AS :: Volume #124

#12335: Immortal Azure Dragon dies

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! 噗! The intense ray penetrated the body of immortal Azure Dragon instantaneously, at this time immortal Azure Dragon that invincible defense seems a paper is the same, direct smashing. 强烈的光线瞬间穿透了仙青龙的身体,此时仙青龙那无敌的防御就仿佛是一层纸一样,直接粉碎。 Although before immortal Azure Dragon, felt that the Xia Tian situation is not right. 青龙虽然之前就感觉到夏天的情况不对。 But he thinks the self-defence is incomparable formidable. 可他自认为自己的防御是无比强悍的。 In addition, so long as were ready to be OK ahead of time. 再加上自己只要提前做好准备就可以了。 But this strikes now. 可现在这一击。 How possibly?” Immortal Azure Dragon feels, own life is draining: This is the time!!!” “怎么可能?”仙青龙感受到,自己的生命在流失:“这是时间!!!” He is clear. 他非常清楚。 What the own present condition is...... 自己现在的状态是什么样的…… Death. 死亡。 Has started. 已经开始了。 He wants to restore oneself wound, preventing own life to be eliminated by the time, no matter how but he diligently, is nothing use, his body, cannot move. 他想要去修复自己身上的伤口,防止自己的生命被时间剥夺,可不管他怎么努力,都是没有任何用处的,他的身体,根本就动弹不得。 No, no, why like this, this absolutely is not your strength!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon goes all out is shouting, no matter how but he shouts, cannot change the destiny of death. “不,不,为什么会这样,这绝对不是你的力量!!!”仙青龙拼命的呼喊着,可不管他怎么呼喊,都改变不了死亡的命运。 Immortal Black Tortoise looks at this familiar picture. 仙玄武看着这个熟悉的画面。 He does not know how should describe own feelings. 他已经不知道该怎么去形容自己的心情了。 Initially. 当初。 He is such dead. 他就是这么死的。 This death ray, he was familiar compared with anybody. 这道死亡光线,他比任何人都熟悉。 ! 呼! Body of immortal Black Tortoise weak there. 仙玄武的身体瘫软在了那里。 This strikes. 这一击。 Had ended the fight. 已经结束战斗了。 Therefore he can relax thoroughly. 所以他可以彻底放松下来了。 Scene these Expert looked dumbfounded, then powerful immortal Azure Dragon, unexpectedly was killed by Xia Tian, just they also think oneself died, but now, immortal Azure Dragon unexpectedly was cut to kill. 现场那些高手一个个都看傻眼了,那么强大的仙青龙,居然就被夏天这么杀了,刚刚他们还以为自己死定了,可现在,仙青龙居然被斩杀了。 Worthily is your Ah!!” The corrupt wolf closed the eye. “不愧是你啊!!”贪狼闭上了眼睛。 He is quite tired. 他好累。 Finally can rest. 终于可以休息了。 The nightmare looked at a corrupt wolf: I understood your meaning finally.” 梦魇看了一眼贪狼:“我终于明白你的意思了。” Xia Tian. 夏天 Really is a miracle. 真的就是一個奇迹。 His existence, is a biggest miracle. 他的存在,就是一个最大的奇迹。 Won, we won!!!” Although allied armies there is also very proper, what they now are more is happy, such a imposing war, they won like this. “赢了,我们赢了!!!”联军那里虽然也很正经,但他们现在更多的是开心,这样轰轰烈烈的一场大战,他们就这样获胜了。 All these, as if is a dream are the same. 这一切,就仿佛是一场梦一样。 13 flew the Xia Tian side: „Are you good?” 十三飞到了夏天的身边:“你还行吗?” „It is not good, the body almost paralysis paralyzes, the life seemed also stripped was the same!!” Although Xia Tian just made destructive strikes. “不行了,身体几乎麻痹瘫痪,生命也仿佛被剥离了一样!!”夏天虽然刚刚打出了毁灭性的一击。 But that strikes is not he hits. 但那一击并不是他打出来的。 But is the small insect controls his body to hit forcefully. 而是小虫子强行控制他的身体打出来的。 His body is unable to withstand that powerful strength. 他的身体根本就无法承受那么强大的力量。 13 inject oneself strength to the body of Xia Tian, these are the purest spirit strength, has very big advantage. 十三将自己的力量注入到夏天的身体之中,这些都是最纯净的灵之力,有很大的好处。 But now. 可现在。 How the strength of these spirits come, how to flow. 这些灵之力怎么进来的,就怎么流出去了。 It is not able to stay in Xia Tian within the body. 根本就无法留在夏天体内。 He, he could not die leave alone!!” Immortal Black Tortoise scolded. “别管他了,他死不了的!!”仙玄武呵斥道。 He is very clear, the insect emperor will not make Xia Tian die, if this struck to want the Xia Tian life, that insect emperor will not launch this attack using the body of Xia Tian absolutely. 他很清楚,虫帝是不会让夏天死的,如果这一击会要了夏天的命,那虫帝就绝对不会利用夏天的身体来发动这一次的攻击。 ! 哦! 13 hear immortal Black Tortoise that dignified voice, does not dare to say anything. 十三听到仙玄武那威严的声音,也不敢说什么。 ! 呼! Long life and the others, although consumes very in a big way, but after without attack of immortal Azure Dragon, they can also the meeting again body, start to restore gradually, moreover consumes no matter how, they are the spirits. 长生灵等人虽然消耗很大,但没有了仙青龙的攻击之后,他们也能重聚身体,开始渐渐恢复了,而且不管怎么消耗,他们都是灵。 Is still powerful. 依然强大。 Brothers, prepared to clean up the aftermath, saw one, killed one, putting down to seal up four state all insect clans and is the wicked person!!!” The long life ordered. “兄弟们,准备收拾残局了,见一个,杀一个,扫平封闭四州所有虫族和所有为恶之人!!!”长生灵下令道。 Now. 现在。 Immortal azure Long Yi dies. 仙青龙一死。 Does not have the enemy to prevent them. 已经没有敌人可以阻挡他们了。 Seals up the spirits and insect clans of four states is also just like in a state of disunity. 封闭四州的灵和虫族也是犹如一盘散沙。 Almost can escape escaped, moreover they, for was not chased down, avoids being struck to kill by Xia Tian, uses the special method to escape from three island ten states. 几乎能逃的都逃了,而且他们为了不被追杀,避免被夏天击杀,都利用特殊的方法逃出三岛十州。 Xia Tian can kill the spirit matter, they may know. valley Ling 夏天能杀灵的事情,他们可都是知道的。谷孁 Regarding their these spirits. 对于他们这些灵来说。 Living is most important, so long as is also living, after them, will have the infinite opportunity, but if died, that anything opportunity did not have. 活着才最重要,只要还活着,那他们以后就还会有无限的机会,但如果死了,那就什么机会都没有了。 Small insect, you also really gives me pleasantly surprised Ah!!!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “小虫子,你还真是给我惊喜啊!!!”夏天感慨道。 The small insect has not responded. 小虫子没有回应。 tattoos was also paler. 身上的纹身也淡了很多。 Obviously. 很显然。 The consumption of this Xia Tian is very big, this strikes, the small insect is not casual can send. 这次夏天的消耗还是非常大的,这一击,小虫子也不是随随便便就能发出来的。 The spoils of war of fight are rich. 战斗的战利品非常丰厚。 Seals up the science and technology of four states to be developed. 封闭四州的科技非常发达。 The technology product is innumerable. 科技产品数不胜数。 Moreover many precious ancient books wait/etc. 而且还有很多珍贵的典籍等等。 These can be used by the flame state. 这些都可以被炎州所使用。 The development of acceleration flame state. 加速炎州的发展。 After this fights, the alliances of three island ten states form thoroughly, seal up Expert of four states, although death was similar, but Xia Tian rescued the then four immortal beast spirits and four immortal monsters spirits, although their lives remaining are not many, but they are living, can change a lot. 这一战之后,三岛十州的联盟彻底形成,封闭四州的高手虽然死的差不多了,但夏天救了当时的四个仙兽灵和四个仙妖灵,虽然他们的寿命剩下的不多,但他们活着,还是能够改变很多事情的。 Xia Tian these rested time about ten days. 夏天这一次休息了十天左右。 The body starts restoration gradually. 身体开始渐渐的恢复。 After this war. 经过这一战。 He discovered that oneself must break through. 他发现自己已经要突破了。 The window paper that had not pierced, was pierced finally. 一直没有捅破的窗户纸,终于被捅破了。 He can induce. 他能够感应到。 Soon. 用不了多久。 His day tribulation must come. 他的天劫就要来了。 Crossed a day of tribulation. 渡过天劫。 He worked. 他就是灵了。 Is true spirit rank. 是真正的灵这个级别。 Wang Jue must break through to seventh. 界王决也要突破到第七层了。 And. 而且。 This time he also resurrected immortal Black Tortoise. 这次他还复活了仙玄武。 This is existences of four Saint ranks, had immortal Black Tortoise, later he also had a giant backer, although the present immortal Black Tortoise wants thoroughly to restore also to need some time. 这可是四圣级别的存在啊,有了仙玄武,以后他也算是有了一个巨大的靠山,虽然现在的仙玄武想要彻底恢复还需要一段时间。 But even present he. 但就算是现在的他。 Also is invincible enough. 也已经足够无敌了。 Almost must go back!!” Xia Tian has handled here fight, that then must return to the divine land to have a look. “差不多要回去了!!”夏天已经搞定了这边的战斗,那接下来就要回神州看看了。 Later finds a similar place to cross the tribulation. 之后找个差不多的地方渡劫。 So long as he becomes the spirit. 只要他成为了灵。 That returned to the opportunity of Earth to be also bigger, he can also find the way to communicate the small insect, asks that he did have what means!!! 那回到地球的机会应该也就更大了,他也可以想办法沟通小虫子,问问他有没有什么办法!!! Really is not good. 实在不行。 Looks for the god machine big abacus. 就去找神机大算盘。 In brief. 总之。 He must have the idea that the family member goes home not to change. 他要带家人回家的想法不会变。 Later I mixed with you!!” Immortal Black Tortoise was also looks. “以后我就跟着你混了!!”仙玄武也算是看出来了。 Follows Xia Tian to mix. 跟着夏天混。 Can have the future. 才能有未来。 Can have better later. 才能有更好的以后。 This point. 这一点。 The insect emperor has discovered. 虫帝早就发现了。 Therefore the insect emperor earlier made the decision compared with him. 所以虫帝比他更早的做了决定。 Although he meets the Xia Tian time is quite late, so long as chose Xia Tian, no matter sooner or later, will have most opportunities. 他虽然遇到夏天的时间比较晚,但只要选择了夏天,不管早晚,都会获得最多的机会。 Un? 嗯? Xia Tian that is preparing to go back felt the summon suddenly. 正在准备回去的夏天突然感受到了召唤。 This is the summon of divine land elf, he when encounters the big danger, will start this ability to me, before this is him, with me said that after this is I become his protector, for the first time by him forcefully is summoned!!” Xia Tian understands that side the divine land elf definitely was what happened. “这是神州精灵的召唤,他只有在遇到大危险的时候,才会对我发动这个能力,这是他之前和我说的,这还是我成为他的守护者之后,第一次被他强行召唤!!”夏天明白,神州精灵那边肯定是发生什么事情了。 Therefore the divine land elf will summon him forcefully. 所以神州精灵才会强行召唤他。 Since he is the protector of divine land elf. 既然他是神州精灵的守护者。 Complies to protect the divine land elf, then at this kind of time, he met first to stand. 答应过要守护神州精灵,那在这种时候,他就一定会第一个站出来。 That goes back to have a look, he definitely was meets is greatly troublesome!!!” “那就回去看看吧,他肯定是遇到大麻烦了!!!”
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