AS :: Volume #124

#12336: Seven military

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The divine land elf truly encountered the danger, moreover troubles greatly. 神州精灵确实是遇到了危险,而且还是大麻烦。 This time stares at him is one of the seven military: Tyrants. 这次盯上他的是七武之一:暴君。 Divine land elf present condition, so long as the tyrant can swallow him, that can restore directly in peak condition , their seven martial can/but are the injured condition, no matter who, first restores, the opportunity will be more. 神州精灵现在的状态,只要暴君可以吞噬他,那就可以直接恢复到巅峰状态,要知道,他们七武可都是受伤的状态啊,不管是谁,先恢复,机会就会更多一些。 You also are really unpromising, unexpectedly looked for the protector, how even if asked the protector to be able, your protector were most still uses your ability, same possibly was not my opponent!!!” Saying that the tyrants disdain. “你还真是没出息啊,居然找了守护者,不过就算是找了守护者又能如何,你的守护者最多也就是动用你的能力罢了,一样不可能是我的对手!!!”暴君非常不屑的说道。 In his opinion. 在他看来。 Protectors. 守护者。 Existence that but serves for the master. 只不过是为主人服务的存在罢了。 The protectors must fight with the aid of the strength of master. 守护者还要借助主人的力量来战斗。 Therefore the protector will be generally weaker than the master...... 所以守护者一般都会比主人弱很多…… You will not understand my protector specially!!!” The divine land elf response said. “你不会明白我的守护者有多特殊!!!”神州精灵回应道。 Xia Tian has the big skill, he is clear, although he truly borrowed the strength to Xia Tian, the strength that but Xia Tian displays, actually compared with strength many many that he draws support from. 夏天有多大的本事,他可是非常清楚的,虽然他确实是借了力量给夏天,可夏天所发挥出来的实力,却要比他借助的力量多的多。 Is one can perfectly the person who the strength shows. 是一个可以完美将力量展现出来的人。 Fight of Xia Tian. 夏天的战斗。 Is an art. 就是一场艺术。 Good, I have a look at your protector some big skills, when the time comes I must be in front of your, cuts to kill your protector, I will crush your final hope!!!” The tyrants are refusing to budge with the divine land elf at this time. “好啊,那我就看看你的守护者到底有多大本事,到时候我就要当着你的面,将你的守护者斩杀,我会粉碎你最后的希望!!!”暴君此时正在和神州精灵僵持着。 He takes the divine land elf is sooner or later matter. 他拿下神州精灵是早晚的事情。 If can defeat the divine land elf last ray of hope. 如果可以击破神州精灵最后一丝希望的话。 That can also finish earlier. 那也能早点结束。 bo! 啵! The ray flashes, Xia Tian appears in the side of divine land elf: Old friend, encountered the problem.” 光芒一闪,夏天出现在神州精灵的身边:“老朋友,遇到麻烦了。” Is greatly troublesome, one of the seven military, tyrant!!” The divine land elf said. “是大麻烦,七武之一,暴君!!”神州精灵说道。 „The words of seven military, are somewhat troublesome, does not come morning skillful of not Tathagata, if several days before, I really did not have the means to leave, now is just the optimum condition!!” Xia Tian light saying. “七武的话,是有些麻烦,不过来的早不如来的巧,如果是前几天的话,我还真没办法抽身,现在刚好是最佳状态!!”夏天淡淡的说道。 Snort! 哼! Big tone Ah!!” Tyrants numerous snort/hum. “好大的口气啊!!”暴君重重的哼了一声。 Xia Tian just started to present time, he discovered that Xia Tian spirit Realm, one is also not the spirit person, unexpectedly dares to speak with him wildly, this not in courting death. 夏天刚开始出现的时候,他就发现夏天连灵的境界都不到,一个还不是灵的人,居然敢和他如此猖狂的说话,这不是在找死嘛。 He will make the opposite party pay the price quickly. 他很快就会让对方付出代价。 What thing are seven military?” Xia Tian inquired. “七武到底都是什么东西?”夏天询问道。 Gold/Metal occupies the blade, the mirror splendor, the statue armor, at night, the tyrant surface, the day character boots and samsara abstention, he is the tyrant surface.” The divine land elf response said. “金占刀,镜子辉,石像铠,黑夜界,暴君面,天字靴和轮回戒,他就是暴君面。”神州精灵回应道。 If I hit to take him, can conquer him?” Xia Tian asked. “如果我打服他,是不是就可以征服他了?”夏天问道。 Cannot, needing him approves on own initiative is good!!” The divine land elf answered. “不能,需要他主动认可才行!!”神州精灵解释道。 If he did not agree, I destroyed him to be good!!!” Xia Tian very optional saying. “那如果他不同意,我就毁了他好了!!!”夏天非常随意的说道。 Also good!!” Divine land elf slight nod. “也好!!”神州精灵微微点头。 Two people dialogues are simple, as if has regarded the tyrant is the air generally. 两人的对话非常简单,仿佛已经将暴君当成是空气了一般。 The divine land elf absolutely did not have beforehand intense. 神州精灵也完全没有了之前的紧张。 After Xia Tian appears, he thorough relaxed, as if anything in his eyes, no longer was the matter. 夏天出现之后,他就彻底的放松下来了,仿佛任何事情在他眼中,都不再算是事情了。 You two, when I don't exist?” The tyrants felt oneself received the huge insult. “你们两个,当我不存在吗?”暴君感觉自己受到了巨大的侮辱。 One of his solemn seven military. 他堂堂七武之一。 Even if these nine levels see him spirit, will be respectful, is asking him, worships him, wants, when his protector. 就算是那些九级灵看到他,都会毕恭毕敬,求着他,崇拜他,想要当他的守护者。 But now. 可现在。 The brat that does not arrive at spirit, unexpectedly dares to treat him. 一个连灵都不到的臭小子,居然敢这么对待他。 You shut up, had not seen that we are chatting!!!” Xia Tian scolded. “你闭嘴,没看到我们在聊天嘛!!!”夏天呵斥道。 He is some are obviously impatient. 他显然是有些不耐烦。 Your courting death!!!” Was so provoked. “你找死!!!”被如此挑衅。 The tyrants cannot be controlling oneself mood, launched own attack directly, pounded to front Xia Tian, he wanted with strike front the thorough destruction this to dare to provoke his person, he must make the opposite party understand, oneself was not that affable. 暴君在也控制不住自己的情绪了,直接发动了自己的攻击,砸向了面前的夏天,他就是想要用一击彻底的毁灭面前这個敢挑衅他的人,他要让对方明白,自己不是那么好惹的。 Bang! 轰! His attack when kept off from the Xia Tian about five meters. 他的攻击在距离夏天五米左右的时候被挡了下来。 Was blocked by a not being able to see cover. 被一层看不到的罩子挡住了。 Xia Tian still has not looked at him, but inquired the divine land elf: How long also wants to be able thoroughly to restore?” 夏天依然没有看他,可是询问神州精灵:“还要多久能彻底恢复?” Was quick, most 1-2 months!!” The divine land elf said. “快了,最多1-2月!!”神州精灵说道。 Was quick, that prepares well, these 1-2 months I also had no other things, can protect you well, had me, any fly do not want to disturb your restoration!!!” The Xia Tian response said. “快了,那就好好准备吧,这1-2月我也没有什么其他的事情了,可以好好的守护你,有我在,任何苍蝇都别想打扰你的恢复!!!”夏天回应道。 Fly! 苍蝇! Hears this name time. 听到这个名字的时候。 The tyrants were angry. 暴君就更加的生气了。 His unexpectedly was called is the fly. 居然被人称呼为苍蝇。 I killed you!!!” The attack of tyrant hit again. “我杀了你!!!”暴君的攻击再次打了过来。 Bang! 轰! With just, his attack kept off like this. 和刚刚一样,他的攻击就这样被挡了下来。 What?” The tyrants were somewhat ignorant, if the first time is the luck is good, that this time absolutely not. “什么?”暴君有些懵了,如果第一次是运气好的话,那这次就绝对不是了。 On this attack, how to kill me?” The right hand of Xia Tian grasps. “就这点攻击,怎么杀我?”夏天的右手一抓。 A pair of invisible big hand held the body of tyrant directly. 一双无形的大手直接抓住了暴君的身体。 The tyrants want to revolt, no matter how but he revolts, is unable to work loose the hand of Xia Tian: How possibly, this is what strength, why I am unable to get rid of this strength!!!” 暴君想要反抗,可不管他怎么反抗,都无法挣脱夏天的手:“怎么可能,这是什么力量,为什么我无法摆脱这股力量!!!” Weak and a fly is common!!” Xia Tian disappointed saying: If this is the so-called seven military, I to seven military am thorough was disappointed.” “弱的和一只苍蝇一般!!”夏天失望的说道:“如果这就是所谓的七武,那我对七武算是彻底的失望了。” No, is not this!!” The tyrants shout. “不,不是这样的!!”暴君喊道。 Xia Tian is shaking the head that non-stop: Your such fellow, even to follow I, I still somewhat shut out, is ok!!” 夏天则是不停的摇头:“你这样的家伙,就算是想要跟着我,我也有些嫌弃,还是算了吧!!” After saying . 说完之后。 Threw the tyrant directly. 直接将暴君扔了出去。 Hateful!!” The tyrants look at Xia Tian angrily. “可恶!!”暴君愤怒的看着夏天 He is seven military. 他可是七武。 Now unexpectedly is so looked down upon by human that does not arrive at spirit. 现在居然被一个连灵都不到的人类如此瞧不起。 Even subdues him to look like disgraced. 甚至连收服他好像觉得丢人。 This feel wronged is his whole life does not have. 这种委屈是他这辈子所没有的。 Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! This compelling made you pretend round Ah!!” Immortal Black Tortoise was to smile simply. “这个逼让你装圆了啊!!”仙玄武简直就是要笑死了。 Xia Tian has been using the strength of immortal Black Tortoise. 夏天一直在动用仙玄武的力量。 Although the present immortal Black Tortoise is not the most flourishing condition, but the overall strength also wants the distant surpassing tyrant, in addition unexpectedly, the tyrant who can therefore hit is so miserable. 虽然现在的仙玄武并不是全盛状态,但整体实力也要远远的超出暴君,再加上出其不意,所以才能打的暴君如此惨。 But main is not Xia Tian grasps the war the ability. 可最主要的不是夏天掌握战局的能力。 But is he grasps the defense line at heart tyrant. 而是他掌握暴君的心里防线。 He now is thorough routed the psychological defense line of tyrant. 他现在算是彻底的击溃了暴君的心理防线。 Present you, are not my opponent, goes back to restore, someday, you can fully restore time, I will be interested in you!!!” Xia Tian said that the later palm of the hand flung to the tyrant. “现在的你,根本就不是我的对手,还是回去恢复吧,也许有一天,你能完全恢复的时候,我对你会感兴趣一点!!!”夏天说完之后一巴掌甩向了暴君。 Bang! 轰! The body of tyrant was patted to fly. 暴君的身体被拍飞了出去。 I must kill you!!” The tyrants said, charged into Xia Tian again. “我必须杀了你!!”暴君说完之后再次冲向了夏天 Day power, rebound!!】 【天权,反弹!!】 Xia Tian rebounded the strength of tyrant directly. 夏天直接将暴君的力量反弹了回去。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Has not waited for the tyrant to respond. 还没等暴君反应过来。 【The day power, repels!】 【天权,击退!】 His body was raised to fly again. 他的身体就再次被掀飞了出去。 I cannot absolutely retreat!!!” The tyrants want to control oneself body forcefully. “我绝对不能后退!!!”暴君想要强行控制自己的身体。
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