AS :: Volume #124

#12334: Desperate in

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The vision of people looked to head immortal Azure Dragon, this time immortal Azure Dragon overlooked the following crowd. 众人的目光看向了头上的仙青龙,此时的仙青龙俯视下面的人群。 Hit white/in vain?” Some people veiled Quan. “白打了?”众人有些蒙圈。 They see. 他们看到。 Immortal Azure Dragon present body, the wound of not only having no, but also bursting with life, just started them to see is more awe-inspiring. 青龙现在的身上,不但没有任何的伤,而且神采奕奕啊,比刚开始他们见到的时候更加威风八面。 Ice! 冰! The innumerable black ice cones drop from the clouds. 无数的黑色冰锥从天而降。 Pounded to the people. 砸向了众人。 „It is not good!!” The people discovered that this ice cone is not simple, they are also quickly resist. “不好!!”众人发现这个冰锥并不简单,他们也是急忙抵挡。 But the ice cone is sharp, their defense unexpectedly were pierced instantaneously, machine armor that puts on was also pierced directly, they were broken made into the condition of assimilation, because the ice cone impulse is too strong, their bodies have assimilated the condition, is unable to condense adult. 可冰锥锋利无比,他们的防御居然被瞬间洞穿了,就连穿着的机甲也是直接被洞穿,他们被破打成了同化的状态,而且因为冰锥的冲击力太强,他们的身体一直是同化状态,根本就无法重新凝聚成人型。 Words that gets down...... 这么下去的话…… But on danger. 可就危险了。 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 The strength of immortal Black Tortoise appeared, a giant defense cover kept off in the head of people, blocked the ice cone that continued to fall, this gave the time and opportunity that the people restored. 仙玄武的力量出现了,一个巨大的防御罩挡在了众人的头上,挡住了继续落下来的冰锥,这就给了众人恢复的时间和机会。 ! 呼! The people quickly condense the body, they also understand at this time oneself just truly were the general idea/careless. 众人急忙重新凝聚身体,他们此时也明白自己刚刚确实是大意了。 They just started, although also discovered the ice cone uncommon place, but they have not thought that ice cone penetrating power unexpectedly such formidable. 他们刚开始虽然也发现了冰锥的不凡之处,可他们并没有想到,冰锥的穿透力居然如此的强悍 Sees head cover little shatter. 眼看着头上的罩子正在一点点的破碎。 Everyone did not dare careless, put out the true skill, started to charge into the ice cone, they must regard the ice cone are oneself opponent, must put out round trip and ice cone fight the strongest method, only by doing so, can block the ice cone truly the impulse. 大家再也不敢马虎了,一個个拿出了自己真正的本事,开始冲向了冰锥,他们要将冰锥当成是自己的对手,要将自己最强的手段都拿出来去和冰锥战斗,只有这样,才能真正挡住冰锥的冲击力。 dāng! dāng! works as. 噹!噹!噹。 This immortal Azure Dragon present battle efficiency. 这就仙青龙如今的战斗力。 Attack that a person launches. 一个人发动的攻击。 unexpectedly can make so many powerful spirits lose the combat capability temporarily. 居然可以让这么多强大的灵暂时丧失战斗能力。 This time Xia Tian also falls down, his body was just found time, unusual pain: If in the divine land, I can also transfer the divine land elf the strength, although cannot defeat him, but also has the ability of fight, but now, my condition missed the extreme, wanted to restore also to require the time!!!” 此时的夏天还倒在地上,他的身体刚刚被抽空,非常的痛苦:“如果是在神州的话,我还能调动神州精灵的力量,虽然不能战胜他,但也有战斗的能力,可现在,我的状态差到了极点,想要恢复也需要时间!!!” He had lost the combat capability temporarily. 他暂时已经失去了战斗能力。 But others , in the attack of resistance immortal Azure Dragon furiously. 而其他的人,也在奋力的抵抗仙青龙的攻击。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under the help in immortal Black Tortoise, the people can also resist the attack of immortal Azure Dragon now reluctantly, but everyone discovered, immortal Azure Dragon when looks at them, the expression is teases, in other words, immortal Azure Dragon is playing jokes upon them now. 在仙玄武的帮忙之下,众人现在也勉强能够抵挡仙青龙的攻击,可大家都发现了,仙青龙在看他们的时候,表情是戏谑的,也就是说,仙青龙现在就是在戏耍他们。 Has not used the full power. 根本就没有用出全力。 „It is not good, this was too passive, has been hit, we only then placed on trial destiny!!!” The corrupt wolf is unwilling is defeated like this. “不行,这样太被动了,一直被这么打,我们只有被审判的命运!!!”贪狼不甘心就这样失败。 He must think that means revolt. 他必须想个办法来反抗。 How do you need us to help?” The long life asked. “你需要我们怎么帮忙?”长生灵问道。 Now. 现在。 So long as there is any means that they are thinking must counter-attack, they are also very clear, if not counter-attack, they will die here, present immortal Azure Dragon, thorough was annoyed to be angry by them, the result of that fight was very simple, immortal Azure Dragon will be will certainly not let off their. 只要有任何的办法,他们都想着要反击,他们也都很清楚,如果不反击的话,那他们都会死在这里,现在的仙青龙,已经彻底的被他们惹生气了,那战斗的结果就很简单了,仙青龙是一定不会放过他们的。 With its waiting placed on trial destiny. 与其等待被审判的命运。 Might as well revolts. 还不如反抗。 I need a secret channel.” The corrupt wolf shouts. “我需要一条安全通道。”贪狼喊道。 Good! 好! The people gathered in one, they started crazily attacked a point. 众人聚在了一起,他们开始疯狂的去攻击一个点。 The nightmare also started to the corrupt wolf use ancient times Formation. 梦魇也是开始对贪狼使用远古阵法 Immortal Black Tortoise sees such scene, first helps the corrupt wolf start out a channel, although they do not know that the corrupt wolf must make anything, but since now corrupt wolf have the means that they must make the corrupt wolf give a try. 仙玄武看到这样的场面,第一时间帮助贪狼开出一条通道,虽然他们不知道贪狼要做什么,但现在既然贪狼自己有办法,他们就一定要让贪狼去试试看。 Kill! 杀! This. 就这样。 The corrupt wolf rushed to the immortal Azure Dragon front. 贪狼冲到了仙青龙的面前。 You think, rushes to front of me, can fight with me?” On the face of immortal Azure Dragon is completely the facial expression that disdains. “你以为,冲到我面前,就可以和我一战了?”仙青龙的脸上尽是不屑的神情。 The body of corrupt wolf changes into a blood wolf immediately. 贪狼的身体顿时化为一头血狼。 Afterward. 随后。 One set of armor appears on his body. 一套铠甲出现在他的身上。 Seven military!!” Immortal Azure Dragon sees on corrupt wolf the set of complete armor time, stares. “七武!!”仙青龙看到贪狼身上的这套完整铠甲的时候,也是一愣。 ! 嗷! The corrupt wolf plunged front immortal Azure Dragon directly. 贪狼直接扑向了面前的仙青龙 The giant blood wolf, collided with immortal Azure Dragon like this in one. 巨大的血狼,就这样与仙青龙碰撞在了一起。 Bang! 轰! The body of immortal Azure Dragon rocked slightly, but same. 青龙的身体稍微晃动了一下,可同样的。 His claw also grasped directly on the body of blood wolf. 他的爪子也是直接抓在了血狼的身上。 forcefully tears into shreds the blood wolf. 硬生生的将血狼撕碎。 ! 噗! The body of corrupt wolf changed into the blood fog. 贪狼的身体化为了血雾。 Corrupt wolf!!” Nightmare anxious shouting. “贪狼!!”梦魇焦急的喊道。 The body of corrupt wolf starts to fall. 贪狼的身体开始下落。 However the attack of immortal Azure Dragon pounds down again, pierced the body of corrupt wolf directly, his armor also fell in the hand of immortal Azure Dragon: Such good seven military, used the waste to you!!!” 不过仙青龙的攻击再次砸下,直接洞穿了贪狼的身体,他身上的铠甲也落到了仙青龙的手中:“这么好的七武,给你用浪费了!!!” Although at this time seven military in his hands unceasing resistances. 虽然此时七武在他的手中不断的反抗。 But is unable to revolt from the hand of immortal Azure Dragon. 可根本就无法从仙青龙的手中反抗出去。 The nightmare caught the body of corrupt wolf: You how?” 梦魇接住了贪狼的身体:“你怎么样?” From death good near Ah!!” The corrupt wolf says with emotion. “距离死亡好近啊!!”贪狼感慨道。 Even your unique skill has no use, it seems like we really did not have the opportunity!!!” Shaking the head that the nightmare non-stop. “连你的绝招都没有任何用处,看来我们是真的没机会了!!!”梦魇不停的摇头。 The corrupt wolf turned the head to look to Xia Tian: If the opportunity, that certainly were he!!” 贪狼转头看向了夏天:“如果说机会的话,那就一定是他了!!” Xia Tian!!” Nightmare brow tight wrinkle. 夏天!!”梦魇眉头紧皱。 He really does not know that at this time Xia Tian can also have what means. 他此时真的不知道夏天还能有什么办法。 Head immortal Azure Dragon simply is the invincible symbol, so many spirits collaborate together, the means do not have, Xia Tian again is even strong, how also to change the war? 头上的仙青龙简直就是无敌的象征,这么多灵一起联手,都一点办法没有,夏天就算是再怎么强,又如何去改变战局呢? Believes him!!” Corrupt wolf this whole life on a clothing/taking over person. “相信他!!”贪狼这辈子就服过一个人。 That is Xia Tian. 那就是夏天 If did not make him say that can create the miracle, made not possible to turn into the possible person, that certainly was Xia Tian, only then Xia Tian can achieve that degree. 如果非让他说一个能够创造奇迹,让不可能变成可能的人,那就一定是夏天了,只有夏天才能做到那种程度。 Perhaps now he was we only hopes, no matter I do not believe, he was our going on living only opportunity!!” The nightmare says with emotion. “也许现在他是我们唯一的希望了,不管我多么不相信,他都是我们活下去唯一机会!!”梦魇感慨道。 I played enough!!” “我玩够了!!” At this time. 此时。 In the sky broadcast the immortal Azure Dragon sound. 天空之中传来了仙青龙的声音。 Afterward. 随后。 The ice cone changed into the hot awl. 冰锥化为了火锥。 Just was bigger than ten times. 个头比刚刚大了十倍。 The strong lethality the defense immortal Black Tortoise disintegrates instantaneously directly. 强大的杀伤力瞬间将仙玄武的防御直接瓦解。 All spirits also in flash body hit being split up. 所有的灵也是在一瞬间身体被打的四分五裂。 Made into the condition of assimilation completely. 全部被打成了同化的状态。 In attack range. 在攻击范围之内。 All have changed into the nihility. 一切都已经化为虚无。 We died!!” These spirits understand, under this condition, they by unceasing consumption . Moreover the possibility that has not restored, waits for their destinies also only then falls from the sky. “我们死定了!!”现场的这些灵明白,这种状态下,他们会被不断的消耗,而且根本就没有恢复的可能性,等待他们的命运也只有陨落。 Xia Tian!!!” The corrupt wolf goes all out is shouting. 夏天!!!”贪狼拼命的喊着。 Present Xia Tian. 现在的夏天 Is only person beyond the ice cone attack range. 是唯一一个在冰锥攻击范围之外的人。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian sets out slowly, his vision looked to immortal Azure Dragon in sky. 夏天缓缓起身,他的目光看向了天空之中的仙青龙 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 tattoos of his small insect shone suddenly. 他身上小虫子的纹身突然亮了起来。 The ray erupts from Xia Tian within the body. 光芒从夏天体内爆发出来。 As if shone the trim world to be the same. 仿佛照耀了整片天地一般。 What is this?” Immortal Azure Dragon ominous premonitions, he was also quickly attacks suddenly to Xia Tian. “这是什么?”仙青龙突然有一种不祥的预感,他也是急忙攻向了夏天 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The ray changed into a ray of light line, shot at immortal Azure Dragon directly 光芒化为了一道光线,直接射向了仙青龙
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