difficulty to the Xia Tian crossing tribulation. 他不能在夏天的身上,不然的话,会给夏天的渡劫增加很大的困难。 Following crossing tribulation. 接下来的渡劫。 Is Xia Tian own matter. 夏天自己一个人的事情。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates. 夏天吐了一口气。 A strength breaks through Wang Jue's barrier, flowed in his whole body, in this moment, he felt the change of oneself body, felt the change of surrounding air, felt flowing of time. 一股力量冲破界王决的屏障,流进了他的全身,在这一刻,他感受到了自己身体的变化,也感受到了周围空气的变化,感受到了时间的流动。 Fluctuation of the world. 天地的变幻。 Random walk of universe stars. 宇宙星辰的游走。 All. 所有的一切。 As if was in every way possible generally. 都仿佛是入微了一般。 Bang! 轰! The ground starts to have the vibration. 地面开始发生震动。 In sky. 天空之中。 The innumerable colored clouds start to gather. 无数的彩色云彩开始汇聚而来。 Toward central point accumulation. 向着中心点聚集。 „Is this tribulation says? How with our differences?” The people stare suddenly. “这是劫云吗?怎么和我们的不一样?”众人突然一愣。 They discovered. 他们发现。 Xia Tian plundering cloud and their difference, their tribulation clouds are the black, but the Xia Tian tribulation clouds unexpectedly colored, moreover plundered the cloud the area and thickness exceeded their imagination by far. 夏天的劫云和他们的不一样,他们的劫云是黑色的,而夏天的劫云居然是彩色的,而且劫云的面积和厚度都远远的超出了他们的想象。 Came!!!” “来了!!!”
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