The vision of peoplelookedtoheadimmortalAzure Dragon, this timeimmortalAzure Dragonoverlooked the followingcrowd.
众人的目光看向了头上的仙青龙,此时的仙青龙俯视下面的人群。„Hitwhite/in vain?”SomepeopleveiledQuan.
他们看到。ImmortalAzure Dragonpresentbody, the wound of not onlyhaving no, but alsobursting with life, juststartedthemto seeis more awe-inspiring.
The innumerableblackice conesdrop from the clouds.
无数的黑色冰锥从天而降。Poundedto the people.
砸向了众人。„It is not good!!” The peoplediscovered that thisice coneis not simple, they are also quicklyresist.
“不好!!”众人发现这个冰锥并不简单,他们也是急忙抵挡。But the ice coneis sharp, theirdefenseunexpectedlywere piercedinstantaneously, machinearmor that puts onwas also pierceddirectly, theywere brokenmade into the condition of assimilation, because the ice coneimpulseis too strong, theirbodieshave assimilated the condition, is unable to condenseadult.
可冰锥锋利无比,他们的防御居然被瞬间洞穿了,就连穿着的机甲也是直接被洞穿,他们被破打成了同化的状态,而且因为冰锥的冲击力太强,他们的身体一直是同化状态,根本就无法重新凝聚成人型。Words that gets down......
啵!At this moment.
The strength of immortalBlack Tortoiseappeared, a giantdefensecoverkept offin the head of people, blocked the ice cone that continuedto fall, thisgave the time and opportunity that the peoplerestored.
The peoplequicklycondense the body, theyalsounderstandat this timeoneselfjusttrulywere the general idea/careless.
众人急忙重新凝聚身体,他们此时也明白自己刚刚确实是大意了。Theyjuststarted, althoughalsodiscovered the ice coneuncommonplace, buttheyhave not thought that ice conepenetrating powerunexpectedlysuchformidable.
眼看着头上的罩子正在一点点的破碎。Everyonedid not darecareless, put out the trueskill, startedto charge into the ice cone, theymustregard the ice coneareoneselfopponent, mustput outround trip and ice conefight the strongestmethod, only by doing so, canblock the ice conetruly the impulse.
大家再也不敢马虎了,一個个拿出了自己真正的本事,开始冲向了冰锥,他们要将冰锥当成是自己的对手,要将自己最强的手段都拿出来去和冰锥战斗,只有这样,才能真正挡住冰锥的冲击力。dāng!dāng!works as.噹!噹!噹。ThisimmortalAzure Dragonpresentbattle efficiency.
这就仙青龙如今的战斗力。Attack that a personlaunches.
一个人发动的攻击。unexpectedlycanmakeso manypowerfulspiritslose the combat capabilitytemporarily.居然可以让这么多强大的灵暂时丧失战斗能力。This timeXia Tianalsofalls down, hisbodywas just found time, unusualpain: „Ifin the divine land, I can also transfer the divine landelf the strength, althoughcannotdefeathim, butalsohas the ability of fight, butnow, myconditionmissed the extreme, wantedto restorealsoto require the time!!!”
此时的夏天还倒在地上,他的身体刚刚被抽空,非常的痛苦:“如果是在神州的话,我还能调动神州精灵的力量,虽然不能战胜他,但也有战斗的能力,可现在,我的状态差到了极点,想要恢复也需要时间!!!”Hehad lost the combat capabilitytemporarily.
他暂时已经失去了战斗能力。But others , in the attack of resistanceimmortalAzure Dragonfuriously.
轰隆隆!Under the help in immortalBlack Tortoise, the people can also resist the attack of immortalAzure Dragonnowreluctantly, buteveryonediscovered, immortalAzure Dragonwhenlooks atthem, the expressionisteases, in other words, immortalAzure Dragonis playing jokes uponthemnow.
在仙玄武的帮忙之下,众人现在也勉强能够抵挡仙青龙的攻击,可大家都发现了,仙青龙在看他们的时候,表情是戏谑的,也就是说,仙青龙现在就是在戏耍他们。Has not used the full power.
根本就没有用出全力。„It is not good, thiswas too passive, has been hit, weonly thenplaced on trialdestiny!!!” The corruptwolfis unwillingis defeatedlike this.
“不行,这样太被动了,一直被这么打,我们只有被审判的命运!!!”贪狼不甘心就这样失败。Hemustthink that meansrevolt.
他必须想个办法来反抗。„How do youneedusto help?” The longlifeasked.
现在。So long asthere isany means that theyare thinkingmustcounter-attack, they are also very clear, if not counter-attack, theywill diehere, presentimmortalAzure Dragon, thoroughwas annoyedto be angrybythem, the result of thatfight was very simple, immortalAzure Dragonwill bewill certainly not let offtheir.
只要有任何的办法,他们都想着要反击,他们也都很清楚,如果不反击的话,那他们都会死在这里,现在的仙青龙,已经彻底的被他们惹生气了,那战斗的结果就很简单了,仙青龙是一定不会放过他们的。Withitswaitingplaced on trialdestiny.
与其等待被审判的命运。Might as wellrevolts.
还不如反抗。„Ineed a secret channel.” The corruptwolfshouts.
The peoplegatheredinone, theystartedcrazilyattacked a point.
The nightmarealsostartedto the corruptwolfuseancient timesFormation.
梦魇也是开始对贪狼使用远古阵法。ImmortalBlack Tortoiseseessuchscene, firsthelps the corruptwolfstart out a channel, althoughtheydo not know that the corruptwolfmustmakeanything, butsincenowcorruptwolfhave the means that theymustmake the corruptwolfgive a try.
The corruptwolfrushed to the immortalAzure Dragonfront.
贪狼冲到了仙青龙的面前。„Youthink,rushes to front ofme, canfightwithme?”On the face of immortalAzure Dragon is completely the facial expression that disdains.
The body of corruptwolfchanges into a bloodwolfimmediately.
随后。Oneset of armorappearsonhisbody.
一套铠甲出现在他的身上。„Sevenmilitary!!”ImmortalAzure Dragonseesoncorruptwolftheset of completearmortime, stares.
The corruptwolfplungedfrontimmortalAzure Dragondirectly.
The giantbloodwolf, collidedwithimmortalAzure Dragonlike thisinone.
The body of immortalAzure Dragonrockedslightly, butsame.
仙青龙的身体稍微晃动了一下,可同样的。Hisclawalsograspeddirectlyon the body of bloodwolf.
他的爪子也是直接抓在了血狼的身上。forcefullytears into shreds the bloodwolf.
The body of corruptwolfchanged into the bloodfog.
The body of corruptwolfstartsto fall.
贪狼的身体开始下落。However the attack of immortalAzure Dragonpounds downagain, pierced the body of corruptwolfdirectly, hisarmoralsofellin the hand of immortalAzure Dragon: „Suchgoodsevenmilitary, used the wastetoyou!!!”
不过仙青龙的攻击再次砸下,直接洞穿了贪狼的身体,他身上的铠甲也落到了仙青龙的手中:“这么好的七武,给你用浪费了!!!”Althoughat this timesevenmilitaryin his handsunceasingresistances.
虽然此时七武在他的手中不断的反抗。Butis unable to revoltfrom the hand of immortalAzure Dragon.
The nightmarecaught the body of corruptwolf: „Youhow?”
梦魇接住了贪狼的身体:“你怎么样?”„FromdeathgoodnearAh!!” The corruptwolfsays with emotion.
“距离死亡好近啊!!”贪狼感慨道。„Evenyourunique skillhas no use, it seems likewereallydid not have the opportunity!!!”Shaking the head that the nightmarenon-stop.
The corruptwolfturned the headto looktoXia Tian: „If the opportunity, thatcertainlywerehe!!”
贪狼转头看向了夏天:“如果说机会的话,那就一定是他了!!”„Xia Tian!!”Nightmarebrowtightwrinkle.
“夏天!!”梦魇眉头紧皱。Hereallydoes not know that at this timeXia Tian can also havewhatmeans.
他此时真的不知道夏天还能有什么办法。HeadimmortalAzure Dragonsimplyis the invinciblesymbol, so manyspiritscollaboratetogether, the meansdo not have, Xia Tianagainis even strong, howalsoto change the war?
头上的仙青龙简直就是无敌的象征,这么多灵一起联手,都一点办法没有,夏天就算是再怎么强,又如何去改变战局呢?„Believeshim!!”Corruptwolfthis whole lifeon a clothing/takingoverperson.
“相信他!!”贪狼这辈子就服过一个人。ThatisXia Tian.
那就是夏天。Ifdid not makehimsay that cancreate the miracle, madenot possibleto turn into the possibleperson, thatcertainlywasXia Tian, only thenXia Tiancanachievethatdegree.
如果非让他说一个能够创造奇迹,让不可能变成可能的人,那就一定是夏天了,只有夏天才能做到那种程度。„Perhapsnowhewasweonlyhopes, no matterIdo not believe,hewasourgoing on livingonlyopportunity!!” The nightmaresays with emotion.
“我玩够了!!”At this time.
此时。In the skybroadcast the immortalAzure Dragonsound.
The ice conechanged into the hotawl.
冰锥化为了火锥。Justwas bigger than tentimes.
The stronglethality the defenseimmortalBlack Tortoisedisintegratesinstantaneouslydirectly.
强大的杀伤力瞬间将仙玄武的防御直接瓦解。Allspiritsalsoinflashbodyhitbeing split up.
所有的灵也是在一瞬间身体被打的四分五裂。Made into the condition of assimilationcompletely.
在攻击范围之内。Allhave changed into the nihility.
一切都已经化为虚无。„Wedied!!”Thesespiritsunderstand, underthiscondition, theybyunceasingconsumption . Moreover the possibility that has not restored, waits fortheirdestiniesalsoonly thenfalls from the sky.
“我们死定了!!”现场的这些灵明白,这种状态下,他们会被不断的消耗,而且根本就没有恢复的可能性,等待他们的命运也只有陨落。„Xia Tian!!!” The corruptwolfgoes all outis shouting.
“夏天!!!”贪狼拼命的喊着。PresentXia Tian.
现在的夏天。Isonlypersonbeyond the ice coneattackrange.
踏!Xia Tiansets outslowly, hisvisionlookedtoimmortalAzure Dragon in sky.夏天缓缓起身,他的目光看向了天空之中的仙青龙。Meanwhile.
与此同时。tattoos of hissmallinsectshonesuddenly.
The rayeruptsfromXia Tianwithin the body.
光芒从夏天体内爆发出来。As ifshone the trimworldto be the same.
仿佛照耀了整片天地一般。„What is this?”ImmortalAzure Dragonominouspremonitions, he was also quicklyattackssuddenlytoXia Tian.
The raychanged into a ray of lightline, shot atimmortalAzure Dragondirectly
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